vivonmcr BRIDGE My nscm South denier Both Iidel vulnerable NORTH AStï¬ VARIOG Pm PIS Pass Opening lendking at spades The power oi the crossruii is shown in this hand from recent tournament North optimistical ly pushed the bidding to slum despite tho minimum bids South had made during the auction West led spade and dummy took the ace Declmr cashed the Alt oi hearts discarding tus spadc loser and then embarked on crossruii The plan was to trump three clubs in dummy trump three spades or hearts in his own hand and thus make twelve tricks Six tricks would come from high cardsthe mm of spades AK oi hearts AK oi diamonds and are oi clubs nnd sixTHEE wouldwm irorn ruliing losers Accordingly nt trick inur South led club to the nu nnd ruiied club He ext trumped heart and ruiied hnother club He then trumped spade club and spade in alternating order at which point ten tricks had been played and won Dednrur still had leit in his hand the AK oi dinmonds and the jack of clubs Only club trick was lost and the atom was made South scored eight trump tricks and iour highmrd side tricks Without the benefit at cross ruti Southvwould not have fared nearly so well Thus it he hnd ehognnto drew trumpl immed iately he would have made tire trump tricks instead oi night But lhiswu obviously notn hand in which to draw triuan Maximum mileage truth the trump suit could he obtained only by using each trump up ately and not together on any one trick West couldhave deieated this contract had he opened trump nnt iarietched lead on the bidding Both North and South had indicnted distributional val ues and trump lead to cut down ruiitng power was worthy nl consideration Against this attack upon tho imminent crassruif no cure would have been possible South would have made seven tnimp tricks instead of eight and gone down one PHONE PA 32414 FOR THAT LITTLE EXTRA IN SERVICE KRAMER MOTORS mum 15 Brndiord Et my AN ammuam LeagueOf Friends Visit Patients McIntyre nood LONDON Every patient and League ui Friends is an organi which bring nernbers great Motion England Barnum deal M3033 On Christmas Day members oi the league of Friends will nurse in St Frauen Hospital visit the hospital and distribute East Dulwleh hospital which tigurgttucl toruoï¬uchoclzlates atom or old In and othr 9° 945° foggith p33 14 patients and 200 nurses Not ceive Christmas gift irnmtha Sing individual In the hospital hospitals kngua oi Primdsi Th 11 be mm Furthermore patients and nation oi residents oi the district nurses will be able to choom the interested in tho welinrn ol the hospital and its patients and this special Christmas distribu tion is one oi it nnnuni projects ileorge Dunes CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA HIM Christinas name to reflection the in mensheartsrAnd its time goodness for us to express our heartfelt appreciation ioryour patronnge in the past to bring nLvIsI toyou ourhhnppy Xuletide greetings MANAGEMENT STAFF Ev icoNSTRuc Mnxmnmmammnmnmmnm 12 511mm Advertising Manager DON monannson Snles Representative iiisï¬ieywouldlikeummherxltm BAH EXAMINER WAY DEC 24 otthe League ai Friends tour the hospital With each Kilt there will be end from tha League conveying good wishs Says the chnimun oi the Lea gue of Friends tastie White Haircuts 75 Sunday 8100 Buthen CLIFFS BARBER SHOP Eu Bold Amt tram Alinndnin Edna Once motewe coinve Chinmas thndayofGneeï¬ngs WWI Marry Christma Were rinung out our Willie to all our wonderful lriend and PI tron ior the hpplut or holiday ram with tumm no good dim MILBlillti Kaiser 400 LOCAL FURREEB and family ganlierhgs of deandPeaceandGondWflL day especially wane and say Thanks to you our pleasant during the past yearflWe want to wish ynuavery with our sincere wishes that the NIeï¬Yiear winbrhgjanjbundanceof TOltl GARNER salea Representative DON DIGKERSON saleaï¬VReprerentntiva 6031 3mm sales Repriesentnti ms5m nbumrlsma lpnpnhrnilsurt if the BARRIE EXAMINER leimummunuuumumxunmmnmnumukhanumukuï¬lmmï¬m