Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1961, p. 6

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SENIOR CITIZENS ENIOY Enjoying the sol breezes off the Bay andrelaxing in spite of yesterdays soaring temperature Harrics senior citizens were entertained ot weekly gctvtogcthcr on the lawns at the summer home of Mr and Mrs Einer Rechnii zer Slanty Bay Under the shade of lawn umbrclln the corned GETTOGETHER above quartet play few hands of euchrc They are clockwise Mrs Olive Emms Mrs Florence Banting Sim eon Cotton and John Cross MARY HAWORIHS MAIL Mother Relies On Support Daughter Should Not Leave Dear Mary Ilaworth Please advise me as to this situation in which daughter and only child wishes to leave her mother for travel and study in Europe The mother has no other rel atives lives in large house inherited from her parents and her financial situation is pre carious The house needs rc pairs and she needs help in maintaining it She would be very lonely with her only child thousands of miles away am the daughter My edu cation is good thanks to grand parental help and to my mother who always worked to provide for me thus enabling me now to make twice as much money as sheever corned at an interest job My social activities are lim ited and find myself yearning towards university in Europe that visited not long ago enjoyed the short trip so com pletely that find the desire to travel has strongly seized me hiy mother regrets this wan dcrlust and my willingness to leave my job as if had no re sponsibilitics or cared nothing for her Even on my recent brief trip overseas her anxiety at my departure caused painful tension around her heart ONLY CONTACT Her home and its beautificaA tion are now her sole projects and am her only emotional contact with life She has no social or intellectual interests and dings to the house and to me cant soy that am un happy here Being happy gan inner attitude know pleasant relationship with oncs family is undoubtedly the most important most difficult task in life But is there any mural justification for following ones dreams and becoming an individual connected only with the worldno matter what the consequences to ones immedi ate family RF Dear There is nothing Plan Becoming Color Scheme To Ease Tediods Kitchen Chores By IDA BAILEY ALEN Nothing is more dreary than to try to cook in room without enough light So for the kitchen choose decor of pale colors and have lights over the sink and the range or cooking unit Be sure to plan enough sur face on which to work If counter space is limited buy small wheeled tray wagon that can be used in the kitchen or as hospitality wagon when there are guests Plan color scheme that is becomingafter all the bride is the star of the kitchen For the walls use enamel or plastic paint or washable wall paper dripAdry curtains lino leum for the floorand keep it waxed Choose utensils canisters and colorful pottery or glass cook ware that is harmonizing and decorative set of four dur able canisters giant waste paper basket waste disposal can and threeway metal dis penser overtheslnk to keep foilwax paper and paper tow els in easy reach are indis pensable An inexpensive yct handsome set of these to use with any decor is enameled in white with rich copper colored lids The canisters can be stacked one atop the other for spacesaving And once the big bag of gro ceries is put away the paper bag can be used to line the waste basket for easy trash dis posai DINNER Iron TWO ii Hot or Chilled Tomato Soup Sour Cream Garnish Broiled MinuteStcaks Whipped out rpnostslvls to Borrlcs Lorol Exclnt siveFurricr who mites and soils furs only ulnar women 10 access more Wllilillls fillis onnnlsv Tononro 25 DUNLOP srw Jtepairlflz itenmdelling Cold Storage Cleaning REASONABLE rnIcEs TISFACHUI ARA um Green Snap Beans Cole Slaw Mustard Dressing Banuti or Sliced Pineapple Hot or Red Coffee Tea Milk Routine Prepare snap beans and cook or use frozen beans Prepare soup canned or from mix Make banuti Put cole slaw together Whip up mashed potato prepared Set table Pancook minute steaks Start coffee Family dinner Use preceding menu Omit soup if you like and start with the cole slaw Measurements are level recipes for Halve ingredients to serve persons generously or ade quately Minute Steaks For each per son order 11lb cubed thin minute steak any lowerpriced cut Dust both sides with inz slant powdered meat tenderizer no salt Slush edges in or places so steak will lie flat Place in preheated broiler broil from heat hlrn once as soon as browned Allow min for rare min for weildonc Dot each steak with tsp butter or margarine Garnish with lemon wedges Banuti Peel medium ba nanas mash with fork Beat in tbsp lemon juice tbsp sugar and is chopped nut meats Stir in 52 whipped heavy cream Spoon into sher bet glasses with Whipped cream meats CHEFS SUGGESTION If an oven is not well1ightedt use flashlight when checking food for doneness sweetened and 0r nut unusual about your yen to re turn to Europe for deepening acquaintance with both the pres ent day and historical aspects of the scene Almost all Americans who go there especially In youthbring back this feeling They are hardly home and unpacked before they begin look ing aheadin practical plans or nostalgic day dreamsto going again to renew and enlarge their interested association with the Old World In your case however this normal zest for adventurous va riety and footloose journeying is linked with an underlying un recognized impulse to escape from your life as you know it from the narrow monotonous introvert routine you share with your ingrown mother And it is apropos this prob lem that you are seeking gui dance even if you dont realize that If you were free financially and in good conscience to go back to Europe for student in doctrination in European culture there would be no reason to deny yourself the experience But as get the picture your mother is dependent on your earnings for support in reci procity arrangement whereby she makes home for you in house she owns dont see how youcould just walk away from that setup pulling the founda tions from under her mainten ance simply to please yourself SHRINKS FROM STRUGGLE You feel that sy too and you shrink fro the struggle that is in the cards it you are to clarify assert and actively exercise your inborn rights to arrive at individual maturing selinood in the daughter role because it seems your mother will blindly resist such enter prise My advice is that you earn paign firmly and forcsightediy for personal autonomy Let your mother know that you want her to be secure and yourself free before you are too old to follow your star Remind her that she has the house as her nest egg or secur ity backlog and with first rate business counsel say from her banker she might renovate it into two or threefamily dwell ing She could occupy one unit and sublet the others for self help income and also for the physical safeguard of having good tenants under her root This is the realistic respon sible approach to mutually fair deal think MH TEACH AT HOME VICTORIA CPlA visiting teacher will he appointed to teach basic subjects in grades to VII to children confined to their homes by sickness or in firmity Most of those helped will he childrenreturning from hospitals for extended convalc5lt cence at home Pied pipr Shops Ltdhadvertiscment iiiWednesdéy nights paper July 25th inadvertently had the headings of two items transposed and read onus EATHING smrsneg 198 BOYS BATlHNGTEUNGS Reg 5393 $498 99 szrn THESE ITEMS snoULD HAVE snarl onus BATHING surrs Itcg noo $498 les mm mm neg $193 This TIE STARS SAY By Bsrnaunrn FOB TOMORROW Planetary influences should make this highly satisfactory day for all those engaged In intellectual pursuits Aspects are good too bringing beneficcot results where travel is coir also excellent news from afar FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates tbnt generally speaking it would be Wise for you to be conservative in financial affairs for the bal ance of 1961 Early September and early December promise some gain but in the meantime you should try to build up your assets slowly and review mnt ters with an eye to finding mls takes and avoiding mlscalcula tinns which could prove costly later Your next really good period along monetary lines wont come along until spring of 1962 when you can start making plans for expansion Where job matters are con cerned do not expect any un usual changes before November but if you have put forth your best efforts in theinterim you should make good progress be tween thcn and the beginnig of 1962 As recently announced by the Honorable Goodfellow Minister of Agriculture for On tario Miss Margaret Ann Peg gy Hunt Sc GAE has been appointed as Home Econ omist for North Simone with headquarters in the office of the Ontario Department of Agricul ture Extension Branch Barrie She succeeds Miss Jean Irvine Home Economist for the past two years who is leaving the service at the end of July to be married Miss Hunt comes from Nova Scotin and is graduate of St Francis Xavier University Miss Florence Eadie Supervisor of Junior Extension Home Ec onnmics Service of the Ontario Department of Agriculture re ports that Miss Hunts scholas tic standing is high and she has had some special training in teaching and demonstration work Her pleasing personality enthusiasm efficiency and ex perience with young peoples groups will be of special value By CLEVELAND MYERS Many parents are kept on the edge of bankruptcy and beset with no end of worries because they try to keep up with the Joneses on the amount they spend on their children and on the money they give their chil dren to spend These parents are prompted by their own vanities and the growing pressures from their children revealing letter comes from the mother of kindergarten child in the state of Washing ton She foresees the problem reaching big proportions when this child reaches high school She says her daughter Dora is constant playmate of an other child Mary of her own age both going to the same kindergarden She guesses both families will continue living where they are and that these children will grow up together UNUSUAL PETS Mary has unusual types of petsrabbits hamsters munks Dora has the more do mastic and common types cocker kitten turtlefish It is policy to bring pets to school to show and talk about As is expected Marys pets outshine Doras Obvious jealousies and related quarrels arise between these girls Dora often comes home in tears She seems to feel left out at school realize that children from different families cant always have the same kind of pets col URINGS FROM Parents Beset With Problems From Childrens Wealthy Pals thegrades and into high school Chip HOUSE or DIOR FASHIONS PARIS Reuters The House of Christian Dior re tained knee length hernlines and flared skirts in its winter fasblon collection today The House of Dior always pacesetter in the fashion world gave women natural waistline with wide belli But designer Marc Bohan pushed up and flattened the bosom Almost out of existence The Dior silhouette called Charm 1962 enliveened the Paris fashion week without any shcclu It evolves the short flared skirt in both wide and slim versions Bohun narrows the shoul deriine and puts women in hoods drawn up over the head on top of snugfitting little caps Bohnn fnvors dresses with twopiece effects marked by threeinch wlde belts that cir close but do not strangle the natural waistline He uses bolero which cover the banished bosoms in day time clothes but redeem him self with the males with heart shoped decollctes out well down to henas County Home Econ omist COUNTY WORK The work of the County Home Economist is primarily Jun ior Extension working with Homemaking Clubs land their leaders and with the We mens institute Branches Along with this extensive programme there is growing demand for thenssistance of the Home Eclt onomics Service by homemaker in general Miss Huntwill re ceive hearty welcome in Sim coe County as she carries on with the work in North Simeon which has developed so well dur ing the past two years under Miss Irvines direction The Homemaking Club pro gram for this fall is Dressing Up Home Grown Vegetables The program will commence in Elmvale September and and Barrie September and with Training Schools being held Miss Jean Irvine who is changing her occupation from ors of dresses number of dresses or types of toys or even new shoes at the same time But how do you explain these things to fiveyearold So far have told Dori to say something nice every time Mary says something ugly have explained that we cannot buy Dora new pair of shoes just because Mary has some feel this problem is not serious now but if it continues through it will be bad also feel that children of all ages demand expect and too often get too many things they dont really need The average tecnager around here has more cashmere sweaters and expen sive clothes than myself have ever had or expect to have dont want my children to go through school as fashion plates learning nothing but how to wear clothes and how to out do someone else Can you help me to teach my children that what you have is not as impor tant as to what you do with it My reply in part You have skillfully defined problem facing every parent admire your objective You wont gain it through words First work out with your hus band how far you wish to go in helping your child conform in such matters Define from time to time the definite limi tations and stick to them with out argument or undue explain Iflg Thanin years to come your children might call you blessed You might besble throughx ALOOSE RETURN NATURAL WAISTLINE The Dior day dresses en dorse the twoplece effect with an inch of peplum show ing beneath the threeinch widc stiff belt Bohan calls them sweater top dresses The belt gives an illusion of high waistline Neekiina are high and collu less to make way for many doublebreasted fronts and re movable fur collars matched with giant fur turbans Brief bolero and cowled book jacket have snug hm cut in one piece from the back of the garment when the hoods are drawn tout over the hood models resemble Rus sian wooden dolls when seen in profile Bolero tops continue into formal wear often out without sleeves They have deep round ncekiines and suggest babys bodice or little flared shirt Evening fashions feature wlde stiffgirdle belts in con trasting fabrics such as velvet or satin paired with sumptu ous brocade or embroidered spangles Skirts spread nilround fullness with deep decolletes altcrnntively plung ing at the front or the back Miss Margaret Hunt Named New Economist For Simcoe MISS HUNT Home Economist the teaching of homemaking to the art or practice of homemak ing in the town of Harristnn will be greatly missed by many in South Simone as well as in North Sirncoe as during her first year she looked after the Economics program for the whole County During the past yearsince Miss Margaret Snedden took over the Home Economist work in South Simone Miss Irvines program in North Simcoe ex panded tremendously with 307 girls enrolled in the 4H Home making Cluhs and constantly expanding demand for her help along many other lines example and persuasion to win some other mothers to conspire With you in sensible ways PABENTS QUESTIONS wonder how we may teach our three children three five and seven to take better care of theirtoys They dont care if they get broken They will empty the toy box and then walk on them Let each child have some toys all his own with special box or place for them See that each child respects his sole possessions Encourage each to have creative fun with his own things For Commercial or Industrial Photos Portraits PassDort Film Developing CALL SMIIII STUDIO as Dunlap St PA aims Over Buntl in WED AT BURTON Miss Pauline Josephine Sin clair of Peterbnrough be came the bride of Donald William Edgcrlon RitChie of Minesing at Burton Avenue United Church July 15 Rev Bell officiated at the Richardson Clan Annual Reunion The 38th annual Richardson reunion and picnic was held July is at Greirs Grove Wye vaic with 106 descendants of the late William and Catharine Richardson The afternoon was spent in renewing friendships and play ing games Following supper there was short business meeting No minutes silence was observed in memory of Mrs Hurdle Richardson and Mrs Richardson who passed away during the past year New officers were elected as follows president Barbara Richardson vicepresident Pat Stone secretary treasurer Gordon Richardson Gifts were awarded to the oldest lady Miss Mina Rich ardson eldest rnau Frcd Rich ardson youngest baby Wayne Springali Those who came the longest distance were Mr and Mrs Saunders of Texas Birth day nearest reunion Springali oldest car Donald Draper Edwin Richardson gave on Only Shirrift Instant Mashed Potatoes come in ready cooked FLAKE form These flakes make the smoothest flufflest instant potatoes you ever tasted As in all Salads ShirriffAllorseyfnod products youll find true flavour and extra value in every package Every Salads ShirrifFHovsey product is Quality guaranteed by the Chessman Symbol of Excellence ESTATESALE ioNcs YEAR OPPORTUNITY GENUINE BARGAINS DIAMONDS come IN AND LOOK AROUND Wilma Photo by Tavern AVENUE UNITED afternoon rites The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Sinclair of Mine sing The bridegrooms par cuts are Mr and Mrs Ritchie of Lisle Mr and Mrs Ritchie will reside on Duniop Street East interesting report on the growth of the family tree it was agreed that the clan will meet the first Sunday after July 12 next year GENTLE METHOD MONTREAL CF Softsell tactics should be used in teach ing children how to swim says Ed Healy Montreal Amateur Athletic Association coach Chil dren who fear the water should be coaxed into it quietly and easily and actual teaching of swimming technique should start only when the fear has vanished he said For ffalr Style Of Distinction visrr Ionn gurrlck mun STYLISTS PA 84 lhemmmmehsynfiolicd slprcme been uvd valve In diamonds Charm diamonds horn rhodiumplated setting and shouldersjor everlastian brilliance JEWELLERS PA s4201 Dunlop st DIAMOND RINGS rnoM $1000 UP JEWELLERS EsserIISHED 1890

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