Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1961, p. 11

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ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE FILL YOUR FREEZER with tho linen RED and null MEA TS ETC ma Guaranteed Quality Budget Term on orders 9000 arid our compiele Lino or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICE lll lvliihhio to Ihou who wish to purchu their orderl daily at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 26 TIeiiN STREET out PHONE PA 50501 Free Delivery 0ND Friday Li 0m nULLnozINO AND Grldlngrmh Pond coosiruetion Apply lea Hart PA Hull PRESSURE sisTLIl McDauglll deep well 70 gallon innit nsolor ole Ills Telephone PA tam or Iuriher thlonnaiioo RANGE or sale electric our bun ncr like new spnrtment rise heavy duty Telephone PA Him or iurther inionnalion USED VACUUM Cleaners ior nlo sis and up Free home imi No obi Telephone PA Mm for rurther inlorinallon nKATn WASHER used in good condition lilo Ladys Bicycle and on Boys Iiieycie Ali re onably priced Telephone PA rem WALNUT Dining Room Table and six chairs the sale in good condi tion Too irge ior owners rear ent rooms Telephone PA 3717 or mrihor iniorniation WAaiIiNo MACHINE or Westinghouse automatic in working condition Ne mnln hearings price $75 DlsD Easy Chlir In Telephone PA ilzaiy SEVERAL Goon Used Sewing Mae ehinea up now in our stool rices range Irom no lrid up There have in he cleared out immediately Telephone 960 LLOYD IiAn Clrr ago ior uio light géey and green good condl lion Tciophonu PA 155 dlyr or PA 85619 alter le ior mrther iniorniatlon sTOKLR or le Fllrbnniuvilionc ioolb can motor and com trnls includcd in good condition Apply John Papp sideroad lo Concession lnnlalil STYLOMATXC zis lag iiichine now In slock $16950 Also young budget straight stitch machines at $7950 Come and see them now at Singers Teicpnone PA 87960 sKiL osciLATING Sander edo Computing white Counter Scale In ib capacity Piatiarm ie with scoop 150 lbs capacity Telephone Ivy laiu LADYS RICYCLL or role ltlnd no type excellent condition 15 also two small Trlcfycicx at each Telephone PA ior ruriher details UPRIGIIT house $135 Hi Toi enamel FREEZER Westing Cheat type cubic iooi rrcexcr used lust months 3170 Robinson Hardware tele phone PA Mul fix WICKER Rocking chair Kli chen Table with enamel top $650 Clhinet Rldlo $8 and Glmiem hack All in excellent rondl tion Telephone PA 34938 BABY CARRIAOE Lloyd it and hlin Two Drum Tables rns hogany Rollaway lied Good con dition Price reasonable Teln pnone PA NM or apply David son street Wuhlnl Machine Coleman Oil Space denier All in road eonoi tion Apply Ed Brita Furniture 12 nyneid street Telephone PA Lam DOGS Gt PETS SIAMESB Senipoint Pcdlgreed Kit tens tor sale Priced tron in $35 For ILIILIICI intormetion tele phone PA mm Two GERMAN SHEPHERD Pup plea or sale Both nnle weeks old Apply Mrs Gapp Crniviord street ori Patterson Telephone an aim tor nirthor iniornution BOATS MOTORS SPECIAL mo lt Mahogany Delcraii Coupe Top Book 75 hp Johnson Motor 10 Glllon Permanent Gas Tlnk spotlight Speedometer Compass Pike Polo Paddles Liie servers ledcr Anchor Cabin lights BEST REASONABLE arm ACCEPTED Telephone PA 83915 DELANEY BOAT PHONE PA 33461 loft Cruiserette 40 hp Scott motor battery and controls Special price $950 l9it Mahogany inhonrd Run about with top 135 hp Chrys ler motor $1950 lift Mahogany Plank Dem onstrator with used VSo motor convertible top etc $2650 124mm sAII BOAT planing acow to square ieet Jib and main anti Telephone PA 3450 cAsn LOANS4500 at 32 par roonth Telephone PA H103 Crescent Finance 23 Dunlop st West iLPOOT DELCIIAFT new motor with electric start heavy duty trailer really beautiini boat Would like offer Can be seen at 55 John street evenings CARTor IIOAT 12 It 51 hp motor with also sinin hnli lrailcr liaiySncrilice price Apnea street horrio BOAT TRAILER hp Motor Johnson also hp Viking Motor and id hp Mercuryuootor Filt Bottom Pools All in good condi tionRehsonlblc Must lclL Tales phone PA 68659 PmRiaGLAls BOAT hp John son electric starting Tee Nee Tilt Trailer Fully equipped lights iliil Chili compass lire pieEEIV fia Privltciy owned May he seen ribreglnss gear shiit sell separ Apply 17 Alinndsla llIoiors or phone PA 07 alter oclock peat odier lryAo Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 824 FRUIT VEGETABLES mm or Mil Pins rfimfiy in ii AriLm mu Slim moan and pick your own um hunt Runel Jameson 7B Cup beu 5L Coilingcod ARTICLES WANTED WILL PAY CASE tar good used rnroiiur or any good used miela Individual or content into Phone PA tun CLIAN REFRIGERATOR lrlnhd ior our summer cotta Robihldnl End PA uni nu YAllIION Pnrnilcm Drop teal table Kitchen chllrl Bllnv lrei chesl mull tables china thl let set Rose colored au shade ior oil ban or lam or tunr pleie iampi oiored auwar set oi dish CDIDM glcaa table lamp union Iann iuroitnro rte Examiner or telephone Nine in 5291 Newark 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK month old Til aiter pin ii Plait ihru phone ON 131 GRADB IioLcruN cow on year old resh Apply Mr Mc Cualg telephone are all is WEANLING PIGS tor iraied Petersen ml or Aliendale PA 56540 SIX YORK PIGS or III the eneh Telephone PA lvdnlrill FINN dAnnLl MARBB or sale American bred quiet and gant Telephone PA H596 or nirther details about 55690 TAllIwoRTII BOAnii months old mill rlluidfld flock lilo 1i lVesnliog ilga Ior saia Tell phone Moonstone 215R sows cnoss llhlsi Blue spotted and Yoriiahlre or lo ply to Mr Ge rge Johnston tayner Telephone 27cm stayncr cows rour purebred Jnncyl le mllol or llil Iii Iy Clmp bell RR are iatlon or teie Film on RAM cDRItIBDALB or reg iered born im on can he seen Apply to Cedar Flm snanty my Road On tic YORKTIIIR Weoned Pin 21 iIcreiiordHoliteln Helicrg one with call to ireshen in law as Brindle Cow years old due in weck nodule RR narrlc or telephone zonini stroud FEED SEED GRAD zoo alide or 0st airw or sale wink reasonably Telephone PA POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB CHICKS Filth our order new or deliv ery an desired We lulled Delilb for loud livability cx clilehi all $ulllty higher Rn nts Ailo Re It linen and so Sullex Crnllbrefll Priru Ind Icrvicl an mint HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 or idlophahe FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Case New Holilnd David Brown Bcli¥ohm Equipment 178 BUR AVE PA 32373 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT COMBle swmmEEs GRAIN BOTSS GRAIN AUGERS BLNDERS RESHING MACHINES CASH TERMS TRADE SHAKELL ACIURING COMPANY STROUD PHONE 73R21 Manufacturers of pale Conveyers ortable Docks pdlnt hitch lrlctor clrrien BUY DIRECT AND SAVE GOODISON MACHINE Goodisoo machine straw Cutter Chore Blower turn niev ator Seed Mill clover Concaves on rubber Good condition hells good dry belt 120 $21500 ROBmT Marl IL MALTON ONT woobBN sILo ior rail in it Will cil relxonlhly Apply hill Gibhlns Siroud or telephone mus Strand nmDER McCormick Daerihg in foot power driven in good mech nieal repair Apply George ivy or telephone lelIvy in rther lniornistion GRAIN BINDER tor sale root McCormick peering Grain Bindery in good repllr Clnvllel helriy new Will trade for livetalk Telephone PA 56312 65 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans FOR SALE VJAU Morons RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA M438 LTD 31951 MONARCII Peel St Barrie 1951 CHEVROLET Beialriwordoor wlu trade ior pood pickup truck Telephone wail stroud use iDooli VI FORD or sale Onlflflgfllel gart in perélect Sailing con on us on re or hut 05kt Tailphopl PA 58591 1956 VOLKAWAGm or sale Very clean body blue Excellent run ning cohdiilon Low mileage Tele phone HE 95935 Angus tor further iorormntion lose PLYMOUTH Savoy Sedan one owner car 000 mil new paint Al condition throuhpout 3125 Apply accopisnle Apply in Ba 11 pan put on stamp 5775 Must he tech to he apprecia tell Telephonc HE 95950 Ahlur AUTOMOTIVE Momn ammo can FACIAL kdhri hluk no die bit Moo nail Anni ill Ami ma owunx itsi coan Do luxo ll get Wagglnnulflhd no new se unlit Ir wfloxc il WeillIE tea as telephone um Minor bill AM Wile cylinder lhndud ltlr 29000 as inca OShu PA OINL use mos eonola radio Al rendition use in Chlmlli Ihp running order good um 50 mi ram mo moo rortl Piesep clinic Spmmuill slinging inaney one doll Thornton Phnna ivy iihii cu ee Ilsa hvin aoloen nun notoreyel Ru brand new clutch itu an plus an and on ion battery tires not licens pllicl Need soloinert to run smoothly $150 Neel Andnde at Randy Hardware phone iiIilii ltmud CARS wrD To BUY WANTED ANTIQUE AUTOS was our on LEASE warm PARTICULARS Antique Auto Museum I905 Victoria Ave Niagara Falls Ontario TRUCKS It TRAILERS TIIREBTDN Isl Ilercury Truck rchuiii motor 325 tire ll good peed transmission rear axle Minot platiorin Pull rice Downtown Molar Illa across Irooi Firestone Siam phunl PA H600 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT CABIN iRAILBR sleeps two storage or food and clothing Sail price 50 or rent 525 WI May ho rcen at Codrington 5i iironT TRAVEL Trailer sleep It Rent by day or week com plath aquipped Available July Trilephona HE NV Anllfl alter p111 Jilly 15mm TRAILER or sale with luoot portable aunroont Th units are lot up As cottaga No Lot at inniliii Plrk Priced at 500 Apply to 30 as Barrio Ellminbr TRAVEL mum to not by the week or longer One iMnni sleeps rent 15 woclg and one is ioot Illian or ii nnt week Iiiich ight ooupitn overland lprinls turninhed You get them Telephon PA um PERSONALS PORTUNE TELLING Do you want your fortune told by card phona PA OM90 or pol anytimo WiLnRRT shiiTII oi RE No Anien Mills will not he respon aibie or chi dahu incurred by my wile wit out my written eon lineal Dated this HUI day or July LOST FOUND FOUNDThrecwiioci Tricycle oh Lakeshore Road elsi eno early in May Owner me have some by identiiyina and paying for adver lisement Tel none PA Mm LnBTMans sport jlckei 40 new Ind 111 in box color possibly lost enrouie to crown Telephone PA Midi LonIn Loblaw hayileld st grey Evangelina hag containing girls Tshirt one bill and 11 proximately no Lohllwh xrccn Finder please phone PA some after pm Reward lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOGRAPH ERS Advancement opportunities day week hours ll ant till it one Air conditioned orrice All ens pioyee henrhte Apply lo Industrial Acceptance Corp Ltd MR 11 HALE II COLLIER ST TEL PA 55945 WANTED 03 the gchdol term lady to look atter iwo preIchool girl and do light house work vic inity North Collegiate PA Mm ernnInNcaD salesiedy required Ior pnrt time work Apply to chair hepnrtrneot store on Dan lap street West WAITRIEEBI roll and Excellant working Candi wager ply not On op St imomhflon RELIABLE WOMAN to stay with children whila mother works Would preier someone to live in Light duties Iiidhurst AMI Tele phone PA Mass EXPERIzNCIm Bookkeeper Iv outed rour hours iili days Weekly Hours 31 noon Must he able to use adding machine with speed Apply Firestone stores in person as nuniop St West FULLY EXPERIENCED Hair styl ist Top wages and commission conditioned Apply ergsl Eli SKI11W trio lion Clmp Enr deii or 851 or lorthar icion Inn on pART TIME mplnyment tor mar rlcd or single women to unlit in showing New Home Family Health Guide to mothers or mail eniio ren Telephone PA H13 inoro Ingg to 11 noon evenings no to oProMEiRxoT requires teio or lry orrlce uslstant ior peel or two weeks beginning July 21 Very light duties Hours 90 to luscnlor high sehooi student or temporar ily unemployed oriice girl accept able Apply in person to Barre nuniop st Barri MALE HELP BARBER WANTED Must be good Ellir lgiggled TolePhOiie Chm nor an EXPERIENCED dPlrIIl Max layer qun on on ery no Box name Exlminlr llgt dlrit on highway lIlii Reward art ilnal bus Good oninndy Restaur or filmr 10 HELP WANTED CLERK Lending Canadian Food Comp lity requires records clerk in meaning plant Iocnled 50 miles north of Toronto Duties include keeping of pro duction Ind inventory recordl Good lulure prospects or right man Appllclnia should be li And prcierlhly have Senior Matriculation or cqlilvalcni Pleasant working conditions full range of employee benefits Reply in writing stating age education and experience to Box 72 Bunla Examiner BxPxRIBNqu mic Wholulilr rlqulill II or pricing Ind Knowleng or link all an anal hut not Reply to PO Box handwriting ing as Mutation all YBRMANBNg position mic llana or Accountant with wall tlilb had comp hrliluli New oirlco up and lhllliy pericncc and education in hrs letter Air ply in Box 79 Blirll Examinlr Mrch TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pa 824 10 HELP WANTED MARKETING TRAINEE West Band Canada Limited Maduilctmr oi nationally ad vcrtitcd cocking uicnclii appli lncu gift ware and internal combustion edging ls inter viewing Ior Marketing irlidcca ls rul opportunity or the rlflii man with cach chr eer Ambitions Under our oniheIob training program now men have the op portunity to income llmlllnr wilh the many phases oi opera lion taking place at West Bend nly mcn over it with good eduutlohll background will be considered qualified lppllchan Pluwsubmlt roauma in wrlt log to WestBend Of Canada Ltd PO Box 679 Barrie Ont MALE OR FEMALE LABORATORY chhnlcil partlion Ap ty Patholo ai Victoria on ital litrililr informal on MEN AND WOMEN above no who In Intern In willing lhhvl In lrriiIilll WA hlvo In op in th you will be in teroxiad in Car essenlial Tele phon Mr Whiil PA MIA be tween and Mo piri Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re suiisl Phone PA 824l4 YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN PURCHASE HOME FURNISHINGS WITHOUT PAYING SALES TAX iO HELP WANTED IO HELP WANTED I2 TENDERS SALES HELP AQENTS Haw you mirror look at yourseli Are you has been What ll your IqurII THINK IT OVER need your helpif you are intelligentcan speak English ahd capable at being your own base This poaliionoierc ulary Pen Ilou DIM etc in the DIRECT SALES FIELD All previous book at lumen Add mlull inn top priority All lppllcliianl will be truild in final eonfldtn will he at ih WHITE TOWERS MOTH Room THURSDAY JULY ONLY between 730 and pro eoolwaro Iaicrlnan EMPLOYMENT VWANIED noonlBPLR tired on Insion sarvlca nth local lil Illlito°lliri pg rce ad on PA mil AccountIll llicr an Art izhll Coilfl graduate da inmlr up oyinant wtuing anything chauinura lic ence Bulking experience and to fury clarir Tel PA EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL link Chlridren in my own one ona MI ror runner interaction DICORATOB will wort enlhll lad weekends 81 Per hour Any other cl wart tlklp enrollor VIII eie CALI ad Dyan Si aa 12 TENDERS noon saiordly August 3th ml In purchlu inclMu linoIo Municipal number so in Strut North having lrpnilfl or to eat mfln or ins by depth or more or less upon wbieh then LI erected concrete blocir room dwelling home iuli basement hot air and oil iurncce Term cash in the event or any Barrie and District ll ll Litta Agent nhilln ing and omitting thl iuxemul roinmllliun or ox llltlhg will he paid to each ghost or Any Tendlr not neo un IBCIFIM den any not be withdrawn oh hnhra llldr hl CID tendon For furlhlr Inimier lid for Inireciinn or remit ep ii ell Dii inly all to in nu ligIIM GORDON ATKINSON RR No BAiUlil ONTAnia lurvivln TENDERS Tinderl will received by th nndenitncd lli manor pupils mm Stumble ill Dermal known on Na Did lo Thornton Public school Number or pupiLI in be lrlnlvanMLI or Tender to tips Tiicldl AntiI11 l5 196l i2 oclock noon NORMAN COXWOHHI Setrrilry mun°iri3i£ai° ALLIS 051mm l3 AUCTION sAlis AUCTION SALE oi Houuilold Nrnlxhinu illilS HERB RICCRACKEN ELIZABETH Sr ALLIsroN SATURDAY °IULY so loot PM No rennin hour LI renttd lrid Mn Cr mm er eh in peer IDiiN BALL AUCTION tin moo ALLISTONm AUCTION SALE used iurnlture household am 061 hoi walor ll in other articles To be held on the roar premlau THE GENERAL STORE in ihe village or Stroud on lehwny ii SATURDAY EVENING JULY tommenclng hi pns Terms Cash VERNON AYRIs Auctioneer lo ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER ADAMS HAVE MADE HUGE SPECIAL BUYS so THAT YOU CAN BEAT THE TAX to SAVE HERE All JUST IT FEW OF THE MANY TliXIlIEE Crosley Electric Apt Stile RANGE Crosiey Mount 30 RANGE Roiissiere Fully Automatic Fleetwood 23 TELEVISION with Power Transformer Fleetyvood 23 Combination RADIOTV STEREO Radio has FM AM SW Pc CHESTERFIELD Rep covers all colour cushions Po CHESTERFIELD By Kroehler 12 months warranty on cover Po in leatherette chairs hasspok Clearance of Console ORGAN Reg 18998 TAX FREE SPECIAL Po 35 BEDROOM sar Sienna Walnut or Mocha Reg 28995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 239 Reg 29995 TAX FREE SPECIAL Pc EEK 59995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 54995 BUNK Mattresses Reg 14995 TAX FREE SPECIAL Fair foam Reg 24995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 199 Po Reg 19995 TAX FREE SPECIAL DAVENPORT 15995 Bed by night Chesterfield IW PC ENSEMBLE Love seat hooteos molar RADIO By Marconi JOURNRYMAN Electriclln raoPiis ed or immediate steady etnp oy ment Slate reference and hill expected Apply to Box 73 Barrio Examiner REE 9995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 995 REE 39995 TAX FREE SPECIAL Po OI COIOllIS Walnut triple drasscr bed No Mar ii Smooth Top ATTRESS 5995 Cubic Foot REFRIGERATOR free service BEDROOM SET 28995 cheat and bookcase Plastic lope 88 46 size 220 coils BEDS Beds SpringI leder and Guard Rail Ideal for cartilage CHROME SET Red and Willie Grey and Blank CHROME SETS on Family sizeTobles Your choice coiiield WASHERS Pumpvondtllner with nice yrs Reg 1409 FREE srBCIAI 112995 Reg TAX FREE SPECIAL Rex 3995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 97 Tu irth SPECIAL 995 Rel 22995 SPECIAL 9995 ch 6995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 995 Reg 9995 TAx FREE SPECIAL 995 Reg 16995 iAX FREE SPECIAL 3995 Reg 19995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 15995 yneg 5995 TAX FREE SPECIAL 97

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