GYMNASTIC STAR MARRIES Ernestine Russell gymnastic champion and Olympic sur married John Carter Jr in Saturday noon ceremonies at St Johns church in East Lan sing Michigan the bride HIGHLIGHTS OF THE HOLIDAYS Mr and Mrs Allan Fisher Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs Fishers mother Mrs Wayland Bradford Street Miss Moore Toronto vis ited with er sister Miss Moore Hayfield Street at the weekend Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Moran Maple Avenue were their sons and daughtersrinlaw Mr and Mrs Jack Moran lon den and Mr and Mrs Frank Moran and their families Hugh McMnster Toronto and Donald McMsster Cobalt spent the holiday with their parents Mr and Mrs McMaster Cumberland Street Miss Audrey gtMartin was also guest Mr and Mrs Murray Mills spent Christmas in Whitby with the iattera sister Mrs IMartin Holiday guests of Mr and Mia Charles Wilderlay Mary Street were the farmers sister and family Mr and Mrs Reg CoonbesCsral Dennyand Don ssoitn abuse am Closed Wed Afternoon groom native of Lansing new teaches and ooachu at Fliata St Matthew high sdrool The couple had both attended Ml chlgan State University They will make their home in Flint AP Wirephoto By Eileen aid of Oshawa also guests were Mr Wilderleys daughter and grandson Mra Jacqueline Lin steadand Michael of Toronto and Mrs Wllderleys stains and hushand Mr and Mrs led Mai chuk of Toronto Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Steve Jonesw Dun iop Street were Mrs Jonescua parents Mr and Mrs Edward Graveile Moose Factorerohn and Jerry Gravelie and Miss Marlo Gravelie Timmina and samurai can In the first nine months of rose sales of natural gas in Canada were 199 billion cubic feet com pared to 144 billion cubic feet inn like period loss snvnNsn IN worn in manufacturing output Can uda now ranlss seventh in the world and the manufacturingzln dustry accounts for 55lper cent of the total net valueof canadian production it mm CLOSED nus Flimsy mow reams nay TIM aaaa Em MONDAY om Install Executive For 1960 lit EgbertWomans lissociation EGBERT Egbert Womans Association that in the Ideal mom Dec with manbers and one visitor preo ant alias Doris Mathews reed the 14am mounts The minutes the last meeting were read by Esther Downer was answered by an exchange of Trinity Evening Chilanes gifts with Rev San Sunday den acting arisen Clans mcifleenlorthapartyaar werenllrouxreed or another with Easel Broil presid The meeting closed with hymn and prayer after which Therollcall Mmmmamwuem Downsrservedahinch Auxiliary Holds Its Chasm Meeting mommamany Eveniu Auxiliary met Dec 14 at Mrs Orvsl Carrs home The as ilgaveahortseporta of tho years work Prayer for our missionary was taken by Mrs chk Scott Fifteen members and two visi tors were present Rev Sanders then took charge of election of officers president Mrs Tor ranoe Black vicePresident prayer by the president Maud Mrs George Knit secretary lug Mrs Gethons treasurer Mrs Jack Scott corresponding secre tary Mn Mel Dixoc lowly cometary Hrs Hal Cimnlog hnm Christian dunnshlp Mn Pearson Christian stewardship Mrs Alonso literature sece tary Mrs Joe Manor commun ity friendship Mrs Orval Carr amociata membera Mrs McQuoy Missionary Monthly Mn hinw press sec retary Mrs sanders auditors Mrs Wilson and Mrs Gethons An article on theflhrlstmaa cus toms of different counties visa given by Mrs Munoz Mrs lifon than had candle light aervlce with several mem bers holping Refreshment were enjoyed during the social hour These TaSkleOnt Aid The Triceps As the years go by the backs of the It per anus tend to ch would aeemtoe blame to Father Time Any muscle that is not used reg ularly loala tone That is what Luke Gravails neon Univdr alty Montreal Mr and Mrs Harry Brother Peter and Linda Ann Dorval Qhabec warsholldsy guests of their parents Mr and Mn Caldwell Permitted and Mrs Brother Collier Street SALLYS saunas our happens to the triceps the mus cle flanking the underside of tho upwi arm What do you mean not used housewives may query as in this note in housewife and mydayatartsat7mandtho work goes on all day But the upper part of my arms has be come fat and flabby partlo ularly the underside Its sm harrasaing Could you mggest some toning measures Exorcism to tighten and tone the triceps have to be exactly in the groove and stratum from the shoulder And that is the clue as to why the muscles on the backs of the upper arms tend to lose tone The joker lies in the fact that these muscles are not used in everyday routine taskp lhe biceps on the front at thearnu tahrnostofthaao on if the triceps went out of com mission completely Hone would be our ability to extend the ole bow forcibly So therein the ex arcisa technique Put same force behind punch Sit in front of the dressing table so you can watch the arm action in the mirror Extend Colour and Iliad and Whil Phofo Fin hing than with Dunlap 8t Walt at ranom GauNas PARTY SEASON FOUNDATIONS ARE mrram FOR COMFORT AND BEAUTY Bravery foundattomeiyourwardrobem ï¬ght hm at anngeliae all properly ï¬tted famous name foundations to shape you beautifully oom fortably and annually for the pattyseasonand sflar Have one of our tralnql Evangelina salea sacretnry Dear Mary feel compelled to wriite you alter reading the case at the mother who is worried because her daughter 15 cant advance be yond the eth grade lnschooi having hem stuck in that class since she was 17 too had scholastic difficul ties and my experience might help her or others will try to tell exactly how it was with me My story starts 62 years ago was born and educated in another country was the beloved daugh ter of parents whom adored and had happy home life sur rounded by do ng grandparents nodes and aunts was well liked by playmates but preferred quiet play as lacked the stamina to compote in air games and was easily crushed by the sight of suffer ing or punished child This sensitivity and the fact that stayed small worried my par ents They felt that something was wrong but what in grade school high school and college was called lazy by certain teachers my marks were bad in some subjects and tops in otimra worked harder than they thoughtii may be not as hard as should and was unhappy because my father scholar couldnt understand arms forward at shoulder level flats clenched Thrust out vig orously with alternate arms Hit rhythm get into the spirit of the exercise really puixchl TEST IT YOURSELF Test the effectiveness for your self lhrusting out with right arm with the fingers of the other hand feel the action centered through the triceps slight twist can br th triceps into the action or ALL 1959 nu MARTHAWORTHSMML Scholastic Dullness Caused By Poor Health why bright child shouldnt excel in everything Mother sold little but was more encouraging sonn ing to know or guess more than or my father did DEFEATED HER At 16 discovered that my memory was at fault would study sub very hard know it perfectly then in few days the facts would fade from mind But where logic and reasoning could be used forged far ahead of other students when finished college mother told me for the first time that she too had been llilre me but hadnt spoken of it before lest it in fluence me She had been treated for defective thyroid as child then had thorough medical ex amination nnd learned that had rheumatic heart congenital or acquired mnllunctionlng ens docrlno system and poor circula tion of course an this ld had as chiidfhut nobody had thought to link poor perfnrrnnncc at school wig health condition Maybe that 12h ycnrold girl needs medical at tention too Sincerely SY LOCATED TROUBLE Dear Mary Enworthr was quite interesch in the story of the girl 15 who is slow stu dent had almost the same proh ion with my daughter in hilgh school until we found what was causing thc trouble observing that her school work was becomingdoo much for her and with her marks showing that she wasnt working to capacity we decided to have complete physlcnl checkup We discovered that she had very underaotive thyroid that her basal metabolism or glandu iar chemistry wasnt functioning adequately This was affecting has general health and mental myheipnnmnugmmdasr mother mum they comma Sinan mumm oounselin gossatolthetrtduyhdigmb yor seems ted schoolwglrrk attitudes and her school work indirect 1y icatinn and also gave her ses sions with mental hygienist to help her through the teenage meth proms She is college sophomore now and doing much better scholastleaily thanks to improved bodily chemistry which keeps her mind functioning cor hope you can convey this manage to CS and perhaps it will ooahlbute to the solution of her daughters diiilculw Sinv sorely FEB GOOD so WWW Dear Correspondents As your stories deal with scholastic difï¬ cultiu encountered in high school and college it is prohahlo that your ï¬ndings and conclusions do not apply to the slow 15year old whosoesns to be stuck at the 3th grade level of book teaming Even so yourletiars are poled class son an oieaslous panmums in LINAS LiNGERII It IPORTSWEAR one at rs um 70 cicANTIc claimin CONTINUES WHILE srocx AVAILABLE MeCLARYMODEL sissy Here is truly one of the outstanding McClary values ashes only ft of space yet provides over cu ft of cLAnv REFRIGERATOR smartandcompaot reirigeraï¬ng storage width treercr and freezer drawer and many other extra value Reg gross McCLARY MODEL 21195 lg We outlined practicallyfooli Eros system ratinquiry for Mrs diagnostic raptor her mortar hut it seems only falrtogiveher lhe bcnelit of your tad We started her do thyroid med51 to plum in tr down Mary liaworthv couniels through her column not by mall or personal lnterviiew Write bar in care of this newspaper Corsages of our artistic creationx Cailmnowfor advice lt Choice Flowers depornte your homes for New Years add the final seen Ihl touch 1m entertainment decor FLOWERS is Blake st Barrio Phone PA 55015 our sow mama You save space and money with thu new handsomely fashioned MicClaw it lt takes only two feet of spaceyet gives you over 10 netcu ft of storage full width Freezer and Freezer Drawer Glidetoth Shelves and many more features youusually find only in much higher priced models neg 29995 ladies help guide you to the stylcsthatbeat ï¬t your particular ï¬gure Certainlywith New Years just thisFriday youd be wise to conic right ml for your ï¬tting today or tomorrow swepts breastm mm or3anhae with contour cups or regular eunotn washable cotton nylon Ines with nylon elastic Home with nonsilo elastic backl Whil °l hlsek In AM 248 FM gzoosma Ba use satin Imhloldmd cotton bread gothw nonth so White MAMMMBmas use sanemoo COMIC puttlon styles with nominal and M6 WhiiIflnlYflBMlomvliloZ$Il 0° Pen nylon powdmat or rayon alsstld All datac Same with extra length lorlhloh control Stun SMh in white pink blue or black Nissan$105061 McCLARY MODEL cio95 Deluxe features are evérywhere in this compact new Meclaryl ZeroZone Freezer Automatic Defrost theyexclusive McClary DeepDot giant ersper so many great new ideas in convenient food storagel And despite its compact size this thlary gives you well over net cu ft of space McCLARY MODEL 24395 This headsets MoCiary Rgrigeaator Feahughzemhnoï¬ï¬eew mt Ditepdlltlrinto we ostM iguana ngarray ea es 1612 8926 totlgmgesthem off is the brilliant highfashion of M9 Umballa rrciary no log in cotton broadolotli anumflfmqï¬2 neg 995 analso nylon omitoi hits black in elm gt Vuuggo gt McCLARY MODEL 21c95 All the highiaahion glamour All of the fabuloiu tenuresarc combined in this big beautiful MatClary You get mm than in not on it of some ZeroZone Freezer Twin CrispersGlideT0You Shelves host of advanced fnodstorlng ideas exclusively yours Wills MoCiaryi Reg 45995 gt qumavso PETER PAWConvertible Strapless Bra Tewsar with all your low neck haieéhack sleeveless and strapless dresses in cotton with nonslip ellng elastic aides and back Scalloped cups are under wlred and encircled with dainty lace III White and cups lama feasts QUALITY an lining mommy aipuNLoP or 22 Dunlap St Phone on Him