Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1961, p. 10

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AUTOMOTIVE moron cans For SALE VIAU MUIORS RAMBLER mum AND LAND seven 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 65458 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DUIBIS LTD Repin to All Alexei am and NA rowlnr Service 75 BAYFIZLD sr BARR PA 8455 WHY in HOME weekends or as pend on someone e112 when or mile weekly you can own car No down payment All you need is ion sre churh Byron Bay City ilutoia PA was There is no obligation MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT caam TRAILER ivr ule two one plywood sleeps or elv sans Refrigerator lights or Italy cupboard rpm and tiio floor Telephone as com Angus TRUCKS TRAILERS ms INTERNATIONAL one inn waterproof meil van cood con dition Apply to 214 Torontost name PERSONALS womans COLUMN vs4 LEARN HAlRDRESSlNG Enrol now In this government charmed school whero you are inomushly trained In all branches at For Inrormntinn wrile mem llAlltpREsslNG SCHOOL is COLLEEII 5mm on PHONE PA was Baum SHOP oldwver etc by cortlflcd hnirarrsser in your own homo Phone nornice at PA alias or PA 83531 LOST E7 FOUND rouuorhrrwnnel Tricycle on Lakeshore Road cost and only in May Owner may have same by ldentllylng and laying roi advci tisemont Telephone rm some Losrln Loblawl llayhrla st my Evangeline bag containinl girls Tshirt one hill and Iplt proximately 250 Loblawl lrecn stlmpx Pindnr piein phone Pli oaosi drier pin Reward HELP WANTED FEMALE am runny axrsltiniicnn Hair St ist Top vuges and co Air conditioned Apply Mm Hair Styling telephone Camp aar den or 551 for niruvrr incur motion swarmsRum small rolesslonsl own In Baffle Flor 1y week to begin August so nrpiy In own hand wrttlnl required for beauty culture I0 HELP WANTED FEMAhE HELP wamzssu all and art time mailer Initial toad in Good Normandy Rena Dunfrllrlyst for ariar inlormuon Io HELP WANTED MARKETING TRAINEE West Bend Canada Limited Manufacturer of nationally ad vertised cooking utensils appli ances gift ware and internal combustion angina is later viewing for Marketing Trainees This is real opportunity for the ridit man with sales can eer ambitions Under our onthelob training program new man have the op puitunity to become familiar with the many phases of opera tinn taking place at West Bend Only men over 21 with good educational background will be considered qualified applicants Please submit resume in writ ing to West Bend Of Canada Ltd PO Box 579 Barrie Ont saunasva niectrlcinn requio ea ior Loriiodine study employ ment State reirrunm and ulnry expected Apply to nor Barrie Examiner 11mm EXPERIENCED Tobacco Primers for tobacco harvest in inn lIluxt have least two years experience Apply Morris floor all Burie or telnpnono PA m0 ROYAL WHITE Worldsant valuibla piece of jewelry is Britains imperial state crown worn by Queen Elizabeth at her corcnatfoa in 1953 MALE HELP INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK An opportunin exlrLa or won nun in our Inventory Contrvl departmIIL This is salaried pulllon and many opportunitin ror iduneeinenl to the rub omen Know ledro or blue print belnlul Apply to DE VILBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO lIraz mam mailman MONDAY JULY ii rigs Tom Dimitroff On Trial Tonight MONTREAL CPLTom Dim itrolf goes on trial at quarter back for Montreal Abuettes to night and its showorego pmp asition The Air meet Hamilton Tigcn Cats In proseason football game and chunky Tom has to produce to escape bit of rear ertrimming planned by coach Parry Moss in campexclusiva of Diml troll onetime firststringer with Ottawa Rough Riders Moss has Engagerfieni Announcement Place the News of Your Engagement Now Fill in this form and return to ma aArtnm EXAMINER Hayfield street Barrie Mr and Mrs Ontario of wish to announce the engagement of their daughter of take place on Date Marriage to at Church MALE OR FEMALE MEN AND WOMEN above all who are interested in making above average earningl We haw an opcning that you willho in toresied in Car essential Tole pliant Iilr Whlte PA Mia he twcen and 550 Pm EMPLOYMENT WANTE MOTHER Wiu look after child week our Call at McDonald street or further details DECORATOR will work evenings and weekends $150 per hour Any other type of work taken chiulleur driving etcClll so Owen st cameram 24 married de sins pnrttime position from lo 11 pm Can do next any typo oi work Has chouiieurs licence and letters or mlerenre Larry PA 54791 or PA $9106 stating axprrienca and an to Box 77 Barrie alanine Try An Examiner Want Ad BUSINESS DIREC Ask About qu Rates Telephone genome ED MILLS auildnl Contlfactolj mick ocusron BUILDING unannouncan girlmum curaoAiuis Phone Stroud mil Collect Alarms ater TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT ron armr Tents and Tarpa Camp Cois and Steven Coolers BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD is BAYFIELD 5mm TELEPHONE EA ohm DIAPFR SERVICE mamas amass DIAPER SERVICE Twice wcckl lcku ledeuve ll PnANcls ST am PA 68551 Less than pack of cigarettes dIY EXCAVATING FILL GKAVEL IIP Frill SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed rtons Hair Yard aanhnao forhin DEN le MORAN Amie Street Barrie PA Man PAINTING AND PAPEREANGWG EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging spray Printing Service Since lszo ER EAlinll Pi 6695a Samaria orsrnsar WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATILE HOGS Removed promptly ror disposal Telephone Barrie PA M751 Long distance Zenithaflflo at bur expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLLA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT Wo havobeen honored to rem vs your dud andcrllplcfl lam n1 male under tho above Acl FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkway 83617 Tent And Awning Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re Sultsl Phone PA 824l4 SERVICE TORY By Month or Year PA 32414 lsonvnrnvc JRoger welsman Ontario Land Surveyor rELnrlioNEPA tales venousrun UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND ODraperies ISlip covers Onroadloom OCommercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING AND RUG co 64 BAYFIELD ST PA olsiz PA open our towncall courct Complete range or Iahriee shown in your hams UPHOLSTERY Chesterfields Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARBIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE CO LTD 34 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA 66437 CLEANING For fine furniture and rlig cleaning cull MAYFAIR OF BARRIE Plies mnMAles PA 61512 PA Mall WELL DIGGING WELL CLEANING How long since you cleaned your weui YEARS10 YnAas YES WE CLEAN WELLS Weui Dug nenpened nepalred We valso sell and menu Doro Shallow and Desp wen Pumps Phone or write KEN imam smear BARRIE Just north of 400 alth air aayaeld mama want Ad Section GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE Lime WI accepted until Iazi use DRUMMER PLAYED CIASSICAL spam may MORNING FOR 69 years CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of to per word per insertion for one and two times 8c per word or three four or five tmies and 2m per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge ifnot paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFlED AD VmilSEMENT IS 96¢ FOR 2A WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OF $106 FOR 24 WORDS CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERIION moms on ComoNSl Advertisers are reminded that all phone insertion orders ire lcce ed as convenience to you advertiser Therefore Live Classified Advertising Department requires in advertisers to andly recheck their advertisement immediately after first insertion in order that any errors or omissions may he reported More arn in order that same maybo rectlnes ror the iollovving days Insertion nrrier We wish to point out that The Burris Examiner ls responsible or only one incorrectly printed irnertion on any advertisement and then onlyta the exIent or portion or ad sthnt involves an misprint Errors which do not lessen the value or the advertise rnent are not euriblo for eoreclt floor by make Kaolin Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices form to 25 words over 25 wordsSc per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used 3cpet word extra BLIND ma REPLIES Information regarding advertisers using BlindLetter 80x Numbers for Replies is held strictly connd entlai Replies to better Boxes will be held only in days after last day of publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must he received by pm day pre ceding publication tin the ex ception of pin ed Display lolly mica noon preceding day pm Doy before pabllcafloau lllned Rates and dupily TOOTH PettanSIheSdIl advertisements which must be WAS BUILT BY ASGER memo LEAVING FOR WAR BEFORE ITS COMPLETION AND WHILE HIS WIFE WAS EXPECIlglPG CHILD ORDERBJ IRE CONSIRLICIED IF THE INFANT WM GIRL AND TOWER IF IT WAS BOY ammL SDIIE nasaasuue owe Beamsz GUTHBIE Next Sunday July 30 Mrs Howe vicepresident of Dominion Council will speak at theregular service here at 145 pm Her theme will he the new Womans organization Recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Harry Chew of Colne England with SgtMalor and Mrs Mason Mr and Mrs Geake of Port Dover at Walker Caldwells Fred Campbell of Downsview with his mother Mrs Alex CampbellMrs II Squires of St Thomas at Mel Hastings successful Vacation Bible School is being held at Ole Un ited Church Caravaners Ken Minue of Montreal Alan Quilt of Stratford and Miss Naomi Hoar of Napanee have given the local leaders excellent assist ance Friday July 2a is par ents night to which all par ants and interested friends are invited Ernest Shroud of Bourne Eng land spent week Wifll his niece Mrs Bernard Pope and while there they took trip noth He called on Mrs Erma Webb of Bracebridge Saturday Mnland Mrs Pope attended famrly gathering in Toronto in honoreerStroud Larry Pope visited Mona Mills and won prize with his horse Rickey gt Mr and Mrs Paul Pope and fartiin motored to Bellevilie to VISILIEISLIVES SUNNIDIILE Mr and Mrs McDonald Mrs Ji Wilson Mrs Thornton Bristow of Stayner spenta few days with Mr and Mrs Keith Harvey Mrs Thornton Bristow of Stayner spent afevy days with =Mr andl Mrsr Keith Harvey Ned ManrIane of George town is spendingtwo weeks with Mr and MrsFred Mc Toriane VWisiting Mrand Mrs Tom Bristow aroMrl Norman Toy ol Clarkshurg visited Mr and three quarterbacksNelson Yar bnough We Gideon and Gerry Doucette Yarhrougb appears to have nailed down the No slot and Doueette as Canadian ir al most assured of berth That leaves Dimitroff and Cl deon nie Texasborn Gideon un derstudy for two seasons to the departed 5am Etcheverry has an edge PLAYS AT HALF He can play delensiva ball back as well as quarterback Dimitrqu ls strictly oneway performer Moss said Sunday he plans to start Yarbrough against the 111 cats and inert Dimitrolf later in the game TORONTO IcPlJim Allen track speedstei rfrom london 0nt tied the Canadian native reord of 22 seconds in winning the Junior myard dash Satur day at the Ontario ageclasl track and field championships Allan also won the junior loo yard dash in 101 seconds and was second to Tom lreshingloa of Tomato in the 440 Two records were broken in midget competition Larry Felt dosoff of Toronto leaped feet inches in the midget boys broad jump The old mark 20 feet 10 inches was set by Algi zaliauskas Toronto in 1960 In the midget girls metre hurdles Colby Chapman ol Tor onto finlsbed in 93 seconds The old mark was 95 seconds set by Kathleen Crubb Vancouver in 1959 Miss Chapman also won the 60 and lollyard dashes in harmless Outoteluwo winners included John Reynolds Gait midget boys looyurdzzo and 440 Brian agle Port Elgln atom boys 60yard dosh with Robin Davey Port Elgin sec ond Mike Milligan Brantlord mid get boys shot put Mary Lou Churchill of Brant ford placed second in the mid get girls broad jump Iowan Captures Sudbury Event SUDBURY CPI Gary CD wan of Kitchener defeated Gord MacKenzio Sunday to win the Idylwyld Golf and Clubsannuhl invitational tourn ament Cowan had advanced intothe ldhole final with win over Bruce Curator of Toronto in the semi final MacK enzie had downed Eill Morlandol North Bay total of 162 golfers took part in the tourney First flight winner was Bill Voscek of Kitchener Other win ners were Second flight Harry Meunier St Catharines third flight Nick Evenshen Sudhury fourth flight Gary Fletcher fifth flight Murray Valford Sarnia sixth flight Bart lett St Catharines seventh flight Ted Moses Sudhury eighth flight Vince DeMarco Thornhill SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS lor and Cathy of Toronto Mr and Mrs Fred Mason and Ron ny Gill of London Bruce Elliott has returned his home atrMalton after holi daying wttli his cousins Karen and Bob Morgan Visiting Mr and Mrs Cuihani were Misses Catherine and Anne McCuaig of Toronto Mr and Mrs Bill McCualg and family of Guthrie Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan and family also Bill Morgan attended the McQuay Reunion at Orangeville Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson and sons John andVWayne Barrie spent Sunday at the home Mrs Maude Wilson Sympathy of the community goes out to the families of Mr and Mrs Bill Lee and Mr and Mrs Clarkson in the death of Mr Clarkson Sr Howard Major Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs James MeDermott His is the second week for the Vacation Bible School There has been good turnout The annual combined Presby terian and Anglican Sunday School picnic took place at the Orange Hall Ivy There were races for the children and three rhall games were played Mrand Mrs Bill Parr Sunday in Tomato uTopIIl spent Latest sport newsz Utopia baseball club defeated Knock in South Simcoe League game at the park Saturday night 65 and the bantam team won in Baxter 97 Mr and Mrs Elwood Dorothy and Miss Bella Miller Barrie and Linda Speers spent Sunday atLittle Beaver Lake near Minded guests of Mr and Mrs Matt Parks MORE FEMALES Total of adult females immi grating to Canada in 1960 was 37587 more than 2000 inex cesdpf adult male immigrants Allen Miller Wi© LOW PRICE 04 iv rj WOOLWORTHS JUMBO PACKAGE DISH CLOTHS IN PACKAGE WOOLWORTH PRICE 68 Illcouuin PATIEIIII BATH TOWEL SIZE 22 44LILACYELLOWPlNKGREENBLUE WOOLWORTH PRICE WORLD FAMOUS SCOTCH TAPE V2 300 IN DISPENSER SUG LIST 2s WOOLWORTH LADIES BRIEFS PRICE SIZES SMALLMEDIARGE suo LIST 39 Each WOOLWORTII PRICE SUG LIST 88c SUG LIsT $9 DEEP PILE AGRILAN BATH IIIIITsET 2PIECE MAT AND TOILET SEAT COVER Slim Trim MAGNIFIED DIAL Fol EASY READING WOOLWORTH PRICE i399 SUG MENS uIInEIISHIIITs AIIII sIIonTs $499 ATHLETIC STYLE SIZES SMALL MEDIUM LARGE SUG LIST 79¢ WOOLWORTH 580 for $1 00 PRICE EIIEH LADIES cIIEIIILLE SLIPPERETTESV WITH HEARTSHAPED BOW WOOLWORTH PRICE qulio wnITIIIoluln 150 SHEETSLETTER SIZE SUG LIST $498 WOOLWORTH PRICE LIST SUG 99 VIIIITIIIIIIIG EIIVELOPES IOO IN PACKAGE SUG LIST WOOLWORTH PlthE WOOLWORTH PRICE rFrIendlyEBaIjrie Area no rrieee Effective in Both themowntown and Bard sownIs

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