HOLIDAY mm Mr and Mn Allen To ronto Street are entertaining their sooiolaw and daughter Mr and Mn Wooster and family of Calgary Al berta The western visitors or rived at Melton vie let airlin er and will be in the city for two weeks Mr and Mn Douglasltllcn and family Willowdale are holidaying for two weeks at the home of Mrs Allens parents Mr and Mrs Handy Bloke Street Mr and Mrs Rothwell and lamiiy North Bay are spending two weeks vocation visiting friends in Barrie and Dre Beach Mrs Rothwell is the daughter of Mr and Mrs mote sister at the hostess PEOPLE AND PLACES Pbone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 6651 guests with the hostess were Miss McCann brideelect and Mrs Richard Crookail oi Too Pouring tea during the even ing were Mrs Joseph Molteowo Mrs Moore Mrs Frank Hargreaves Sr Mrs Clifton and Mrs Russell Hinds Tea hostages were Misses Nancy McCano Iarril Smith and Jane Gorrity Misses Sheila Melicown and Margaret McCann sister of the bride elect were in charge of the lrousseau moms Kitchen con veners were Mrs Clarence Cor bett Mrs Maurice Murdock Mrs Lloyd McCloskey and Mrs Harry Partridge SURPRISE PARTY The family of Mr and Mrs MOW TEE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 21 1361 SPIRAL COLLECTION Princess Lines Flatter PARIS AP Goodlooking clothes that latter the ï¬gure with pure princess line were Allen Toronto Street REGINA VISITORS Mr and Mrs Gordon Clark and daughter Miss Irma Clark Codrington Street are leaving the city today for two weekr vacation in Regina Saskatche wan The Clark family will be tho guests of Mr and Mrs James Johnson ENTERTAINMENTS Prior to her marriage this Saturday Miss Patricia Mc Cann has been entertained by her friends in the city Miss McCann will marry Jacques Audet of Quebec City at St Marys Roman Catholic Church at 10 oclock Saturday morn mg miscellaneous shower was hold at the home oi Mrs Frank Hargreaves Sn Amelia Street Mrs Hargrcaves was assisted TA Christie by her daughter Mrs ltonald her daughterinlnw Mrs Frank Hargreaves Jr and Mrs Moore cup and saucer shower was held at the home of Mrs Joseph McKeown Kempenfelt The hostess was assist ed by her daughters Misses Sheila and Nancy McKeown ME AND MRS HERBERT JARVIS Former Barrie Residents Mark Golden Wedding AnniverSary Mr and Mrs Herbert Jar vis recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with reception at the home of their soninvlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Axford Ot tawa They were the recipients of many gifts flowers cards cables and telegrams includ ing message of congratula tions from His Excellency the GovernorvGeneral and Madame Vanier Mr and Mrs Jarvis were married in the Union United Church Lisle Ontario by the late Rev Wilson Mrs Jar vis is the farmer Evelyn Paddi son of Lisle whose family were early settlers in the district Mrs Dagenais Lottie sister of the bride was brides maid and the late Har rington of Toronto was grooms man Mrs Hamilton Kitchener formerly Mabel Park of Col lingwood was flower girl Before moving to Ottawa Mr and Mrs Jarvis lived in Barrie for number of years where they have many irlends and relatives Mr Jarvis serv ed as alderman on the Barrie council in the 19205 Mr Jarvis is Boer War veteran and also served over seas in the first world war He was an accountant in the House of Commons from 1929 until he retired in 1945 Since then they For Hair Style or Distinction vrsrr ionn gutrick HAIR smisrs or arm Ave on Ms have spent their winters in St Petersburg Florida The couple have three chil dren Mrs Axford Iris Ottawa Mrs Sutton Joan St Petersburg Florida aodLyle Jarvis North Bay They also have nine grand children Outertown guests were Mrs Dagcnais Acton Mass Miss Ruth Hicltling Barrie Mr and Mrs Lyle Jarvis and fam ily North Bay George Camp bell Kingston and Camp bell Brnckville SIIOWED WAY Helen MacGill first woman arts graduate at Torontos Trin ity College became Canadas first woman judge when ap pointed in 1917 or judge of Van couvers juvenile court FURNITURE lTHE BEST lN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD I7 Mulcarter St PA 905 Villt Jur lhlonill Ialt Gt Mrs Leo McCann Clapperton Street entertained at trous seau too in honor of her daugh ter last evening Greeting the Hany Perkins held surprise party at the residence of Mr and Mrs Ollie Perkins line of Innisfil son and dough terinlaw ot the guests hon The occasion marked the couples list anniversary Jewels Sparkle Fashion Parade PARIS Reuters Coutu rier Guy Laroche borrowed fortune in precious stones Wedlt nesday for his models to set off the evening sheaths and ball gowns of his winter collection One girl wore marat pear drop diamond suspended on fragile chain Othern were so carat pendant earrings in each car or switchcd to moarot em erald enr drops worth 5700000 One ball gown with full white stain skirt and bodice contrived of cascades of waterfallbeaded fringe in shimmemig red shades was shown with diamond necklace fastened by on outsizo ruby clip The jewelry was loaned by Harry Winston Paris jewelicr Police mingled with tho crowd of Invited guests at the show ing and two had the task of checking all who entered the models changing rooms Children grandchildren and greatgrandchildren gathered at the home of Mrs Creigh ton in Midland to honor Mrs James Henderson of lcttenham on the occasion of her Both blrth day Active in church and com munity work Mrs Henderson was the recipient of several beautiful floral arrangements and many letters and telegrams oi congratulations Among the latter wcre messages from Prime Minister John Diefen halter and Premier Leslie Frost Dr Creighton was mos ter of ceremonies and was as sisted by Dr McFar land Dr Creighton remarked thnt although he had many octogenarions in his practice he had seen none who looked healthier prettier or more alert than his grandmother Alter pleasant family after noon the hostess served but fet supper For the dist birthday of Mrs Henderson the party will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Blair in Strathroy The Tweedsmuir history com mittee Mesdames Couse Walker and Baker con vened tea on Monday otter noon and evening Julyzd at the town hall in order to give residents at the town an oppor tunity to view the lweedsmtur history at the community This history is looselea book and work of art com posed by Mrs Cause and as sisted by the committee The typing has been done by Mrs Daureen Anderson The committee 15 most anx ious to receive histories and snapshots of older families of the community There will be book probably in August at the town hall and it will be on dis play at the area convention in the fell at Allistou lba thanks ot the mothers of the conununity with children attending the Red Cross swim ming classes at the Alliston pool are extended to Mrs Roy Taylor Mrs Jack Edoey and Mrs Gadsden These lad ed the children on the buses When you more When new baby arrives Jr with you hratanveryspedalfam ily occasion Your Welcome We 11 Hostess wtll call wi basket or gi to and friendlï¬g from our re ouo um and bushesleaders When the occasion arises phone PA 66302 Ioleieooloiopoeoyno aunurenouncenouns WELCOME WAGON Cookstown Residents View Tweedsmuir History Book further chances to view the ies and other mothers supervisr and at the pool and with the shore games Mrs Taylor has looked alter the attendance register and pro motions ENJDYING LIFE NIAGARA on the LAKE Ont CWMr and Mrs Stewart who celebrated lair 60th wedding anniversary re cently both enjoy dancing and are particularly fond of square dancing Sinori to serve Wise to buy more flavor noro sparkle Inore ovausm FOR as SIX I2 02 Bonus HUS DEPOSIT we Ii shown in Jacques Helms spi ral collection today The only things unwearable in the whole show were some of the colorsaallow sepias and greedy browns More agreeable were warm browns midgray oflwhite mustard gold ornagy tones and black The designer thinks the most special thing in his collection are two in and coat dresses mostly spiral wrapped These well or most dresses and suits mould the liguro to the bottom of the hip and then flare flatterineg to hemllne which has dropped by an inch to cover the knees There are also dresses that look like suits and backopening coat and jackets that appear to be worn backwards SHOW SIMPLE Capos and cape effects drop in point behind in the Helm collection Herc again are neck WOMEN IN SLAP COSTS $10 $10 fine was levied against Mrs Glynn Locker of Knoxville Tenn tor slapping an 18year old boy who brought her daugh ter home late Mrs Locker widow said George Smith Jr brought Norma Locker 14 home after midnight The boy attributed the late hour to doublefeature movie PERFECT TIMING Mr and Mrs David Wein stain of RR Kitchenerhave found an easy way of having their three childrens birthday parties all on the same date The third child daughter was born July 11 in St Marys Hospital Teresa Marie was born on that date five years ago and David Randy came along the ncxt year also on July 11 YAWN AT WORK Japanese factory girls made headlines the other day because at the sound of whistle they stop work throw up their hands lean back and yawn The girls 1300 of them work in transistor factory assem bling minute parts moving on Er Figures lines with scarf extensions draped around the shoulders But in spite of its twisty name the Helm show is gcneraily clcanlined and simple Jackets are short or medium in length Fur collars are mod ally small Cocktail and dinner sheaths mould everything but the waist with tow highwaisted empire numbers thrown in There are flockcd tweeds textured wool coats silk crepc dresses velvets and pale gold to coppery and cut steel James Dark glittct comes with jet and irridescent trimmings At least one cocktail sheath has minkvbondcd hemline black oilskin suit with white looped wool collar and beret could brave all weathers and black crinkled orlon dress successfully impersonates grained leather There is also suede capo coat Basket weavo self material in border bonds is frequently used as trim THE NEWS the conveyor beltshighly deA manding labor that took such heavy toll oi health and mor ale that production dropped to point where rcprlmands were received from the parent com pany Production has improved both in quantity and quality and al ready at least six other large concerns have adopted the yawn at work system with equally satisfactory results COME UP SEE ME When it comes to sex on stage Mae West is still some thing at 70 Its 33 years sinceshe shim rnicd on stage in Diamond Lil and murmured her classic int vitation Come up see me sometime But she still has the equip ment that put the bosom on the map Blonde brassy and breathless shes back on stage in Chicago after loyear ab sence in play called Sextette The title is reminiscent of the first Broadway playshe starred in Sex mooner rnnvous Britains minister for Welsh affairs decided to stay away ssmsssssssggsgs ALSO AVAILABLE GAS Al THIS now Lowrmca 1500 DOWN 1000 PER MONTH sluttor 259ylNNlSVFIl ysr REV AND MRS BARNES Trinity College Chapel Toronto Scene 0t Barnes Varey Rites Trinity College Chapel was de cornted with white mums and snapdragons for the wedding of Rev and Mrs Ronald Leslie Barnes The bride is the leaner Mrs Beverley Aldythe Varey daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Jack Duval of Barrie The bridgrooms par enls are Mr and Mrs Leslie Walter Barnes Canon Allan Road of Barrie officiated at the ceremony and and Rev Jarvis celebrat ed the Nuptial Eucharist assist ed by the brothers of the bride John and Paul Duvol of Barrio Walter Losliolnarncs brother of tho bridegroom was organist Given in murrlage by her father the bride wore waltz length gown of pale blue eyelet organza over taffeta fashioned with large slandup collar and scalloped loco hemlinc Hcr bouquet was pink and white roses and stephanotls Mrs Douglas Manchester of Barrio was her sisters nttend ants wearing gown of peach Australian eyelet over taffeta She carried bouquet of white mums from Welsh music festival Mndcsty influenced his decis ion Welshmen angered because nonWelshspeakiug woman was appointed to advise on Welsh broadcasting threatened that Minister Henry Brooke would be debaggedmeanlng hed lose his trousersat music and dance festival Letters to Brooke had warned that the demonstration planned against him might embarrass Queen Elizabeth who will visit the festival The letters however stipu lated that the dobagging would take place out of sight of the Queen Rev William 11 Crockett was groomsmnn The ushers were Rev Bruce and Rev Joint Kiddcll Alter reception at the Uni vcrslty Womens Club the couple left for wedding trip to Northern Ontario Rev and Mrs Barnes will reside at North Bay onagenarian Receives Guests Tottenbnm resident Mrs William Emlgh celebrated her 94th birthday at the home ol her daughter Mrs Rhea Car ter July 11 The nnnoganarlan is in ox cellent health and alert for her years Mrs Emlgh received host of friends and relatives during the alternoon and evening She received many gifts flowers fad cards on this special ocean on Ratepayers Meet At Minets Home Minets Point Property Own ers and Ratepayers Association met Tuesday night on the lawn at the home of Mr and Mrs McGregor on Cliff Road chair was taken by vicepres dent McGregor The pork situation came in for discussion and disgust was expressed at the action of van dals who had splashed paint on forsole signs erected by Wil liam Albert on the north and east sides of the park property The matter of arrears of membership fees was brought up and cooperation of mem hero requested in this Also discussed were regular pic nic and other events Low Low Price This things has ntony top line lectures Sever Hoot Surface Elements Crusley illSpeed Elements Special BraHeat Oven Control hiltoi inor ForEasfer Oven Cleaning Removable Porcelain Drip bowls and element Irings N0erlp Rooessednange Top Kingk shied over Apphanco Outlet run Width storage Drawer gym it THIS row PRICE WE CAN Acorn rnaanINs