Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1961, p. 12

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REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Say Metro Officials Took Builders Bribes Mlhlico tcPlA former real estate salesman in this Tomato suburb Wednesday told judi clot inquiry into building affairs thal municipal officials through Metropolitan Toronto accept biiibes lrom builders loseph Robert Moher now hotel waiter appeared before the inquiry to testify about in fractions of the towns building bylaws There is always somebody who can be bought off Mr tloc her said It goes on every where it goes on in the city of SPBEllD numons Castro Accuses Yellow By JACK BEST Canadian Press Stat Writer HAVANA lCFlPremier Fi del Castro announced Vcdnesi day night that all revolutionary organizations in Cuba will be in tegrated into single allpowerl fut paryol the socialist revo lutinn The announcement which had been expected touched oil frenzied demonstration of ap proval in llavanas Plaza de la Revolution demonstration that continued for minutes with cheers and rhythmic elap ping The Cuban premier was de livering keynote speech lit big rally climaxing four days of celebrations to mark the birth of his revolution eight years ago Among those joining in the applause was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gngnrin who earlier had pledged the armed help of the Russian people in termed Cubas tight for freedom and independence Castro who spoke for 335 hours told the noisy crowd of several hundred thousand peo ple that the revolution will be enclosed in one big socialist or ganizationhut the process will take some time MUST BE ONE Castro said that in Cubas new society there must be only one interest Not the interest of groups or classes but the col lective interest The premier referred several times to the flight of refugees from Cuba to the United States These worms and parasites he said hoped to find in the United States their old exclu sive and aristocratic clubs Donald 11 Wheeler assoc iated with furniture wholesale and retail over period 25 years has joined the start of Smith Furniture as merchandising manager Mar ried with three children Mr Wheeler is now residing in Barrie He was educated in Belleville and was in the army for six years 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE or all baking equipment store equipmentvand Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from DUTCH PANTRY AT lni DUNLOP srnasr ansr BARRIE ONTARIO Opposite Queens Hotel at near or 107 nuniop St East to sell on SATURDAY JULY 29 AT F1d SHARP osr run roLLowmcr name nonipirmou quart mixer in quart mixer Doughnut Fryer plus an screens Dutcb Cookie iiiachinc Tart nachino plus dyes nun divider Sets or Scales iDlb capacity Scale zielh capacity 15 scis arcad Paris brand now in sets or 18 sets of Bread Pans used in sets of 12 Stone Bread Fans in sets or 24 Fruit Broad ends Dough nut noiicrs honing Pins Baki rips square disrercnt sizes er Cake Tins round Cup Cake Tins round and square Tables nun Fans 16 wicncr bun pans Heavy duty hot plate areud wrap pcr lever aparated Pie rims what he PresS But they will find they will be discriminated against there as Latinsas Cubansby the Yankee superior race news agencies and the yellow press of spreading rumors to induce people to leave Cuba prior to the 26th oi July cele brationsas it today everything was going to be over for one mics oi the revolution This apparently was refer ence to rumors that the govern ment intended to lower Palm Curtain at the time at the an nivcrsary to cut oil the exodus of refugees Castro also said he would re turn the Eastern Airlines plane hijacked by an armed passen ger Monday it the United States promises to return any Cuban planes that might be seized and flown to the United States in the future number of Cuban planes hi jacked and flown to the United States have been seized to so list legal judgment against the Castro Government DENIES RESPONSIBLE Castro denied any responsibil ity for the hijaCking of the American plane He said such an hot is against our princiA pies and would just be giving an excuse lo imperialism for launching an attack against us At the start of the rally Castro and President Osvaldo Dorticos warmly embraced Gngarin who was presented with Cubas new highest decoration the Order of Giron Beach created 11 days ago OTTAWA CP Cool wet weather has alleviated the Prai rie drought but the rain was too late to improve most crop yields over wide areas of Manitoba and Saskatchewan the bureau of statistics said Wednesday The bureau indicated that there is little hope for improved yields of coarse grains in those areas but prospects are for wheat on summerfallow are somewhat better There has been improvement in Alberta except for the to excellent crops are in pros pect in scattered areas of north ern Saskatchewan and in north ern northeastern and part of western Alberta and the Peace River district the areas that escaped severe drought Prairie fodder supplies will be improved by the recent rain the bureau said But consids Castro accused impcrialistl droughtstricken east central and southeastern sections Good Tomato where they even tell you where to get your bricks and lumber Aubrey Golden counsel for the Mimim Ratepayers Associ ation asked Mr Moher whether he had discussions with builders about giving money to oificlals here and elsewhere Youd break probe right across Metro if were to answer that question said Mr Moher Im holding back plenty Lets face it Why ttie probe Any building that has been built in hlimlco in the last six years has broken the bylaw So what We all know it TELLS OF SALES ilir Moher said he had sold 75 per cent of the land sold in lilimioo and about 90 per cent of the lakeshore properties Mr Golden then asked him it there was anybody who could be bought oft in the town of all the permits that have been issued in the town of Mim ico only one per cent have passed the bylaws lllr Moher said Somebody has to get paid off am not saying that Mr Book Jack Book toivn building inspector is getting lt but someone has been getting it lllr Moher said he visited hlr Book in 1959 to obtain permit for two triplexes lllr Book relt plied the land permitted only two single family residences Mr llfohcr said Later permits for triplcxcs were issued to Al fred Skebrunas builder he said In another land transaction lllr Moher sold Arthur lamar ino real estage agent pald nit $5000 to Lionel James For rie town clerk at the time now councillor who was sitting in the audience AUDIENCE GASPS Amid gasps from spectators at the inquiry lilr Moher ex plained he waseongrntulaling ltlr iomarino on the sale and protit which Mr Moher esti mated al 520000 when Mr iamarino reminded him that he had to pay 011 the $5000 Pressed by Mr Golden who asked about Mr Ferries au thority in issuing permits ltlr Moher replied Mr Ferrie is the boss of this town always has been always will be Rain Eases DroughtOn Prairie But Is Too Late To Help Crops arable acreagethe bureau of fered no figures of cereal used as pasture The hurehus survey is based on field reports received up to Tuesday night REPORTS ON ONTARIO Excellent hay yields were re ported from western Ontario which will have good fodder supply Winter wheat harvesting will begin there soon Good yields are indicated for spring grains and corn Pas Iturres vary from good to excel Central Ontario hay fields are heairy but haying is delayed by poor weather Eastern Ontario haying has been hindered by weather and some poor quality will result In the south haying is fin ished in some cases while in others secondcut hay is being ellor 16 lililiiv llllllflll nan now PREVENTS Tlllll lllllillST Milli SllllVlP BElillllSlt Many pastures containless than 50 legumes and 35015 grasses are now dropping in protein cows need COOP 16 harvested grains is being cut for hay or The special lervloe depart ment assists applicants with mal employment problems such as physically handicapped workers sndcertain veterans Richard Beer special services officer has been in touch with employers welfare agencies and schools to acquaint them Interest Is Up In NES Dept lotiont has infused in the sped services apartment the National Employment Ser vice Kramer more our oftbo NES Barrie office with the Infidel Job seekers in the special category can arrange to meet him weekday mornings between and noon at the employ muit ofri if necessary an alteration appointinan can be arranged by phoning Mr Beer TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Piece cherrywood in Rich Bronze Tone Finish Large uhis top about or or extending to so imln niod plastic on wood core in attractive Walnut anlned nnirh Chain huvo padded Reg 9750 washable plutlc ult ln your choice 01 Whlte Tan or Tull Sale 5piece sunte qunlse Chair baths in Walnut liiiishcd hardwood strong tub nlr lteel miner throughout senicveuinr feel Canister Sets 99 Admin novelty mailer de sltn on rubbed kilndfled Cherrywnod sn corner in rrrduntlnr size for in to in runr Ind flour 150 Rotary Dryers Sale 079 coin set dcrign in lightweight ulnrriinum Complete with iso or rayoncovered plastic lino Ind ground ball to Cup Electric Percolators 595 Spoutless and drivloss design hu rubricting element and safety Ihermmtlt Urcs run dnicizd cord not included alumina aluminum linlsh with Black covzr bus and handle Mary Proctor Steam Dry Iron 17 Efflelent Veni EATON Salt Each ncsignsd with Anzehtip uiec tnr ror instant chon to iron dry to steam ironing steam vent live complete inrinco Ileana roverarc Handy nose style filler cool composition hndlc ll raz HAM EXAMINER NEUMAE ARRIVES WARSA WlAPl President Kwarnc Nkrumab of Ghana ar rived hiaday lrom Moscow to begin threeday official visit He is the first African chief of state ever to visit Communist Poland Galvanized Garbage Inns 77 About lsnlihn uplclty complcio with lidStlndI about new high m4 dlimclcr It lop im It bottom Save On 3Speed Mixers see 295 Hu uniemuic beater elector detachable cord convenient it rungs on wall nylon and il permanently lub rlc ivory coloured plastic on 12 Automatic Electric Fry Pans sue 295 Polished cm aluminum with cool Bakelite feet and ham die Temperature guide and tent control knob on handle any to clan and has rut cvcntlquhg iSDwalt ele mont Choose polished aluml figm or anodized coppcrtone High Chairs Rel 1650 sue 495 Chromiumplated tubular steel rrnrnc Padded pirsiiceavercd sch Ind back in White nine Yeol Belle THURSDAY JULY ll KEPAHTIS INCREASES TORONTO CPICity health officials said Tuesday that Tor onto has been hit heavily by in fectious hepatitis in the past six months There were 756 cases compared to 36 in the lame pa riod last year Hnlf Price Nylon Mops Wuhlbll nylon mop bud Pick up duri quickly Stroll meui from mlicbinl wooden handle 49 Reg 29a Sale DeLuxc Electric Kettles sue 795 flqunrt capacity in ltumtnl iloinieu steel with highly poi lshed nickel chromiumplated flnlsti Cool Bakelite om wlln matching hundle and in luru automatic chum Hardwood Cribs um um 275 By McFarland Gendron For lureboard spring teethlilx rolls on Ildes Whlte enmzl Grey Plextnne or Honey Vm nish finisher Slxs about 30 54 Commodes 429 Foldlnz lurde chair in Henry Varnish iinish with piutic chamber and deflector Cllpltnn wooden tray sale Each look at the WorthwhileSavings on rhecues and Accessories Two Sets of legs 18 Barbecue EATON Sale Set set about illc long Substantial Saving dPiece 99 This handy incessory rel lie cindos tongs fork slotted lnr her skewer and ladle Gleam ing sirci shun Bambooeffect Enron Sale Set wooden hundivs 3301 Tin Charcoal Lighter FOR MANY MORE OUTSTAND ING VALUES CHECK YOUR CIRCULAR DELIVERED TO YOUR HOW SHOP IN PER SON WRITE IOB PHONE PA 6029l Sale 3301 Tin 539 Similar in construction tolother models shown here but with an to bowl and two sets of legs One set about 25 long one Just pour little on the charcoal and light No more messy paper to contend with Basa Model Only 24 Barbecue EATON Sale Each 188 Also features gleaming Chromiilmqllated adjustable grill wheels and tubu lar folding legs Finished in lustrous Cop per colour About 3V2 high 24 Barbecue with Hood Spit and Motor EATON Safe Each 1588 Large heavygauge steel bowl with Chrom iumplated adjustable grill and spit copper icoloured hood motor bow and tubular folding legs Rolls on large Sta wheels Height to top of bond 41 20lh Bag Charcoal Briquets These evenheating charcoal hriquets are must for the barbecue season Sale 2ND bag 59 17a STORE HOURS MOM TUES THURS SAT 915 mm 530 11111 WED TILL 12 NOON FRIDAY 915 nan pan Noteworhy Sale Prices on Henry Herberi Pianos Made Exclusively for EATONS by Mason Risch EATON sole to keep up Your cows need only little when it is Coop Example cow milking 35 lbs 01 37 needs only7 lbs of Coop 15 daily Cost Less than quarters worth of feed daily ll nu in now rennin elllip PllSlllllE llllTllIll iiiciiillisr TllE ilMtlllNi new condition Chairs Chesterfield firflunndmicahcalr 1ifioatrlrlrlsichidrag These highstyle models feature full allnote keyboard durable Bluefis Bedmds Bunk and 1m 01d steel tuning pins hard Maple tuning pin bushings and delicate direct blow action with sustaining bass section Arf Walnut finish each and many other smaller articles alone EQUIPMENT Gloss Counters who Cupboards nerrig ernted Glass Counter with com grossnr in first Class condition ash ncgistcr Neon ngirlsi scoic DLrnlIy Trays and other mailer mlcics HOUSEHOLD Ws West Inghouse Electric Refrigerator in cubic re good in new Westing house electric Washing Machine with wring goodwonnng order Motorola rvé zlincb good as new 695 nenoh available at an extra charge iamin to play on an exquLsitely fash Train the talentedfingers in your Mason and Risch and at special saving price ioned piano by tool sedan in good working order Building material pieceso Pvaood Windows Boys nicycla lGlrlI Bicycle and many rather fllnlr articles too numerous do galms cash nchnniiciyI no in owners ave Even the biliary buslnesrand lredefi in for est Court Noihlnr to beniriovad until sotedf0r ank Webb clerk JmRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer PHDNEPA delta nnanrn The contemporary fHenry Herbert PA 618531 practically every decorator scheme design will blend beautifully with our NOWAND THROUGH AUGUST run nunsrs MNDE RIOR TO superman Isl Nojr susircrio NEW ONTARIO SALES TAX TIPobjTHEWEEK Many farmers are preventinger le With brood sows yfeeding 004 DRY SQWvRATION With AUREOMYEIN fromjlweek before on week after farrowlng loo lbs or dry on are job dr EATON ca eaANcH sronss CANADA

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