Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1941, p. 14

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0110 ml 00214 0=OI=I age outl nit DATES llo lloiiiiri llillti1Zi oiii liiic Illlitl IHlltl licii from With it itll of hit lBiiiisr CLERIC ON BEER POLICY gior HirBUitNi Hum 111 FOR THIS YEAR AREARRANGED old Brown of Glen Huron President Geor giOti Boy Association ANNUAL MEETING llcii lluion tCuntimieu from page nine made because ithe driver was not dmtd drunk Surely is the duty of unhi ItoriieyGcneral to tabiiltite such iigures and let the public have them May remind you thatwe Bari rle folks are puyllig through the iiose for the privilege of having druuks on our streets and the possibilityof being put out of abounds Woget little rakeoff from the GOVUIIUIICDL 1c is iwrcentage of their profits on the unknowntomsimmense sum spent in Barrie for beer But listen to what we are being asked to pay for this hash money It is sin gesteti by Goveriunent IiispectOi that we create Board of Policci Coiiiiiilssioncrs The Examiner lsi right in calling this fifthwhrel and iiiifoituiuitcly such things must be paid out 9f Barrie taxes We can thank our beverage rooms and tend if the cost of police adminlsiinlJQll 995 on if Chief of Police out need of more constables llc right Our abnormal condition make it imperative Our townI lockup is disgrace and entirely Specials This Week 930000009900060000900090009 SPARE RIBS lb ROUND STEAK ROASTS lb 250 15c LOINS OFPORK with rind on lb l8c BEEF HEARTS lb PURE LARD 1b PHONES 3233 ESSA ROAD THE WEEK Mrs Milligan is holidaying in Alliston this week Mrs liftAlec was in T01 onto few days last Mrund Mrs Iorraticc lllllllcl nod Exhibition inadequate for its mixed crowds and children spent Sunday in of Georgian Unfortunately all tlieselhiiigs cost lhornton money and must be paid and the littlcdole we recenc bickI at the annual lltlllfL Tues is Oliver ry fair in the itll if io was lilil and It and Eric Simpson it 11 numbers of the Co urn instructed to decided to discontinue the lilgtlllf cards and instead 1ll supply alist of in alimcckly newspapers at ii llgtlllL ag rcaiutiilities spoke ind programme or ii this critical per iaii should iup its as much as possible they liceion presi Association st itcd that call fair should stress without ill ill Cokson Oct Il lintiorlnincr exhibits of fairs for lSll1 were set as Om Sept 10 Collingwood Iidland Sept 1112 pt 154617 Elinvalc or Oct 5715 Alliston IleetoiiSepi 30Oct The United Church YES held illlCllh nnnualnrccting Wednesday Di MI Watson oyle 7oiio one official openingfon fAcross frcimfopoo WELCOME The citizens of Barrie and district are in vited to inspet our new modern IOOpel alive and feed plant oind to attend the wedneSdalt lanuary 29th at 330 DST Speakelisi Foulquhcxr Oliver MPP for smith Grey and others SIMCOE DISTRICT evening with Victor Small taking the topic and Miss Mae Felgu ading the devotional The Presi dent and officers of the YPS wish to invite more of the young people from around the commun tv to the meetings ==ro=mi===o=r I0=O$ 005 one Phone 1407 =0 0707 ouoI Ohio flu i0 CHE 004 it 939I ChQVI DeILtixe Sedan wwm issvlronnomoti from the thousands of Barrie dol lars spent in intoxicants is not enough to coiier it But besittcsixiylng through the iiosc financially we are doing so morally It is aslieei to say that none under 21 yeais oi age drink in our beverage rooms The hotel men admit their in ability to cope with it and in many regards thliik tliev are rigl great number oi boys of eighteen and nineteen years have enlisted and it is difficult to dis criminate against them and their lady friends still think that our local inspector could do lot more checkingup But let us ae ccpi with our beer rooms the fact that boys and girls of sixteen and seventeen and young people of eighteen to twenty years of age do and will drink in tltctiiTliats part of the price we are payin It is part of our Governmen temperance instruction But same Goveriuucnt should not ously behind it statute that inspectors cant or wont enforce Thcn there is the matter of the safety of girls on our streets Im not ranting about this for thanks to the fact that Ontario has news papeis it is known all over the province No attractive ordeccnt girl is assuredly safe Ion our streets on certain nights AsTlic Examiner reported town council int its issue 10f October 10 Assaults upon girls have made many wo incn afraid to go out at niglitl without an escort It is tiiifoi innate that not all BarrieI girls have rugbyplayer brother at 11 nd to nab their assailants and T5 also unfortunate that there are men around of the type of whom Ross Cowan spoke The ac cuscd had been drinking and admit that when in such con dition Vinylclient irresponsile am sine ire all agreewith Mag istraie Jeffs when he said WIc cannot let things come to con dition when dcceiitpwomanis not safe on the street Yes we are paying through the nose financially and morally and this local Scene but reflects the country at large The bever ageroom owners soy it is not their fault but that the vendors and others sell themen fortified wine that gets them tipsy before the beer finishes them offItsa case of Mr Hepburns Beer com plaining about Mr Hepburns Wine The scbond part Ofllly addrcsis this morning begins with quest iion Do We yet fully realize that were at war fully believe that this drinking is the greatest rem cdiable factorthat is hindering the waieffort Factsand figures prove it asIcan show demon strafing the effect of litiuor on economic production These fig ures are before the Government but what does it do nos are working One at ofall places near the plant at Nobelil There is enough danger there now and enough need for every man toIdo his sober best without mix lng beer with explosives fAnd surely didgreat majority of ourboysin uniform are order 1936 oLDSMOBiLE COUPE iheaterganddefroSter 14 1935CHEV DE LUXEiS a3 liniles 1939CHEVI Icoacn 1938 PONTIAC cotton Inn IIONTIAC SEDAN PQNIIAC coacn Aiastiironp illgTON PANEL 1935 VQSTUDEBAJKERSEDAN 7193517ronp couturev 1934 Form COACH 1932 FORDSEDAN 1931 ESSEXCOACH 1930 FORD ROADSTER 1929Ford Coupe 1934GHEVROLETVI Pm FpnM AND noisr 1937 ouEv CHASSIS AND can inaction 372313 Hana 389 tiz BEH ST ly andJaweabldhig But there is bound to be trouble when intoxi cants arc almosifwforced upon them The Barrie Examiner is not the only paper that speaks Herald Mchlllicuddy quoted caselof arryoung hitchelriker in uniformwho when given arfde was found to be quite dfrunk Com menting upon this the Siratford pa per said Al the moment it is of iiiino importance whetheryou wet or dry Thai is be side the point but we believe that appamnwho approves of the with which our youthful soldiers may become drunk alumna fool or To supporter of Ad finitler PaI trioth prld ls mixediwlththe bittei dear of every father and mother hertfnewycomes itiatuiei InasffiKllIediQ lion across the sea One Millers henchmen may havedrllled him Witha but4 let But whot about condi tions here at home that ef fectively snlpe the ladsibroI tberwlth beer bottle Do you wonder why Icall this whole business four Web Column And back to Scene Wercmembet Willi horrorWho death of Soldier bnihetracks atk the station togA Lee as oil purslicl lnr pox lag cases of derth deliver them Mr and Mrs ltalpliillrolcy and Bobby of Dolton spent Sunday with Mrs to MIN Joan idd oi the Imperial Bankstaii Toronto spent Sunday with her parttits here RLcvc Azincilcv Deputy Reeve llarvcy of lccuinseili and Dep Reeve McMiistci of Essa aic attending couniycoiin cil week It zilt Draper aild llaiiy Davis of Long Branch Camp atid Gordon Ramsay oi Newmarkei I321 pont Sunday at their re spt homes Mi id Mrs Douglas Milne and children Miss Dorothy Murray Cico Milne and Gordon Dawson of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dawson Vctcrans lub Euchre The Veterans Club held another very successful cuchie in tlieIown Hall on chm evening winners were Mi Mrs Fred MtM an Bert strong and Torrance Ilunter Tlir net proceeds it this euchre amounted to ll The Vclcrznr divided the pi ccds of the iliret cuclnesv giving the Red Cross Tlit Womens Institute and Veterans Overseas Soldir Fund each $10 MEMiiiiiiW SERVICE FOR CHIIEFISCOUTg Continued from page iifit this voil idc movement The llidsrime nui staiiding charzicte iid acconiir lisliinents of ii cmarkable man In 1908 the Boy Scout movement was of cially launched and has from small beginnings grown to great esulis 10th vcr reviewed by King Georgerailwmdsor illillllo only two years later BadenPowell devoted practically his whole cn orgies to this movement developing allihsoe Cilialllissmf maiiliness and honor and useful service which are in this world wide movement You girls and boys and Scotti leaders do well to honor the memory of such noble and devoted leader In this service today may you rededicaitc youtseliles undci your efficient leaderslo Icontinu ance of thosegrezit aims and ideals which make for the highest man hood and for the best citizenship of your country and your community BadeiiPowell was spared to reach an advancedage butto the last heretaincd youthful and boy ish spirit saw and met liifi and had brief conversation with him in Toronto yaers ago as Mod erator of the Church xi hle hiarv Reid neck in Barrie Mrs Churchill is visiting it in Votbridge lrinitv Mission Curie will mettl ion Thursday euing Jan 30 all thins Bernie Sperm Mrs John Boston has recentii rd from her son Raymondl iEa on RCAF fllIlItillIlldll that arrived safely in Calgary 3533ntifig in church base fIICIlE Monday Jan 27 Admission RING AND WHITEFISH ABE COMING IN DAILY NOW FLAVOR UNEXCELLED QOOIOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ESoldiers Memorial llo Orilllai WT undergoing Kn opeitnion om one eve 20c iadvt We Ed Grey is in Soldiers Me ial Hospital Oriiliu undergo operation on hiseyes All him speedy and complete Grey has re Imed front Recent Lit0rs Mr andMrs ilIIFFV Fowler of Toronto at Mrs Jamiewiis ALLANDALL lift and Mrs Jos Annox Honored vwww St Judes AYPA met on Mon lav cvcningatbfrs AJamic gt0 Ptcs Calvin Jcnnett and ivid Montgomerv of Camp Bor and the formc past president tden were guests ft the mectitn Loon Balance for Cookstowti Fair The Cookstown Agricultural So ciety held their annual meeting in Watsons Hall on Saturday after noon With fairly good attend incc Apperley presided and in his address thanked the Directl licis who had helped own Fair in 1940 the it was The TH showed credit bi which was lowei than lust year but the prize money was much higher owing to the The meeting was addressed by Liistilcy DistrictRepresciiuttive who thanked the society for lllcll assistance to the Junior Farmers and Institutes by sponsoring Junior Fair and also two Grain Club and 11 Font Club Manv lielp fiil lions were passed along by Mr Laslilcv for thc hood of the Fair Among them was Senior Field Crop competition be sponsored owing to the lack of good seed in this section hearty vote of thanks was temlcrcd Mr Lastilcy by the societycfor his lltll Officers anti Directors elected for 1941 were as follow Appeilcy 1st Vice es JOllli Pres Cahvell Arnold Dalton Ernest Morrison Wilfred Chantlcr Albert Gllroy Walter Beat Bert Fisher WA Appeiley Joli WoodyCal well Ramsay Sf Treas Dawson Auditors Hopper and Monkman Junior Fair Representative Geo Farts It seems that this in of hav ing an assembly cveiy two weeks is good one It certainly givesI the orchestra chance to arrange classes brink much better filled Sim or cmzens were ml of the branch was presented with fountain pen and pencil set social evening was held in St Judes Church basement on Thurs day evening of veekinhonoui at Mr and Mrs Lennox The evening began with progressive croklnole after which Neville Jamleson on behalf of the congre gation presented the guests 01 honour with handsome electric table lamp The groom made suitable reply Ilia father Jos Lennon and Dalton Banting father of the bride also spoke brlcfh Anonymous Literature prised one morning last week to find some fine literature on Lheh door step which had apparently been distributed about eleven clock the night before The thirtytwo page bookch End of Nazism ves no clue of its author or where it was prin ted It urges all to read the tiutlis therein for their courage comic and Lliopc The autho is very inuclt worried over the ICClCCLlOH of President Roosevelt and clans that the Amerlcanchion is sponsible for it As usual there great deal of scripture quoted to suit their point and tells us religion means the doing of anv thing that istcontrary to the Will of God but forgot to quote James 127 which says Pure reli gion and undcflled before God and the Father is this to visit the fathcrlcss and widows in their af fliction and to keep himself un spoith from the world The distributor was apparently ashamed of his work He was caught looking in window on front street and when caufzhi jumped over back fence The proper place for such literature is the furnace Senior Institute The Senior Womens Institute held their January meeting in St Judes basement in Thursday af ternoon with Mrs Jas Jcnnct as hostess The members maiden names were used by the secretaiv By Illlbcll not Ito call the roll wiioresponded by telling of their most appreciated Christmas gift and the answers given showed it was not the value of the gift but the motive behind the gift that was appreciated short programme This MoiidayiLelters were read from Mrs the orchestra gave co bit of Citl ttiteintncni in then oil Slavonic Dance lvii don played viola solo which you all know INonc gut the Lonely Heart The orchestra sported another new instrument alitllc assembly splendid cymbal which will add many pleasing effects to the music in the future Dr Atkinson spoke at the assem bly telling the gir out the ar rangement of nursuig classes for them at the Red Cross rooms It would boa gOOd thing if all these classs were attended as the knowl edge gained will never comc amiss On Wednesday night of last week thejunior and senior girls of the school challenged the exstudcnts to basketball match It Was fine game from every point of View Althotighthe finaLscore was 2410 for the students the score did not indicate the play The grads stars were Doris Keainand Laura Roach whilc Dorian Willoughby and Marion Allsopp suppligglthc scoring punchthcstudents There Was repeat game last iiight but will have to reportzthat Qutblig WQIBQVS Dish 1119 The in meeting ofthe me sInstitute was held on afternoon IialLlGgj Mrs dellsMrs Roy Gray gave report of Rod Cross work done and how Lthe Red Cross supplies are distributed in England Mrs Gray gave an excellent paper on messagrLforithc New Year May you have calmness of spirit calmness of spirit is Had such agrandtimel iFoh surelIWell have another one later In the meantimewc are looking evening 28 Howt about turn ing up on esdayfcachj week at 1220in the ASScmbly Hall Youll surely be welcOmc Thats about all the news So attained by cultivating spiritual 1ifeTheEgyptiano have motto Kindncsszaiid eootxaration to one outfj From the Stratford Beacon another We are sewers all what gt are we saving What are we hand ing out to maketh world better AIveiyr Hinteiesting quiz contest brought theImecting to close Refreshments were served bythe hostess to not allow them to get that way Why should citizens be calla ed to ieportwsuch men whena vendor brewery lellOUSe and six hotels are turning them out AerQvernment Inspector Loug heed stated Theroops ir CampBorden onpay days and Weekends Ock inbo bcv rooms as as the majority meatsreochtoibnrandr soorrenumr ec mchlntoXicafgedi party lnBirrieu was dopingithese soldiers and in drugged state they were disorderly and losing their liVesthe Camp aminand ant would demandmactlon and we would be suspicions of Ienemy agents But because its aGov eminent and Iproflt business there is no apprehension ofithe real culprit The third pm of Mr McGillia cuddys address touched spiritI ual aspect Among other things he Stated IIm speaklxlg inlan guage gt apparently unintelligible to flierDrTJHemy Angus Uitcd Church Sunday at 730 pm daylight saving time with about400 men from Camp Borden attending The Padre01 Chaplain will speak YPU Meeting TheAngus YPUx meeting on Jan 13 was pi chargeofMrs Bury whose topic was entitled Things we cannot do without Irene Mare ayuand Lanaidivest also took pnrthttbcrpmgramine 2The meeting on Jan 20 was in charge of 1111113 Kirby tapasthe guest speaker Mr Davey gave an interesting discourse on the ddeI velopment of thelife of oung Rosmond Kirbyand Alm Condensation Horticultural enters lec Atthbtwelfth annual meeting the AngusHorticultural Soci held lathe Comm Room Forestry Brunch January 16 the following officers were elected Hon Pres urI Herbert gRfch ardson Pres Clifford Duckwmth lsti Vice PreerpnfordPageannd Vice Proof Wnlngton Dean 3rd Vice Mr Donald Bush Directors or twoyear term Wlla liningKlrb Rein nutrient Mrs Chas abet MrsIWllliamKlr by TL Wilkinson Directors for one year Mrs Harry Smith Mrs McMaster Mrs Sargent Mrs Mr John W11 bongecy Tress Mr David Gilchrist Directors of Juvenile Society Miss Loretta Gleneross itAudito ml Henry and Mrs Patton twol shutin members thanking thenI for plants sent at Christmas After all the correspondence and business had been dealt with the members were divided into three groups representing the English lilsh atid Scotch Each group had to give one number on the pro gramme which provided heap of fun One member of the Eng lish group told story the Irish group put on an acrostic and story while the Scotch group sang Loch Lomond backwards Rev Armstrong then gave very interesting talk on his work in Northern Ontario The assisting hostesses were Mcsdahics Kennard Knapp Len noxv Londry and Malel Good Reports for Trinity Church Trinity United Church held their annual meeting on Thursday even ing hi the basement of the church with very large attendance DeI votional exercises were conducted by the pastor who continued to act as chairman Reports were received fromSunday School YPUWWM WA and church treasuren All reports showed signs that each department of the church was in good working con Iglllon heartyII my ion was given per hisWifc The refit geglers Addison Mc Keiizie and 61 were re iwmA IT mpson and Dr Horton the retiringistewardzkiwere rcelected anLtephen Grose Ewart Jen nett Gordon Cochrane and ages Lennox were elected stewards ten burials and two we dings and that there are 141 members He also thanked the people of the church for their splendid support and for theiworkthat had been done to the parsonage Henry on behalf of the IHGIH shinny thanked the boar use of thechurch and the choir ifortheirserviccs at the ume of the funeral of his bro hearty vote of thanks war tendered the choir for their ser vices also the church treasurer and envelope steward Calvin wShaw pigesldent IIIthe YP then 00k charge of the nice and ashort musical pro gramme was puton by the mem ers offlie YPUand dreading by Mlss Eleanor Jamieson Mr and Mrs J03 Imoxuore then preSEIltedvW11tar coffee liable and guiggpSthe addressibelng read by iss peers Dorothy Dungey Melba anime rand Isabll Horton madei theupresentatlons malice voiced gacfew words of welcom to MrsLennox on be half of thefchurch Joe thanked the people forWhen kindness and ex dedaihecrty71nv1tatioiiito those present townie and see theni after which dainty lunh was Served gt WAR RUMOR ctrlie latest thing in European sandwiches is meat ration card between two bread cards DATE Say Buddy canfyou ltmehave dime forga glass otinilk thoughtlmilkiwas only anickI allow teah but eI liaVe jziidatezI Ihe inter mallow gISIlchurdaggu scorni Art it Company At the annual incctingill NOTICE TO CREDITORS forward to the squash Tuesday Rev Amistion reported claims duly vciifiedpand the na lhuudu January 13 1941 Slicer as cobweb yer with amazing stamina Dcltly knitted on new type bdugc llltlklllllC iii superb 3tlircad weight Specially constructed illsill foot that will give CXUtl WCIII Still available allsilk from top to toe Ravisliingly beautiful in ilicii new Spring shades RlOSUN lROllLNUlll lllilllflANA Canada Life Now Has Notice to CreditOrs in ForceI iI II IIIviIng claims it lcii ici in tlic Increasth in tout new busincs II written business in lot Mmc engtli of the company it 3th IulfiilLlIlyI 19 as indict by total assets and sur by post prepaid or to dcl plus feature the 94th anqu stitc uiidcrsigncd Solicitors to merit of the Canada Life Assuriiicc utor oi the lllutc of sin full Isiiicmciii of llltll he iuliiltlilti dit ililltfl and the na lll LLle hchIALIIlLlLI lelIflI IIIIIIII III II IIIIVI IIIIIII by inanagei sated that hour slilLtIHIIIIII IIIII III II tng company was established hovel pf mc its policyholders been more adufi mung the quaicly piotcetcd having up The total of all new paid lifc tn is tins of Vlthil surance placed with the company in lm 11W lliIKl 0le lgm amounted to $62 000586 an Dated at Ilii Ontario this 11th 1V oi lanuai Al illH crease of $890210 In addition Until WM IV now annuity contracts were comi II Im plctcd during the year resulting in Why premiums of $2906286 an amzuintI $1211193 greater than in the prcvt ADJO RN ED ous year It is pointed out tli ascs wore achieved pi vc ubstantial loss of in diici ion ig from the number oi1 It ic rcscniitivcs now scrvinr in tlic FOR ARREARS or TAXES Life insurance in force at the end amounted to $805704918 Thisi ffv1l9 513190 in force figure 1085 not include NOTICE is hwdv given mm IL annuity business wliicli has again 1m to be mld shown substantial increase Lap for ar yes in the nutty $05 and surrenderspolicies vhiciilof Simcoc lllllgtllttl in an ad are discontinued before they ma lxboi 531940 In ihc titreavert reduced by $2285730 1I III II the total in was This at string ii provement over 1938 of $4572060 AV fich or will be mailed upon making AASBS mceaSCd gt by mom than application for ltainc In default of $7v5QOv000iduring 1013081 10 $375a payment of own on said 583490 the highest gure in the list on or be companys history Total surplus TUESDAY 38 1941 funds and special rcswes are $13 at the hour of two oclock Im the 501245 afieiiiooiiIf shall at that time 111 iie Council unbci Court House Bnrrie Ontario proccc to sellbv public auction the said lands to pay such arrears together will the Changes ihcrooii II COLEMAN County of Sin quilting was held at the home Treasurers Off iT ofaMrs Robt Walker last week Court House Btiiiic Ont Three quilts were quilted for thel 10th day of January 1941 3415 Red Cross Glad to report that Robb Walki or is improvi in health Congratulat ons to Mr and Mrs gharIles goynton nee 3311de Grftl gor am were marre an TIIIA Istmlie tspentc several days valuable F97 P0P9lY in orono as wee card party was held at lllcl the prnsmp yea home of Mrs Harvie Crawford IN HI COUNTYOII bIMCOE Tuesday evening Jan 20 Pro Under and by Virtue of the ceeds 10 to the Red Cross powers of sale contained iii cer Crawford Leigh and ErrOLelghi tam martgugfwhlcir WIlLZbIKLl who are training at Newmarkct duced at the time sale time spent day attheirhome here in be offered for sale by public limiting for the Red Cross was iion at the QueensHotel Barrie held 31 Mr Him19 CRiEWfOrds on Satur Janna 51941 at 16 Mrs Ink Schulz Allandalc may spent ufew days with Mrs BEIIY Sorry to report that Root Ken Saving Time the follow ing lands and prom cs namely hi est half wt nun the or it won Gordon Gaiduier spent the LftI1I7i gale the tTownsliipotv Vcspia Thcre 29 erected on the idlaiid ouse and barn NOIlICE is hereby givcnjthatInll mus To De of the pm creditors and others havtng claims Image money at me of sale against the EStale 53m Fling and the balance williin thirtyfdays late of the Town of Barrie in the thereaften County of ISimcIoc Widow de The will offered or ceased areacquired 01 LfUlU sale subjec 14m Wrved bid the 8th day FolJ 1941 Forsfuithor tcrmsaiid particulars sendI by prIijsl 1IrcpadidriIIt9t gehvoi ply to to tie tin crsigne into It theExecutor of the Hittite ofs 4b DUNCAN MCGUAIG deceased full statement of th titre of thosecurity if heldyby them and after said date the Execu tor will proceed to distribptue the assetsoi the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto hmringre gardonly to tliIeclaiIrInsd of which shall then Java no ice heDated at Barrieonumo this 11th poliivlggrofdgglebgontiliitbii iIlOfa egic day iaiii mortgage which willbe pro 35ib VBrrie Ontario Solicitors for theExecutor Valuable Farm Property IN THE COUNTY OF SIMOOEI Will be offered forsstileby Public 941 at 1230 oclock in the after oon attheQueotlisoteL3ar TofQREDIIORS my AGiose Auctioneex NOTICE hereby iilen tollowing lands and premgs editors and othershavlngtcldims namely againstthe Estateof Robert John The NorthaWestiuuartee of Lo Sutton lateofthe TOWIlShlp of fwoaiidthe Sout Westquar Oro in the county of2 Simcoe of Lot two andIth Earmer decease arerequired on of Lot If i1 or before the ifteeniih yd of Doric FebruarypADLp 1941 to son by Vespra poshprepaid or to deliver to the On the $3 undersigned Solicitors for theAd to beI erected comfortable fa ministratrix of the Estate of the dwelling house barniandIotherou said deceased afii11 staieiiient of buildings with hydro iiiatallatlo laimst diil verifiedand the onthe premises andIthe propertyI thighr of the segurity if any held 15 locatednon paved highwa cm and aftrsaid datethe berTwentyIsevenrj Rhmtilnistmtrix proceeditd dis uTh peTtTTlelbeIoIfcred 10 tributertherasses ofvithesaidEstate lHubJeetdowaieserv amongthe partiesrititldtheiqtb Terms Ten prcent 021 ie pur having regardonlytdtheclalrns chase price at the llim01831 and milseaffterlb dlt II SI Mr or er erms Iiis Dated at Home On of sale amply to Ontario Solicitorfgr life0n iistratrix after the liislhcef Dateduanuairy 19415 which she shall then have had the balance within thirtyjdayS notice ti Muitgagecs Solicitor Barrie Ont MORTGAGE SALE Harvey Couhebt Cdokstowt Auction on Saturday January 25 it the li ifvlv200 oclockatooit in the Township of Vspra duced at the time or salejthere

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