DELLA PICKS Pretty Della Baker 22 of Toronto was one of the lucky ones at Wasaga Beach Sun day Allhouyl cars jammed like big sardines across the sands of Wasaga Beach on Georgian Bay Della manag ed to find few square feet OUT SPOT FOR SUNNIN to stretch out her rubber raft for out Not all beachgo ers were so fortunate for many it was almost case of standing room only RUSSIAN UTOPIA SEEN Continued from page one week from 41 hours to between 34 and 36 hours by mo and in creasing vacation time Total industrial output was to be increased by 150 per cell by 1070 and 500 per cent by 1980 while farm production was to be raised by 150 per cent by 1970 and 250per cent by 1980 As for the actual establish ment of true Communismwhen the state shall have withered awaythat is promised for some indefinite time after 1980 The plan made the important pronouncementfrom the view point of Communist theory that the stage of the dictator ship of the proletariat has com piloted its historic task in Rus but it stressed the working class will continue its leading role and the state will continue its functions though to dim inished degree MAKES NEW BLAST The plan also contained new blast at the cult of the indivi dualthe Cummunisf term for the state of affairs under the late Josef Stalin This was termed incompatible with Marxism and Leninism Also condemned wereviolations of collective leadership inner party democracy and conse quent violations of socialist le gality For the first time the plan introduced the principle that Russias top men should not hold on to their jobs too long and ruled that at least 25 per cent of the party central com mittee and presidium should re tire at each election The elections take place at full partyvcongresses which the 1956 congress ruled should be held every four years The forthcoming congress in October will elect new cool tralcommittee which in turn will choose the presidium The plan said members of the presidiurn should hold office no longer than three consecutive terms12 yearsi Khrushchev has been afull presidlum member since 1039 and first deputy premier Anas tas Mikoyan has been one since 1935 But loophole is provided In plan proviso that members who have shown recognlzed authority and high political or ganizational or other qualities may be elected for longer pe riods on 75perccnt majority in secret ballot T0 MAINTAIN DEFENCES The plan said that because the danger of war coming from the imperialist camp per sisted and since general and complete disarmament has not been achieved Russlan de fences will be maintained at level ensuring the decisive and complete defeat of any enemy who dares encroach upon the Soviet Union But it added that peaceful coexistence is needed for oblt taining peace for building com munism in the Soviet Union and for developing world so cialist system and to save the world from destructive war The only source of military danger is imperialism The im perialists are preparing the most wild crime against hu manity world themonuclear war Efforts of nations should be concentrated in curbing imperi alism The people of our gener ation can do it The plan called the us the main stronghold of international reaction and added The United State the strongest capitalist power has passed its zenith and has en tered into the era ot sunset Such imperialist states as Brit ain France Germany and Ja pan have lost their former might Aggressive military blocs un der the aegis of the US often found themselves in condition of crisis and new contradict tinns will inevitably arise and deepen it said CITES YUGOSLAVIA But the plan also referred to dangers to Communism through Europe Skeptical But Hopeful Golden Age Pledged By Reds LONDON CF The Soviet Comprunist partys promise of golden age ahead for the Rus sian people evoked mixed feel ings of skepticism caution and hope in western Europe today Skepticism at the grandiose ideals outlined in the Commu nist blueprint for comi uto pia for the Soviets millions hopesarase by the rejection of war and the declaration that to realize this easy life there must be peace or earth Behind the Iron Curtain most newspapers cautiously refrained from immediate common Belief was expressed inBrit sin that Premier Khrushchev would not be prepared to gam ble away his goals of Com munist paradise by risking war withthe West Butflelgian socialists saw the program as partly political manoeuvre And Swedish con servative newspaperg Svenska Dagbladet said thepromised achievements are so long dated that it must be safe for Khrushchev to feelthat it can hardly be he Who will have to answer if the vs not re uv EASY Thawyear plan made public nlClZthc weekend said that by ofo Russia wouldgive the Sov veryone in easy circumstances The Rusalpn goplavia was People were promised free housing and pub lic transportation in the 10705 gradual shortening of the workweek to six hours day and before completion of the program free education free medical care free gas and heat ing and free water The 45000 word manifesto tbe first grand Soviet plan since Lenins in lowpledged pol icy of coexistence with the West in possible slap at the Chinese Communists PEKING ISSUESBRIEFLY In Peking the New China News Agency issued only brief report and todays Chinese press issued the same short ac count of the program In Rome the Communist party paper Unlta carried lengthy ex tracts of the manifesto but puir lisbed no comment In Warsaw the program was published without comment and East Germany the Commu nist partys main newspaper Neucs Deutschland carried only two paragraphs at the bottom of the front page fn Belgrade the official fro goslav Tanjug news agency asid théplan lticism onu gt spirit and manner we known from past atta ism But todays early editions of th ainYugoslav new aper zmu Politika rovisionlsm as embodied In the program of the Yugoslav Communist party and dogma tlsm nnd sectarianlsm lt th us repeated charges made at the Moscow summit last December The attacks upon dogmntlsm and sectari anism were then generally in terpreted as referring to Com munist China The plan pledged the Russian Communist party to strengthen the relations of fraternal friend ship with the countries of Asia Africa and Latin America which are fighting to attain or cons date national independence The basic views of theparty as shown in the plan remained unchanged from the 1019 pro gram drafted by Vladimir Lenin and some passages repeat word forword Lenins plan Stock Market Slightly Higher Trading Light TORONTO CWThe stock market ti its early morning trend and was higher in light trading today Base metals again led the pack by reaching their highest point an index since June 1957 20431 Fractional gains among seniors accounted for most of the metals rise with Interna tional Nickel Falconbridge Con solidated Mining and Smelting Noraoda and Ventures all ahead in the it to so range fndustrials were paced by util ities and refining oils CPR Con sumers Gas Shawinigan and Union Gas 311 advanced frac tionally Papers were weaker with fractional losses noon DOLLAR MONTREAL CLOThe US dollar was at premium of N12 per cen in terms of Cana dian funds near noon today Fri day the noon rate was $103 llPound sterling $205 316 up NEW YORK CPCanadian dollar 164 lower at 97 in terms of US funds Pound sterling lasso higher at 3279 PRODUCE TORONTO CF Churning cream and butter printprices were reported unchanged today The egg market was weak with offerings in excess of poor demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal deparrnent of agri culture on Canada grade eggs deliveredToronto in fibre cases large 41A medium 36447 small 2627 Band grades no market Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tenderable 68 nontenderable tam62 ili ligbt trading western 62 nomirni nal Commercial Or on Yugoslav revision Industrial Photos Portrait5 Passport cal SMITH STUDIO Council Meeting Planned Tonight On Grclvel Pacts Clty Clerk Strut thnn announced shortly nf lu noon todny that Mayor Willud Kinds had called special meeting of City Council tonight It in nndeh stood that the mount will deal with Public Work tenders and contracts The Public Works committee of Barrie City Council will in terview the successful bidder on the current city gravel con tract at closed meeting to night Unsuccessful bidders will also be asked to attend Earlier the Public Works Committee had called meet ing for tonight with wntraetors to discuss current gravel con tracts This was to be closed meeting with the press not per mitted to attend The special council meeting rill be open to the public and press The announcement of the meeting follows closely Mayor Willard Kinzios demand for sweeping investigation of the matter of city tenders and spe cifications and the ability of bid ders to meet them Waiter Gigg city manager has been directed bytbc mayor to con duct the investigation imme diatellfl Earl Williams chairman of the Public Works committee on holidays at the time of the mayors announcement said will support any probe relating to tendering procedures here This includes those for gravel drips readymix concrete or any other lenders public works Mr Williams declined to do viate from longstanding de cision of council committee chairmen to throw the commit tee meeting open to the press Thisis not policy and for one do not want to be the one to contravene it he said involving Mr Williams was asked for the answer to five specific ous tlooa by The Examiner The questions and his replies are as follows WHY BAR PRESth mu QWhy are you press from this meeting Matters discussed In committee meetings are not public information until approv ed by Couchl QTbs mayor has already announced sweeping Investi gation of tenders etc in view of this publicity would it not be in the best interests of the community to suspend the clos eddoor polICy in this footnote AWo dont have closed door policy dont think it would be in the public Interest because in committee we are inclined to talk In generalities QYou say that statement will be released Would It not bein the public interest to per mit Lbevpress to make its own report on the basis of discussion at the meeting and of the state meats of interested contrac tors ANo feel that after the discussion joint statement should be Issued by both com mittee and interested contrab tors PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE Qln fact would not public acceptance be much greater If statements were made in the open on this vital public issue ANot necessarily feel we have to honor the wishes of an individual who asked that the press not be invited ll he refuses to discuss the issue we are not being fair to ourselves or to him QHas an contractor or con tractors asked that the press bc barred AWe want to be able to Kennedy Gives North America Booster Shot In Economic Arm By FORBES RIIUDE Canadian Press BusinesaEditor The North American economy already assumed to be mpvmg upward apparently is getting strong boost from President Kennedys speech of last week and its defence proposals In earlier post war periods such development could be expected to set off boom This time theres considerable slack capacity to be taken up before we achieve allout operation but boom possibilities are there Probably the United States economy will feel the first surge but if this happensthe effects wont take long to spread across the border TODAYS STOCKPRICES Compiled by Flynn mums Dom Found Dom stem Asbestos Abitlbl Argum Steel Aluminium Albert Gal Atlas steel an autumn Bank of N5 Bell Tu Brazilian EA 011 50 Power can of com Cdn arewerles CPR Dom Tar Famous Gt Lakes Gut Pow Home Oil Im on Canada Cement Can Chemical cm on Con Min Sn Con Paper Consumers Gas on seng stntt Massey Fe Noranda mu Exquisite are Barons Farm Home Pit Hudson Bay Min imp Tobacco In Accept Inland NG inzu Nickgl analom Jockey Club Man Powell Riv Back of thesituation is the fact the recession has been relatively light one accom panicd by continuing highactlv ity and continued prosperity for most people it has been marked by high unemployment but this has been reflection of the overcapacity developedl in the lush years and of tech nological change rather than of any real slow down Given ex isting high activity it ordinarily doesnt take much to turn mod erate recession into boom Stock markets were quick to react to the improved prospects and issues of an armament na ture such as metals can be expected to particularly benefit 93 Dunlap St Barrie Nor ant NG Moore Corp Oshawa Pacific Pet Pens Pipe Que Nat Gal Ron Rothnuns Ron Bank Salldl sbtrrlu Slmpnons Stafford rs Steel or Can Steinberg Tor pom sir Trln can Pi lnns not PM Traders Fin Texaco Union Gan Walker now so is no rg sit down and discuss this thor oughly contractor has told us that if the press is admitted he will forget the whole thing COOK PLEASE Still another local contractor umpcd into the picture today Allan Cook told The ham lner today that be was pleased to sea the Investigationmnder way Mr Cook also took exception to statement in Public Works committee report stating that as no tenderer for crush ed gravel can meet the city specifications The contractor said We have gravel deposits capable of pro ducing gravel up to city specie fications There is no question but that others here can too will personally guarantee that we can meet or surpass speci fications for gravel of either lhc city or Department of High ways from our own pits Mr Cook added We are not perturbed because we didnt get the gravel contract Mr Cook queried the proced ure used here in respect to call log tenders We feel that certified cheque should be required to accompany all tender bids and the successful bidder should fllen be required to provide bond to ensure good faith and ability to meet specifications In this way the city is protect ed against the failure of any supplier to meet contracted spe cifications Mr Cook also lntimated that the committee should look into the matter of machine and equipment rentals by the town believelm right when say it will be fairer to spread such business around among all contractors capable of fill ing the requirements It Is understood that three contractors will be interviewed by the committee at tonights meeting The lotervicwa will take place separately with Mr Cook scheduled to appear at 730 Bob McColgin at pm and Bob Garner at loan prn EXAMINER CAPSULE NEWS Reject Offer TORONTO CF Tlmnel workers on Torontos subway project rejected Sunday wage increase offered by contractors but decided against strike action pending the result of further In gotiatinn Gerald Gallagher secretary of Local 183 of the Laborers Union CWT said the men voted 71 against accepting an offer ranging from 15 to 20 cents more an bolu ill staged increases over two years The offer was the ï¬rst by employ ers following union demands for an increase of so cents an hour plan to strike today was called off because of promise Thursday by Premier Frost that conciliation officer of the Ln bor Relations Board would be available to intervene in the dispute within week Capture Escapees BEACON NY MP State troopers have captured all five men who escaped from an ln sane asylum shortly before mid night Friday by suwing an iron bar from washroom window Pedro Arroyo the last caught was picked up Sunday he walked along railroad track some 15 miles from Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminal Insane Arroyo was sent to the hospital after admitting to New York police that be had killed three women friends in jealA ous rage Prejudice LONDON Reuters An op position Labor member of Far liament said Sunday night that in many parts of Britain It Is impossible for Roman Catho lic of any party to become parliamentary candidate Labor MP Hugh Delargy himself Catholic spoke dur ing television discussion on why only 23 of 630 members of the House of Commons are Ca tholics The discussion chairman cal culated that proportionately thcre should be solo70 Catho lic members to represent the estimated 5000000 Catholics in the country Delargy said the disparity ls not because Catholics are less public spirited or less intelli gent or less ambitious It is simply this traditional antiCa tholic prejudice not so strong as It used to be smx BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JULY II 1961 Expect Petition Demand Rehire Orillia Officer DRILLIA petition de maoding the reinstatement of Murray Robinson to the Orlllia Police Department is expech to be submitted to town council tonight Up to 50 copies of the petition are believed to be circulating among town residents Robinson It sergeant in the police department was dis missed by Chief Molntyre last Wednesday when he rcfus ed to resign following de partmental hearing The petition also asks for complete investigation Into the police department and they are expected to spark one of the most fiery debates that council has seen for some time The department has been the urget ot series oturiticislm since administration was taken over by police commission July lost Prior to that it was administered by committee of council Mr Robinson was charged with rising abusive language to fellow officers and destroying an official order DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Voilcan CityDomenico Card lnnl andinl 73 secretary of state of the Roman Catholic Church of heart ailment lilontreal Robert Bernard Elm Molfit 53 vicepresident and treasurer of Woods Manu facluring Company and direc tor of Wabnsso Cotton Com pany Falmoulh Mass John Leo Kowalski 48 known profession ally as Johnny Cole in his ca reer as pianist with widely known bands TomatoBenedict Clark 69 for 50 years violinist with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra NOW OPEN Noisy River TentTrailer Comp West of Creemore on County No PRINTING can heIp your business Planned printing is as necessary to your business It merchunn slug it It to your advantage to consult wl printer as to the Inn suitable toms and stock or your pm tlclllnr rolultremontn The ml of well experienced in the the district for may vein Drummer having larved THE PRESS or THE BARRIE EXAMINER in wall of Ilclent pï¬ntlnf Ber ellort made to ob lIIIL the Mud and nlwnyl Ivntllbln to call ed to rive you cl lervice at lair rt to un rupremtatlvs on customers and talk about YOUR Individual problem the Press or The Rams needs of local businessll QUALITY PRINTING INDICATES YOUR PRIDE IN YOUR BUS INE LETTERHEADS INVOICES STATEMENTS to thln pressing your letterhead is often an lntroductlon respective customs It is Issenttnl that well planned and as attractive as msslble can help you give thartght Administrative costs can be cut 11 account ingtomu are tailored to you special needs ficiency can sum you Increase your office ef with tnvoleu and billhecdn mud to luit your business Statements ctfic needl are ursenllal Where monthly credit accounts on concemcd We can print to lull your billing machines or other cps OFFICE FORMS We not arms or many different system swim some forms require Ipecinllzcd ml chinerv wana we do not have In these OCHEQUES You Can arrange Wlth your cheque stock direct to us and We can prim your cbeqllu the Way vnu want them your Ball to ship Can Husky Camp club Cen Del Rio Eon Denison Con Hall Sullivan Falconbrldga Gcco Minna Gunnnr Rambler KerrAddison Lamqua Long an Maritime Normetal Opemlakn Quemont Sher Gordon sleep noel Unlted 0ft Ventures WilroY mugn Einssss Mosr LacsNp sroclro ml BA oil Int Nickel Kerr Sherrltt Monarch Fina lloods DOWJONES NEW runs AVERAGES 53 Rails down 42 Utilities up Industrial down Industrial in roaorrro STOCK EXCHANGE lNnEx 37 Golds up 2o Metal lrp 51 Oils down 04 rorvmlmn bacnaxdrlows Texaco Canada Ltd Sept 27 Chrysler Corp preferred $100 plylble Oct ex dividend 25c payable Sept ex dividend August 17 BANK or MONTREAL arguesl3 wllh the LOWCOST LIFEINSURED LOA Mlll mmmm NS nus uses we have new lrsnebnu witbjev ers largo manufacturers and can quota We print for many large organizations and attraction prices aivn quick larvch on this business EXAMINER SERVICE GIVES YOU GOOD JOB AT FAIR PRICE DIRECT MAILING PIECES std rsnla erlsbce with direct muu folders and pamphlets it you wish Ell le tell place to an Office specifications bundle into pustni walks mo tn sorb cum arrange payment oppoml charge on vour behalf gt BOOKLETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANNUAL REPORTS Fin clll Rs ortr Church as ms and advertising booklets an entrance to us from all ovegntho Prnllrtrlcn and we Isa careful attention to than important publicattnnL For many years local orgointlons have use us Jam prim lists and catalogues or their Annual events an we can tuirlyuy that law printers have had an much ex perience in thin type or work as the staff at the Press or The Barrie Examiner School year books hnvn become all unnortnnt at our work Most of tho Year books your children rlnp home not their High Schools bear the Examiner munist and many ltltdent and fraternal organlsstlons tn Simona county lend us their work TYPOGRAPHY ANo ENGRAVINGS menu or the faculties necessary to produce catty llows npcr our typographicProng ls larger no more varied than uon erlnt ng slum sunin ruin type style to wait special lobs Our own on nick reproduction of mu tuna pie on speed upjthe ob ALL Woes OF INVITATIONS COUNTER SALES BOOKS RUBBERSTAMPS FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS CALL PRIZELSTS YEAR BOOKS tutes in The CommerciaI Prinling Department THE BARRIE EXAMINER 15 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Telephone PA 66537