Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1961, p. 13

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ALLISTON COUPLES CLUB The couples Club of St Johns United Churdl Allirton held the regular meeting in the form of fanlily picnic at Earl Rowe Park west of Alliston on July Many members and their families enjoyed an afternoon of sporting events swimming and delightful picnic lunch Business was at minimum and the next regular meeting of the dubiviU be in September CRYSTAL CHAPTER The regular meeting of Allisv ton Lodge Crystal Chapter was In the Orange Hail Alliston on July l9 Arrangements were made for the members to travel by bus to Lintkay on August 12 for the celebration Derry Day which Is being held there at that time social time brought the meet ing to close MOVES T0 IIEARST During the past Is years Moores Upholstery and Drapery Shop has been familiar sight on Allistons Main Street Lately more have been some changes and it is with regret that the citizens of the community learn ed that John Moore and his family will be moving to Hearst Ontario some time in the very near future They will be greatly missed and the community wishes them good luck in their new endeavours BREAKING AND ENTERING In the early hours of Saturday morning July 15 thieves enter ed the jmvcllcry store of Frank Ericco on Allistons main street and stole quantity of mer chandise includini watches and other them The police are continuing investigation but to date there have been 110 arrests in connection with the thcft How ever it is felt it is strictly local matter as the store was entered by rear window and it apeared the premises were quite familiar to the intruders PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD At the regular meeting of the Allislon Union Public School Board on luly 17 further dis cussion took place regarding negotiations for property for new public school As no definite assessment of the land under consideration had yet been re ceival from the boards solici tor decision could not be reached it was agreed that further meeting with the Plann ing Board of the Town of Allis ton would be necessary to iron out many important details as there are two tracts of land available Aroport had been received from AdamstfiAichi lects advising that it is possible to ad dcxtra rooms tothe exist lng shcool and hhe Department of Education will be approached Chumh on Saturday July 22 sons of Parry Sound were week end guests of Mr Harry Perkins well and soil of Dalston and Mr and Mrs Don Williams and wand guests at the Perkins residence Thursday It was felt that this would serve as stopgap for few ym if approved but that the plan for new school should proceed immediately According to the statistic fo Ihe past several years to the present time the school is expanding at the rate at about one room year This is going to take some careful planning on the part of the tnistcm and they wish to be prepared to meet this emergen By tour of the school WM taken at the close of the meetv ing the basement floors are being resurfaced and princi pals office now has drapes and rug and me outer reception room is being remodelled FAMILY REUNION Sunday July 16 WM the no casion of happy family reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs Homer Meltfann Allis ton Present for the event were Mr and Mrs David Barrie of Gait Mr and ME Cole Mr and Mrs Garfield Gilbert and three children Mr and hits Ralph Gilbert and three children Mr and Mrs Arthur Gilbert and two childan and Miss Sandra ItIchIanXl all of Toronto and MissAgnm Carter of New Lowell as well as the host and hostess musical evening rounded out very pleasant fondly day SOCIAL NOTES Mrs Edythe Howycr has re turned to her home near Allis ton after two week Iour of Quebec New Brunswick and Prince Edward lslond wedding of wide intenst took place at Knox Presbyterian when his Joan Pendellon of Mansfield was united in mar riage to William Cumberland of Alliston Mr andMrs Frank Craig of Church Street North have left on their summor vacation for an extended tour of Prince Edward Island and visit with their many friends and relatives there Mr and Mrs Claude Tomlin son Ottawa former residents of Alliston were in town recently While in Alliston they visited several of their old friends at tende the Lions Club Frolic and motored to Rama to visit Mr and Mrs Harold Cox SHANTY BAY Mr and Mrs Len Kollka and and Mrs Mr and Mrs Norman Max amily of Cookstown for their opinion on this proposal TELEVISION FRIDAY JULY 430 Caravan 510 Cannonball 000 News Headline invisible Monster Daredevil non Funn niaer Report nuu Jamleson 025 News Weather Sports 700Fathcr Knows Best 730 Love Lucy 000 Red River Jlmhurcu 030 Perry Mason 930 bungal 011m 1030 Tightrope 110 CHOW Now 1115 The WEIthuman Today in Sports Community New 1105 Movie glimmer Storm an ax JULY 20 140 Tcst Pattern CFTO CHANNEL mmAY JULY Zr 400 erutessurs aloequ 500 Whirlyhlrds 530 Sports 540 Magic Moments in Sports 045 News Weather 700 Outdoors 730 Leave it To Beaver 000 Theatre at Eight The Harlem Globetrotters vac Country Styla 100 am of the Matter 1100 News Weather Sports 1115 setter Late us mllogue Xle AN EXAMINER WANT AD CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE 1100 CBC News 1110 News Wcather 1115 Georgianxcmua Twin Bill 1000 nrvu Gun Will Travel 151 500 New Mugslim 650 Now 700 Men Into Space 730 King Ganam Show 030 Two Face West 000 Nakcd City 1000 Fight of theWeak 1050 Johnny Esaw Show 1100 News Weather Sports 1115 Saturday Night Theatre 105 Epilogue SUNDAY JULY 1000 Youth and Religion 105 SIUIIEI for Sunday 25 ffiifimfi 1100 Around the World 130 Douglas Fairbanks Present SATURDAY 25 200 Inter Lergue susebuu 1010 Professors Party 410 Feature Movie 1110 Sports college 000 Rln Tin Tin 1145 Boys Glris House 030 Glencannun 1200 News Weather Sports 700 The 11m uccoyl 1215 Social Credit Program 170 Th Donna need Show 1230 Channel Nine Theatre 000 Academy Performance Miss nrnuawayi Fire Down Below 110 Baschafl 000 Intermission Wrestuug 005 Academy Perform11c 111 Time Part 11 Sports 1000 Palladium Magic Moments in Sport 1100 News Weather sports Weather 1115 Epilogue PROGRAMS 525 News Weather Sports 510 AllStar Golt Part 700 Dennis The Meant 750 The Pcoplnl Choice 000 Sgt Bllko 030 SeIBunt 900 Great Movies tPitiludelpitl Story Sport hilly Pink Nightgown 11am nax 105 Test Pattern 100 Popeye and Pals ms Nuws Weather Sports 130 Country Calendar 200 Davis cup reuuls 530 Naked City 000 humor or tile Junrle 700 National Velvet 730 some or Thor Days 000 Ed Sullivan 510w 155 News and Weather 900 GM Presents turns Out that the adverse 200 Baseball Gum of tile Week 1000 Bringing Up Buddy hearts are d1v1ded either as or am At Lu g5 Nariw 44 ews 500 huuunlds Brogdust 1110 News Weather spam Mathematically the hearts 530 Bugs Bunny 1115 Movie will de 33 36 0f the time 600AllStur Gait Corrie Next Spring TORONTO making the contract since the result depends on how the de fenders cards are distributed but there is an indicated course of play which it is best to fol low Lead heart at trick two and duck it in dummy The con tract will then he made if it combined chance of finding the COOKSTOWN Mrs Richard Robertson and Mrs Turner lockland of St Cathannes visitegwith Mr and Mrs lra Wilson last week Vilstors with Mr and Mrs Monkmao last Wednesday were Dr and Mrs Butran and Susan of Sutton Mr and Mrs Jack Porritt and family of Thistlelown were Friday guests of Mr and Mrs and Carr Miss Helen Wright in holiday cs Misf Beverley Broley of at laws is spending few days with her grandmother Mrs Bmley Master Michael Stein son of Mr and Mrs Peter Stein who has been attending Applohy Col lege at Oakville is spending his holidays at home Michael re ceived the scholarship for gcner nl proficiency and keeps it as long as he keeps his marks Do Sunday July 23rd William Kidd of Newmarimt passed away in his 59th year Mr Kidd was born in the Cookstowu Dis trict on the farm now occupied by Mr and Mrs Ivan Wright He was veteran of the Boer War and son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Kidd He has one sur VlVlflg sister Mrs Davies at Whitby and sister Mrs Hart ford Lewis and brother Charla cs Lewis who predeceased him Funeral service will be from Newmorket Undertaking pari 0urs on Wednesday interment in Newmarkot cemetery Tlle Juveniles Won over Bar rie at Barrie on Saturday July 2an with score of 41 011 Wednesday July 19 the Bantam Baseball Club journeyed to Bax ter and were victorious 100 Dr Leadlay celebrated his 3r birthday on Saturday July Rev and Mrs Howey will he holidaying during August Rev Burton of Keitleby and Ron Pegg of Becton will occupy the pulpit at the United Church dur mg the next five weeks Rey Adam of St Johns Anglican Church will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday before going to st Gcorges Anglican Church in Poterbor ough During August and Sept ember the PriestiiiCharge will betRev Harpur of Scar borough On Friday evening July 215i number of people from Town attended farewell party at Newton Robinson hall for Mr log with Mr and Mrs lllay ROUND SIMCOE COUNTYI and Mrs Ralph Hougtlton Mr Houghton is leaving shortly in he principal of he Mnrkdala school number of friends of Wil liam Riley called on Friday ev ening at his home in honour of his birthday The evening was spent playing cards and then the party went in Sherwood lodge for cake and cats BAXTER Mr and Mrs John Beds of Scarborough spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Beats Mrs Moore Miss Mary McKenna Misses Carol and lnr raine Lowery of Ottawa spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rschnr Carol and bor rnine Lowery are spending weeks holidays here Mr and Mrs Mooney of Thornton visited Mr and Mrs Mooney on Sunday Mr and Mrs Henderson and daughter Rollin of Caledcm spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Henderson Sr Mr and Mrs Lundine have returned home after months holiday in Nova Scotin Mr and Mrs Morris of Toronto visited hlr and Mrs Mooney on Sunday Mrs ilough and Miss Darlene Mooney returned with them for weeks holiday Rev and Mrs Seatnn of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Edgar on Sunday Miss Carol Edgar has re turned home after spending two weeks with relatives at Oritlia Congratulations to the new lyweds Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gordon who were married on LARRY aititNNbN BLONDIE JULIET JONES EIFE BAND we would like to congratulate thechildren of the fife band and especially Mr Weslnvor of Angus who has been train ing them They were able lot play for the annual march of the Orange Lodge and LOEA on the morning of July 11 also for the church parade on Sun day July 5E ADJOURN INQUIRY HENRY WIRES MLYOR Mum THAT MEANS WHOEVEK TAILED US IN THAT CAR WONT BE GETTING ANY CLOSER FROM BEE WOULD SURMISETHAT EVE JONES JUSTGUTTHE STAMP OFAPPEOVAL FRDMTHE FAMILY YOU MNCUR MR HALE SISTERAND FATHBUM THE WORLD IADMIT PIEGAVEME ACASEOFSHAKES DEERE wr OUGNYA HOLD us For THEY DEchED THOUGH EVEJONES ILL WHISTLE 09 Saturday MONTREAL CPlA provin cial inquiry into the affairs at ospital was adjourned Wednesday to Sept 20 Com mission counsel Guy Favreau said the postponement is to per mit commission accouhtant t0 You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump North leads the jack of dia monds South plays the two and you win with the queen How would you play the hand AAAJ71 4104 WNE 395° 164 1032 You are declarer with the West hand at four Spades and shifts to trump at trick two South following suit How would you play the hand as tam ¢A884 75 9110 41 431002 There is no sure way of and 42 48 of the time The hearts favorably divided is CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER of producing ninth trick as North leads the king of clubs examine the hospitals books of play offers as good chalice DATING HIM WHISTLESE IM IN RING isms BLOW PEMEMBEBTHE BOY WHO CHANGED MY FLATlIiEE2 ducking the first heart lead Win the spade in dummy and ruff club Thenplay dia mond Now trump club trump diamond and finally trump dummys last club All the clubs and diamonds in your hand and dummys are now accounted for and you wind up losing three trickstwo hearts and club This type of crossrth ls known as dununy reversal You playrthe hand as though you are dcclarer with the East cards and West is the dummy It would be perfectly normal is you even ONgaLYEKfZ DONE NOTHIN WAE AdftalNay WM LECTEU 50 ELEGIébMAINm TIMBth for East if he were declarer to arrange to ruff all his clubs with Wests trumps and almost anybody who hemme declarer with the East cards would do this The pattern of play does not change just because West is declarer He simply imagines that he is in the East seat and plays the hand in exactly the same way If declaror makes the mis take of drawing second round of trump he goes down He al so fails if he tries to ruff hearts in dummy because as soon as he leads heart the defense re GRANDMA aav ws HADA LOT FIIN AT GRANDMAS THIS MomiN we was SEEINWHO GOULD MAKE up 711 513591 PM WITTY SHEIS ma ma 112mm iwivgigwwszsa We AN Us KIDS WERE ALL TELU HER HOW YOUNG LooKIN GORGEOUS AN turns trump to disrupt the crossnllf South winds up losing two hearts and two clubs Hello Frisco Hello News Package nruvo Theatre If your carrier has 1101 vaLLEv 011111111511 Miss Yllli please phone Pa 82433 AmiA Copy Will Be neuyerea To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE DRIVEwYOURSELF CARSVAND TRUCKS arrived by 8111111 TAXI Tomorrow Avoidili the dan therefore 84 No other method ger hand DAILY CROSSWORD Ha ANA 570 11012053 spoken 21 eeltel Loreen smug grain TEQUP LEE lt 81511011 LgenIIzh 26Greek 1120 ac =0 Fran letter submit coin 28121122 285 sfi $2 trans 52mm none MtiStt TED 110thaw 8Chrtshnas outi SMALL 135mm song cm urnlpower 7Throwiug clasa EA EXLII figoiyinu afiukssian 28111511 T51 undesi 28 errors 9131100 part mm 15 Scheme 121iace 20 Decoy 38 Golf pegs 1810 tennis 11 Clearly 34Ejeci£ 40tht brook return 18 Mischief 35 Bid 41 German Ill 11 Kind or tooling 3601190 van river gt sauce 10 Away 17 Nested 42 observes 19Slmpleton 20mode boxes 4613211 22 calm at 21111110 dial Hop along the Day aber 23110 along 17 Antonin coiled so Confront 51 Japanese drama 32111 Madrid an aunt 83601110 chance 38 restless 391111111 40 Disturbed 44 foigloothlng In 15113131112111111 wit ii 4710011 1010s lt ill 41 Valued escgtchcons WK ewe Vxfl TMEMAJORSEEMS tETME ASSURE Vblh MVFRIENDS MVTRDDPS VERY CONFIDEny FELT DIE HAVE COMBED THEAEEA 9R TRI SIMEv SAWYER SURROUNDING YOU IM AFEAID HES fligms COMMUNISTS FRTRI MISTAKE VllLAEEANYGLIERRILI WHO WERE HERE HAVE FLED HAVE NDYIIIII TOWOERY AEOIJT All COMRADE IT is liUSI A5 FREDICTEF THE ISUVERNMENT TROOPS ARE EXHAUsIEP FORCED 1075i NIGHT 50 OUR TIME MAS come in escrow ro STRIKE WHAT WI MEA¥MSSILE$ JUST WAIT JUL OUR MOTORlSTSSIART belea THEM t1

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