THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 1961 Eaton Iinappy At Prospect 0f Visit From Soviet Spaceman nAtnrAx cr cm Ealt eastern Europe at the time He tlt Cl vein said Gagarin expressed interest mlmunm tn seeing the Eaton ancestral said Wednesday that Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev is happy at the prospect oi spaceman Yuri Gngnrins visit to Nova Spatial next week However there were signs that at least some local citizens may not be so enthusl astic Dr Joseph Vostermans an economic professor at St Ma rys University here let it be known he plans to wear black armband while Gagarin is in the province Aug 13 Postponement ot the Soviet cosmonauts sit to those dates mm the nriginal July 28 date horn at Pugwash NS home of Eatonsponsored conferences of scientists and others on world problems PROPANE THE mama SAYS EXACTLY RIGHT ms 6A5 HAS 59550 As WELL AS MIGHr BUENLEB Shop Here for was announced Wednesday by Mr Eaton who said he had just received the word direct tram Mosmwr Dr Vostcrmans said he will wear black as sign at mourn ing In his words Its dis grace to invite Major Gagarin to this country Everyone knows that communism is threat to the world and in hav ing him visit Nova Scotia we are only serving the aims of propaganda illnlmt SEE WHAT YOINI OOLLAII BOYS AT BUEIILEIIS cu 330 LEAN MEATY RIB BOILING BEEF OR 113$ STEllltS NIELAJLSEgjijTNFLlIES loo IEAN MEAT PORK TENDER LOIN SltlISllltli sniisncr 00 ammo LBS soumoon lt ll ROASTING 100 FOWL LEAN MEATY TENDER mm Gegnrin was invited to Nova Scotin Mr Eatons birthplace when the two men met in Bul ALLIsron garia last month Mr Eaton was I43 touring Communist countries in OR BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA OR LEAN MEATY STEWING NEAL MEAT EACH rmsr GRoE CAEAMEIIY BUTTER FINE GRANULATED WHITE CLARKS POltlt and BEANS 20 oz Ioo Ilins OHARBONNEAU PACKAGE BISCUITS CULVERHOUSE CHOICE NEW PACK PEAS VARIETIES YOUR CHOICE JUMBO 45s CANTAMUPE 25c CABBAGE 19¢ babys cheeks Best way to putrosestu your babys cheeks make sure his food has enough of the right kind ofzfon For your babys sake Gerber Baby Cereals contain selected form of easytoabsorh iron so baby can get all the bloodbuilding beneï¬a from this important mineral Gerber Gereals are also enriched with calcium phosphorus Bvitamins Important Gerber Cereals are cooked by an exclusive method and twicetested to insure digestibility Flavours are pleasant and all stir to creamy smoothnessvin seconds when mixed with lormulaor milk 20 OZ TINS DESERT PEARS BUEELEES PIKRITE SAVE 10o 601 inr ROBIN noon FAMILY PAK CANE MIXES wrmn on CHOCOLATE 459 69c llllllT cucxmtt 75c LGE Home MIXED CEREAL WHEAT CEREAL RICE CEREAL BARLEY CEREAL OATMEAL CEREAL FBOYEIN CEREAL roan mum mm mm In ms JHAGARA msrmzr MOIC KOOamiï¬bv Made especially for your baby by specialists devoted exclusiver to the preparation of quality baby foods are our businésst mum business Gerber BABY 28 DZ THIS nununnu Foot MARKET 09Ds 16DUNLOP