Trailer Holiday Can Be Rewarding vacation on wheels can be one of the most rewarding cn joyable adventures or family and may cost considerably 55 than the vacation that invoiva hotel or motel bills and expens ire restaurant meals More and more families today are taking to the open road and seeing Canada first in com pact travel trailers and pickup campers that have the many comforts of home plus many ex tra dividends First there Is the freedom to pick up and go whenever and wherever the mood strikes The low cost makes it possible for many who otherwise could not afford to travel to enjoy seeing new and interesting places ECONOMICAL Trailers are most economi cal means of seeing the coun try they are made to go any where car will go and often provide opportunities to visit outnbtheway places For those who like to have riunav JULY fur ii every comfort modern and sce nic trailer parks are to be tound in increasing numbers any where in Canada the United States or Mexico These parks feature all of the modern conveniences plus many luxury facilities such as swim ming pools and recreation ar 885 Bécause of its mobility tra vcl trailer can be several hom es in one for the vacationer beach home mountain home desert home or hunting and fish ing lodge An sitrage family can enjoy the advantages of several vacation sites with only one modest initial investment WEEKEND FUN In one summer alone film lly might enjoy trip to the sea shore ri camping excursion to the mountains and stay in the desert The travel trailer is ideal for weekend trips too Youth Who Steals Not Responsible JVINDSOR CPIThe deputy leader of the Social Credit party of Tuesdaynight blamed Canadas economic sit uation for all her juvenile do iinquency Real Caouelte Rouyn Quc in speech at public meeting here said that young man who cannot find job and even tually steals is not respon sible lilr Caouctte said Social Credits cure for Canadas eco nomic ills would be tn give every Canadian $100 the spend ing of which would give the economy the necessary shot in the arm The gift he said would amount to total of $1700000 am The money Would come from the Bank of Canada Buy Rambler and Save From the moment you drive it home and right until you trade it youll be dollars ahead with Rambler Classic Before you buy any car consider the Rambler Clasaios dollarsaving features SAV with the Rambler Classics low purchase price SAVE with the Rambler Clasaics rust protection by exclusive DeepDip process SAVE with the Rambler Ciaasioa proven gas economy Class winner in economy run in the toughes company SAVE with the Rambler Classics Rambler Its stronger safer SAVE with the Rambler Claasics Guaranteed for the life of the SAVE with the Ram ponsored by leading Toronto newspaper Class winner US economy run sponsored by famous US oil SingleUnit Construction Perfected by keeps car free from rattles for years exclusive ceramic armoured muffler car during original ownership bier Classics famous quality workmanship Keeps maintenance costs low SAV with the Rambler Classics high resale value See your nearest Rambler Dealer and find out how comfortably you can save in Rambler Classic ran itan at FAR in am CAR VIAUV ncowaN srnrrr To New World Standard of Barrs Emma Paoouor or AMHICAN Morons lCANADAl uMllEll morons LTD PA 66488 Ellie Earth Examiner Barbecue Gear Deserves Here are care tips for your barbecue gear that will repay you with better cooking and longer service Guard your grill Spray rods with intfree cooking aids or oven protector spray or brush with salad oil before cooking helps avoid sticking of food saves cleanup The grill will last longer if Harris Reunion HeldGreniel Ninelytwo members attend ed the lath Harris reunion at the Grcnfel Community Cen tre Supper was in the base ment of the hall Young and old joined in the games and races in the after noon undcr the leadership of Bernice and Graham Tattersalf and Ernie and Della Harris Prizes were given for the oldest rncmbcr present Mrs Ebby Harris Barrio youngest mem ber Marilyn Partridge daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Part ridge and price to the most recently married couple Mr and Mrs Edwin Scott of Bar rie After supper the president of the reunion Everard Harris of Barrie conducted the meet ing Officers for the coming year are Everard Harris president Mort Hutchinson viceprcsident Marie Harris secretary and Ross Harris treasurer Elected to the sports commit too are Patsy Harris Joan Dougherty George Harris and Doug Harris Table commit ltee includes Hannah Hutchin son Pearl Dougherty and Ethel Baker Next year the reunion will be held on the third Sunday of July at the Grenfel Community Centre Codrington Plans Carnival On Aug There will be carnival at Codrington Park Wednesday Aug Playground supervisor Karen Emberson said today there will be cake and candy sales hor ror house fish pond and numerous other features in what is expected to be great carnival Miss Emberson said last week was quite busy at the park On Wednesday Beatnik Day 20 real cool cats won prizes for their costumes Four children have had per fect attendance at the play ground this year They are Donald Harvey John and Paul McCubbing and Casey Barn Prizes are given for attend ance Miss Emberson said the sen ior girls are making ribbon to sell at the carnival and the younger children are working on pnpsicle sticks The junior boys are doing glass paintiogs and the senior boys are work ing with ceramic tiles Their combined efforts will be on dis play at the carnival Thls Is to certy that Dow Ala Is brewed by the exclusiva Coal Control process This process Is continualy fesfrd hereby ensuring unlformihlgb quality on NANALMCE ammonium BLENDED BARLEV Mans MULTI BLENDINE annual SMOOTH lion vaga Care you put it over coals few min liter before youre ready to cook CLEANING GRILL There are two popular meth ods for cleaning the grill re move grill after cooking and clean pronto Hold with hot pad and wipe off with cloth dampen ed in cold water or wrap in wet newspapers or paper towels Use scouring pads or aitk to re move stubborn spots 0r cleanse by fire just leave grill top over coal to char Remove grill scrape rods with wire bnish use soaptillcd pads Wash spit baskets skewers and holding forks in hot sudsy water LINING FIREBOX Line the firebox or brazicr with houvyduty foil Foil re fleets beat speeds up cooking Line smoker hood too bed of gravel or Micalike pelchs on top of foil keeps firebox from burning out it absorbs grease cuts down on flareups icts air In so heat is evenly distributed Pour on more mienlike pellets or rake up and overcoals to smother At end of dump pellets on garden Ihry are good soil conditioners Be sure to store equipment clean Brush grill and firebox with salad oil Cover with special barbecue cover or canvas stow in dry place Keep leftover charcunl in metal caddy in dry place If charcoal is the slightest bit damp spread it out to dry be fore storing damo charcoal may ignite spontaneously 35 No Vespra To Grade Wayne Culver Reta Harris Tom Howard Al lan Sparrow To Grade Linda Baker Bill Howard To Grade Raymond Eh eitt Diane Fetter Dennis John son To Grade Jane Baigent Ken Culver Garry Ebertt Ran dy Ford To Grade Betty Howard lsuzanna Pearce Michael Sear To Grade Dorothy Cam eroo Carol Fetter Debbie Searle Barbara Twaddle ToGrade Sr Donna Johnson To Grade Johnny Pearce Edward Slack Agnes Sparrow Billy Waddle Carry Cheques Not Much Cash When traveling across the nav tion or around the world the best and safest way to carry your money is with travelers cheques converting them into cash only when you need to This doesaway with learning the rate of exchange of foreign money unless you want to Your agent will tell you what to do and see that you get the best rate Atomic Weather Station In Arctic MONTREAL CPThe Carla dian government ice breaker John Macdooald sailed for the Arctic Wednesday with the worlds first atomic powered weather station on board The station fully automatic is to be established on Graham Island 750 miles south of the NorthAPole Containing an automatic re cording and transmitting unit it was built by the Glenn Martin Company of Baltimore under contract with the US Atomic Energy Commission and shipped to Montreal by truck The station designed to col ieetand relay data on tempera ture wind and barometric pres sure will fill gap in the me teorological network between manned outposts at Resolute Bay on Cornwallis Island to the south and Eureka on Ellesmer Island to the north The stations atomic genera tor powered by strontium 90 is expected to operate for several years without maintenance or refuclling man llelivgs now in Carmelf LARRY BRANNON comic strip with Canadian theme is the creation of Hamilton hon artlst Jamel lWinslow Mortimer whose strip is dis tributed to 66 Canadian daily BOVIN NEWSPAPERMAN Hamilton Born Artist Creates Comic Stri By CARL iiroLans Canadian Press sun Writer TORONTO fCP pair of twolisted young men with penchant for adventure are giv ing Canada and Canadians buildupon the comicstrip pages of more than 80 dolly news papers across Canada The heroes of the two strips are Larry Brannon and Jeff Buchanan respectively min ing magnates tmuhleshooter and roving newspaper man Although Brannon and Buch anan now form only tiny Canadian minority amid the predominantly American pro duced comics their appeal could encourage the develop ment of Canadian cartooning The resourceful Lorry Bran non is the creation oflrimes Winslow Mortimer Hamilton born artist who developed his craft in the United States work ing on such strips as Super NY and his stripis distrib uted to 66 Canadian dailies by the Toronto Star Syndicate PRODUCED IN OTTAWA Handsome Jeff Buchanan is piloted through his Canadawide escapades by Ottawa Journal parliamentary reporter Gordon Dewar who writes thestory and Ottawa freelance artist Gordon Johnston who draws the pictures The Toronto Telegram News Service supplies the strip to 15 Canadian newspapers Neither strip has found an outlet in the United States Star spokesman said the Bran non strip is in the hands of us agent but that no sale has been rung up yet Telegram official said the Canadian mar ket for the Buchanan strip has not been fully exploited and un til it has no outofthecountry sales drive is planned At first glance Brannon and Buchanon seem similar to any of the jutjawed American car toon heroes whohave downed Scoundrels and fended off glam orous females for years But most of the situations and loca tions in the new strips are dis tinctive because they are un mistakably Canadian CANADIAN SCENES Brannon sequence recently had the hero driving by Tor US To Surrender Air Force Bases ST JOHNS Nfld CP1E United States will turn over its deactivated Peppereli air force base to Canadian officials in brief ceremony here Thursday The $36000000 base will be occupied immediately by the Canadian Navy Ownership of the base builtin 1941 will be settled by the Supreme Court of Canada The base abandoned last July was leased to the Americans by Britain as part of the destroy ersforbases deal of the Second World War Newfoundland was British Crown colony at the time The Palelle Room NRme mm mm Dmmm ROOM THE WHITE TOW Enquiries lnvttad tor business mutton ERs More onlos Casa Loma flashing along the Queen Elizabeth Way passing Hamiltons new city hall and finally getting tied up in traffic by driving the wrong way on Hamiltons Street Meanwhile Jeff Buchanan has been tangling with Mounties the Mafia and smugglers around Windsor and the De troit River Previously he had been active at the Columbia River power project in the Maritimes and with protection racketeers in Montreal Both strips glamorize Cana dian life and places as com parable American strips have added excitement to life in the Unitcd States There are other signs that homegrown talent is beginning to match demand for cartoon Canadiana Budding cartoonists are finding outlets for their art in their local newspapers Thei Telegram distributes page of humor each week to 150 weekly newspapers on which two of the four stripsGrampa and our Townare drawn by llelyd cartoonist Hugh McLel an FIRST REQUIREMENT Both the Star and Telegram syndicates see the popularity of Brannon and Buchanon as on cnuraging Canadian enterprise in the picturestory field But both stress that Canadianism alone is not eough Sharp car tooning and consistently good story lines come first Cana dianism second Miss Florence Herbert assis tant manager of the Star syndi cate says with hint of wan ing patience that since Larry Brennan was launched last fall the syndicate has been inun dated with cartoon ideas which so far have had nothing to reclt ommend them outside of their Canadian themes However Miss Herbert sug gests that if wellconceived and wellexecuted strip turns up amid the chaff The Star would snap it up Ray Argyle editor of the Tele gram syndicate believes there is room for more Jeff Buch anons although he concedes therejs relative dearth of talent in this field in Canada at present The Telegram has another cartoon adventure under con siderationa kind of Canadian Paul Bunyanand will add the strip to its string of properties if preliminary market research proves encouraging The Canadian point of view is as important in cartoon strips as in any other area of expres BELIEVE IT OR tiara15721 wuo an arm on EOFMDRFOL mean FchgKTlltsla YEA HIE newspapers by Tomato our Syndicate lives in Carmel NY He is shown at his draw ing board Photo sion in Canada Mr Argyle he lieves Canadians feel we need insulation from the conventio of American viewpoint he adds The indications are that sev eral score Canadian editors feel the same way Recent episodes in some American cartoon ad ventures provoked rumblings of anger whenvthey stressed the political view of the United States to the disadvantage of Canada or Britain Mr Argyle says that running an individual Canadian cartoon strip in newspaper often in volvea some inconvenience to editors who must make space for the new strip while they normally buy the comic page as complete package from syndicates But Scott Meyers sales rep resentative of theStar syndi cate points out that in spite of any such difficulties 66 papers run the Larry Brannon strip only five fewcrthan the number carrying the alltime American favorite Blondie Wont Charge Coin Laundries Roberts Says TORONTO UP Attorney General Roberts said Wednes day he will not give leave to prosecute coin laundries that stay open Sundays unless Ahoro are special considerations in each case He told press conference thatso tarbone of the 44 appli cations from the Toronto police and the 10 from Ottawa police asking for leave to prosecute indicate any reason for his con sent An example of conflict might be the location of par ticular laundry if it conflicts with church or religiolLsoh SGrVance he said Mr Roberts said his depart merit would continue to study each applicationfor leave to prosecute on its own merit Meanwhile he added his de partment Will study the entire field of coinoperated machines to see whether the Lords Day On ri Act should be amended providing for addi tional exemptions He said the issue would be presented to the next session of the legislature beginning this M096 lion M63000 Wanderings ewhawmamrm fall andrperhaps the act would he changed NOT Ripley wear pig for 0a SULTAN SOLlMAN in Israrrbul Turkey Sal wwlFRULlIR FOLLOWING THE CONWESI OF lSTANBUL RULERIN HIS FAMILY Ommrmmhnhhhum manic