HIGHLIGHTS Mr and Mrs Don Dickerson SL Vincent St will spend Christ mas with tho lauert parents Mr and Mrs Vasmtrnd of Renlrew FlightLieutenant and Mrs Ernie Betlsnd and family Bow man Street will spent Christmas Day with Mrs Belaods father Sergeant Corheil Coiling wood ihirtymernbera at tho Pilgrim Weoh family will gather At the home oi Mrand Mrs Pil grim Campbell Avenue Christ rnas Day Outoltowa relativu will travel from Niagara Falls and Toronto for the iestlvefom ily reunion Mr and Mrs Allan Swan Creemore will entertain ap proximately 15 memhers oi the Swan family at an early dinner Christmas Day it will also be the occasion of their daughter Taramystlirst birthday Min Joanna Swan Berczy st and Leo Broadbent will spend Christmas with the iatterfls par ents in Kitchener Mrs Helen Dixon Montreal arrived at Malton this morning or today holiday with her son and daughteriaiaw Mr and Mrs Graham Diaon and family Edgehill Drive Mr and Mrs Vernon Gilmore Shanty Bay Road will spend Christmas with Mr Gilmores parents at Mealord Miss Barbara Webb daughter at Mr and Mrs James Webb innisiii Street will arrive homo today for the holiday season Miss Wehii is student nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children Tomato Miss Wendy Waite student nurse at Toronto East General Hospital will arrive this even ing to spend the Christmas week4 end with her mother Mrs Foster Tollendal Robert Christie sun of Mr and Mrs Charles Christie Toronto Streetis spending the Christmas vacation with his parents Rob ert is siudent at University of WesternOntario London Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Hill Toronto Street are their sonvinlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs John Luckie and children Sharon and Shawn at Byron Mists Laura and Elsie Chris tie Hamilton will spend the holiday weekend with their moth er and sister Mrs Christie and Miss Carrie Christie Brook Street Mr and Mrs Alex Foley and family Little Lake will spend Christmas with the latters bro theriniaw and sister Mr and Mrs Boyd and parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Rodgers Hamilton Mr and Mrs Simpkin Minets Point will4 spend the drristmas holiday with Mrs Simpkins parents Mr and Mrs Charles Merrett Waterloo Christmas guests oi Mayor and Mrs Kinrie Shanty Bay Road will include Mrs Kinzies par ents Mr and Mrs Snider New Dundee James Snider and Mr and Mrs Snider oi Lima Ohio Mr and Mrs Brubnker Kitchener Russel Stildei Richmond Hill and Mr and Mrs Gordon Snider Crown Hill Miss Pamela Corderny Dunlap StreetEnst has left forann treal where she will spend Christmas with former Barrie resident Miss Rowena Bowater Miss Mary Moffat Mary SL leaves today to spend Christmas with her mother Mrs Mofiat or Castleton CHRISTMAS REUNION Miss Patty Scruton and Miss Gail Richards were hosts at Wflflmmmliliï¬Ã© Imllmmm MillEll Aorisstnii riofsovnrgaivhmarrio By Eileen Christmas party for former Grade students of Xlag Ed ward School at Eileens Grill Bradiord Street hiesday even nychuk Bot Bogardir Bum Henry Brian Westgartnlaylor Ken Brock Davis Forba Baden Grillin Garry Banting Glaria Fisher Shelia Hunter Jon Kerk aehry Donnie Lee Dan Eslnrt Elizabeth Traiaor Karen Hare Cheryll Emma Roberts We of Camp Borden Linda Corrh goo Frances Donnelly Yvonne Thorns and Bill Baxter Santa Claus joined the party later in the evening to distribute gins Mr and Mn James Ward Cartierville Quebec and Mr and Mrs Bird Noble Newmarketwill visit with their parerus Mr and Mrs INï¬oyble Vespra Street at tho holi Mrs ll Carter of St Thom as is spending the Christmas sea son with her soninlnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Walls and family Theresa St Miss Suzanne Walls of Ontario College of Education is home on vacation Mr and Mrs Charla Wadgo and daughter Anne are with his parents at Oakville for Christmas Day Mr and Mrs DonNenr Cod rington Street are motoring to Oakville and Gitlt for the Christ mas holldny They will visit their parents Mr and Mrs Wil liam Near and Mr andMrs Al bert Zimmerman Group Captain and Mrs Pete West will spend Chri 1mos in their new home on Let tin Street Home or the hall day season are lheirchildren Carol of Toronto Teachers Col lege Pete and Ricky of nihity College School Port Hope and ï¬nmrse elghtyearoid Me AT SIIANTY BAY Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs William Garner Shanty Bay will be the intiers parents Mr and Mrs James Campbell New Toronto Also present will families Mr and Mrs Robert Garner and family Weston Mr and Mrs Stewart Emms and family Strahsne Aveaue Mr and Mrs Jack Garner Mahose Avenue and Mr and Mrs Tom Garner Ciappertoa Street Their fourth son ion of Victoria Col lege University at Toronto is also home or the holidays Miss Jiy Yule Kempenfelt Drive will spend Christmaan Toronto at the home of her aunt Miss Yules mother will travel BEZ liï¬ï¬‚lfltflllt mirelimlfllmmflnmflmflmmmiulxm or THE HOLIDAYS lag Guests included Bob Skryp be the Gorners children and cmunmunxnuntmnuunnmwittktunw Unto Them an Angel Appeared SayingHe is BFmThe or JOHNSON sr BARR50VIARIO Irum Ottawa to join In the Christmas IEtltities Miss Yule is supervisor with tho Simone County Health Unit Mr and Mrs Monmn Kempenteit Drive will molar toStnynertodaytobewilhtheir son and daughterinlaw and Mrs Larry Monicaran fam ily at this fostie time On Sun day Mr and Mrs Monk man and Mr and Mrs Larry Monkrnnn and ianrlly will travel in Tomato to spend the day with Mr and Mrs George Monkraaa Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Harold Coopcr Ross Street will be their son and daughterinlaw Sgt and Mrs Ken Cooper Downsvlew RCAF Station and their daughter Mrs Hardie and family Aurora Sgt and Mrs Cooper will also visir with Mrs Coopers parents Mr and Mrs Elgia Harris Es cles Street Mr and Mrs Gordon Brown Pembroke will be holiday gut52s oi Mrs Browns parents Mr and Mrs Jones Cumber land Street Mr and Mrs Gordon Blmey and family Saniord Street will spend Christmas Day with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs William Honeywell Coidsprings Ontario Mr and Mrs Ed McGrady and sons Barry Brent and Bruce will spend Christmas with the latters mother Mos Johnston Eimvale snklnlmmnnnw Mrs Evelyn Sullivan ton Street visited Mr and Mn Tony Barby at Tomato at the weekend Mr and Mrs Baby have reoeatly moved in Tomato from Montreal Mrs Smith Mary Street will travel to Coliingwood In spend Christmas with her sub iniaw and daugther Mr and AB Douglas Culhom and grandchildren Ralph Arthur 12 and sevenyearvold Doris Mr and Mn Earl Livingston lilan Street leave today to spend the Christmas holiday with their sonlniaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Bruce Mo Caulcy and grandchildren Greg 11 and Lynn in OaleIIE Their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Dick Livingston and grandchildren Sheila 15 and loyearold Donna will also be there FAMILY GATHERING Mr and Mrs Edward La llante Ross Street will have their entire family with them for the Christmas holiday Mr and Mrs William LaPiante and son lon Toronto Mr and Mrs Hamid LaPlaate and family Nowmnrket Mr and Mrs Jos eph Brunntti and daughter Ra La Reveiliaa allowing mid from Queens University night mass at St Marys Clmrdr Known to Spend Chrile Christmas with his parents Group Captain and Mn Richard Hilton and lb 30 Ann GroupCaptain Hilton ihlrwillbelapedahchriatr was readily appointedCom or Mr and Mn We All mwdlfll ornmd RCA Camp wm Borden and this ll tho Hiltons first War in their new rpe with Mr Montgomerys mother hm limmcampséi at oh misc Point home All ed today from M612 France ab ter athreoyear posting with NATO forces fliey rationed via tballner Italln which Wll two dayliato docking at Hall ink Also Visith with the Alb snoopI lfir thgdholtllgay are their oon sitter Mr Mrs George Montgomery Mrs and Mrs Bern McKinnoa and Martin Cam ma son Michael Petarboro and by will Mr and Mrs Peter Oiuté and or family 11111109 Pm Eimvale watar Fort Lauderdala and St Mr And Mrs Arthta Morrow PMW formmonth holiday in dinner Friday evening Those home or the occasion will be their children and notiï¬es Mr and Mrs Michael Rose Tomato Mr and Mrs James Judy and Stephen hunt Street and Ross Morrow oi University of Toronto Mrs Morrvws Flock Queen Street Mrs Fioolra parents Ms and Mrs Crush Newton braok and Mr Flooks brother Finals Stayner and his mother Mn Flock INSU RANGE 95 Dunlop Street gt IiIERBYCIIRISTMAS STEVENSONfS PA 85201 nammumnnnnmmw SEASQNS ohm sniw mukflnnmnwnnmnwiwmm min vï¬nmmm Indium unznnmnmmmm re tmga in sincere appreciatim for We wish for you hoï¬doy filled with all the guy Mornink PHILIPS tr PHlLiPS CLAPPERTOI STREET your patronage Ire wish you VERY MERRY CHitsTMASl BAR RIE CATERING sarwrcn 189 Eran Rd Ralph Weaymoutil Andrew Nielsen Mary Harrison Mildred Nielsen Dorothy Scott Woaymouths Book Store Margaret arid Florida may will visit Cloan will hold family Grrtstmaa Holiday gum with Mr and mew and sistertnvlaw Dr and Mrs sm amuamnmsnarmoqu is flotsam will have their lam liy with them for the holiday Maï¬ewhouostudeatathkelt shore iaadrus Cdlege To ronto and any who is present working with the Hydro It AL 33 anddMn Ford and iarnlly open Chrhtrnaa Day with Mr Fords brotherinlay and sister Mr and Mn Peter save this weekend by Mr and Mrs Percy Ford Eo worm and Mn radrpm ants Mr and Mrs Known IIUMAEY STEEL Since 1950 the primary steal mill at Hamilton and Soul Ste Marie Oat and Sydney N3 have spent hall billion dollars on expansion programs IW7MW 02 From allot us at Evangeline to all our many friends and oustamarooursinoarn thank for your loyal patronage thvwnhouktha yearand our hearty wishes for future good health and haooinoss EzDnnlop St Ciosod at 800 Mn today Evangelina will raooon tor business on Monday December 28th Phone ra arrro we aginl no airman or called lilirishnas spiritaidvisiailwfrisnfl inn lillltiil tlllltiSiiiiS written wanna It ii CANADA um manner LGVRIEETIS Knights Drug Store aannm our rx nunï¬nmnwnnnnmnnmmmï¬ jetsam PA Mm Ollijï¬Ã©iillle staii wishesyou nérryychrlstmas ViiSilhllills SKIHS Management start Moo1m sr ICQNSnMERsaGAS 67 TORONTO BARRIE May the woemeaningof theseason moses yaorheartwith joy and forgo truly Christmas MANAGEMENT STAFF