Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1961, p. 5

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no immediate danger been destroyed at Brownsdale he flames away from the 100 two jgaveblrth to nuhdruplets 3th by taking colorillrn of the deliveries Que of thequads woods within mile oi the yUnitcd States on and firemen are trying desper auousr no REAL ESTATE PROPdRT ma SALE HENDERSON REALTOR It count 15mm PHONE PA um WOULD YOU KNOW BARGAIN IF YOU SAW ONE Weu here ll LI this lovely nib tom btuit home on one or Barri but ltreeta complete with dre plaee paved drive basement apsrtineni renting st 10 monthly so ll you would like an loirrew riggr phone Perry Ford Fee mo in illwee SIXJIOOM HOME Monthly pumenu only an lnriud tax taxes This home is only two yam old and In and condition One car garage Close to down town and schools cell Percy Pord PA sumo APARTMENTS T0 RENT Two Jrooln npartmeuts 70 mon thly One evntllbld nw Phone Parts Pnrd lemmas CALL illlA scANDltm PA was mCY Palm PA lmo Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Brute 1an HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR BAYFIELD ST PA 6845 OR BEDROOM HOME Needed now Must be within mile ndiul oi Camp Burden An run pieierred Contact anory Miller Small Form Wanted Creemore or stayner area prefab rod by this client with up to loo acres call anon Miller Member or Blrrle and District RIII Ertnh Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY Mum PA W76 JOE PALMm PA cost KARL Wm PA mu NORAB mm are wzl MARG Summit PA 87585 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS DLNHAM AI lloysl victoida Hospital harm on Wednesday August 1961 to III and 11rd Sam uenham tin shanty Eu daughter sister or Kira lIArnIANAi the Royal vio torla uarpiial harm on Priday July 19 lost to Mr and Mrs Wiuiam nsieman so Perry st Barrie son lbL on brother or Jack Bruce and Kan en iiIAltrIIAi the Royal Victoria Hospital Butte on Tuesday Aux but 1961 to Mr and Mn ita doph Mari 2511Ilckworth street Barrie son Joseph hudophl DURHAMMr and Mrs Bud Durhsm nee Iluth hailing ol Himpton Dntlrin wish to err bounce Inc arrive 01 Ion on Priday Iuly Ii 1061 little brother ior Scott KDLLYDsniel and Janet Sioux Lookout Ontario formerly Agnes Street name with to announce the birth of daughter Iac Paula on Saturday July is at the Winnipeg General harm on Thursday Augurt lost to Mr and Mrs William Gollny nce Diane bell hit utopia son James wlu ianI weight the HM on HAPPY OCCASIONTbs birth of your cntidi To tell the good news to trienda and neighbors The Darrin bramlner Cilnlfled Stall are as near as your telephone The day or birth inst dlai PA soul The rate is only sun IN MEMORIAM Plsitczin loving memory or my lierest lricnd Matilda Ann Tiny who plued away August lose Beautllui mnnlnilel are treuured ever or happy days when we were to gethcr 1no dearly loved to ever be forgotten Dortl Dowtbwaltn COMING EVENTS DANCING 1va SATURDAY cABAm STYLE CDU1LIS ONLY PINECREST usn couple ror table reservation mom ELMVALE 757m SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT UTOPIA consiurvirv PARK CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAYAG 1961 Commencing at 12 Noon LADIFS AND MENS TEAMS acorns LUCKY DRAW ADMIsSION soc ms no DufferinSimcoe Liberal Association ANNUAL MEETING AUGUST 196 ALLisiON PUBLIC LIBRARY TIME PM SPEAKER ROYCE FRITH sus TOURS Sponsored By BARBIE HORllCULTURAL SOCIETY Hamilton St Caiharines Niagara Falls Thursday Aug I7 Total cost CNE FLOWER iMLSlC DAY Thursday Aug 24 Hill are 75 Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $2500 Down Payment Codrlngton and Cook urea niu rice $111950 stone tront stucco hunnlow known In home the yen with two lovely bedrooms spa oua kicthc VIII Ind dining area call Waler Coutta $12000 L0 ely Bungdlliw with special basement apart ment Nice landscaped ground henutlllllly econted hoth Inside and out Must be seen to be predated Near Elmo ShopPInl Plan Cell Welter Couttl $14000 Full Price Adaptable to hair dredlinl lun inure Rlfldnntlnl homd colm merclal nrel Excellent condition Ample oifItrcet Pnrklnl Commercial Frontage 400 leet ambit highway within city limits Pally serviced Emeli ent motel restaurant and lervlc ltetlon Kite Member or Barrie District llesl Estate Baud PHONES oriicc PA was lycniogo coupon Iii nounsPA 661 WALTER comrsPA cull SANDY COUIIsPA Mm BOAK REALTOR lei DnADPOILD 5mm EARRIE PA 85357 OR PA 85833 CLOSE TO BARBIE south Nine acres otlhnd with mail stream On this property are two small houses Now is your chance to buy two homes or the price oi one tins ia rented at Present IWO STOREY HOME on no hood interior or this home is woudariuuy built New go iumco inur piece both hardwood loom garage and large lot Ideal iocotion Scotbu it you want mi home COTTAGE AT 0R0 LAKE SHORE Sandy beach Lot so 312 three bedrooms thng room dim lug room and kitchen Screened veranda Fireplace with heallator Arieslan wen at the door PailIA day touct Burnished well To closeA an estate We still have on Iarina ala lugs Cavalcade of Colour to Parry Sound Moose Lake Lodge Rosseau Port Carling Bracebridge Wednesday Sept 27 Total cost including hot dinner $650 To reserve phone Mrs ArcherPA 34135 or Mn Iene CampbellPA Mel Firefighters Battle Flames ST JOHNS Nfld CBTwo evacuated Newfoundland vil lages lay before raging forest fires today as firefighters con tinued to fight at least 20 wind drivelf fires Four new fires burst out Thursday as firefighters fought to save New Melbourne and Brownsdaieyh Trinity Bay iish ing villages 90 miles northwest of here ln St Johns an appeal for all ahlebodied men was issued to fight tires at Bay Bulls Pond 15 miles south of here and on theopposiie shore of the Ava lnn peninsulaat Freshwater and Argentina fire was burning in heavy some real loud buys Send us your lint still rciilng toms to taxIner for termini Ciare themlnPA Mist Ralph 11 bookcpA coco Members at Barrie and District ncai Estatehohrd For ROSE ItsAI rsramnboxm 15 mm 5mm BAREIE CALL DAY oh EVENING vys Argentla naval station The base was in Main efforts were being made at New Melbourne and Browns dnie Fourteen buildings have ater to save others At New Melbourne firefighters left the iire rant and concentrated on digglng iteraes rand eutting iire breaks in an effort to keep amin community HAS QUADS ONE DIES MORPETH England noun ersA 28yearold mqther of vREALTQR 45A DUNLQP ST Next door htbe linperi llThegt Wednesday night while doctor was dead at birth but the boil plthl reported the three surviv firs were in satisfactory condl lan at I3 IGORHA Lair doomed can lelnl room kitchen This cottage is heavy J00 with 11000 down Close to downtown um livtn water but nice room bun bedrooms Pull on system and uptic tlok lull price est Owner room dining room very pretty pier on heating Drive BuiltI CImelePA 57389 Lilia atom aeven room home cash required 355 mDntllly Cell Nornun 5hr OD mllll highway north to to barn with steel atabll mil price with 30000 down Thin Wililnn Stourt Agencies Ltd This one print isnt easy but its split Such small Ad on so much value eglate area is pretty tough but in L1 priced below today bullde will prove Shannon6 NEA asyerart Driveloo at 20064 rdrohui Drive Nul Snow Valley lid club2 101 Approx acre each500 and WW lie acre tree 1a and exceptionally goo GOOD LOCATIO All Homes CompletelyiModern and Finisheduin VCORBY REAL ESTATE Phone PA sens Dont term ll cannerym andii REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR RENT ROGERS 8i CONNELL REALTORS our DUNLOP STREEI am First in BerrleHonie SalesForemost in Quality of Service FAB5568 TRUNKLINES EVENINGS CALL ComPA 51 CONNIE PA menu more Dim m1 SKATE pom CLIFF BROWN REAuivn at man 5mm BARRIE PHONES PA om PA mu COTTAGE TO RENT 0n the termini iorAugnst or reminder er the season COTTAGE BIG BAY POINT bedroom screened porch Good well and wired could be wintertxed Completely Alimg APT To RENT Steve and refrigerator large kitchen with dini room bedroom bathroom garage Private entrance Ha Adults only $75 monthly ECONOMICAL HOME IN WEST END nlow Largo living room good nixed kitchen and be dry basement gas mmlee drilled wle prenurn Situated on large wel on lot Only Mil vendor will take back lint mum at reasonable nllil beinl trawerred to Elypt RADIANT BUNGALOW nooni NMA brick Bungalow residential street year old Living nlca kitchen with plenty of cupboards bedroom tiled bathroom Pull burnout painted Ported air way Price $13800 union or $74 monthly inteull rintipal and taxes loin hillPA mu Fergus GarveyPA 51952 Member oi the Barrie Real Estate nonrd Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKE DUNDP ST PA 879961 PA 68742 SHANTY BAY VILLAGE Lovely la la Uving room wtth lire lare dining room kitchen bedrooms and ath no second floor iuI ice Illnrooin Lot is no lbs Au nicely landsclped $9600 all can lock Wilison NO II HIGHWAY $9500 luli price bedroom two atorey home ed and located on one acre lot only $1000 down and we 50 ACRE FARM runs modern sir room house double garch water INNll liiter carrier SILW beautyit wont int Clll dllwk fully equl Ill carry Benin Clll J0 langun PA 2740 ex Wllisen PA Hui Everett shelrwnl Oro 2911 Norman Shnuwell PA smt Howard Norris PA 5546 m1 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE1 INTEREST 60 OF VALUEN0 Fm CHARGED COLLmB smear 85901 CENTRAL ONrAiuos LARéEsr REALTOR FRASER Broker Good soil and water it room ce ment block house Largo barn cement bit Building ut In maple grove area on one tide go tumIll no acres level land room stucco house our Low dorm payment New brick house room pie lilth hardwood liners mmeee Large shaped barn deck ch1 cken house water piped in Black top road nudeh la tulle room brick houae attached gm age Bruit good cash crop Pam mull lrlOPlA New with carport rooms largo liv area lnutcl tiled bathroom with turns and vanity Lou or cup bolidl um Iodded lol MeiroIcDuckworth Phone ownen builder Private ule galow $56M with per munch includ Mly be lzen South or PROPERTY FOR SALE 1mg nEDuooM House or thin or rent He duly wirln Coll helfln posseulon Por ntrthcr promt 359A DUFFERIN ST TORONTO 19 ONT 130 ACRE FARM lees halh atoel ata ttreu River with like Ellh FARM iece bath Pair aixe rout reincui noon Iy and wool 5500 In atro 170 ACRE FAEbb Ichooi all cub loo Acne FARM trom Comm acrdu road good Illth spring creek Future ed to hay Moo We have many olhen Wlmfll Represented nlumlz PA 57500 Keith Marshall hm NATE amount ORCHARD DRIVE BARBIE PA 82592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS Listing Invited Residential Parbu CommucilV Cattled Industrial Budneu Member Barrie and District Real Estate rd ONE ONLY contemporary dwelling ng room into kitchen dinan bedroom ceramic eiored iix and screen large good location corner ALLEN PA Hui ALLANDALE custom built bun $14100 Down payment ng internrt principal and taxel at Anne street TELEPEONE PA ssiza OR RENT Very central immediate tlob apply Box in barrio Bum SCHOOL AHEAD READIN mighty un to own thin bedroom Squire As little $1000 down would WRITIN in the OIHEY Park and North coil 13 ovefllzed bungalow on In lot costs price L700 low down level ham to Oakley Perk ll it went RllliMmC on cant go wrong on there homer in the Johnson Steel Si Mn Bl school nrell Melrnsn AvenuH Ide Vancouvli SLhflh with Nelson SttBrlck bun Downnvlewd bedr 3900 view or the Buy614000 ow stone patioanting$lol$oo home fireplaces plus dozens or extrasan mortgagemurky expensive items include do L018 0111 OF TOWN 00 A00 Inch 1373 with acres and 1th Conc Iespnloa myd miles north barriom LOIS 1N BARBIE Onstl Dri ess is 000 Letitia st1o mfiéfwn TRADE FOR INCOIIIE PROPERTY rm on paved rondclose to Berrle Suiu dwelling barn In PA 559 well on property 40 litres in hudde bush Member of the Barrie nod District Reel Eetlh Board EVENING CALL Harry SleuorPA 6067 Oren BrownPA 37165 Frank congdonPA c1415 SQPRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For NS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA doses 01 PA 66283 HOMES BYW vCROSLEY BERNICK DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $98700 now Merv Gould0rd 1518 Dalls NuttycombcPA 35101 Edith Gould0m isle Every Detail Garages Included FOR APPOINTMENT To INSPECT DAY 0R NIGHT PHONE LEECH PA 82670 PUBLIB AND HIGH SCHOOLS BLOCK BROKER sublinlop St with stadiumPA oust corn PA 36469 owmlioNrsPAemi snvEN nnoiu lnsui brig MOVING twosome dllfi indgolnd Pbplall food We III oniy Telephorlgblonnltone INSURANCE as need extra eovaraga Nome nEAIflY sALoN with good cllen nanin Modern equipmentinclud present owner must seiL No Real notto broken please Telephonn PA ollsz ONLY iic FOR WEEKS 2O DU LOP ST WEST dunantach return up to 15ln Mr Folldr PA ml lner BONUS BUS OPPORTUNITIE OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITH AN INCOME $3000 PER YEAROR No awnlance license Guaranteed minimum Income until Miles esteblllh salary paid during training pcidod ststion operation and management Conoldernble flnlnclll eminence lunillhle needed Pull company nipport at all times emauent opportunities evauabi Wbibby and Metro Toronto Poe énnfldcnthllntenllew sit and return lot CANADA LIMITED I97 YONGE ST TORONTO Address Phone home businessn Which of above areas prefErred BUSINESS OP Exclu DISTRIBUTORSHIP Capable man wanted to handle exclusively new product distribution with ability to org to North Bay Modest capital and experience with personal ICUP SELTZER Oxford Street Toronto 28 Ontario e1 tor sale Centrally located in it will cuh or next otter as FINANCIAL $50110 ASK FOR lMINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE ASK run HILL SIMMS PA 60203 MORTGAGES MONEY WANTED amt onrlrrt and Sec Morel Excelient covenlnie Apply WANTED Coal in diet mortgage APTS HOUSES T0 RENT mgrrator Twohnniwowl Cottage or apart Poult 1100M ground floor apart phenn PA doom REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 BENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom nputmento complete with Nova and reirigtr ater Ilsa or washer Ind dryer Redeemlied nnnllllly PA bind mm BOOM uninrnlabed hunt with Itovv and rcmger very cenmily located Reason rent Heated Uie oi laundry tubs Telephone PA 541 or details MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOAN N0 BONUS To pay on all yDur Bills To pay oti Mortgage Combine 1st and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose You Pay Balance Borrow MantlilyInsyrs $1600 3769 nil 82000 4712 nil $250 5989 1111 Lower monthly Meats avail able ii desired with up to years to repay For last cour teous service BARFRIED ENTERPRISE narrla resident call operator and ask Ice 21 1M N0 TOLL CHARGE Others can Gueiph TA zoos Member oi nntsrio Mortgage eroken Anodltion MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to consolidate debts av on exiatlng munggel home provementa etc call or ap aintment PA moi Mortgage udlng nver simpIquSurv in Dunlop street Eut MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 months to TOP SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlop St PA 66477 FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY 10 LOAN 0N OResident Properties OBusiness Properties elmproved well located farms VICTORIA GREY TRUST OWEN SDUND0N1 nmmmlwnvn FOR gt nAlqu AND Dlmlfl HENRY ELRICK C7 MICHIE on simcoe Road Sink and salt water in Available now Telephone PA um mums three room apart mcni Centrally lonted Lats pl cupboards new light water and beat supplied Avauabic nan rnlwbone PA 52911 on AND TWO Bedroom Apart mentt stove nlrlgentor Initoi service and laundry nrJlltieL Renting tron monthly lelo phone Le PA new no aennooM unlurnlabtd apartments new relrigeralorv and stoves wuhtn and dryers Avalh Igesztmmediltely Telephone PA sPAcloub Uplialrs two bedroom unmrnlshed Ivmment Central Hell and water Available August is Rent or 50 monthly App Peel Street Apt mun Itoan House and Garage or rent Three acres garden land with some garden in $40 monthly immedian pcsseulon Telephone strnud mu silLP CONTAINED Apartment three rooms and our plccn bath with or without rorrlgeraior and stove APP to 106 Codflnltnn street MODERN unmrnhhrd three moor apartmenl our piece the bath mill and hltk entrance Parking and laundry iariiitiu including dryer North owcu Immediate possession PA HAMPA Hui runNIsnsD aplrt ment privan bath and cntranee stove and relidgerstor aupylicd Sultnble or one or two girls Avauable immedi ly Telephone PA 60656 evcniu NEWLY Burnished titres apartment near Post ortlcv Mod em tell contained quiet clean newly decorated Parking For more litiormation telephone PA 84561 or I19 Owen Street BRXGIIT three room apartment iuruisbcu private bathroom anti It contained Laundry includes and arking space Central loca tion xIoicphnuc PA new or run ther inlolnntion multitasan room round rioor apartment New rerrlgerator Ind ltovo luPplied Clean mod ern sell contained Parking New liloscouted Near Post Dulce ephona PA Hui rimmenm three room aparv ment three piece bath heavy duty stove and erntor Hardwood floors Sell contained Available now Apply Armstrong Mard ware Point 300M unturnalied apart ment let contained heavy duty wiring Heat and hydro included Near General Plectric Parking facilities Rent 55 monthly iele phone PA 55400 axiom cioan two ream niln irhed apartment Kent and rice trio suppugd Newly decorated Must be ieen to be Ippiecinted Central location rcicphouo PA ems two room room mar Location smul turn isbed sell contained three room apartment private bath and en trance heated laundry facilities parking Telephone PA sum or PA 1981 AVAILABLE Now Heated mode orn unfurnished two bedrunm rtmrnt in stroud bpartment house Use od swimming pool No children or pets Telephone Shroud an CONTAINED nnlornlahed tour room apartment nest and water Supplied $70 per month East and locltlbn Avalllhle im mediately Telephone PA dildos or luxther detIlll man ROOM unlurnlsbed apart ment IepnIntn entrance dell con tained puking iaciiitiu Newly decorated Avaiiahic immediately Telephone PA mid iar turtner iniormtion EDIE CONTAINED unfurnished onn bedroom heated Ipurtnlent Pdfzl5uiillli hli rou en oca Lnl flellltlest Telephone PA room for flirthu information mean two reonl baobcior apartment completely cell con tained ground Door brightly in Ind hcnt supplied rircpiaco and large clothes cinicu Avaii able now Telephone PA ems bloom three roomapartment Immediate occupnncy heat and water supplied Electric rotrlgerm tor and rtove optional Separate entrance Garage Adults only no monthly PA Mose DuNmP 5min Wes Unrurh ished two bedroom apartment sunporcb nydro hot water heat ed lanndry tacillties refrigera tor Ind stove supplied Available Sepgmbu $15 monthly PA 551 which more all arpccta or service in Burlington Guelph Kitchener ONTARIO PORTUNITY sive 15 MODERN shut level heated basement Ipnrtment private on tnnue two bedrooms inrge doo ble closets laundry raciuties bnt waterClose to all Ichooii PA evenings LOVELY VIEW with cheerful sun roundth Three mom lelt con tained apnrtmcnt stove and re rrigerator supplied Located in the east end Avaliablu immediately lelepbnnu PA 61098 TWO BBDEWHE one livid room kitchen and bathroom $7n monthly heated Next to Christin Supermarket lll Alllndnle Tele Phone PA 424 and ER 101 Sam Stdanan from pm to pm NEW AND Modern one end two bedroom Apartments overlooking scenic Kumpenlelt any Hut wa ter parking Ind Janitor service included Automatic warning la eiiities PA 31901 uNrtntNIsnnD inurrooin apart nnent Kitchen and Iiving room on ground floor two bedrooms Pri vate driveway and entrance ob bus route in Aliandaic Available September Telephone PA 80881 anu no mnan noon heated uninmnhcd apartment Private thllhronm and entrance 0n ground floor Private veran Washer and dryer sup plied Appliances optionai new parking Telephone PA com or PA 61031 nouns and private bathroom on hunted completely nil con tllrildhtllcd floorl kitchen with rink and modorn cupboards plen ty of closet space Rangetto and rip supplied Reasonable rent Available immediately Sulteotl pie Phone PA M385 anizs retail accounts Barna required Apply stating age character references to MORTGAGESlat Ind anbought sold and arranged commercial Ind reddeniiai man loaned on existing mortgages argie Mort me Broken PA com Pay up to 11 New selfcontllned two bedroom bungalow 20 acers or land Telephone RE 51015 An gus RENTALS THREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location Stove and re but and eieclrieit supPplleil Private entrance Avai Ible immediately per month TELEPHONE PA 33586 Mr Young Luxvmmlis very isrge ultra modern rive room apartment with balcony Available September Telephone PA was information FURNACE coal and wood plus iurther deta sllltdbla or cottage APTS HOUSES T0 RENT nuzn BEDROOM heated an meat in triplex close in atom and Itth lino per month Tel ephone PA em six nonli Dupics wiin largo lenred to lot fpply at in san iord sirch Iday be seen between and pan Telephone PA was rimcutI ng un lepnous anyhrld urination morn tbrve room If on heated huvy duiy ri iurnlshed $55 monthly re PA H51 or apply to Ho Street or Iurtber lni UNPultleultn our room lplria nent or rent lleatcd and tell contained with privata bath Posv union immediaiely Telephone PA 5506 or PA been lor orth er intonation MODERN house and nttuhld garage Limel yard wii reel Available leiephone In win an VERY cmmAL Bhed rtment sell contained with pIivaia entv rance Suiiable or two Idtlltl neuonable rent Available now Telephone PA Mina wrunmsnnn meaty room urn iun and rub healed apart three rooms and kitchen cttr private entrance Cenlrll io cation 36 monthly Avauabio Auguii also iurnuhcd in room apartment Iii uayiieid sr Punno 6640 APTS HOUSES WTD QUIET PAM home in 11 possible LY or tour rcuulru arrio area as soon as Iii pay up to um ior clean home in good district Apply to link pl Barrie Examiner ROOMS TO LET lime ROOM to let in quiet home Central location Telephone PA d7u1 Pumslmn nznnoolt in quiet home cut end location Avilablo now Parking iaciuliu Telephone PA 34737 Room with man sitting room ior rent close to bus Itop Gen tlemen Gunn Street llu Tele phone PA miss FURNISHED Housekeeping Room to let with rengeitc use of re lrlgentnr and washing machine Centrally located Poi urther im iormatlon telephone PA until rth LARGE bright rooms to lei very central Peeler school teach crd or proleulonll inch or worn en Parking Ii ly in Box Barilo IIImill up noUsEmPlNu lioom or rent two beds rerrlgeraior and ramp eite Also one Iiiigia bedroom uiet home in wort end district dults only PA 51m liter p111 SUMMER RESORTS COIIAGES FOR SALE ono nnAcn Lake simcoc Winters lzed cottage in sale dve rooms heavy furnished upon or make once Apply at Flinn Coitsge Oro Beach COTTAGES T0 RENT Two BEDROOM Cottage nvaillt able Aug 12 Will sleep sir Close to bench Inside conveniences $45 week Telephone Orb lilo ior er inlorinaiion ARTICLES for SALE RAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP sl Wm PHONE PA L101 PATIO STONES 155s lqulrl thick wAm PRooFm COIDUR FAST Sarjeont Co Ltd Mary Street RAWLE GH PRODUCTS F011 PROMPT DELIVERY CONTACT ED KNIGHT RR mm wanted Apply to Strand or telephone 13112 Strand PIANO modern apartment size Upright lleintnman in excellent condition Cash only Telephone PA 81062 utter pm or timber Mel Must stoker Could he sold as araiely In good condition Pipes eluded Reasonably priced Telephone PA mg anytime toi iurtner intox ma on CHESTERFIELD SUITE for sale lultnblefor rumpiu room Seih reasonable slip covers in cluded Telephone PA 81418 SPAcn sAvlms two Studio Couch Small Dresser $10 each ideal for cottage Apply is held Street or telephone PA uses mm or sule 15 cubic feet Woods deluxe in brand new con dition one year old Priced re sonably Telephone PA posed for CEESIEBFIELU and chair tor tale in Kandconditien Reason able Also Electric Refrigerator Telephone strand salts umny mum box 15 with racks tires 600x la springs chain lights mud guards new bitch and menu Contact to High St arter 510 nail TELEVISION for sale Mar eoni portable lanh just like new $115 mcelient buy Apply l15 naydeid Street or telephone PAVE7m hfi SEVERAL Used Ranges must be sold Venous makes and models Priced troin $995 and up bicep tlonai vuluescontact Simcoe Cm op 259 lnnlsili st or telephone PA om INGIJS Automatic Washing Much ine also 511ch kitchen suite ac borite rurtuced tohlehilly uphol stered chairs Apply Mrs L0 tusfllg Cedar Point Lake sim roe Portables low $59 95 ll year Terms 54 down 83 Del 51 Stud APARTMENT ior rent unturn lohed nice location Two hed rouilll living room kitchen hour room iarge aunroom overlooking boy Continuous hot water reirlg erator and heavy duty stove Available September Telephone PA Mini ment to rent the year round Partly iumiahed Telephone 32811 Wang neacii or details Inont unlurnlshed hunted Ieit contained West end location Tele dent rentl rnpnlrs stsr Type writer co1i hrsdrord PA bests PIsIIINt Pours and Ileois amount oi urhing pings and inc casting and Splnlllllg Landing Nets and fishing boxes Ana two helvy duty neviibns Enlnt Sprayaunt Can he soon at éiflfiorib Street or telephone PA

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