PEOPLE AND PLACES Pbone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 6517 BRIE MISS CELEBRTES FIFTH BIRTHDAY Yesterday afternoon Nancy Lynn Patterson celebrated her fifth birthday with all her tiny playmates It was her day and Nancy had the honor of being chosen to drop the letter favorite game of little The guests ptovided girls the musical accompaniment Above the children wait pa tiently to see whom Nancy will drop the letter behind They are left to right Janice How ard Debbie Bristowg Cathie Ackerman and Margot Me Baird Wanda Walon Connie Faddw who celebrated her fifth birthday on Monday Nancy is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Patterson of Penetang Street Examiner Photo Accustémed To Polygamy Moslems Now Restricted KARACHI Pakisan AP This nation was created for Moslems but the government is putting limits on Moslema ageold right to have more than one wife The religious patriarchs are up in arms at what they regard as secular interference So are lot of younger men with only one wife Some day they might want another Old and mum alike any man is by nature polygamous and restricting him to one wife tempts the wandering male to stray from the comforts of the heart Even the western educated Moslem women who demanded the reforms now are having sec ond thoughts about second marriage Look at all the west ern books about married men who fall in love with another woman says one sariwrapped crusader An ordinance of Pakistans martial law regime places olr stacles in the way of second or subsequent marriage slows down the Moslem divorce proce dure of the simple divorce you repeated three times by the husband raises the mini mum age of marriage for girls from 14 and 16 and makes other changes NLYGAMY RARE Primarily for economic rea Ions polygamy has always been WOMEN IN THE NEWS WEIGETY BRIDE The 37yearold Earl of Kim berley reported Tuesday he in jured his back carrying his bride over the threshold lord Kimberley married nyeamld model Margaret Si monds 10 days ago They went off to honeymoon in the south of France but flew back to London Monday have slipped disc he said and had to see my osteopath EXPENSIVE CHAPEAU Charged with parking over time outside store Caroline Goddard told the court My mother wanted to buy hat She said she would be quick but it took 40 minutes choose The colnt fined her £2 $5 60 liEIIING OFF STEAM Phineas Whitehouse 29 pro posed marriage and Marjorie Langford turned him down So the railroad fireman took loco motive No 6422 from the shed to let off steam Phineas piloted the locomot Droi it Wolverhampton court put the fireman on probation for two years after fi him guilty of unauthorized use of railroad property endangering the safety of passengers on other trains stealing 504 pounds of coal and obstructing diesel train he encountered Douglas Draycott Phineas lawyer conceded to the court One can think of better ways of letting off steam GIRL WINS CALI BOY WINS GIRL Valerie Cope 16 won free telephone call in cin emu contest So Tuesday night she called her boy friend Gunner Jim Brogan with the British Army in West Ger Mrs the exception rather than the rule in Pakistan Official fig ures on the number of multiple wife marriages are unavailable but everyone agrees the num ber is small The Koran Says man may take only as many wives as he can treat equally and fairly Feminine reformers claim this qualification now is ignored They say men often desert old wives in favor of young ones The ordinance establishes ar bitration councils which must approve mans decision to take an additional wife if man marries without the councils permission he can be imprisoned for year and his first wife can sue for dvinrce Even with permission he must immediately return the full dower to his earlier wives or it will be deducted from his land revenue Reformers say these restric tions ensure equal treatment for all wives MADAM PRESIDENT Mother Of Three Heads Kinettes The president of the Kinetic Club of Barrie Mrs Lorne Gan ter is homemaker and mo ther of three energetic young sters Although the president says her club work never in terferes with her famlly or home It is tht only service work am involved in said the young woman The Kinette Club which is an auxiliary of the Kinsmens Club was organized in Barrie 10 years ago Its family at fair for Mr and Mrs Carter who reside on Oakley Park Square Mr Carteralso holds an executive position as vice president of the Barrie Kins mens Club CONVENTION PLANS The Carters are looking for ward to attending the Kins mensl National Convention which will be held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto August 31 to Sept Mrs Carter joined the Kinette Club seven years ago and has acted as Club Registrar for two terms of office second vice president and first vicepresid ent In June she was installed as president at the annual in stallation dinner held at Orillia Carter succeeded Mrs Henderson Lamb of Barrie This spring Barrie Kinettes hosted the annual Inter Club dinner meeting held in Barrie forthe first time in history Mrs Carter was chairman of this event Clubs were represented from points in southern Ontario in cluding Brampton Orangeville South Peel Aginconrt Ajax East York Newmarket streets ville Toronto Humber Valley North York Richmond Hill Scarborough Sutton and Toron to East York CLUB PROJECTS The Kinette Clubs projects are independent of the Kins mens The Cathy Kinette Doll is one of their fund raising pro jects The draw for Cathy is held before Christmas and makes some little girl happy on Christmas morning Cathy has complete wardrobe made by nimble fingered Kinette mem bers in September the Kinettes will have booth at the Barrie Exhibition Last year the club members adopted needy child in Rs Rhin France through the Canadian Saveiflhe Children Fund Members are For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL Eva MRS nouns enema also involved in welfare work for Barries needy families The Kinettes have given total of $800 to the Kinsmens Club to be used for purchasing equipment for their parkpro Ject The club now has 231 mem bers They lost one of their most devoted workers Mrs MacHyde who is now in Eur ope where her husband has ac cepted teaching position Mrs Carters hobbies include knitting and gardening As she says looking after her family is full time job The president is looking for ward tn progressive year with new memberships rolling in The clublwlll ings in September we use only the two top leaves and the bud to give Salads Tea its finer flavour Youll ï¬nd onlytheflnastlngredlanls for betterflavour In all SaladaShlrriftHorsey food products resume meet VISIT BARR Visiting with Mr and Mrs Roy Merrick Blake Street is their daughter Mrs Anthony Ferguson and daughters Jane nd Cathuine of Victoria Erit ish Columbia The western trav ellcrs arrived in the city early in July and will return the end of August Mrs Albert Wnsrnund of Red frew is visiting with her son iolaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Don Dickerson and family of Seaflo Street Mrs Was mund was in the city for the an rival of her new grandson two week old Glenn Mr and Mrs Maurice Nelson Napier Street had as guests Rev Doctor and Mrs Me 101 and son Glen of Fort Wil VISIT EAST COAST Mr and Mrs Ernest Mc Chesney and Bonnie ton hun berland Street and Mr and Mrs William McChemey and sons Dercck and Gregory of Gunn Street travelled to the east coast for their two week camp ing holiday They returned to the city at the weekend after vint ing points of interest in New Brunswick Nova Stotla Prince Edward island and Cape Breton After Visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs William Mc Chcsncy Cumberland Street Mr and Mrs All fluff returned to Coppercliff Monday morning Mrs Ruby Konsmo and son Burnett of Wheatland Manitoba were also guests at the McChee ney residence RETURNS T0 BARBIE Mrs Harry Carter form erly of Bradford and Bond Head has returned to Barrie to live For the past seven years she has resided in St Thomas She mov By DEIRDRE MUNGOVAN Canadian Press Staff ercr OJIAWA CPlA handsome SIIVElvItnIIEd woman daughter of Conservative member of Parliameot and widow of Lib eral Speaker of the House of Commons is one of the most striking ï¬gures at the New Party founding convention Whether mingling in the aisles with the grossroot delegates or sitting on the platform with the brass lherese Casgrain of Montreal force behind Quelt becs socialist movement com mands attention When lost child bewildered by all the firstday noise burst to tears it was Mrs Casgrain who picked her up and soothed her An alert photographer snapped one of the prize pie tures of the convention The child with her arms around Mrs Casgrain 62 whose features were etched with maternal con corn It was spontaneous action by woman who is mother of four children and grandmother of l5 since 1943 she has been member of the COP party and now as national vicepresident of the CCF is the only woman no the national co tt New Party mm lee of the Rom DISTINCTION As provincial CCF leader for IMPO Upon Conveliient SUSSMAN CHARGE ACCOUNT Months Tellay Continuolls No Down 1Payonent ed into an apartment at 26 Ron Street yesterday Living here with her for the time being to toss llora Mathleson of Owen Sound Miss Lynne walls Theresa Street was weekend guat of Miss Barbara Catto of Noranda Quebec at the family cottage near Scotla Parry Sound dis trict Mr 4315 Walls were in St Thomas for the weekend assisting Mn Walls anther vnth moving preparat ons Flying Officer and Mrs Ro land lbeakston of Ottawa were guests of Mrs Theakstons par ents Mr and Mn Cecil Priagle of Sanford Street Mrs Reppleston Mrs Horn and Mr and Mrs Heppleston and soils have returned to the city after speod ing weeks holiday with the farmers daughter Mrs Tenosnt at her summer resid ence on the Ottawa River MICHIGAN VISITORS Mr and hlrs Anthony Jarvis and dauylters Maureen and Ann of Farmington Mlchlgan are guests of Mrs Jarvls par ents Mr and Mrs Brooks Olndles HOLIDAY IN SCOTLAND Mr and Mrs Allan Robertson and son Scott of Blake Street are leaving the city Saturday for months holiday in Scot land The trio will travel to landon England via jet air liner and will vklt London for week before going to Scot land Mrs Robert Byersloronlo is holidaying at the home of her parents Mr street STRIKIN FIGURE Grandmother Gains Attention At The New Party Convention Quebec from 1951 to 1957 she gained the distinction of being the first woman in Canadian history to lead political party Trom what Ive seen here we might capture the vote she said eonï¬dmtly this is real peoples party You see here wonderful crosesectloo of Cana drans The daughter of Sir Rodolphe Forget Conservative MP she was brought up in Montreal At the age of is she married the late Pierre Casgrain Liliaa1 MP who was Speaker of the Commons from 1936 to 1940 She played prominent part in winning the vote for women in Quebec in 1940 and has rep resented the CC atinteroa tional socialist conferencu At the moment shes in the midst of writing book which says egoceros allttle bit of politics She is an ardent golfer still trying to get her score below 100 LOOK MA N0 HANDS lo the canton of Valals Swiss mothers carry their bab ies atop their heads The in fant is trussed inside wood en cradla resting on thick cushion perched on the moth ers head and with her hands thus freed the mother does her knitting as she jogs up and down steep rocky paths Easy luatalmeot Plan Charles and Mrs George Ahera Shannon Simcoe County WI Announce Names Of Committee nominating committee has been appointed for the election of officers of Simeoe County Wo mens Institute slated for Octo ber 30 and 31 at Alliston The offices to be filled include Home Economics and Health Public Relations Representative Agriculture and Canadian ln dustrles and Raolutions The committee members are hlrs Allan Todd RR Church ill Mrs McKay Ritz Hawke stoae and Mrs Al Merrill 5th Street Collingwood WORTH CIIUCICLE husband likes to be look ed upon as the softer the earth until his wife shakes him down music publisher says some of the ruekandroll tunes will never die Not even when theyre murdered on TV Some people dont realize that trains dont stop for an auto un til it has been hit Michigan policeman mar ricd It be had given tlcket for parking Now Ihell have permanent place All woman needs in order to hove husband she can control is temper she cant the July meeting of lvy Wo mens Institute was held at the home of Mn Martin with 14 members and three visitors present Roll call was Answered by giv ing duties of an Institute mem ber Business was discussed and all lmders were appointed to go to Allistcn Aug 28 and 29 for instruction Mrs lennett gave report on District annual at Cookstown Mrs Coohrane public rela tions convener took charge of the meeting She told that pub lic relations responsaillities deal with the public Its like womans work never done she said Good public relations ls really just using good common sense Marie Hoggarth favored with THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1961 Mrs Cockrane Outlines Work Of Public Relations Convener few accordion solos Reading was given by Mrs Carruth ers Contest was won by Mrs hchcrmott Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Gordon Cochrane Mrs Jed belt and Mrs Earl Reid For crystal clear iced tea make the tea oouoie strength teaspoons of tea to cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes Remove the tea leaves and add an other cup of ice cold water The cold water will remove any cloudiness Refrigeth the tea until you want to use iL To servo pour over chipped ice and top with lemon slice RCA VICTOR Chest TypeDeep Freeze RCA WHIRLPOOI build oi best 595 lbs frozen food stor age capoclty Automatic temperature control Safetyan door All over prime freezing surfaces Automatic interior light Adlnltable divider Storage baskets Crllp styling 2101 FREEZER $30900 20 cu FT rnnazsn $23990 cooe LOW LOW PRICE ON I7 CU FT FREEZER 259 INNISFIL ST RTANTNEWS is an run Brides if we Your LovelyBridaI Dress Sélecled Before Sept Isl ls IlNVOT Subject Hrs Sales Tait oRnElziwai SAVE Bridesmaids 5259 DOWN 511100 MONTH coop PA 66531 Salado ShlrnltfHorsuy prnduct is nualit guaranteed byt él7rnéi3 Excellence SMIIII STUDIO as Duulhp at PA ems Over Hunts copied FOl About Style or icon gurriok many proposed Valerie ac Distinction HAIRSTYLJSTS Brogan VISIT sr Mapll Ave 1m Idfll