OUR TEEPHONES For Exomlner Want Ads Tele phone PA HAM Tb telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66m 97th YearNo 111 UK To Begin Talks To Join Market Plan LONDON Reuters Prime Minister Hamid Macmillan an nounced today hat Britain will begin negotiations on joining the sixnation European Common Market if satisfactory arrange ments can be made He told the Commons that to enter the negotiations it was necessary to make formal aplt plication to join although the ul timate decision must depend on the result of the negotiations Macmillan added If as earnestly hope our effort to enter into negotiations is ac cepted we shall spare no efforts to reach satisfactory agree ment Macmillan stressed that the negotiations must inevitably be of detailed and technical char acter They might theefore be protracted and there could of course be no guarantee of suc cess he added He said that the negotiations would probably not begin until the end of August or the begin ning of September The Common Market is trade group devoted to lowering tariffs among member states Britain now is member of the rival seven nation European Free Trade Association Macmillan said that when any negotiations with the Common Market were completed the government would recommend what course Britain should pur lue No agreement would be en tered into until it had been approved by the Commons after full consultation with other Com monwealth he pledged Macmillans historic and long awaited statement on negotia tions with the Common Market was greeted simultaneously by cheers and bitter criticism One of his own Conservative party supporters immediately called for his resignation FEAR DICTATION The cheers were from Labor and Conservative members who favor closer British links with Europe The criticism came from Labor MPs and Conserva tives who fear Britain would be come subject to political dlc tates from Europe Macmillan did not dodge the political implication and told the Commons This is politi cal as well as an economic is sue He pointed out that the treaty setting up the Common Market in addition to economic mntters also had an important politi cal objective This he defined as the promo tion of stability in Europe which is so essential factor in the struggle for freedo mand progress throughout the world andidates Agree GrOurld Rules ln question of too much too littlelooming as key sue the New Party founding nventiofl rolls into action to ay The convention was to start with opening remarks by Stan ley Knowles chairman of the national committee for the New PartY Two keynote speeches were scheduled one from CCF na tional president David Lewis of Toronto the other from Claude Jodoin president of the 1150 000 member Canadian Labor Congress The two candidates for the leadership of the new party CCF national leader Hazen Ar gue and CCF premier Tommy Douglas of Saskatche wanlaunched their convention campaigns Sunday in speeches to some 300 New Party club members The Scots born Prairie pre mier regarded by many as fa vorite for the top post made plea for party unityfor dedi cated party of the people welded together to bring pros perity to the great masses and to give Canada an effec tive voice for peace in the coun cils of the world Mr Argue gaining support among delegates who feel he is being pushed behind the scenes by party brass described the Liberal and conservative par ties as failures and said New Party government would provide economic emancipa tion for all Canadians The CCF MP from Assiniboia is making an allout bid for the party leadership while Mr Douglas has insisted he wont campaign However both men were do ing much the same thing Sun daymeeting delegates talking to them shaking hands and smiling everywhere Hazen and agreed on the ground rules sometime ago Mr Douglas told New Party clubbers We both agreed not to kiss any babies unless they are old enough to vote Tommy and are going to gether steady said Mr Argue who represents the same Sas katchewall area federally as Mr Douglas represents provin cially Weve been going to gether steady for long time and thats the way its going to continue IN NUTSHELL Mayor Will Provide Shelters roaclrgo or Mayor Nathan Phillips said today he will seek action to provide fallout Shelters in Torontos subo ways school basements and municipal buildings Police Seek Youths 0n Rape Charge CHATHAM or Ontario Provincial Police held waru rants today for tliree young men at least two of them Chatham residents charging them with rope in connection on Ridge town area girl Amnesia Victim Was In Hotel CHATHAM GP Police said today they have learned that young woman amnesia victim who spent the weekend in hospital here was at city hotel two or three hours before she turned up at St Josephs Hospitah Charges He Was Beaten TORONTO CP Douglas Campbell 32 charged with obstructing police andtillegal speechmaking Sunday after the law curtailed his banfliebomh oratory said Sunday night he was beaten up when he refused to be photographed and finger printed Tugs Try Torlree Ship TORONTO CP Four tugs today were trying to free the freighter Mikhais Angelos which ran aground on sand bar on the west end of Toronto Island today The ship was bound for Tokyo CornwallBlacked Out By Storm CORNWALL CF An electtoolstorm blacked out the entire city of Cornwall Saturday night and caused power failur es of up to six hours in six cormhunities north of here Warm Tï¬void Middleol The llon OTTAWA CF Mayortitlarlotte Whitton welcoming the New Party convention today away from the ndddle oi the road counselled the party to stay Downpour Breaks Severest Drought SASKATOON lCPl One of Saskatoons severest drought in history was rok Sunday night when heavy downpour flooded many strchs and base ments and overloaded storm sewers total of 219 inches of rain fell in 70 minutes Welcome moisture fcll over large area of central and south ern Saskatchewan in varying amounts Forces Practice Defence Berlin BERLIN AWBerlins US British and French garrisons held another early morning alert today practising the defence of the threatened city Loudspeaker trucks woke rcs idents of the areas where mar ried troops live Both soldiers and civilians at were ordered to theirduty posts Trucks carried troops to their headquarters through residential streets They remained there until they got the all clear from the three Allicd generals Allied officials had orders to disclose nothing specific about the extent or purpose of the alert HERE 0NE Why is it that the weathe is always good when the other fel low is on his holidays NELSON RC tCPAn out break of bombing and arson in southeast British Columbia will not discourage orthodox Douk hobors from buying their farms land an expert on Doukhobors said Sunday They will go ahead with the buying of the land whatever the terrorists do said Nelson mag istrate William Evans His comment followed meet ing of orthodox sect leaders which came in the wake of dynamite blast at Doukhobor tomb the burning of two com munity halls and the planting of five incendiary bombs which failed to explode The predawn outbreak Sun day was the worst in the trou bled Kootenay district lur sev eral years Magistrate Evans met with John Verigin spiritual leader of the orhodox sect the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ who recently urged members to buy their land from the British Columbia govern ment The outbreak apparently was touched off by the move to set tle the land question which has caused much of the violence in the area during the last so years Magistrate Nelson said Veri gin assured him his followers sudden prospect of stormier days ahead in North Africa Just when Frenchmen were hoping an end of the Algerian rebellion was in sight after more than six years peace talks with the rebels have been broken off again at least tcm porarily Worse Frances rela tions with Tunisia are at their lowest since the former protec torate obtained independence five years ago Only little over month ago de Gnulle ordered one divi sion home from Algeria and said other divisions of the 500 ooo man army would be repa rtï¬ated He said this affair the Algerian rebellion must he ended before the end of the year ln view of the situation in Europe But the delicate business tached to the Allied missionsi name onlulo Canada Monday July 1961 MISS INTERNATIONAL Miss International of 1952 tleltt Stanny van Baer of Holland poses with Miss Brazil Vera Marie Erauner one of the runnersup at the completion of the Miss Inter national Congress in Long Beach Calif Friday night AP wncpllozo Escaped Believed TORONTO CP Two con victs with records of violence may be hiding in the Toronto area alter their night Saturday sight from Collins Bay peniten tnry at Kingston deputy police chief George Elliott said today Elliott warnedflresidents to watch for men seeking food or change of clothes Police offi cials described the men as dangerous Henry Mcaryan 28 of Tor VWorst Outbreak 0i Bombings Hits Doukhobor District Oi will not be intimidated by the rcprisals The magistrate said he be lieved the terrorists are not members of the radical Sons of Freedom Doukhohor sect who have been blamed for bombing and arson He said the culprits are fanatical group outside the orthodox and freedomite sects RCMP hold out little hope for the arrest of those responsible for the wave of terrorism They the errorists are well organized and it will be Slow and tadious job to find the guilty parties an RCMP offi cer said Steps leading to the concrete tomb of two former Doukhobor spiritual leaders were shattered by the bomb which left four foot crater beside the ediitic at Brilliant 2o miles southwest of Nelson But the tomb of Peter The Lordly Verigin who brought the Doukhboors to Canada from Russiain 1899 and Peter Veri gin II wasonly slightly dam aged Other incidents included the homing of community balls at Winlaw and Perrys Siding about 15 miles northwest of Nelson andan abortive arson attempt in woodshed at Grand Forks 65 miles southwest of here Renewal OlViolence In Algeria May Thwart De Goulleis Plans PARIS or Presidellt de Gaulles plan to bring many French troops back from Al geria because of the crisis over Berlin may be thwarted by the coming to terms with Algerian nationalism is deadlocked over the Sahara an expanse of des ert in the heart of the African bulge The rebels insist the Sa hara must be an integral part of future independent Algeria Once considered worthless ll ability the Sahara in recent years has become rable be cause of extensive oil and min eral wealth which the Frsnch have discovered and begun to develop In Tunisia the French and Tunisinns arenat loggerlleads over the fate of the French base of Bizerte strategic point jutting into the narrow passage between the eastern and western Mediterranean Allthis coming just now is stunning blow Only few months ago Tom on President Habibbourluiba visited Paris as heguest of de GaullepThe two leaders seemed to= have laid the foundation for luturc of friendly cvoperatlon etween North Africa and Fran Convicts In City onto William Turchin 22 of Oshawa escaped while being taken back to their cells with 46 other prisoners after watching televised boxing match Penitentiary officials said the men slid down an unlocked serv ice duct tomthe basement through hole to the chapel across the exercise yard and over the which wall Warden Richmond said McBryan was it years as result of running gun battle with police here in 1958 in which four officers were wounded He was living in Toronto after escaping from prison industrial farm near Brantford Turchin serving 10 years for the armed robbery of an Osh awa railway station also has record of prison escape Deputy Chief Elliott and Com missioner Wilfred Clark of On tario Provincial Police warned housewives to beware of stran gers asked farmers to check barns and outbuildings and advised drivers to avoid hitch hikers Turchins mother told police in Oshawa that she had tried to see her son at Kingston last week but had been told his quota of visiLs was already used up after the visit of two unclesf earlierin the week She said lllrchin has no uncles here Close Battle For Leadership Is Foreseen OTTAWA CP The New Party founding convention rolled into action today and promptly turned downby narrow ma joritya move to hearCCF na tional leaderHazen Argue at the start of the week long rally rather than at the end The votetaken twice first by show of hands then as standing vote was close but convention chairman George Grube of Toronto ruled there was no doubt that the bid had ost However the vote showed clearly that the leadership fight between Mr Argue andCCF premier Tommy Doug lasrpromiscs to be close com petitive battle that wont be dew cided until Thursdays balloting Vaudeville so Dies At 75 LOS ANGELES APIlarry Gribbon 75 former star of the Ziegfeld Folliesand vetera song and dance man died Fri day alter long reported Sunday He retired about eight pgo and was at the motion aura country home when he lc llness it wa Known professionally as sill nd ills Hat Harry Gribbo wife actress toured Orphcura Kelthgaad Pantage circuits Ulla Norrie Emotion LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudiness and nut tcred thunderstorm Light winds forecast Low tonight 56 High Tuesday hunt for empty soft drlnk bottles along the roadside and ed io death for young holiday visitor to Barrie Sunday even log in the midst of heavy week end traffic on the 8th Conces sion lnnisfil Township Dead Is James Earl Verm ette lo son of Mr and Mrs Reginald Vcrmette of Sturgeon Missing Aircraft ls Found In North EDMONTON CPIA civilian plane missing with four men aboard for two days in the Northwest Territories was found Sunday The RCAF herc reported it had only sketchy details indicat ing the plane had not crashed and the four persons aboard ap perrently were not hurt The plane float equipped HelioCourier owned by Charles McAvoy of Yellowknife NVT was located lit nauti cal miles southeast of Fort Simpson NWT The plane disappeared Friday on asomile flight from Yel lowknife to Fort Simpson An earlier report said the missing plane was piloted by James McAvoy brother of the owner and passengers were Bob Smiley of Edmonton and Bruce Angus and Hake Jacobson both of Yellowknife All were believed employees of the federal works department llfr Smiley is former rosi dent ofWelland Ont Bottle Hunt Fatal Car Strikes Boy Falls The boy was holidaying with his mother at 103 Holgate St Barrie James was riding the tallgote of station wagon driven by nextvdoor neighbor William Benny Lester 2A of 106 Hob gate The vehicle was west bound in steady stream of Toronto and Earriebound traf fic midway hetwcen Highways ll and 400 on the paved county road BEELINE FOR BOTTLE The station wagon was put ing to stop when the young ster leaped off and mode bee line for bottle right into the path of hardtop convertible driven by Nelson John Beau din 28 of Toronto Police say Mr Beaudin had not chance to stop before his car hit the boy The body was not thrown by the impact but rested on the nose of the car Beaudin travelling sales man told police he would never be ablevlo drive again after the accident His wife took over control of the ehicle for ulc remainder of the trip to Toronto IIUNT IIITANDRUN Meanwhile lnnisfil Townfllip Police are continuing the hunt for the driver of car which knocked down Scarborough girl on 25 sideroad north at the 8th Concession shortly after midnight Sunday morning Rushed to hospital in Barrie was Carol Ann Condon 13 who was staying with her parents at cottage on lake Simeon she sustained cuts about the head and was kept overniylt for observation Witnesses described the vchll cle as darkcolored 1959 mo del Fairlane Ford with dent on the right rear leader The licence plate was obscured by double trailer hitch prevent ing the number from being to ken Tony Refuses Accept Peerage LONDON AP Princesl Margaret is appalled at the pro spect that her first baby may be born without title the mass circulation Sunday Pip torial reported Sunday Margaret expressed her con cern so for without result in long talks with her sister Queen Elizabeth the newspape said The Princess and her com moner husband Antony Arm srong Jones expect their first child in about 14 weeks The baby will become fifth in line of succession to the throne behind the Queens children Prince Charles Princess Anne and Prince Andrew and Mar garet herself The Mr or Miss Idea up sets the Queen the paper said It applils Princess Margaret But it does not worry Mr Arm strong Jones Russian Utopia In 20 Years Ks Pledge To Communists MOSCOW Reuters Nikita lflirushehevs vision of Com munistutopia in the Soviet Un ion within years was ham mered home to Soviet citizens today by Russiaspress and ra dio The Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda devoted five of its six pages to the program whim will be presented by the Soviet premier to the 22nd coir grass of Russias Communist party in October Pravda yes terday gave nine of its 10 pages to the program Meanwhile Moscow radio for the consecutive day broadcast the full text of the program running to total of five hours and in minutes The program released by Pravda in its editions yuterday morning promised the Soviet people rent free accommoda tion free public utilities free factory meals free transportfllr shorterwork week and the worlds highest payall within 20 years It forecast Russia will have replaced the United States as the foremost industrial country and will have moved ahead in farm production by 1970 Tile lengthy document re peated Russias claim that it wants peaceful coexistence with the Western bloc But it also contained the familiar ac cusations against the United States as the main stronghold of international reaction The program restated that the Soviet bloc now is strong enough to prevent the capitalists from starting another war and said Russias chief policy aim was to provide peaceful conditions for the building of Communism as prototype society for all maaklad When the Soviet people are enjoying vthehenefits of Com munism it said hundreds of millions of people will say we are for Communism too The plan called for an end to the cold war and propaganda of hatred and enmity abolition of foreign military bases and general and complEte disarma ment And it outlined plans for con tinued fast development of Bus 52 siau industry Steel production is to be raised to 250000000 an nually by 19 from the present 70000000 Russia would keep ahead of the United States in scientific development as point of honor Although it sketched plans for classless society on the Com munist principle of from each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs peasants were told they may if they want to keep their own private floclï¬ The plan made the important theoretical point that the stagd of dictatorship of the proletariat has cpmpleted its historic task in Russia But it stressed that the work ing class will continue its lead ing role and the state will con tinue its functions but to dim inished degree INCREASE INCOME The plan called for increasing Russian national income 2V1 times by 1970 and five times by 1980 while reducing the work Turn to page two please toners llsrluli left is shown talkin to re porters after leaving the im migrotlon building In dark cult is his lawyer photo