MISSINGHDOG This long is the way Bob bie Latin it describes his missing dachshund before an operation at Hamilton in July Ma THIS LONG Bobbie was told after his op eration that the dachshund Obie had been found few hours earlier iCP Photo Daniel Johnson Seeks Leadership Queb QUEBEC CPlDanlel John son energetic Union Notionalo er of the legislature for announced Sunday he In ten to seek the UN party lead ership His announcement generally expected by rank and file mem bers of the party was made at St Pie de Bagot less than day after Union Nationale caucus approved plans for the first party convention scheduled for Sept 2123 to choose loader and write party platform tireless debntcr Mr John son first was elected to the leg lature at byvelectlan Dec 18 1946 He has been reélectcd at general elections Since Most lmpor nt announce ments to com outof the cau cus held concerne he deadline for nom inations of candidates for the lender ip the inclusion of wom in the party and organ ivi it plans to the convention illire than 150 delegates from ouni committees attended caucus and approvedplans tli ac Party to dcmocratize the Uniori Na tionalo The convention will be the rat to be held since the party was organized in 1805 SET DEADLINE Delegates set Sept as the deadline for nomination of lead ership candidates Requirements for applications are to be an nouncod shortly They also approved suggestion that women be in cluded in the party another first in Union Nationale history Antonio Talbot acting leader of the party since the resigna tion of Yves Prevost last Jan ll was greeted by standing ovation at the caucus During 15minute speech he said the party was determined to democratlze itself This democratization began when representatives from dif ferent parishes met to elect county committee presidents he said Our convention will be the fruit rd work by all partyn1embcrs Emancipation Day Festivities Draw 50000 Spe WINDSOR CPIA crowd es mated by police at 50000 jammed into downtown Windsor unday to watch twoAhour 11m ade one of the highlights of the Roth annual Emancipation Day celebrations artyseven of the best Ca nad and American musical units plus thousands of march ers kept the predominantly Ne gro crowd cheering wildly dc spite frodegree heat and high humidity Walter Perry managing director of Emancipation Day fourday event that marks the abolition of slavery in the Brit ish Empire termed the parade the largest and most success ful in the history of our cele brat ition to bands and There the parade was dotted with floats clowns mo torcycle teams from Detroit Mich and Toledo and bevy of Negro beauties who will compete tonight for the Miss In ternational Sepia Musical units included the Samia Lionettes one or the com tincnts leading drum and bugle corps The other main event was the Former Leader Blasts Liberals LAVALTRIE Que CP Adrien Arcand leader of the Canadian Fascist movement be foreth Second World War emerged from retirement Sa turday night to blast Quebecs Liberal administration The former Fascist leader said the Quebec government is antiChristian anti national and antiFrenubCanadian Arcand who spent five years is application of Quebecs Padlock Law and for his ight against Jebovabs Wit CAMPBELL LTD Moving and Storage Trial Warehousing or North American Van Lines PAS6555 foundered ripped from eraLmore were in serious dif ficulty Sunday as highiwinds struck fleet of Royal Hamil ton Yacht Club boats homeward Credit to be towed to clatoTs presentation of freedom awards to George McCurdy deputy reeve of Amherstburp0nt Da mon Keith Detroit attor ney and Dr and Mrs Walter Bergman of Detroit who organs ized Freedom Ride to Ala bama recently All are Negro The awards are given annu ally to Canadians and Ameri cans who have contributed to racial understanding Guest speaker at the preseni tatlon ceremonies was Dr Ar chibald Carey of Chicago mrmster who was the first Ne groAmerican to head White House committee in the United States Dr Carey who chaired the presidents committee on gov ernment ment policy from August 1957 until April 1561 said that for the last 350 years there has been double standard of morality in North America Different treatments were given to persons of vari ous races ereeds and colors Dr Carey said continuation of discrimination would have an adverse affect on democratic countries in the cold war against Communism ihe only way we uh win over the uncommitted nations of is to demonstrate true freedom in Boats In Trouble From High Winds HAMILTON CPlan boat the mainsail was another and sev bound from regattajn Port Windsestimated by some to be as high as 80 miles an hour were accompanied by heavy rain and struck most of the boats oif Bronte One craft founderediand had It Ha navel UPIIOLSTEIIING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Regain American Support HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Writer WASHINGTON CF The United States warned that its Influence is waning is ready to pledge cash and stable markets to recapture Latin American Iupport But ï¬rst it wants to make sure the Latins pledge to help themselves by eliminating graft taxing the rich as well as the poor and by carving up big load estates to raise the hopes of landownershlp by impover lshcdfarmerl Amoricana recognize that the task of lifting living standards among the Latins poses tre mendous challenge They plan to prepare the foundations at an economic cmuerence ln Urn guay Aug But it may take three years to get the program Into full swing Finance ministers from vir tually all the Latin countries will be at the conference to watch Treasury Secretary Doug las Dillon unveil the US plan to encourage Latin selfhelp Canada will send observers headed by Associate Defence Minister Pierre Sevigny While Canada will not parclcipatc in the deliberations she will be watching closely for some of the us proposalsparticularly on commodity marketsmay af fect her own vital trade casrno Has IMPACT Castros power in Cuba has had its Impact on much of the Latin area which for decades the United States considered part of its own backyard Now Amer Icans fear communism at their back adding to the feeling of anti Amerlcanism that had reigned in the Latin area The Cuban invasion fiasco didnt help the US cause The United States had to move quickly and positviely Kennedy offered his Alliance for Progress scheme putting up 5500000000 initially as part of decade of aid to hclp the Latins helpthemselvesuflut as some By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada ran into another grim JdLflJrafï¬LJatalities and drownings during the weekend At least 57 persons died acci dentally between pni Friday and midnight Sunday is in road accidents and 25 by drowning Quebec led the list Canav dian Press survey showed the province had 17 fatalitiesnine drownings seven traffic and an accidental fall Ontario followed with eight traffic seven drownings and one man killed by train for total of is Only Newfoundland was fa talityfree in the survey which includes victims of accidental death dueto normal weekend holiday activities Ontario dead leading Aircraftman Joseph Comeau 27 hit by truck be tried to flag down near his RCAF station in Toronto Friday night Kathleen Jones eight weeks and her brother Michael of St Clair Shores Mich in two car crash on Highway near Samia Saturday LorneMartin on the main Visiting woman Killed In Crash PORT CREDIT CPAvisit ing West Berlin woman was killed in twoear crash on the Queen Elizabeth Way near here Saturday night asshe returned toToronto froma trip to Nia gara Falk with relatives Toronto couple and two St Catharines men were injured in the accident andtaken to South Peel vHospital in Cooksvillc north of this Toronto suburb Mrs Alfreda Leonhardt 49 of Berlin was killed Her brother Rudi Bsdurek 40year old mechariic and his wife Elly 44 of Toronto suffered in al lace rations and multiple uries do the other car involved James Gill 40 and Joseph De also suffered multiple iniuries Hospital officials said Sunday Deramos condition was serious while the others were reported in satisfactory condition voiEc Beautiful Samples Free Estimates man PICKUPAND onuvnnr PHONE roam Rhianna Upholsterlng In bar BunionssNotluatA Sideline 65 Bradford St The rise of Premier Fidel ramo 17 both of St Catharines oflthe MINE5ING3 Americans already acknowledge US cash aid may prove at pie taoce compared to the Lntinn huge needs litany of the Latin countries depend on earnings from sin gle commodity such as coffee tin cocoa or bananas for their major Income fluctuation in uprld markets could have trc mendous impact on the home economy anditha lives of mils lions of people The United sates likely will encourage the possibility of set ting up coffee agreement among the mall producers and consumers including Canada to ensura market for their production and fair price for export Canada is likely to Join coffee agree ment but the United States is worried about other big eon umcrs such as West Germany While Canada may be ready to loin coffee agreement she may be less eager to sign marketsharing pact for lead and Line The United States facing surpluses at home has restricted imports under for mula wbiCh still gives Canada bit larger market than other ahipperr rigid marketing agreement might find part ot Canadas share turned over to growers rteady other exporters Province Fighting Worst Rash 0i Forest Fires ST JOHNS Nfld Smoke hung over vast secuooa of Newfoundland today as for est fires continued to rage through the provinces valuable timberlands An army of several thousand men dozens of pumps miles of hose and fleet of twatersbomb ing aircraft were being spread more thinly throughout eastern and central Newfoundland to fight fresh outbreaks as the province continued its battle against the worst rash of fires in 30 years Forestry officials called the tires which already have eaten through enough spruce and fir to keep the provinces two paper mills operating for year catastrophe Three communities have been evacuated and residentswere preparing to flee two others as more than dozen fires burned three of them massive lniernos raging out of control Most of the fires are blamed on carelessness Some are be lieved to have been deliberat ely set Dcouty Resources Minister Stuart Peters called the fires 57V DIE 0N WEEKEND Quebec Leads List With 17 Fatalities CNR tracks near the northwest ern Ontario resort centre of lilinaki Saturday Mrs Alfredo Leonhardt 49 st or from West Berlin in twocar crash on the Queen Elizabeth Way near Toronto Saturday Lizette Landriault 10 drowned in Meatbird Lake near Sudbury Saturday Domien Gatineau Que who fell under the wheels of bus at an Ottawa terminal Jerome Bosley 22 Detroit drowned Saturday when Lake iErie currents swept him off shore near Pelee Point William Hackman 23 Pela wawa in twocar crash Sun day on Highway 17 near Pem broke Catharine Abraham 45 Mich CP In 30 Years burning In the lush woodlands from which thousands of New foundlandera make their living as loggers and paper mill work are major disaster So far 1500000 cords of pulpwood have been destroyed EXPECT NEW THREAT The fires appeared to have died down late Sunday night but were expected to break out with new vigor in todays pre dicted hot weather Parsons Point Indian Boy and Northwest Arm in the Bo navista area have been evacu ated by 300 women and children The men remained to fight the fires So for no buildings have been destroyed Heavy trucks were moving into Brownsdale and New Mel bounie on the east side of Trin ity any 80 miles northwest of here to help evacuate 200 fam llles big fire was bearing down on the little communities Wide water llIled trenches have been dug around the Bo navista Bay communities and firefighters were confident they could save the villages month ago to houses were destroyed in nearby Hare Bay igan City fud in car crash near Chatham Sunday flicada Sauer5 drownedsunv day in Fanshawe Lake near London Ont while picnicking with her am Janis Priedolins 48 Port Ar thur drowned Sunday in Savant River in northwestern Ontario Gilles Laviolette 17 Toronto drowned in Lake Coutfliiching Sunday Joan Willard ls drowned in quarry near her home at Max vilie Sunday Arhur Henry Storring droWned Sunday in Second De pot Lake about 35 miles north of Kingston Douglas Bombay 25 thrown from his car when it missed curve on Highway for near Tim mins Sunday NEAREST AIDE Cardinals Death Saddens Pope VATICAN CITY APlDom enico Cardinal Tardini secre ary of the Roman Caholic Church died Sunday lris death shocked and saddened Pope John who said he had lost his strongest and nearest aide The 73 year old cardinal whom the Pope described as his prime collaborator in the government of the church died in his apartment in the Vatican He had been taken ill few days ago with recurrence of heart ailment that bothered him year ago He also suf fered hardening of the arteries Doctors attending him how ever had not considered his condition Physicians seemed more concerned about the condition of another Italian Vprelata 87yearold Nicola Car dinal Canali who has been near death since Friday with pneu monia Doctors expressedlittle hope for Cardinal Canali head of the administration commis sion for Vatican City Cardinal ANNUAL ORATION DAY ERVICE uuiou CEMETERY vSUNDAY AUGUST I961 4230 pm NOTE Iiibase of rainythe service will be held in Mlheslng United Church Tardinis condition apparently took sudden turn for tha worse shortly after midnight Sa turday ORDAINED IN 1912 Cardinal Tardini was ordained priest in 1912 On Oct 29 1951i the day Pope John was elected to succeed Pope Pius XII who died he named the then Msgr Tardini as his prosecretary of state few weeks later Pope John elevated him to the pur ple As secretary of state Cardinal Tardini carried most of the but dens of church government es pecially concerning the Vat icans foreign affairs Cardinal Tardinis death re duced the number of princes of the church to 83 eral services will be held Wednesday in the Basilica of SI Peter 194954 Youth Is Beaten Up filter Late Lunch nacn Barye Lcuis came out of alnack liar atBelle Ewart Friday night he was set upon by at least one of three of gang hanging around outside He was quite severely beaten and had difficulty in getting away from the mug Following report to the In nlsfii Police and after investi gation the following morning James Hastings was arrested and charged with assault He is being held in Barrie lall awaiting hearing Wednesday LIQUOR CONFISCATED In splth of the fact cars park ed around the dance halls of lnnlsiil will be searched and persons who use these vehicles during their parking periods are very likely to be asked questions the confiscation of liquor Is regular occurrence Several instances of this Voc curred aganst this past week end This diarge starts rc cord and second offence or more leads to stiff penalty WON GROCERIES For scoring over hundred feet in brick throwing for which Sit bnskctof groceries was offered by Stroud super market during the training per iod Bev Cochrane picked up his reward last Saturday To use the expression of the Stroud England committee this is known as ton throw We were pleased to have one such among our nlnyers RATEPAYER COMPLAINS in letter addressed to the reeve and read at the special HoboCaught In Police Dragnet Set To Snare Escaped Convicts TORONTO CPIAn elabor ate police drapnct spread Sun day for two escaped convicts snared one sllehtlv frightened hobo riding the rods into Tor onto The unidentified transient ent ered the eitv aboard freight train to the tune of urgent mes sages on the police radiosys tem and the whine of racing squad cars The operation was launched following reports from Kingston that two convicts described by noice as dangerous escaped Saturdaynight fromtidlillfrBay Venitentiary ther Henry Mc nirchin 23 both were serving long sen tences for armed robbery The police radio dispatcher informed squad cars that the two convicts still wearing pri son garb were on coal car in the centre of zitcar freight entering cast Toronto halfdozen police cars can vereed on crossing where the train was expected to stop but it chuggcd past without slowing down Back in their ears pollce raced the train along the line on information from their dis patcher that one man still aboardthe train will he liior oughly searched when stopped Soon after the radio dislt pateher reported Train stoopedone man arrested But in the following jumble of reports on stolen cars stray dogs and traffic accidents he never did get chance to men tion that the man on the coal car was tramp not convict and that police let him go after questioning HEIIllllli EQUIPMENI DontWAIT TILL ITS TOO LATE anisrow of iuuuur 34 DUNLOP 51 PA 833710 can ownrns We willl installer genuine FOIID Ite built exchangeMotor for IL SIHIPKIN Icouacil meeting last wetk the writer asks about the increased taxes What do you do with allthe money collected from the Lot tagers How are people of an aged group with fixed income going to keep up with the odds ed expenses We on pensions Just cannot condone toenioy the summers here if the taxes continue to go up the writer rtated SPEED TRAP COMPLAINT driver who was count In kpeed trap on 21 Highway wrote council complaining about the use of this device The sign of large dimensions raid the speed was 45 mph and then smaller one was for so mphv We had to plead guilty as ire just would be unable to re turn and fight it out in court We feel this is very unjust way of causing drivers addition al expense the letter stated lunisfil police claim they do not have the speed meter oper atlng in the areas beyond the populated areas of the villages on 21 Hiyiwny Cookstown has speéd limit reduction for nearly mile beyond the built up area but police claim they do not set up in that area Thls they claim also applies to Thornton which has not the ex tended restricted area but Ihc signs are well beyond the vill age lImlts The writer of the letter claims he was chorgedi with driving at 42 mph in zone he claims was to mph Prison ufiiclals at Kingston said lichryan of Grand Prai rie Alto and Turchin of Os hawa apparently wormed their way to freedom through ver tical pipe duct in their cell block McBryan was serving it years for escaping from prison in dustrial farm near Brantford shooting at policeman and two counts of armed robbery He was sentenced in Toronto July 1958 Turchin who also has an es cape rccord was serving 10 years orr two charges or rob bery with violence and two of breaking entering and theft He was sentenced at Oshawa Nov 21 1960 Both were wearing prison clothes when last seen but that mail If reduced this to 30 Just prior to their being flopped ROWE ACROSS 1112 MY couple of lads who but up some boys at Miocts Point for messing up their boat while they visited at the point were met by Harrie polch when they arrived back at the Barrie dock They were given talk ingto and their names taken BAYING DDG letter to council from Big Bay Point resident claims that dogs barking at night keep them awnitc They named who they thought to be the owner of the dog and council passed the letter on to the police to deal with the matter While we are on the subject we might add that similar complaint could come from the area west of linets Point in the city of Barrie where awlm mars keep dog barking far into the night which Interfere with the rest of rcsldets along the shore Man Lands Plane In Farmers Field CALEDON EAST CPlVcrn Perrier Guelph landed tiis light plane in farmers fied near here Sivndrv night after he became lost The pins was slithlly damaged Ferricr told police he thoucht th iotis of foorio wec was of Kitchener where he had to ken off headed towards them This village in about 30 miles northwest of downtown Toronto nocx STEAM earns OPEN DAILY am to pm PA 87lll for money Just phone BenafldaL Get the cash you want fast Ono phone call and one visit to the ofï¬ce does everything Call up or come in today YOURE THE 5055 AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone PArkway 85931 BARRIE Month ccnlrarll on inner om moo rm to um rm than an be momma BENEFICIAL INANCE co or CANADA HOT WATER AAT ALL TIMES