Summertime ctndtheLivinfisEdsY In Your ownHomeI Check the det Ads to THE BARRIE EXAMINER ITIIUIISDAY AUGUST 1551 OUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHs PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS the Blessed Event can be announced to your trlends and relatives tor only $150 Just tenmone PA 924 all ti Adhnl It Nls cuwronDrnnouan Mr Alex trawlord the lion Street uldllnd Announc engpgrmrnt at their only daughter Mary Margaret In Mr David nobert Ferluton eon ol Sir and Perxumn Harris on The marri Will like pllt Saturday Allltllt It ml at pm to ltoca pres TArsonDnuWNMm Verna Tepron oi Dro notch Ontario wishes to announce the en ge menl or her daughter Der hral Anne to Mr George William Brown son at Mr and Mrs chm let brown oi Dorrie The is to take place on suturdey Aug on ad lpsl II no pm in centnl Untied church CARDS 0F THANKS HOPKINSMere word are ln Minute to exptera our gratitude and appreciation for the metaagea oi sympathy and beeulilul coral curring received item the any friends or the late lilltt Hopkln especially thanking the men No Work comphhy RCE Camp borden Mn Mabel Hopkins and iamin Should Deport Law Breakers Paper States TORONTO CPI Der Cuu rler Germanlhnguage weekly newspaper published here sdvs Immigrants convicted at serious criminal oltences should be de ported The paper sayil in frontpage editorial that nonACanadinn Lens who violate laws prove they are unable to lit into Cana dian society Their removal would protect the name pt all immigrant groups The vast maority at new comers are core ill to obey the laws of their new country Der Courier said It is in their in terest that sharp line be drawn between them and the small number at those who commit crimes in Canada regardless pt whether it in violencein con nection with strike or rob be Walter Susskind Marries Dancer TORONTO CPIWalter Suss lund conductor ol the Toronto Symphony Orchestra was mar ricd Wednesdayt to Toronto dancer in Aspen Colo Ofï¬cials at Massey Hall here were notified of the marriage by telegram Irom Aspen where Mr Susskind is guest conductor at music festival The marriage histhird was to Diane Hartman who danced with the Radio City Rockettes at the age oi 16 and opened her own dance studio here last spring Mr Susskind 48 came here live yearsago to replace Sir Ernest MacMillan as conductor He is expected back here Satup day to work with youth or chestra at Stratlord Ont CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 32414 Condensed and classilied adver tisements are inserted at the rate at do per word per insertion tor one and two times he per worn Ior three tour or five tmies and Zï¬c per word or or more insertions VID addi tional charge it not paid within IO days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN It DAYS OR SLIM FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SEETION mnohs on connEcTioNs Advertisers are remluded that all phone Insertion orders are accept cd as cunvenlence to you the auvcrmcr rhcreiore the oissslncd Auvertlslllg Department requires all advertiscrs to kindly recheclr their advertisement immediately alter ï¬rst Insertion in order that any errors or omissions my be reports betore mm In order that namemay he recuiled tor the tollowlng days insertion order We wish to point out that The nerrle Examiner is responsible lor only ont incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement ant thcn only to the extent or portion of ad that involves the rnlsprirtt Error which do not lessen the value or the advertise ment are not ellglblc tor unrec Honsrhyylake game gt Coming Events 56 pé flword minimum charge 4150 Birtll and Dean Notlc toru to 25 words over 25 ordsgc er word extra In Memoriam Nov tlces $150 it verge used do per word extra aLle LEIIER parlors lnrormntion regarding advertiser ustrl aiind Letter flux Numbers rot Replies Is held strictly conï¬d erhl Replies to Letter Boxes be held on ID dly artrr day or publication lslï¬ed advertisements and ms tor these pages must received by pm day pre cclng publication with the ex ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day litter and typi styles tor temi display classinedt may be ob trlned through The mamlner 355 nth sort PA Midi evenings PA HIM bath hardwood floors ring department pnordttrk con SALE ROSE REAL ETATZ Baum TI TIPPIN mm bARlul EAST END ROOMS mm Iull price lnr this oulaienL log room brlcit bun llull only yun old separate in room lull lamily tire kitchen exhaust en bedroom lull purulent nicely landscaped lot 11 16 located rinse in schools and shop ping s7 Nilt mortg ckrriu or in per month lnelud tuck OUT OF TOWN psimwlrk three bedrooms living room kitchen died piece bath tiled lull bnlernenl lorced air all hertina Equipped with slu mioum noon and screens uh rte This it the mom bungalow that have been given the oppor tunity to tell or tome time no mint make an appointment to it it now it you In ln the mar it lor this type Mhnme Down pyment sum end the palpe on DIIG mortgage REDUCED WEST END slumlullpnce Illroom two storey brick home well located and well kept Thu II local or the latter tamlly or could very really be duplexed call now or en eppolntment totnrpect Immed Ille pouelslnn EAST END OWNER TRANSFERRED year old Inch style bedroom brick bung ow with sttrched luv age In living room and extra large kitchen piece tUe bath tun divided hrsement 1hll is In exceptionally well kept home and llll many extras such aluminum atom wndow nd It em len en erhrust paved dnvewey ohe hiock In our tlop and two blocks to Dominion Store Ind lhhpplnl centre Terms CALL on on EVENING PA 82379 Member the rrie and District it in Bond HENDERSON REALTOR to count ISTREEI PHONE PA 67h EXECUTIVE HOME In Sunnldlle am Archlleclllrv ally designed Planned home with gorgeous weepint view oi the bly Ind hills tram nearly all the rooms UEIIIIIIUI lime ioyer Wall to elLlaer nonr invite you to linger Spaciournvlhg room with lirepltce dining room cbeertul kitchen with extensive use or tie Three large bedrooms with extra closets two bnlhl Column ebte lanuly room has lag burning ï¬replace with walkout entrull on ground level to patio broad loom and many other extrat ln cluded $28000 with terms clusive lor npvalnlmebt only hit sundretl PA 34865 HOME WITH INCOME 2500 Nicely located irreut end three bedrooms large uvlng room and kitchen complete with two bedroom apartment now rent ing at $55 monthly ancd double drivewny New and exclusive Ilatv ing CIII lllle scandrolt PA as EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDltm PA BIb65 PERCY Poul PA amo Member or Earlle and District hnd Ontario heal Psthle Holrds CARSON oP 45A DUNLOP ST tht door tothe imperial Theatre BIG BAY POINT $1500 lull price shsoo down and the ba nee on one mortgage at This hebutuui year round home in excellent com dition large rooms bedrooms modern Ihsldc plumbing situated on lovely trced lot Call Russell 53mm PA M481 evenings PA PAINSWICK room hunlnlow Wllh lull Inse mect s7500 iull price 825w downh For ILlll detals call Russell Cui BRICK TRIPLEXS Brand new Each apartment con slsts at our Irrge rooms and bath plug dining area These are built tliully tinlshed and realbnrghtn at sumo with $50m down For hill details call Russell Carson PA 56481 evenings PA 6616 PA 66481 Member or harm and District Real Ts Baud FRASER Broker 359A DUFFERIN ST TORONTO is our llIIJ ACRE FARM Good 50A and waler lonm ce ment block house Place bath Large hartl cement and steel str ble Bulldtua set In nutple grove prult trees nivcr with park like ares on one side goodflshlng stemhalt cash FARM ztu acres Ievet land room stucco house iece bhth Fair sire blahEDD roar crmeni uoorr neu highwuy and school sits Low down payment 70 ACRE FARM New br it hours rooms piece turncc Large shepedpern Zdeck ch cken housepwntel piped In black top Hind school Ich5 szisooheit cash IWACRE FAHM in miles trout coilingwood room brick house attached gur ge good stapling spring creek prrture were rrparrgur mit goddeosh cro Pnnn mort ly needed In hly Isll 400 We hnve many others In NWTmm Representlttve Toriii aAnnle PA Mano INCOME llama go per month Clonto new port orllc Thrcc continents wIth leplrlte bathr oil heating $590 down or will tradelEloy terms pea up rnd wllihrg in ilrten to any ntIer con quick nie with sum down tins It MOOREPA Hlsl SIoull Agencies close to downtown Barrie home and hllnwu troutgr Longttn ior partlculers PBOPBT PQB can REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR RENT RENTALS ROGERsS CONNELL REALTORS 0NEDUNLOP STREET EAST Firstjn Barrie Home SalesFoth to Quality at Servit PA 85568 TRUNK LINES 14 LETITIA STREET JUST orTIsuNNmALr ROAD mm liere is en inexpensive shedroom brisk bungalow with pretty are plsr an to It lot on burier alreel or lovely marl mu tilla is norowner bolus since new in IBM Has the clam ii shaped cembtnoueh and sunny min with ante an Inn The bmmeni high and dry bar bobbed rust 4tyll dro and then la bright laundry section Sublhntllt cub la required here but the mull It lnortllll carrier at on monthly complete Arrange to tee this line uttle homo NOWI PA 3556 38 STRABANE AVENUE SOUTHERN EXPOSURE $149 autumn llUd BRICK ranmatyl with recch trout doorway this yumld tbreehedroorn bungalow will have tremendoul appeal to tho mln who reco nixrr blgb quellty in construction In situated in an ucellent nrlg rhood at other tine homer nttty trhcrd level lot in it deep uvlng are is extra null no the bedrooms or ample alrc or true ramlly opinion Owner la translerred to Toronto and quiet pauemon la avkllabiel so MELROSE AVENUE PRETTY HOMEPRIME LOCATION LBW Very reasonable tor very pretty alone trimmed brick lit level bunglow iiit three yeul old thll summer ll large nil room prriccttypmportioned llanover kltcbcn in Hunt Nun and three goodttxed bedrooms lnciudihg lwlnralxe matter paved on way dry bright betemeht and tuter landscaped and retired lot all add up to excellent value let your moneyt Cali lir Porter PA BEAUTIFULLY TREED LOCATION SUNNIDpLE ROAD DISTRICT an $17000 Set Ln bolt wide grounda ehauring pcrtecl privacy this is most attractive thrtorypnlhnlal plan with buy wlndpwl down and dormers uprtalrr nta houae wea built in MI and la rpotleasl We true six roomer with mi Itvlnl room lovely nrepieee and large dlrltnl room with one rterrlee Anrrt sweeping views tram this high eteveltnn The range is attached with WlIkAIn entrance to berrment property beauty end real comtortrnd exellenttenna are obtainable ro lnryect immediately please call PA em Mr Rogers 24 SHANNON STREET FACING SOUTH FOR SUNUGHT $14700 This is tbreryeanold red brick bungalow ol excellent plan situetcd on hcutlluliy kept deep lot it hu tine lendscsplng litdb treu carport and encloled petlo The Tut living room hes lovely dry bright pouredwill basement complete laundry section on heating and romblntllcn aluminum norms and screens complete the pi lure or lmlly contort here Owner trhnuerred otter excellent te tor Phone PA hm 1YEARv0LD BRICK BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE SELLING AT OWNERS ACTUAL COSTE $13500 threebedroom plan tht la urllvrnl tavourlte lru lar It dining combination Tilehie kitchen with cupboards in natural wood lovely ceremie tiled bathroom basement is bright very dry and truly eItt melownair here It llehvxtnxvulrrlle and ollen this genuine nw mme to outrun ow ow to NBA mortgage mm mm EVENINGS CALL rfrosreltIA eszu ROGERS PA N582 CONN PA 755 mans BARBIE It DISTRICT REAL ETA BOARD CLIFFRLEBHROWN 32 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA 6025 PA 641242 smith CampbellPA Hm Jnlrl Lan PA aslll Fergus GarveyPA 57951 Member or the Barrls Real Estate Board it coLLlDRETRDETTP 35901 CENTRAL ourAniOs LARGEST REALTORS INVESTORS CAKE Alter ltr aliccd therea still big chunk Ior you seven cuttggcr buni gaiow storehouse and boathouse on 250 or the choicest on like tron age Abodt acres in oil Barrie needs camping groundl Why not thls Owner wants to see an otter right away Call us now WANT AN INCOME To help you own homo Then see this duplex oh hleke Street Four large rooms and piece bath in each part aeautirul vlcwht Kempen tell pay Alao extljnvlotnto gell well VARIEIY STORE WITH LIVING QUARTERS Pull Deputy$19500 with lllr sized csah pyment needed Netting between 5500 and soon per month and busihcrs only operating since last month oi ivdo lat Its show you how to get into business todtyl TOURISTIRAVELLED New Highway No it alter this Service station and Joacttt restaurant Three bedroom bungalow service trutkr and all other equipment pcr tllnlng to above included In the low price or 5wqu with only sloooo down Blllnce on zn year mortgage at Secure ramllybspplhess tomorrow as this it real tamily business OUR SECRET There isnt llgn on It and we wont even breathe the tddresr How tvlelmye yvglildsllowét ttolyouhlt yglu are llooking toruthn ultimate in rpen wee re tryng to du care this stone bungeiow Priced right It slum with excellent ten FILL En UP with children or Animus lures exclllelll garden land with our Worried frlule hunglow only years old Call now see now buy now SPACETO SPARE WITHOUT DEBITING Pull storey home on lot so 351 This should be owned by In eecu tlve who would like to develop the back 40 itnotn tor swimming pool tenniscourt or This is well built older home with heeuutul park and any view We reel the szlsoo asking price is just about right Call or an ointm you link Wm you 17 ent see through and tell us what my SUMMER SLUMP on obt lh colourrul new rhd cool kitchen and wlll be immediately inspired to greater heights Dulltln range I3 oven too This is lmmntfulnte house as yml will ever see Wau to wall carpeting beautilnl draperies nrepicet nice bedrooms lots or closet spree 100 batsmen is conl these hot dtys and has pun eIIed rec mom with ï¬replace roughed lri bathroom hot water heating extra windows we than enioy showing you through 11 sparkling beauty at your pleasure gtPEOPLE gt TELL PEOPLE so let or tell you about tllll nvr roamed home In the commercial area New gas urnco modern kitchen piece hath Nainc your own down payment and the owner will hold mon gage or be use He who hcrlteter will andit SOLD Memben of the Barrie and District Real Estate Bond EvnNINGs CALL Hrrry SlelsorPA soon Dru BrownvPA um Punk CongdonPA Mm Merv Gould0rd This DotIs NuttycombePA moi EdIlIl GouldUri 1515 rman SheISweII NO REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNTDP ST PA 89961 PA 68542 EDGE OF TOWN siaooo iuu priceaysacres of subdivided land includln ion In Could hebouglat $1000 dovIn diatribe 10 Lo ELI PA LTHIIWHmE cal It rt Wills Everett shelsweli on ma NornIan Shelswmell l=é E333 Howard Narria PA Mind FIRST MORTGAGE vFUNDs AVAILABL 60 GP VALUENO FifiS PRATT LTD Construdts HIGH QUALITY HOMES GOOD LOOATI See Us For ONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TOINSPECT HOMES UNDER gt CONSTRUCTION PIIONE PA some on PA serge 1m lump GED tact owne ten MI roller pm ntJPA Tryl AnExalnInelWnnt Ad PHONE PA um CORBYREAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 52419 ltAnLL liAlGHALLPA at so Dunlap St cannypit um awlm JUNEPA um HAROLD FORSTER REALTOh so BAYFIELD ST PA pets Member at Burn and Dtltricl Rlll mu Baud MINES CALL DRY HILL PA 17 10 PA 6D VITAYEW PA 59911 NORAH All Orn 007 MARC SHERAII PA $7555 BOAKE REALTOR lot amoronu 5mm aAnnte PA 33887 OR PA $5833 still ullIlll letrm to lermerl tor taming clere WetternanPA Mm Ralph UnIthA boom Member or Blrrte and District eal El to Board MOVING For complete movln service IIIl Ind outer Ill COOKE CARTAGE E7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT The ad Dartlo PArkwey 5551 PA eaus MOVING Dont toret leuknurr your INSURANCE and II kg need extra covern orally SEE STEVENSONS PA 5520 113 Dunlap St ALLANDALE PrIv sis Clutoln built bun niow 14100 nown payment seen with 18 per month includ in Interest principel and taxes lley be teen at Anne Sire south or TELEPHONE PA 83428 NEW luauan bungalow or rule two bedrooms Ill electric heating snoop Iuii price Tole hone PA mm between and pm 9sz noonl insui brick house for rate lnI the village or HIIIIA dllo In good repair with good well and large lot Principals only Telephone Moonstone zisnzl HOUSE large bedrooms large Ititehcn small dining arca Near schools and but Oll heated Itch aonhblc Owner translcrred Ap ply et 62 Oakley Park Square PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT THREE phonooll House tor this or rent rletvy duty wiring coal hullnz vrry ccntrnl immediate pnasesalon For lurther tniorma ion apply box at narrle Exam he PROPERTY WANTE5 THREE ALLTruth hound llomcs prercrzbly on thc water or view of the bay valued 515000 to On two Cell Doris Nuttycombr sinutt richl Estate telephone PA Maul BUS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGEBA Ind storc Modern living quarters xccllcnt location steady business For lurthcr dc tallrwrlte Box avahrrlc Exam her BEAUTY sALoN with good turn tel for sale Centrally located In earrle Modeln equipment includ ed soon cash or best oiler as present owner must sell No nuoi Estate brokers please Telephone PA stint MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE To DUNLDP sT WEST annexe PA 60203 MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE immediately to consolidate debts pay off existing mortgages home improvements etc Can tar up poihhnent PA 50931 Mortgage Funding over simpsonrsetrr 27 Dunlop Street East MONEY WANTED Guaranteed return no to 155 lnA terett on First and Sec Mort geges Excellent covenants Apply Mr poster PA snarl mattresses1st and 2nd bought told knd arranged commcrcial and residential moneys tunnel on existing mnnlngesl Bnrrln llurt gage Ernktin PA sushi mm lmsT MORTGAGE wanted on excellent ï¬t properly M70 plus mnhli bonua Cali Russell Carsonlt Carson Real Estate PA mall evenings PA 66161 RENTALS APTS HOUSES To an TTHREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location stove and re lrlgerzicr heat Ind cicctricit rupppued Prlvnte entrence Aval ebls Immediately ssh per month TELEPHONE PA 83588 Mr Young ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apartments complete with stove and rglrlgeo ator Uao or washer end dryer Redecorated annually PA Hm RENTALS APTSn HOUSES T0 RENT MODERN tour room apartment in quiet private home private bath room and entrance Adults preter red Also wine used lumber tor nte Telephone PA balsa Time two unturnimru apert mcnt with tinge and relrlkentor Very rrntnlly located Reasonable lent Heated like or laundry tubs Telephone PA N1 or details SEVEN noon House tor rent Ip proximately miiea nonb or aar rie nlt Simeoe Road Sick dro and soil water in Ava now Telephone PA 515 Ursriuaa Apafllnefll tbrec lhrge rooms Ample ttoruez Unfurnlahv ed balcony on North st Tele phone PA 545m or runner the formation militiamen three room apart ment Centrnlly located Lots ol cupholrrll rtove light water and heat tuppiled Available now Telephone PA L297 we BEDROOM unturhlslted apertmentt new rclrigenlors and clover washers and dryers Avail able Immediately Telephone PA 52352 IPACIDUB Upalaln IWD bedroom uhlumithed psrttnent Central Heat and water Availbio Augutt is bent tor you monthly Apply peel Street Apt point noall Ho and Garage tor rent Three tea or garden land with some garden In no monthly Immcdlnte possession Telephone strand ivni pollination twb mm apart ment private bath and ebtrancc two and refrigerator iupplte Suitable lor arts or two girls Avllllhle immediately Telephone PA pom evenlngt population modern titrre robin apartment completely Private buiItin brrgknst hook View of Ike Available now Parking Ine Ilitles err shopping plus his phone Mm new Purnlsbcd three Iflom tpxrimertt near Post Ollicc Mod crtt tell contained quiet elehh newly decorated parkinr For more intonation telephone PA ml or Dwell street BRIGHT three room apartment tarnished private bethrooln and sell conlnlncd Laundry lhcllltles and aritirtg space Cltlllhl loch tion cicphono PA H747 or tur ther lniormation UNPUlelsllcnt room ground floor apartment New rcrrigcrnlor and stove supplied Clean mod crn sell contained Parking New ly decorated Nevr Post Oillce Telephone PA 84861 FURNISHED thrcc room apart ment three piece both heavy duty stove and relrigcratnr Hardwood floors suit contained llahlo July Apply Armstrongs Horde whrc FOUR IIODM unlurntshed apart ntcnt sol contained henvy duty wiring Heat and hydro included Near General nlrctric PnrklllK Ineliilles Rent 65 monthly Tole phone PA 55400 unioni stein two rpom turn ished Ipllrtlnent Hedt alldvclcc lrlc supplied Newly decorated Must be seen to be upprecinted Central location Telephone PA m7 ceNrnAl Location Small turn lshcd selr contained three room angrtmchl private bath and en trance limited laundry ineliltics parking Telephone PA 032 or PA 5098 AVAILABLE Now Heated mod erll unlurhishrd tWD rhcdgoom apartmentgin stroud apartment house Use ot swimming pool ND children or pets Telephone strand SELF CONTAINED unhlrnlshed tour room npnrtmellt Heat and water supplied swim month East end location Avalltihle Irn lrlerllatcly Telephone PA noise or lurther details THREE nooll unturnlshed znart merit separate entrance sclr coir tolngd parking ractlltlcs NIwa dccoroted Available ltntnerilutcly Telephone PA 341 for turihcr information SELF CONTATNED uniurnisbcd one bedroom hosted apartment Private entrance $65 monthly On bus route Centrally lochtcd Park ing leclliticr Telephone PA cellos tor Iurthcr inrotmatioh FURNISHED two mom bachelor apartment cuntplctely seli cons tsined ground floor Bright Hy dro and beat supplied Fireplace and large clothes closets Avail able now Telephone PA 89223 MODE three room apartment rmmcdlIIIe occupancy Heat and water supplied Electric rdtrlgera tot and stove optional Separate entrance Garage Adult 575 monthly PA 87369 lflluaP Robin scu contained heated apartment private ont rruce Builtln cupboards Vcll Io cuied Clean and comlortahle Telephone PA gTm tor turthcr intcrmstian DUNLDP sTrlEDT West Untum ished two hcdrootn apartment Sunpordh hydro hot water heat ed laundry aclltttes rcirigctn tor and stove supplied Avatinhlo September $15 monthly PA 35113 HEATED Apartment tor rant Large living room bedroom din ette and kitchen with stove and refrigerator Central Business cou ple prerened Available lmmclil xtcly Telephone PA 5857s 15 nlobnnN split icvel heated basement apartment private cn trance two bedrooms large Ian ble cloaetl laundry lacilities hot water close to all schools PA 53544 evenings UNPURNIRKED our room an ment Kitchen and living room on ground floor two bedrooms pri vate drivewa and nntrnncc on bus route In Allandule Available Septemhbr Telephone PA BOES7 after on THREE noonl heated ungurnished apartment Private bathroom and entrance 0n ground floor Private only veranda Washer and dryer sup piled Appliances optional Free Parking lelephnne PA 5098 or PA 81032 ROOMS and IIVIIIE bathroom roll hcatcd com lutely loll con tntned tllcdfloors kitchen with dink and modern cupbotrd plch ty dl closct spucc nancette and trig supplied Reasonable rent Avuil le immediately sult cou ple hone PA 56365 APTSn HOUSES To RENT mu ampdosl heated Inn neat In Illch Cioae to notes and models silo per month Iel ephone PA such all IOU Duplex with large lenredln lot Apply at in Sam lord street my be seen between and pm Telephone PA uses Hvz noon tell contained een trrué touted lplrtment Oll heat ed ardwood and tile noon Gar egr supplied Telephone PA L711 tor rurtbrr thiarmatton TWO noon mrntshtd rtmept hot and cold water Suitabi tor one or two edullx Available now Telephone PA Mm evening or runner plfllculun tnnmln lbrec than apartment oil bested heavy duty witlog unlt lumlshed s55 monthly Telephone PA 54512 or eppiy to 2m nayhcld street tor mrtbrr interdiction mumsnxo tour room pput ment tnr rent nested Ind relt contained with priv tutti Pg teuion tmmedlniely Telephone PA woo or PA mu tor turtb er iniomilion LOVELYVIEW wtth cheerrul our rdundings Three room tell eon tnined apartment stove and re ricertor aurpllrd Loclted in the east end Anitable immediately Telephone PA Hm Two Dennoolis one livtnl room kitchen and bathroom monthly bested Next to Christies supermarket in Alllndnle Tele phone PA um and hair tor sem strahsman tom pm to Pm NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overloollu scenic Kcmpeniell Buy liet we ter parking and inulthr rervln included Autumlttc washing duties PA mod APTS HOUSES WTD QUIET FAMILY at our require home In Barrie area anon ll poulble wttt pay up to stop tor clelll home In good dlstrtu Apply to box at Dunc nitminer ROOMS TO LET liluGliT noolll to let in quiet home Central lochllpn Telephone PA b7427 noonl with mail sitting room Ihr rent close to bus stop Gen tlemen Gunn Street area Tell phone PA M159 PUrLlener housekeeping anm to lot with noselte use or re trigerntor rod washing mnehlnr Centrtuy located For Author in lormrtlnn tciephnnu PA 85002 ROOM tit BOARD noonl AND nonlm tor gentle Central location Parking In ltier Telephone PA um tor runner Inlormltlon SUMMERRESORTS COTTAGES To RENT Two Dennoolu collage and able Aug lit will stern slit Close to beach Inslde conveniences 45 or wet Telephone 0rd lilo tor urthcr information ARTCLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONEP om PATIO STONES that mulla thick WATER Pituorlzn COLOUR FAST SorjeantCO Ltd Mary Street VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 PER cannons $9500 McFADDENS l28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 NEED ANEW STOVE OR FRJTIDGIEI1 Elly em With lowcost incInsured scom PLAN LOAN The Bank o1 Nova scotla BABYS cum tnr salelilte new complete with mattress 20 also Elevator Clothcsllne complete 55 Apply Ed Knight nn cburuhlu BED CHESTERFIELDI charcoal and matching chair Reasonably priced Phone PA sodas USED VACUUM Cleaners for late 15 and up Free home trial Nu obligation Telephone PA 93462 or iurthur inlortnhtion CHESTnnplELD SUITE tor paler sultnble Ior rumpus room Sell ins reasonable slip covers in ciudcd Telephone PA amb FREEZE for AIM 15 cubic feet Woods deluxe in brand new con ditlon one year old Priced rea sonably Telephone PA were tor rurtlter details CHESTERFIELD and Chair or sale in good condition Reason able Also Electric Refrigerator suitable or cottage Telephone stroud sons UTILITY TBAILER box 16 with raclrs tires 600 16 springs chain lights mud guards new bitch and licence Contact 43 High st arttr 5tn mo TELEVISION or gain Mar coni portable l7lllch Just like new $175 Excellent buy Apply in Bayfleld street or IeIephalID PA 87033 SEVERAL Used Ranges must he sold Various makes and models Priced trout $995 and up Excep tionalvalues Contact sirncog co op 59 lnnlrni St or telephone PA 56511 mans Automatic Washing llIbI irie also 5plece kitcth suite hr hotlie surrhecd tablc tully uphol stered choirs Apply Mrs Lot tus Big Ccdpr Point Lake sim roe Tartan nooM ntmished liurt mcnt torrent Adults 51 Essa nd Telephone PA ohm Luxunrous very large ultra modern live roontvpariment with erhtor and heavy helcnny Aveliable5eptcmber Telephone PA emu APARTMENT rnr rcnt lshcd hire location Two bed rooms living room kitchen bath room large sunroorn overlooking bay Continuous hot water retrie dutv stove Avallhblc September Telephone PA lot unturn FISHING FOLKS and REQIS LITE amount of aching plugs and lures tor cutting and spinning alpov Landing ths and Fishing Boxes him two heavy duty Devithlss Paint ray Guns Can be seen at ti Nort street or telephone PA 4ARTICLES torSALE FILL YOUR Complete Ltds or with the linen lien and lawn MEA IS ETC 05 Cnukhtecd Guam budget Terms on olden 35000 and over FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES hr avauvble ln than who wish to purchu their order only your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 245 TIIHN STREET tumult PHONE PA wool Free Delivery Open mdlyull 9D NEWSPAPER MATS meal or lining hen Iru etc Sixes 22x13 houses attt Mrrcet lnrulatur 25c PER DOZEN Apply The name Drummer Barrie Ontario IEATONS Weekend Specials On Tradein Merchandise WESTINGHOUSE FRIG APT SIZE NORGE ritlo FRIGIDAIRE FRIG LEon mic KELVINAIOR FRIG ADMIRAL APT SIZE ACROSS THE TOP FREEZER $99 95 WESTINGHOUSE RANGE $9995 PRINCESS WASHING MACHINE VIKING PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER $1Ii95 EATONS EASY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE IF DESIRED SINGER TradeIn Clearance PORTABLES OSinger Electric $2950 Othcr Make Electric $1950 Trefldles Singer Featherwelght $6950 ostngcr ZigZag $9950 Osinger Slant Needle $9950 MANY OTHER USED liACllIle To CHOOSE FROM $4995 $4995 $6995 Singer Sewing Centre 28 Dunlop St Barrie PA 87960 liULLDolet AND Grading Fish Pond construction Apply I2 Hart PA 83139 ASPHALT DnlveWAYS Trio phone PA 647274 DIsllerFmand Limited noys HICYCLE or sale good condition new tires Price 12 Telephonc PA amiss tor lurtber inrorntntton BOATS Jo MOTORS sPEclALl Bout Motor and Trailer almost like new Priced tor quick sale Daytime telephone SmlIBy PA Will alter pm PA posts CASH LOANSSEW at 12 pet month Telephone PAGMUZ Crescent Fmanco 26 Dunlop st west ponrNewis 15 bottom deck hardware windshield and cover Bargain tor cash Can be seen at no cempheli Avenue telephone as 9545a lemon nonr TRAILER shutE ped with turn signals stop lights running lights sway bar and snub hers Used only once Also sterno campor boat stove Apply to at Toronto street 21FoOT FLYING Bridge Cruiser with 1959 v50 Evlnrude Motor 31950 One 14ltIoot Plywood nuna bout 15 up Evinrudc motor con trols and hardware $525 Tclelt phone Delaneybosls PA MIG ARTICLES WANTED BICYCLES AND Tricycleg wanted in any condition Also typewriters Telephone PA M210 torfrurtber information WEWILL PAY CASE for good used rurrrlturc or any good used article Individual or content lots phone PA N427 SFARMERS MARKET LIVE STOCK HDLsTnlN HEIFERS for role flesh Ind Irenherltllg Apply Lenn ï¬lia7iDunslllnre tcicphone PA FARM MACHINERY DroN mealml 124m in excell cnt condition complete with grain thrower straw shredder and loo loot drivebclt Apply Herold West Bradford Telephone Caokstown 4534548 TODAV IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD In the BARRIE EXAMINER Everyday thousand read the classiï¬ed page thats vhy you can be sure at quick ac tion Telephone PA Ii2414 courteous ladtaker will assist ozsol ygu with the wording of we