WATER GUSHES 10 FEET INTO THE AIR Oro Farmer Hits Gusher Of Water Oro Township farmer Roe had more water than he could handle when driller hit water on his properly and the sudden gushcr threatened to flood cottages at Parkside Beach The 91foot deep well is at the south end of the ninth con cession road in Oro 40000 GALLONS HOURLY Welldigger William Sander son of Peterborough hit pay dirt Monday about 103n pm after three days of drilling flood of water estimated at 40000 gallons an hour began to pour towards the cottages on the lakeshore several hund red feet away Farm equipment the town ship grader and dozen men with shovels were used to dig sixfoot wide irrigation ditch to carry the water down to the lake WATERWITCHED The spot where the well is situated had been watemvitched several times in past years and Mr Roe had already sunk 30foot well without success havent quite decided vhat to do with the water yet Mr Roe said spectator commeu TRUCK COMES APART IN HIGHWAY MISHllP Rear wheels of Toronto Edmonton truck came adrift yesterday on Highway 11 at the ninth line in Oro Town ship Driver Olchnwecki as braked to avoidveattle ted that if it was all instead of water Mr Roe would he millionaire Im glad it wasnt oil was Mr Roes comment it would have polluted half of Lake Ons tario Registry Ofï¬ce Upsets Orillia ORILLlA CF Barrie will get Simcoe Countys new $300 000 registry office and Orillias town fathers are so irked theyre talking of getting out of the county system Town council asked Reeve McDonald Tuesday night Why Orillias interests werent looked alter when county coun cil voted recently on the Barrie site The vote was so tor42thc reeve replied the four votes coming from the town and Oril iia Township representatives Orillia was sold down the river claimed Alderman Frank Dolcourt Council decided to establish committee to study the possibil ity of seceding from thecounty system crossing highway and suspen sion snapp teariugoft rear wheels an door of truck There were no injuries but the truck sustained sevaralthous and dollars damage Top pho ed out of control for nearly destroyed hull several hogs drowned while swimming llis Oro Is Against AuditoriUm Plan On Township Council ymer day opposed Barrie School Boards financing proposals for the Central high school audi tariurn Financing plans were put be fore Barrie and township oounv cils at meeting on July 21 for an auditorium seating 1100 Cost of the building would be $83000 and land would mist 354000 for total of $435000 Financed over Nyear period the total would be 3743599 Annual cost to Oro Township under the present equalization would amount to mm Oro Township Council passed the following resolution We do not approve of present plans for the proposed auditor $le000 Stayner turn and suggest that the school no proceed with the construb tion of the other rooms or have new plans prepared for the aud itorium at total cost not to exceed $250000 or we would as sume our share of debentures up to that amount plus our share of the mat of land acquisition up to 354000 Deputy Reeve George Mac Kay said Present plans for theatretype auditorium with fix ed assets and sloping floor are too elaborate We propose be said an auditorium with removable seats whichcouidalsobeusedaaa symposium Also we feel that it is unfair to the people of this township who have already con Iire Destroys Bull Several Hogs 100 Turkeys fire near Stayner which rag seven hours late yesterday at ternoon and evening caused an estimated $20000 damage it and more than 100 young tur keys The Lshapcd huilidng was owned by Mrs Henderson Vnrrington Rd SAVE NEARBY BUILDINGS Firemen from Stnyner and Collingwood who responded to the alarm arrived only to find the building ablaze from top to bottom and end to end They concentrated their efforts on saving nearby buildings it was necessary to extinguish root fires on house owned by Milt Davidson located more than 500 yards from the blaze and small barn owned by Mrs Taylor DeputyAchiei Ted Firm of the Stnyner Fire Department said today the best guess is that it was caused by internal combus tion possibly in the large mows in the building which were full of hay Hydro workmen who were working nearby told firemen Find IBody Of Man Near Boat In Bay MlDLAND Ont CF The body of 41yearold David Phipps of Toronto was found yesterday four miles south of Georgian Bay Cove after he had sat out on final cruise in his uvioot cabin cruiser Police said Phipps probably boat which he had recently sold was spotted from the air and dragging operations were started alter his clothes were found on board He had left here Thursday night and had been expected back Saturday to shows rear wheels and rear doorof truck lying 200 feet behind the truck Bottom photo Mr Olchoecki bends Alliston an Our Lady they heard atcfrifio explosion inside the building and the next thing they knew it was on fire from ground to roof SPARKS BLOWN AWAY Firemen said it was fortunate Lhe brisk wind blowing at the time was in direction which carried sparks away from other buildings on the property Both Stoyner and Collingwood fire department personnel were patrolling Ihe blaze until alter 11 pm and weatherman was on duty overnight tributed to the cost of commun ity balls in the township to be asked to contribute to an audi torium which would mainly be used by Barrie Reeve Ken Gillespie and other council mean agreed with Mr MacKays View On July 24 Barrie City Council approved finance committee recommendaion that the city guarantee its share of the cost of increasing the proposed and itoriums capacity from 1100 to 1500 Oakley Park Plans Kids Camival om Park will have chil drenl carnival Friday night prccarnivol parade will start at six oclock iha carnival starts at 630 Plans include an amateur show with special entertainment and the regular carnival nttrac ions such as fish ponds horror specialties dart games and in nurnernble features Oakley Park has an enroll meat of 215 Most of the chil dren have indicated that they will be at the carnival with their parents bake sale and re freshment booth will provide nourishment for the fun seekv crs Penny Tompkins play ground instructor said today FROM BARBIE 16 Sea Cadets At Bases Sixteen Earrie Sea Cadets are taking training courses at bases in Nova Scotia The executive officer of the Barrie Sen Cadets Lieut Robert Graham said today the cadets are divided into four courses Some 13 Able Cadets are tak ing basic senmanship training at Acadia at Sydney Nova Sod tia The boys are Able Cadets Clifford Bradshaw Ronald Cow an Dagneauit Davis MacLean Norman MacLean Trevor Rhodes Earl Richards Sutherland Norman Sweeney Barry Miles Collins and Fitzslrnvnoas The cadets will receive in struction in boating discipline knotting swimming and basic Cedringion Plans Kids Carnival There will be childrens car nival at Codringtnn Park to night Karen Emehrson sup ervisor of the park said today the children will parade around the park at 615 pm The car nival will start at 680 pm There are 300 youngsters reg istered at Codrington MissEm herson expects themand their parents to make the carnival success Those attending the carnival will be able to try their luck at the fish pond darts bowl ing hoopla horror and sundry other attractions There will be lots of baked goods and refresh ments on hand OBITliilltY REV KIBBY Rev Patriot Joseph Kirby 33 retired priest and most re cently chaplain at St Josephs Convent Moore Park died July 27 at St Josephs Hos pital Toronto Pontifical requiem mass was sung in St Josephs Convent chapel on Saturday Born in Listowel County Kerry Ireland Father Kirby studied with the Christian Bro thers in Ireland and at St Aug ustine Seminary in Torontoeo He was ordainai at st Augus tine in 1917 His first appointment was as assistant at Holy Family Chur ch Toronto He remained there three years after which he be came assistant at St Marys Church Barrie for year and for two years at St Josephs Church Toronto His first pastorate was at St Patricks Church Schomberg in 1927 The following year he was appointed director of the Canadian Catholic Students Mission Crusade and held this office in addition to his duties as pastor of Schombers In 1929 he became pastor of St Patricks church in Merriton and in 1935 was appointed pas tor of St Thomas Aquinas in Toronto Because of ill heclth he resigned from tha parish in 1939 Among his charges since have been the pasorate of St Pauls the chaplaincy of Mercy Hospital and later of the Monastery of the Good Shepherd Tomatou Since 1948 Father Kirby has been chaplain at St Josephs ontlteLake and when the Sisters of St Josephopencd their new Mother House novi tiate and infirmnry in Moore over to right box aboard van Park he became nhapiiihi there Seamanship There wiilbe test at the end of the course which takes two weeks and the cadets will be in Barrie again August 13 BOATSWAIN COURSE Leading Cadet Cakes is taking twomonlh boatswain course He left Barrie June 29 and will return at the end of this month He is stationed at Cornwallis Nova Scotia Leading Cadets Wilson and Paul Thompson are taking and leadership courses respectively at Acadia Their course runsthrough July and August also SubLieut Bruce Law accom POSING AFTER unveiling are from left Professor Norman Emmerson Reeve Dalon Jermey Mayor George McLean of Drillia Professor Mcllwraith Dr Halo Bart Rumble and Pro mler Leila FrosL Mark Huron Indian Capital In Simcoe County Ceremony WAltltllNSTER The capital of the lluron nation Cahiagua described as the largest settle merit north of Mexico in Champ ns time was officially marked here yesterday by plaque erected by the Ontario Archaeological and Historic Sites Board and unveiled by Dr Hale one of Simcoe Coun tya most famous native sons and editor emeritus of the Dr illin Packet and Times The unveiling took place at the site where Champlain spent the winter of 16l5lt16 during his explorations of Ontario From hers he went on an expedition with the Hurons against the iro quois of northern New York state an expedition described by Professor Mcliwraith as one of the most impracticable military attacks in history The professor representing the board was one of the men instnimental in the preliminary exploration ol the site which has been the centre of heated con troversy as to its exact location for over 50 years As principal speaker at the ceremony the proiessor traced the history of Champlains tra vels through Ontario and said that as result of the expediA tion with the Hurons he drove the Iroquois into the camp of the English and allied the French with the Hurons pair of alliances that eventually help ed the English conquer what is now Canada Mr Mcllwraith also paid tri bute to the active interest taken ponied the cadets to Acadia THURSDAY mass Lean LOIN pork chops ALL POPULAR BRANDS liiltilllllilTES FRESH LARGE BEADS GREEN manner LB by Premier Leslie Frost in the SPECIALS 59c FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED runnrst so 339 19c Carton of 200s worca raunsnAYs PAPER For our BIG WEEKEND FEATURES AD BEHLES promotion of Ontarios past He cited it as knowledgeable in forest and said that the pre mier had been leader in devel oping an interest in not only the history of this province but of Canada generauy Concluding the professor said he hoped the work being done not only at Cahiague would help make Canadas history on in spiration and stimulation for future students In my day his tory was merely set of facts learned from book Such work as these students are doing here nakc history alive and interest na Premier Frost in his remarks recalled the early history at Me donte Township where the cor emony was held He also re Vcallcd associations he had with pioneering families or their de scendants during his childhood trips through the countryside He also expressed thanks to the owners of the land for their kindness and cooperation in per mitting the diggers students of the University of Toronto to use the property for their im portant work Dr Hale assisted by Premier Frost and Professor McIlwrnith oiiiciatcd at the unveiling Dr Hale reminisced about his ex periences in helping to get the site recognized and claimed to he the oldest tamer in Mednnte Township having worked on farm 75 years ago Also participating in the cer emony were Dr ii lrwin president of the Orillin Histor ical Society Mayor George Mc Lean of Drilliu and Reeve Dal ton Jermey oi Mcdonte Dr Irwin said these are ex citing times for the society We are thrilled to have the prime minister participate with us in this historic ceremony not only because he is from this area but also because he has such an intimate knowledge of local and national history He thanked Fisher Ganton forrner warden of Simcoe Cnun ty and Major Lane of the Department of Lands and For ests in Coldwatcr for their as sistance in the planning and or ganizing of the ceremony as well as their support of the whole venture Reeve Jermey outlined the history of the township and re marked thot although the area was not known for its political figures it had contributed many wellknown names to the athletic and military field like best Pick MnPickwick vunommm losses JWWWYM arm momma ee td smear swimmers HIGHWAY it AND Johnson sr HAVE rLrAsunr lN ANNOUL clue in para NG or am