afriv our warranties For Euminrr Inn Add Tele phone PA Mill The telephone number In rail or the England Editorlll Dept ll PA 537 wind to com plicate conditions Story below YearNo 302 CUT 11 OFF before it falls off says Gard Wynn of McDon aid Street as he slices his saw through the crippled limb BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY DECEMBER28i959 has Bamatt rmas aoruNG warren cons RM Sunnis our BlameflcylltoadslIor Accidents Chaos Hits RailyllirlineOiiijces By THECANADlAN rnass Rain alert and fog closed in on Ontario during the Christmas weekend creating chaos in rail way and airline offices and leav ing the provincial highways lit tered with major and minor ac cidents Police blamed icy road sur faces formany oiihetraffic ac cidents which killed 20 persons Highway officials said every iolm oi wlnter driving hazard tree branches earthward and throughout the night groans and creeks were heard as rip ped limbs cluttered up Barrie lawns and streets Coatings of icedragged the Dream In Car After Yule Party HAUTERIVE Que CP Sevcn persons were drowncd while returning from Christ mas morning lumbcr camp party 15 miles north of here Friday when their car plunged 100 feet off an embankment into the Manicouagan River Coroner Dr Marcel Bouifard said Sunday the bodies may never be found Dr Bouifnrd said the car slipped 5i feetdown log chute and the rest of the way in free fall ihto awhirlpool about 150 feet dcep The victims were all from Hauterive village about 250 miles northeast of Quebec on the north shore of the St Lawrence River Thcy were identified as Eo land Banviile 45 the driver is wife the former Carmen Fraser 25 Mrs David Leclerc 45 mother of Mrs Banville by first marriage Michelle and Micheline Fraser 17 year old twin daughters of Mrs Leclere Doris Leclerc and Benoit Le lerc Three other childrenof Mrs Leclerc survive They werefol lowing thedcath car in car driven by another member of the family while Mr Leclerc pre cededit in his pickup truck Untouchables Have Not Achiélled Complete Equality With Others BOMBAY GPt The Indian Parliament has extended for an other 10 years the right of the Harijans lndias socalled un ouchablcs to reservation of seais in the countrys lcgisldtiva liodics The extension emphasizes the jolitical and official view that he 5500000 llarijansthe name chosen by Mohandas Gandhi neans children of Godstill have not achieved complete equality with the other commun ities The Indian constitutinrfpromul zuted in 1950 provided many safe guards for llarijans Besides as euring them fixed representation inpariiamentl and legislatures it included special provisions for their economic and educationar uplift Advisory councils and special departments were setuup to promote their welfare and tho practice of untouchabliityï¬was mags auctioneer survey made by the commis sioner for scheduled castes the official term for llarijaosi shows that since 1950 significant pro gress has been made in abolish ing untouchabilitythelancient social system under whlch Hari jans were excluded from the main folds of Hindu society There are now vs Harljan MPs in the lndian Parliamentone in seven MPs is Harijan qnt of 3177 seats in the state legisla tures 470 are filled by Harlians Political parties take ecial care to nominate Harljan andidotes in some legislatures Harijans havewon eral seats in ad dition to the reservedyscats There is at least one Hariian minister in eyery statePrime Minister Nehrus central cabinet includes topfranking Harijan ministerqlagjivan Rom snout spoken crusader for the liarijan was experienced lnsorne part of the Province All flights in and out of To ontos Malton Airport were can celled Sunday night when fog following freezing rain on Box ing Daycut schedules to bare skeleton Winters Worst Hammers US CHICAGO AP Winters most severe storm hammered wide sections oi the United States particularly in the mid west today stranding motorists and curtailing travel Blizzard conditions prevailed in some areas in the path of the heayy snow and strong winds from Kansas through the Dako tas eastern Ohio and north eastern lowa and Minnesota Thestorm which raked the southern plains Sunday picked up speed as it moved intoflthe central piains TO COUNTER vREVOLT TEHRAN AP Reports of unrest in Iran raised specula tion here that Premier Kassem is moving troops along the bar der to counter threat of revolt rather than to launch an attack against Iran iN Mailman MONTREAL CF Members of Montreals homicide sound are investigating the citys 22nd kill ing this yearmore than they have ever had to deal with in any previous year This hasbeen the worstzycar for murders inthe cltys his tory Det CaptHenrl Fran coeur said Sunday ashe dis cussed the Ztnd victim Donald Thibault 27 who was shot our times shortly before it wn un day and diedvinhospita Thlbault whose police record dated hackto 1950 was found by taxidriverwho saw him stag gering along St Catherines Street in downtown Montreal He got into my cab and said take me to hospital right away Ive just been shot the driver told police Thibaults rcqord which in cluded charge of attempted murder in 1957 which was dis missed for lack of evidenceled to reports he had been rubbed out by underworld enemies But Capt Franconur who questioned Thlhault ifor an hour before his death dismissed the cause Ram fervent disciple of iffurmiopaga three places storiesaa exaggerated We do not know who inur TransCanada Air Lines oili cinls estimated at least 1000 passengers were forced to wait or find other means of trans portailqn Another 1000 planning to7 fly to Toronto were stranded at various points around the con tinenlr ADDITIONAL CARS CanadianPaciiic andCanadian National Railways swamped with demands for reservations added nearly 70 extra cars Sun day and every reservation was talt eariyeveniog tdrloliydro patent ma Jor power breaks but crews have been working since Sunday morn ing to repair minor disruptions from Toronto north to Harris and as far east as Bolleville ice formations played havoc with telephone service northwest of Toronto and circuits in the Kitchener Barrie Guelph and Sholburno areas were cut Highways east from Toronto to Ottawa were slippery with ice and roads in the southeastern sections of the province were coated with freezing rain in southwestern areas road condilt lions varied from foggy with light rain to slushy withice patches RASH 0F COMPLAINTS In northern Ontario with most service stations closed Sunday rash of complaints were regis tered as snow and cold im prisdhed many cars All available provincial police cruisers from Barrie Huntsville Bracehridge Orangeville Peter borough and Brechin were on the road investigating scores of traf fic accidents Weather officials said there would be littlechange in condi tions overnight but temperatures in the southern part of the prov ince are expectcd to rise above freezing level today In the north snow again will be mixedwith freezing rain Police fPiizzle 2211Zd17Killing tiered Thihault But it is doubt ful that it was gangland slay ing as hewas very minor fig ure in the underworld He said Thibault have been shot after quarrel in building near the spot where he wasseen of th 21 other killingsthe homicide department has inties tigated this year only two still are listed as unsolved though prosecutions arising outof sew eral are still before the courts The two still under investiga tion were oth committed dur ing robberies Thevictim the first was Victor Emile Girard 63year old nightwatchmanwhose body houndand gaggedhwm foundat the laboratory where he worked May The attackhad apparen tly been directcdat Girard him self since large sum of money was missing from his wallet Tho secondwhich remain un solved occurred in mid July when Arthur Martin 69year Eisenhower Backs MidMay Summit AUGUSTA Ga AWPresl dent Eisenhower decided today midMay summit conference would be satisfactory to the United States James Haggarty White House press secretary mentioned May is as probable However de finita date depends on current discussions with Britain and France 59 ON aortas Fatality Mars Holiday Period By THE CANADIAN NPRESE Violent death made it black Christmas holiday for many Canadian families Fatal highway accouan accoun ted for 59 livesk far outstrip ping predictions and pushing the nations death toll from all types of accidents to75 Canadian Press survey shows The survey extended from pm local time Christmas Eve to midnight Sunday and included traffic accidents fires wn logs falls undsother acc ents connected with holidayactivities The totalwas well ahead of the 58 including 40 traffic deaths during Christmas last year when the hbliday period was one day longer The Canadian Highway Saier Conference had forecast 86 persons would die on the roads thisyearbutthis was exceeded by Saturday evening 25 on 1m ouisaac Quebec led the highway tall with 25 killed during the 78 old tavernrowner Was shot and killed by lone gunman who held up Martin Le Repos on downtown Cr Street Examiner 5c per CopylZPages ICEHEAVY roan alumnus snarora PARALYZING cornmmcanons oo Barrie Crews Fedr Tolfcreate Lot Of Trouble Repair crews working on hydro lines in Barrie are anxiously wat ching the weather as the city struggled through the worst ice storm to hittha province in years If we geta wind before the hours including seven persons drowned when their carhurtled over an embankment into river it also reported one of the seven persons killed in tires across the country Ontario where fog sleet and snow made highways treacherous Saturday and Sunday counted 20 traffic deaths Two accidents killed three persons each and two died in another Ontario also had one drowning two killed in tires and two in falls Ontario fatalities Rouyn Que man andhis two sons were killed and four men were seriouslyinjtued in cartruck collision on ice covered Nov 17 Highway today about 59 miles west of North Bay Police said the vehicles col lided at bridge two miles east of the village of Markstay courLa KILLED Mrs Anne Couiter wife of Rev George coulter of Nap anee died in Kingston General thaw we will have lot aftrou hie said anolficial today Major danger to hydro and telephone lines was caused by treesN overloaded with ice sag ging or brealung onto the lines During tbenight Blake Street had two power cuts There were Hospital today from injuries she received in an accident Christmas Day that killed it husband MAN ASPHYXIATED Alex Stops 80 died Satur day in ï¬re that caused heavy damage to the cwostorey frame house Where he lived alone in Rentraw Eirernen said the blaze ap mrenWMuted near ground floor coudh on Which Mr Stopa had been sleeping Death was due to asphyxiation FALLS OFF LADDER Frank Joseph Murysek 68 of Niagara Falls died In General Hospital on Christmas Eve af ter fall from aladder while putting up Christmas tree lights at his home He was found lying unconscious on the ground WALKING on ROAD Anne Boughncr 17of Ridge way was killed Christmas Eve two burnouis in tbecity iaaf night and several minor alarms Barrie police reported cam in seven hydro lines and four tele phone lines lt Out in the county itwas dif ferentstory Were having pleu ty of trouble right now said foreman Reg Garrett of Ontario mam RECALLED FROM HOLIDAYS Work crews have nonisiop all night havebe recalled from hbii ys power to rural communities and ontario Hydro is sending inan extra raw to reinforceliocal eff forts All across the county celaden treesï¬ale sagging onto hydro and telephone wires Canadian National Railway re ported all Barriesteletypes are out of action The Examiner tela typesetting machines were unable to function Radio Station C1033 did not come on the air at the usual time todayA power line nearby was out of action The station resum ed broadcasting 3L9 Am 0R0 ISOLATED Oro telephone exchange was isolated during the night from Turn to page three please Emigrant frlamily Seeks Benefactor LONDON NiCP The nine published the following advertise ment in personal column Englishemigrant faintly Canada bitterly disil oned of financial assistance tosretum homef Would be benefactors were asked to write to box number Turn to page six please No other detailslwere given to restore seek benefactors Yo someforrh