momma REPORTER How Many GARRY VALLEY driver Only about 53 per cent of the women look good in shorts flie rest well One thing would say is that shorts should not be allowed on the main streets its too distracting for drivers it wouldnt surprise me if lot of accidents are caused by drivers looking at shorts WENDY CRAWFORD student Id say about 50 per cent of the women wearing shorts look acceptable The balance of them do not always create favor able impression Shorts are comfortable relaxing and cool However discretion must be use ed Soma can wear them well others cant Bermuda or Ja maica shorts are the most ac ceptable Firms Charge Dock trikers Irresponsible TORONTO GP The Ship ping Federation of Canada nies day accused the executive of striking Local 1842 or the inter national Longshorcmens Associ ation CLCl of irresponsibility and asked for negotiators from the ILAs national office Strang labor relations officer and Mearns gen eral manager of the federation which represents stevedoring firms strikobound for three weeks in the TomatoHamilton area made the statement alter five hour negotiationshfonday night The discussions first in two weeks resulted in deadlock Mr Strong said settlement is possible only if negotiations are put into the hands of two senior ILA vicepresidents Jack Campbell and John Galbraith both of Halifax Cecil Ramparsaud business agent of Local 1842 said the federation wants the two to ne gotiate because Mr Campbell said Mr Galbraith were soft to deal with in the past Employees of Cullen Eastern Canada and Pittston stevedoring companies struck after they re jected conciliation board pro posal of lzceat increase this WEATHER Synopsis Light showers have been occurring north of Lake Superior and in southwestern Ontario and lower Michigan These are associated with npair of weak low pressure areas centred overtake Superior and in northern indlana early this morning Both disturbances are moving eastward ahoutlo mph Lake Erie Niagara Lake llu ron Lake ontario regions Win sor London Toronto Hamilto Cloudy witha few sunny inter vals and widely scattered show ers today Little change in tem perature Cloudy tonight clears year to $210 an hour and an ad ditional six cents next year HAMILTON CPtNo trucks from Gait spinning company crashed through chain of strik ing stcvedores Tuesday injuring one man but escaping with tons of cotton from strike bound warehouse Plckcts scattered as the trucks roared through their ranks into the dockside stores As the loaded trucks made their way out Arthur Powell 40 strik ing longshoreman fell under threeton truck He suffered only bruises and hmped back to continue picket dutyTuesday night Brtan nce general manager of the Hamilton Terminal Oper ators Limited said more vio lence is possible if other com panies with goods tied up by striking Local 1854 of the inter national Longshoremens Associ ation CLC try theisarnc thing Rentedï¬rucksvdriv by em ployees of RontexSpinning Mills of Gait escaped with enough cotton to keep the plant operat ing another month company of ficials said Workers had been laid off recently because of the shipments delay PAT BERRY mretary Some women thinkthey can wear shorts but they really cant Perhaps 59 per cent can The rmults in some cases are somewhat of an eyesore litany younger women look quite ap pcaling in shorts but elderly wo men especially on the main streets dont always create the same effect HELEN MCCOMB waitress Perhaps 25 per cent of the wo men should wear shorts of themhavent nice legs any way if its really hot shorts only Women in their teens look are fine but they shouldnt be SMd 11 Short but there is on worn on the main streets They are comfortable but not always can 11 um complimentary Most are those who look unsuited omen Should Wequ Shorts BRUCE GLASSFORD assist aatmonager Some look all right in shorts and then there Shorts should be worn around home the beach and such places age where discretion should be exercised id say about 60 per women could wear shorts PRODUCE The egg market was about steady with offerings adequate for light to fair demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agrl culture on Canada grade eggs delivered Toronto in fibre cases large 38 medium M35 small 26 and grades no market Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tenderahle 63 ODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie INDUSTRIAL Asbestos Ablunl Alrornn Steel Aluminium Aiberil on Auu Steel Bk Montreal Bank at its lieii Tel nrnxllinn BA all no Power cdn Bil or Com Cdn Breweries cPit Canada Cement Can Chemical Can on Con Min sr Sm con PIP Consumers Dis Sell Dem lIr Drouiiiln Gt LIkes GIt Pow Horne on Hudson BIy im an inland NG leait Mu Powell NorandI Darn Found Dom stores Famous Playl Harden Farm Home on imp TobIccn in Accept Inter Nickel Into rnv Pt Jacki Club Masch Fug we Duct NG 15s ooro nrp 1w Oshawa rrruir Pctl m4 Pom Pipe zap Que NIt on am Roo ml itoLhmsns nnyn Bank Salado Shirrilf Simmons Stafford Steel or can steinbers Tor Dom ox rrrn Can a1 Trans lift For TrIderl Fin Texaco Union Gas Wlikli ka sisi Pld liiin fllv MINING Gunnsr as Hoitinzer Com Chih CcnDelRtn Can Denhnn Con nail Sullivan FIlconbritige Geeo Mines Lanigun Normotai Ooamisiu KerrAddison Long Lu Mnritimes II Qucmont Sher Gordon stun nocir Untied Oil Ventum Wilroit rive uosr Acme recurs cmpbeii Cnlb Dom stores Kerr st oftlanndlrlVtntures DowJONES NEW Industrhla up Lu Rails YORK nvnnAGes up 31 Utilities up 50 TORONTO srocn sxanNoe ntsz Industrial up Lol Golds up 73 Metal up 11 w0iln up 52 DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS Mgnmn steel Corp common one paybis Sept ex dividend All so some F31th and ovens Supreme Biscuits vnnmrms Sweet PKGS 89c CELLO PKGS WATERMELON coca 79° REFRESEING BED RIPE Stock Market Sets New High In Industrials TORONTO CPl The stock morkct vaulted to new high on the industrial index during light morning trading today Industriais rose 151 to 59620 their highest point since the compilations the 20stock index in 1934 mainly on the basis of strength in stccls paperstoods and refining oils One dismal aspect was the limp in 30 Electric following the news of takeover by the BC Government BC Electric preferred fell into to take the biggest loss while the 45s and fell 7V and respectively Volume in the sole domtraded stocks was low Steels advanced smartly with Atlas Algomo PageHersey and Steel Company of Canada all taking fractional gains while among papers Abitibl Great Lakes Macmillan Bloedel Con solidated Pricc Brothers and international all rose in the it to ya range In foods Domin ion Stores Canada Packers Hordee Farms Loblaw and Salndn Siliriiff all gained in light trade 0n index industrials roseiji to 59520 golds 28 to 8881 base metals 11 to 20566 and western oils 52 to 9247 The 11 am volume was 357000 shares com pared with 353000 at the some time yesterday 18 lb Mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST L161 Coldwell To Urgel Douglas As Chief OTTAWA CHThe man who will rise tonight to nominate Tommy Douglas as New Party leader will be Cold well The grand old man of the CCF has agreed to enter the Saskat chewsn premiers name in the race against national CLF Leader tiazen Argue Tommy Douglas has made great contribution to Saskatche wan and can make greater contribution in the ad or field laid Mr Caldwell it is his duty to undertake the party leadership And Hazen Argue Helen is young man would think he may have very good future as an MP and improve his position and follow ing in the years to come And the CCF merging with organized labor into the New Party The OCF is like girl gets ting married her name is changed but not her nature These are the words of man who helped found CC to 1533 who slit as CCF MP in the House of Commons for 22 years who led the CCF for is years until his retirement last year Honorary national leader of the CCF he says will never run again or hold office in the New Party but will keep in we contact and help all it general election is coich this fall Mr Caldwell expects the New Party to do very well But it could do even bet ter if the election were held off until next year Drivers ace Fine On limber Lights Motorists can be fined for driving through amber lights This ruling has been in effect since July Police Chief Ed ward Trchimort said today All Barrie traffic signs were adjusted to conform to now Department of Highways rogue lations last night Under this new system green amber and red lights will operate separ ately There will no longer be green and amber light on at one time Cabinet Gives 378333 Grant To Georgian The pmvtnciai cabinet yester day authorized grant of 378 me towards the construction of wood addition to the Simeon Countyoperated Georgian Man or at Penetanguishenc County Clerk Fred Hunter said today that construction started on the addition last fall The building should be complet ed by the middle of September be said Total estimated cost of the ad dition was set at $39l668 Hall the cost is to be paid by tho department of welfare Total estimated cost of the ad dition was set at 5391668 Half the cost is to be paid by the department of welfare The additional 50 beds will be used by bedridden people only in Hunter said George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 136 THERES No NEED TO NEoiEci YOURcAR EASY ur EASY DOWN srnoothworlrlng Over head Garage Door is must for every garage In sist on one if youre bulld inge new garage or plan to install one in your present garage to bring it up to the minute in con venience EASY BUDGETTERMS NO MONEY DOWN Avg coRN 0N THE COB avono COOLED norm GROWN 59° 1101 CANTELOUPE us SELECT some 45s son iing Thursday morning Light variable winds Georgian Bay Holiburton re gio Sunny with few cloudy intervals today and Thursday Little change in temperat Light variable winds Timagami Algoma Cochrane White River western James Bay regionerainly cloudy with few scattered showers today followed by gradual clearing to night Thursday sunnywvith few intervals Not much change in temperature Light variable winds Forecast temperatures low Higb 65 Digestive Rich Abernathy Gray Dunn Biscuits PKGS 45 Featarel Save Get Bass BUY save icl Varieties 4802 tlns MENS mums SARDINES dunno Feature Save 4c MeLarens HESTlqu snvosel IZMMnmirgl Nabisco Shreddies 49 near our save 44 blocker mesa 3mm Angel Food Cake Silkoam REGULAR as Club Des son Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton 16 on PER MONTH GANPAY FOR YOUR CAR GARAGE Well help plan your garage so it truly suits the ster of your home and our experts will build it to meet your satisfaction Dont delay Drive over for robot today Theres no obligation for estimates Or if youd prefer plannniggadvlce atmome just call Pa 32496 Complete Job Guaranteed1 FULL YEAR Bill punts nu co LTD 48 ANNE ST PA 82496 on our handy Budget rifled Dont delay Mpairs to your to Seeu today nonsensical MotorI Ltd also 33 Feature VSave 16c Cateilis Will LIIEKWWNEZ 65 Feature slave 4c saico Mandarin Featurel Save in Evaporated Tali Tlnl For Frying oriiaibeguingï¬iihotce PlumpTender Mar and Cheese Pickle and PimentoChicken Loaf Olive 29° SPAGHETTI 1W Red £7 White Features ReedyroServe Meats ORANGE Slices 55° SWIFTPREMIUM on Fashioned Picnic style Red POE sec oi Breasisir Loaf con $1 Featurel save that Sam SWIFT PREMIUM Famous for Quality to is lb Featurel 6c Cello so Flliiy eooked Smoked just right Holiday Picnic Specials Varieties ti 01 pack Your Choice FLEETiliiMS TUNA FISH Timmi 3m $1 BUTTERBALL National TEA BAGS 39° P°s°m3 53 3ililitliEtlliiViIiiis zm47= SSA ROAD as co