Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1959, p. 15

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ll Financial ilkMortgage Loun CADALLAC gt MORTGAGE C0 LOANS AvuLMILn album ctAl rAnals our Pnormn MORTGAGE AND 1ND uOUCHT snn on ARRANGED NTAUI MN HILLS II YAlutow Homer ll DUNLOP ST PA 68526 llAalmwru Montana in use too nought told and Arranged Commercial and mldohual money loaned on annual wrungn lintrte non rn Co sum II lull I933 llYPNOTISM It you nuiiu from innsou Inca Monifiuifimow or or on nervous more nnoosinhl nnh Morhckolpciroolmlndthun iun be burstml Ireo toutIta lunar DAY 0x EVENING PHONE PA MI 15191 16A Womans Comer LEARN WRESING muol now In none Inteminent chmerndoulml lhm on us illarousal trntoen to on nachos beauty nlturn ror lnlomltlon write mem Wmma school ll comm mgr 011 PRO PA $3963 IMllxlwnl 13 Fruits and Vegetables APPLES THE APPLE BARN Macintosh Cuurtlnnd Talian sweet VnIIe lover Crnb ry NollrHEltN SPIES Pippin lmlwAN FETCH HIGHWAY it soum PA om Aim pm Only lsurwr 11 l5 Lost and Found roUNnudys Wrtrt wmn owns or can have me by identifying and paying tor this ad Agply Deluxe Tut lss 1W BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vertismerlts are insertednt the rate of to per woldper insert tion for one and two times so per word for Lhrec four or five tithes and per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFED AD VERTISEMENT IS 80 IF PAID WITHIN t0 DAYS OK We IF CHARGED FEE SINGLE 1N SERTION Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices and Cards of flinnkstlju for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tices$l50 if verseused Zlc per word extra mans on CQRRECTIONS Advertisers Itrnlnded out all phone insertion orders are accept ed on convenience to you the no votum Therefore the closnneo Advertising Dept re host adv ms to ktnlily rec eck the no men lmmedlntelx one IIIat lnscfllnn ln order that any or rnra or emfInns Ina be reported before non in er that same nuy bu rectified to the vouowlng insertion order We wishto no on that the Enrfll Examiner responsible for only one Inan rectly printed immion on any advertisement and then only to the extent or portion of no this Involve the rnlspdnt mo whlch do not lessen tllovalue or the no vertlselncnt mnoi eligible ror corrections DY nuke Innfll Rates and type styles or senat dlsplly olnsrltlnds may be obtained Lhrnugh Tho Exnmlncr advertisan department Alli WANT copy should he tn our otttce by pan the day before publication 0n Salor day by noon I8 Room grid Board l8CBoOrders Wanted IIOOM AND bond for gentleman central location Phone PA om lacle to more Launde labMes nnAnnzns wanted room with twin bear done Phalll PA Int5n ISORoom and Board Wanted rluvars PARTY Interested In buy in loo acre or more notlo land In Slmooe County Phone Bradford Pit mm or writ no nox Erldlord ionsolid GBNanMAN only nu room and board In cl and quiet horns overlooking any In nunheuternrk art or Xltybvéttn guns or In no an or Irrlo Extml LNW CBAIGHUBS Miss Ella Celtican of Town to was home at the rectory for the weekend Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn left on Monday to spend Chrisilv mas inIfamiltorr Glad to see Mrs Butter able to be home from hospital Mr and Mrs Ralph Hodgson visited in Richmond Hill at the weekend Mrs Harvey Olden is pa tient in Barrie hospital and their son Alex was badly cut with power saw on Saturday We hope they will soon im Prove Mr and Mrs Ivan Cairns of Midhurst visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn on Sunday Mr and Mrs Francis Shana ahao were in London oulFaiduy to bring Joan home from school Mrs Arthur Snider is show ing some Improvement to health She is stillnt Innin wood Mrs Deng and daughter of Toronto visited Rev New manond Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmere on Sunday news or LEGION CONCERT Members of the Elmvale Legion with their farn held their annual Christmas concert in the Legion Hall on Thursday night The program consisted of songs recitafions This was followed by Mr Santa arriving and he had treat or every child present LOBA OFFICERS FOII 1960 Members of Elmvale LOBA No 435 held pot luck supper and meeting at which election of dimers for 1960 took place They l9 Legals gtYE5PRA TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Nanci Is Hnnmvblvm THAT THE NOMINATION or CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE or ONE TRUSTEE FUR vaPRA SCHOOL AIIEA No FOR OFFICE FOR THE YEARS 1960 AND last WILL III HELD AT TOWNSHIP HALL MIDIIURST MONDAY JAN 1950 FROM 12 PM TO 130 PM AND TAKE NOTICE THAT ELECTIONS Ir ANY WILLBE HELD ON MONDAY JAN I960 FROM 930 am TO 630pm AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES BIVISIONNO IGEO THOMPSDNS HOUSE DALSTON GEO 11 THOMPSON 11110 DIVISION as DIVISION KEN MILLER p110 DIVISION NO HWFEL HALL zTOWNSBIP HALL MIDHURST 3PERRY EQUIPIIW CUNDLns NORTH SMITH one CLIFFORD mun DJLD DIVISION NO nnAlt HALL FERNDALE MRS CLARENCE ROBINSON DRo sAltl RICHARDSON MIDIIURST humanly in 1959 Township Clerk 104 rill on HOME TOWN By Stanley Thomas gram Sister Irene Miller 3rdCom Bishop on Tuesday Mrs andOctober meeting 1960 man presented the slnte of of Carol singing rid conducted by Mrs RMyers Mm Do Whitll Completely baffled by this Germen vacuum cleaner Jeanne Roles appeals to son Continued from pngeonci from the College of Cardinals His message was broadcast by the Vatican radio and various Euro pean networks Pope John again without nam ing communism referred sadly to what Pope Pius XII his prede cessor described as the church of silence in Communistruled lands Ho declared the church and its members in those counv tries would hold firm It needs still to be mind he sold dial the phcilication which the church prays for is com pletely impossible if it Is mis tnken for yielding or relax ation of its firmness in the face of ideologies and systems of lilo which are in proclaimed and ir reducible opposition to the Cath olic teachlng nor does it denote indifference before the lamenta tion which comes to us even now from the unhappy land where the rights of man are ignored and falsehood is the adopted sys tern sillyills are Worthy VMislress Sisv tcr Daisy Murphy Deputy Mis tress SisterBertha Graham Rec Secy Sister Ella Archer Financial Seoy PM Sister Gladys Rowley treasurer Sis ter Janet Amherpfullior Der puty Mistress Sister Mossic Bell Chaplain PM Sister Olive Manning 1PM Sister Irene Al len Guardian PM Sister Laura Turner Director of Con PM Sister Ann Rawley Sr Lech PM Sister Nan Bowmanlr Lech Sister Beulah Bell In ner Guard Sister Mamie Green law Outer Guard Sister Batty Heasman Pianist Sister Beult Iah Bell 2nd Committee PM mittee Sisterv olive Gordon 4th Committee Sister Annie Rowley 51h Committee Sister Rose Perkins Auditors Sisters Daisy Murphy Olive Manning and Irene Alien Sick Commit tee Sisters Olive Manning and Bertha Graham CONDUCIS SERVICE On Sunday morning there was splendid attendance at the morning service in St Johnsullrrited Church There was reception of two new members Ross Argar and II Allan Sacramental the Lords Supper was observed FRIENSHIP CIRCLE MEET The Friendship Circle of st Johns United Church held their Christmasrmeeting at the home of Mrs Roland McLean With 22 members and three vis rtols present The meeting op cried with the theme song and The Lords Prayer Mm Don Bertram conducted the worship service including two Christ mas carols Mrs Thompson gave the financial report for 1959 Roll callwas answered lay bringing jar of jelly or Jam to be given to the Senior Citizens Home in Onillia The sbuldn Christmas boxes will be packed at the home or Mrs liilney and Mrs Pearl Bertram Will assast The January June will be held jointly Joy Group Mrs Whitfield wlll assisl in selecting books for the lib rary at the dburohwben the book mobile arrives each month OnvNow Years Eve lthe Happy vDoubla rClnb are holding parity tor members and their chlldreli Mrs Chap th the fleers for 1960 Presldent Mrsi MoMann rvicepres ident Mrs Peter Clute trea aurer Mrs Thompson pm committee Mrs Don Bertram ltLrsLlo ti McKnight her parents Mr and Mrs Fred CANADIANS rmsr CHRISTMilan serum David to help her figure out the operation of this halfbreed egg beaterpneumatic drill ltIde=IS Still less can one forget the sorrowful Calvary of the church of silence there where the cob fessors of the faith rlvnlling the early Christlnh martyrs are ex posed to sufferings and laments without end for the cause of Christ N0 MEETING PLACE Men of thcprescnt day the Pope said have not completely carried into effect the conditions of peace As result Gods paths toward pencehnve ilo meet ing point with those olmen Pope John said the nations at the world aspire ordently to peace but it will be necessary again and again to remove from the path tot peace the obstacles placed by the malice of man The presence of lhese obstacles can be noted in the propaganda of immorality in social injustice in unemployment in wretchcdness contrasted with privilege of whoever can indulge in dissipation in thefearlul lack of proportion between the tech nical progress and the moral Progress of nations in theun checked annual is vwithout therevyetbeln ngli psevofa serious possibllity of arriving at solution of the problem of dis armument No peaCo said the Pope will have solid foundations un less there is flourished in the hearts the sentiment of brother hood Which ought to exist among all who halve common origin and are called to the somerdes inty Unfortunately he continued there have not yet been re moved the causes which have dis turbed and now disturb interna tionallordcr It is therefore no prayer lunch was served by the committee Miss Judy Baker Of London is spending the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Baker Mrs Lawsoanobinson left at the weekend in spend few weeks in Toronto Mrs Smith Cameron of Port Colbnrne spent the weekvritk Grigg Mr and Mrs Bauldry of Barrie were Thursday guests of Mrs WTerry Spending the Christmas holi daysat their respective homes are Miss JOltAnn Cam bell Karen Thompson and Wlfimer Giffen all of Toronto Mrs jivgsley Jogdan returned er Visi wit relatives at Wilkes anagram Mr and Mrs Gordon 110on of lie spent sunday with the iorrnersmnther Mrs Rownt The many friends of William Whittoit will be sorry to learn he was removed to Penetang General Hospital on Sunday CHORAL SOpIEIY On Sundoy evening st AnA drews Presbyterian Cburch was ed to capacity to hear the Elmvale Choral Societypre sent festival in nine lessons Service opened with hymn Ilnrk the glnd sound the Sav iour comes sung by tbecong regation Short Scripture read ings on the birth of The Christ Child The shepherds visit the manger The wise men are fed by the star and The Mys tery of tille Incarnation were rEad by Cecil French Efrem tive choral work was highlight ed by the male chorus ladies trio and solo by Mrs Sib Thorpe The Mngnificat Rev Cooper pronounced the hen lot lwo lighted Christmas trees and baskets of mums graced the frontal the church and each wiudlowlwith burning candle andlpolnsettln and the pews with evergreen and silver tmiiming and Mrs Fraillr Robert and Janice of TorontoMrand Raymond know and cbil times were crtram andZMrs After th theme greats of Mrs Whethnm of Barrie woreSuoday so visited with Mrs William TARGET cesanry to dry uprthe sources of thc Christian spirit News or COOKSTOWN Visitors during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Art Kidd were Air and Mrs Keith Cause Michael and Scott Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd David and Judy and Mrs Jack McLean and son Don McLean all of Toronto Peter Reed left by plane last week for Florida wherobewtll Mrs Harry Reed Luckily the family took its own vacuum cleaner to Soest where Captain Eric Roles has been stationed evll otherwise the dangers to peace will remain constantly threatening Pope John recalled that Pius XII hnd frequently proclaimed the cnuscs of the international sickness These he sold are the viola tion of the rights and dignity of the human person the overrul ing of those of the family and of labor the overthrow of the luri dical order and of the healthy idea of the stnto in keeping with rpengi his Christmas holidays with bl grandparenh Mr and Mr and Mn Reed malty mend their winters in the so Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Enlighten on the Arrival of daughter Lynn Louise born on Tuesday Dec 15 1959 Stevenson Memor lal Hospital Alliston Mr and Mrs Emerson Gilmy of Long Branch and Mr and Mrs George Wardof Tomato were Sunday guests ofMr and Mrs Albert Gllroy Mr and Mrs JackDonnell and Jim Arnold returned home last week from Deboil and Wy nndotte Michigan Idler VIII ing rcintlves for several days Mrs John Hongbtun Sr and Mary Jorgas are spending their Christmas holidays in Toronto with their daughters Mrs Ar thur Shetlar and Mr Shellr and Mrs Paul Jorgas and Mr forges SYMPAIIIY OF COMMUNITY The sympathy of the com munity goes to Frank Mnmbcn son daughter Kathleen and son Frank in the death of thclr will and moth who passed away Saturday ecember 19 1959 other residence in town after lingering illnes LOCAL BONSPIEL local bonsplel took place at the rink on Saturday Decem ber 12 with good number of both melt and ladies curling Winners of the first draw were Jim Currie and his rink second Lennox Rowe and third Harold Cronan Eleven oclock results tat Tom Relve 2nd Earl Carr and third Ed Timbers SCHOOL BANQUET the activity period the Explor ers made red felt stomp sachets and tbe Tyros made urd holders neroux Christmas lunch Iupplled by the mothers of the two groups brought the for the Barker Public School RCAF Camp Borden It the church on Monday evening Dec Is Prment were 45 teachers and their friends Durlt log the dinner Francis ilindle played the piano Following the dinner slngtong was en loyed and mm Santa Claus ar rived and distributed gifts from if gaily decorated Christmas 89 SS CONCERT lugs crowd attended the annual hot Irleat pie supper and Chrutmas entertainment on Friday evening Dec 11 Dur ing the concert each teacher was responsible for her class There were the usual readings solos duets piano numbers drills and so on At the close of the concert Santa appeared glib treat for all the chi Efl SUPPER AND CONCERT The Presbyterian held the annual supper and Christmas concert on Friday evening Dec 18 nttbe town hall Following the ruppcr concert was enjoyed and yidt from Santa LEGION PARTY The Legion held their annual Christmas party for the chil dren oi the community at the Legion Hall on Saturday often noon when 120 children were present During the afternoon several colnlc movies were shown and attu Ssntn Claus arrived and gave out treats to all the children During Saturday the Legion vlslted Alliston hospital and called on therick and abut1d children of the town giving them treat and wishing them Merry Christmas Douglas Eildey of Toronto spentthe weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs EIstorSl Iildey The Explorer and Tyre grout haveheld their fifth meetingln the form of Christ mas party Games and carol singing opened the program Church meeting to clorc Explorer and Tyros vrlll meet at the church Sunday evening at 715 to attend the CGIT vcsper ser vice on Dec 21 Please wcar white blouse or shirt that evening if you dont have uniform mom Christmas greetings IHOCON pllments of this festive lesson to the editor and lift of The Barrio thrainlner Many friends here join in congratulations andebcst wishes to Mr andMrs Norman Wine of BIrrlewbo celebrated their Both wedding anniversary on Smithy Dec 20 at the homo of their son Mr and Mrs Ed son Wice Barrie Mr and Mrs Pope and fem lly moved last week to tbelr new home in Painswiclt Mn and Mn Rndway and Janice of Kitchener are spend ing the Christians week with Mrs Rndmyo parents here Mr and Mrs Edgar Thompson CHRISTMAS SERVICE The United Church Chrisb mas service was very largely attended on Sunday afiternoon when Rev Walden gave challenging sermon on The Great Proclamation The CGIT condoned so impressive candle lighting service and Mrs Wanlesa sang the beauti ful solo Holy Night smmsconlnlts Friday callers at Mrs Matt Kneeshawa were Rev and Mrs Sandelsot Thornton Min Mary Dales spent the weekend in the city Miss Margaret Kneesbrw Kingston is spending the bol ldays with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilked Kneubow Mr and Mia Hartley Evans Cookstown United Church WA catered to turkey dinner then the Christmas story was read while being illustrated with flannelgraph During anceoiPenethng and John were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Ernat Dales You Get fPLUS Service When You Advertise in the EXAMINER less Important advantnges These PLUS services are all deslgned for your benefit for without RESULTS your advertising is waste of money These PLUS services give youthe results yourmcssnge deserves Inert IENCE Ill ill STAFF The on start ls trained In wrltlng copy making toyoutaiind In merchandising is continuing process Through the direction of Thomson Newspapers head office all mem bers of the art department are continually getting ideas and methods that can help you move merchandise Twill lvlllr lllllSllillimil Services Not lustonellttle Junlor Service buttwo Senior services Me tro anostuops Conhnlm Fourteen months of these matsthousands Of Illustrations are kept on file for yolir use AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU You can Illustrate your sales better sales results gt NEW EQUIPMENT In addition to new modern building The Barrie Examiner has spent thousands or clot tars to install the newest and finest kind of printing equipment All this equipment was installed all this money spent so that you can have your sales messageclenr read 4EXPElilENCEll compositions Many of the men in the back shop have been with The Examiner for years Other message with ease tree and easily have spent many years working In other fine printing shops All or them are conscient SITEIt lousaboutthetr work and teke pride Inn good ate in good hands nlvllilllllllltilowlrner orzzs NEWSPAPERS an newspaper Your sales message As part of the Thomson Group The Barrie Examiner has atvlts beck and call the cam blncd knowledge or the other 24 Canadian Newspapers Through our Dlrecbor or Advertis 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