Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1961, p. 9

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AROUND CREEMORE RETURNS TO ARCTIC Miss Audrey Weir oi Toronto who has recently returned troni six week tour at the British Isles visited over the week at the home at Mr and Mrs Smith Miss Weir lormer member at the Creemore Public School staff is on years leave at absence lrom teachers posit ion at iukto aktult in the tar North She Will be leaving next week for return trip to the Arctic speedy recovery is wished tn Jack Johnston one or Cree mores liieloag residents who has been in tailing health or some time and is now patient at the Coilingwood hospital Don Carruthers has returned to Sunnyhrook Hospital Toron to for lurther treatment and possible operation on his spine dua to an old war injury BRIDE SHOWERED Prior to her marriage on duly 15 Mi Dianne Conn was given miscellaneous shower by Mrs lvan Alexander and Mrs Geor ge Hansier and the WA of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Crcemore in the church parl ors Also by Mrs Smith of Barrie and the pupils and par ents of Grumble Hill School TOWN HALL PAINTEDv new paint job is being el ccted at Oreemores town hall this week by Bill and Lou Cherry The old red paint has been cleaned and replaced with brimter beige shade Complet ion of the doors and woodwork in white will result in pleas ing change in the appearance ol this main street building Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Roger Zeagel nee Wilma Chipchase who were married on July ls Mrs Hisatt is spending weeks vacation with her dau ghter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Corkan Barrie THE LATE MORBY Walter Garlich Morby pas sed away at the General and Marine Hospital Collingwood on July 15 beloved husband or the late Myrtle Lockhart and dear lather oi Miilred and El wood at Glencairn and Norman Gordon Hubert and Orville of Tomato Funeral services were held on July in from the Mumford and Crawford Funeral Home Creemare Interment Glencairn Cemetery THE LATE MICKS John Henry Micks passed Lisle and Mrs Hawkins or away suddenly on July 16 be loved husband of the late Susan nah Elizabeth ann and dear lather of tHildal Mrs Ed TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL RARRIE TaviunAY JULY 410 Junior Roundup lioy Rogers Three stooges Farm Market Report Nsws Headttnel non Jamieaon News Welkher Sparta Gunamoke rho Rebel Summer Cl Checkmate Parade Country Junotiun Peter Gunn ECTV Naws The Weatherman Today in Sports Community Naws nocoy FRIDAY JULY 28 115 Text PAHch 130 Movie The Men in un Lilri iiio Summerama News and snottr Interviews Cartoons Music Caravan Cannonball News Headlines Invisible Monster Daredwil Don Farm Market Report Don Jamleson News Weather Sports 30 530 601 cho CHANNEL9 TbRONTo THURSDAY JULY 21 400 Professors Hideaway one Whirlyhirus Sparta niu Magic Moments in Sport News Weather Best at the Pan Lockuh Theatre At exzht The Yellow aaiioon The aehei Man and the ahaueaze Lnu Agase Show News Weather spam Better Late News Vweather Epilogue FRIDAY JULY 1100 arsa and Jury Channel Theatre For Me II My Gail Nawr Protessora Hideaway whirlybirdr Sports Magic Moments in Short Nsws Weather Outdoors Leave it rn Beave Theatre at Eight lha Harlem Globetrotters Country style Spurn CARRIER MISS YOU ifyour carrierhas nolartived by p111 please phone PA 82433 Am Copy Will Be DenveredTo ion some THERE is No CHARGE FORTHIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 1135 Ruin Douglas sidna and Marie Mrs Mervin Talbot oi Creemore and Ruth Mrs Earl Veatberaii oi Glen Harem bro ther 01 Roy oi creemure Fred oi Collingwood and Viola Mrs George Kayak oi Toronto Herb ed at the Mundord and Crew lord Mineral Home until July 18 where service was held Interment Crremore Union Ce metery ATTENDED FUNERAL Lloyd Barker of Colllngwood and Keneth Barker oi Suynor attended the funeral of Utelr great Uncle Walter Morby on Tuesday Flying Otiicer Leonard Dent stationed at Summcraida PEl is spending leave with his parents Mr and Mrs Wil liam Dent Carolina Street WEEKEND VISITORS Visitors on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Orr Machesney were Bev Machesney androi er Culiis of Vancouver Mr and Mrs Ryder Mr and Mrs Clare Fountain and Miss Beryl Barry 01 Toronto Mrs Goldring and Peter Goldring of Rochester Mr and Mrs Conn and Mr and Mrs Ansell Conn and Miss Dorothy Conn of Collingwood COOKING SCHOOL The liveday cooking school presented in the town hall at Crecmore last week enjoyed large crowds The school spon sored by the Independent Gro cers Aliiance through their lo cal outlet and Westinghouse Electric through their local rep resentative Crest Hardware supplied the lecture draw Westinghouse electric range The draw was made on July 21 At the Thursday afternoon sea sion draw was made or barbecue set which was won by Mrs Don Warden ol Cree more little Janice Dennison drawing the lucky ticket Among the lucky prize win ners on Thursday for the bak ing and cooking products were Mrs Thomas Steed Mrs Jean Blackburn Mrs Aikens Annie Jamieson Misses gt Nellie and Florence May Mrs Hall Mrs Ken Mitchell Mrs Pen elton Mrs Elmer Priddle Mrs Bill Manning Mrs Harry Caul ter Mrs Jim Dale Mrs Mar ion Cherry Mrs Bev West brooke Miss Marion Coulter all of Creemore Mrs Claude Patton and Mrs Gallinger of Honeywood The classes were conducted by Miss Jane Wright one at Canadas leading home econr omists Mrs Bruce Steele act ed as her very capable assist ant TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA L24 700 no no son aao limo loan llon 1115 Father Knows Beat Love Lucy lied River Jamboree Perry Mason Danger Man Have Gun Will Travel Tlgbtro cnc News Thu Weatherman Today in Sport Continually News Movie summer storm Tummy JULY ea Test Pattern News and Weather Baseball Game or the Week anta Duel At Apache Wells outside Broadcast aurs nunny Allstar coir News Weather snaris AllStar Gnu Part Dennis The Menace The Peopiaa choica sgi aiilto sea aunt Great Movies Philadelphia Stary not CBC News 1110 News Weather sports 1115 Georgian China Twin 31 mirzy Pink Nightgown thglc Box 1030 Hart or the Matter limo News Weather Sports in Better Late 1225 Friday Night Theatre Tho Mob 155 Epilogue sAmlmAY JULY 29 loan protestant Party 1130 sports College 1145 Buys Gtrls House News Weather Sports Social Credit Program channel Nine Theatre Mtss prosway Baseball Wrestllng Timer Sports MagimMomsatr in snorta Weather Nawr Men into space King Ganam Show TwoFnces West Naked City insht or the Week Johnny asaw show News Weather Sports Saturday Night Theatre Hello Frisco Hello 105 apllosua eesssoee right line of play to make our East had bid the suit East won VASE Mr and Mrs Eldon Nixon and lamlly oi Tomato visited their parents Mr and Mrs Gnarles Brown and Mr and Mrs John Nixon Mr and Mrs Llorgan Ed wards spcnl Friday evening at Stayner with Mr and Mrs Lorne Wyant and mother Mrs William Collins Glad to re port Mr Wyaat was feeling bet ter alter spending week in Collingwood hospital Quite number irom this community attended tha July 12th celebration at Mactier PROUD OF BAND We are all quite proud olrthe band that was organized this year We all hope they will keep up the good work They led the Vasey Orange Lodge in the par ads at Mactier and reported good crowd Lynne Clement ol orillla spent last week with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Morg an Edwards Reid Rawn Wyebridge vis ited his cousin Norma Lee Ed wards recently Leonard Edwards spent tow days with his cousin Dalia thLham oi Orr Lake Mr and Mrs Gordon Met Kcown Sharon and Dougie spent week with Mrs McKeown their mother Miss Emmallne Edwards scant the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Manley Edwards Mrs Bruce Chapple spent few days in Midland hospital but is now home TOTIENHRM WESTERN TRIP Mia Vince Trainer and Joan left Sunday by train or West em Canada They will first visit Mrs Trainers brother Ambrose Keenan Edmonton who is with the meteorological department of Alberta They will then together go by motor to Vancouver Mrs James Henderson is vis iting in Strathroy with her son mm and daughter Mr and MrsyJolin Blair BANTAMS LOSE Tattenham bantams sponsor ed by the Legion were delcat North déaler Neither side vulnerable NORTH AKJJOBS 0110 32 as EAST 42 vital onions onus aoum 410975 was 9134 4752 The bidding North East South Wm Pan Past Pass Opening lead live at dia minds The declarer can frequently locate some at the missing high cards by making use at interm ation he obtains from the bid ding by the opponents Here is case where Easts opening bid enabled South to Iind the wear 484 vans 075 +010 spades West led diamond alter With the ace and returned the jack taken byvthe king Declarers possible lasers in addition to the diamond were heart and three clubs It seemed certain that East had the ace of clubs as part of his npening bid and that he prob abily had the kingol hearts as we AGEDES Cubas csle Pack away 11 Cooka measure wdg 12 Assistant 13 Heavenly bodV 14 Plains Indian to or Twocitles 17 Library aber 18 subtracts 22 Wheel bracea Meal Land inseam Greek 161W Baldwins Tendollar bills slang Can Find work 10 Tiny 15 Help 18 Cozy mm 33 so any 21 Haalzned 22 cuts as wood as study nine 30Recorded Shivtile 33Snakflax 345mm humorous Play 3Dlnner 4119 coin 425wlfthorao thatmlgoly beautiful martin riveron 461fm mature DOWN Multitude 2Architec mailer WIIMCOE COUNTY ed here Monday evening last by Aurora by 11 They are still tied or first place with Newmaritet The field day litrenn July as commence in the morning and will continue throughout the day BOWLING NEWS gt We still have the ladies dou bles Mrs Hazel Waikem and M11 Helen Sinclair and triples Mrs Palmer Mrs Ander son and Mrs Ciaridge ot Tot tenham and Mrs Amy Vair Barrie leading singles player in District at the provincial lawn bowling in Newmarket The next games will be played in Believille Aug Following the playol In New market the three brave gals en tered the mixed triples tor the Gibney Trophy and brought it home to Tottenham along with beautiful miniature trophies Two at our local rinks motor ed to Gait on Wednesday with Mrs Anderson and Mrs Clot ldge winning three loend games with score of 45 plus 21 or 66 Points and only to points scored against them The men not to be outdone Oral McClean and Joseph Bel lord won their three games the mens doubles in Stayner on Wednesday last HOLLY Littles Hill members are reminded of the social ov ening at Thornton Orange Hall on July so at 815 when district delegates to the national con vention in Vancouver will tell of their trip Each member is asked to take one down cookies and onequarter loaf of sand wiches There will be no services at Holly United Church for Aug ust The congregation will join with Trinity United Church at Thornton when Rev Mr Ban nerman will have charge ol serv vices while Rev Mr Warr is on vacation LONG SERVICE ELMIRA Ont tCP Vic toria Cleghorn 72 year old school and public health nurse is retiring this month when the new Waterloo County health unit goes into operation CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER lhareiore to make the con tract South had to win not only the heart iinesfe when he attempted it but also had to iind way ofavoiding three club losers atter the finesse was successful Declarer succeeded in ac complishing this by timing his plays correctly and taking ad vantage of the knowledge he had obtained lromEasts open ing bid Alter cashing clubs he led the queen of hearts and tinessed He then played the ten to the ace and ruIIed diamond in dummy Next came the jack of hearts East covering with the king instead of rutiing the heart South discarded club The club that declarer dis carded was trick South would have had to lose in any case By giving it up at this point he placed East in position where any return he made was bound to give South the contract club lead by East would establish dummys king as trick and thus bring home the contract while the return of heart or diamond by East would permit South to discard another club as dummy ruffed and thus lose only one club trick of course plays like this re quire some planning it they are to be brought to successful conclusion Which is one reason we have said so olten that it pays to plan the play Tomorrow Test your dummy play DAILY CROSSWORD Itfiiaa 581 mann lain 9511806 or cab bago 33Kmghtfi title 80 or films nloimama a4 Spill 353irdfl Prey $631ng flower a7 Diplomacy infield Allin as Uncooked as Victorian 40 Tablet 44 Greek letter BLONDIE the AK ui LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES ETTA KETI naeum we 15 Mme Souwa owLov 97 TI HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 27 61 M55 HAVE MONEY CALL PM ME THE OME OF MY UNCLE JOSEF BELA IN isouror SIGHT WHAT IDWV AFTER ALLYOU wouumr WATCH IT SAV MEAMHCME EVEANYMWSOUDOHONSILV ANDWKTN DiGNTTViSNJRFGHT THE GOOD LOOKING BOY wuo MAsiieo Ma By AelCiDENT YOUR FENDER DONALD DUCK GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER ac Mfaiii MMOEIT HEW ONYDH WNW GOMRTTHW WHATJN TIM FINDOIITMV GRANDMA own cookiiiaiusen rr t1 airman moors comer imvsive Martio gonna lie annulus sirr Mia tAilTEiLtMKlt PEASMTISAFARMER IVDAVANDA eurltgitui avNuitr QR 510va nsiiiiieroir NTATMVRIAD oilim EL °F TA You £EE wMKAPE MELTAWAYIEAV1MGTHE GOVERNMENT TROOPSlD FIEHT NOTHINE EDT SHAVOWS Wile rill SEARCH names or hivme ERASS itlnlE MARSliFi PROJECT NEEDS lift

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