Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1961, p. 8

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AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY STBOIID Mr and Mrs Jim Wikon and Allan Sproule returned Sunday evening lrom an enjoyable weeks vacation spent fishing at Manitoulin Island Church service will not be held in the Presbnerian Church during the month of August while Rev Mr Bell is on holi days On July Rev Mr Bell gave splendid discourse on The Grim Generation Mrs Thelma Shorring sang solo during the worship service Mr and Mrs Edgar Thump son left Tuesday morning on threeweek trip to Western Canada They will visit their daughter Ilulh at Olds Albee ta She will accompany them to the coast Mr and Mrs WilA red Stewart betray will sup erintend Iarm operations until their return Mr and Mrs Frank Cowan Andrew and Margaret attended the ArtissAndrev wedding on July 15 at Felrolia Wendy Campbell of London returned home with tilem to spend few weeks vacation with her cous in Margaret Mrs Wally Wright won has ket oi groceries in the local supermarket when she made Uie closest guess of the combim ed distances that the Stroud team would heave their bricks on July 22 it is pleasure to have so many Summer residents with us at our church services and en tertainments The local stores are now open six days week for their convenience Mr and Mrs Cochrano and Mr and Mrs Dwight Nel son spent Sunday with Mrs Duncan Landell Toronto at her cottage at Sunset Beach Ather ley The vacation school held in the Presbyterian and United churches has registration of 110 children of the community with nearly lull attendance each day Mr and Mrs Walltom moved on July 24 to Smiths Falls where they have taken an apart ment near their daughter Mr and Mrs Tom Beamish will be moving into their vacated home Mrs Third is convalesoing at the home of her daughter Mrs Watson alter an operatic in Barrie hospital Mrs Sherring expects to come home from the hospital in couple of days She has undergone two opera tions since her entry into hos pital Janet Sproule patient in Toronto hospital is improving nicely Congratulations to Beverly Cochrane whose Taflanvlike muscles enabled him to throw the 5pound brick 104 feet inches in the international brickheaving contest on Stur day July 22 thus winning for himself cash first prize and lobasket ot groceries from Youngs store Congratulaqu also go to the team of six stalwarts who pitlt chad Canada into second place with three other Strouds of the world bouquet ol orchids is due Mr Simpkin who so vigorously campaigned orally and by pen or two years working up on thusiasm procuring the limiter bricks and bringing the towns ship lieid day to successlul conclusion The world wide publicity that our village and community are receiving is worthy of note The habitual enuiusiasm was present Monday evening at the euchre party held in the hall attended by the 36 participants present First prizes wont to Mrs Uncles and Angus Dove oi Oro Sation second prizes went to Mrs MeNabb and ltlulhullnnd and Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson took home the third prizes By popular demand the next euchre will he held July 31 Ossie Depew arrived in the village this week He is the new barber wilo will practicehis art in theold IGA store Mr Depew comes from Bradford is war veteran the son of barber and has had 25 years experience in the business He is now open for business and his shop will not be closed on Thursday and Friday evenings until nine oclock We welcome this new convenience to our vii Iage and Mr Depew BEETON Carolyn and Susan Tait of Toronto spent the past week with their grandparents Reeve and Mrs Little Miss Mollie Irwin spent the weekend with Miss Velda Harn mell at Nantyr Beach Mr and Mrs Sheridan Mc Ginty and family and Alice lrlt win spent iiiesday with Mr and Mrs William Hammell at their cottage at Lake Seugog Mr and Mrs Howard Archi bald and lamily spent few days during the past week with Mr and Mrs Garnet Speck at their cottage at Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Wood and Charles Hammell visited Mr and Mrs Earl Hammell at Nantyr Beach on Sunday Miss Judy McMaster spent the past week with relatives in Toronto Robert Dunham of St Cath arines is visiting his grand parents Mr and Mrs Harold Dunham Mr and Mrs Lee Don ald and Cathy oi Kincardine called on friends in town on Tuesday Mr Lee is former manager of Beeton Royal Bank Their many friends were happy to see Mr and Mrs Lee and family TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL EM iroNosY ruin AllStar Baseball Long John Silver Nam Headlines nut Churchill Farm Market Report Don Johnson News Weather spam Wyatt cup Slngalodg iunun Spike Jones While Were Younl The Flintstones Care For the Court vac1v News The Weatherman rndny 1n Spam Community Now Mamed lonn Telulnar AUGUST 115 Test Potter Movie neue stirrm Daughter Summerama News at Spam Interviews Cartoons Music New Party Convention Junior Roundup Cartoon Party New Headilaes Three Stooges Farm Market nepan Don Jamlesnn News Weather Sports Wanted Dead or Alive AllStar Theatre BARRIE Hancocks Halt Hour Jake and the Kid Holiday Lodge Manhunt closeJJp CBCTV News The Weatherman Today in Spam Community Nuwr Crossroads 830 90a Mu moo 1100 16 1135 wanssnAY AUGUST 115 Test Pattern no movie Blue Peter Summeramn News and Sports Interviews Building With narh Cartoons Music New Party convention Junior Roundu 300 Huckleberry pond on Ncwrnenduner Jamel Bros or Missouri Farm Market nepnm Don Jamleson News Weather Sports The Real mom Bachelor Flthlr International Zone New Party Convention The superior Sex Expldrntlons CBCTVNew1 The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Not For Hire CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY JULY 31 Prniussurs Hideawa Whiriyblrds Shorts Magic Moments in Sport News Weather Wagon Train Theatre In Eight Talk of Million The Etlfleman Whnted Dead or Alive The Third Man News Weather Sports Better Late News Weather Sport Epilogue Tunsnny AUGUST 1100 News 1105 Free and Easy 200 channel Theatre Trents Last Care News Professors Hideaway Whirlyhlrds sports Magic Moments in sport News Weather Guestward Hot Wyatt Earp 800 Theatre At Eight Summer Holiday 930 Route 66 1030 Bum Bent 1100 News Weather Sport 1130 Better Late 1215 News Weather Sport 122w cpllognu wancsle Aucusr 1100 News Free and Easy Channel Th Abandon shan New rrnrnrsors Hideaway Whiriyblrdr Sports Magic Moments in Sports News Weather Jane wymnn Brothers nrahnngrn 77 Sunset Strip Wednesday Night Theatre Pirates of Tripoli Nicknames nr Fame News Weather Sports Better Late News Weather snmu Epilogue iilllllilEli Miss Your 11 your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGEFOR THIS SERVICE WVALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS NEW FLOS Mr and Mrs Toni Harvey of Stayner were dinner guests at Mr and Mrs Clarence Atkin son Visitors with the Finlays in cluded Mrs Finlay oi Mid hurst Mrs Burns and son Finlay of Barrie Misses Susan and Sharon Vi ney o1 Barrie visited their grandparents Mr and Mrs ed Viney returning home with their parents Mr and Mrs John Viney Mr and Mrs Hector Den omme ol Downsview visited Mr and Mrs Joel Cameron Jim and Harold Atkinson of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Atkinson Bobby Lennox spent the weekend in Barrie with his parents Mr and Mrs Len nox Mrs James Milligan and tom lly are on holidays at North Bay Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and family spent Sunday with friends at Burks Falls Murray Edwards is holiday ing at Wasagn Beach with his grandparent5 Mr and Mrs Fred Atkinson SUNNIDALE CBS Zion Sunday School and con gregatiolial picnic was suc cess Over 70 enjoyed sup per Several prizes were pre sented program and other sports took place Visitors with Mr nod Mrs Harold Wood and family were Mr and Mrs Raymond Patton and family of Parry Sound Mr and Mrs Jack Seeler and iam lly of Georgetown nnd Mr and Mrs Jack Hammond and daughter flieryl of Barrie El aine and Brian Seeler returned home with their parents alter spending week with their aunt uncle and cousin Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Archie Caiham were Mr and Mrs Hod McDonald and family of Clnrksburg Mr and Mrs Mei Bates William Bates and Mr and Mrs Robert Bates and lamin were recent visitors with their North dealer Both sides Vulnerable Noam QKQBsa VAS as worse my AAJIOI 931 35 9J6 as °g° ed mm A2 vxerosu oioss +1062 nehidding North East Sonar West 14 my 29 12M 24 Pass Dirt Openingiadaoeordm Opening lead ace of dis monds Players who like to live dan gerously will be fascinated by this hand in which Boris Scha pira the great English star gave demonstration of his prowess The deal was played in matchpoint pair game In this type of event the tactics are considerably different from those used in rubber bridge The idea is to score morn points or lose less pointsthan other pairs who hold the identi cal cards Consequealty chances are Sometimes taken in pair game which would be strategically unsound in rubber bridge The goal in the two games is en urer dillerenth DAILY CBOSSWORD Road covering ml Chest Pmnoun is Reachfl across Em measm 813qu concern 931m open 13 Myriad 15 V31 31 15 Courts 11 Calcium 17 Eli van syn 19 English river 20 Citys blight 22313111116 25 The Orient 26 richsol 21 mm labor 28 Flowering plant 31 Emme consort Greek island 35 Second movie showings 36 Containers 87 French river as Companion able 39 Lolterg 40 Dgled DOWN ACROSS Orian nurse Eastern filler manila Mimi 10 Roda IZTowhlp walled 19 Jaooha intimate CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER VAIIHIZHIHWA IIIIIAHIIIH cousins Mr and Mrs Claudel Duttln and Sam Bates Sari9 bonnie They also called on tanner Sunnldale Corners redd this Mr and Mrs Ed Brednor ol Homing Mills Misses Linda Culham and DI sane Doocr spent week at the United Missionary Camp in Stayner DALSlOli Mr and Mrs Dave Brown and son of Troy were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Allan 8mm Ernie Clarke Oshawa holl dayed with Mr and Mrs Leon Cordiei Several people from here en joyed the Comrminity Picnic at Bax Lake Provincial Park on Saturday Mr Murray Brown and Tim my spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Carol McCraeken of Shanty Hay spent last week with Mr and Mrs Bill Malone Mr and Mrs William Miles of Toronto are visiting Mrs Dara Hart Winston Wright Clinton is home visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Harry Wright Miss Donna Brown at Toronto spent few days this week with her parents Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown STEELES CORNERS Miss Margaret Kneeshaw and Dingman were married Saturday afternoon at Ebenezer United Church Rev Frederick Hewitt officiated Visiting Mr and MrsErnest Dales were Mr and Mrs Willt liarn Hunter and Robin Mount Dennis and Lance Butler Mur iel and Linda Waston Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ken lIambly on the birth of boy In Newmarket hospi tal Miss Aileen Gardener spent the weekend in the New Lis kenrd district andQuebec and called on Mr and Mrs Andan son Burks Falls Mrs George Dales Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Ern est Doies here BLONBIE JULIE JONES Schapiro held the West band He realized his side was prob ably outgunned when North opened with spade and South responded two hearts So he passed But when North bid two spades and South three hearts Schapiro decided the time had come for action He doubled OI course Sebapiro lmew he did not have five defensive tricks He knew the double was risky and that unless he found his partner with some values the contract would he made But he also thought he would get poor matchpoint score if South made three hearts doubled or not Hence he felt that there was not much to he lost by the double He led the ace of diamonds East signalling with the seven and continued with the king Then Schapiro led low club away from the ace Deelnrer naturally put up the king from dummy East signaling the queen by playing the nine Declarer could do no better than lead the king of spades at this point Schapiro took it with the ace and again underu led his ace of clubs East won with the queen and cashed the queen of diamonds for the set ting tricks South ruffed the diamond continuation with the nine of hearts and eventually made the rest of the trim but he was fighting lost cause Minus 200 points with the NorthSouth cards was way below par Tomorrow Keen dummy play 11 mosh miom mzn mungt1 ncdnnmo r1 rlmI momnip ltr Idoll 29 Vanillabaa 3i Frying ooilqu 35mnnun WARIII ETIA New GRAN DMA DONALD DUCK auz SAWYER ii as WOWWM Arm EEM ME FAMILYM ISACIWY 176 matrix 04 mesonK 14sz M5 warm saw so max men he ma ISDRAINED MY LEFT WRIST DADWHATSTHE Mosr DiFFlCULT peeuoo ILL PAV HIM OFF COOWEaBflTI DONT HAVE MANY LEf TIME HE wan nu an hawl EDGET THGMALLEST fll LITTLE FEDERG YOUNGGIEIZYOIJCAN END THWWTVFIUup wsmswchorhmamlus THEMDNGOOSE sunnames woulp BEASSASSINATEDJ YES AWA TEALIIER MID WEI EANlelllEmMTilEHOIISEDEWES MAYOR assassmusv Do FEEAREFIIL ilussiuorvoum BE NEXT lamum Wmmrunrhhm JUST CAUSHT THIS valNe LAW NlBBLlNGGN SURPRISED AT VICKIE THINK SHE canto nous Foe liar CRIME av HELPING you WASH AND ozv THE DISHES April DINNER quossor THINK IT WOULD more FITTING lF SHE HELPEJ WAsur WATCHle WASH mo may THE WHEN You wake name an Tits GAKEA

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