ANNOUNCEMENTS BIR us SulSAl the Toronto General Hmpltal on Tuesday July in 1951 to ur and ills Paul Sim of Craveobursl Ontario son Gout NEWS smut when yuu ulnnuntc the D1111 Val fluid sh The same ulminei clippl ol the onus an availIlla baby Bond Family lrte Kecoma and ID mlh your Incndi ADO felalIbct In Incas lar away places place on announcemenl lllu ulrlh tlIZ ISAI li Sxamlncr clauulrd Ian unit ENGAGBAIKNTS LVONSAMON Mr and Mrs Tbomas Lyons at Ivy Ontario wish to announce the engagement or their rider daughter Donna loan to James Lennard Amon son or air and Airs Edward Anion ot cooksiown Ontario The man riage will take place on Saturday August I9 1961 at oclock In ivy Presbytcrl Church DEATHS CDIIILIGAN Al Pchellnl General hospital on Friday July 19 lpsl James Corrlgan late or Fla Township husband OI In late lllmnrel Keller aim OI this late Jamel corrlsan and Margaret Johnston dear lather ot Marie RN Toronto MarlinI MEL loans or Windsor Ann HAY Alonnghhny cl SI Cllhl iocs trmu wlurcd and Genld or Terrace tiny and Edward or llam iltnn brother at Dlulcl oi linol lord lnllx ol Toronto and Leo or curl In his turd year Rut In at Jarnu II Lynn Funeral Itome Elmvalc until Monday tuly it or and then to St Palrlcks cnurrb Phelpllun lor geqlilcm mnaa at In arn lrlich merit St Patricks Cemetery Phclpston tAc soN asscd by at tho Royal Victoria Ilosplta Iiarrlc on Thursdn July 11 1951 James Jucksnn ot Utopia beloved hus band of Katherine Wacry be Iovcd father or Alice In England Robert and ltuth ot Utopia Mary of Toronto and Edward In Ger many No Iuncrsl service will be hold as the remains have been willed to science IN MEMORIAM ItotvEYIn loving memory or my dear wllu ltary ltowcy who passed away tuly 29 lssll Silo sullcred much the earned her rcst The Igorz took her Ior Ra know as greater rain from sacridco Sadly missed by husband liar lry liowBiIIn loving memory at our dear mother and grandmother Mary Uowcy who passed away July 29 1958 Peacelul be thy rest dear mother it Is sweet to breathe thy name As in Ille we loved you dearly So In death we do the same 5adly vascd by sons Dick Don mllic CARDS OF THANKS CARRUTmsd wlsh to than all those who sent me flowers cards and friendly letters also the nurses Dr Smith and Dr Watson for their kindly attention during my stay In the Royal Vic torla Huspltll ilra Car ruthels CDMmG EVENTS Rotary Club Barrie Annual Chicken Barbecue ST VINCENTS PARK CIVIC HOLIDAY AUG 1961 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and dassifled adver tisements are inserted at the rate at 40 per word per insertion lor one and two times 8d per word or three four or ï¬ve times and 211 per word or or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN ll DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CIARGALIZ PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS advertisers are remloded that an phone Insertion orders are once ed as convenience to you advertiser Thereloro theClasslrled Advenmng Department requires all advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after ï¬rst Insertion in older that any errors or omissions be reported netore tn urdel that name may ac rnculled tor the tollowlng days Insertion order We wish to point out that The Barrie Examiner ls respumvble for only one lncorr ly pralted lnsortlon on any advertisement and then only £0 to extem or portion or ad hltt Involves col mlsprlnt Errors wblcn do not lessen the value at the ad crtiso meal nrn not eligible ror corral tlons by rnsko goods Rates and type styles for semi display cinsslneds may be on tolned through The Examlllut ad vcrtlslng department Coming Events do per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extrIJ In Memoriam NO tlces $150 lit verse uscd 3c pct ward extra IIITHE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 1K REAL ESTATE PROPlfltn FOR SALE CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial ntnln PA 6648 Member of dam and humor Real Eull Hum MOVING Dont target to transit your INSURANCE and It you need oatra coverag oi any air SEE STEVENSONS PA 9421 113 Dunlap SL CONTEMPORARY HOME ONE ONLY New NIIA contemporary docuing with carport rooms largo llv lop room Inn kitchen dining area muter bedroom ceramic tued bathroom with colored fix iurel and vanity Lou ot cup boards storms and screens largo sodded lot good location corner Melmszuckwonh Phone ownrn builder II ALLEN PA Mm ROSE REAL ESTATE SROKER 1n tIFIIN STREET BARRIE CALI DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at the Barrie and Dlltrlct Ru mtan Board WHATABUY William Rnwn our spcclal farm Real Estate Agent has lust bccn given exclusive authority to sell this valuable property at Iro mcndous criticc No story brick home In good condition Including chicken house and 11x10 foot garage plus 12 Sam at garden land situated to mile north of No 26 highway on 4th concession Flos township Total pricc szlsod cash For tur thcr Information Telephone Wil llam Rawn at Elmvala tilrsl GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER iii DUNLOP ST EAST MOVING For complete movln servlcs later and enter all COOKE CARTAGE C7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Run ltd norm PArkway 115515 PA 68125 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Member at Barrio and District Real Estate aonrd EVENINGS CALI EMORY MILLER PA Milo IOE PALMER PA sods KARL MAIISEIALL PA 917 NORAH RAHKES Gm 123 MARI SHERAR PA d1sds REALTOR zal nhADFOltn STREET BARRIE PA 115387 OR PA 85833 Still selling farms to Iarmera Ior farming Clarc WskcmanPA 37451 Ralph II anitePA soana Members of Carrie and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR l9 COLLIER STREEI PHONE PA 82678 EVENINGS Lisa RITA SCANDRm PA as PERCY FORD PA 3793 Member or Barrla and District and Ontario Real Estate Board PRIVATE SALE bedroom house piece hath not running water drilled welt Largc modern kitchen Heavy wiring new oil rutltace Stoddan Street Thornton OWNER LEAVING CANADA IVY 29m AlllANDALE Anne St Custom bunt brick bungalow 35890 down payment $13 per month Includes interest principal and taxes For Iurtbcr intormatlon PHONE PA 83428 BEAUTIFUL lunch Home three bedroom bathrooms base board hot water sting Thermo pane windows ughmtt broad loom builtIn china cabinet and vanity stone dremace One mlte rrorontlnvste on rughwny v2 Villto Box 31 or phons mow Elm ae Longwood Lodge Good Food Hospitality pleasant surroundings RESIDENTS OF BARRIE ARE INVITED TOVIsIT OUR COOL SPA CIoUs DINING ROOM AMLD BEAUTIFUL SURREOUNDINGSs ONLY FEW OMENTSI DRIVE FROM ALLANDALE F0 Broiled steaks with mushrooms Southern fried chicken iri basket Hungarian Goulash European cusine Catering to families and groups large pr small MedlsCOn be served 01 all times we ilOlcrro SEE you IN THE NEAR FUTURE TELEPHONE STROUD 82R23 For Reservations or Just Drop REAL ESTATE ï¬ROGERS CONNELL ONE Dizpr 1111 II MOOREPA ROGERSVIPA H58 um PROPERTY son SAL TORS STREETEAST First in Barrie Home SulaForemost In Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL lOSTmPA Wu on PA mu maths BARRIE DLSTRICT hm mATz BOARD smith CampbellPA 37359 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREEI BARRIE PROM PA 64ml PA 60242 Joan LINKPA H1 PeiEur Ca tvaIl L715 Members of tho norrid noalErtato hoard COREY Phone PA 52419 MAnzI MARSHALLPA M450 DUNIDP ST 312900 FULL PRICE 5900 downvhuys this beautlnll and out in colon ot your choice SPLIT LEV $14000 FULL PRICE the In your choir Ion Lnngllll BUILDING LOTS schools and bus services Call Joe Evenln he Loagtln PA um Elcntlt snclswell Oro 2m FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS REAL ESTATE BROKER 96 Dunlop St cannyPA um DWIDi JONESPA 37111 Norman REALESTATE BROKER ShelsweII FILE9931 PA 68742 NEW SPLIT LEVEL cdroom home Iully decorated lnaldc Excelltnl location call Ioc Longtin EL DELUXE An executive bedroom home for the avenue talnlly Colours and Architecturally designed to auit location Call FULLY SERVICED $2500 and up You can buy one or dolcn Excellent Iocatlon close to Lonan PA omn is Call Jack wtllson PA H631 Norman shclswcll PA 39961 Howard Norris PA 85153 AVAILAuLDm INTEREST 605 OF VALUFPNO Flam CHARGED SrYEAKrOLD Brick Bungalow Dlllr In room VIII8 IDOrD kltchen and two bedrooms Forced air oll heating Dry basement Garage Paved drivlzwu $3000 down Telephone PA 11 CENTRALLY Locach ï¬e mum insul brick house Henry SHEBL Laundry lnclllllcs Oll hullnd Good grounds Low down paymcn Apply Donald Cameron up Barrio telephone PA mass so on MDRE ACRE Farm good buildings productive with Press ure systcm In barn 2000 Dims trecs Slx room hous modern convontcnecs North Orlllla Town ship Talepboos FA 46916 onlua lzso SQUARE FEET ot house Three large bedrooms extra spe cial bathroom large kitchen din lng area llnlnhcd lo cherry pan elling Huhuvcr kitchen units At tached lungc Shade trees At 52 Marion Crescent Open Satur day and Sunday cvenlngs 630 to pan 52283 down paymnht Gard Sprint Enterprises Limited telephooa PA 55745 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT JUST FOR YOU This charming house ior rent or sale Sltuated in Shanty Bay few yards from the water Fire place In the living room all fuc nace Three bedrooms Largo Ienced In yard Available Set tcmber 15 Present ienanta moving to Western Canada Telephone Oro 441 or Mrs De Lona PA M103 LOTS FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE Long lot at so Grove street through to north Choice building Ian at Mincts Point Nw part of Lot 92 poor of cliff and Boulevard Apply to MS NIXON CADIIMC Po SASKATOON BOS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunity RENTALS Ofllca or store space soil square feet on ground floor Excellent location Clean well located body and paint shop Immediate possession Would make excellent iurntturo rednlsb lug and upholstery shop Used Car Lot for rent Office and Idlghlll Included menpuonhlly good do FOR iNFORnlATION ON THE ABOVE oPPoRTUlers CONTACT HAROLD HILL 55 DUNLOP ST WEST TELEPHONE PA 82427 corner PROTECTED TERRITOle FRANCHISES now nvallhhll In On tnrio and Quebec or yearaouod drivegn restaurant backed by ex perts ce training advertising write to suncap 1017 Bathurat at Toronto or further iolorula on GROCERY STORE 10 24 icetto he moved Includes counter scales rclrlgcratar deep freezer and all stove sliovoturonvcr aonually Telephone PA ama otter pan Guaranteed 50 return in the tint year on your Investment investment secured by ownership of Cigarette Vending Machines No work or time required on your be holt as we guarantee to do all the service llIlolmuro investment or soon required If Interested write Tcrlc Wholesale Lt 17 Bottleld Road or Phone 24mm Toronto MORTGAGES MORTGAGES1 and and bought sold and arranged Commercial and rerldntlal moneys lannedvou Itxllung mundnna Barrio va page Broken PA LE5 Ao Esaratoer Want Ad SNOCAP DRIVEIN LTD PRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 119393 OR PA cam MORTGAGES ms MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments Insured against accldcnt sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 25 DUNLOP ST me BARRIE PA 60209 7M0RTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediath to consolidate debts pay on existing mortgages homo Improvements Me Call for ID polntmcnt PA 50981 Mortgage ialndlhg over SimpsonsSeara 129 Dunlop Street East RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Rh THREE ROOM furnished apart rrlcnt for ran Adults 51 Ease Rd Telephone PA mono UNFURNISDED three room apart meat CentraUy located Lots of cupboards stove light water and heat supplied Avauable now Telephone PA H971 SPACIOUS Upstatrs two bedroom unfurnished apartment Centsa1 Heat and water Available August 15112an for $80 monthly Apply Peel Street Apt BRIGHT three room apartment on ground floor furnished priv ate bathroom aod self contained Laundry facilities and parking space Central location Telephone PA 36141 Ior Iurtber Information IMIIIAcuLATE room unfurnish cd apartment Tiled bathroom and kitchen range beat and water sup pllcd Private entrance laundry iacllltles Garagc Business lady preferred Telephone PA Halli NEW TWO EEDEDDM ground Iloor self contained apartment Refrigerator and stove laundry facilities overlooking park and lakefront Apply 68 Blake St or telephone PA Mu9s MODERN unfurnished tllrca room apartment four piece tuc bath front and back entrances 931me and laundry faculties Including dryer North Owen Avallahlu Aug urt PA BmPA 85331 snnp CONTAINED uotnrolshed roar room apartment Hear and Water supplied 10 per month East end location Available hm medlately Telephone PA 59858 or runner dptallr THREE ROOM unfurnished apart ment separate entrance still con talncd parking facilities Newly decorated Avauablc Immedlately Telephone PA Mail for further Information SELF CONTAmED furnished apartment Bed sitting room kit chen and bath Heavy duty wiring Good location Suit two business girls or couple 142 Peel Street or PA 56971 MODERN two bedroom apartment Largo uvlng room kitchen and three piece bath trout and back entrances laundry room to base msot One or two children wal come Apply albaydeld street or telephone PA H715 ROOMS and prlvutn bathroom on heated completely selr con tained tlicd noors kitchen with sink and modern cupboards plen ty or closet space nangette and trig supplied Reasonable rent Available Immediately Suit con la Phone PA 66365 AIAIIIMENT for rent unfurn Ished nice location Two hcd room living room kitchen bath room large sunroaln overlooking bay Continuous hot water raIrlg caratï¬rbxnng cheogy lutly stove va epena er cc hone PA HIM NEWLY decorated Ab meat convenient to owntowo Largo 1leng mum spacious bright kl CIIDKI with Plenty cupboard lPMea Dne bedroom three piece hath Wllll thWeI Illa floors through but oil heal and water supplied Also Wuher lid dryer Alum Inf RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 BENT on 00 ubmrnisbcd apart mrot to rent Hardwood floors Kitchen ntnrnom Telephone PA uter six NEW BUNDALOW furnished with low rent innlllhlu couple that wul lct widower live in Por lur thcr tnlnruuuou call PA um mm 30031 Apartment or rent Stove retrinrator heat not It Or supplied Use washer and dryer Telephon PA 54750 mu ROOM Apartment minutll Parking on wall from downtown facilities Newly decora lmo tad Telphone PA Two REDBOOM College or name round 31 metal to rent the year Partly Iurnilhrd Tcla bon wuaaa Beach for tie mun Boost Pillniabed meal for rent Second no mediate oucssiorl Close to new Port cc Apply all Owen st after pin Tum ROOM lell contained Ill rurnuard rtmcnt heal and not In Supp 2d Newly decorated 375 per maxim Tclephaln PA 720 alter 17111 855 MONTHLY Heated unturn lshed upper duplex with two bed rooms children welcome Tele phone PA Him or nlrtber lu fgrmalion UPPER DUPLKX lpacious thre room lmcni with balcnny heated eavy du wiring All rc decorated Telcp and PA 54510 mcal hours or evrnlnta FURNIBIIBD tbrco room apart mcot three piece hath bcavy duty stove and rclrlgrrator Iia wood Don Sell contained July Apply Armstrong ware Two ROOM and bath unilahcd rivals entrance suit couple nlet district Telephone PA 749 anytime or Iurther Intan matlon Sit 10 UPPER AND Lowdr Du plex hot water hcatcd largo room One with ttave and rctrlg crator Close to downtown Lau dry rgc lot parking PA 82896 s55 ONE AND Two lied rooms aclf contained hcatcd hot water Downtown facing lake Laundry and parking Telephoua PA 325 for Iurlher inlorulation BRIGHT three room apartment heated upstairs bcavy tvtrlng un Iurnlshcd $55 monthly Talc hone PA b4511 or 210 IlyIicld Street for Iurlhcr Information MODERN two bedroom ment ablo August Kitchen with relrlxerator and stove LnuIl dry room with washer and dryer Apply 115 Cook Street or icic phooo PA 119 iISummertime and the Livin is Easy In Your Own Home Check the Want Ad RENTALS ROOMS TO LET FDRNISBRD Bouncka Rodin to let with ranxette on of ra ntgerator and washing maehlna centrally located Pot turtber in larmatlon telephone PA on uoualtmrtrla Room tor rent two beds numerator aad tang cue ault two tilnine man who would turn quiet hand to west end district Tclrpbona PA wilt APTS HOUSES WTD minimMm wanted in or around coontowo by An ult tat if osslble Picnic to Box In oohiown or turtiIer IniormatlulL SUMMER RESORTS Longwood Lodge Lovely playground iplclbus rooms hot and cold water very good Ilshlng Only one mile to goil and tennis court EUROPEAN CHEF EUROPEAN CUISINE HOME COOKING Broiled Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken Very reasonable rates Meals can ba served at all times tor Dutild era Weekend guests and families are welcome Close to Aliandalo lolt course Tel Stroud 62r23 COTTAGESTO RENT BxlzcuTIVB LEVEL completely tarnished Iakclront necommadn tlon Open Ilreplaccl air condi tlonlnv Accommodation or boat Vcry modern Weekly or monthly Big Bay Point Road stroud MR1 0N LAKE slalcoe at Ole sta tlun sandy beach good Swimming tor all arcs large collage newly decorated available August 5th Otllcr smaller collnu ott tho wa tor at very reasonable rates Ap ply to II Greer or at the cot taxes at Oro Stalluh Telephone PA 5594 ARTICLES for SALE HEATED Apartment for rent Largo living room bedroom dln cttc and kitchen with stove and relrlgcrator Contral Business cou ple preferred Available lmmedlr ately Telephone PA 58515 Outsmarts posrcssloo Itcntcd unmmlahcd two bedroom apart ment in Stroud apartment house No children or pets Telephone stroud to Two ROOM flimlshcd apartment hot and mid water suitable for one or two adults Available now Tuleplmrla PA $1396 evenings or tanner Illcullus 11mm nnDItoollI heated apart ment in triplex in east end close to stores and schools Available on or before August 1st Sim mon thly Tclnphooe PA 89204 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and SecOnd Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST Wm PHONE PA 427 THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES CRAIGHURST ONTARIO Furniture colored glass and cnlna open daily Ior your convenience from to am till 10 pm 12 Miles Noflll of Bilnln on Highway TELEPHONE PA 66317 FIVE ROOM Route for rent bath room deatcd near IIna station on Highway 90 Available August Telephone asks Stroud for fur the particulars uNrthNtsuub tour roool apa mcnt tor rent Hosted and self contained with private bath Fus session immediately Telephone pa osm or PA pasta for rum or Information AVAILABLE Immediate Furn lshctl apartment self contained and close to school Parking space lclcphorlo PA 279 days only Two BEDROOM Apartment in modern apartment house stove refrigerator storage laundry fa cllltles Incinerator and arking space Available now Toephone PA 51157 POUR ROOM partly lumleted apartment with bath and sunrnom Refrigerator and stova supplied OII heated Separate entrance Telephone PA $0849 or PA 6551 even ngs for information LOVELY VIEW with cheerful sur roundtngs Three room con tained apartment Stove and re irlgerator supplied Located in tho cast end Available Immediately Telephone PA 5109 mun BEDROOM Dnmmlshed apartment Ground floor Centr 1y located close to school and church Laundry facilities Avail able Scptelnher Telephone PA E4559 alter TWO ROOM heated furnished apartment with private bathroom Suitable or two buslliud Kiri or couple Close tohus my Laun dry facillties Telephone PA osszs or PA 68540 NEWLY Decorated one bedroom apartment with three piece hath Ind private laundry room Apply alter pm 52 Marcus street or gelephonsPA mass between and Pm PATIO STONES 1553 square thick WATER PROOFED COLOUR FAST VSarieant Co Ltd Mary Street FILL YOURh Complete Lina of with the ï¬nest RED and BLUE MEA IS ETC 1005s Guaranteed Quality budget Terms on order $5000 and over FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES aro avauobla to those who wish to purchase their orders daily ll your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 245 TIFFIN siREEl BARRIE PHONE PA 60501 Free Delivery Open Friday L111 911 BEDROOM Apartment ground floor completely private Central location not water heated Gar age Handy to school Available immediately Telephons PA 37061 after pm FURNISHED Apartment Living room bedroom and kitchenette Heated I1de and water supplied Absiaiaera CentroL Availablu Sup tomher Apply to 25 McDonald street Nicth Furnished Apartment very central Avnllahlo now sult abls for one or two adults Ab atainets Stove and reirlgerator Heat and water supplied Apply 175 naydeld street NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22x13 meal tor lining hen houses attics darages etc perfect anlllur 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Tele phone PA mil DimerFamed Limited BULLDOsz AN Grading Fish Pond construction Apply lea Bart PA dolls Two ltEDRDOMu one living mom kitchen Budhathn1tlm $70 monthly heated Next to Christies Supermarket in Ailandale Tele phonc PA Him and ask for Sam Stransmln train pm In 1111 DNPURNISPIED heated Ipnrb ment three rooms and kitchenette Pflvuteentrhnce Central location $65 monthly Avallable August Also furnished two room apart ment 113 nayhcld street Phone PA 66401 PRESSURE SYSTEM Monougall deep well 10 gallon tank V4 hp motor etc 3115 Telephone PA H171 for Iurtber Information USED VACUUM Clemera or sale $15 and up Free home trial No obligation Telephone PA date for further intorlnatidn COOK STOVE for sale coal or wood Pipes included New last year Telephone PA 37217 Ioe Iur tbcr Informlition Timur ROOM heated unturnlshcd apartment Private bathroom and entrance in ground near Prlvntc veranda Washer and dryer suP Filed Appliances tiorlai Free parking Telephona 150991 or PA 01032 NEW AND Modern and and two ballroom apartmanta overlooking lceuio Kempantalt Bay Hue wa ter parking and janitor nrvlu included Automatic washing in cfliuel PA $2902 CLOSE To Downtown Stove and rclrlgerotor largo kitchen with dildo arca living room bedroom bathroom garage Private ent rlnni Hot willtr healing Adults occupancy ltsnt sod Tale hone PAIHIOII only $75 monthly Phona PA 60141 REFRIGERATOR for sale KelenA ator cubic foot good condition fqegélilg or $50 Telephone Ivy HIGIDAIRE Rctrllerulol for dale Cubic foot In excellent condition Telephone PA 87l48 ior further tnromatlon CAST IRON Bathtub excellent condition 13 could be used water trough Telephone 5A 53313 or further Informa on BABY CARRIAGE Lloyd pink and white Two Drum Tables mn holzany Rollaway Bad Good cau dltlnn Price leunnnhlz Talc phonc PA 37095 or apply David rnn street ARTICLES for SALE iti Purim rum tor sate sl most new alu metric Stove burum apartment the selling nmunbly Telephone PA 55889 NEW OVERHEAD Garage noon Ind ID will But $50 Cabin TnUer 8190 Boat Motor rill Telephone PA as ior in formation mall 110x111 or sale centa to to your contInn ALID Mb path In centI per lb plua containers ply Dwtnncli phone PA 55650 evening 3mm or sale ralrbanuMom min capacity motor and con trola Included in good condition Apply prn Papp Siderbad iv concession Innlrlli DOGS 8d PETS stanzas Sealpolnl Pedigrced xii fem tor nlc Priced from 25 to For turtnrr latormauon lets phone PA um GERMAN SHEPHERD Dog or nle one year old Good with cbudren acuonablc prlce Do holue It Included Telephone 60611 PBKINESB Registered Pups for sale nuaii sire Will make lovely plats Apply ulnaTot Kennela rs lloy Cramp telephone stay ner my BOATS MOTORS Izroor SAIL DDAT planing acow 90 square lret lib and main uli Telephone PA Mun SPECIAL Boat Motor and Trailer almost like new Priced or quick sale Daytime telephone Smiley PA min after pnt PA 68518 cAnII mums£00 at $2 per month tlelcphunn PA was anneal Finance 25 Dunlop St est ILFDDT DELcttAIr new motor with elcctrlc start heavy duty trailer really bcaulliul boat Would like otter can be seen at John street evenings ONE NEW 001 Ark Traveller Ilbreglass steering co troll m1 10 hp Johnson Spe clal pricn 31095 Delaney Iloata PA mm for Iurther intolnratio It FlDrchISI Ilp motor with Ken shut I150 11 thE trailer Sell 52 atcly Saerlllco prlcc Apply 11 Adam Street Bank BOAT TRAILER Moll Johnson also hp Vlk ng Motor and la hp Mercury motor Plat Bottom Punir All In good condi tion Reasonable Must sell Tclc nhono PA 68389 FIDREGLASII BOAT Is itp John son electric utartlrlfl ch Ncc Tllt Trailer Pally equip ed llghta dual tanks compass lie rcscrv ols Privately owned May seen at Allandale Motors or phone PA 50107 altcr oclock Best otter FRUIT 81 VEGETABLES ttaarncluuns tor rats or lrlr your Own Call at necslcya any Farm or telephone PA nvm ARTICLES WANTED OLD rnsmoN purolture prop teat table kitchen hnlrr Blanr ket chest small tables china tot let set Rose colored glass shade Inc on hanging lamp or com plete lamp Colored Glntwnre Set of dishes colored glhss table lamp Old Ishan Illm Dlrllltuns acceptnbtc Apply to Box ll Bar rls Examiner or telephone Twlh ing 52914 Newmarket ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADE1N VALUE Callz McFaddens FOR PRICES PA 89288 nPswulrlzh Wadted Must be Ill good condition Ind lullbl prised relrpnone PA on we WILL PAT CASII or good med tutallure or any good cued article Individual or content Iota Phone PA Hm PIANO Hclntzman or Gerard Ilelntrman wanted Priced reason ably Telephone PA M759 Ioe lllb ther lntormatlon SFARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK six YORK Pics for talc shoot as lbs eaeb Telephone PA 5690 evenings COW Fall punbred Jersey mllu or ï¬le Apply II Chimps bcll RII 0m Shiloh or tel phone Oro In GILTa AND BOARsJor talc tram urebred atoclt Apply Wayn uelatty Thornton Telepbpuo Ivy IKAIII CORREDALE or IIIE IL turd born 1950 ottrorinrr can to Teen Apply to Cedar ra ay Road or tclopbo POULTRY CHICKS PULLBTS FOR SALE 11 monk old $1 each Telephone 69mg Stroud FARM MAcnINERi CHARLES clItmcn FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cass New ltbltaod vld Brown hearty Flrm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 32373 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT commas swanmuss GRAIN BOTS GRAIN AUGERS BINDERS ESHING MACHINES CASH TERMS TRADE mm Dad repair for In Apply to Mr Itarry hIeDaugaii liawkestone Ont Telephone 05o U6 nlNDER McCormick Deerlng nearly new only used about three seasonl on rubber transport ply to Peter Nielscn Crown Hill It 1110 NO 64 ENGINE Drive Mt out Combine with grain tank scour klccn pickup attachment reel at tac meat and clover screens uscd chars In perfect condition Phone PA 60692 daya or 11 Elm valo nights BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUIPMENT TIENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMan FOR REIT Tent rind Tani In COL and 510 Conlen BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD nAYFLELD STREET TEIEFEONE PA dam SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to remova your dead and crippled futm ani mala under the above her FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PAIka 88517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE DIAPER SERVICE LICENSE 55061 BARRIES FmTE UPHOLSTEE IAPE SERVIC N12 waeklprIelrup delivery UPHOLSTERING Augsggsum OF EVERY KIND ODraperiea run than aI pang oi ddmettea SHP awe oBroa oom EXCAVATING Commercihl furniture FILL GKAVEL Still installï¬tlm SEPTIC TANKS FUMPED Excavating and Grndlnd water Delivery crushed none Bait Yard Backhoe for bird CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIIR CUSTOM DENNIS MORAN UPHOISTERggG AND RUG me mega 52107 am 64 BAYFIELD ST PAINTING AND CPSII towngcgllfflgolfésnm PAPEEHANGING 03 EDWARD SMITH AND SUN Painting and Paper BangLnE Spray Paintlnfl Service Since 1120 RR BARRIE PA 56156 YLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFRDY 60M PHONE COLLECT SANITARY DISPnsAL WANTED DEAD OR CRI PPLED HORSESCATILE HOGS Removed prtlmptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA M751 Long distallot knitii 82300 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED In ANGUS AREA call MAROBERTSON ANGUS ONT mEPHONE HE 95595 Chesterllelds Chairs Chrome chairs Bpht Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARBIE FREE ESTIIVIAFES AND PICKUP BARRI Tent And Awning CO LTD 34 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA com CLEANING For fine furniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES PA 51512 PA E9931 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling rm N0 BARRIE PA 87646 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA SZIlfl