Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1961, p. 8

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Surnmertime and the Livm Easy In Your Own Home Check the Want Ad THE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS COIVANWAII rnd Lira Robert Cohan oi Rn Strand are happy to announce the birth at any in up uedriesdry July 1961 at the Royal victorir llorptlrl lame ml at ilcrthcr LEEPER At Royal Lecprr son leLEAN rI lloyrl vietorir HDmIinl name on nerdy July 1961 to Mr and Mrs Allro Mchrh Ciro Station drugnler lrlcr for Gnn rnd Nancy HAPPY OCCASION Th birth oi yum hll To tell the good new In Iriehdi nclghoon The Emir miner rlauldeo suit In rs near or your lelaphone The dry at birth lust dlrl PA um The rrle Ir unlY HM I96I In Mr rnd Mn ODIN Amen Street nsrrte COMING EVENTS Rotary Club Barrie Annual Chicken Barbecue ST VINCENTS PARK CIVIC HOLIDAY AUG 96I SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTV UTOPIA COMMUNITY PAIlN CIVIC llOLlDAY MONDAY AW 1961 Commencing at 12 Noon LAplts AND MENS TEAMS BOOTIIS LUCKY DRAW ADMISSION 50C LETS GO DANCING EVERY SAT RDAY cAnAittrl STYL coUPLFs ONLY PINECREST nh couple For irbls rcscrvruohs PHONE ELMVALE 757R ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Use one of these three convehl ent ways PHONE PA $2414 and say want to place 11 Classified Ad MAIL it It The Barrie Exam incl Barrie Ont BRING it In The Barrie Ex aminer oitice Bayfield Street CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate oi do per word per insertion lor one and two times it per word or three iour or five times and The par ward tor or more insertions 10 ndiii tlohal charge It not paid Within Itl days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR WORDS IF Lr ARGEI PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRtIlts on CORRECTIONS Adverusers are rcmlndcd that rll phnnc insertion orders are recent ed as canvcnicnce to you this advertiser Therefore the Clnssitittd Advcrttslng Department requires all advertisers to kindly reltheitlt their advenlsemcnt lmmcdlntely rllcr arst Insertion In order that any crrorr or nmirslonr rn be rcportcd belore mm rrilcr ltlat shine may to rcctlfleu Ior thc tollowlng days Insertion order We wish to point out that The aortic Examiner is tar only one Insertion an rcspcm ble incorrectly prntcd any advertisement and than only in extent oi portion oI ad IIII lnvolvcr lb misprlnt mrars which do not lessen the value the rdvertise meal are not eligiblc on come tlons by malts gaodr Hatts rad type styles tor semi display classifieds may he on tallied through The Examindi ad vertislng department Coming Events 5c per word lmlnlrilum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices fol up to 15 words lover 25 words 5c pel vnrd extra In Memorial NLI tines $150 iiverse used do per word exiral sLlND LEIIEI lEPLlEs lulormpuon regarding adverllsitrr using sllno lattcr dux Numbers tor Replies ls hcld tncriy itlflu cuilul Relics to otter boxes will be had only ll IM nucl last day at mmllehvv Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding puhlication with the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Victoria mailI rirrrle an Tuesdry July and it or my kind FRIDAY JULY 21 15 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CANON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imncriri Therm PA 66481 Membcr at Barrie and ntrtrict MOVING Donl larger LYan your INSURANCE you need extra covera SEE STEVENSONS IA 95ml 111 Dunlop St CONTEMPORARY HOME iONi ONLY Np NllA canllmponry dwelling with crrpcrl rooms lrrge live In room large kitchen dining rrea mrsler bedroom cerrrnlc llled hrlhropm lth colorcd Hil tures and vrni Lair cup boards storms and screens irrge snddrd lot good iocrllan corner ielrouDuckwonh Phonc owner builder ii 11 ALLEN Pi H281 Kalth Marshal REAL ESTATE nnoxsn woman DRIVE nAiIRiE PA 8592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS Listings invited ncsldentlrl rrrmi Commerclrl cottages industrial nurlnsss ilcmbcr narrle and District TIEI BIIIE Board ROSE REAL ESTATE EROKER 73 TIFFIN slRELr sARRlE ISEEOURPICTURE ON PAGE CALL DAV OR EVENING PA 82379 Member oi the Brrrlc and District Rerl But Eorrd COUTTS CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $2500 Down Payment Cadrlhgton and cook Iron hill Erica $10950 Stone Front Sutch ungalow known as home at the year with two lovely bedrooms spacious klichcn living Ind dIn in area $12000 LovelyBungalow with spacious basement rprrt mcnt bcanutully decorated szlh Inside and out llust Ira scan in be ap lpicclsted Near nrrric shopping no $14000 Full Price Adaptable to Hair Dressing Prr lours Itasldcntinl home cam mcrclal arch Excellent condition Ample nitstreet parking 4m tact commercial lrontage on busy highway within city limits Fuiy serviced Excellent motel restaurant and service rtrtlon sllc liiemher ol Barrie District Real Estate Board PHONES orilcc 1A Miss Evening PA was CONSULT US ON cLow down payment housing plan change or Prapcntca Natlonnl Housing Lonnl causinass opportunities oproperly Management ALLANDALE Anne 51 Custom built brick bungalow 551100 down payment 71 per month inciudcs interest principal and taxes For inrthcr lniarmailon PHONE PA 83428 NlcRLY TREED LOT 55 1155 class to schools Apply 15 Peel Sireot sTitOUii Now two bedroom hunA galow Large living room kitche chrnnd three piece bath Lots of cupboard sprcc Largo landsclp ed lot Make an offer TcIephond strnud 311111 cENTrtALLY Located nvs room InsuI brick housn 15 Maury Street Laundry lacllltlcs oil heated Good grounds Low down payment Apply Donald Cameron RR Barrio tclcphonc PA 119258 so on IIIORETCRE Turin good buildings productive soil Press ure systcm in barn 2000 pine trees six room house modern conveniences North Orlllla Town ship TclcphoncdA 15m orllllr Good Food Hospitality pleasant surrbundings RESIDENTS OI BARRIE ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR COOL SPA CIOUS DINING ROOM AMI BEA UTIFUL SURROUNDINGS ONLY FEW uoittENTs DRIVEN10M ALLANDALE FDR Broiled steaks withhiushrooms Southern fried chicken in basket Hungarian Goulash European cusine Cateringlto families and groups large orsmall Meals can be served at cIlItlmes wE HOPE TOsEp YOU IN iHE NEAR btJTUIiE TELEPHONE ISTROUD 62323 For Reservations or Just Drop In Niccly landscaped grounds PIIonO PA 25nd REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS 81 CONNELL REALTORS ONEDUNLOPWEIEAST birst tn darn Homo SalesForemost In Quaiio oi Scrvlco PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL 1111s it 1L MOOREPA in women but Mutants nAREiz Ii alsrnlcr REAL isrATx Dom CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA m1 PA 501 BAYFIELD ST income property on Bryheld streeL ilrrutuul older lypa brick house rhr IuI is ifil with shrubs and chant trees brlvcwry and range The rooms iprciour Ind bright Second near mom rr rim or land rlre BRICK DUPLEX mo irrnlly dvelllhr within walking distrnca to downtown home on to lot property Aller room on erch noor ior rmril lrmlly Squrro ly Then lr drlvcwry rnd rhrdr trees on Priced It $10000 with $2500 down HOME WITH CHARACTER IN THE COUNTRY raven room Ion exterior home outside nani on prved rord Ai throughout large living room with limp dining room gun room Ilrla mad kitchen And two piece blih on mlln floor Three Irge bcdrooms and piece bath on second Iloor Hardwood floors throughout niil basement wIIh rec room on hot llr healed press lyrtem Ind reptlc tank ThIg home ritulted an large Wt lrndscrped rnd treed lol Priced at only 311500 with modernle down payment ThII property would nurllly tor VLA requirements 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM milu tram nrrllc on hand Large brick house with brthraool Mrln brln 100 rlro rhrpc born 35 implcmcnl rhed bulk milk irnk About to can workable Asking price $13000 with easy terms AT GUTHRI Room bungalow on No II Highway Living room kitchen beds room and brlhroom Good lot 73 100 Full pricc $4000 with $900 down APARTMENT FOR RENT Three rooms rnd brth Stova rnd trig Large kitchen dining rrer smith CampbellPA 57339 Fergus GarveyPA 57052 Membcrr at tho Barrio Rcrl atria Board SlouiiAgencies Lid COLLIER STREET PA 85901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS BLAME NO ONE BUT YOURSELF it you dont lnvcrttgrtc this lovely bedroom rcd brick hungrlpw with angel rtane troutrnd only your old tirrdwond ilaors with tile Iklichen rnd hath On one at names bclicr strecls ltortgrgc sllsllo orn LangPA dam pryrbla princlprl interest and trims 59935 per month Crll us today on this one NICE COZY HOME WEST END Near the shopping plaza Three bedrooms crs heated lawn with trees only tiltono CITY HOME IN THE COUNTRY with crery convenience plus orcplrcc rnd garage strcrm runs lhrourh property About thrcb rcrcs or land CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Five ruom lnsui brick home all nice shady int Asking prior 57100 with 11000 down Callrgcs rt Big Day Paint erc slnicne rnd nus ere $1000 up lIleniberr or the narrla and District Rcrl Elltr Darid EvENlNGs CALL Harry slcssor PA 6067 Oren Drawn PA 255 Prank CongdonPA E7175 HOMES TY CROSLEY BERNICK DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $98700 All Homes CompletelyModern and Finished in Every Detail Garages Included FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT DAY 0R NIGHT PHONE LEECH PA 82670 PUBLlc AND incli SCHOOLS BLOCK BEST HOMES IN TOWN BAYVIEW HEIGHTS Located at Johnson and Steel streets just north of Johnson Street School Turn north two blocks at traffic lights at lite on Store Shopping Centre at Blake and Johnson Streets CHOICE or SIX BUNGALOW PLANS OPEN 0R BEAUTIFULer WOODED LOTS PULL DOWN PAYMENT $595 ANDUP mu PRICE $11850 AND UP OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY my 29th 1000 am to 700 pm FOR lNronMATION CALL GORDON COUTTS OFFICE PA 82485 TEVENIZNGS PA 66164 JACOUTTS CO OWEN STREET BARRIE EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Wclll kcpt Priced trorn Marv Goulduoro 1515 Doris NuttycombePA 0590I Edith GouldOra 1516 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLDPSTE PA 89981 PA 68742 12 Shannon st $13900 Brick bunglow three bedroom plan Large kitchen nirc living room with hrcplrca rnd grate our place brthroom Good lot 51 165 Close to school Full divided blsernent Rec space laundry trays rtorlna rnd scrrcar Evenlllgr Or you Longtln PA com trck Willsorl PA um Everett shelrwa Ora 2919 Norman Shelswnll PA eml iinwrrd Norris PA 85433 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 iNTEREsT top or VALUENo Pm CHARGED Ll VVCORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER 91 Dunlap St IVIA EL MARSHALLPA M450 CORBYPA Mind OWEN NINEPA 57031 FOSTERPA 20 CONNfilrPA mu IIIINDYMANS Opportunity REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS PRATT LTD Const ruc ts HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA some on PA 66233 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR on BA YFIELD 51 PA acts SUMMER COTTAGE CONCESSION 0R0 rhlr cottage lr rtmost new 011 well treed lot with viaw rlgbtawry to the lrke The large living room nu picture window racing the water rnd rn Lshrped dining room The kitchen Li very well equipped There rro lhres bedrooms and we pleca hrlhroom il could be slly wine tensed lirr good well not wr tcr irnk rprcc healer heavy duty electric slave and sudden lar All tutallure Ind hort are included This charming home and owner very rnriaus Io rell lor $5500 or best otter other lrireshare homer to 555000 Pierre crli Nonh Rrikgr 0rd on Member at Dr no and District Real Estate Board EvENlNGs CALL EMORY MILLER PA 50171 JOE PALMER PA was KARL MARSHALL PA 917 NoRAtl RAlKFs Ora um MARC siiERAlt PA b75115 BOAKE REALTOR ul nnAnPORD sTllEDr DAltqu PA 05387 OR PA 05833 80 ACRES Close to No 11 lilghway rauth ol Barrio Large brick dwelling in good repair New oll turnrce modcrn hrt new gauge ergc burn on riona inundation silo rnd lmplcmcnt shcd This lorr llon is very lntercstlng 25 ACRES on prvcd road south al Brrrlc ergc brick dwclilng with all can vcnicnccr Good barn and strbling grragc Near school rnd churches Good terms RARE FIND smart lililo modcrn home with two lots btcutltully landscapcd macllcnl garden and lrult lrccr On 27 Highway iauth oi Build WOODLAND BEACH brrutliul cottrgc at Woodland Bench Quiet and Blast to the WI ideal location Can hc yupl tcr chased with good tcrms Poncsslon soon still selling arms to lartncrs ior tanning cirrc ercmrnPA 117451 Ralph DrakePA Moor Number of Dorrie and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER sTltEirr PHONE PA 84678 EVENlNus or RITA SCANDREII PA burst PERCY rono Pa 87910 Member ol nrrrir rnd Dittrlct rnd antrrlo Real Ertrta Board silentlan Brick Bungalb Din ing room llving room kitchen and two bedrooms Pcrccd air all heating Dry basemcnt Gauge ancd driveway $3000 down Telephone PA 07487 mo SQUARE FEET or house Three large bedrooms extrr Spe cial bathroom largo kltchcn dih ing area nhlshcd In chorry pan elllng Hanover kltchcn units At tached garage shade trccs At 52 Marion Crescent Open Sahib day rnd Sunday evcnings and to 5211111 down payment Gard Spring Enterprises Limitcd telephone PA 56145 FRAME HOUSE AND OUT BUILDINGS FREE FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION DONT PHONE COME C7 SEE Simcoe Block Co Ltd IIS Tiffin St Barrie PROPERTY FOR SALE on RENT JUST FOR YOU This charming house or rent or sale iew yards from the water Pirc place in the living room 011 tur nrcc Three bedrooms ergc tenocd In yard Available Sop tembcr 15 Present tenants moving to Western Canada Telephone Oro or Mrs De Lola PA dolor BUS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunity RENTALS other or store space 500 square feet on ground floor Excellent location Clean well Iocatcd body and print shop immediate possession Would maka excellent turniturc refinish ing and upholstuy shop Urcd Car Lat or rent attire and Lighlts included Exceptionally good an FOR iNlortlleTloN ON THE ABOVE oPPORTUNlTiEs CONTACT HAROLD HILL 55 DUNLOP SI WEST TELEPHONE PA 82427 1521 room hotel in Thornton on 17 Highway Full price $5010 with only 92000 down Good inlt coma property idarl inr apart meiltl Apply to Box 66 Harris hamlnor situated In shanty Day For nus OPPORTUNITIES SiloCAP DRIVEIN LTD PROTECTED TERRITDRTEE ntANCIIISES now nvalllbh in On larlo and Quebec or yempuud dnrerln restrurrot backed by erlenco Irrlnlng advertising rlie to SapCap son Ertbunt at Toronto tor turtbcr internu GROCERY STORE 10 reel to ho rnnicd Includcr counter scales rclrigcrrlor deep trccacr hit all siavc 514000 turnover nurlly Telephone PA 57155 utter 9111 FINANCIAL $5000 17c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE Z6 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR rilLL SlMMS PA 60203 MORTGAGES ONLY MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE immediately to consolidate debts my OII cxlrung montages ham im rnvcmenls elc Coll tor op ponlmonl PA MWSI Mortgage Funding over slmpsanSerrr Dunlop Street East MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 Ind 60 mullth to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGE st and 2nd naught raid and rrangcd commcrclrl and residenan nancys loaned on unlflln mongngcs Dagxlu Mm gara Brokers PA 53504 RENTALS GARAGE WANTED to rent in tha vicinity at 93 Codrington Slrcct clicctlvc September Tclcphona PA e99 WANTED TO RENT HIGH SCHOOL Teacher wantb thrcc or lour bedroom house by Scptcrnhcr Pratcrs nica district or outskirts Apply hair 11 Barrie Examlncr PROPERTY FOR RENT SELF CONTAINED commercial building or rcnt no 1ch with ample parking space Tclcphanc PA 83210 or further lntarmruou APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake 0nd and two bedroom apartments complete with stove and rclrlgcr atcr Use at washcr and dryer Rcdccaraird annually PA 51060 UNFURNISIIED our room Ipult merit on ground floor Heated Privatn bath Ncrr shopping and bus stop lrl Allzndale Available August Telephone PA osssz MODERN untumlsbed thren room apartment four plecc tild bath trout and back entrances Parking and laundry lacllities including dryer North Owen Available Aug art PA MicsPA E5311 SELF CONTAINED unfurnished our room apartment Heat rad water supplied $70 per month East end location Avallrble imv medlrtcly Tclcphona PA Mesa or further drtrlls THREE Room unturrilahed artrt merit separate entrance sell con tained parking tacllltlgs Newly decorated Available immediately Telephone PA 32341 or lunhcl lnrarlnrtlon SELF CONTAINED furnished apartment Ecd sitting room kit chcp rnd bath Heavy duty wiring Good location suit two business girls or couple 142 Peel Street or PA 66971 MODERN two bcdroom apartmunt Large living room kitchen rnd three picce brth trout and back entrances laundry room in base merit One or two children Wel come Apply 11 Bnyfield street or telephone PA M715 FURNISHED two room bachelor apartment completely sclt con tained ground near Bright Hy dro and heat supplied Fireplace and large clothes closets Avail rblc August Tclephona PA 68195 QUEENS PARK District TWO bedroom lower duplex privnta trout entrance tour piece brth stove and rclrlgcrutnr Dascmcnt storage space Private prrklng One child welcome s90 Telephone PA 114491 ROOMS and private bathroom all heated completely sell con talrled illnd nnors kitehcn with sink and modern cupboards picn ty or closet space Rangctte rnrl trig suppllod Rearonrble rent Available immediath suit cou plr Phone PA 66555 APARTMENT or rent unfurn lshcd nlcc location Two barb rooms living room kitchen hath ronm large sunraom overlooking bay Continuous hot water refrig erator and hem duty slovc Available Scpteinber Tclcphonc PA 1131 NEWLY Dccnrrtcd Apartment convenlcnt to downtown Lnrgu living room spacious bright kit chen with plenty cupboard rpacz and bedroom three piece bath with shower tile floors through out nll beat and water supplied Also washer and dryer Aucurt irt occupancy Rent $65 PA 111109 Telephone APTSO HOUSES TO BENT RENTALS Tum ROOM lurnirhed Dilute meal tor rent Admin 51 Eur Rd Tellphone PA H660 ort won unlomlrhcd rpm mcut to rent Hardwood noorL Kitchen lumen Telephone PA alter six NEW nUNaALow lurnlsbed with low rent to reliable couple thrt will let rldower live In For lur tbcr lnlormrllon can PA um Ans nousns To 8m MODERN rpm inclll alirble August Kitchen with rclrigenlor and stove 14nd dry room with urrhcr and dryer Apply in Cook Street at lei phone PA c1115 POUR noon winterized collage per month it our includzd also rpree bcrier rmril chlL dren welcome Telephone PA 555 or Ms Endlord st lot in tormrtton two bedroom TURN noon Aprrtmcnt log real stove retrtgcrrtnr but not wr tcr rup lied Use at warbcr rnd dryer icphaaa PA H750 THREE noon Apartment nvc minuter walk lrom downtown Parking laciiiuu Newly decoru tcd Telephone PA anon Two 11119110031 Cottage or rprrt ment to not the yerr round Partly lurnlrhcd Telephone anal Wmn such or details 0243 AND Two bedroom Aprro menu stove reirlgcrrtnr lrnitar rorvlca rnd Ilunflry IIcilitizL Renting train $80 monthly Taip pbnln Loach PA mo AVAiLAuLE immediately Ono lurnlrhed cornmeal onc uninim uhcd Both rcu contrlncd Ona chud welcome Drys phone PA 04270 evenings PA Mm FOUR R00 Furnished apart ment or ran second ilonr Im medlala possession close to new Part Dltica Apply on Owen 5t liter pm THREE ROOM rel contrlncd un turnlrbed aprrimcnt ilert and hat wrter luppllcd Newly decorated $75 per month Teizphond PA M710 riter pm in MONTHLY fluted unlume lshed upper duplex with two hud rooms Children welcome Tele pbahc PA 33102 tor iurther In llnnlllnn UPPER DUPLEX spurious three room artnlcnt with balcony ticted any duty wiring All rc decorlcd Telephone PA 14510 meal hour or avcnlngr FURNISHED Ihrce room apart mcnt three piece bath hcrvy duty stove and rctrlgcrrtor Hardwood noon solr contalacd Available July Apply Armstronfls llrrd wrre Tim n00 Furnlrhcd Drchcior Aprrlmcnt with balcony tar rent Redccorrtcd ciorc to downtown Avnllrblc linmcdtalcly Apply in Prrk street Two itoohts rnd both luralhrd privatc entrrnce Suit couple Quiet district Tclcphoht PA 66745 anytime or lurther Iniars nation us no UPPER AND Lower Du plex hot water hcntcd largo One with stova rnd rctrig closa to downtown Laun dry large lot pnrkln sis 55 ONE AND Two Dcd roanIr rcli cdnlaInld horicd hot wricr Downtown lrclhg irks Laundry and parklm Telephone PA 515 for turther inlormailon imArEn Aprrtmcnt or rent ergc Illlag room bedroom dine cite rnd kitchen with rtova rnd relrigerrtor cnlrrl Business oult pie purerred Available immedi lteLY Tclcpbane PA sun Two itao hert Iurnixhed rprrimcnt with private hrihroam suitlite or two business hi or couple close to bus rtop Lrun dry ircllltlcs Telephona PA 51 or PA mo NEWLY Decorrled our bedroom rprrlmchl with three pleca hrih and private laundry room Apply rlter p1n 57 iiarcur Street or telephone PA was belweah rnd pm BEDROOM Apartment ground lloor completely privile Ceptnl location Hal wrtcr heated Gm rge Hrndy to school Avrllrblo Immediately Telephone PA not an pm FURNISHED Apartment Livia room bcdroom rnd Irltcbenet ilcried llydro rnd wrier supplied Abstrihcrr Centrrl Avrtlrbla icmber Apply to 25 iicDonad Siren NicELY lurnlshcd Apartment vcry rcntrrl Avrllrblc now suit rble tor one or two rdulis Ab rtaincrs stave rnd retrigerrtor lleat rnd water supplied Apply in Dryneld Slrcct Tito BEDROOMS one living roam kltchcn rnd hrtbroaln no monthly hcnied cht in Christier supermarket in Ailrndalc Tclalt phonic PA 01124 and ask tor srin Sircnlmrn round two to pm UNFUIINISIIED heated rprrb merit thrcc rooms and kltchchcue privain entrancc Central locrllan $55 monthly Avallablc Angus t5 Airo lumishcd two room rprri mm 113 tinyIlcld sircct Phanc PA W0 TlinEE non heated unlurnlshcd Apartment Private bathroom rnd enirancc 0n ground lloor Prlvria vcrpndr washer and dryer rill pllcu Appliances optional Free parking Tclephann PA ml or PA Most NEW AND Modcrn nno rnd two bedroom apartments overlooking tccnlc Kcrnpcntclt Ray tict tar parking and Janitor rcry lncludcd Automatic wrshlngh cliitles PA D2912 11053 To Downtown stavernd rcirigcrnior large kitchen with dining arca living room bedroom bathroom garage Prlvrtc cut rancc Hot water heating Adulu my 75 monthly Phone PA Try An Examiner Want Ad BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUIPMENT SANITARY DISPOSAL TENT AND CAMPING EQUEPBENT FOR RENT Tents and Tarps Camp Cots and atom Coolers BARRI TENT C7 AWNING CO LTD 1a lsAYFiELD STREET TELEPHONEPA Mm CARPENTRY WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly tor dispose Telephone BillTie PA 07751 Long distanct Zenith 321100 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD DRILLIA License No 69061 CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Alterations Renovation and toner OLD BUILDINGS REMOVED JAMES £7 SON Phone Res PA 66800 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIEs FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup dr delivery 11 FRANCIS ST REAR PA 68551 Less than pack or cigarettes dry EXCAVATING FILL GHAVEL IP Sill SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Dreaming Ind Grading water Dollvery Cnuhed stone hair Yard nrckhaa tor hir DENNIS MORAN 19 Anna street PA Hm FOR SHOVEL WORK EXCAVATING EACKEOE CLAM DRAG LINE CEMENT nusmta on Miami 5mm 55 soon SHUVEL FRONT LOADNG LEV ELLINC DR EAOKPELLTNG DOZ En WORK PnoNE STEW ART PA M032 1P No ANSWER CALL PA amt LAND SCAPING flame LAWN MOWERS 10t rcnt rnd rm pain on r11 types Apply at White Rose station 510 Blake street Barrie PA 63213 PAINTING AND PAPERHAII GING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Printing and Paper Hanging spray Printing Service since 1920 BARRIE PA 56956 PLASTEEING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFEOY 60M PHONE COLLECT RR COPY or that Ad Section accepted until 5pm Dny heinra publication DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT Wc have hcen licensed to mnnn your dead rnd crippled tam Enl mrls undcr the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BARRIE PArkway M617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LicENrE 95081 SURVEYING Roger Welsman Ontario Land Surveyor TELEPHONE PA was UPEOLSIEE UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND oDraperies Slip covers IBroadloom OCoromercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTEBéIgG AND RUG 61 BAYFLELD ST PA 51512 PA 99921 our o1 towncall ccuect Cnrnplitto range at Iabrlcs shown in your Ironic CLEANING For fine furniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE PREE minimm PA 61612 PA 119931 WELL DIGGING WELL CLEANING iiow long since you cleaned your well YEARSlo YEARS YES WE CLEAN WELLS Wclls Dug Dcepencd tchnIrelI We also sell and install Duro shrllow and Deep Well Pumpr Phone or writd KEN WINTERS lzlvtARiA 5mm BARRIE Just north or too Highway nit Euyriald PA 641731 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS lNSTALLED BY LICENSED DEILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling RE No 2EARR1E PA 87646

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