is BAXTER Mr and Mrs Wendell Beam and aniin spent Sunday with friends in Markham F0 and Mrs Sam hliskey and daughters Lynn and Cher YI have returned to Gimli Manitoba after spending va cation with Mrs Miskeys fa than W65 Ruddick Mr and Mrs Hendth son Ronnie Mrs Lillian Jen nett Mrs Edna Edgar and Kennelh spent Sunday in Cale don East with Mr and Mrs wi Henderson Jr and Robin Ronnie remained for weeks holiday Mr and Mrs Harold Hend erson and sons spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Leslie Boyd in Meaiord Miss Lynn Boyd returned with them to spend holidays here shower was held in the hall on Wednesday evening for Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gordon They received many beautiful gifts Mr and Mrs Bill Knox and family spent the weekend in Stratford The 3812 swimming group had their picnic at the pool in Ailislon THORNTON Mr and Mrs Wilder and daughters of Ancaster and Jack Jnmieson of Toronto were Sun day visitors with their parents Mr and Mrs Jamieson Trinity United Church picnic was well attended on Tuesday at the Township Park Mr and Mrs Franklin Stew art at Portage La Prairie col lod on friends here on Wed nesdny Miss Myrna Spencer who is spendiug the summer at the Simeon Presbytery Camp Mid land as craft instructor spent few days at her home last week Mr wand Mrs Bonney of Barrie were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Black Miss Myrna Spencer of Cen tral Collegiate and Gary Hor rls of Banting Mcmorlai School in Alliston have returned from fourday tour of Stratlord and the Shakespearean Festival as guests of the Canadian Council These pupils won this trip through their interest in music and drama They were part of group of 130 students from all over Canada and attendcdiour Shnk espearean plays tour of the theatre and points of interest and dinner and reception with the cast They arrived home by special train Saturday morning Mrs Shields of Hamilton Mr and Mrs Cook and baby of Toronto and Cecil Dennys family of Fairport Beach were TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxva CHANNEL BARRIE THURSDAY AUGUST 450 Junior Roundup Roy Rogers News Headline ihrca Staofles Farm Market Report Don Jamieson News Weather Span Gunsmolre The licth Summer Circuit New Party Convention Parade Country Junction gtPetcr GIInn WOW News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Deca anAYAUGleT 115 Test Pattern mo Movie No riser rar Jennifer summernm News and Sports Interviews Cartoons Music Caravan Cannonball News Headline Invlsible iianrm Daredevil Don Flm Market nepnrt Don Jamleson scan 1115 Sunday visitor with Mn Der RY WJ NEWS good crowd onloyed the wl social evening at the 0r snge Hall on Wednesday Mrs Spencer and Mrs Campbell gave summary on the con ventioa They also had pictures of the trip Mrs Roy Goodfeliow reviewed the district minutes of the past 60 yeais Mrs Stewart of Barrie cut the birthday cake The fonnar district pros idents were given corsages oi sweet peas and fern buffet lunch was served by Thornton Womens institute ANGUS Sgt Maurice Gysel of Camp Borden and his mother Mrs Peter Gysol are spending couple of days at Aylrner and Delhi Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Mcflae on the birth of baby girl in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday July 20 Mrs Lawrence Mallnck is patient in St Michaels Hospit al Toronto Mr and Mrs William lrwin and family and Mr and Mrs Arthur Duckworth and fam ily spent Sunday July 16 at Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs Jack Lindsay and JoanuBorrie spent Sun day Juiy 23 with Mr and Mrs Lorne Plaxtoii Congratula tions to Mrs Plaxton who cele brated her birthday on Sunday July 23 also to the Ducliworth twins Archie and Murray who celebrated their 11th birthday on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ryan and fam ily Coulson Avenue have mov cd to Collingwood Mrs GrantHutton has taken Miss Ann Rynns place as clerk at Plaxtons grocery store Miss Judith Duckworth return ed home after weeks visit with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs McBride of Newmar kct Mr and Mrs Addie and Frank Addis of Alliston and Mr and Mrs Fred Trott Mid land called on Mr and Mrs Higginson on Sunday July 23 Mr and Mrs Carl Jackson and family Acton and Mrs McDonald Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Douglas Jackson on Wednesday July 26 Mr and Mrs Irvin Truckle Brantford spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jacklt son Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton and Mrs Albert Beamish of 131 an twood spéll Wednesday July 26 in Toronto and visited Mrs Lawrence Mollock who is patient in St Michaels Flos pital us News Weather Sport Father Knows Best 730 Love Lucy aoo and River Jamboree 30 Perry Mason 133 gunh in ave un Trim mo mom iron can Nows Tho Weatherman Today In Sport Community Nun Movie Four in Jeep SATURDAY AUGUST Test Pattern News and Weather Baseball Game of the Week Nord Great Zelsfleld Bugs Bunny AilStar Coll New Weather spam Ausm Golf Part Dennis The Menace Tho Peoples Choice Sgt Etiko Sen Eunt Great Movies SS gt awn on Son 1115 Georgian China iwtn Elll The Iron soniii Day To Remember 1135 WFESPFFIP some as 888 I0 32323 crro CHANNEL Torouro mumnnY nunuar um Professors Hideaway aw Whirlbe so Sparta Magto Moments in Sport Newa Weather Beat of the Port Lookup Theatre at man Murder will out rna Rebel Man and en Challenge Lou Agasa Show News Weather Sport Bettel Late News Weather Spam Euuoguu FRIDAY AVGUBT 1100 Frau can Elly 2WChnnnel Thanks Fire Down Eelow 855 Nawo LOBC Professors Hideaway aw waiiiyoirur 530 Sports CAI Mallc Moments In Sports 645 News Weather 70a Outdoor ortsrnnu 750 Leavo it 301V 800sibentrn at aim am Angel cannon Miss Y0 If your carrier has notairived by pm please phone gPA 82433 And Copy will Do Delivered To 2fourinnate THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE AVALLEY TAXI omvrYOURsrLr CARS inn Trucks 1050 1130 oar Country soi till it wher no aémr Lute mm 123013 gait nZineir nwor 115s Epilogua sitrunny AUGUST rmiessari Forty arts vgflilfhl aws en er channel Nine mime John Ind Julia Baseball wreriuua 31 Time IE 0MB um in Sports glows an no SFIIM King Ulfllm ll Two Face Weirw Nnknd City Fight ml Week Jo In 511W Show Elwihw°ivihii 1515 II South in 55 tannin EPHUEIIE 1200 1215 ape sane eoFrlrlivaa 93 gm AROUND SIMZcTor couer Pottcr of Bradford visited Mr CROSSLAND Visitors with Mr and Mrs Russel McEiwain were Mia Agns Hopkins Mr and Mrs Mathew Hopkins and daughter Mis Sutheriaigd Tomato Mi Margret Edin urgh Scotlan Mr and Mrs Blackioeh Coiling wood Mrs William Young of Churchill With her brotherin law and sister Mrs George Hunter Visitorswith Mrs Sam Alien during the week were Mr and Mrs Rel 80 Rat ML Jena Ciatou Jack Lodmore of New Bnmswlck Mr and Mrs Cassie Nelson Ewen Usbridge Leland Johnston Stouffvilie Miss Elaine Tubman Elmvalo is visiting her grandparents Mrs Theodore Huimod and Mr and Mrs Ken Gihbink Hol land are visiting Mr and Mrs Joe Gihblnk and Mr and Mrs Frank Gibbinir Mr and Mrs Melbourne Bar nes and boys of Stayner were with the formers parents Mr and Mrs Barnes Sunday NEWTON ROBINSON Sorry to learn Dalton Meher is in hospital after suffering heart attack Mr and MrsGordon Madili of Richmond Hill visited wai ter Andrews on Saturday Mr and Mrs Bruce Jackson and family of Purbrook were weekend guests of relatives here Mr and Mrs Sterling Rob ertson of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mrs Lecson pleasant event at the Sum day morning service was the christening of Valerie Joan in fant daughter of Mr and Mrs Stanley Copeland On Tuesday afternoon and evening the ladies of Fishers Corner institute put on de lightful 40th anniversary tea It was grand place to meet old friends and make new ones Mr and Mrs Norman in and family of Elmvala were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Russell Copeland Mra held and Miss Mary CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable aSrr JJDD OAQA 72 wwum Osman okra an 856 JEVB than 1084 4742 i333 Theme 19 21W Pa Opening leadthree of clubs When you are missing six cards of given suit they hvill be divided 38 36 per cent of the time 42 in per cent 51 16 per cent so one per cent When there are five cards of suit missing they will be divided 88 per cent of the time +1 in per cent 50 four per cent Memorizing this table of problt abilities is not really mat ter of life and death but any one not familiarwith these fig ures in general way is work ing under handicap Letssee how these statistics are applied to the accompany ing hand Suppose you are de ciarer in four hearts and West leads club it is obvious that MM aan mm mantra Metal lJosepha Email 836m 78km lilAimldI miï¬h 1236ch 8Kindd reamup thread 140rdinfl am mnan hiAbrund sufï¬x 161151 153105 brown Taverns li IEM MEIHRS Cry of pain to Stevenson Memorial Hsopit iiILY crosswono MNS Bx and Mn Lloyd Coborn on Thinday Sunday vilitorn with Mr and Mrs Waiter Andrews were Mrs Roland Helmer andJoan and Mr and Mn Codi Gor don of Barrie Mrs Don Brown and Ross and Rodger Stewar spent sev eral days holiday in Haiiburt on last week iiiJJSTON Friends in Aliiston are sorry to hear that Mrs Jim lrvina of Aliitton has beat confined oi for an operation Everyone wishes her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Newton Wil son Alliston recently spent several days at their summer home Limbarlost on Lake ia lon Rulhergien where they on tertained several friends and relatives including Mr and Mrs Wilson and son Clinton of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ralph Kerr of Aili nton Mr and Mrs Herbert Som ers and daughter Jean have left Alllston for two week holiday at Camp Pleasant Lake Talon Rutherglcn Mr and Mrs Arthur Merrtlt have returned to Alilston alter lengthy tour of the British isles and Europe Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Tom Dunn of Dunns ln suranco Agency Ailiston on the safe arrival of their sec ondduughtor nt Stevenson Me morinl Hospital July 26 Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliv or Church Street North Alli ston and their two young dau ghters Kim and Kelly left Al liston recently for twoweelr vacation in the llnlihurtons ncar Mindan Mr and Mrs Ed Hulnagel and son Gordon of Alliston have left on weeks vacation for car trip through the Haiiburton area Staff Sgt and Mrs Harry Ryan of London Ont visited in Alliston over the weekend of July 28 and were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Ramsey oi Donor Street BLONDIE you can take five trump tricks three diamonds and club This brings you to only nine tricks but there is chance of winning tenth if the dia monds are divided 33 How ever thiaglves you only 36 per cent chance of making the eoniractwrhich is not exactly healthy prospect to look for ward to There isa different way of viewing the play though which offers far greater chance of success it depends largely upon the trumps being divided 32 which is something that occurs as per cent of the time The proper way to play the hand is to win the club and ruff club Then cash the ace of hearts and lead heart to the ten When both defenders follow suit you know that the trumpsare divided Ruff another club enter dum my with diamond and ruff dummyslaat club with your last trump Cross to dummy with diamond and extract Wests remaining heart with the jack This sequence of plays brings you to nine tricks and the king of diamonds provides you with number tea The overail eifactof these plays is that you make six trump tricks instead of five The suggested method of play makes you about 2in1 favor ite to make the hand while if you draw trumps immediate 1y and rely upon +3 diamond break the odds are almost to against you Tomorrow The rebid by the EllENVI IIHM LARRY ritANNON JULIET JONES ashore exams rumor AUGUST an le6 burrich ma THEM TO GET FEW MD FULLY keALIZE runs is THING THAT DOE BOWEKME HILM t5 WHAT FRANZ TOLD IMSHEISOJDSWAKI TEETADMBOSIDNN chlvowPE BOD 59mm mEONEWAI AND SPdILTtuz ISNT il Home DAD MEFqulER ON FISHING REMEMBER IFIOLI WANTTO MAKE no Wllli DADTALI GRAN DMA DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER WES Muses AND SKEETER YOURE ï¬ght HM HEADACHY WORKED OFF MAW AN THAT OLD AN lMPENDlNCp TANTRUM TENSE FEELINGl PASJ iowvowunmnnc COINMUIUSTSLREGANING INSOUDIEASTMIA Siwvrrmsvmxssowmu roisrwmsnnir 1Han LEAVERS XIFLRAMS Militia oiIlsidagiiémiw nmi lNnlEIR monothovekthENflfs Mauritania SKEW Nrmnrnmsioghmm msmmm THEMNDEDSOWL OWE ASHE lo