Load in New and Advertising doth Year yor Outlines Improvements Here ThisYear Assessments on Income and Promote lndustnesz and Tourist Business in in Marl Ma ll ii Liiu audri tl the 1941 no as followj cl nd you hearty weltemi but our in iiiltiu ti Ulh Councils til DILXi tliu you it will not be Hip tinaneia lt of lit tannin un i1 ou meetinul as there has not bran iii cissel the hooks and make proper enti but am sure that when it ihfm al your xi meetin to show considerable iinpraviineiit want to new tiiilll ou brieily some the items that the CJUI of it llll have broiialit before it palliciilarl in the on like to it nueeoincs from liccnre ieesl grants m2 and the tax rate eirlyi Li the chat us tips Aid Jame attention ihouldl vimbility of pump using the revenue from in etc and maintainingr the rate at last yiai level refer partic larly to those licrlim that are gt cd auran poohowns taxispetcu hey are probably one of tlic iii diiict reasons for us having to spend more money on our Police Connniitce they should more di recth be taxed for such increased lwere Ald CubitNichols because lot illnes and Ald llalliirt xpeiiditure Asgt ments7 would also like to direct the al tiiitioii of the Council hr the fact that your At sor sliiiuld give ous eonsidcration to making his scumint on 5m income value as well phys hes so that tal expenditi pin in ltHlf ivwill mite ided ill words in to the work of intingfadte tising and reception committees feel that this Committee may have opportunities follow up requests for industii locations after our war activities are over Tourist ac tivities should be better than ever even during war time The work of the Welfare ComI mittec may be somewhat reducedm but iwould like to recommend they consider thcadvisability of setting up Citiz 15 Committee to work with them in looking after the wel fa1e and educmlidn of the children who are on relief or have beenjust recntly removed from the relief rolls this Committee should func tion in connection lwith Public Health Nuis theSchool Atten dance Ollie and Jim Childrens Aid officials believe committee hisrinaturdeouildjdo much to re mercuraner ed ofshospitv albumenti st the younger citi VV Zens of our communitym locate of Heauii 75 Sinceour last meeting wehave lost our Medical HealthOflicer Dr Rogers Henyas ameificicnt officer fatof the community We regret his passing and trust the Council 11 place this on record It will be he duty of theCouncil toappoint Medical Health tcerWhlch nouldbedo an earlyxdarfcu eare ti ce itieinsanmthi connection that Ithinkv ie an ion of the CouncilshQuld at tnis timeka Bublic Bathing Houses Because of our improved sewerage system and Our increased population inmp Borden public bathing housgl es ghouldgvbeeeimc mere popular Turn to page six pledsTaT Cddeefeats Remus utvinlnnism following chang t4Churchillv4 Iniii Township electors revl decision thcy made year when they electcdxcxrouncik puty rcch ot21ov ty reevc eluted Cdok by 5831555 it Bmficamm on total vote this year gfthirtye 1940Councilloiisconsisting of On Banting Cliff Lockhart and lack=wor rteelected un nicll onlyou poll4ft kstown majoritydn favour of two tie dharig tli of thel llial otiil value of properl return will be ai benefit to the Council of 1942 would alsa like to point out that there should be no lllllllllllltlligt mg antwo octetm for Barrie Council Committees 1941 First Named Chairman lt Iltputy teeve Mac Cywan uehan hiwer Sinclair ftlltlilt WORKS 2d JAMES Utputy Reeve liuchan Ah liai beit LibitlNitliUle ii addz son imagined lOlilCEv Aid iliclarin ld Sinclai llltll Mayor Lower James Goodwin lxiuehceil PRINTING ADV thi lNi and RELl HUN Aid Reeve Mailarch Allil Iowan Sinclair loughetd WAlFIR and lslltllrAlil liatbert ubittNicit James latldimn ARE Aid lAlilSN lpuiv Reeve Buchanan Alil Bu lli Commuter following the llltfFltl1 utory lilttlili at ll ani Motility in the it baliot contcsts in At the meeting of the Striking ltltillttl lpuiy Reeve fluen iuian 43 for the liihlic Work CJllt milcc and Aid 1owcr de feated Deputy Itecvi Buchanan lJl for the Committee Reeve adorn was chairman of the Striking Committee the oth er inembeisheing Mayor Robert CabinNichols tlrtiy Sinclaill CORVETTES Alibi NOW EFFECTIVE AGAINST SUB Fleet LikeillefCS Barrie Being Built in Large Numbers VERY SiiiAWORTHY iiiiiltb izkc liltlib iiiiiini under reintru gitat illli in up Litrill ill The in which are bslng buil in it numbers in both ii tziin ant Canada already edit cd with number oi snc gainst under e3 cnnmei Shzi lililulllttl be built purld liotltitiiili the vcrllt in ovct much cl the nfiichant lllo work which eoiwofied lunchrs tried to asume at ilie iut ct of the war The corvettts villlllltLl for of the fastest types of itiih century +uiling vrs ls vcre said to it proved themselves extremely wot thy The all My crew of li0t olficc nd 30 to till 111 he of their small size life board the new in the mid wiiitcr tlantic paler lx deserihpd as treinely hard and tincamiurtv It is so tincomfollblcenr Source stuni that when me of them recently picked up three ice landie fitiurincn these old lt promptly became seasick and is inained so until they got back to port The citizens of Barrie have bucn requested to supply warm clothing IL Dcpmy mm Buchanan AM and other necessarii for the crew lialbtit CubittNichols James laddison Clark Absentrcs BUlliDlNG Still OR PASTYF ABtliiT$3000tlil iEstimdteu oi $142980 Nerdrly Twice 1939 Total Biiiiie experienced an excellent biiilgliug yt in 1940 in factonc ofthc best onurccord Total value of building permits is ed by Town Engineer Otto vson amounted ito $142980 ally double the 19159 figure of $79025 Town Engineer Ravson stated that the actual Jaluc bf cognac tionwork as represented the 1940 permits would probably con siderably exceed$300000 as Attic value of permits often placed extremely low for it eet on as mci Dut iJihC yeahjust post jihe ngateatazubunt oprcrmiis the total for November $30757 while the least was for December 5125 The farmer showed an increase and the latter decrease from the cor3 responding months of 1939 By months values of permits is sued during the past two years were as fellows 11939 31940 an uar February March April May June INF9751 8360 15156 11570 13960 Nouernb 500 30757 December 580 125 iL4o Early copy in news or Edvartising is appreciated 543Lefroy 48to16Belle Ewart nine to 38 Leonard 16 chm Holly 13 for Reynolds Les13 fol Cpoki Hainlswiekiv Reyniil poll majorities showed ookstown the folk 02Big Bay Point wig ve Eileen en mung head Tare our for councillors changing placs wiithClifl mcktiart who wastop man yearalgo With one more candidate in41te eld year Banti infrtised his iota from 706 to 715 while Lockharts totality ped from 76 to 710 Wilbert Black dbethhd manehad 517 rtliislycar as against 577 lastAyarhand Hun terfs tytal dropped from 74110 296 Another candidaff Leonard Mar tinpolledgt3l95rthlstyeanj1 Court Banting headed the poll it Luwelxtof llMCS Bax The Town Council receirily made it grant for this pliipo Careless Driving Case Dismissed by PM Taking up niot of the morning sittings of magistratejs court on Fri lay the ease of careless driving on December 14 on iiighu 90 charged rinan Brown driver Ora each Lines buspwas fin ally dismissed through conflicting aridinsufficient evidence Evidence of several witnesses showed vthaten that afternoon when Lincoln in actruckeuucdby him and driven by LloydLcigh Hawkestonc was approaching the narrow bridge on Highway90 from the west the driver slowed down perceptibly at the first warning marker and by the time he reached the bridge had stopped within few feet of the bridge structure both claimed Meanwhile theibus appro ng from the east atapproximatcly 40 miles per hour with orman Brown driving was partly ver the struc ture when he nqtic Brown said that the McCordi tr ck was at the West end He churned to have ap plied his brakes and no oral soldiers in the truck to the right to avoid stri mg if posSible but id firststruck coir crete post off thebridgeaitd then struc eatiiuekdngsuch way that when Prov icial Constable Frank Dobson came alongs terihe found the two Vehiclesjam med firmly together obstructing the road The officer stated he had directed to until thearrival of Traffic foiEr TomHHuffman Bar Traffic Officer Huffman in or examining Brown drew from him the admission that there was emergency brake on the coach DStewart was defence counsel Hid Supply fCigarees to Barrie fBE OVFseos eeboy livingrinst vised hisfiir that he would like to send some cigar ettestn Barrie boys now serving with Canadas Active Forces ov erscas The Examiner would le pleas ed to receive and passion any gt names fortliis purplise Insending namesttjs necesi sory to give the COMPLETE AQDRESSRegt trumpet unit etc to custom delivery Paing accidents in transit tSkating at Guthrie Arenai Tmauray itfgnfood music 1Admlssion 15c 2p Dance at Ye OldeTowne Hall overygfbut oxide 73f tym danceajeveryTh ay right 2b Progressive cue ahdsodaicv Minesing Orange nan Fri day Janudsy 10 tlAdmisslon 25c Ladies bring lunch free Powells orchestra 2p Womensfcanadian Club Library Hwhuisdas4ansarsJirs Mn Ian Davey on iSpotiCh af By Polls i3 r74iII Est Member Corvettes Like HMCS Barrie Supply Answer to sub Menace 9wt bcction lPuges to The with If Closiiod at New to Council Simcoe County Council 1941 Denotes New Member do ilt xn not ADJALA Aiiisro BARRIK Buchanan itwo iilflfION lohn BRADFORDV COLDWArEu test Mille Olliil0 Scrauna CRlJEMOREVJ Law fu mm mp rssn Banting Nitl Minter FIJOS iilcton INNISFIL Cook itwo Vote CllIID lie Borrow itirr Grant MIDLAND William Hartman votes Willirin fiind NlltASAGAw James lirack Donald Brown ltll1lA thiwlilwA Olivci Shallowboitomed speedy and donstitucted in large nembcrsboth scored number ofsiieeesscs against fairly bristling with guns and depth in Great Britain and Canada to meet enemy under craft and tlnwliiave charges Corvetth sub chascrs thevGerman Submarinemenace Alv proved themselves extreuiely sea like llllCS Barrie are being ready these Small sea fighters have worthy Milk Producers Protest AtptEiiitiiixttimes dhlayor ilnGiultiiiicrtsoii at Mon ay evenings inaugural meeting of During the past nine is of from and dentin on as folio Community Meetings the Town Council made the fol Georgian Bay Men State lowing appointments vliiclitverc F0 rmerg COTFY UnfOlr Board of llcalith Wisdom Malcoinson and Aid Kilillpifllltlfll Uay waited until laddison llie New Year to freeze over this Parks Commission Morrir rr January Library Board is Atkcy vtgoro ol against our Accumjn Tums will midi Board of Education ltlilwitev king the pi of butter and other v10 $5311 carl raving 1M Sinclair Boys Dr conditions unfair to the farmers war 10mm WM Dvwmbu Warnica succeeding lhonv Producem at the annual meeting you curly mle we Deccmbcr Bzmd CnlnnitfleWinian Gum llltldlll lllL til llit Dept and DCCmnbcl Ailth Jy Aid ICLQI Sm Agriculture Barrie on Jan While quite satised in see thcCinadian whatever price can be pro did not 53 why such prices shoitlk Are Planned in ON govern the domestic market 19 compcl the fari rs to sell 193334 ij19343p planned for the first of the new thcni TX 011 Utilll Share Oillit 193536 28 seriesof Community Meetings be war con iibution 1939337 18 ing held at the Town Hall Oro The resolution whichwas direct 193 31 The first meeting will be on Thurs Aplil 26 During the month of January the local committee has planned to carry on meetings that will istudy tiieto subjects of Farm approved Shore of Burden Search the event taking place son Anti Goodall madmby the Ganglia Bay Milk the mug Fubmury 193 son who asked to be relieved farm products go to Advery interesting programme is the cost of production thus for ed to the Han Gardiner Fed 1938 29 day Jan at it oclock oral Minister of Agrieiiltureis as 193940 follows iwc the Gwrgian Bayuk up Iducer may eventually benefit by dupe League icprcsemi 1C any price increase which ariangc markets cf Owen sound W1 mom would enable Ontario farm Organization lm IOUPCFRUOIL Meamrd Collingwwd sypmt an to wntinue to produceand to The first meeting for ltllltlalthlll Midland Orillia Gravcnhurstand maintain an es ntial wartime ser SlUdY The FCdOIimO Ui AgllCUl Barrie hciewitlerotest the action5V100 of the Wartime Prices Board inpegj TAndf pingthc price of butter atvtheprc sent unfair level and furthermore 11mm ohada Thc econd meeting will udy Marketing and Iaopera jmost streneg recommend that it it is necessary to pegihcpr of Canadian faffmels to goiilllmw in McLean secretary the Simcoc butter at the present levelfwhicli Gperatigam particularly tomeel Fedqahunf GfWAgmumm ag is considerably below the cost of any future demand Orzwarproduc avid Smith tor of 1110 Com Muction thc peggedamigo be titan to meet British needs and t0 1th Life mg Insubuto inaintainedatthis level throughout in thewarw WT mi extension henime from me the year so that the primary pro ifTunrhrpagesixypleaseia UmYWSIW Df1 Alliston 7W6nr Renew gt Tlhe lic se of the man who has Iitii111105Itid40lttInUllloii been ibuting niZlClllllCS pin games and Similar games of chance in Alliston willnotbe rc newed for January accordi Mayor Cunningham ayor CunningEm has been rrying one onemanwar against games and their distribute 49 5644 63 54 121 HarryReynolds 33 18927165 77241575513 QMajority fer Cdok 21 Councillorsw ByPolls 31 10 11 Total Dalton Bantin 5t 3810712632555 75 its715 Geese was torhave been forOtto Cliff Loekhart 58 37 8172 44 82 100 24710 mOllUL find was given renewal Wilbert Black 34 I13 56142 5925i70315177bllt1he Mayor instructed thetown LeonardvMartin 27 29 53 87 ippf 143 Wartime money John Hunter 1935 30 1818 The distributor Bantinig Lockhart and Black elected Qd $33015 the flllSt deadline and 0119 or or eacr tjiifiona mt Two Year Term Bylaw 10 lumen IfieDhadaid $114 for the 011 ocean er 9100 90 618ti 38458 EXAMINER ADS PULL idiom machines on December 21hc vs 58 55 betray 5i sens 10x 1m wider circulation brings lillsincsstongrrie WW5 Wash advertised in Win r08slandtssadvertiscmen in The Examiner strand rote andhaditidothered 39 13398 ytoiau address hereasjf th Grant 23 Christmisgifh lt min in Birieplhe K7 t1 77ft non Cockatown where he secured ev WW tor rsftor emu kiss you aidiii dram look taro and Cooperation in rm earths WELLjIAs NEAR Yale two voles each RlLIJA mhipiManforltl lloine Drinkwacr 0R0 9i Luck ludliope PENETANGUISHENE Benson lORl lVlchCQlil tel Patter son SiAYNER Jnncs Grant SUNNlDAbl=Il llaikci lliomas Bates IAY Giatrix Curry TECUMS Appeilcy Harvey llNYwM Asxclin Simpl son lOSSURUNllU itobl Dermott lOllTNliAM Wray ViISHRAwW Dowiiey Airl drew Cumming VlClOltlA llARllOUR Edward Dalton Sl GWlLLIMBUItYIZ ox com ORDER regular at EVICUENA Landlord Must Convince Court He Has Bonefide Reasons siToATIONj DEFINED Poe the wrong impression was left by heading and story published in last weeks Examiner concerning the cent rental hear ing It read Tcnants eviction said impos iblc if he pays rent Judge Holmes chairman tor the Barrie Rentals Committee was quoltedas saying that if the tenant pays his rent no landlord can evict ate ant during wartime Honour commented that the stadementhe made was accurzne as far as it went but ad not gone for enough andrtoelari hismeam ing on he ollowing portion of letter difrom Mr Justice Martin KC Federal Rent als Administrator Iris in order of the Wart me Prices and Trade Board enchant TaotWF evicted unlessthe landlord makes app ration to court of competent hgcou1t asans fei since Cougcil first passedra bylaw allowingthendimribution of the writers cpursuant to authority conferredby Orders in gouacil RC inc to me no main The linainjfeattirea of if race in SunnidaleTown ip on close contest hes Jority of seven votes the icojunt Bates 32413Fttage l7 d7 Edgarrdther VGrant and 01iveMGCO the successful candidates councilseats in field of six electors idectd day of three to Onea term for Council dohntycouncit afte absencl He roiledtf fqllUWSBIeiWpOd 54 ption 5th that on June 63 Mary Str$3f 3=A In County Body nclude Buchanan in Barrie Cook in Innisiil VIBICICk Reeve Brown Deputy Reeve of Nottowcrsugq When otuiiy Council lliti he fer it January Session 3t tight new members lt mi following the electors to the II Buchanan in succeeds William Garner as deputy ieeve of Barrie Thomas Cook who defeated liarry Reynold for the deputy reeveship luflnnisfil William Offord who lstepprd up from the lownouncil to take the place of Harry ilght who retired as deputy recrc of Mid land James llracli who won three cornered fight for the reeve hip of Nottawasaga succeeding Warden Perry chf who retired after nine year in the CountyCoun cil onald Brown who defeated DIMclieod for the deputy reeve ship of Nottawasaua James Grant who defeated Dermid MeNabb for the reeveship of Stayncr Thomas Bates who defeated Pottagc for the deputy rccveship of Sunni dale after ll Barker had gone up to rcevc and Harvey elected by acclainatliin as deputy rceve of leeumseth after Appcrlcy had qualified for rcevc Councillors lirack Brown Grant and Bates previously served littile County Council for one or more terms while the remaining four have never had seals in that august body iv The tall County Councitrhas 46 inembers of whom seven have two votes each making total votefor the vardenship or on other matters of 53 The two rcpiecntatives of cacti of Barrie and ltlllleil now have two Viitcsczicli as well as the two froinOrillia The seventh ex tra vote is that of the Reeve ofMidt hard 34 Acclainations Thirtyfour members of the 1940 Council were reelected by accla mation including two deputy reeves who stepped up to the reeveship without oppositionwhen the tilt ting reeves retircdWA Appcrlcy who succeeded Brawley in lccuntseth and MBarkerwho succeeded tlievetcran Joseph Spiel er in Sunnidale Four Stand Under Fire Fourmumbers withstood chal lenge from other quarters aiidfwcrc reelected to the 1941 CouncilnExy Warden Coombs was reelected forhis eighteenthycar as Reeve of Bradford by defeating 3131061 lings who headed the poll foijicoun cillors year ago by 35 militarily Orillia rcelccted AH caverns reeve and Go Yale as deputy reeve their respective opporientSw having been James Mercer fend Cramp both former reeves In Victoriarriiarbour ExWarden Ed ward Duttonholdest member of the County Councilin yearsot serviceyw was rcelected reeve over Bruce Ep plett Viistnias ecm on gt sconccrned ydu arc probabiyawar tthat by an Contest Winners Giyen imam moiimnamcsi LCommission outdoor Christmas deg orations contest were as follows Rooke 28 Tharp 2Harry Buchanan renames Brakes 52 ards Five andSixtftMrs Dal ton White 244 Bradford St 2Miss Bowman93JCAimberiand yeti ago Pot imi tota of465vo1esaspcomaed the two running iii that beiiigsecond Coetwthidjwith Carruthers it St $3 3E Kighitley 34 Brock St$2