Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1961, p. 7

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ummerlimeand the Livin is Easy In yo OwnHome Check the Want Ad so nu BARIUE EXAMINER TUESDAY Aucusr REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOB SAL REAL ESTATE gnuAL LAMlens 05415 5FARMER5MARKET BUS OPPORTUNITIES ms HOUSES 10 RENT FARM MACHINERY ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE tunesan and Stan laden mu noon nunlmee Aphrtr BIRTHS PfloPfifl FOR SALE um qumm Indiall leeauon Hunt or rent Adults Lu lu Completa un 02 No 21 nu propelled luool out nea bum II Tele hon PA cows AI rm hillyr 5on an Thing will the mun APPly In Humour Brolhrra and lorla Ilodpiui llarrle on Thurs an 30 aw turd tolephooo Prorpeet 5929 at July 27 ladl to Mr and tea loo um long and New Mn Dunid Coctarne In BI Fr First in Barrie Home SulaForemost in Quailly Senrlca In Mg Ih gt can not cut to out elaaa mnnlng or ailr nun dalnlon MASSEY IIAlmla Binder level rte daulhter Kathy Eileen In year on your IluimenL our Contact wt Edgenon ill lnvutmelu moored hy ouoannlp Butte 1m bum um mums nztu IslAT sham PA 5558 TRUNK LINES or cigarette Vehdllu Haehlnea No 33 DWIu Ill61° In mfld QM no he wrllleu nth cunninu tron mm mm Mann work or time reelInd on your be fwd mgi Mb Buuel Tom on order INTERNATIONAL furrow Plu our Dally Newspaper or the mag EVEWGS CALL hhll lullIla to do all the nu 11 Hum Iot tale Ace banana to excellent thu ninTllSDtGAGEIIE FARM maEl Al noonPA um FOSTERPA um unite lunlmum levutment hr WW condimen APPII Henry new WEDDINGS mum ul lntere rtl mfl ivy or telepheno lvy an teuu an only 3le Erin them 00 ACRES RoamPA use coulombPA mu no no Rd re Terte Wholullo Ltd l1 ltellleld WWIIlo led can or Luv mam Mann nlsntlcr llel EPAn PoAlm new no mm McCormick fiat rha aarrto Pgamlner PA loo acre and located Road or Phone WWII Turnout meat Centally lulled Lola or and my m9 Tummy hm hm an mmmh um mm on medr be ln rL nouns tiffnlifxxlstrmmm CLIFF BROWN Pronounced eggphflrgfmepuu FRESH MEATS innermosgz renalr nail prlee only almo with $4000 no unnamed unturnllhed AT THE CA5 Pr collar rn down payment and the helm on nlcxleo AI the Royal vto mm REALTOR apartmeota new wheelatom and comma mm mg do 53 3036 wag minim HIGH STREET BAllruE must when no duela Aufl LOWEST 035 lmhmeuu In eaoé condition ahl lnnnedlatety Telephone PA mu 212 some street name $l000 PHONES PA 00211 PA 00242 FOR Rhyme am wax um $53 531352 G5rleprh beloved huroand Mary Pane DOWN PAYMENT to pmhau thetr order duly Scheme UL ndge dear bmlher or hank or onAGE BIG BAY FOINT drActolla vest In two bedroom Slotr Mlude Huh bedroom ounruow nylne mm Wm 1°° uomlaatahed apartment central Ind tlar boih cl Creemore mmzmm on Lulu room ltltehen and bedruums rereened poreh Good well And IMPum lleu had we er Avallaple Maul at New Toronto Jeanie bun nm youme pump 11 eotlago heav ulna coweleiy furnished could no Rent or monthly Apply AUTOMOTIVE flailmum Tagger siggni Tum night human wlnulixedi 543001 Alk or pntet down MA p1 AN Loan Peel street Apt 310 CARS FOR pan out Illite on one EU 23l¥¥$52f3n¥7° huh ow Purl ISO ACRE FARM me our or NovA Sam1A FOOD STORE pm lutermeut creemoro Unlen affine hf ll mllea lrom Palrte choice clay loam soil three banu good room Qulet dlatrlet Telephone PA Cemetery 30 houu wlul bath and nature aynem also runace lll health loreea yum mm mm mm aAluuls uh real buy at £500 wlth low down payment MoRTGAGES mu PHONE PA WI ENGAGERIENTS mun Free Apartm we smcLAm WlNrsluaulzN room bdelr home inced zero hm hm my Imglomefigrfilijgrx up an MORTGAGE LOANS hr uvlne roomfnbedrxmrlfnr Open rnna an own MOTORS LTD ur Ind uh Lamont Stalinu at gm 351 113 not tom ANYWHERE filrtrtifrorfééilraru£fl £1 RAMBLER throughout paved drlvnwny plua lmmedlatelyto eomoudate deott Pi maimed AVlIW Im4 llIM AND LAND ROVER fifif°wyfium WK Iru This ix one the hetter ESTATE SALE ay on extauna monlllfl home mix TeiePhon PA 57¢ 10 DOWN album or arr and hln kept older homes ln Nude and Belulllul lam lot on one at Barrinl hleer ltreeta Stalely elder type lm rovemeng etc call or algt him mm ma George winterhurn or llarrle ode ll in number one condition hrtrlr houro lelnl room during room kitchen bedmam lunporch Eu tmeut Low Martare Ind film dimly 17 GOWAN STREET rule The mlnllxe will take lhrouxhnul Tetrut and ploce hath on man noor rour bedrooms nd piece hath on undlog over SimPaonhSun mm mm mm mm September and around floor areexeway and garage Porehnrr could roll lot And Dunlap street nut PA was outer aluu an et tool ll 110 ln SI Gilea CALL DAY 03 EVENING letP ice with haul Aalting prtoe $10000 Egghroninmuflgd eveninga lor mm mm ll Ch tMORTGAGE PA 82379 WINTERIZED COTTAGE norm 95 3o55=5n5mlnw3e £12337 Apply The name Bummer 1N MEMORIAM Member er the Parrlo and nlatrlet ham conn ln on end ot elty $6000 will elooo down Lot ment tor rent heated and lo mm anytime ror anger AVAILABLE conlnlngd lth privhla hath Pair 01 mailon re 54 our 11 lovln memory or NO BONUS session lmmedlutely Telephone BULLDDZING AND om my dul husoandf Ink who south CampneuPA ems can LangDA M74 Plymenll luaured lnat PA ioltm tar PA seen ror rurth Pcaréflnlgcuon figclhagllilctlfilylm 35ml lor me qm Telephone Slrcgud lmilllorom plned away three yun 10 to rerzua GarveyPA 37951 aeoldent alclmesa 3mm 51 WE am LOVELY lewwiua cheeflui aur nan cuhsmnun nucon mer thromorlou flngufflnl flu or new Member or the llarrle heel mate Board CRESCENT FINANCE Three mom all con and matehln eh rtmrnl sum and re prteed Phone PAwmx my WWW concur excellent mu Alwlyal hand when ono wn gt uwll Al ru the hunt Ind lind rrtremo Iuppilld located to the tor and trannnlnlou the wSZoyerlul umnourlea ho lett he REALTOR Olman SWe ffnlummf ggngeggngug fit hend AXl2 Immedhlelyr Egon Acuulitl Glenna lotLula my Izlgdmcgndllélog Illru éafi eeono anup hetrl heaoera hidIundLv remembered by his 93 BAYFIELD ST REAL ESTATE BROKER 91 nounuoh mama pA Heg Larry PA M791 or PA 59103 wlre llay and unity 45 DWI ST PA s9961 PA 64742 graze D4 mml heated furnished or further lnlnrmluon mamtn invlnl memory gammam and the noun our dear mother Mn Robert SMART BUYERS orcnupie Close to he nopJAImr mo condition only um orlrlnnl liru all land ppdd Fusler will puree my My mum 01 me our RETIRE HS YEAR flawlmnggg firming dry llclliliu Telephnna PA um um Telephone sum em dull bench duu wlth collapalh 1966 or PA W0 apply llmu Binlie arm reels white paint and re The do he or xarrnw we cannot 3333 ggggbggnolhnmg Now do you have 5000 to snow it an will show you blulneu gmm01m leather upholstery nuw 114m east end Dnly yen old ontha or over year The pment NEWLY Decorated one bedroom BENDIX Automallc warhlng lla inttery rlrst clan cohdltlon or the lion one we loved In Mmhm nugu cum may very year or IIveRmohthr and lluhey ggaflgmllmwfimnaglerumfllml cTtIlno 3110 fondllliggli sc75 or gen mmuzhnut Phoo PA msd WE pas Inn yun filial or mt er Rep one Imp uh And while she aieepa Peaeelul min 22 Dflefi°finfiim euro in Fiorldz Thlr hulloeu wtll RENTALS antr pm 52 Marcul SimI den lor ntrlher ihtormatlou TRUCKS TRAILERS lleep For mm Momma Mm For more tutormutton ea loo uhgtlh MEDIDM PA MW Her memory we ahall alwaya keep um it run one PAW two Studio mr ntmunherm by Russell SW HOUSES To EN Couch um Drum min fifemitfifm 82 37 EVQIIIIII CIHM TWO nslmooius one Llle WELLINGTON ST Lnnrun PA ozua Jark Viiisoll ml at THREE ROOM mm we mom no 5133 ggggghqrgltflgwd gluon Apply In 214 Toronto st GlollGlANNlIn loving tour EAST CLOSE To ALL Dim Shclswc On 1913 Norman shelrvmtl PA Mm monthly halted Next to chrlatlea Irflh ll Eafiitzreéfilu€ll$ other APARTMENT alarmed tllstlh 21 whavilutauatfls 23 mm 235 twictjfgkf or WHO ms mill latPnhlwzttllcr éfloaéol 23 PERSONALS lt ls sweet lnybnulrle thyhme aniy three years old wls hullt hy mPPPllld WV Illm anew AND Modern one and two mm Em In we lnved you dearly one or the nest hullderl In the able lmmzdlllelyl 366 gt bldmnmlpnflmenu overloeuna in dulh we do the rune ouy tor hu own ull Has closcd TELEPHONE PA P3533 Iconic Rompdrew nay neat wa mm mm Biz we ht lallngl an 4ndly missed by aon Charles lh hrmowny and attached ru rer arldnp and anltnr urvlu In comm Am veg na rra Mud llut Patty ml Jimmie an three bedrooms modern hll ME Mr inclu ed Automgnalio avaahlng ia 3ND patla la cent per lb plua um ellon llvlrlo room tour pleee both elutlen PA comm mm alonmlumlln lovlng mum and large mununn room Thla ConStrUCts SEVEN 300 W55 phone PA 055 avenlng FORTUNE numa fortune laid by turns Phun ory or do husband and rather homo lr prloed or quick rate as Pmflmmb mm AVAILABLE No lieled PM follit°ltl matihtstzll $539 HIGH QUALITY HOME Tlusfi°wi¥ lam Muslim it Emfishwdishwm nae9 Always thought and many See Us For haw Telephou PA M535 house Use or lwlmmlng pool No rm mm on mmmm 35 LAKE SHORE HOME GOODLOCATIONS LOW DOWN PMMENT mm mm 2an oracle Telephone stmud Apply on mp Sidcroad lo WOMENS COLUMN Cuneeulnn manual dear 0R0 mm 91 mt nsnuTlt Pnor Coldwam etc The sudden you hid tn die mum hm mm on TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER $131310ggfi°wfgf Punmnggglfncmgkggm1301ng on moat talethtuh Pxnflient by cfirtifled Psllllrdrgssu to your EEEdéwfi mm the waters edge in flnl grove CONSTRUCTION Avhllnble lmmedlalely Telephone ML and manhunt figgdfizmmm 155 Tiffpgoké Em DoilPllatl £5517 em Tu know we never laid eoodhye or treel on private road Largo PA was evenlngli nnd heat aupplled Plreplace to mpg mam Wm my m1 Mm stone gatepasta wlul qanterna on PHONE PA $9398 OR PA 6283 and large clothes closota Avail um EN or FURNISHED modern threo room now up PA Mm LOST FOUND put the hem or man on top gives lt all our dlsttnetlon my Th mm hme fiafinéhfiifipffib fig Gllws BICYCLE undlrd me Dr nod home la all on one level It Mm hfisgdllynrxlllmfiaiydmle hleg nd la wlnterlred lelng roolh haa lake Available now Parlan In two bedroom artrnent gycgfsgm 12de 31 LADIES Try Clams you no lamlly laxhe nPen ArcPlace and dinins llltloa Nur rhuppin Pint Telb Sunparch hydro hot water but 53 um Whom mm interested ln new nundlllnn room adlolnlhz The kitchen has Plume PA 13 ed laundry tuellltlea rerelgera mm mum0 garment measured to your alzo sYNNoTl lo eherlahed mam Hard and salt water on tap Three BROKER tor ahd rtove supplled Avallehlo Ea tn your own homo call PA 54731 dry or our dear daughter and one bedrooms oreezowly and at NEWLY rurnlshed tutfie $03 Sevgmm 375 mm mans Automatic wmm mm pawl liner Donal Lonlsc whn was teehed garage crment dock and one 32419 91 Dunlap SK IPrlmenhfim Pm osm me also 5171mm kitchgn rulte taken lrom us the result or on bndthouse nu eicclllciiy to bring em sell contained anfn Ign Mam mm mm pm LosTln Lohlawr llaylleld st automohlle aeeldeht July ll mo your boat tn The Muller ls very MAKE MARSHALLPA N450 COREYPA auaa Mle dew Pah ROOMS To LET stored chlln Apply Mrs Lol slay Bnnzdine lug ooutatuloa ln her fauncentll year hem to sell Far appointment OWEN ramsPA 87937 more lhrormetlon teicp tmu tug alg Cedar Polnt Lalro sun TSIm 0M 32 MIL Hm No one knew when we woke that plane ehll Norah Rzikca 0m rm MEG or no Owen suee MOM Wm mung mm anan 750 MM mm lampst Fillch please phone PA morn Also have lhkeshore proportlea tor rent close to bus stop GelP PM would mm two up to tarwoo to slaw EN TAYLOR nii£lli£t towardéilm um an nu FRUIT veermoles met my rm newm To Part with one we loved so dur you my my eupoued Clean mnd phone PA 50159 Made the lhuck more revere REAL ls aelt eontatued Pentium New RAsPflBllIUES tor role Telzphnna will ya 1ya gaacliraloltlégst ROOM Cm£€€°¥a alarmum f5 decorlg Nenll Poll omce $055155 335323 30 PA 87974 tor turther lnfarmluaniv IO HELP WANTED You were talren 1mm lhls world TMM erat weshlll maehlne of mm BUNGALOW ND BRICK BUNGALOW AmACflVE three bedroom Creigtrallyr magnum For gfurther lrl DOGS PETS FEMALE HELP To home or eternal rest silueteld lust on the outskirts bedrooms Itoshaped llvlng room mm up flame hrden spacg torrnetlon telephone PM 351182 sdly mlsrod by Mom pad on la rue heat llttle rour and mm mum mum Mum mmde Manna mm MALE nunsrz approxllnately wmuss mm unnemfl and hmthora Wayne and Dale R33 fifilfllnggmlflilngwgzgenfi gt all to sehuflis and shopping 57 Imam sum dm who ROOM 30m ¥risalkloll¥flgzggnlgk 55 hi dlrngaéngm rull elm me morgage wl earry tor some hvrlldhle lmmedl one sYNNOHI and ohurc cs ory or our tlearChfrrflasnfilufialter 322ioméa flfiobgetpnofi owe StI Borne m°mh lncludlnr taxes n1 Tglgphnne PA dzsu Rho AND BDARD tor renne Ild niece Donna Louise who $1000 down with payment or 70 PHONE PA 85583 SI man Central location Parking BOATS MOTORS P1 Dru Em Sunni glib was taken from us as the result per month lnteregt prlholpal and MEMBER BARR EM ESTATE EDGE OF TOWN mmflwu mm mm reellltlu Telephona PA ham or PhonaéPA 95 PP or on automohlle aeoldmt July uxes rhr mm mom uh bedrooms extra large kitchen ed aplflmflfl Tiled inth iurther lntornyetlon lzFODT sArL noAT plankll 960 New Wm pnmn NORm commum and living room pleee bath kimhzn may he Ami wit WP aeow 00 square toot llh and main MALE HELP Wm apartment wlth prlvulo bathroom 155 MORRIS FORW Sultahle ror two hulneao rlrls maul Automatle Washer ln one owner from new 15300 tulip God knows how much we miss $1200 down will handle Por ne plled Private entrance laundry rall Telephone PA 68450 4R3 lull hm ruollltics Garage Business lady Never sellll her memory lade Ellualol Eatat 63 cc Preferred Televbone ARTICLES SALE lsPEcrnLl Boat Motor nnd Tnller MARKETING W1 mums shall ever wand evmmcs CALL 31259009 50 ACRES avNEW Two mag Emu almost lure new Prleed or quick To hfinmm when Md many ldlLLrni FA mu 15135 33 mpg Igniglflzielnzghgmg Appfioéi fies lioln narrte au noor relt eontalned apnrtmerll ézgogmanoohs fagufifliuflfnfifififlnhsflfif TRAINEE WHY mksed Grundy JOE mm PA as bedroom we mm on he wor good buildings or hetrlgerator and stove laundry arrte shlrl Kevln and Kim KARL llAllsrlALL PA 89917 log swam mortgage Payments my in WM mm mm 2l3n¥kstil and $50331 gum Egg West Band at Canada Lllnited MCDMING EVENTS NORA MIKE em $6200 per month lneludlno taxes N131111ElislllupcAallEgl telephone PA elm Second Hand Store mmm mum Dump SP Manufacturer Di nan0mm ad MIG 555R PA 535 OAKLEl PARK SCHOOL mliullgglgsgrn auger hlonlsz urénlmlslTEd tar ml 55 nmoP STL rimr we mieigftzukwlfiemgfismfilg an nln eee en PA 221 Rolarv Club Borne gm RaniEstatannrds 13032171dbagauhfanmsgfisgng 3° ARTICLES WANTED combusfion engines is mg Annual Chicken Barbecue gt ha Plowing for Marketing Trainees dryer North Owen Avalluhlo Au WE WILL PAY CASH tor good ST VINcENTS pARK sfiflflullvlu ruélulu2 rookl MSOEJYQLE SSéLEb PA 453 3533 PATIO STONES mglmgnaufiunf onlgozgggt mad Tins ls real oppartulllty lol ClVlC HOLIDAY L125 kéflfiimsefv FELTEHESH not running water drlfiifi wen memento Ihlu room arm 15 lqulle thlox pm Pf Yum tile malt than Wlth sales car Large modeln lrlteheh Heavy ment three Piece bath lieW duty ear Pmbltlons monthly Peym at 0900 nelu om AUG T95 lng taxer 1111 new oil turnre Stoddart rtovo and rerrlgerator Hardwood WATER rl PlArlo rtelntzmn or Genrd street Thornton noorr SAP ooutulnfilEm Alvagdagae COLOUR 51 night helm n79drufin Under our muleflab training SOFTBALL 45A DUNLOP 5T PM DngXDRIVE OWNER LEAVING CANADA gfik my Am tugh3g3 or mm me mm TOURNAMENT 1mm mm mm mm mm mm 5mm WY 79m SELF CONTAINED urllurulslled Sarleanl CO Lld figsflg begs £33m UTOPTA BIG BAY POINT room httchen bedroom and mod rfour room fluentL Ff gt 5FARMERS MARKET 113 DA Per bm mm water ruPllll $7 Ma Sheer lion taklllg place at West Bend COMMUNITY PARK $7600 lull price $1500 down and 5mm mm mom East end mum Hum 0ny men over 21 with agood CIVIC HOLIDAY 10 bill Am one Mm oleee hath Private sale cultom huut hnn mtdaley TEIEFh°n° as LIVESTOCK MONDAY Ana 1951 555 month This is beaumul Sccnnd rloor room and galow $4100 Down payment Klh MI vACUUM LEM educfallanal baclrgrnuhdvylll he Comma yearuni 10 3mm pleee bath $5600 with $78 Per month lnclud mom 5th an Eons we mm consldered quailfledappilcanls new at Noon ditlon large rooms bedroom nu pm 31350009 wtul 900000 ing interest pflnclpnl nd vmlzlz uh mm $59 00 bx ck LADIFS AND MENS TEAMS modern iuslde otumhlng sttuated down my be mu ST ment separate entrance aelr eon Pure ppy ayno ease su ml resume BooTHs LUCKY me on lovely trend lot Call nuasell 5mm ulned lurking unifies Newly USED TV SETS nutty Thornton Telephone lvy mg to ADMISSION sac urns so Canon PA 56481 elmhm PA NOTE We nrrrnée drat mortgages dunrltedt Avallable llnnledlately lzlul en an mmo PA 428 router PA mu $4900 0f mda or value gtW°m REfiyGERATORS welded and started Phone an Need Heavy Rain 1m2fll5gdm33 Wewzlnug MOVING L3°Agd$kf2 $9500 firfifiéhfiimm° le To Control Fires 3élmtqllsfgfiigiépfiél Ftrl°tt==rvlt amtLu summons McFADDENs mM mom mm 579 name out 28 pEYIEWVIG ST CHARLES CHURCH TRUCK DRNERS vgirla or couplet 142 Peel street or COOKECARTAGE rt eon Pffiemldlfids $12 05353531 BRlCK TRIPLEXS ngfisON E7 STORAGE LTD moo monumentmm PA 89288 FARM SUPPLIES Brand new Each 11 artmrnt eon Prlvute hum00m and Eggfiecidfirtzgihtefiltodiivgii sllsto Ss nurlflrse films Indbhath lo comm ISKREET YOUR ¥AN LINES 333 on gmulld dflodolt Prim up nmnun Tm sERVICE Truck drivers wanted Must er days of heavy rain Lula heat ltully thgwand aifiaffihéili PHONE FA 678 Esn Rd Hm plliilfidnnpgtgga Epgorfimrree thltemiPA Mm DuherParrund Sufi NBew Holland APP Pm IMMD or we uv mwn fires that ha been 3mg filifitsmlvzxulll 3535031 £235 $0 78 ST PArkway $5575 mm Toleplanha my PA onle eatty erm Eoupment weeks In the provinces valuable 56481 evenlngs ra 55161 M900 mellen tread 1mm PA 115 176 BURTON AVE Hum 207 TIFFIN STREET BARRIE timber Am mm WI monm own hedrao on $1000 DOWN momdxanch red hrlelr bllmugllnwle MOVING um mm mm newer hnd HARVESTlING he Irefuzhters Monday saw three oloee bhth trout and back UPME the elfect scattered showers had Edge at town close to new anon Tom In In hum In awn Do reel mush your enlnncu laundry room ln hase 5mm on sdme mast pull eelnlre Very large lot will bald In Penfim WWII INSURANCE ment one or two ehtldrelt we con113mg an at rtef hedramns huth ltttchon ltvlng EICIMM 91 oome Apply 31 haydeld street or heavy raln dld to alhersvrrtu room Also new apartment at Rik Sundrelt and you need exyl coverage telephone PA 06m SWARTHERS HOUSEqu 31 nothing PM 115 DUCKWORnl GRAIN BOTls td thr But tile raln eased silghtly the 371 Gieyrry News aggregmlgaA slutty Talltreearlnme thls cozy SEE STEVENSONS villnohgxgdylgomllllleal alt unmedlale threat to five evacu 66481 evenlngs PA Mon thr PA 8520 talned med flourl kltehen wlth SERVICE aled villages and ave firefight gt ml 113 Dunlap st alnlr and modern cupboards plane gt gt room flnlthed mum 01 closet space Knights and chancemmngthgnrmef HIGHWAY NORTH 56 Nm Tameka EAML Wk Mm Mm mg reapplied Tleasonnlgie rent EEPRESENIIVE ences agents the provmces OF BARRIE 575 money than In axesca AvailIlla lmmed nteiy can lhg room llvlng room lrltehen worst outburst of forest fires in $10 500 ml chdrelt mom pm on plo Phone PA Mass 30 years PAlutlE AREA New hodroo hrtek TA SCANgqlIGSETig PA as Eggggg agfiwgamfinogéo 611052 mmm mm mm ml in ungu ow thlrd rloor rumlshed pr vuo lm uau rtu Alkali 1500000 cords of wlth large attached garage Pull mcylroxn PA ama RPM PA H7 hothroom And elt contained WfiJhsthlE allde cluol1°lflll spruce and fir hove been de busemenl Llllm itll 51000 down Mamba of 1mm and mime 1mm Llalmdry nellltler and pinklllx lleld tor ynunz marl having strayed and em Payments an balance out 39 Heme hoard smut Control location Telephone llalr ror merehnndlzing and Close to new post otrlea Th ea AN 300 women and chudren al idlirymgnlgyola1lztleo PA Mum Wm 59pm th PA 147 tor rurthor lntorma deatre xror Sslrvllfiigfi to lolnI In were va ll ate during he WT ggdeheaégfi tfgr 223 or Will on gt STROUD IPHONE 731121 aligning DzilnSOfigfl fixings weekend From Indian Bay PA 66481 wllllhg to lllteh toany atng 63 3m0w hx Manufacturers of Northwest Arm and Persons lreluher or Barrle end Dlstrlot fffssnw 51 PA Kaolifnzllnnvcvg out 6place both conveyera Effisfifnfinfilfiflng pflfimrmd Pam on Eonuwsla deaboul slim Ind refflsernfor PflVll P0 Ibie Dom tell helda Excelan ureangédaont 13o macs northwest of he REALTOR PROPERTY WANTED plrktng Basement atorago space rl olnt Ilium trnntorrurrluf mm mm hm Same 200 families were taken LAKE SHORE ldl BRADFORD 5mm PAltltlr Z°° mm film0° and wellr IIY DIRECTAND SAVE betea from Browlsllaleand New Mel mull galey onmm IM532701 IM5w iriliifitflflfitwlzil¥m¢ PA 2414 hourlxe Tlmily Buy wmmumv an mgng ieeffitgfi pr the hayvulucd $15 tofehumuo lahed nlco location Two bed rwo hrAPsle Cllppel computer WRITE FOR INTERVIEW es 90 miles northwest of hem an 1mm than mm Mm stll sellng lawful to farmers Call Darla Nuttycomhe stoutt roomr llvinll room kitchen hlth One in working order and ror They will not be allowéd to be seen to in apprecloted moon 01 wfigm 45 um Hui Estate Ielephnh PA 1mm gaunt nan bungaam llverlanirllng Elgshufl507flzli $015 om nfi FJERECOSAIES LTD an undue I1 If IEl ll nl Mum home until file 195 are fail1 elfEerenres lfgrdmagpeiy 333 Memgfr or Silfirmlolilim Try All Examiner Want Ad Zuni1r mg lhugy fullng they bath olmoré rfiw inlayIdea Tell mum no va em or ee on one oy argue hva mmmllei 33 Emmi Vlteal butterflyrd filing fink PA loi VP m1 mmvalo REXDALE oNTAltlo

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