SPORTS TYPE By STEVE JONESCU Sports Editor mum surnames UPLANDS GOLF COURSE We picked Wednesday yesterday as the day to visit this endurancetest course and watch the first day of match play in the Canadian Professional Golfers Association match play championship There was method in our madness First The Barrie Country Club professionathrank Vyse has qualified Second Weve found that if there are going to be any upsets the first day is the day for them Third It was lust too darn nice of day to stick around Barrie We got here in time to pickup Al Balding the shows headliner and George Clifton on the 10th tee Balding was three down at the time and when the final putts were canned Al was four in arrears But this was as deep into the traps as the touring pro went Clifton who handled the Millars publicity lost control of his game from that point on and was easy meat Balding played every shot to count He eventually won the iiihole match ZEndl Because of his near miss against clifton the first match gallery and few more stayed right with the big fellow in his afternoon match with Stan Kar man Al took the lead early and except for few lackadalslcal holes on the ln nine looked like top money bet to win all the marbles VYSE RUNS INTO STORM Elsewhere on the course in the morning round vyse had his hands full with Mel Taylor The match went to an extra hole before Vyse was proclaimed the winner The victory gave him the dubious so it turn ed out honor of playing an afternoon match with Frank Whlbley This shouldnt happen to anyone you know Wibiey did nothing more than go out in 80 and end the match on the 12th green aands vyse playing good golf Just oneoverpar at that point had nothing but praise for his conqueor Few if any men in the game could have licked the young pro yesterday Whibleys sensational game moved him near the ranks as far as betting favorites go AND THERE WERE UPSETS Irv Lightstone of Maple Downs gave the fans and golfers something to talk about with surprise vic tory over Moe Clown Prince Norman Lightstones putts had Moe talking to himself At least an hour after the match Moe was still wondering what hap pened protourney favorite Moe was one of the few players that didnt have to qualify to play Wednes day SHORTER RAMBLBRS Barrie Country Club mem bers who find it tought to climb the hill from the flflth green to the sixth tee had better stay away from this course Its all hill and dale It would have been less than laugh had Clifton defeated Balding George as publicity man naturally counted on Bald ing to attract the crowds CBC television pro ducer who let everyone know where he was from while trying to arrange pictures was talking and walklng when he should have been watching and stepped on and moved one of Baldings shots on the 15th hole He never did let on hed done anything wrong The heavy rains that fell the last few days didnft improve greens conditions Most of them al peered bumpy Most of the holes on the course are hidden How to become pro Jim Lawrie of Malvern known to us in school days as or Bob tells that he got into the pro golf business by fluke Out of job in Toronto he applied for clerks job at Don Valley He was hired and after short time was given crack at an assistants job He wouldnt want to do anything but work it golf now Unnoticed by most of the gallery but not by the golfers is Bill Mawhinney of Northwood Those who play Bill say the same thing He plays steady game Never too long but hes always down the mlddie We play somewhat similar never too ionghut Ed Renick former assistant at Scarborough and professional at ECG was our gallery mate tll we chickenedout to the confines of the clubhouse Remember the guy named Banjo we wrote about after our last Millar visit Well he was there again large asllfe predicting who was going to win what and why Always interesting when the well runs dry Onetime Examiner reporter Ralph Armstrong would have been happy follow at the course After visit to Mosport the new raceway Ralph reported on these pages that toilet facilities were all At this course such beasts are strategically placed Theyre called portable Johnnys If you dont feel you need golf lessons think again After Balding finished Clifton the two traded tips and one of Als paidoff for George on the last hole Dishearteningisnt it Our thanks go out to the management and staff of this course They greeted the press with courtesy The gallery wasnt rushed They did their best to speed play Hillcresl Ties ZWiihSiouiiville d9a Dehais Barrie Hillcrest Monarchs and Stouffville played to Mi tie in in Barrie District Ladies fSofibail League game played atStouffville last night After falling behind 72 in the firsttwo frames Hillcrest peck ed away at the margin and fin ally took an 87 lead in the six th frame courtesy of three suc cessive errors But in the home half of the ninth Hillcrest error follow ed by single gave the host clubolie run and tie Ann Kearsey pitched the route and was touched for 10 safeties Raymer held Mon arche to seven safeti nclud ing two each by Pam Land Shaila Livingston RANGE GUTHRIE FAIRWAYS 11 High Nona of sin Torgis 122 The softball team of RCAF Edgar defeated Torgis Automo tives 122 in an exhibition con test at ens Park last night Capita ng on halfdozen scues as well as crashing 12 hits the Airmen started the on slaught with six runs in the sec ond inninng Bevan pitched the distance for the winhers allowing but seven safeties George Davies CONSRUCTION LTD oarrip pasma AL BALDING left accepts the congratulations of George Clifton on the 17th hole of their match in the Miller Tro phy event yesterday at Up lands Golf Course Balding four down after 10 holes rai lied to beat the veteran pro THORNHILL CWThe run for the Miller trophy top match play golf tournament in North America goes into the third round today win almost all the favorites still in the lineup Most notable exception is Moe Norman of Stouffvilie Moe the colorful pro from Sleepy Hollow was defeated 1i and Wednes day by lrv Lighisione of Tor onto The field of 54 which started out Wednesday was cut to is for todays action The tourna ment ends Friday with send final and finalmatcb play rounds The Miller is the only tourna ment in North America in which professionals compete in match playman against men in gi ant diminution contest Previous winners who entered todays third round are Bill Thompson of Vancouver who took the trophy last year Al IBaidlogof Toronto who won in 19525458 and Bill Muwhinney farmer Vancouver shalamlth fessional Later in the day Balding defeated Stan Kan man to solidify his position as favorite to wl the Canadian Professional lfers Associa tion match play champion ship See Sports Type and story below Examiner Photo now playing out of Toronto who took the cup in 1957 Thompson scratched his way into the third round by his sec ondround lolh hole victory over Bob Cunningham of Tar onto 1959 lliillar champion To day Thomson goes against Bill Korak of Niagara Falls Ont Kczak shaping up as the dark horse of ibc tournament de feated Dick Borthwick of Ha milton and Wednesday Borlhwlck won the Miller in 1938 Wednesdayjs results included Fint Round lan Tamer Bowmanville de feated Bob Lamb Toronto one up Hal Butler Oshawa defeated Jack Hunt Toronto and Frank Whibley Kitchener de feated Pat Weller Sauble Beach and Bruce Murray Kitchener de tonated Howard Kelly Gait an Bob Gray Toronto defeated Robinson Keeps Reds In First With Homer By JAGK HAND Associated Press Staff Writer Cincinnati Redlegs reams within an eyelash of slipping out of first place in the National league Wednesday night but once again Frank Robinson came to the rescue His two run homer in the eighth inning following pinch homer by Gus Bell provided 32 victory over Milwaukee Braves and held off the much iag Lo Angela Dodgers for at least one more day if Robinson keeps on belting the ball he could become Cin cinnatis first triple champion He leads the league with so home runs and 89 runs batted in Robinsons bailing average of 346 is only eight points be bind the league leading 354 compiled by Roberto Clemente of Pittsburgh Pirates Cincinnati had not had bat ting champion since Ernie Lom bardi in 1936 its last homer Three Former Winners Still Playing In Millar Neil Armstrong Sarnln and George Knudsen Toronto de feated Ross McGee St Marys and Jack Davison Oakville dc feated Andy Falls Port Col borne one up Frank Vyse Barrie defeated Mel Taylor Aurora on the 2ist Second Round Peter Kuzmicll Kirkland Lake defeated Joe Noble Thornhiil one up Pete liildrop Branlford dev feated Harry Mcilree Hamil ton and Al Balding Toronto defeated Stan Karman Dundar and lrv Lightstono Toronto de feated Moo Norman Stouffviile and Ron Capra Hamilton de feated Turner on the lslh Butler defeated Gil Gardiner Toronto and Whibley defeated Vyse and Murray defeated Gray one up Knudsen defeated Daviaon and By JACK HAND Associated Press Staff Writer Statisticians will be wallowing in obsolete record books if New York keep hitting home runs Johnny Blanchard was the latest to earn line in the book He hit two homers in successive turns at bat Wednesday night in 52 New York victory over Chicago White Sax Coupled Midland Leads Departments As of last Saturday Midland lndlans lead the South Simcoe Baseball League and are shoo in for one of eight playoff posiv lions The club also boasts the lea gues top batter He is Bus Deschamps who owns 537 mark Batting averages are figured on at least 25 at bats and are compiled by league secretary Reg Weslbrooke Midland Collingwood Creemore Alliston Thornton Orillia Knock Beeton Utopia New Lowell Clarksburg Player Deschamps Midland Gray Alliston Johnston Thornton Walkem Beeton YuriIE Midland Howard 0riliia Duff New Lowell Meek Creemore Walmsley Collingwood Wilcox Midland Bullis Ailisicn Ross Drillia Gowan Creemore Lernieux Midland Laycock Utopia Green Midland Weslbrooke Creemore pessmsmmums 12 10 10 with pinch hit homers Friday and Saturday this gave Blan chard four homers on four con secutive appearances at the plate it was the 12th time it had been done Mickey Mantle hit his 39th homer of the season only one behind teammate Roger Marsi total of do in their exciting race to break Babe Ruths record of 60 set in 1927 Manties was his 359th of his career tying him with Johnny Mize Ruth is far ahead in that derby with 714 Four Yankee homers includ ing one by Clete Boyer boosted their lotal to 155 for the sea son The American League rec ord is 190 set by the 1955 Yanks Even the major league record Lumberjacks Top Colgan Lads lll Allandale Lumberjacks defeat coe Juvenile Baseball League game played at Colgan The winners scoring in each of the five iramcs slammed pitcher Roaan for 13 hits while Bob Lougheed allowed only two hits and whirled 11 Ray Thompson and Wayne Richardson had three hits apiece for Lumberjacks Al Saulgders andLougheed had two eac MineSing Cops Fourth Place Mineslng took over fourth place in the Barrie and District Softball League last night with oz victory over Thomas Elec tric at Queens Park It was the clubs seventh win of the season fourth in succes sion It is one point up on Stewarts Lunch Wen Downey with relief from Butch Boyd in the seventh got credit for the win Don Dykstra was the loser Vova THE AMAZING swans CAR am Per Gallon At 96 than Testinriveltdt JUSTIN MOTORS 23 Bradford St of 221 held jointly by the 1947 ed Colgan 111 in South Sim Blanchard Joins Ranks OI NY RecordSetters New York Giants and 1956 Cin cinnati Redlegs is in danger Detroit Tigers remained on the heels of the Yanks trailing by half game they defeated Los Angeles Angels 54 behind pitcher Frank Lary Detroit also went to the homerwilh Rocky Coiavito slamming No 29 and Kaline No 13 Four Baltimore pitchers held Boston Red Saxto eight hits in doubleheader as the Orioles won 51 and 92 Billy Boeft West Stock and Hoyt Wilhelm teamed up with two hitter in the opener Jack Fisher went all the way in the second game with six hitter COLLECT FOUR HITS Woody Held and Jim Piersall each had four hits in Cleveland indians 17 hit attack in 125 victory over Kansas City Ath letics Held had homer and Piersail triple in addition to three singles each Gary Bell was the winner over Norm Bass in relief of Jim Archer Minnesota Wins piled up an early lead added four runs in the sixth inning and withstood closing surge by Washington Senators for 109 decision Barrie Nelle Loses Match TORONTO CBFour teen aged favorites advanced in the Ontario open junior tennis cham pionships Wednesday They included outarios No challenger for the title second seeded Brian Flood 17 of Lon don who knocked out Charlie Saso of Barrie 61 63 Broley 3b RBI leader was Ted Kinnuvaki in 1954 Norm Larkcrs grand slam home run converted Don Dry sdAlel ï¬ve hitter into 61 victory over Philadelphia Phil lies as the Dodgers won the eighth game in their last nine starts Drysdalo was locked in duel with Frank Sullivan re placement for the lnlured Jim Owens when Lurker clouied his first grand alammer Pittsburgh snapped live game losing streak by beating San Francisco Giants 83 Bob Friend who gave up l2 hits broke tie with two out bases loaded single in the sixth inning Bobby Wills pinch single off Lindy McDaniel will the bases full and two men out in the nth inning gave Chicago Cube 7st decision over St LouisCardln ale Don Nottebart Milwaukee rookie was abutting out the Reds when Gus Bell went up too hit for Ken Johnson Cin cinnatis new pitcher from Tor onto Maple Leafs in the inter nailcnal Magus in the eighth inning Bells homer into the righlfield bleachers took care of the shutout Don Blaslngame was safe when his grounder look bad hop away from Joe Adcock and he was forced by Vada Pinson Then came Rob insons 30th homer of the sea EDD Game Called Braves Win It Darkness cost Thornton p09 sible lie at Allision last night in South Simcoe Baseball League game with the Braves After six frames the hosts held 75 lead in the lop of the seventh Thornton scored twice and had two runners on base when the umpire called the game The score was re verted to the sixth and the hosts got the questionable win Kent started on the hill for Alliston and gave way to Don nis Tinklln in the sixth John Bowman and Don John ston shared mound chores for Thornton Thornton AB FBroley cf Timmona if Broley as Johnston 2b Morrow 1b Spencer cf Schaly cf Robinson Schandlen 1f Bowman 2b Totals Alliltun Edgar 2b 3b Storey ss Cameron of Gray 3b Edgar Home Whelan rf Storey linklin Bisbee 1f Hurst if Kent 1b Totals Latter Day Saints Beat First Baptist Latter Day Saintsdeieated First Baptist 136 in an Inter Church Softball League game at Ilillcrest Park last night Jim Hill of Baptist and Elder Payne the winning pitcher for LDS had solo homers Si uuouuuewussgbll manowwuuww ql ooooouNoHtIonwml ueeoooooun inenauuuoauentflml ooooetonuwe Lawn Bowlers Have fiction The Allandalc rink of Cox skip Lois Hodgson and Pete Hodgson won the lrebles tourney at Barrie Lawn Bowling Club They had score of 29 for two mend games lrvin Robinson Barrie with Helen Newtonand Kitty Craw ford took second spot with 23 Frank Perkins skipped his rink of Helen Rowe and Mc Kinley Barrie to share of third with 26 points The other 26 was by Stan Lambert skip Barrie Jean Perkins and Fran Sutherland Play is scheduled to start to day for the Sparbarn Trophy loluum runs Blillflllill BIITSTUNES TIRE SERVICE 101 BAYFIELD 5r ti 56549 coop srocKor usro TIRES The victory went to Johnson who gave up six hits and two runs in seven innings Be is sued two walks and struck out two men Willie Davis who had four hits Wally Moon and Tommy Davis were on base when Lar ker connected with his big hit off Sullivan Tony Gonzalez with three and Wes Covingioa with two accounted for the five hits off Dryxdale ram wms ma Friend got better as the game went along in Pittsburgh Be al lowed ll hits in he first five innings and only one in the last four to win his iolh will cum pleie game Dick Lemay vic ilm of Friends iie breaking single was the loser Bill liar eroaki extended his hitting sireak to is consecutive games but Clemente law his lsgame streak Match The Cubs winning spurt against the Cardinals started when lion Santa singled will one man out He moved in sec and on an infield out and took third on wild pitch McDaniel then walked Ernie Banks and Ed Boucbee inieniionally before Willcame off the bench to win the game for reliever Barney Schultz Bison Surge Puts Herd In 2nd Spot By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS surge during which they have won 14 of 19 games in the last 18 days has enabled Buf falo Bisons lo vault into second lace in the lnternailonai Base all league The Blame spirits were low when they lost to Rochester Red Wings July 10 and plunged into fourth place But they bounced back lo take two of three games from Ro chester four straight from Sy racuse Chiefs two of four from Toronlo Mapla Leafs three of four from Rochester again and so far have taken two of three from Richmond Virginians This includes Wednesday nights so victory over the Virginians as they moved into second spot in the league race Toronto ouilasiod the league ieading Columbus Jets in lo inn ings for 94 win Charleston Marlins and Rochester split MacDonald Wins With ll Shilioui Lefty GeorgeMacDonald of SmitheDaliy who came with in one out of throwing no hitter last week fired fivehit shutout at Lakevicw Dairy last night at Shear Park in an in dustrial Softball League game The former Barrie and Die trict Softball League hurler with Mineslng and Stewarts Lunch didnt allow any more than one hit per frame Lake view couldnt get runner past second base Georges mates could collect only five hits off Les Jolliffe but took advantage of walks and errors Russ Granger the leagues single and double for the vie tors Case Eagles play Mansfield Rubber at Queens Park this evening in the loopa only sch eduled game strong man at the plate had doubleheader Cbarlesion taking the opener 42 and the Red Wings the nighicap 7A Jersey City Jerseys and Sy racuse also divided Syracuse came from behind to win the first game as and Jersey City look the nightcap on one hitler by Dave Stcnhouse The Biscue mounted 18bit attack before crowd of 10326 record for league game at Richmond Wally Seward won his fifth straight game as the Blsons wrapped up the game with fourrun third inning HOMERS DO IT Backllrback home runs by Columbus Donn Clendenon and Johnny Powers tied the score at 88 in the ninth inning to send the game into cxlrn innings in the hill Toronto scored the win ing run when calcher Len Jackson dropped the ball at home after logging pinchrunner Rip Coleman who tried to score from first on long double by Lou Johnson Charleston amassed all four runs and six of its seven hits in the first three innings to enable Ray Washburn to stagger home to his 10th victory in the first game Johnny Kucks outduelled Hal Dell in the second game and singled home the winning run in the sevenih inning Sienhouse chalked up his lzlh victory Rip chulski garnered the only Syracuse hit single to lead off the second inning The Jersey City righthandcr Walked two men and fanned four Behind 40 Syracuse bounced back with six runs in the fourth and added three more in the fifth to win the opener easily Haircuts 75 Saturdays $100 BNDEII CLIFFS BARBER SHOP es rim mm Across from Annamarian CANADA ARREST SEllllili ALE MOLSONS BREWERY ONTARIO LTD lNQEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786