Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1961, p. 3

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ADJUSTING their baggage before leaving RCAF Station Trenton for their Barrie AIR CADET Edward Har man of RR Barrie is shown raising the Air Force flag while reveille is sounded homes are from left to right Air Cadet Terry westgarth Taylor of 04 Burton Ave to awaken the 335 boys at tending the twoweek summer camp at RCAF Station Tren ton MONDAY REHEARSALS Director Named To Junior Band The new director of the junior Barrie City Concert Band is MacLaren Wilson of 125 Steele Street He takes over the baton from Thomas Higgins LRAM who ha been appointed to the Band of the Canadian Gaurds at Pet tawawa Mr Wilson supervisor of scho ol music at Camp Borden will hold rehearsals in the market building on Mulcaster Sueet at 630 pm every Monday Band secretary Leslie Parkiir son has been posted to Alberta and Donald Hodges is acting as secretary temporarily Paul Hunnef has resigned from the band to become assist ant LJdmaster of the newly formed Accordion Band in Bar rie The bands director Kenneth Hollier said todaythnt recent embership drive hm proved successful There are now 20 senior and 35 juniormembers in the Barrie City Concert Band Mr Hollie said the band is still in need of new members Landing Trouble Plagues Two Jets LOS ANGELES AP Two huge jetliners plagued by land ing gear and hydraulic system failures made dangerous land ings at International Airport Friday night and early Satur day There were 102 persons aboard the two jets No one was hurt An American Airlines Boeing 707 jet with 52 aboard caught fire and suffered tire blowout when its front landing gearcoll lapsed as it touched down Pas sengers and crew members chambered out of the jet as smoke poured through the plane Earlier aTrnns World Air lines jet carrying 50 persons from Los Angclcsdo Boston made an emergency landing St and George Baxter of Wayne Raycraft of 59 Henry 119 Essa Road in Barrie 335 Air Cadets Arrive Trenton Air Cadets fmm points as dis ant rs Knpuskasing arrived at RCAF Station Trenton Sun day This was the second contin gent of 1300 cadets from all of Ontario to arrive at Summer Camp within the Incxt eifllt weeks There were 335 in the Sunday arrival The general purpose of this twoweek course for youth bet ween the ages of 14 and 19 is to teach them thevart of leader ship companionship and sports manship full cirriculum oi leodership service famiiarizat ion guidance lectures flying sports and industrial and beach tours serves to keep arose ca dots well occupied But perhaps the chief attribute of course such as this is that these boys learn to live and get along wiui others knowledge that will prove invaluable in lat er life This camp set up on rcgulat ion Air Force basis under the command of Wing Cmdr Allan of Weston Ontario and his mid administrative officer Sqdn Mr McMeekin of East Yorkis staffed entirely by reserve officers most of whom are school teachers with years of experience working with Canadian youth Flt Lt Frost of Trenton has seen that the cadets are comfortably housed in thirty large Marquis and twentytwo field tents Thus with rapect to the cirriculum staff and quarters these boys have ample opportunity to leam and at the same time enjoy themselves during their stay at RCAF Station Trenton nannmvmn prosody my 51 Countys MP5 €011 Feet Often During Session By FARMER TISSINGTON Speak to The Barrie Examiner OTTAWA Hebe Smith Conservative member of per liament for North Slmcoc spoke 11 times in the House of Conn mons during the susion which now stands adjourned until Sep tember Dr Rynard Conservative member for East Simcoe spoke seven times in the same period The sesslon commenced November 17 1960 and was adjourned July 13 check of speaking reconds of individual members indi cates that MessrsSmith and Rynnrd were not among the more frequent spcakers inthe house However their speeches comments and questions were still more frequent than those of number of backbcnchcrs some of whom spokeonly once or twice and few not at all NOIl TRUE GUIDE Veteran observcrs oi parlia ment point out that the number of times member speaks in the house is not necessarily guide to the members value and worth as an MP Some members speak rarely in the house but take much more vocal and active part in the discussions of one or more of the standing and special com mittees of the Commons In addition of course MP5 are also busy writing letters and holding discussions with cabinet ministers government officials and others on matters of special intorcst to their own constituencies Mr Smith is vlcechairman of the committee on railways airlines and shipping and is member of the committees on broadcasting and on public ac counts Dr Eynards main in terests lie in medical matters and he heads up that commit tee In his speeches in the house Mr Smith has talked about such matters as the Farm im provement Loans bill the re tirement of judges department of justice estimates and the shipping bill Bash 0i Accidents Hits Elmvale Area Elmvale detachment of the OPP reported rush of rear end collisions over the week end The first of three such cra shes occurred early Saturday evening when car driven by Harold Grosskurth Guelph was struck from behind by car driven by David Travers Port McNichol There were no injuries but damage was estimated to be $580 lna second collision is car driven by Muriel Nicholls Wa saga Beach was struck late Saturday by car driven by Donald Veysey Elmvale Pal ice reported no injuries and damages to the vehicles of $180 llie third rear end collision occurredv late Sunday night when car driven by Alfred Nodell Toronto was struck by car driven by Dennis Huh bard Elmvale Damages were No historical plaques will be erected Tuesday commem crating respectively the old Portage Road between Game bridge and Balsam Lake and thesite oi the former Huron village ofCahiague which was Samuer de Oharnplains bead quarters in the winter of 1615 16 These plaques are being er ected by the Department of Travel and Publicity acting on the advice of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of On tario PREMIER T0 OFFICIATE The unveiling programs are being sponsored jointly by the Orillia Chamber of Commerce and the Orillia Historical Suci ety and the Prime Minister of Ontario the Honorable Leslie Frost QC LLD will take estimated to be $250 Cahiague Site Will Be Marked By Plaque In Ceremony Tuesday and Historic Sites Board Alton reeve of Eldon Townshipr and McQuarrie president of the Victoria County Historical Society the speakers will include Prof McIlWraith of the depart ment of anthropology Univers ityof Toronto who will repre sent the Archaeological and His toric Sites Board His Worship Mayor George McLean of Oril lia and Dalton Jermey reeve of Medonte Township At the Cahiague site The Portage Road has its western terminus at modern Gamebridge the Xlth Concession of Thorah Township and then runs in north easterly direction to BolsA over in Eldon Township where it merges wih provincial high way 46 and follows the latter to Balsam Lake Thence it follows disposal systems Ihe Technlml Dr Rynards speccbcs have included the housing bill mental illness survey sewage and Vocational lralnln bill and the Trent Valley waterway MORE VOLUBLE But Mr Smith and Dr Ry nard make very few speeches in the house compared to some 01 the more Volule members Frank Howard the cop no from Skecna in British Colum bia for example has made well over 200 speeches so for this session his questions and com ments ranging over very wide ROOF OF CAR IS PUNCHED AFTER ACCIDENT DOORS CRURBLED OFF field and taking up many pages of Hansard Arnold Peters the COP MP for Temiskaming ln northern Ontario is another who talks frequently and at consldcrublc length on variety of subjects With only eight representatives in the house the CCF group feels that its personnel must speak frequently In order to present their partys view an as many subjects as possible two Toronto youths and charg ed them with the attempted theft of an outboard motor hcrc early Sunday morning Barrie police apprchcndcd CHAMPION TALKER But the champion talker in the Commons is Pickers gill the Liberal frontbcnchcr from Bonnvistavillingatc Not long before the adjournment of the house works minister Da vid Walker revealed he had done some checking on some of the members to find out how often they spoke at what length andat what cost to the public MODEST INDEED Compared to Mr Pickersgill or to Messrs Howard and Pet ers Mr Smiths and Dr By nnrds verbal contributions are modest indeed But observers of parliament tend to be criti cal of many of the long drawn out debates and argue that some of the most vnluable MP5 are those who have very little to say in the house itolph Lynas 19 and Peter Vorbcrg 17 were charged foll owing complaint from Charles Agnew Shanty Bay Road Mr Agnew earlier reported suspicious persons in the neigh borhood of the area where he docked his boat Police re spondcd and found parked car with no one in it The in vestigating officer heard noises in the bushes near the short line and radioed for assistance thorough search of the area hythrcn officers failed to dis cover anyone Police were alerted to kcep an eye on the area and nearly Bearend Collision Damage Is $250 An accident on Dunlop St 13 Sunday caused damage estim ated ntSZSD to car drivcn by Eric Lunsted Collier SL Barrie Barrie police reportedthe Lunsted car crashed into the roar of car driven by William Maw RR New Lowell which was stopped for traffic light at Bnyfield St There were no injuries sus Youth Drowns At Orillia Park ORILLTA Gilles Lavioleiw 17 of Logan Avc Toronto drowned while swimming at Couchiching Beach Park Sunlt day He went into unsupervised waters to swim after complain ing of not feeling well life gaurd pulled him ashore about eight minutes after the boy had gone down in 15 feet of water He was the son of Mr and Mrs Reml Laviolette Cars Crash Persons Hurt Two persons were injured and considerable damage was sus tained by three automobiles as result of threecar collision Some of the ideas being tested on Highway 400 near here last Include plastlcpmmg lothot and night cold water stressed skin floor Lisa Jensen and her daugh panels wood lfpundation tained by either driver Being Tested In New Ideas for homes of the future are being developed and tested in on experimental home constructed at Rockcliife Air Force Station in Ottawa The project is sponsored by the research committee oi the National House Builders As sociation and is partially fin anced by federal government grant Charge Pair Tried To Take Outboard two hours later Mr Agnew again called police and the olii ccr in the crop quickly rcspond cd and made the arrest of Ly ons and Vorbcrg It is undcrstood that motor from one of the boats moored at the beach had been taken off boat and was lying on the ground when police arrived Leacock Town To Burst Alive By Folk Songs ORILLlA Leacock town will become folksinging com munity for the Mnriposn Folk Festival Aug 15 and 15 Humorist Stephen Lcacock used Mnriposa us the fictional name of Orillia in his writings Seventeen individual and folk singing groups will he heard in cluding The Travellers Omar Blondahl Allan Mills Jacques Lnbrcque and others It the first Canadian folksinging festiA val said its organizers street jamborce Will be held Friday Saturday will be memorable day with folk films childrens concert and an afternoon of tolkslnging and even symposium Saturday evening will have concert and concludc with what the organiz ers call hootenanY New Ideas For Homes 0t Future Air Force Home specially treated to resut cor rosion Sprayedon plastic roof covering independent recir culating sewage disposal unit that in theory needs no sewer connection or conventional sept ic tank installation lwmt airconditioning system that may solve the problems of con densation in small houses An Air Force family is now living in the test house to find out how the new theories work out in practices Local Man Injured As Auto Rolls Over Barrie man Paul Suth erland to llolgnte St was admittedtn Royal Victoria Hos pital early Saturday evening following an accident on Well ington St passenger Cleve lnnd Keenan same address was uninjurcd Borrie police said the car Suthcrlnnd was driving failed to negotiate curve on Wellington St climbed an embankment and rolled over Keenan was thrown from the car and the vehicle ended up lying on his legs The com bined efforts of police and by stnnders were rcquired to free him Police said Keenan got up and walked around once he was cxtricated and did not require hospital attention NineYearOld Boy Drowns In Lake KINGSTON CPlA family in the process of moving from Toronto to Kingston lost their nineyearold son by drowning Sunday night as they camped on the shores of Second Depot Luke about 35 miles north of here Arthur IIcnry Starring wand cred away from his parents Mr and Mrs Lloyd Starring and their five other children He ap parently waded into the lake and went beyond his depth Rebel Raids 0n Upswing SAIGON AP Communist rebels in South Viet Nam bavo launched new round of attacks reaching closer to Saigon than over before The sound oi gun fire is heard often from areas around this capital The number of Communist incidents north oi Saigon has doubled in the lost two weeks an informed Vietnamese source said Sunday There has been an upswing in rcbel raids and assassinations around the nation But the bulk oi the activity is said to be in northern areas in the prov inces that stretch across the ter Anne were both treated for abrasions and the daughter also for lacerated forehead OPP report that the accident occurred shortly after 10 pm and was caused when car driven by Eric JensenDon Mills was unable to stop quick ly enough and crashed into the rear of car driven by Nathan Briks Toronto The Eriks vehicle was in turn driven into the rear of car operated by Charles Ferguson Weston The accident occurred at the height of the heavy traffic flow of returning vacationers and weekend tourists and traffic was slowed and backed up for several miles northward along 400 Killed In Algeria AL GIE ES AP Twelve French Soldiers were slain while Sleeping whenAlgerian natidnal ist rebels infiltrated their post near Orleansville Saturday The rebels first cut the throat of Moslem sentry then got into the post with the aid of three Al gerian members of the little garrison part in both ceremonies The ceremony in connection with the unveiling of the Portage Road plaque will commence at 1015 am just east of Balsover in Victoria County at the junc tion to Highway 46 and the county road leading to Game bridge The Cahiague ceremony is scheduled to commence at 231 pm at the presumed Site otthatr historic village situated off Highway 12 near Warminster about nine miles west of Orillia T0 PLAQUES Dr Hale of Orillia will unveil bath plaques and Rumble president of the Orillia Chamber of Commerce will act as master of ceremonies at each Site other persons taking part in the Portage Road ceremony will include Cranston chairman of the Archaeological PROCLAMATION Kinzle Mayorjof the City of Barrie by whine or resblutlon of city Council proclaim Monday August 196 as Civic City of Barrie GOLDEN RIPE holiday in the 167 nane rnnsn KILLED EVISCERATED FINE GRANULATED WIiITE Sleeping Soldiers 10 Les FIRST GRADE CREAMERT BUTTER LB NANAS 2o F909 fnh country just above Saigon runs wrap SPECIALS 9° 53¢

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