he liarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd is Bayiield street Barrie Ontario OTTAWA REPORT No Deiencejylo 1i Missile Weapons uramormcaouou numwdm Pueemnxtbibmeaelmmm amhmn Wxyorb sinlie ibslwulbesiocmwlsboowdmm um mealbiseoun PAGE FOUR WEDNEIDAY DEC IO it norroam Loopholes In Law Aid US AccidentPrane flickers An Associated Press news item from New Yorkdealt at some length with the loopholes by whichaccldentprone drlv ers of trucks get around the traffictlaws oi the United States only to become in volved in fatal accidents States does not appear to have corner on that market says The Guelph Mer cury The AP item dealt largely with truck ers It carefully exonerated those drivers for the big transport companies who coni pete with each other to build up safety records The trouble it seems lies with the ownerdriver type oi trucker who gets no special training for his Job gt He does not have his vehicle painstak lngly and frequently checked for mech anical efficiency nor is his driving sup ervised He is the truck driver who en tertsins the same viewpoint about oper nting his vehicle as many motorists do about handling their cars Fortunately Ontarios new demenit point system applies as much to the drivers of trucks as it does to the motor ist But when there is suspension of The United osmlt what foolproof system is there to keep the driver concerned from em playing every ruse he can think oi from driving The same sort of thinking behind the wheel or lack of it that brought about the pile up of demerit points in spins dangerous dnivnrsto find ways of beating the law People seem to want to drive and run the risk of being caught And that appears to be the crux oi the whole matter of traffic safety how much can one get away with in the past few days eight people died at Fowlervllle Michigan because the driver did not heed the warning wigwag at railway crossing Near Tucson Ar izona nine persons died when double decker cattle truck met in collision with doubledecker bus investigation no matter how painstaking cannot seem to prove to drivers that one can get army with faulty driving Practising safety behind the wheel is not just driving with care if police cruiser is in the vicnlty The Grim Reap er doesnt ride the highway with flash er and siren concludes llhe Mercury Urge To Aid Fellow Man We heir great deal of advice these days about ways to make money ways to appear more charming ways to achieve material success It is refreshing when we get the sort of advice that the head of abig US school gave recent fathers dinner meeting It comes to us by way of Colorado newspaper and it goes thus To be cultured gentleman one does not need to wear clothes cut in the lat est fashion or to be able to Judge the vintage of choice wine He does not need to command nicety of language or superior manner at social gather ins Basically he needs to have deep spirit or altruism an urgeto aid his fol low men and especially thus to aid by his depth and breadth 01 thought and his skill in imparting his ideals to those about him He may not call himself cultured gentleman or allow others to do so he may dislike the termhe must aspire to be slender and leader whose emin ence is not based on low cleverness or domagoguery or financial power or clannishness in any form but which ra ther is based upon presenting to his fellows ideals and programs which they will recognize and be willing to follow because of their inherent merit Opinions of Other Newspapers Ottawa Journal ON THE PRICE OF PILLS Want to know our views on this question oi the price of drugs Well Maybe its not altogether likely bun its possible that many muy pas up the extra help ing of turkey and dressing plum pudding smothered in hot sauce and almondhinged Chrishnas cake this year Not because of keeping like figure in trim but because of the high cost of pills drugsand portions that may be needed to bring foodlogged system back Doctors and pillsteis give assurance that the quality and effectiveness of the newer drugs of the day is remarkable So also is the price tag An officeholleague says hes taking pills that cost 70 cents apiece and may have to do witnoui iunbh The wife of anoiiberbemosns the fact ihaishe hid to pay $14 for small bottle of pink capsules runsnnwsnnvc iliort Williams Timesdournal wave of purse snatching has hit Fort Wil liam in recent days woman who laid her pressed onesido as she dialed telephone in supermarket lost large sum when the purse disappeared Another woman placed her purse under neath the mattress of her babys carriage She went inside store for minute and some lhief stole he purse from under the baby That purse coniained must of the money from her husbands last cheque from Canadian Car In variety store lady lost hero by merely laying it on the counter while she examined merchandise AN UNRESOLVED PROELEM New Yorkflersld Tribune Nell McElroy did not spectacularly impose himself as public personality on the Wash inion scene Bul in his 26 months as secretary of defence be handled well an impressively difï¬cult job end the president spokeior the nation in awarding him the medal of freedom ior qritstanding service to his country and iion 00 his task sveribeless the return of secretary of defense to the soap business otso critical juncture of history does point up one of the fundamental weaknesses of our cabinet system as we have evolvedlt The difï¬culty of re mulling and holding in key positions men of the stature the experience the technical know ledge and the political adroitnoss needed to assume the vast responsibilities of government Unless we can make top government posts more lastingly attractive iihan we have thus far succeeded in doing valuable public servan will continue leaving the public service QUEBECS NEW BOOK Montreal Star The Liberals are struggling to get the hang at the new role in which they have been cast as the official Opposition in the Quebec Assembly Things have certainly changed At one time they could raise their arms to ward Heaven and implore the godsor at least the electorateto witness how their moatcon sirueiive proposals were being swept aside rightnnd left Now they are being neatiydisarmodby premier who gravely assent to the wisdom of their ideas and moves to make them the law of the iand CONTORHONISTS AL The INsh Digest person has to be contortionist to get along these days First of allhe has to keep his back to the wall and his ear to die ground Hes expected to put his shoulder to the wheel his nose to the nindstone keeps level bead and both feet on the ground And at the same time look tor the silver lining wiibbis head in the clouds BETTER GARBAGE CAN Kingston WhigGiandard This may be hard to believe but one Can adian rubber manufacturer claims to have pro duced garbage can that the heaviest banded of garbage collectors cannot dent or damage MS made of plastic of course and the com pany repelis such an excellent response on the market that ibis expanding its plant facil ities Paragraphically Speaking From one standpointradic listeners beneï¬ted from the acceptsnee by disc jockeys brib to playcertain records inbhat this or them to spendmore time playing records and less time yap mns 51112 metric Examiner sssr senesce nsuy snnday ma Statutory am escrow xfwaus Publisher and General Manior wanna Business Mnuu Nnvuinn saunar ellImus Editor aonnar EEBIZEAdverthinl Manner sorgnuomen Circulation unniiu subscription any or arnsx 10c as as so new 231 33s also ensue onem £900 In 425 Unlvllfl oron lrcsi 1129 West 6201 liuiiber or roanulna our News ei Pub IishursAasodntiGn The Canadian Pres in sum amine circulation Th3 Cmdiln Pill ll cumin entities use or ï¬libuï¬lllfln nu ï¬apor ere no we ii arisen anon49 oe sounder tpe also meme mumr Ads ws cm months Mathis umoen Advertising Ind rsrkur 5m More than hair of the average Amer icans timevis spent in sleeping and wat ching TV says pollster And these two ways 01 passing time are virtually equally educational It you have no enemies you probably have some friends you ought to be ash amed of seer says the world will come to an end on hpm 10 1060 It is hoped that it not only isnt later than he thinks but that it lacks number rtcenturies of being anything like that lots The Russiansrarejpeoplefjust like ev erybody else says sociologist Even so it ivisnt much to bragabout Ashootage is reported of loudgold headed putters that sell for $1476 each Newsitem If so therels surprising longagept fools with that kind of money to part with To secure abou the least possibletfin the career of1 imparting anmni return on education fltake up to THIS CilLLSTOli ii TRICK SHOT ARTIST emblemsd in Sprawling Sledwlcly Starts Second Year In High Hopes MONTREAL sprawling brawling infant of the marine worldthe St Lawrence Seaway goes into its second year with healthy hopes of last full flow of cargoes lo and from North Amnricas great land locked lakes Nursed cursed and toddled the young seaway survived the frying tests of its infant months it had tricky birih7a bit over due and there were growls pains hat worried Canada an the United States parents of the $475000000 baby Yet the seaway grewnot as fast as hoped4bui at an cage rate that promisedweli for lure years SHORT 0F TARGET Total trailic fell short of the 25000000 uns forecast by sea way oiiicials for the initial year Final ilgures for Ilia year will not be available until midJanu ary but authoriiiaiive estimates indicate the iirstyears tonnage will amount to 20000000 tons This made some observers question ihcrea1iiy of the 1960 estimate of 29000000 ions Seaway officials however have taken much longer view oi the trafï¬c potential Theyve got so Eel years right to 2008 but enough cargo through the water escalator linking the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean lo earn 81253800000 to cover operation and maintenance costs and pay off their debt and inteth in the halfcentury span By 1000 leeway economists will have good idea of the im pact of the toll structure and bow it matches their estimates they are wide of the mark they can recommend changes to the Canadian and United States gov ernmcnts The seaway alerts in Molltreai Seven mammoth locks two of them iin United States wafers lift and lower ships past series of rapids in the St Lawrence River between Monirealand Lake Ontario This lasmile sec tion was 00th in five years along with 00000000 power develop ment near Cornwall Ont SDYEAROLD CANALV The Welland Canal finished so years ago but deepened by Can adsto seawayl 27iootdsptb is also part of the seaway route it bypasses Niagara Falls be shi 91 tween Lake Ontario and el Alter some initial traffic tie ups tbe new souway fared well but the Welland Canal alien provad bottleneck with some delayed more than 72 hours ting to sail through it As result Canada decided to lengthen some oi the mooring wallslnihecanalinibehopeoi speeding up movements This work is being done this winter time for the start of next years shipping season expected some where around April Next years sesway opening will launch lull navigation sea son but it wont have the dra matic qualities of the start ear lier this year veieran arctic icebreakcr leda long parade ol lreigbiers intolhe entrance oi the seaway April 25 to launch the seaway unoiiiciaiiy Two months later the Queen and President Eisenhower for mally dedicated the water route and the royal yacht Britannia sailed through the deep water system for tour of inland Ports More than 5000ships used the same route to carry everything from anchors to zinc into the new Great Lake ports Recruiting Teachers Ont Hard Despite Big Pay Boost TORONTO CF Despite the fact that secondary school teach ers in Ontario this year get the biggestannual pay boostln the provinces his to ry recruiting teachers is still not easy The factthst only three of 14 $250 scholarships for Grade is students wishing to enter0niario Teachers College were awarded in 1050was revealed Monday at the opening sessions of three day convention of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers Federation There were 51 applications ior the scholarships the convention was told but only 11 met the re quirementtbst Grade 13 exami nation results be submitted AVERAGES LOW Eight of the applicants did not have the necessary 66 per cent average The convention was told that the pay outlook for Ontario teach ers had never been so good Federation Secretary Robinson said 530 Ontario teach ers are now getting annual salaries of 010000 or more He said the improvement in 093 conditions came about after the convention last year ratified fourlevel teschers certifica tion system About 116 Ontario school board employing some 75 per cent otthe provinces teach ers now use the fourlevel pay scale be said OPPOSE SHORT COURSE Discussing teachers qualifies lions convention delegates ex pressed oppositlnn ioa sixweek summer course established by the Ontario department of edu cation to relieve the teacher shortage The federation recommends Grade 13 certificateand year at teachers college as mini mum sit ad for teachers Some executive members Lsaid ibeywobldmrefer bachelor of arts degree as minimum Delegatesiveretold of 10 day seminar next summer de signed to keep sccondary school teachers up to date scientifically Reportingjor the ieder pus prolessionel idevaiepme miiten Mann described and science cl will take place at United om nearby Dunlap Observatory at the end of July PLAN HEREFORDCOURSE Mr Men said attendance at sunimen courses had been ex tremely good There were 206 teachers an increase of 100 at summer course in Toronto this ye Shakespeare course at DUG DEEPLY Strauord is also being planned be said In adoratio eiections Thomas of ngersoii as as claimed president other officerrnamed were 1st vicepresident Ccsens Delhi 2ndvlcepresldent Kilmer Brantford treasure Glim re Burlington ICasiros Revolt Has Changed To Leftist Social Revolution HAVANA Cuba APiln the year since Fidel Castro and his bearded followers marched out of the bills his military revolt has changedinto leirlstiinsed social revolution And no matter how popular or unpopularit may be here or abroad his regime has dug so deeply into every phase of Cuban life that even his most severe critics admit Castro may be arounda long time Tbe llberty he promised re mains far away as dothc na tional elections Cubans expected after the 20th of July Movement toppled Fulgenoio Batistas reign last January Looking back overu year of pronuscs Fidel Castro still is Cu vbss most popular public figure He may at the same time be its most hated MANY DESERT CASTRO Castro has lost thousands of his original supporters many disillusioned by appeals to class hatred and his attacks on tho Slates audits policies Probably iiel has gained many new ones but on balance Fidel Castro lost ground during 959 Last gt January he promised Cuhafree elections as soon as groundwork of unfettered politi cal parties could beer establt iishett Today his own 16th of July Movementls the only political party ciionlngfreeiy ibrough out Cubarasida from the Cuban self Communist party Partido So cisiisiia Popular Others have beenvirtually driven under ground ARMS BACK DICTATOR His regime has sent more than 500 persons to firing squads mostly on charges of terrorlsilc activities under Batista Castro has all the power of dictator And that power is backed in lire oldfashioned way with Cubas armed forces and national pov lice plus new peoples army of workers peasants and sin dents loyalio Castro Conservative balance within the government has been driven out eitherinto exile into we guarded obscurity or lotus Cu ban political prison Those who are left foster and direct program ofï¬sociai eco nomic and agricultural relorm This began in the Sierra Mae sirebilis where Castro convened his original cabinet last May to signs drastic land reform pro gram which in turn created an Institute of Agrarian Reform rapidly becoming more powerful than the Cuban government itv institute today icontrpls more the 000000 acres of farmland and ranchiand seized from Cuban and American own ere barcreatedlsoil statedb rested ruralco peratives and opened more than 400 people irsiituie is headed by Fidel Casi with left Win19 gt ml tbsmnstlmprullv Christmas Card diatrith om ibhyssrs lewblucud celerwiibibo helical coetoiarmsaadwiib the crests of the our services making up our national ease Butuu rm read that duh III Wbstlmiroonurintbstillisoi lbs poppies sender 11 sub tor of silosl Defence The idinisler of Nothing For there is no defence MAY or in the amenable inture against that modern weapon the ull lied mislii carrying slimbomb PM WHAT WERE WI nuns Let us not bid ourselves The armed services of every great now mandala powerin the war are not effective shields of national defense And ii The Bomb become common property they will be plsytbings in the bands oi ministers of in ternational suicide say one of whom might in triggerhappy moment irresponsibly set in train the destruction o1 what ibo Divine Architect has created through millions of years and what His agent man has labored to imlt prove through somedo ccnlories The realization of the danger ously thin ice on which our future Lure future oi mankind now stands has led to serious scul searching Have our scientists our statesmen and our generals lost sil sense of responsibility For what have we been heavily taxed in the name of Nailonai Defence all these yearnThus sndslmilarqueumns be caused wider read disgust under standab concern about interno Lake tional affairsperhaps the Num now diplomatic ml her One topic today Canadians see no security in the preéent uneasy stalemate with the two nuclear giants glen ing at each other across Canadas in Canadas mind northern territories each capable oi destroying the other and Can obiective blocked nuliiary do in has switched to Warim He calls this mealtimeexistence brwnidie phrase wanM in miles whva of the YOU HAVE BEEN But just as dorm mien for world conquest in his ouu mm which his enemiu Illignored so has publicly declared his objective in the Ruuisn equivalent of our blindly benevolent phrase Peace on Earth in his book he says Peaceful on existence mun the economic social and ideological wnr which we must wage until wosebieve be world wide triumph of eommunism appears to bribe tint post revoiutlonary leader in Russia wbo has observed thathis fellow citizens are human beings seek ing peace and prosperity He wants in all himself up Failieiiims in his ll which could not achiev by con damning 100000000 to burn in nuclear holocaust while the re malndor perish in ï¬ngering ngony Perhaps this logical antipathy in victory in nuclear war is the factor which makes sense oi the great optimism being expressed Hon Howard Green our ion minister who foresees that the disarmament talks in 1900 have good hence achieving the success ch eluded similar toils over the past 14 years Right or wrong disarmament is Canadas major objeciiva mion eigo affairs today We have no magic new formula we llvi no at we do bava or root man poacher iinnod game warden General Burns What is new perhaps is Eus sias realism and the Wests slow appreciation of this change We must hope soEise there will be no Peace on Earth in 1000 mos From 01 Waterways Retnm To Importance By McIntyre Hood London England Correspoudeni Far The Barrie Examiner LONDON With highways all over England becoming very badly congested because of the increase in motor traffic partic ularlyin the iield oi commerlcai transports attention is being turned to the countrys water ways aria means of relieving the traffic situatlno Advocate oi greater utilization of Britains network of canals are depicting the fact that they have been al lowed to deteriorate to the extent of being unable to carry the vol ume of goods they carried in by gone days There are still 1400 miles of canals in commercial use in the United Kingdom They offer cheap movement of goods away from the congested highway routes Tbey take this battle oft tbe highways and do not disturb the other types of Raffle which go overland Andit isalso point ed out they do not add to iraiLIc jams or road casualties In spite of their obvious utility the canals are being badly negx grapher Captain Antonio Nunez Jimlnez as his executive officer The lnstltutes agents have moved far into Cuban industrial activities taken over the egg and poultry business seized for operation fishing and tobacco in teresisin Pinar del Rio prov ince and stuck at least afoot into Cubas giant sugar busmess thrnugh the occupation of several of the countrys 101 sugar 1111111 The institute has sent delegates abroad to raise credits normally function of ministry of the finance and to buy arms and warplanesusu the job of ministry of arme forces it keeps its own accounts writes its own cheques some iimes from chequeboak Castro carries in his shirt pocketand makes and enforces its own laws in Cuba HATEAMERICA DRIVE As Castros social and ecolt nomic reforms reached the point bf no return massive hate Am er ca campaign developed with Castro as its directoruMany said Fidel needed such acum psign to keep himself before the masses As gu Fidel retains the loyal support of perhaps 60 per cent of all Cubansmost of them from theiower end of the eco nomic and so scale of the heme ng 40 per cent most oppose Castro hope for change here but bitmrlyrresist any move to restore Batista or one olhis followers Economically Castro critics regime is goingdown hill iobogaan But even Castros critics say his adminisy iraiion has been remarkably iree rom corruption whichior de lecied The last annual return shows drop of six per eentin the tonnage carried on them Yet there waterways easily as they are today could carry many times the present amount of freight And with moderniza iion their potential couldbe in creased still further This program of modernlzaiion is now getting under way sum of £6 million has been set aside by the ministry of hnnsport for sn improvement plan new looks to carry larger vessels are being built channels are being widened and deepened and banks are being repaired SELLING CAMPAIGN On top of this improvement program hoancr something more is needed to give the water ways their propervplace in the transport system The urgent need now isfor industrialisisand traders to be persuaded that the canals can serve them well Brit ish Waterways the corporation in charge of them have already embarked ona selling campaign aimed at winning hsde be at home and from foreign cnun lea mob ship lbelrproducts to Bri CHALLENGE TOMINIBTER Ernest Marpies Minister of Transport is now being challeng ed to give leadership in giving the inland waterways the place which they can occupy in the transport system of the country One commentator says This small and congested is land beset by transport prob lems on all fronts can never af ford to overlook this efficient supplementary transport system The canals are here the basis are here the men are here It we national misfortune that the system was permitted in do cline so severely Mr Marples has the chance in see that it is once again enabled td make its proper contribution towards sclvlt ing our difficulties VCOBTLY FAVORS gt TORONTOI CHErnest Sfoli zenberg is of Toronto was fined $80 or five daysfor acting like Good Samaritan at the pub lics expense He was charged with obstructing police by track ing policeman who chalked cars to markovernight parking bnderssingtbe mark 3131511100ch deals said Surely to knew it not Wherever God isinan is not alone In the companionship of His presence is the altar of comi