Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1961, p. 1

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Gldves Come OffIn New Par In This Comer DOUGLAS came off Monday in the leftns right struggle to shape New Party dogma The second day of the found ing convention bared the basic cleavage between the forces led by trade unionists on the right OTTAWA CF The gloves and on the left by radical ele ments of the CCF seeking more determination to reshape the Canadian economy substantially The radicals made little prov gress Trade union delegates silent during Mondays minary skirmishing on procedural mat tors broke out Tuesday withgt strong backing for full and speedy acceptance of program as drafted by New Party plan ners and revised by the Long vention program committee Stay the yapping publicity director Murray Cottertil of the big United Steelworkers Union advised the 1700 mxrediwd delegates largest number ever assembled for Canadian polit ical convention it is high time some of our CCF friends slop acting like pharisccs who say Thank you Lord that am not as others are particularly those Liberals and Conservatives who get elected The New Party will go the way of many other well meaning progressive organiza tions cautioned veteran social ist Colin Cameron formerBrit ish Columbia MP unless it is prepared to recognize that re shaping of the economy must take place through whollynew institutions to replace giant cor porations Today the slowmoving con vention was to have further regions on party platform and organization Key event tonight will be the nomination and ac ceptance speeches of the leader ship candidatesPremier Doug las of Saskatchewan and na tional CCF Leader Haws Ar gue the underdog Leadership voting comes Thursday The anticipated cracks within the founding wavention began to show at Tuesdays afternoon susion with the first report by the program committee headed by Prof Michael Oliver of Mc Gill University who is regarded as likely president of the New Party British Columbia delegates traditionally ate of stronger socialist policy opened up platform preamble and drew the fire of some old trade union hands By adjournment the pream ble had been approved un cbabged The convention also accepted unemployment pm gram and policy to encourage genuine ri enterprise and expand public and cooper ative ownership REBUFF LEFTWINGERS Rejected were leftwing efforts to cloak the partys preamble in more fireintherbelly langu age and Dr Thomas of BCs Esquirnalt Snunich fed eral riding said he fears the convention will labor to produce nothing but new Liberal party The first mat anger showed when wipprecht New Party club delegate from South Timiskaming said smaliel liber alism is more respected Ca nadian word today than social lam and urged gosiow policy Take bis card away from shouted one of few del egates who leaped to their feet llaa at the wrong convention shouted another Tbe adopted preamble was more specific than an earlier draft in attributing Canadian economic illsof waste unem ployment political corruption and shoddy social vdiues to lack of planning and to dominalt tion by few owners of great corporations The employment plank prom ised job for everyone through guaranteed employment act under whldt jobless could claim work as social right plus the omy full cost of retraining or moving to another iob There were two key objec tions Dr Eugene Forsey outspoken research director of the Cana dian Labor Congress said pledge of full employment nouid involve New Party govern ment with line of unemployed stretching from Ottawa to Mont real and Kingston Full employ ment could be created only in totalitarian state that no dele gate wanted Program committee chairman Oliver said no New Party gov ernment could expect to provide full employment the day after taking office Canadian director Larry Sel ton of the Steelworkers Union said properly planned now could be managed in Can ada without crippling free enter prise ty ght ilndInThis OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tole phone PA 82411 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with few cloudy inter vals Winds light Low tonight 56 High Thursday 75 For full summary turn to page two Merrie 335x Not More Than 10 per Copy16 Page HOSTAGES SET sass AFTER rans ORDEAl if 97th YearNo 179 Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday August 1961 Jam1 WOUNDS Brice Britt Sr 40 of Smackover Ark liesdtained on runway of airport at Chico AfroAsian Bloc Support Session UNITED NATIONS APlDe spite US opposition to General Assembly debate on the Tunis ian crisis Afro Asian leaders expressed confidence today they could line up enough support to call an emergency session Tunisias allies said they had 82 of the 50 signatures needed 3h request session of the dead locked FrenchTunisian dispute over the Bizlzrte naval base Chief US delegate Adlai Stevenson back from Paris where he discussed the crisis with President de Gaulle ex pressed belief the French Tu nisian differencos would be set tied by direct negotiations He told reporters both governments should be able to agree on the pullhack to their pro battle positions requested by the Sc curity Council in its July 22 ceasefire resolution Tunisian Minister Baht Ladgham arrived in Wash ington Tuesday night to confer with President Kennedy President Habib Bourguiba hitherto staunch ally of the West is bitter over US failure to support hisattempts to oust theJrench from the Bizerte base The United States unwill ing to offend France favored neither side PILOT IN PT Califafter seriously wound ing ticket agent and the pilot of the plane in an attempt to get to his hometown in Arkan Bourguiba also dispatched emissaries to the Soviet Union Latin America Asia and Africa to seek support for his cam paign against the French HERESONE Uncle You made $20 sell ing magazines subscriptions How many families did you have to sell Nephew Only one Their dog hit me BC Govt Taken sasivilhnut ticket Britt construction worker was over powered by the copiloi and passengers AP Virephoto Tunisians Fire On French llircrait TUNIS AP Antiaircraft guns fired on French planes that violated Tunisian air space near the Algerian frontier the gov ernment said today Tunisian officials did not say when the incident occurred but listed it among 50 air space vio lations they said had been counted in the lasttwo days French air force sources at Bizerte base confirmed that some air reconnaissance is being maintained We cannot afford to he caught unprepared one offi cer said Tunisian officials believe the French areconcerned about possible movement of Algerian rebel units from the Algerian frontier toward Bizerte ver Paves Way To Control Of PoWer Project rVICTORIA ailThe British Columbia governmenthas taken over the giant 30 Electric Company RC Electric is Canadas sec ond largest privately owned power utility with Quebecs Shawinigan Company considered the largest Legislation introduced Tues day at special session of the 80 house turned the utility into crown corporation and gave it the means to purchase its parent firm the federally incorporated BC Power Cor poration The crown corporation was given control of the Peace River power development scheme as the Social Credit government ex propriated all plans surveys and reports on the proposal from the privatelyeowned Peace RiverPower Development Gom BERLIN CRISIS WASHINGTON AP Westem foreign ministers meet ing which opens in Paris at me and of thistweck may lay the groundwork for Western sum mit conferencc on the Berlin crisis in the fall White House PrcssSccrctary Pierre Salingcr said TUesday that DV ernment chiefs is certainly possible before the end of the year though no plans for such session have been made yet He made the statement when asked to comment on Prime Minister Macmillans statement in the British House of Com mons earlier that leaders of the West might get together this year State Secretary Dean Rusk is scheduled to leave Thursday night for Paris He will confer with French Foreign Minister Conve de Murville Foreign Sec retary Lord Home of Britain and Foreign Minister Heinrich van Brentano of West Germany on diplomatic military measures for meeting the Soviet chunaHenge to the West over Ber The ministers may find some by rockfalls about 2300 near here badbeendueto Halevi ground has threatened to holdings in the Sahara retina lineal all Kennedywild atrial allied Paris Meet May Lead To Summitf problems they cannot solve or some problems which require top level sanction They may also decide that any diplomatic initiative undertaken by the West as the Berlin crisis grows grimmer would be more effec tivcly launched from Western summit conference than under less dramatic circumstances HOPES RISE There appears to be some slight increase in hope in offi cial quarters here that East West negotiations over the Bar lin demands and threats made by Soviet Premier Khrushchev will in the end provide peace ful way out of the crisis Khrushchev is understood to have indicated to US disarma ment chief John McCloy last week that he was interested in the possibility of negotiations and thought reasonable settle ment should be possible It is understood that McCloys talk with Khrushchev covered both the military situation and the diplomatic prospects with respect to Berlin and that Khru shchev threatened to increase Soviet forces in Germany it Kennedy increases US forces under the NATO command in Europe IN NUTSHELL Rescue Teams Seek Trapped Miners METZ France nearestRescue teams dug through the night prying to reachseven miners trapped since early Tuesday feet down the Saint Foatain coal mine Eichmann Trial Is Postponed JERUSALEM ReuterslThe trial of Adolf Eichmannrwhidl resume Thursday has been postponed until next Tuesday because of the indisposition of Judge Benjamin Police Reveal Killers Threat ROME APlPnlioe today said the extremist French under ltili Enrico Matte head of Italys stabemetroleum agency for allegedly scheming with the Alger ian rebels and the Tunisians to get control of Frances oil Convention Chooseerliicial Golors OTTAWA CmThe New Party founding conventionde HUSBAND SUBS HYGIENIC WIFE LONDON AP John Alway won divorce Monday because his wife was hygienic to the point of cruelty Alway 37 said his deear old spouse insisted on disin fecting his suits if passerby brushed against him in the street He testified she also Refused to have any food in the house unless it was canned or frozen and wiped off the cans or packages with strong germ killer before opening Tooksoltnbch time washing and disinfecting herself be fore bedtime that it often was early morning before he could get to sleep After five years of this Al way said he left home and sued for divorce Mrs Alway did not defend the action Ontario Combed For Girl TORONTO CPlA province wide police Search has been or ganized to locate 13year old Linda Arlene Ashton missing since Monday from her Scar borough home Police throughout Ontario have been alerted to watcb for car in whichshe is believed riding girl believed to have been Linda was seen getting into the car an hour after she was last seen One of four childrenLinda had been with her parents Mr and Mrs Jarvis Ashton at Lake Simcoe cottage until last Saturday She left home Mon day evening to play in the neigh borhood Mrs Ashton said She has never been missing night in her life Ontario Provincial Police in Barrie described the missing girl as being fivefoldfive weighing 96 pounds with blue eyes and light brownpony tail The car in which she is believed to be riding is suspect ed to be stole vehicl Forces Ilttaclr KnifeWielding Prisoners Get Psychiatric Treatment KINGSTON CP Two con victs with records of violence one dissatisfied because of the treatment he got in the courts and the other unhappy over change of prisons Tuesday night released five hostages they had held at knifepqint for 28 hours within the walls of Kingston penitentiary The captives were sent home safe and sound The prisoners weretakcn to the maximumsc curity pcnitentiarys psychiatric ward rAmain painciirtae seltlenient prison spokesman said was that the names of the convicts not be released but it was learned from reliable source outside the prison that they are John Peters 28 originally of Fayetteville Ark and Real Hamel 27 of Montreal The break in the tensionfilled drama around kitechen office where the prison officers were held captive came at 640 pm Tuesday three hours after justice department official from Ottawa arrived on the scene to join in the dickEring for release of the hostages He is James Macaulay ex ecutive assistant to Justice Min ister Fulton who with consulting psychiatrist Dr George Scott and prison classifications offi cer Don Clark were given credit for the convicts break down HELD SINCE MONDAY The prisoners bad holed up with the captives in the office since 340 pm Monday after they escaped from desegreA gated recreation area Peters sentenced in Toronto two years ago to 20 years for robbery with violence and six other charges asked for re trial said George MacLean justice department spokesman He was toldthe justice depart ment would look into it The prisoner said he pleaded guilty to the charges although he wasnt guilty of them all be came he was told that by doing so he would get concurrent senlt fences totalling less than so years Hamel was said to feel hostil ity because of transfer from St Vincent de Paul Peniten tiary near Montreal about year ago Hedas sewing 15 years for robbery with violence Both men who had been kept In segregated section where there is special security asked to be allowed to live regular prison life They were told their demands would be considered THREATENED nosMans During their escapade the prisoners were reported to have threatened th hostages that they would kill them and cut them up and throw tear gas bomb in here and head will roll out The men bolted over 25foot fence topped with barbed wire and made their wayto the kitchen where they captured guards Edward Nicholson and James Tobin Armed with six butcher knives they then took bookkeeper George Good and stewardsJohn Dohson and Byszewski letter from Joyceville penitentiary who was at Kingston on business All were herded to an adjoining of flee Also captured ut released later to help prepare meals for the prisoners at the request of Warden David MacLean was assistantsteward Clyde Dickin son llrgue campaigning Fiercély But losing Ground To Douglas OIIAWA CP The man who is running hardest at the New Party convention doesnt seem to be catching up to the man who is standing still CCF Leader Hazen Argue has been campaigning fiercely and unrelentingly for leadership of the party His favored opponent Premier Tommy Dougv has of Saskatchewan has kept outof the conventions eye and ear nominations are scheduled to start at 830 pm and Mr This is homination nighté The Dduglas camp claims it has 85 per cent of delegatesia itspocket The Argue backers are still hoping for last minute mit aele Forthem this wouldbe sudden revolt among union delegates against theparty ea ecutive which openlyfavors Mr Douglas Union delegates make up about half the iotalnumber Re presentation of the COT and of the New Party clubs comprise the other half and they areal two minds on the leadership picked green and gold as the partyjs official colors and decided pany that the partysmthlern should Ibo the Communist Papa Tells Reads Argue at last will have chance Will Have No War Over Berlin BERIN Reuters East Germanys ain Communist newspaper declared today that Ithere will be no waroverlBer in Neues Deutschland devoted more than half column to answering questions from read ers on the subject and con cluded that despite the shout ing in Washington and Bonn there will be negotiations and no war The main reasons given by the newspaper were the strength of the Communist bloc and the fact that no one will gt alltheir skin just to prevent gleam Germany taking control of access routes to West Berlin The article came as the East Germans tightened travel re striations to halt flood of refugees fleeing the Communist country for West Berlin The West Germannews agency DPA quoted refugees as saying that East Germanpolice systematically mb East West commuter subwaytrains Tuesday and ordered hundreds of passengers off ABSENT FROM JOBS Several West Berlin firms re ported that iiumber of em ployees who live in the Commu rustsector had not turned up for work East Germany desperately short of labor because of the exodus has been waging cam paign to prevent East Germans from working in West Berlin One witness to the police search of trains quoted police man as saying that from the first of August onward com ln West Berlin The legislation must be passed by the 52seat house in which Social Credit holds 32 seats It contains prdvision making its ef fect Tuesday ADDS ssaamnfooo The takeover beaccom plished by adding about 5633 000000 to the provin so called contingent liabilities or indirect debt which stood at $6l5000000 lastMarch 31 The move came on the heels of BC Energy Board report which said Peace River power if developed under public owner ship could be delivered to BC markets as cheaply as if not cheaper than Columbia River power The Peace River project was backedby Swedish finan cier Axel WehnerGren The report of the energy board an advisory body set up by the province foguide its power policies was tabled after muters are forbidden to work th BC Electric legislation was fintroduced Parliament buildings LOS ANGELES AP day at the Granada Hotel and sun Memorial hospital Police HAVANA AP The kers confederation WASHINGTON haarador to the United Nations peace tower of the Defeats Champion To Gain Tie Saniuei Reshewshy defeatedflS chess champion Bobby Fischer Tuesday to gain atle after sev en games intheir Iiigame series Panamas ilmbassadorlTo ILN Shot Fla AP Aiberto de oharrio Panamas am was found sth in the head toe is in critical condition at Jack said they are still investigating and did not know how the shooting occurred Cuban Govt To Reorganiae Unions government announced todayrn majorreorganization of Cubas labor movement setting up one union for each industry and placing them underva singlerwora 13 Opposes SeatingOf RedChina rllngola Rebels In Mountains Lisbon Portugaltleuters Portuguese forces were reported today tobe cnnying out large scaie land and air offensive against Angolan insurgents in the northern mountal West African colony cummunique released here said the offensive started last month bu surgent band Ihecomm the Armed Forces Service said troops attack The insurs isfba tacking abandoned defgnrled farms tb to get the main speaking ros trum Thougg denied the platform up to this point he has man aged keep himself before the convention by grabbing floor microphones to speak on speci fic points under discussio He 1also got the conventions ear by raising as matteroi privilege newspaper report concerning him He late thanked the porter in ques tion for providing him with the 9Pportunity to speak MAKE TITLE HEADWAYV Despite these moves and hs perainbulntions among the hun dreds ofxshirt sleeveddele on the sweltering nnven ti floor appear to have swung any apt reciablenew number of vol ers behin hi suppor ersrea code that he is trading though GLASGOW CPlHarry £15 from his mother rgue doesnot delinqu Stowaway Now In Policellands MC llwraith 14 who last month stowed away board an airliner and spent several days in Can ada before bein flown home is lntrouble again When he appeared in court Tuesday on acharge of stealing agistrato Langmuir said do not hink any goodwill come of this boy unless heis removed from his present environment and givensome discipline He ordered the boy deta ed untilAug istoaee it there as vacancyior him in suitable approved school for juvenile em Theboy runlaway from hnme several lines beforeha stowed away onthe tra atlan tie airliner and was di gt verad until the plans washalf museummug

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