LIMITED BARRIE WHILE SIMOOE MONTY LIBRARY QUALIFICATIONS nï¬anfl MARKETING TRAINEE eer ambitions with the many phases at opera lion taking place at West Bend considered quolilled applicants log to West Bend Of Canada Ltd EEO Box 519 Barrie out TRUCK DRIVERS Truck driven wnnled Must be yun or nvrr Apply In perrun hill to TiFiIN STREET BARRIE unrk in or out Htllcrut Gardens Phelpnin Tcirphoue Etinvllo 77le or lurthur inlor rnntlon MAN WANTED or mlrkcl leden work by the my nlllcml Gm dons Phei lml Telephone inn vnle mm on Iurtiler inform uon Hi JOURNEYMAN Elechtcinn requln ed or Immedllte study employ mull sme relerences Ind nllry expected Apply to Box herno Exlmineri min2 EXPELIENCBD Tabeon Primer or tobacco hnrvext rel son Mun hnvn It lent twa yun experience Apply Morn Ebertt 111162 nnrrie or tulepnona PA nxPANaiuN Opportunity and servtce Must oi nu cour team And how Munind nun preierron For lnnnintmont phone llr MlllerPA 55515 mes day or Wennuliy hotween LS pin only able Try An Examiner Want Ad ii ulm numeral Ior Bonk mm Ind General norr Won chlln welcome Telephone PA mu West Bend Canuda Limited Mnuulnclurcr nationally odlt vertised cooking utensils appli ances gilt won and internal combustion engines is inter viewing or Marketing Trainees This is real opportunity or the right man with sales car llrlder our onthcjob training program new men have the op portunity to become laminar Only men over Zl with good educational background will be Please submit resume in writ nor WANTED or market llrden HELP WANTED IO HELP WANTED menu 3mm HOUSEWARES Al inn Senior Humannon Ind ability to type SERVICE Apply by IRIIGR unmm mm Elmo County ubflly CMNJI mm ARIA County Court Home Eufll Onllfln THIS Ll In nulull univan with to mom comalay in in BABY unn or are Haul or your nun DIVAll never or Action 94 born ink or mirthan Ind mIIEI rain lawn omen II Quin or tervlclnl join us reuhl air for main lggfmlllfll ellin and towel dent rotll outietu Prelerenct lven lo lypiiunt with mun ocrmmna In thin or III fed heron lzxeelinnl nlrrnnnlent or in end lnctnuvu boom ear Iiiovunu and mu Illr beneï¬ts warn mil INTERVIEW FIRDCO SALES LTD in ItAciN ROAD luzxmuz ONTARIO MALE OE FEMALE MALI on mu 15 non or over Unururl opportunity in me Ind nervlcu Cnr nenlthi Phone IA mil beteel lituzso on Wednuduy manning EMPLOYMENT WANTED MOTHER wru loor Alter em week our cm moanin Street for tunnel netus WILL LOOK Ami children in my own name wul plrk no Ind deliver Telephone PA blue nlcaRAmn will work evenlnn and wekendl slim yekr hour Any er type war rhulieur driving etc Ownn sL ilYxAnnui no iooklnl or emplwymeni Cu work nmllnder or hoiidlyl Ind weekend Tele pbonn PA Human High School Boy nled Ieehlnu employment or rr mlindei oi hoiinny and wbuol weekend ii necesrrry ctrum url nuance Plinunl Teleyhnnl PA soul II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cllmn lhirut the Ellm ol WALTER JOHN PERCIVAL who died on or room lmh Feb min 1959 um nu wile MARY ANN PERCIVAL who died an or About the all October low mum be In our lunar by August mi 1961 liter whlih dale Exuto will be distrib DATED the zstn ny oi July Ml Miss RICHMOND srnuér WEST renown Solicitorl tnken Cull no its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates 0mm CUPBOARDS Phone strand 87ml Collect DIAPER SERVICE HARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery FRANCIS ST BEAR PA 68551 Les turn pack or dzuemr cm EXCAVATING GRAVEL sun SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Brennan nna arming Wnter Douury Crushed nuns inn YIrd nickna ror hm DENNIS MORAN Annl Strut PA 32107 LANDSCAPING Blah HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE DESIGNING gt MAINTENANCE SERVICE Personal attention given to All Problem LEMON PA 66l78 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING gigging AND SOIL nn spar Bang sorry Painting Servicu Sinco MD as Milan PA rug cleaning call SANA 9an MAYFAI OF BARRIE WANIED FREE 5mm DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE WELL DIGGING 065 WELLW Telephone Harrie PA 87751 Long dismnui Zenith 32809 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILILIA license No 69081 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We one hell ilohlund to remove nur nerd and on plan urn all under the Ibo Anl FREE REMOVAL Pllone COLLECi PArkway 83617 RDON YOUNGl LICENSE owe Telephone PA 82414 BUILDING SURVEYING Roger Welsman Ll In On at 01 Painswick 0mm CCUSTOIII BUILDING Land Surveyor OREMDDELLING For fine furniture and Removed promptly on disposal 30 well Well nut WELLS DRILLED PUMP Coupland SERVICE TORY By Month or YEiar TELEPHONE PA 6m urnonsmn UPHOLSTERI NG OF EVERY KIND Draperies Islip covers lBrondioom OOomlnerciai furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE 55 MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOIsIERgVQ AND RUG 64 BAYFIELD ST PA Mm PA Hoax an or awnem collect complete rnnre or fubrtu mm in your ironic UPHOLSTERY Chaterflelds Chairs Chrome Chain Boat Sent Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 16 YEARS SERVICE IN BARRIE FREE ESTIIIIATES AND PICKUP BARRIE Tent And Awning CO LTD so mm ST 3mm PHONE PA om CLEANING long in you cinnerl your YEARSIO runs YES WE CLEAN WELLS In Kï¬pamld ï¬fty Duro In snnnow end imp Well Pum Flinnwalk write MARIA 5mm BARRIE Jill north DOHIth ou Buflnld PA H731 INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES rilling RR NO BARRIE PA 87646 Arrest Canadian In Gold Swindle PITTSBURGH APtA Wind Aor men wanted in connection with $30000 gold swindle in Chicago was arroued in Pitta burgh Tuuday two days ulter be complnined to police that his ALP STORE CLOSED All DAY AUGUST 7th CIVIC Dollk Forget To Buy Extn Erud For Tho LonLWokEnd Come See COO SHAMII PORTION No Centre slicer Removed SHANK HAL CENTRE CUTS or SllCES Ib69t WHOLE HAMS Smoked WIENERS tlbplg Tuith Juicy CUBE STEAKS Mild Cure VII Flc CORNE BEEF Munrnnl Chine Loaf Pickle Pimento Lon Olive Lon Your Chniu HOMESTYLE 79¢ HAMS It 87 373 53333 COOKIES ammo Cooked Plan Style iOozpkg 29 SLICED COLD CUTS PORK snoumens I43 loan muv Allgood Smoked Sliced Rindlnu ah 85 lllipkg lIlpllg 9c sM Eight 962 who pm Ii tin 57¢ Ln Pkg of i2 47 PORTION 53 arm aldtunefuliofdotï¬umhertheymuldbuythreebay 34 nl gold dust m1 rnz BARR flNZR NZSDAY AUGUST ll Edward Miller VI was placed 000 ï¬le gold dust they Ille Ln moody us illrebel edly told her was valued 350000 March On Ottawa Archle Johnstone Canadian vicepresident at the Hotel and Club Employees Union CLC heads the delegation thlt will outline the strikers ulde oi the dispute Wednesday The strikers walked all the job April 24 allowing dead pending preliminary hearln on charges growing out at the alleged swindle The FBI said Miller and um other man Zdzislow BunsLek Bundled Gucngo woman no tanrarlt owner In 1955 by telling lock in wage heretiallnns The Ontario labor relation bolrd Ilonday adjourned until Aug is union Alppllutlon or permission to prosecute the ho tel or dismissmg more than 500 striking employee earlier thil month Agents said Hannah and the woman went to Canada pun chased the dust and smuggled II min the United Staten They went to Chicago where they sold the dual to Miller TORONTO CPI 1tepruen miles at otrikinu employees or the Royal York hotel set out to day for Ottawa to put their case before the rounding convention oI the Now Partyi MONDAY HOLIDAY You7l Save on AGI SuperRight Quality Meat KED READY Io SERVE Bum CANNED HAMs BAKER Eekd In AAP Jane Phihr PRODUCTS Own mm Dy Mm Bolton Rog HAVE RAISIN PIE 39 Sleek Up Your Fmror AQ low Price in Purknr Nu Coil Bllcu Removed BUTT HALF lb53¢ le59¢ 55¢ so mun In JENBLISH nun CAN $2 43 53979 I515 9t fgmg Rm pug muve in ex nraml Allorted alga€512 lioz pkg 29 flow In muve 89° loo loaves 29r NoopkauHAveoo COLD curs uni519e Smoked Cooked Born In ITALIAN BREAD Juno Pnrkor Pill or Buyred sine BACON GARDEN FR TOMA CORN PEACHES Iowan 0mm Grebe Florida Punch IllC FRUIT DRINK Elliot Coloured TOILET TISSU Brlyo SPAGlIEITI MACARONI IIbpus49 ahllordr Apple PIE FILLER AAP Fancy Qualily wnou mun COR Sunnyfiald Salted MIXED NUTS SPECIAL THIS WEEK hag Prle 25 VBONEIESS RillllP ROAST Native Field No Grade 60I BASKET mo Yellow Hydra crow No1 Grnd Imnnrhd Yellow Fluh Frnlhinl More Savingr at AGP MAIIVEL ice CREAM ALL FLAVOURB 245 BONELESS SOLID MEAT ROUND STEAK ORROAST 19 Buy By Case AntlgSave ALP FANDY QUALITY Rel Nil NoSAVE 1o TOMATO JUICE CASE of 12 TING 30 SAVI IO ALP FANCY QUALITY NEW PACK Rea Iln OEDSAVE Ea ASPARAGUS TIPS um33 ESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES IOES CASE OF 24 TING $752 SAVE 4Ia CHOICE CREAM STYLE Ron lnl GODGAVE 20 Amoun hush GAB 0F 24 TIN SAVE 24° MANDARIN Rev tin HAVE 2o ORANGES 237 oAae or 14 ring us DAV uoo Biscuirs SNACKS IBoon Itu rdInIglunï¬nuni EnquiryAllVGnlouII 1601 Nruvr Yellow Cooking No and omous MIQEIIHIII Vluminixnd 48 APPLE earma JUICE pkg eIzmIIs 23 my pkgl a7osAve EEgï¬xi qt box 91 Ron line BBQSAVE 6o pk SIDSAVE moz pin 31 Reg than 230 AVE 90 8lioz tins 21¢ Ron pknWeBAVE lDo lZoz pkg scurr KOTE SHOE rousu alum btl 35er Robin Hood Pouch FucksSuva to l235c INSTANT ONION mmmnmmcmtm CAKEMIX SPECIAL WyierlSuroninn l2oz shaker 351 chun Kin CHICKEN CHOW MEIN 1662 pig in Super Markets All no in TM All taurimm Thrall Biturdly Augun aim1961 SAVE 6o