Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1959, p. 10

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ReaclOur Want Ads Ddily For Inside Information70n Best Local Buying lo Tim hAitnm MINER WEDNESDAY mac us 17A proper For 501 BELIEVE IT BY Denim All Real Estate lunarAt gamyhmmni Clonificotionl 17A Propertv For Sale All Real Esra Classifications ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP EAST BARRIE PHONE PA 55568 ANYTIME Shelswell In the MW 56th ml mom any hum In exrdiient mile an den rm no anion Cirpert oti hut Mun he sold to don auto Phon PA hu her in his Renal soda in nreolnlerent to meet We luv her lo our hum Dunlap Bum an um be ed um Sb IDAIIEIIIBOAD $11171 remrn cry 6V9 room uonlorl 01 Gal Co uny end Tony mi PA 8995 68742 on wide iol wiLh nun melanoma uvlne mom illiiigwlu IN LOVING MEMORY All db RINGS CALL period ruton ond hminm or 6111 mm FA premium Ind inuny onus You inert uo tho lnlorlhr to Ippnclllu menu1 seetrweil are is lhu ouuurul home Very good ternu moored my at on NEW 4BEDEOOM BUNGAIJOWS Ifootie mi come Harm Ninril PA was Normmsheuweii PA moi WITH GARAGE 516500 with inrewou Iinxpoken ivAoo uni onlly entered home osii1uiii3°i3ooForfiiofznfiiiiiiiflfiii fififdmawbyiii °°9 HENDERSON 112111103 DANCE Employminl For Sole 7A Help Wanted Male Pin GRAVE NP son iiipley same TANiie PIMPED Run and iidbl Wlur Delivery emu lob no plowed DENNISMORAN Hmoitnet PAD hinnufl or Llle 1i Qunnu deer tether oi Hery Laurie helm at the stock lry Noelhi Horne so Weniey 5h Blrrln or unite on Thundl Dee ii At 9111 inlemeni De rie Union Cemetery lot YOUNG MEN BUSINESS CAREER Newsprinl OPPORTUNITY SCRATCH PADS WITH For Sale Cut To Any Sire BEAVER LUMBER 23 PER 113 Order Acceptedfii Will the mid erpannion end the conneouont promotion tom In husmm OFFICE may Lumber rer yaw men interelted Imu itva anwNl Ike 1114 one in worthwhile hunlneu ween well eiiabliheli end nmmuive Norman In Memoriam ARMSTRONGIn Iavinl mcmnr nvpnfluniuel with pinvar his in on hire in on union rnorii PA on omm smelt Green moltenheld Solis youI old 99 Phone Cooré l7AIOll town 99W Ilfll more on Weillnnon £7 NHA mortgage An excellent buyDont HIGH mm NEW YEARS EVE wait until prices and interert ntu up in com 6mm iVY ORANGE HALyL EVENINGS CALL hills MOOREPA Mir fr FOSTERPA out DEC also9210 to 100 am deem iiey Illlrlderl archeetrn RoomsPA we 11 coNNnLPA ems menus ritual is hisnucl 11m Mimi eoAnD Favors Lunch Spot Danced ADMISSION $150 illloo ANGUS room home with convenience Priced in lull wlih 35mm down For iurther inrorinetion phone Petey Pord CODRINGTON clone in school chen Ind liva mi iiniooiifiirwliiii el en ull Moore mining PA Mien EVENING cAu Dick HendersonPA em Geno MoorePA time some our brick humlow on Leuill St Three hrdrooou uvlnc mom who limpluo Ind dlnlhz Iron 1w NHA inert ere Clrflcl or who per month none PA 2551 liAloialcs nnANo New room hot water hentlnzlfl¢ nnvo wuher anonllilly decor 1edrlor1ns one meonr oemhoo dnpu Apply Stan thnrucunn PA 11A4otl i7 Apis Houses For Reni TO RENT min modern heeled eprrtmuit bedroom specious out my Jun renewed in an rprrhnent hulid lug Residential om elore to on not And margin em nun every hell hour errigenior Ind NANGEDHIMEF HAD MISLAIDAMINIATURE DITRUSIEDTOHMBYTHE MONARfliYETMHISBWI WASUITDMIHEMSINS MINIATURE WAS FOUND mmmmpocxsr llJ Apia Houses For Rent Blisiiloss Services chandler our server heedl uert Ilnrcru ynnni men to min or ruponuhlo position in more noni an is your opportunity to do poriuve creative work lier in Choraln1 huud lnierutln Ind ditnctlvo oomunltiu Write tndlyz Peiloom lienuor Denver Lumber Mun 513 BCABC DRESS blind AIM Mint dread Au in oxcellmt condition 61 tilted nil hll lien ooorelo Phone PA Milo lIOHM =5 Wanted to Buy PIANO WANTED Flinn PA 66355 10 Farm Supplies deed condition Hm NELSON iNSULATlON AND ROOFING CO Pm Eiilmnid on heating manhood BARRIE PA 84575 Cell Couect Orlllln FA stove uundry room with wuher And dryer $8000 PER MONTH CALL PA 85738 illlooms liEDitooiil noure central loco tion Phone PA Mum 1111031015 1100111 House neer mime Phone PA m7 11iloim iioolmlnuse in Annndele mum DrillII 11003th nrtlnent Heated hot and cold wh er Avhilnhlo Jon APPLY Iinyiielii Sr mlnilus 138111100 lioiiscoll tuxonce erode child non ted 390 month Phone PA Mn 111101105 Rooms and hem uniurnishcd upper enertmont Avllilhle inn Rent sham monthly includan hehi Phone PA ilialh 171105104 SELF CONTAINED amount in Iirentwood Terrace l5 Peneltnz st Barrie Phone PA Mash I7Jlllll LARGE HOUSE uprteln Cm he rublei For mrnrmnuon phone PA with or apply to Thomson St 1111113 ROOM heetcli reii contained neerlmentstove end lrlz Phone PA Mimi or PA Moll alter F1d 171 031 Toronto 15 out flaunt no ex perience Ind Ichaollnl Drb Ionl lnlervilw in Blnia will bi lnlflled Appiiunu dhould hnve high rchodi rducntion itl rduiv hint or hzlier 111102 104 Percy FordPA emo Rita ScnudrcLiIA 84865 thinner oi Bmie And DIAqu end onnrlo Iiui Ilrnu Ecum Ph PA 82678 liAdldjh P4 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so BAYFIELD 51 PA 66453 EVENING CALL KARL hiAIiSHALI PA 39917 PEG MORE PA mm mm lliAiiriN snow 10 HAROLD Pollsrm PA duos 11A iati ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER re rm 5mm hAiqu onlhoAy on EVENDIG PA 82379 Iliembnr Eerrie anterio cuddine Ind Nnuonnl iiealPeteto Boud i1Alti 110051 iurnished rpmmerit how ed Cell PA 139 iniMl MODERN epnrtmeot Downanm ever Tlmhiynl Phone PA 81253 or PA H131 Ill10H nioDPnN healed room apert merit Lduhti ionilluu on our route Phono em l1Jl0l5 BEDRDOM modem hrielr hunge mum low rec ream Close to phone Mid hirh lcliooil Avrilohlo in ion nary Phone PA 361518 111lol1 MOHERN uniurnlrhed epnrtnlent with kitchen livlnt room bed room 11nd bllh Close to rho lei nnd ichool PA M181 l1Jlv 105 shim DETACHED bedroom hrlcir house All modern convenienrei Gerlie $1500 Phone PA 84449 iiiion wmenlzn modern horde hed monu oil heated or Jnnutry end Pahrury Phone PA Moi mu pm 171102104 WAILM Weuvfllnilllled room orb monk All conveniences Avlllble immediately Adult only Phone PA 955 11110 choice mm npnrlniont Central Sou contained all heated own enl rnrlco hesonnhlo rent included hell nhd whter 135 Penetnng St or PA um 111104 11001 modeln hrch hunglow very centrni to downtown Aveli nhle Jon or immedletely Phone Gratin Erndiey PA $2501 1711021114 UNPUILNISEED Basement Apert ment iepnrnte entronce end heth heat tight end water run tied $511 per month Phone PA 671 1711044 MODERN Apartment Ccnirnl No ohiection to or children Aqu ehie immediately Close to ucliool and churcher PA donsz 1711044 iOALivestock for Sale room nods lorvlouh nor $113 TV vy or loo1mm i7BProperty for Sale or Rent OFF CE SPACE FOR RENT LAWYERS FINANCE COMPANIES Anvmrismo INSURANCE AGnNcrm 1260 sq ft $2 sq ft humor 51 12 NORTH 5th MAIN BUSINESS hLocx 2nd floor IIer Pniniice by wide nllrwly Will reliavlie hnd vrih ion to client needl Lira wln NEW YEARS EVE DANCE at GUTImlE COMMUNITY BALL RM 10 AM nun by mum Topper anneal111111 11nd Ndlrrnlnherd Ailmldnlori HM Elch ATTENTION TEENAGERS BARBIE IEENIOWN CINDERELLA BALL CODRINGTON ST SCHOOL SAT JAN 2nd 830 to 1200 pm Adminion $100 Per cou lo Lunch SemlFamnl Dres en Quintlt 104105 Siding 36511 PLASTERING STUCCO 7DEmploymen Wanted WILL my Err children in their QUIQKBRICK STONE gt fireman mother Wfll7KbL 1101136 Pm Elihutea Tern Gillrlnlcod whmcgn FOthlilIdmlliiAliy the pa or nine um om hm ii sou 001ch pm mm MAILrtmD MAN 28 Imililr with rtoclr pontroi rtock keepinl IhIP pill and receiving Ton yelir exi Po cum ulru hnin dl ritlon PA 53911 efllfi For Sale NEWSPAPER MATS sue mi dell or 1011181 BIN el Ed inmhtor MonroAGEl In Ind 2nd loId Ind milled end residenuel merit momlei an PA snot MORTGAGES tor nle doom in inert III on 8700000 prop1 erty lie liltuu rt 10 or mnliln or non III Hr fir vey PA Hinze lllmloli I5 Lostand Found FOUNDLndyl WM Witch on Collier st PA M514 lolliiioi LOSTBelfilo bound in Viclnlly of New We Answers iiiheme or otty Finder pleue eeii ESE I1 151 LOSTMums mld Timex wrlrt wntch between Plve Point end Armstrong Herdwnre Mendy mob nlnziiewerd Phone PA or PA Miss isIMlo rouNDon uulouu Street hurt huniop One hockey outnt wetar ii °ri°uiniéii may are nine 11 on Comp corded i511 liter pm CLARKS TRADEIN NEW AND USED EURNITURE ANNEX STORE YEAREND CLEARANCE ASALE Chesterfield ChairsJ 2Bed Chairs 1noek Maple imperial lmywst Dililhg Room Suite Brand New Space Savers mm unii leaned on urle hero with NELSON INSULATION AND RQOFING CO hocxwooi BLOWER omen No Joh too ilnleli or too hlfi Approved Cluniiiiin Gy sum on colors Rooting Insulh on Si iimo nhyrnonil nrrnnzed down BARBIE CALL PA 84575 ORILLIA CALL COLLECT FA +4609 DAY on NIGHT eozloitr down ironl and nor uoaind rnd fluorescent iizliiinz loproll blin loonu Ind clolk room PHONE PA 84427 EVENINGS PA 82203 1751le i7CMobile Homes hetero no your new niohiJe Home or vel er he sure in an inn line on disnlur hi RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALES LTD Burton Av N631 Highway Phone PA 89866 17131211 DANCE THORNTON ORANGE HALL FR1 JAN 181 930 to 130 am MIXED DANCING PRIZES ADMISSION 75c LUNCH COUNTER JDBBS ORCHESTRA cw 25c PER DOZEN ADD Th Barri mmliiu Blrfll DollIla ROOM sell contained nphrtnlonl with Klnvo Avoiiehle immediately Phone PA 8451 1111031115 ROOM hehted apartment pine hnihronln sell contained in cont nl residentth district nehr school and church Available Jun PA H584 lid103405 IN mnlistr Wine room house all umece modern hnth roomdfrzssuro weler good garden home etc possession Phone PA 165 17Jin3105 IN summer bedroom house 111 oonvenioncnx not water heritn IlJ Ams Houses couldII Ioutlan Possession Immeg For Rent lately Phone 299w sloyner iiimodes norm miunilshcd ground mm FOR RENT npnrtlneni with pnth heated room unturnished tor hydro sun lied $55 or month Adults only lose to 11 Plant Phone EA H398 171103405 newly decorated oil but adulll only $7500 per month GALL PA 84521 FURNISHED Apartment hedrooni Between 10 Oclock and PM herted lrlz RE DIS REFRIGERATION AND HEATING SERVICE 197A DUNLOP ST PHONEv PA 83912 24Hour SERVICE 53712 DASHS ElectriC Motors Rani $1 Barrie PHONE PA 85307 suoti Groydon BEA ESTAXE BROKE H8 DUN ST EAST Phonon EVENINGS CALL GRAYDON K0514 PA 546 JAYNE IONS PA 37121 ROBERT KING PA 567 JOAN LANGPA 55751 in 14111 10 EUCHRE NEW YEARS EVE UTOPIA COMMUNITY HALL WEE Automotive iACars for Sale Vlau Motors NEW AND USED ECONOMICAL CARS RAMBLER LLMAN DEALER 17 GOWAN STREET 104 NEW YEARS EVE FROLIC Barrie Legion Hall CARSON ADMISSION Shoo Pm COUPLE Lunch included PA 6648 burning pm to Mn VEmm snot honors Noto Maison anon 4° MAPLE Open rrom Prim Legion Hell Tuesdays 1nd Thnrrdoyr firkell now on Members and Guest yIOO HOMES FOR SALE EYENINGS CALI Welcome SMITH CAMPBELLREA PA L138 Cm READRu PA 548 GERALD MALLDRVrRu PA $7072 RUSSELL CARSONR9 PA MIG JERRY QumNRel PAN2896 ROY LEGG°R¢I PA 3914 FRANK NELLESRes PA 86695 Member or Barrio hhd District REA Estate Board PIAhm STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED DAILY Enosswono PHONE PA 85901 am am OPEN TILL P1d have deity twentqu BBbYIi Member or the earnlo anlnrlo nod candim hon halite some éwxggg 13333 In Welrnlnn PA 35501 94711313 3mm Cody PA 35438 mgm Waxhinm venom Harry loud PA 37m mmmin pmnmmvwih 25hipe Merv GouldOra 115 mm 15me 615m Dom NuttyconihePA 531957 call lvAoswmi GRAHAM DIXON REAL ESAATE BROKER 91 DUNLOP ST EAST EVENTNGS PA 58793 representative ALBERT PrismPA eased PIAlt71 nplrimeni and kitchen healed heavy duty stove Irig liliiIiln eunhonrds Aveiinhle Jen Phone PA M176 IIIiniios SELF CONTAINED modern nphrl meet rooms and both hot water heated private entrance purities hersoneh er Execuent condition PA 52531 1711031115 WFURNTSHBD uglier hrtmcnt rear loo Henry outsl eserhrv hie entrance rooms pm built Ahslainors nod stendlly en played root 5411 monthly 171toalos unmmished apartment se arete entrance Trio nnd honvy uty stove heel and hydro supplied Suit couple Phone PA Mm nizer 6J5 p111 manila FURNISHED heated hed sitting room with kitchenette with rung ette and balcony use or rig and Bendix Also single Housekeelr in Room Central Phone PA Mom 17110040 lBBDIIOOIII Hunted Apartment 70 Blake SL refrigerator stove Ialmllry utilities locker storage incinerator Parking 055253101 Feb bedrflom hehtc Dania apartment separate outrun hot walerposr ion iteh Phone PA 83260 lliIIOJliis BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN BanalLilli Eamnlu Free emulated an the time to recover your chutrriieid chain etc lien Ihln to veer experimoo PHONE PA 34433 BAHE Low overhead permits or to dive you nutter deer enr onurer Ru noclrwnrth stir Bus to érndrord st slziti 11 10il AVAILABLE FEB in THE GARDEN TERRACE Corner Queen and Duekwortll Streets Modem homo2 bedroom large uvlng room tiled kitchen with din ing ereo modern hath with linen euphonrd on heat no air condi uonlng laundry 3rd continuous hot water serviced lendscapod grouads hnlnhoo drapes so per mon PHONE PA 82740 171104 111mm ground iloor artnient till basement with lnun tuhs gladly ilnlehed basement wih one edroom Couple preierred ine child welcomed 2A 39754 after 530 p111 17111133 snhP commco nnann om 104 BARBIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vertismenis oreihserted at the rate of it per word per inser tion for one and two times 31 per word for three four or five times and 21 per word for or more insertions 10 eddi tionai chargeii not paid within Io days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT 15 We IF PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 881 IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERIION Coming Events 5c per word minimum nharge $150 Birth and Death Notices and Cards of Thanks 4150 for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extra In Mennnriam Nor iices $150 ii verse used do per word exira mono or CORRECTION Advertilen Ire reminded It all phon liuertion orders are accept ed II convenience in yall the ad Uniint Therlijilaiéa iho Advtflllllll op re 11 Advertisers to kindly Eek their idvefllxameni Immich Alter lint insertion in order the Any ex rorl or omilllonsmn be reported heiolc Linn in or or um rum is rectihnd 01 th allavrlnl inont target transfer you mu lieuLion order rWal wish in iiii ouilnehfhorfilrrlo Examiner ZINSURANCE uppemlble or only an uni ii you and extra moornot 11y fluted insertion on In at SEESTEV NSONJS LIPA 11ml it ALL moon com hemlm GOLD SEAL SANDRAN IN OUR ANN 1EX smonE orieceohosierneld newly recovered in brown nylon 2Piece Davenport Suilenveloitr suite Mince Grey Davenport 1Goel and Wood Cooking range lneatty Heavy Duty Burner Electric Range Aims $7500 lGuniey Burner Elechric Range lLiiouth Bed complete with spring mattress 1SpaceSaver laPlede Chesterfield Suite Used Eieehie Refligera tor Above Iii Exee lSmpueiiy Washer will Pump onion none old 1Whiie Oil Annex Range HAVlNGDEALTwnHfiTHE MAYOR MOTEUWE HAVE CON51DERABLE AMOUNT OF USED BEDDINGJ n1 rnnh nnz up rmm mrommz IHIHHIIH IIIIIVIIIIH mp flllllflillll wmglpfiflfllllll fllflflfilllfiflfi glfiliylflfifi fifllll Kifllllll fififillllflifi flfiillfill Ellllfiifllll lilillflfillll IAootz 1551 DODGE Sadn1good tires Ind hedy winterized Going tor hast olier Phone PA Mien eiter gun IAm 405 1951 VI romeo Eelinn nutonlnTe lrannnurlon radio heater Exceua ent oondi on Prlutel owned PA 663 Admins edpricticfllnugr lullng loin crinvnohnr Delrhy door He mo non Va twetone 1110110 nrllu Tully equip was 75103405 red Flnmelnl e1 interest £33133 71122 liiidiiiiiio 1DEmployment Warlted mlMmo PLUMBING fleeting Aim any hourhoidreplilin Reasonable rntes Business services Call anytime PA 53167 ID 10 Barrie TeleVISion Volume to hahy sltNew Yoora Evil or other times Phone PA Prompt Ind courteous service mm 1021 noth GUA an ppnjnfidiunica ACTIVE STRONG girl wnrltl em lo In ol work or store PIIONE PA mu Elem wuireri Phone in 1113 PA 66488 OPEN TILL PM lAmu FOR CLEAN CUSED CARS AND TRUCKS gt BUY SELL TRADE AT Dogs Pei Stock THE FISHBOWL PET ROOM tl GOWAN sr PHONE PA oooah TROPICAL RISE TURTLES Purchmnrnrnm ALL MOST RELABFE DEALER Am ANYTHING Pox PEIS P120 89 BAYFIELD ST PA $7351 ireum PET SHOP FOR $3950 215 emorunn sr HAVE YOUR mm LARGEST smcriuN or map PAINTED icAt Pisa AND stan Nady Work inn Tomi me NORTH OFTORONTD HART GARAGE Featuring Long Life Wiinoe aasco lid1481 Growel Jusirlte hm mountain 811de Canaries Turner at HAROLD JORY mi more no MOTORS at the lnontllrA Hm mm 31mm mourns gu Bephirl to An Meter manned NAJA Towinl germa we BAYFIELD 51 1mm Employment PA 165 7BHelp Wanted rFemclle fJianyflinfinmiI Ailmimi tory For personal Interviewin 11 PA 555511 your home on 734024 and Marlene UNDERGRADUATE Contindnigi Beds gt Spring Filled Mattresses Steel Bede jRibbpn Slat Springs Clarks Home Furnish 38 BAYFIELDjST BARRIE PA 82843PA 66438 MOVING the extent or lnlml the em riot In damn 95 oruulnoet not tonadl Io ror t41io1erni 55 riiifho riotlord

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