OLDFASIIIONED CLEBKS Oldsfaahioned bargain days are in vogue in Barrie Enter ing into the spirit of the occas lon at Flemings of Barrie are to right Grace Murphy Vi Priddle Edie Bowen Bob Duncan Marg lichrtbur Norma lice and tilildred Meredith The event from left DOLL neon NT is sponsored by the Downtown Retail lilerchants Associaton and clerks in many stores have donned attire oi the 20s to spark Interest Canadas Natural Resources Leave Land In Lucky State By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Businela Editor The reasons behind the new British austerity program should make Canadians feel lucky The basic fact of Britains economy is that she has few natural resources and makes herdiving out of skills and Services She buys from other countries the raw materials for nearly everything she makes She also buys from them about half the food she eats if she couldnt buy her 52000000 people prob ably couldnt survive In that number and at best would have subsistence way of life With what she buys she makes goods partly for her own people and partly for sale abroad These sales to other countries FrenchSnub Marks Bigger Split plus the sale of services must produce enough money to ay for the imported raw mater ale and food The moment they fall below the required amount Britain is In trouble This situation puts limit on the amount of goods that can be made available for purchase by British people The home popu lation can step up their pur chases only to the extent that sales abroad are sufficient to pay for the raw materials for goth home and export consump on CAUGHT IN CYCLE ironically home prosperity can lead to trouble because in prosperous times tho home peo ple buy more This is evidenced by the fact that the postwar years have been continuing cycle of austerity to prosperity and back to austerity With UN Over Crisis In Tunisia TUNIS APtDag Hammer skjold returns to New York to day with an earful of malsian complaints and snub from the French who accused him of showing favoritism toward Tu nisia in the Blzerte crisis Pursuing his customary pol icy the United Nations secre tarygeneral said nothing about any recommendations he might be taking back to the Security Council which is expected to meet soon after his return Hammarskjold was rebuffed in an attempt to see the French commander in Tunisia and the French foreign office said it would be useless for hlrn to visit Paris The French attitude marked further deterioration in relations between France and the world organization Hammarsirjold who came here at the invitation of Tunis ian President Habib Bourguiba said he hoped common sense and human wisdom would pre vent any further fighting around the French naval and air base at Bizerte PRAVDA CRITICIZES Despite the French attitude the Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda charged his mission is not so much to re solve the crisis but rather to grtcultural Col Under the make the Tunisian government accept the presence of the co lonialists troops President de Gaulles govern ment after cabinet meeting in Paris brushed off Hammer skjold as possible mediator between France and Tunisia Pointedly ignoring the UN the do Gaulle government said in statement Wednesday night it wanted peace talks soon be tween French and Tunisian au thorities Hammerskjold had written Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murviile complaining be cause France had not complied with the Security Council reso lution calling for withdrawal of the French troops that occu pied Bizerte city after the Iu nisians threw roadblocks around the base week ago WILL NOT LEAVE Couve de Murville in reply noted Hammarskjolds presenée in Tunis at Bourguibas invita tion and said his letter seems tome to expose the views of the Tunisian government Al government statement said the French forces would not quit Bizerte citywhich lies estride the channel between the Medi terranean and the baseuntil peace is assured and therbases communications or guaranteed Srnucroit snows Enj HOW direction of the Ontarlode partment of education the teachers are given instruction In swimming group games health and oicganization to prepare them for schools re turn for September Davov Cars Stripped Sound Diana Davls ofMon om Britain thus always walks danger line If she taste the government must be quick to act because there is never much tim to spare She can weather brief pe rind of adverse trade balance if her foreign exchange reserves the money bagking up her he tcmatlonal commitments are adequate and if the financial world is confident that economy is essentially sound Ihesa foreign reserves how ever are never large relative to Britains responsibilities They are equivalent to the price of about four months imports and to only two months ira ports of the sterling area for which she is banker Also her external liabilities or one kind or another have been running at three to four times the size of her disposable racrves This means that any sign of weakness in the British economy can bring fast run on her financial reserves CANADA BETTER OFF In contrast to the British economy 10000000 Canadians occupy halfecontinent of great natural resources which pro duce much more than we can consume We have been developing skills too and wish to develop more but in the meantime we can and do derive much of our living through the sale of sur plus basic materials While Britein could not sur vive apart from the world we could conceivably build some thing close to selfsustaining economy if that were the de sirsble thing to do Sentenced TORONTO CPFour men were sentenced Wednesday to years each In penitentiary for possessing stolen cars which were stripped in rented garages John Kitaoa 21 Norman Van dusen 28 Jack Ross 25 and James Woodstock 10 pleaded guilty to possession charges All new are serving terms for breaking and entering Police said the men rented garages in Toronto dismantled stolen cars and then sold the parts Keyho Barrie instructor Is shown on the right giving atructioa in beciHliving Walter Cochrane of Owe Cen lndustrlala up Oro Station Native Retires From Post former Barrie Collegiate institute graduate will retire this month after 41 years in the teaching profession at Sault Ste Marie The man Charles Bell on born at 0m Station where he received his public school education Mr Bell is the principal of Central school at Sault Ste Marie He has held this posilt tion for 19 years Prior to this be was principal of King Ed ward School there for 10 years He went to Souit Ste Marie In 19m The Bells spend many sum mers at Om Station Four of his sons Torn Bill and Allan are continuing to his footsteps teaching at various Ontario schools The youngest son Dave Is studying electrical engineering WlNNIPEG CPLTho west ern Canadian cattle industry ap parently has been saved by rains and government drought relief measures Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton said Wednesday Reviewing measures taken to provide feed and fodder for western cattle he said Now it looks as though we have saved the cattle industry There was no big break in the market and the confidence oi the former was held Government relief measures were aimed at preventing flood of cattle to market that could have knocked prices down Mr Hamilton also said there is no Immediate shortage of western oats and feed barley for eastern Canadian require meats Mr Hamilton estimated the total loss to the Canadian econ omy as result of the drought would be at least $500000000 NOW ONLY SIX PC Asked to compare 1961 with the drought years of the 1000 Mr Hamilton noted that farm ing today in relation to the total economy plays minor part compared to 30 years ago Now Its only about six per cent The press conference in the offices of the wheat boardwas followup to one Mr Hamilton called July 15 in which he said consideration was being given to price controls for feed grain sold on the Winnipeg Grain Ex change He said then that he was mainly concerned with prices being boosted bythe activities of amateur speculators He didnt want westem Canadian producers to lose their eastern grain market throu gh high prices Mr Hamilton indicated Wed NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CPlThe US dollar was at premium of on per cent in terms of Canadian funds the Bank of Montreal re ported near noon today Wed nesday the noon rate was 103 10 Pound sterling $208 dowa Compiled by Flynn trnzaanan EXAMINER THURSDAYKJUIR 2151 SHANTY BAY AREA Health Officials Checking Spray Simcoe County health officials are investigating weed killer which was sprayed on CNR tracks in tho Shanty Bay area on July The wind carried the spray onto vegetable gardens of some homes In the area Dr Moore of the Coun ty Health Unit said the spray is dflinliely injurious to such vegetables as tomatoes and peas but that its effect on people who eat the sprayed vegetaqu Is not yet known Western Cattle Industry Saved By Rains And Relief Measures nesday that the earlier press conference in itself had ac complished the desired effect on prices mimcograpbed statement issued at Wednesdays press conference said The present crop year will end with com mercial carryover of some 550 000000 bushels of wheat and other grains and further supv plies of wheat oats and barley on farms The statement said On the basis of halfnormal yields the prairie provinces will produce some 500000000 bushels of grain in 1061 Therefore we have an overall grain supply of well over 1000000800 bushels This is the starting point in meeting feed grain problems in 106102 We are leading from strong supply position The adequacy of feed grain supplies for 100l62 is primar ily matter of management of available surpluses and to some extent the adjustment of feed ing practices to supplies of grain available Post Barrie Man To Pine Tree Line Flying Officer Gerald Edge of RCAF Station Falcon ihrldge has been transferred to RCAF Station Senneterre as fighter director at that Pine Tree Line radar station native of Barrie F0 Edge completed his formal education at Barrie Collegiate prior to joining the RCAF in September 1054 He attended the Can adian Services College Royal lfoads Victoria British Colum bia His mother Mrs Mar jorie Edge lives at 37 Tomato Street Barrie F0 Gerry Edge completed his aircrew training as naviga tor graduation at RCAF Station Winnipeg in 1950 He then served with 4221 Ghost All Weather Fighter Squadron at RCAF Station Uplands flying IF100 interceptor aircraft un til 1059 He participated in Exercise Jump Most if ferry ing CFv100 aircraft overseas to Belgium in 1950 Married to the former Helen Joanne MacDonald of Ottawa He has two daughters Anne and Leslie TODAYS STOCK PRICES 93 DunlopSt ll Barrie INDUSTRIAL Ashealol Abiubi Affloma Steel Aluminium Alberta Gas Atlas steEI Bk of Montreal bank at N5 Bell Tel Brazilian hA oil 31 Power Cdn Bk otCnm Cdn Breweries can Canada Cement Can Chemical Can 011 con Min Btu Con Paper Consumers Gn Din Dom Tar Bqulsite Gt Lakes Oat Pow Horne Pit nap on 1nd Accept Inland NA Jockey Club Labatt Seal Norandn Darn Found Dom Stores Famoul Plu Home Oil Hudson Bay Min Imp Tobacco Inter Nickel lntorprov Pipe Mae POWEII Riv Massey Ferg Union Gas Nor cat no Moore Corn Oshawa Pacific Peta Fem Pipe Que Nat Gal Hon Pfd Hardle Farms Royal Bank st Law Co Salads Sblrr Simpson Stafford Steel or Con Steinbcrg Tor Dom BIL Tran Can Pl Trans Mt Ppr Traderr Fin 54 Texaco Walker th MINING Can Husky Clm Chib main Con Danfson Can use Sullivan Falconbridge 5ng Gene Mines use Gunner or HollInger KerrAddison Lamdue up Lao Maritime as Nometal Opemiaka FIVE Mosr ACTIVE srocxs Dons Tar POIdo North Rankin Steel of Canada Ventures DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS Aluminium Ltd Joe us funds payable Sept ex dividend Aug Quempnt Sher Gordan steep Rock United Du Venture throy 900 375 100 39 272 71a Pmbinn Plpa preferred mc paynimsept ex dividend Aug 11 DOWJONES NEW YORK AVERAGES Industrial up tails up 38 utilities up 41 Golda down 31f Bit760m MMTRIETIM on Lin as Candles Rd East are Mills and Barbara Rowan 10301010 TDCK EXCHANGE moex Metals down 13 Dill up PA 04021 Midland Penetarig Elmvale Phana Zeoith inso No Tolllcharge Our firnt information he said was that the Ipray con tained MD chemical toxic to humans which could cause symptoms of mild food lana tag Later we were armed the weed killer was nontoxic combination of MD and MOT We have now ldcatifiad third ingredient Acilcide and are leading samples of tha sprayed vegetables to be ex amined by experts at the On tarlo Agricultural Collegein Guelph advice geopls affected in tin Shanty ay area not to eat vegetables from their gar dens he cautioned until we receive written report on tho weed ldller from Guelph Harold Morrison of CNR pub lic relations in Toronto said that claims should be submit ted in the usual way and would be handled in the usual way The private property was sprayed accidentally be said Instmctlons have been issued to use more caution in the fu WEATHER Forecasis issued by the Tor onto weather offica at am EDT Aynopols Clear skies prevail across Southern Ontario this morning Fine weather will con tinue today An area of unset tled weather west of Lake Mich igan will bring variable cloud accompanied by scattered show cra or thundershowers to south ern sections of the province Fri day Cioudy skies and scattered showers and thundershowers will continue today Lake Erie Lake Huron south ern Bay regions that lie across Northern Ontario Windsor London Sunny today Partly cloudy with widely scab tered showers or thundershow era tonight and Friday Warmer light winds Lake Ontario Niagara Hall burton regions Toronto Hamil ton Sunny today Partly cloudy with widely scattered showers or showers Friday Warm light winds ture MY PET BEEF STANLEY YANDI II of Pembroke There should be traffic light at the intersection of Muioasts rand East Dnalop Street was tilt by car crossing there two weeks ago and got two bones broken In my left leg Ive been watching the spot since then and noticed Couple of near accidents BUGGESTS MEETING RAEAI Morroceo Reuters King Hosson Wednesday publt llcly proposed meeting of North African heads of states to discuss the Bizerte Crisll FORECAST Northern Georgian Bey1ima gami regions North Bay Sudn bury Mainly cloudy with few scattered showers or thunder showers today and Fridaylittls ï¬hge in temperature winds White River Algoma Sault Ste Marie Cochrana regions Mainly cloudy with few scat tered showers or thunderahow crs today Clearing late tonight or Friday morning Not quite so warm Friday winds light Forccalt Temperatures law tonight High Friday Windsor so 80 St Thomas London Kitchens Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Pcterborough Trenton Klilaioe ililuskoko sessses annaaaaaeas STOCK MARKET Market comma or The stock market persisted in Wednes days trend and was higher during light morning trading today The advance was hesitant be cause of small number of issues traded and led by steels paper and refining oils to the oils BA Alberta Gas Trunk Imperial lnterprovineial and Trans Mountain ell gained from to SA in papers and steels Abitibi St Lawrenca and Price Brothers all bad fractional wins on ind industriais rose 100 and base hotels 23 to 10025 The 11 am volume was 325000 shares compared with 349000 at the sarne time yesterday Labrador Falconbridge Hud son Bay and Noranda all suf fered fractional falls in the sen Ior base metals market while Consolidated Mining and Smelt ingG lizdta Email gain ra ng was light with both Dome and McIntyre Por cupine off few cents late spurt Wednesday put the market ahead on light tum over On index base metals wer ahead gm at 20945 new 1961 higb Industrials 125 at 532111 to 58351 and western oils 44 to 9005 Golds slipped 33 to E809 Ahead In Light Trading and western oils 56 at 9041 Golds were down 54 at am Volume was 1470000 res compared with 1587000Tues day Steels and financial institu tions led industrials ahead All goma and Steel Company of Canada moved up 42 and to re spectively at 44 and 73 General Dynamics and Us Ford had the best individual gains each ahead at 37 and 92 Ca nadian Breweries climbed lit at 50 and International Paper at 33 Grafton absorbed the big gest loss down at Iiii Ventures featured base metals action up 27 at 54 CAPSULE NEWS Grenade Kills ADDlS ABAEA Ethiopia AF An ltalian hand grenade dropped in Begemdcr province dinmg the Ethiopian War 25 years ago was exploded Wed nesday by the kick of child at play Two children were killed and third injured Calls For Shelters MONTREAL CPICivil de fence ofï¬cials Wednesday re rted rash of bone calls ask for informs on on setting up fallout Ibeltera following President Kennedys warning hielday night that the United State il ready to fight to de fend West Berlin Maj Maurice St Pierre head of the local civil defence organ Intioa said about 10000 pam hlets dealing with fallout she on have beea issued recently Second Look OTTAWA CPIAssociate Dc fence Minister savlgny said Wednesday there il no doubt that NATO nations will take second look at their defence programs as result of Presi dent Kennedys blunt warning to Russia over the Berlin issue He added that he influence which the American attitude will have on other NATO mem bers remains tobe determined it to rather obvious that the States do not wish to be stepped upon and there is no doubt that Ihla speech of Mr Kennedy will make great many people rc alizethat Uncle Sam is very determined to light for peace and for freedom this world he said Bomb Explodes PARIS HeuteralA plastic bomb explosion in Versailles slightly injured the wife of Gaullist member of the Na tional Assembly and badly dam aged the dcputys home Wed nesday night Five other bombs favorite weapon of rightwing opponents of the French governments AI gerian policy exploded in Paris gorges the night but no one was ur Fined $100 MAPLE tCP Gordon Ho berts of Oak Ridges was fined $100 or 20 days in jail Wednes day for keeping wild animals without licence Police said Roberts kept bear two cubs several deer and birds in this Toronto suburb PRODUCE TORONTO ca churning cream and butter print prices reported unchanged today The egg market was week with offerings in excm of poor demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agriculture on Canada grade eggs delivered Toronto in fibre cases large 44 medium 00 small 28 and grades on market Butterrprices Canada first grade Ontario tenderable 63 nontenderable sin32 in light tradiagz western 62 nominal cameraman Furniture Moving andSwraga Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 voLvo THE AMAZING 35Miies Per Gallon JUSTI 14 HIGH ST Swedish CAR At 90 MPH Test Drive It At MOTORS 23 Bradford St NUSERVICE CLEANERS WILL BE CLOSED tor HOLIDAYS JULY 28 to AUG 7inclusive EXCEPT OFFICE FOR PICKUP JULY 29 AND AUG OFFICE AT CLAPPERTON WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR RECEIVING andPICKUPY PA 82473