Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1941, p. 5

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lurid Jimuary 33 1911 BARRIE RED 0110330103123 0991 YEAR Red 53 Societys New President If BARRIE EXAMINER BARE lifxl 351111 WW Page cm Mom am SAL ii pininswicif Continued from Page 11 BitIs lxiii wigLIV 1L II LIV writ dm iIIl ji ix E10 111151 Li ill liic tannin and the sixIVIm Mwl ldiilswick Institute groups The Womens ligt lhc knizziiag is lliIllrllt i1SVhlf 012 VHFi 2hr same way IiiibiiiliiisErik 21 pieces of knittiii tiled wascoiiducxd Nd lIlISII Mime proiiihV 5H lrirnt luring uliicli lx iiiiIiiitaIi hicecs or finisth limiting him tlcgt1x3111tlvtli to iuinistl for 31 Il mm min Um mmmhm can outith and much has In 513er 01 Twill illlil done by indivrduzil kniztcrs Rho itlwwd mle 1V The group Hil mu tor disem have 5111 1in 4103 II bl Dim rlIlll oi YiIdiicsrluI exciting in cor ll hIlIlutd IIrctchs llH iIltiilti ii IiI haw Uh hmd 95 Vf IVV IV lV iIIIIlioii with thII Agiiiiiiluiiil anu WW II if riiiI tilt xiii iiiIiIi Puma UIIiiiii inky Lite Iraininu Classes WWW 1110110 hove been mum leImClI hi for 111 llIII Il H1 NIH inmhwp icld licre lllb waitr as well as 86H lllglkiil llC$lt5 Rm CW55 IN 14 51l IBUTlP 25 31 4mm if iiith 8111 to report Mrs Lyons Mrs and V440 box linings in which lb ch111 on Monday Jaz 17 AlllJllS 10 QUEBEC BAR Shiidfhhmih 51313 wmfixfwlmiil Iiif hhhhhf huhhxhilhf Bonncau and Mr ioodhaiid still CSEIISS hacked for rlllllliltll Ill 9d Clki Wm 51 lin II I1i III oi liss lIllIIbI jtil kllk17k ID Norman Burl lrlIIi Clulr uiidim Wk mm IiIII I1 ln 01 I1 nllll 1in tires ol iittilsleo and Until Etching cl IIl II IVI WM lmy p32 huh lliliiii Itllll Mir VVHV Hm WVmuumW faitiifui band of wIIineir wun Iliiys Wedm liiurd IV and ifilJrllWIIme 19ml DIUXLLDI 1lewillmlliiuliii i1lhiimtiii MlSI Holmes is their head hits liiigt from 730 lo dill Wlummm Aux11le Ilut PH Tmg iwfihuf LulIuIlLiIdmfl Ii 21 IiIIiiiziI liiIi lin mm II ihl Qll 1113 r11 l1iI lillt Ii I1 truths lllCgtC are now II AlidlIlUIIlI cgtc ti III mi tr D4 113 IlVldlUIlil lII Illi rho htwym In cm liolmi oliiis in tin iiiniois with gtIII Ivdlimala rkIrmlgoe Chm 11 gull by mm UH WWI TribNetr Miliixl anniII mm EiW Im iII ill Tiic work iii Limp mth hm ronswlay tiIIm 111 lII III in V1VIi 77I7 bee Fried 11 utial by our AliVm Vim4 Wk 11 pious 11 HUN lilUlllllblt IUlLl hm llilli lleIiiitiiI curried ll11il111 Offceis Wth the CUI11H in Home Nursing gtil1lll piiai pm AhV IIiltjolaolil allies Uil 114 in LVVVMHH Adwmfhh Mr in tea iosiIcs were is if Dliiii IIllh lllril 54 IiIIii lulu lin lilo Hill li itl iVLlIiR If Ad wit miiiimmm MUN1 531Icc lmN my DC ii11 it unit WWC bi XI1 TIV Hii hitting11s5 lllilllldljlllllbwaflxlix wit311 lIi IIJL llUIUlIS TNVL do VI ill llL VA 051 MINV for ClilfHCS iglll 11 Milif II O7 If Vv7 77 II no IiiIiiIoIi Iwi IlmIm tltl WWII the IIIInmIi 11111 Illl IllRM with rm mu mm 111 whlmnr 1m thth Vii Km IIIVMW imam dKIiHVIlhc de IIII VIV yIt IIII czxVIVztIx II II IUlllllll the him 11 fxx mm mm few um dilIIsLVlllilsS dumb Whh WUth Ii trip iIsi in Health Iii Lloih and small necwiIiI tI II silttldl liileiesi was liticii iii 111 Mm NImc md II Ii ti llt Irv 1flilfllllilgt IPlul III Cl111gt11iizis time We 1Fll AM It the Rcd Cross Auxiler lnllfmr alrinrly ordainrd so that nan riding and seitiiit1 dinner hl IllIVYII Vliiiilkkf illltVDthSIIllIf VilllyIV iizilitnls illlll staff 1121 men Tim mm Milli llrancli also sent swetllils Wk limes Innixros VlImfIIimll WU 11 111 51 VVIVIVII bags candy orangVsV glpplch hCl Who was erected liltlli of Barrie Branch of the iitdmu lieu rossilV 1LI 11 dmwm Cd 15 gifts for lllLllll01l$ and Society at the Iiinual nuczing last Work succeeding llcv ll SinileimmI 51 we Mm Hymnde for eiIIhI clair lr lliillllltiiil was in chargi of the lllllll gt1lCCCFllll lliid CrossI MHWI lifnllfllwf lmd Vl lltlli lLlIlIIIJl1lIJ IIII IrvW IN rent 11ll V1 wit VV 555 mlLWl blum lmblm lilIL 731010 hi i1 31 FAMILY TRADITION until Saturday Niizhl IlzmI IlIIUI 911er guns JO Hm ml llillllc dim XCL1 Hmk 5m mi lbltrl himm I15 hI We resiru thi right to limit mind we find it b3 Ullmsi 1h 5ilc ilmmlim My Pm Fairing mm WW 9193 gilt Ibnkjimlii an iiuiintltiiIs at all nurrhanilisc to 22 klmmlil 5053 liicccs sewing 1750 business to reside ill Barrie Mr llillltlliillt lJl cu general manager iitlfCVIIllhIVl WWW 181 IVelVVIVi1 tnmily weekly requirements pieces surgical 51550 ping quihst itiiI ioimrr Uiitoii llrnk of Canada now Iinulnnniiltd with 1110 11011 llgqlnuaih 47 blankets for ovIIII I1I Ulllt 11111 0100 pAcKED THREE CONVENIENT SIZES 15 lLL0I HH o1 Cltllhlng shipped for relgm wk 7777V777777 77777emm II lI Ii lllb IllUlblflIFIM onV oz and 15 01V nus 7831 tendancg of 11 and gt1l1iil meet g77III army of NClllillllllld Ioliih 11 VI Mr Brymuer IeIlIIll llilioi these Iledis give to 1011 Colin gt on Iiclci andm ls I11I NW NW 65 MAGIC BAKING son 9I wan some ii things tlic icqurst of Dr Caldwell and our llllllll 15 VldIVI II pm Annual Report 11 il5Cll Matilll WNW Willie By Stuart lhoiiipsoii kmwiiz 73 AT Loam IMLAM During the year ltiImV 11 exec representallys ot lllV1lillls llcd VnVVVVMV55Canadian Soldiers 11 rip VV mm pm live meetings mm mthth Cross orgai1uiIIiis of thc Toniin all Inf ShutLIV mew YEARS mm CENSUS Pay Fare On The 1i WWWMWAA lcac Tillll lrottraniinc toi lIirsi Here is Lood wa lo 401 111 Railways In England lm HHUL SVX Mommngm hm wwhh hm Newt WM WHEAT PUFFS 13 II II Ycirs lllllll you irII plannini to Choice TenderFrting II he illoml uIsiliIDI damn Lt MGLIWimi WW friondl AWan UV Supper George Uriy of the EV ROSE Brand IIII gtIldtlvd IIIlillilnml lit ciiicr on Is Vusiii 11 L1 Iic Lon MW bin1 hilt clmym with iighd pmhccr Bari RVLVII writing to WM mml BED PLUM MM Var 209 venIIisi or lll lillllt II moth UN Rm Um DOC Imhcr hC1IIi5 good wait lg VlV WV Ml JIM liranil lbV153Ii191 WV nd am hi hmhgh hp NUdSIUI from WHWW IIIIjVIVVnVIr SpecmlLcan 0mm HUI VV 21 the Visiting ominittco icpiiitsi4I ind VkVVIhVH01lS he Mm th said he hailIIbciIn invited towisil Ii hLVUVUVML BONELESS PEANUT BUTTER m4 BIake Sf callstcd liver ozl has lJCll supplied WV my is HMS bracing mV Mm two homes lltgjllldlfi Wales on hisl Ilochildrcn the money 111 tnis wasivml haw mm Vim Vm Objmm next leave llie people are ielIi SOVEREIGN Bran ROAST NI donatch by the llitll$ club Jim Wynn is va0 01 ch5 of soldier friends of his iiixv are in 5NVA New mms whim The Relief Clothing lnrt 1th fmh Objhwy will b3 hid remarked that the halllaie II SOCKEYE VV Im SIVV who 1i0il mm him 1th VIVi IiiiiiiliiViIsVtIrirZ drilliiiSilliililcii Spcca+Chc II um BEANS lb 83 hours of work in theV rooms 31013 VI tire iii yourlocnlity llgtllCltilt and 50 011 ICC 13011 dds In III 111 WM SNOW Vs article Orcmhmngmy new We MW mm TV Nth kind UNIV Flylmnm ibouimrC it WV ViVV himm ThisI VVVI mi bi IAlmmhni Och Tendcr L11 cu Illl il you Iic V5 VV 1011 Apt gt IN NC programme was discoiitniued at the census and venture to sniV thz VL 1V Vllltl1llVmVlmini ml Ith 01 OngrOlU Ollons 0nd of hIIuyVVOrxlng it inc marked msuhg Wm surpriggi you 11 JICVIVVIV h9V1VKquhdht1LV II MAPLE LEAF THANK YOU inipiovunent in employment it was Every ycarIsucli accnsus is killed lixmfiffmt23 159573 141 MM 191 TOILET SOAP on it was no iiigedirl as in other by mmv ol the various nature clubsl Ik lkgs It He describes recent incident in In loi wltli the purchase of IV I1 IVI LILV IVVI Hi IIIi Vii yeti iloVthi out in lJUl 11er 71 inidr ind isi is lllllllfnt rhvmc as follows IV spendchant Mdh Fed Km Sim Pkg of hhflVlIdI 15 Voilxl 1711111 igl121fltdllll 31 in lime bi 0f German 011 WI the ILHRISIIHJIS siltth iii tMApLESLEAF 10 CLImNHgn um lmc am MW ie lav 1011 MHDAII IIk Flowers are HiliiFwHllvlllmllhug$1113 blldwlllL7tlIlGllu103lSUITE11 VL1calldbllfyr out We mmch ML 6A We SSOAP FVLAKES 055 we hmmg xceedcd mme mdmdmls 3me hm vew Mr to VI VI ALL FOR always apprecmted objective of $5000 by some $4360 1y likcuratc estimate can bc frilllld IL 13 dim Id mud of 751 IMkgtI II Over 12110 contributors gave of our bird population at that limc splrmf0 uSEw1 VIIV wry Hwy ThreeLittle PigIn Visking HgH VVVWVVVAVVZ mounts iii00 11nd 913 Id SCI PdihiliS IVUU CU dd the whip XS ctilli Ti 19 Mlmn Tonmm IV 100 under $100 in November we rc observations to this informaiioii 12 Elisouiquwid 50 cnlsco pth BEANS i0 SHOPdFOQOnI Stocks muted $4550 N1I Whdll The more diffClOHl 111195 UlCUlm we Vb HIM COOKED IIOlII in large Tir IwV nt It CornutlonsVGnd Paper $01 ill81 bllslllll try you can V1511 the more Splolb VERY POPULAR SPAGHErll TV 23 Banqucpnmml Choice we lwivh pmucumb Ihmk birds you are Rely to 50557 lhc Barrie Examiner carries iiiIIlC totluiii 01 Tiiii sPlalLe TOMATOES 28 13 11 While NOFCISS folIOVlllgi Who IhiVC Spchlely Cm Suppose we have mud open Classified Advertisinq than any 01h VV an Tin II 1171bth WV gimmml by wilet with no is 111m laks qr own wecmyiill Canada BALM 160 SOllP means 0f 0mlimmcmsgoymwc 01 DOHdSI 1011 may b0 duel SVlmW DOG FOOD In Til 77 as IV IV Vim famo Collan 1213 BVV V0 1f ming about dning for their food Show Buntmgs These ywwprIds BL MAM UREA my II or US mens Lca us Mrs Kleinsim ci II TOMATO VII The Old Squaw strangcnamc or or the snow ECLme recogmzcd ml RN 1brl0z19 VI JUICE lot II lBlfCk nghls Plfmpmyx Com inuckis sure to bcIan SightIIX0u their white and brown milmagic Hui 00 gins 26 Flliid or Large Tin aupgogrl biggies AhTnaec was Will know him by his very long 160k carefully among the flock In CArirILIJsiaoiJinN imownuu gingham WWI in ar rtcc 121 ten ass ma be Goldeme egV oz ui st Ulmed Chuth Ladies Auxih Them d150 darker colored strangers whim PORK IBEANS 21 American mergansers and Scaup ducks Flying overhead and settling upon the water occasionally yoVu mingle freely aSthcy all mOVC iary toLions Club Mrs Bird Mrs Jlelamillon the Press Wa bout These may be Horned Larks il 28 Fl 01 Large Tin With lhili SIV ucc 11 Quick ooking or RegularBULK 105 denyfi Hamilton thhcidd the recall campaign for funds for airre Brmc shorraddreser 1dd hVeVVaijtythaiiks undiappreI lollievarious Vofficers of the Branch He particularlymentioned lasf soloing Wefhavflt5i197j 7ossiortmept CYCLAMEN PRVlMV lIlltlleptrbliCUtiBdjlle for cent1th lions Mr Dixon solicited the support of the citizens of Bttrricinthc coming cwminglctfallscck inin MAC BEGONIAS Senditlowersby Wire 7We are the only bond ed rebrsntqrive VinI Borrie of the FlOrislsfIlclegranII Bellini Association sen secretary McCarrqlltrca surer Ellr3 Himiltbn also thankedgtihe Women who hadhelped and re marked trialillfgrdtestvolumeob the work fans 11130 19 Women in ternzitional Committee at Geneva arrangingfOi lh lJFEDaralidn arid ardLbeingreceived by the men 10 distribution of themultifarious ar whom they are addressed ticlicanediori Hvelmsioxpmssei iEachHpareljontains the follow appreciationio the public 91 thelitig cheese butterfdried milk Soap generous contributionle the financ Half poundSugarquharIter pomld tea eSIof the some durmgrie Icam slab chocolate Inescafe tinnedlierV paign for funds He alsointroduced Vent time the Canadian Red Cross Society is sending 10000 parcels per week of fooduml comforts toIBritV ish prisonersbfwar in Germany km 1115 what eyes are silently wade the llarred owl may all be hid boughs These are but few ofiour wait possible to tell of all there tire one brief chat butI can promi powderh libel candb 51tfaniiIPpz for you onVIVIyour birdhikc an COD lg and Drxon field secretary the 59011251 rafe ing res me of Red Cross an interest MXVD1XOII declaredIIIthali supplies of clothing manufactured by branch esforrcvscuee of bombed areas in med non men England areverynecessarratthis tswiscjliemim time and large quantities have 1189 Herers what one wise mother Mrs Arch Thewodds ThrOUgh CD gt I3 liileruulioliril is TruthfultConstruciiveUnbiasedFree from Sensationalv quest of the British Red Crossto SupportIneedsVovcr there If IOV 1r Isubsc ption label that catc in cvc ac pl ago Diarrhoea UpsetV Stomach sAMprscorY5Vo REQUESr iiicctlpaidrlnadvgncevld 014 91191 brick Error unanimously there and with him the Golden fodd While feeding uponi the seeds of any frozen fruits there is alwaysl arpossibility of meeting with flock VI II theIIf lowtn Rev Mr Sinclair year lo meei emelgeneies as they of Pine or Eveninngrosbeaks hreshfelm Mi George IBanimisc from maid maPurplefmches AndthOOrCrosstl HistvicepresIdm Miss Theo Hey Dixthmtd mat at thepres either the Redmwwmged may be seen plucking the seeds out ofthc hemlock or pine cones WHO ingyou as you walk aboiTt The Ivyhiinomnformsuoofrom mammalhorned on the Longeared 01 mil omf sighItin the thick evergr visitors whom ygummay meet your birdcensus It would be im Is eke rings honeyMnned himme tin pe 1h tile 92ft BIS mach FriSan tnldi brisket IbeEfI 531153395n7wHLY Sggnisg acpizsssufgifiai W1 VI ded congratu II II ac ms HeI 97 7143 SLTGL to thee Blaniponthedil 79 II SIRSOfflgl nopera ionsitan E31 dV Vd Ge 315 iigilifslgiifnginsgigii and Sign ii soc 0132 mbeii 19 II icalIWmforlsi appblnta Itlth Geek and ordeal to prePare II II II QUIEKIYfCHEClli deURIBABY must et tooth But lie Viliifbiibys mother Ecgbic of Consecon has to 58 We have not Also eflectiVe in Constipation imple Fever lic Simple Lmup and lretfulncss Get box today Sick ngni so often strikes in the night stccnls ler and Light Commission Mr Mc wihnd 1t least three hmdghf guns I0 Lapland Longspurs VIII eciall lmer Fancy IINIVIIIVIIIIIII IIaNIIIIVIIIV Cetchwm Scotts Cartage the tow 57 acith the Ringbmedi Golgiihleiabiiigseatbmb iiil 2l5p0 isliftggLCOLON Pun AyLMfrl mElChcinlS Valid flleldSV Who the GrVeafiblackbacked gull There the woods aanicketwLis here ma 9519mm iflmnmmms lis iibdnistiikiiig the latter with his birds nd Shelter and food in Choieii VWTTTTTW The report of the Illuminating Viblack mantlcII but it wiirisejoim shape of concealed inseam and runesan is OW COmmiltCCI Presenting the Ofproblem to distinguish the two for ten fruits sun on the trees The buI Heavy Tin 1941 officers was published inlast Ingram With Open waieryoumm 511 owny 00 pec 81 on Vspeclal 15heus or Ready cut weeks Examiner uh eehl his fin 9x999 4933 BEE batch Will 12csccambling about Ihel IlIsI AUNT JEMIMA POHEd Wants are INQAW PFCSidGIWS Remark9 fOOdI tree trunks You may even findthri Fonuwihg his my HII7AvIramble across thesimulyweedlmmm olor il qajhey Ipe COWredmImay fevmaock of em The Chibkgae iBSFUsuwrlel 7mm Smartys or beam 37657777 ct $peciaIPURE II special 77 Red River nuuuuu nuuu id Il laconic Appetizing for all occnslaumV in se ie lea Lombard PLUM MAPLE LEAP iSpecial 74115310315 OL FASHigivrrnV W77 made at in delightful blend of fruit oatm IIIIIIIIIMINgnaasugnguvmnnsII IIIIVixi mm llb Litton 18 33511 24 lnlnIu VInu 3201 Pkg ionetl style cookie cat and spices mtthmlmL IIIIIIoiIi iii lb V7McilnidshfRed soy DomesticiGide Ohiario 04 Biief 133m is HRRES VI 70 If 117va Juror onbNGES dozeiifin ceilophanbog NEW 0mm ELECTiiiiVV IIIIunnu AMMONVIA Is 2II 9I iiim EditorialsAie TimelyV andIlnsuuctive and in Daily reCEchl in IVEnglahd With Jim one nights mi rim ieeihingas TTAGE Brand SLICED VOR UNSUCED remiss TogetherWith the7WeklviiMegzimjlefonrMake thanks and TONI nZguiIEL $17515 1th mareldgcbYJVhbxs Owg fil 9m the ioian deal Newspapertor the Horne Dlgpiiigltfatgfe 1191 gfgxathgggflg wd LbAVEis rVriII11IIfTT7I 1535 III Tb IIWS Tl ChurnSump will 8155 thesvrwees from 1de 63 in$32532leilgilleifullmllhllg Im713333krillimllPLffWgi 019 NrwaiswI 5mm 11 including medicat services of IVBII hlzegllhleleiageggapidtly 11 111 multier it Forsmning pots andVpaM Im SELECIVED QUALITY HOTKOUSE In Price 3Vl2IQYeaIIV I$l00VI Mumh W3kmds sum as large will would not be witiiolii liviseeiiibteiit mum timid II Isvlay 155 CIUlmg $433221 seit 60 ea a3ttetanusseruln ovuma Iyrgllm Chic these sate sweettasting tablets at iii Sos EII Vl1VusmVVQner may Ve oflocmaw This 15 at the re 353fctyg gehngfce 53Bfand ONTARIO N0 Glm Mosunoo to thWlllGEE Hm bFFICE5RNoTQiJ

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