0110 50 THATS what goes on behind that box Youngsters at carnival take their chances on catch at Iishpond at park Herc gifts is tied to fishing line by WINCH PROTESTS Letter Re Argue Called Incorrect OTTAWA CF or old Winch CCF member of Pariia ment for Vancouver East said Thursday letter made public by four fellow CCF MPs in sup port of Hazen Argue for leader ship of the New Party is incor rect unfair and unfounded This document is designed for one purpose only the elec tion of one man but it will bring about disunity and hard feelings which are not required and will hurt he said Mr Winch who told press conference he is supporting Sas katchewan Premier Douglas for the leadership said there Is absolutely no favoritism shown either candidate by the national committee of the New Party of which he is member Mr Argue is national CCF leader The letter in question com plained that Argue supporters were not able to get list of delegates attending next weeks convention ARE NEVER PUBLIC Mr Winch said that in all his experience in politics and labor matters convention dele gatcs lists were never made public To give the list to any candi date would necessitate making the list public and would lead to proconvention campaigning by mail on multitude of ques tions of policy constitutional and other matters likely to be raised Douglas supporters had not been provided list of dele gates and were conducting no largescale mail solicitation for the Saskatchewan premier he added Mr Douglas and his support ers had received no help from the national council of the CCF party but as national leader Mr Argucs travelling expenses have been paid from party funds DECIDES ON VOTE Mr Winch said the national committee for the New Party decided on vote at one of its meetings that the lists of dele gates would be given to no one The Vancouver MP said the cow colours INTO cnowo or sruDrNr mdddened young cow charges into seated crowd of young Spaniards and Amer ietter signed by Her ridge Kooleoay West Douglas Fisher Port Arthur Arnold Peters Timisknrning and Frank Howard Skeenn dealt with an internal matter and should not have been made public The other four CCF and New Party lilPs supporting Mr Douglas were not sending out thousands of letters Mr Winch said At Regina Premier Douglas disagreedvlhursdoy with pro tests over programing plans In an interview the premier said the program was set up by committees representing all shades of opinion and had been appmyed by the national com mittee of the CCF Hold Buffalo Girl For Iury Hearing BUFFALO APChyrel Lee Jolis 15 was ordered held Thursday for grand jury action on kidnapping charge as her lawyers failed in an effort to win dismissal on the grounds of insufficient evidence Judge William Regan ruled after hearing for the school girl that there was enough ev idence to warrant grand jury studY Chyrel Lee charged with kid napping Richard Edgington last June 22 also has admitcd kidnapng Andrew Ashley June 23 according to police Commissioner Frank Felicetta But the commissioner says she has denied drowning the younger boy whose body was found in Delaware Park Lake June 25 Regan ordered Chyrel Lee re turned to the mental section of city hospital for further tests pending grand jury action prob ably next month The girl who has record of treatment for mental disorders has been in the hospital since shortly after she was picked up by police July The Edgingtonboy was kid napped and left bound but un banned beside railroad track icon college boys in the running of the bulls in the concession operator Exam iner Photos Hundreds Take In Attractions lit Carnivals Hundreds of youngsters scra mbled over Shear ond Lions parks in their efforts to take in all the attractions at two corn ivais last night The Shear Park carnival was the best attended and they had several features not present in the Lions carnival Shear chil dren spent their time wrest ling boxing throwing balls at human monkey and numerous other endeavors The Lions carnival offered similar attractions on small er scale Both parks were fill ed with satisfied children and there were many children who expressed the opinion that this years carnivals were tops CUSTOMER IN FOR HORRIBLE TIME IN CARNIVAL HORROR HOUSE Little Lle Mdn Is Electrocuted At Camp Borden ssyearold Barrie district man was electrocutcd at the top of hydro pole at Camp Borden Thursday afternoon Dead is Elwyn Hopkins 55 of Little LakE RR Barrie Mr Hopkins civilian work er with No 21 Works Coy was working with crew near the RCAC School tank hangar He was strapped to the pole with safety belt trying to change transformer when he touched hot 2400volt wire at 330 pm The body had to be car ried down the pole The accident was investigated by RCMP and Camp Borden Provost detachment Funeral seljvice will be held at pm tomorrow for Mr Hopkins at the Turner and For ter Funeral Home in Toronto The body will be buried at St Johns Anglican Cemetery in Dixie Ont ELWYN HOPKINS Increases In World Sales Offset Coffee Drops Here By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor Increases in coffee sales in European and other markets more than offset decrease in North American purchases in 1960 to mark up an overail world sales advance This and other details of the trade are contained in the 92 pages of Annual Coffee Statis tics 1900 recently published by the PanAmerican Coffee Bur eau Features include substantially increased purchases by Russia largely resulting from agree ments with Brazil for exchanges of products and also increases by both West and East Ger many and Italy Other countries showing notable increases in clude Argentina and the United Arab Republic Scandinavians continue to be Europes big col fee drinkers on per capita basis Estimated coffee imports by all buying countries totalled 42 635000 60kilo bags of green coffee with each bag containing the equivalent of 132278 pounds This was 18 per cent above the 1959 volume and 145 per cent above 1956 United States imports dropped famed Pompiona fiesta AP Wircphotot 11100000 bags from their 1959 historic high to 22104000 bags and represented 518 per cent of the world total down from 557 per cent in 1959 Canadas imports were also down by some 20000 bags to under 1000000 though Cana dian imports have increased by Hyper cent in the 195+1960 period Despite the import drop coffee roastings in Canada in creased of Canadas imports nearly 08 per cent came from LatinAmerica down from 91666 per cent in 1959 and the rest was from Africa mainly Brit ish East Africa European imports were 17 000000 bags up nearly 10 per cent of this 938000 bags went to Soviet bloc countries an crease oi 269000 bags This eluded 390000 bags to Russia an increase of 205000 bags and 325000 bags to East Germany an increase of 108000 Czechns lovakia Poland and Hungary were all down France was the biggest Euro pean icoffee buyer at 3447000 bags followed by West Ger Italy 1653000 Belgium and Luxembourg 1109900 and the United Kingdom 920000 Imports by western hemiss phere countrieSother than the United States and Canada were 639000 bags up 133000 by Af rican countries 1146000 up 77000 and by countries of Asia and Oceania including Aus tralia 743000 up 194000 MAIN EXPORT Brazil was the big exporter of 163119000 bags and Colombia next at 5933000 Illustrating the importance of coffee to the economies of number of Latin Americnn countries Brazils ex ports valued at $712748000 made up more than 56 per cent of all her exports while those of Colombia valued at $332 965000 accounted for more than 71 per cent of her exports Total western hemisphere ex ports of 806646000 bags were down three per cent from 1959 while African exports of 11093 000 bags were up more than 14 per cent and those of Asia and Oceania 1350000 bagswere up more than three per cent While coffee sales have in creased their value has de clined Their 1960 value was $1942000000 compared with $1 lieoroe linvies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA 03186 9600001100 in 1959 and $2410 000000 in 1956 Exportnble production from the grower countries which rose from 35000000 bags in 19564957 to 66000000 bags in 19591960 dedined to slightly more than 51000000 bags in 1960 1901 chiefly because of smaller Brazilian crap resulting from heavy rains1his was the first decline in exportahlo production in five years but it still ex ceeds world demand Girls llre Hiking Drillia To Victoria MEDICINE HAT Alta CF Patricia Lenhey 19 and Lois Jefferey 10 of Oriilia spent Wednesday night here before taking to the road again on their hitchbiking tour to Vic toria from Oriliia The girls had been bored with their holidays at home and Mrs Leakey suggested what she con sidered the perfect antidote Go away go see the coun try go hitchhiking The girls set out July 17 air lowing themselves six weeks for the 6000mile round trip includ ing week on Vancouver is land So far they are right on schedule and staying within their $5aday budget which in cludes meals and staying in liflliiGA hostels whenever possi Man Is Killed By Work Train KAMINISTEKWIA Ont or work train strucka Canadian Pacific Railway motor car at this community 25 miles west of Fort William late Thursday and killed one of the four men on the smaller vehicle Provincial police said John Kruzlialr 57 of Finmark Orit was killed while three others jumped off the motor car and were not injured The work train was in the area reparing washouts caused by the recent heavy rains around the Lainhead Vic msonnnoc AGENCY or humor 51 nlulnl Wind Storm Hits Ivy Trees Crops IVY special wind storm went through part of this com munity Monday afternoon and did considerable damage Wheat wns flattened trees split roof torn off the barn at the rectory and Ken Smiths hen houses were blown away YOUNGSTERS DISPLAY WRESTLING PBOWES Pony Show Plans Progress Barrie Fair Grounds could resemble Torontos Woodbine race track when the Barrie pony show getsunderwoy there Saturday Aug Special feature of the event this year will be harness rac ing with parimutuel betting available for those who wish to place bet on their favorite trotter FOUR RACES There will be four races of two heats each and entries directors meeting of the Barrie Agricultural Society was held last night Main topic at the meeting was plans for the Barrie Fair Sept 14 15 and 16 There was general discus sion as to the best me od of cutting the grass at te fair grounds motion was passed author izing the property committee to have the recehorsa barn painted By JOSEPH MaoSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer The history of EastWest relt lations on Berlin since the Sec ond World War points toward possibilities of negotiation des pite the apparently polar posi tions of President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev if the story is divided into five capsule chapters the first be gins in 1945 when Hitlers em pire collapsed and Germany was divided into four zones Berlinwell within the Soviet Zone also was divided into four sectors with the United Stats 13 ritain and France guaranteed entry into their re spective zones through 100 miles of Sovietsupervised territory The big four meanwhile had undertaken at Potsdame to sign eventually peace agreement with reunited Germany Chapter II of the chronology opens in the spring of 1948 when the Soviet Union threw block ade around Berlin in the hope of forcing the Western powers out of the city The Russians abandoned the blockade after year failed by the famed Ber tin airlift Cbapter begins inMay 1949 when the Western powers merged their zones and the West German Federal Republic was created Five months later the Russians established the German Democratic Republic East Germanyin their zone which surrounds Berlin Chapter IV comprises pe riod of stalemate between 1954 and1958 when Moscow sought to force the West German gov ernment and its allies to recog nizethe deal with East Ger many The first startling paragraphs of Chapter Vstill unfinished Gardens Seeds FrnoLsYs Flowers Plans ForFair Are Discussed By Directors letter was read from Conklin Shows Ltd inviting the directors to attend the Peter borcugb Fair and consider the Conklin midway as possible attraction at the Barrie Fair motion was passed that the matter be referred to the Mid way Committee to arrange deputation to visit Petcrbor ough The agricultural meeting was chaired by Al Brown Score tary was Coies Thirteen members were in attendance History Of Berlin Points To Talks Despite KennedyKhrush Split were written Nov 10 1950 by Soviet Premier Khrushchev when he demanded an end to the four power occupation of Berlin The millions of words added since then have seen Khrush chev tightening the screw on Berlin Khrushchev has demanded solution of the Berlin situa tion by the end of this year but it is noted that he once be fore droppcd such deadline which he had set for May 1959 Khrushchev has proposed the immediate conclusion of peace treaty with Germany the establishment of West Bar hn as demilitarized free city and the termination of the rights of the Western allies to Berlin He has suggested that if the Western countries did not wish to sign single peace treaty two treaties with the divided country would be acceptable to him Khrushchev does notnow in sist an the diplomatic recogni tion of East Germany but he contends that East Berlin is part of East Germanya point sharply contested by Western countries The West maintains there can Ts BE FRANK mrtflmiwzr JUST surnames in rumor Prawn we FINEsf sEIw Ic Av Mosr REASDNAILE IArEs HIPOTI RICHARDSON snomcsrnvm Filo8971460 VESPRA Si For Fair have been received so far from Sutton Meaford Shelburn Clarcmont and other centres The pony show will also be big day for any youngster Simcoe County who owns pony There will be many rid ing and show events for ponies and every youngster who en ters is almost sure to win prize of some kind There will also be novelty events for the children includ ing musical chairs and potato races Show will take place at the fair grounds at the junction of Highways 400 and II and will begin at pm The Pony Show is sponsored by Barrie Chamber of Coni merce and is being organizcd by Bristow of the ch In her Any profits will be used in the chambers project to re store the historic buildings of Willow Fort MY PET BEEF CHARLES SIMPSON 77 of Barrie think the town is dead this summer The tour ists come up here and they look at Kempenfelt Bay That takes them five minutes and then theyre on their way be cause there is nothing else to do be no meaningful peace untilg as the original agreements statedGermany achieves self determination through vote of all its people But it is clear Khrushchev would have to menace Berlin itself before the danger ofwar would arise The West has indicated it would not fight if the Russians merely signed separate peace treaty with Ens Germany or turned over to Eas Germany responsibilities fora cess routes to West Berlin Welcome Wagon cala hunter the arrival of one newbaby with friendly tallwith basket of gftsand congratulations of the enbrecommnniiw Be sure to tell Welcome anon of the arrival of every new baby in your life