Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1941, p. 14

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rue Fourteen In 555m Elammowh CANADA Thursday January It i941 rt Specials This Week Miss Aileen Grcysucnt Sunday mi moumuououuuouo iii thwitslilsi7mmw New Years with Toronto triendal Pie rtulrrIUmwsIEigitsl BREAKFAST BACON sliced 1b 25 agfflyaggggelthggi gig lxt Uii we SALMON by the piece lb 15c $1 Mr and Mrs Fred Webster 18C have returned home after spend7 tag the holiday season with rela tires in Toronto and Bowman it CHOICE BLADE BO TS lb 18c who tim3iti in tit ville Ihos Wiley of HOlly were Wm 23C macho iOaM 10 lbs ONIONS may Mittitfan ill iiiiiigtii 10 i77flii17i7 9099999099099009000O limihlilft hautillnii omen Flannelette GOWIISI Miss lrene Kemp Gum titth Aircrafttngbatixrd Raylmltsnd lilyanon oz Spent has not cw ears at his home here and enjoyed 31 Watch Night service in the Unit lmt ed Church also the skatinii party on New Years night prior to his Lbb ROAD Al LANDALE lawn or Trenton The Sr Womens lnstitntcwill nmeet0nIhursdaymattenwoiwau II II 16 in the basement of St Judes Church at 230 with Mrs Jns ENNELLS GLFQRD emcee it cooxsmwn appreciated Christmas gift The 77 programiiieInwillb be it surprise William Mumford lhllttl with Margiict Ntilly is teaching toil The mm Line bridal mrtymeti Members no want mm lTlllldtm TUWW 19 035 Milli ii 57th Kll 01mm tat ll Lticas on Friday evciig Wd hunk Hugh Recent visitors Mrs Cidl Wk MS VT lALliiHLt united with Mrs Bro t1B1 51m IltIlss dulliic Ml Jim CUPMl Hmmumlpotted till litiirsday 16th at Mrs Mrs Wright Hat SDLliJll Brook Mrs Aleh Sm Reg 100 and 129 Grade visited Vllll llclcir licll tor the I7 M7111 New Years with her brother 511W5l1l7 Popel0ronto with Mrsrcneas Christmas liolidais oiyy to U0t Mrs lilstllhhiloillld mmum 0mm TOIE Many of tho citizciisntt vi ItttilrlyhlwtggogggryCarl it toctors are at citiin Milltlctl with or llllillllltolihlll iillilellmitt lilillsll oi KLHOH Iiflrnltoxieiitntlicsfggcltrcnd with Mi 11165117 during mu mum mild WC gageeguilgectuicfttingomr Silt lll logirsmblmh 0112lhjlfy 3mm jat tilhiiiliitlti Mrs itillmlikiclilii Stgelfdciicfmll fatigue133i New Ycars visitors with Mr glaiuiignmgrllleiiimewlbth BOY 7wiic tittittr tit attrifmhtsstt cm Cw atdetritusJ zgttt tits httttttttthiwith $32331Mggrgfngaslf13223 SLEEVE GOWNS IN SHIRTMAKER STYLE AS WELL illd Ir lloi Boll ttitilcii it INllintcflll ammlloi iiicnt 1le StYearst Within Solid mung LSKESEI vexcglcrngb To cwar l7 ll Y0 FEW7ft itittttrttactile dilator um um omne hm institute TRIM THESE DELIGHTFUL COSY GARMENTS COME mt lm um him anti lininmI Or 137 7I it in good shape frequent UH llotid Deputy Reeve Tom Cook and Junior Institute met on Thurs suAm will be held in Gillmtihlls lliicklo and Jack of nk llelnoonIIde evenlmb 7Cotineil of Innisfil An item wor day evening M13 Gem Cmnlnunnv untiI Friday Jan libiidtt nd Mli mill MW Mr md Mm 8mm am lthy of note and congratulations to 0113 pmgmmme Charge Mm lt Mary spent Sunday in Markham Arthur Black assisted by Mrs or retired tartar strut with M77 and Mrs as he so Victims Fiind lNcillv and family Mimico Mr Conrmations RCCVO TON lh he 01 nllIhLildCllth P07 and Genevieve Junileson Items iln 771ml 77 IUnlImntmd GI post and rum who iinn by acclamzttlon also toiovor the township but in No included tfStIartlni On Shoe itv i4 hlllillitltll iii IllilllliIKlnmiElll7 Clllll10l Margaret Noble 19 ffMUIIe g9l111lCIRf9IC 19 poll at Cooksttiwn he rcccivcd 72 string Rejuvenating uBled show in the passing of his mother illblll Carri Nellllv Tomi Mr pl room Evolution of men tvotcs out of the 72 tolled MN qum Knmwhm Cml7ll alid Isobel LtllllOX Newton Named llll their menact Chair MxliOl 811d Minor sull 77tt77 tomt The funeral took place mumm to bridge paitI Monday cvcn Still Another Nomination gcsuons for Pantry and Kitchen from Ebenezer United Church on iv aileron Littlc details count so much Send your gloves regularly to us for spic nspan cleaning job and youll be applauded for iiii 77sriivicr DryZClea ners Phone 18 74 iiiiztihcth St tuite safe interesting meeting of the W0 mensi Institute was held at Mrsl lttith lliiulics iii charge tlt Ilcs Margaret Neillv VicePres bctt Ncilly SlCV Ethel LFrta Harold P01 Press Secy 7homc truth the General Host Toronto last it 1941 Churchill YIU rho YPU held an intctcsiliiti The Church mm mm SunW lay evening with the Christianl iicctiiig at Wui Kells honic Fellowship converter Marion Stew lit in charge Miss Bennett was Todd the Speaker for the evening The scripture was read by Louise Al following arc the tilliccrs for 194 lice Village trustees held oti Moti aIV evening fivc names were sub mittcd Arnold lia Wilson liVl ltlclgaddcn ll Donnell arid thlonkman Arnold was thconly one who qualified which Non Pianist Jam lml Dial 5010 35 played by will mean that anothcr nomination 7Gmce Allan Papers wet icad Asst Nellly Convcn by Donald Glbsonl $052 and Ruth Gibson Baker Lite 11 Missionary tlo lESkians at Hf CCTS cmnm Rcuum Rev James of Baker Lake NW Territories preached at St Peters Church Sunday He gave l1 very clear description of the llSkllllOS describing them as nic chaiiically inclined good carpen ters and quite musical In wDHHh the 111110 VCRIS 15mlSSlOlllllY ll KOOOAI past we 11 friendsiii TiiiioinlllellHecOllleGhrlstiansr Mr James is very earnest in the Stan Walton returned to llllwork or spreading the Gospel Sunshine Mission land II The December meeting 0f7thc llldlb ll Sunshine Mission Band was held The Lsk the lake was Dorothy Pratt Three of our young folk skated on icy Todd Tums Dorothy to place where the ice was very Mitegox sew GeoI Lucas thin and all had cool bath Friends Secy Farts Sinclair But being quite near shore and supper was served by the day being line they soon not host to their homes and changed their WJ Christmas Meeting wet clothes and were none the With gully decorated tree and worse The boys are keeping Ia gift exchange to evch mem rink cleared now and thence bet present an very pleasant and COMMENCINGi qfridav January 19th WIalter Allans Lefroy on Dec18 Mrs Allan presiding Christmas Wis was the answer to the roll call The names of Mrs RSinclair7 Mrs Allan alldMIS Con stable Were added to the South 7Innisf7il Home IntprovciiieiitCoiit It itte rq mm 0the Christmas cheer the In stituteIsent out twolovely baskets of fruits and candiestotwo sick ladies in the community and Christmas greeting cards to all in of candy nuts aiiftmwere sent to all needy ctildren in it Venem Jackliyiillbe called fin next Monday Manitoba Lodge Installation installation of officers of Maui toba Lodge No 236 AF AM was conducted on Dec by RW Bro llios Robinson aSsi by Bro McClcan and other Past Masters The following will fill the chairs for 1911 Wll Ross Banting SW Llohii UDTTTWTITJTVTGOTdTTTIHm Chat McClcanI lreas Glas Scott LsA Arnold SD llarvcy Ias Robinson 85 TC Black lacksdn IG7 On more lm school at the home of Wallace Lucas lR7 W7 Duilon Tll 7N7BI01CF UPCHLU MOHWW with an attendance of 15 Tlicl Congitttiilations to Miss Heleii7sciiptiiic was read by Georgcl lax or not cr tlllll wio iicas iere was trauma were married on Saturday Jan Mother Goose on Temperance Election in officers tor the year Skit Vi Din in Lake 1941 resulted as follows Presl line on Net llld quite ti SwathCS 130ml 21y hr cs core or rnu La crowd was out enjoying it Tolld Corresponding $36032 ill iRBmr0 Mr and In tloo late for last week awna son adys McGilllvray spent with her sister in Crcc There was no Young Peoples programme Friday night due to sickness All persons attending the an nual school concerts of this district report good time The roads iiithis district are quite slippery and it seems to be very cominonIto 500 car off the road Most of the farmers and farm crcttes attended Creeinore market on Dec 18 and found market prices were much higher than last Yeih Quite number from liern at tendedWCtccmoiepublirrwchoor concert andII it certainlywas good This school has been doing good work in aid of the Red Cross and War Victimsv Fund EDGAR lehjsllo fir5 iiig At the sccond nomination for P0 Trinity wIA The iiist meeting of the WA of Trinity Church for the new year was held on Thursday after noon Jan at the home 0t Mrs Jas Lennox Mrs Boakc presided After thcsinglng of hymn followed by the general thanksgiving prayer Mrs Berna Carr sang Be Near Me Saviour The treasurer reported Sub stantlal credit balance with which to begin the New Years work Matty subjects of vital interest were discussed such as The Ccnt aIDay Fund Programmes for Entcrmiimicnt Pantry Needs Assistance for SS Entertain meti Further Lighting Equip inent Arinual Meeting etc At the close of the mectinngs mmssistmibyrheisicte Mrsg Isaac Spcers served refresh men able horse recently Wilbert Lyiui IIBcavoiton sptnt Sunday with his inotheiz Mrs Henry Thornton has been visiting recently with Mr and Mrs Esten Davis Mrs Annie Coe Cliristcita and from Stayner spent Ncw gears with Mr and Mrs Elmer 011V Quite number from here at tended the funera17of Mrs Thor TWiley of Holly on Tuesdav after noon Miss Dorcen and Willard Dob son Utopia spent few of the holidays with Mr and ms7John Jennett 7The annual vestry meeting 01 Christ Church is being held at the church on Mondaylan7 13 at pm Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs cart inI torment being in the Barrie Un ozmeterI MISE9J1Reld spent last week withrher parents at Parry Sound Allan returning home on Satur daywith her II Several from samund here are suffering from severe colds or the Jim McDemott has been in bed forseverial days Congratulations to Mg and Mrs Clifford Duclrworth nee 7Thelrric COAT SETS Childrens Onepiece blanket Childrens 3piece coat sets cloth5snow7 suits in nay11+ coat hat and leggings iurI trimmed well lined Colors of royal blue red green and navy Sizes and 10 Regular $1095 $11795 and $1295 values ISNOW Suns brown undIWine Solid Col 05 and plaid77 trim Sizes from to years These are regular $395and $4295 vex1 uesc SALE or ciiitiiitiaiiis snow suns 859 Wilfred Stowarts current Graham Angus on7the7birhroi Miss Anme Im events at this meeting were both MIS NCX MGR calls wA an eightrpotmd biby boy 7m accompmncd instructive and hiunorous The WA or Eda united Geo eer rm Olay FULL LiNESfCr hm 1and msH4thett to rEEDs FLOUR SALT Il M158J Allan3 in her Iusua LJmIZHwhenunnuaLLindsayaonIAIWednesdyJastmI II II II 7I 77 son Marvin is in the Oiillianho lllf ia hi iw Von The Romance ofTealy busmess meeting was IRe 79 month or moreaof homlay5 Dt Wlt pneunvnnWHW Wrist given byillirlls cdm Whiletobog ng Saturday ev 7VlLKeeler hastgoneito Manilla 77Miss Edna yauglio Whitby frrends are Wighng for 79 5909 WCIlCh rfO announcement Of our ll gigspaornizstiiellniiilwli images Showed Very sausmc 11113 Jeanette Baker to seeIhis wlwaho was taken has been spendin little OfI rmverV mentione many inteiestlngthtng We 10583917900 for 05 miSiOrtune to break an ankle ill whilevisiting with her sister Weeijwrtjh herfparents here7 Th ofcxal oenln gt aout in other commie 677 free this year are Pres Mrs is MrSIILluan logghard and Ronald ips surgeon on one tians lolt 77 Harvey Bonner 772nd 77 VicePres icky zNL 811115 To ineris7a uick7remcd 777for777 could not resist Ian rysntmg nudenwighwe In 41 The Simcoe istrictCooperaiive Servrces tea sewed by hisllfilin9itii Mm ME Ws Sewv ew Years Dar at Mount day visitors at McMasters DW 77 7777 77smkness it the7daintvrrsandwichesr wreak 13 Pamldge Twas II WW guralHf if argjgngg hggg The 77 7777 fin 75ng Efe up II one Drovided bY7theihDStesses rs or Friny mils and MrsIwI Hegelson mo 31111 1m EgretAmi arthritis Classmeddvertismfw rsIJ AddisonIreport Duringrthe holidays there med toIToronto on Friday and Pherson Paris Ont7I 1939w1th an averae70f 110 ad gt Ied the purchaSe of material for Isevemt improvements made 41751 spent the WI gGeorge Johnston Mmesmg ahd lets per issue Results have do on work in WLM7S7 mangements school one beingthe lowering of One of largest crowds of his brotheriniaiwIWllllam7Young Read and use Emminer Classi ieds 177 77Were7made for cold meat 7sup the blackboards another was the the year attended the dance in Coutts IAlta77 visxted 77friends 11177 Ig anggbuggesatmea installationof piano the hallT on Friday eveniniand thilsmvmnitixtylriterstgghed on Mon I777 77 777 er e77sc oo tIgisrtige yirwm am mi Thggiwa Claude Ban ng II report hit Imoming with temherSIMi 0c urnswn KIngramfo Ec 77 Mi$BRblPi$eekgtgII 7I ggefsacgengaigli ggri legt on gaturga nlizhtf fig SggilgstIIIonCralgvale resuming their Innlshl Townshlp Congratulations to and MIS eat1Cam1ther5 ntertaihz er ome bin Ponds it Winged the will 113 ed northern her friends on $253 the holiday IThe Twelfth Line school held its MANY THANKS 7M0rlsr Webb mined the Friday etenlngalso Mix aners number oftrlends and neigir annual meeting on Dec 27 with gt7 at 70 all uttendanceu The re wet tasters at 7ir m7 Dalton Banting7 mud with his Dalelm day evening er Des ardirc For the year 5941 trusteesare LiJkeziedvgl and Slim Alimdi Newin Miss Ormn Brolloy11s attuned The LOL aagetbllirfldisllgswd arjiieiec Lloyd BObmv Walter Franck Iagd it fills With to her vpositiori at Footes Boyf Hall 13813 insllSdaYf New trio lamp7and anraddress before Lou Irving The secrtitalyjrwsj Ir 77 and this mist haves be sewice in reciting amt assweir attended as mom got the new home up urer is Ross Gardiner 77 turnedftoItheir home inLitue dayv 12 new bug We Sudth fen st ere 37gt 77 7v yuan spendin II 7I 77 77 7Thpommun1triwel mesNLrstwit MrBowes lhliitiher7wteetingorthe 77 77 GBEUSEIIGARA 74 Leewand777femnrhv entLyiriiiIMissaMargarebPurchase tOt Wit18 tthOthbLMrsco 7a ew aysw erren age ices I377 Igiari res 7785 mu 19371701107 COACH 1I At tllie ttcilltool meldingfwy HottIfoiIiowa BAillltlcmliaiyim 3de HMtgsllgileegincKasauhlgsmt tthonksnlg those was eat any new77 Hare II ce essu toOr at gland Watson Downer was eletIed Geo0mutherslreshyteria hotfysiawgl 717 my days here SUPPI tto complete Mr McMuronvs term Mrs WJ Moreen sec MrIIde Mrs BeverleyIBermam Misert Mcwmnhey and daugh nn Electlo Harry DDWneri 7Tmnwt SD 01m JennetivEXlense T1 733th familyspent New Years at Frances Toronto visitedher Morndo Q7 193I9CHEVMAsTEit 1932 FORD SEDAN yI Ere 1lxiolidaywith that DAWntoiam WMBrJ Lgmrlfggnwttcd Mrs J77 Bertrams ha 71frs MKay has emmcd 7Mi ere IIev an LIIS wrir 95 Is as ID 130 v3 55 oyce erme COACHK 1932 ROCKNESEDAN 77V weeknapiirgthll heisoentINew Years at their Ironic TI Bccys MrsIR Arnold mnenmgm spin the home after hottaayng wtth he 38 CHEV SEDAN 7t 1931ESSEX COACH Archie Be under the idOithem 91m37 aml WelfSNy7 holidaysin Toronto 7e 001151 mid Guth 38P0NTIAC COAC torscam at the time of writing AI The January meeting was held Miss Sadie made has med Imp II gt 193F0lln ROADSTEE Miss McQuarry Spent the Chris gt Thursday tenantIan her dutiesatt ssNo 15 after Mrs Jack Perry was operated 1937P0N1IAIC 1930Ford Coach mos holidays with her parents spending the holidays other home dnfor appendigtis in the IMem 193 P03 1A0 COACH Itist do Barrie1 7mm 7319mm 71 97 Jim 77 orlalHoletBrl andis7do 190 Littlesitnrvih Monoung is new nreldentrMra HediIcahn Iclowes worsens Institute met trig niceiv arms no unir stintv 77Mrm+MacAithurJomnm 77 7777777 In Tsi wish him speedy teeoVeryj ms Dom Ema reed from Miss Wilme dine with nine members gov visitor Ispent erw am with her uncle 11 ll anduerSw MilWW owns home from TOronto the f01 11941 157 anddpnI children tit The and aunt Mrand Mrs William sin son de7cld that eachmemberm MacArthur tenthGE aims 8389EttZABETH ST on lialldllp3tliii5 hmisriellitagifweslilfl will fortexmmviewerch Those spent NewYenrs thanotSEvmestzl uieheson7nuhedihuvisi W5 91 by Mrs 77 Miran prediction for the fine 77 73 60 ivkwithMliIlllTWily newsroom mod kt IEWW Monomer their hmne 71 Audreywmgan mamm George numbers Mrs 10in 010 arch Ray Jenner ad For WP r905 12 after ndinizlthe holi visited Winier and It Witt3nd Mrs373W MCQW roceecls Wm eaten7 polls citMonday days with that ormer stessdrIleceny portionrotthe 5de WNWIinctinsFmi Mr and Mrs Isaiah Martini re rim Mrs WW Me Mr 7totheiahm training CliLockllar lt IV visited with Atlantic liner sa that inectin Iti40 ciirivycciiicif 1939ClievleLuxe Sedan lass=0LDSMOBILE COUPE7 heater and defroster 143 193581UDEBAKER SEDAN 000 miles 1934 connection Hootersol

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