Sumnlertime and the Livin is Easy In YourOwn Home Check theWant Ad THE BARRIE EXAMINER THUIEDAY JULY 1961 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROUD PARENT THE NEWS DI the Blessed Eieni can be announced to your means and Ielauvrs ior only $150 Jm telephone PA in ii CARDS 0P THANKS KNUPPJ wlih to express my grlillud in my friends neigh bor Ind nlllivu or melr Lin nus to me during my Illness Special thank to Dr Poitnikofl Dr Crnnllnd Ind Dr RPId Also the nunlnl ol the Royal VInorIa iinlplu IIIiI Canon Knup COMING EVENTS Rotary Club Barrie Annual Chicken Barbecue STVINCENTS PARK CIVIC HOLIDAY AUG I96l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classlileli adver tisements are inserted at the role ol in per word per inserlion for one and two times per word or three four or ï¬ve times and 2Izc per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 duys THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT 15 56c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OF $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF Cr ARGLL PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded In all phone InIcruon orden are aeor ed as convonlencn in you rilior Thercioni the Classlliad requires Advertising Department Ill ldvvrtisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately ailer Elsi insertion in order Lint any errors or omisslniu on be reported below am in order that rhino may no roeunod ior tho allowing days insertion ordg wt wish to pin out that The Runlo mu or is responsible or only onn incorrectly prdited insertion on any sdverllsemnnt and then only in lb extent or puruon or no hit involves thl mlsprlnt more which do not luscn tho value or tbs advertise ment Are not eligible or CDITBD ilops by make goods Ruins and typo Rules or semi displsy classIIieds may be ob tained through This Examiner ad vertising depkrnncnt ming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices tor up to 25 words over 25 words per word extra in Memoriam No tices $150 if verse llsed do per word extra BLIND me Rmus inrormntlon regarding advertiser ustnï¬ RDnd Letter flux Nuntlefl for cpiies is held strictly nonlin entlaL Rs uea to Letter noxes will his had only lo days utter last day of vlibliutlun Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ini ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Mates Say Mickey Has Better Chance CHICAGO AP The Sun times says New York Yankee players favor Mickey Mantle as having better chance than team mate RugerMfllIS to break Babe Ruths record of 60 home runs in one baseball sea son The newspaper says in dis patqh from New York that the Yankee players in an informal clubhouse poll favor Mantle to leagues in homers with 40 as against 39 for Mantle Both are far ahead of Ruths pace in 1927 when he hit 60 Mantle is given such avbig edge over Maris include Mantle in his 11th American League season with the Yanks as compared with Maris ï¬lth is the better competitor and more experienced hitter Let me put it this way said one veteran Yankee Theyre both smart hitters but Mantle is the smarter of the two and knows the pitchers better Mickey also is favored be cause hes switch hitter Ma ris who hits left handed has hit six homers uif lefthanded pitchers Mantle had 31 homers batting left handed and eight righthanded Maris is given one advantage He hats third in the lineup just ahead of Mantle and hence the pitchers are more likely to pitch to him Maris leads the major PROPERTY FOIL SALE RD CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to in lmneriu Thealla PA 6648I Membrr oi turns and District Real Lima Board MOVING Dont inrral tc uanxiu your INSURANCE int 11 youncco extra coverag Dl kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 35201 111 Dunlap St MOVING For complete movin unic nirr Ind easizr all COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LlNES AGENT Essa Rd hurllo Pltrkway 575 PA 68175 ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 70 TiFFlN STREET RARiliE FARM 100 ACRES 100 acre lonn locaicd lu Ora TownshID Lorre burn and drive shed room brick house modern kllchcn all men in good repair Full price only $10000 with 000 down payment and the balance on one morlllxe SHANTY BAY ROAD Brick bungalow slx rooms mil basement recreation room iorced air on heating Opcn llreplact garage uIIy landscaped lot with paved drivewfl Terms CENTRAL sinloy brick home located vc central in the CGE Area be rooms arid bath upstnln Lniso living room and lamlly xlxn kit cncn downstairs Full bliomont on healing nnw rooi This home in excellent cnndltlon both in side Ind out hilly landscaped lot with planter at rout oi house mill price only $10900 ALLANDALE 13 ROOMS BATHS Income home The upsinirs rents alt $105 monthly leaving room ipiriment or the owner down rtoim Forced on oil hrntlng Large garage 70 28 This prolr crty is located vcryccntral to store and bus ilno mi price $11900 EAST END ROOMS $12900 lull price lor this outstanda ing room brick bungalow only years old separate dining room Iilll ilniilyslle kitchen cxnuust run bedrooms run hasomunt nicely landscaped lot so 165 located close to schools and shop ping 57 NRA morlcngc carrier or 517 per month including taxes CENTRAL COLLIER ST 1150 square not brick home only nboui months old This is large well built brick bungalow located close to downtown fea iurlng large bedrooms sbupc living room and dining room spacious work kitchen plus large dining are in kitchen stone fireplaces one in the livinz room and one in the recreation room car builtin garage paved driveway Terms Largo down pay ment required CALL DAY OREVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and District Real more Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 93 BAYFEELD ST PA 66453 Member of Home and District Real Estate Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER FA 60416 JOE PALMER PA H853 KARL MARSHALL PA b9917 NORAH llAiKIs Oro 4023 MARC SHERAR PA 31535 CONTEMPORARY HOME ONE ONLY New NRA contemporary dwelling with carport rooms large 11v iiig room large kitchen dining area master bedroom ceramic Lilcd bathroom with colored tili iuscs and van This otrcup bonds storms and screens large snddcd lot good location corner MeiroseDuekworth Phoneowner builder ALLEN PA m1 CENTRALLY Located ï¬ve room insui brick house 15 Henry Street Laundry facilities 011 heated Good grounds Low down payment Apply Dnnald Cameron RR home telephone PA 88356 Good Food Hospitality pleasant surroundings RESIDENTS 0F BARRIE ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR UODL SPA CIOUS DINING ROOM AMm BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS ONLY FEW HOMENIS DRIVE FROM ALLANDALE FOR Broiled steaks with mushrooms Southern fried chicken in basket Hungarian Goulash European cusine Catering to fami es and large or small Meals can be served at all times WE HOPE To SEE YOU 910095 in THE NEAR FUTURE TELEPHONE STROUD 62323 For Réservations or Just Dropln principuivund taxes For timber ROGERS CONNELL To ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Banlo Home SalesForemost in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES 155 LAPPERION STREET 2132me EUNGALow ESTATE SALE DVEMEDIATE VACANT POSSESSION 310800 resume price with excellent lerms on ibLt very prriiuy incited sud11 hum its Ebede mm bungalow with doublelength gauge and paved private drive Living room tepanie dining runny kitchen and tiled bathroom complete inc main floor piln hill hue msnt with tubs on furnace and punched gamcemnm dawmuln The grounds hare an pleasure in lehlml lower beds and lovely rose Arbour This 11 dual or couple or small lamlly $1500 rush is required to single open our monugd moi ely with Roger Ccnhcu PA won BEAUTIFULLY TREED IDOATION SUNNIDALE ROAD DISTRICT 517000 Set 1n wide traumas ensuring perfect privlcy till innit Illncilvo IV tum Colonial Finn with bl windows down and dormer upltlin The houu Wu butt In 1901 In lpntiwi Itl run lil roomcr with 20 Phil room love fliepllcr Ind Ilige dintn mom with one Blrflel Itnrst gweepln VIEW rum lhil hilii lavlion The III 11 lluched with IlIkIn entnnco ID buemept property of beauty and real comloriand excellent terms are obiinahla To inspect Immediately please call PA hulls air Roger 24 SHANNON STREET FACING SOUTH FOR SUNLIGHII $14700 This 11 threeycpoid red brick bungalow oi rxccllcni plln siiuiied on hrlutilully kept deep lol it hu Ilne landscaplnr shade trees uran and rnclosrd patio The mt living room has lovely dry bright pouredwall baimient complete laundry Ieetlnn on hutan Ind combination liurninuln storm and concern romplrlo this picture iiniiy comrort horel Owner innsicrred otters excellent term ior quick nln with $1500 down Phone PA mod LEAROLD BRICK BUNGADOW WIIlI GARAGE SEIJLING AT OWNERS ACTUAL OOSTI $13500 thronbedroom plan that is universal rovourile Ills large living dining combination sinole kitchen wit cupboards in nltunl wood lnvcly ceramic iiird blthrnnni linemen ll bright very dry and Niiy Entitled The owner here Is leaving name and oricrs ihn lcnulnc argaln wllh tmlnedllta posseulonl Very low down plymtiit to single NBA monglge EVENINGS CALL ninth in MOOREPA n51 FOSTERPA N10 ROGERSPA skim coNNRLL PA 5de uEbiREvs RAiuiiE nisrnicr REAL ESTATE IlOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 52 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 smith CampbellPA 57060 Jun LangPA H751 Fergus EnvoyFA 07352 Member is the Demo Real Estate Board PRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 89398 OR PA com CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MAREL MARSHALLPA 34450 COREYPA ow own JONiSPA 1931 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 ON MULCASTER AND CODRINGTON Semidetached Brick Duplex Lower apt has bedroom kitchen liv ing room with piece bath Upper has bedrooms living room kit chen and piece haul Income approximately 5150 monthly Asking price $11000 with $1000 down Cali Jack wluson ON KEMPENFIELDT DRIVE Two storey ii room hrlck Hos large living room lacing the bay and lovely den with marble ï¬replace Nice dining room opening out on to patio good sized kitchen Nceds modernizing stairs has large master bedroom with bath plus our other good size bedroom Out side has lovely lot with lots or shrubs and lowers plnl two car gangc Call Jack Wilson or dethlls ON HIGHWAY llATGUTHRIE Good older tyne home almost am lot irooms on drst rloor and on second $9500 full 69 Only $2000 down with one mortglgls to carry or $55 per mun coll Norman ShciswelL menus cell Joe Length PA W145 lack Willsnn PA 54631 Everett Sheisweli Dro 2919 Norman Sheiawell PA 59961 Howard Norris PA 55463 anr MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE1 mm 50 0F VALUENo ram CHARGED Sloull Agencies Ltd GENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS Owner Will Finance You need only about $5000 down or this beautiful view duplex and extra lot urge maple trees shade your mat lawn and make life woth uving in this executive location For The FixUp Man Older home in soon to boom commercial area rentor us 1101 mveshnnnt In Elmos future Built For Keeps solid stone bedroom bungalow close to both public nnd separate schools We know youll like the living room with divider bonkuse and he modern divided kitchen Basement has roughed in ï¬replloe and area or rumlly room Its reany worth seeing at only $13900 Be Your Own Landlord acres good garden land with two small barns bedroom trnmo bungalow only years old miles nom Barrie Full price only $0500 Would you like SemiRetired Life And still can tidy sum 11 do letus ilhow you this Unit Hotel on Hwy 11 north of Barrie when yml can have your own home and Just mnnage Units and dny while enjoying healthy lilo on In ex ceptinnlily riled income To further details pluso call PA 35901 Unusual Business Opportunity ws otter In exceptional opportunity tor young couple with linunclul backing to get stifled ill well established maiesuc clam Fur F111 Ipecllilzhig in The buyer will require l1me $25000 Piela call PA 55901 to Imnll your inspection Members or the Eurrio Ind DistflotRenl mote Board EVENINCS CALL Harry SimonPA 6067 Doris NuttycombcPA 5600i ONE BrownPA ulna Edith Gouldore sold Prank congdonPA 37475 ALLANDALE Anna st Custom built brick hungnlow $58m down payment $13 per month includes interest any It to live iuto Merv GnuidOro 2513 sEVEN ROOM Brick House with him on one IQ of land urn furnace three piece built in cupbolrdl Next to this school on 12th line or ammonia Rodd on I11 winter Telephnnn 562R nyner interdiction PHONE PA 83428 NIcELY TREED 100 50 135 gloseto ccbooir Apply 14 Peel rec snoop New two bedroom bun galow Largo living room kitch cn end three piece bath but or euphnlrd spice Large landcap ed lot Mulls In offer Tclcphono siroud acnll LEAHOLD Brick BIIIIKIIDW Din lpg room living room vkitchen and two bedrooms Forced Rirllil helt my basement Garage PAVE driveway $8000 down Telephone PA 31437 511 011 MORE ACRE Elm good buildings productive soil Presi on system in barn 11100 plno trccr six main hours modern mm Wu conveniences North crullu Tow Phone Pl 32414 rbipTclephona PA 46936 oru REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HENDERSON REALTOR caudal met PHONE PA lZFIE 11 NAPIER Well Del hack on lam lovely nerd lot on bus lino Ind close to El schools Time bedroom brick charmi living room with nltunl atone once glmcoln sun room Terms arranged in rult buyer EvENiNbs on RITA scANDREir PA was PERCY FORD PA 071110 Member or Blnh Ind District and Ontario Rani nul lacrd PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT JUST FOR YOU This charming house ior rent or uie suuoiro in shanty EI tow yards item the walcr Fire placo in the Mn room all run niee Three bedroom Lam icnced in yard Available Sep tember ls Press lednu moving in Waiteru ci Idl Telephone On or iirr no Loin PA bum PROPERTY WANTED nAvE 31000 down Plymant or centrally located home in Don rie valued up to 33000 Princi at only Apply lo Ilox 70 Barrio Imtncr BUS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunity RENTALS mice or store space 500 square Ieet nn ground floor Excellent location Cleln well located body Ind ainl lho Immediate omenlnn ould ma cxcniiellt urnituro rcnnlsh ing and upbolslcry shop lied on Lot or rent more and Lupin included mcepilonlly good FOR INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE OPPORTUNITDE CONTACT HAROLD HILL DUNLOP ST WEST TELEPHONE PA 8212 SNOCAP DRIVEIN LTD PROme TERniToRlEs FRANCHISE bow nvkiilbie In On tario and Quebec 01 yearround driveIII rcsiaurant hlekcd by ex perience training advertising Write to SnOCiiP 3017 Dthunt St Toronto or iiiriher Inlnmn Hon FOR LEASE Combination servlcu stationsnack bar nnd house on WellInvclled highway in busy community PreA sent gallongo good excellent rut ure possibilities Low investment required very ronsonnble icrms Ssrvico atltlon training supplied with salary Ind expenses paid This is yearround steady busi ness and real proï¬t opportun bath ity for the applicant iclocicd Write in strictest conï¬de11cc giv lug pcrronil background nnsnclal pnsltian cic in box 74 harric Ex amlncr GROCERY sToRE 10 tent to be Inovcil Inoiudesenuntcr scales refrigerator deep inner and oil stove sinuoo turnover annually Telephone PA 07468 utter pm nANDYliIANs Opportunity For sole11 room hotel in Thornton on 21 Highway Full price $0000 with only $2000 down Good in come property Ideal for spin ments Apply to box on Barrie Examiner MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness drnib CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST EATIan PA com MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to consolidate debts pay on existing mortgages home improvements etc Call for hp poinimcnt PA onset Mortgage mulling over SimmonsSoars 119 Dunlap Street East MORTGAGES1st and 2nd bought roid and unused commercial and residential moneys loaned on existing mortgages Barrio nort gugc Broken PA 50504 MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING Blus Payem on with lowltost Dreinsured THE BANK OF NOVA scum RENTALS GARAGE WANTED to rent in the vicinity of so Codrlnlzton street cricctivc September Telephone PA 59944 WANTED TO RENT RIGR ECROOL Teacher wants three or fourbedroom house by September Prnfers nlec district or outskirts Apply Box 45 Barrie Examiner APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake Duo and two bedroom apartments complete with stove and reulgeis ntorUse of wagher Ind dryer Redeoonted annually PA 61068 THREE ROOM Apartme Eve mlnutes Waiklt rroin downtown Parking facilitles Newly decoru ted Telephone PA 81210 sELP CONTAINED sour room nplrtment Heat and wuicr supplied 70 per month Edit and location Avauablc im mcdlsteiy Telephone PA 09355 for iurther dctafls THREE noon unlurnnbcd apart mcnt rcpnruto entrance roll com tallied parking facilities Newly decorated Avolloblo immediately Tcicpbono PA gun or further inionnutio mixer ROOM Apartment tor rent Stove rcirlgcrntor helt boi wa ter supplied Urn or her and dryer Telephone PA 750 MODERN two bedroom apartment Largo living room kitchen and three piece bath front and tuck entrances laundry room in base merit One or two children well come Apply sal nayneld Strut or telephone PA 716 unlurnlsheil RENTALS ms RODSES To RENT OR R0011 uninrnisbed soui ment in rent Hardwood noon Kitchen runroom Teuphono PA idler nx NEW BUNOALOW tarnished with low rent to reliable couple tint win in widower live in For tur ther inlormatian call PA HAM AVAILABLE Immedhlely one rurniuhrd tplrflnenl nne upturn hhcd Roth sci contained One child wrknme Dly pbona PA 04270 dvEninKl PA Hm FOUR 1100 nlrnisbcd spart ment or rent second floor im mediate sieuloo close in new Post on cc Apply 60 Owen st alter pm THREE R0031 sell contained uh iurnished apartment Hut and not walcr supplied Newly decortad 575 per month Tel none PA M720 alter pm Hp us MONTHLY fluted uniurn ishcd upper duplex with two bed rooms Children welcome Tele phone PA bow or nirther in gmlion FURNIsuEn two room Iplflment with private bath and pukinr Iscililics Reasonable rent Lou itd Owen and Wellinginn streets Telephone PA um DPPm DUPLEX spurious three room primed with blicony heated envy duty wiring Ail rm drcoraied Telephone PA 34510 meal noun or evenings FURNISHED ibrra room span merit three piece bath heavy duty stove and rolrigentor Hardwood loan seir contained Avuuable July Apply Armstrongs ware Two ROOM lurnlsbcd aphrtinlnt hot and cold water suitbin or one or two adults Available now Telephono PA 57390 evenings or luriher particulars Timer DEDROO Run slow nno yrlil old Nurthut on Closn to ltIiouLi Four piece on Modern kitchen Slnriru and screens 1er pilnnn PA 37750 drier 510 TivO Roms himlxhcd Blcbelnr Apartment withbalcony tor rent iicdrcoralcd Close to downtown Availnhle immediatel in Ll Park Street mm Two nouns and bath furnlhed privatn entrance Suit couple quiet district Telephone PA 567 anytime or further intob motion UNPURNISIIED modernly decon ltod gcif contained roam unpri duplex Heat inter and parking supplied Apply 99 Innialii street or oi Eccles street North 55 310 UPPER AND Lower Du plex hot water heated largo rooms one with stove and refrig erator Closo in downtown hun dry largo Int parking PA Hood S55 ONE AND TWO Bed rooms sols coniolncd bcaicd hot water Dowutown lacing like laundry and parking Telephone LARGE FOUR Room Apartment heated hot and cold water FHA vain blithrnoin garage and utility room Apply Mrs Green Rond Rand or telephono Rradiord Pros pact 52509 REATED Aplrtmeiit Ior rent Lnrze living room bedroom din cttc and kitchen with stove and rcmgerator Central Business cou ple prciurrcd Available immedi ately Telephonn PA 515 MODERN two bedroom 1P3 mcnt nvuilsblo August Ritchcn with rcrrlgeraior Ind stove Laun dry room with washer and dryer Apply 123 cook street or tele phone PA ems NEW Tw DEDROO ground floor self contained apartment Itc irigcrator and strive laundry he illtleruoverlooking park and lake Iront Apply so Blake St or tele phone PA 57411 inniIEDrATE possession heated uninrnishcd two bedroom apart menl in stroud apartment house No children or pets Telephona suoud 48 Two ROOM heated lumishnd apartment with private bathroom suitable for two business girls or couple Close to bus stop Laud dry lscilities Telephone PA 5525 or PA 05540 IlEDIiooni Apartment ground floor completely private Central location Hot water heated Gor age Handy to school Available immediately Telephone PA 51062 utter pm FURNISHED Apartment Living room bedroom End kitchenette ilcated Hydro and water supplled Abstuincrs CentraL Available amber Ann to 26 McDonad rce NICELY Furnished Apartment vcry centralAvallahlo now Suit able for one or two ldiiltsuAb stolners Stove and refrigerator Heat and water supplied Apply 125 Rayneld street TWO nsDROOMs one uving room kitchen and bathroom $1n monthly heated Next in Christies supermarket in Alixndale Telelt phone PA 32424 and ask ior Sum Strnnman iron in munmsnen he ted apn merit three rooms and kitchenette private entrance Central location 35 monthly Available Angus to Also lurnisbed two room npari merit llTandeld Street Phopo PA 66401 PA 92516 or mnher inlormauon RENTALS APTSc HOUSE T0 BENT IKVKN look Home for rust with in bathrooms hardwood floors oil bested nil hksemenl Laxg yud scored in Available Septem ber Tliwhone PA can LOVELY VIEW wllh cheului rur roundlnp Tbsre room toil eon talned mman stov Ind ro Irigenlor nippiied Loealed In In cut end Available immediately Tdephonn PA $109 Rooms To LET rURNIsREn Housekeeping Room to let with rangelic use of re llilentnr and washing machine Centrally Ioclted For Iurther in Inrmation telephone PA H082 RoUnsEEPENG Room or rent two beds mentor and rlnl cite suit two business mrn who would like quiet burns in west end dimlet Telephone PA 37114 ONE PURNISIIED Housekeeping Room iuit quiet older women on bus line One Iurnlshed bedroom with kitchenetie military Or business couple prelorrcd Telr phnns PA ml or PA 50640 ROOM 8i BOARD AVAILABLE Nice bright room with bond Central Incalion Lun ches packed tl deiired Telephone PA nmz WANTED TO RENT house on APARTMENT wlnted in or around Cankstown by Aug uit in ii possible Pic1a reply to box okuown lnr lurther idiomnon SUMMER RESORTS Longwood Lodge Lovely Playground lPlclnul rooms but end cold wiirr Very good nsblng only one mile in gel and lennls court EUROPEAN CHEF EUROPEAN CUISINE HOME COOKING Broiled Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken Very rclsonlble rates Mull can be lervrd at all timer or outsid ers Weekend nests and ismiiles an welcomn close in Aiilndlla oi course Tel Stroud 62r23 COTTAGES T0 RENT FIVE R003 Cottale at Glenwnod Reach furnished Available July 25 on Close to stores Ind dance hall Telephone m1 stroud Ior hiriner inromnuon FOUR nnonooii Cottage avail able last three weeks in August also three bedroom cottage tor the last two weeks in August also email cottage with two bunk beds available now All on lake iront wiib good sandy beach Thunder Beach Apply Trick Dundonnld st Barrie ON LAKE silicon at Oro Sta ilon sandy baicb good swimming in All gcs largo cottage newly decorated Ivanhie August 5th other smaller cottages oil the wa tcr it vcry rcuronublc rains Ap Ply to Greer or at the cot tages at 0ro station Tellphone PA assil TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pa 82414 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT Two BEDROOM Cntug with in side conveniences si urn Beach Good swimming and dining Anu abia July so to Airgun also August is to September 550 weekly Telephone Oro ms COTTAGES FOR STILF Two cmrAGRs and Lou lor nle at Little Lake $1500 tor bath or will ieu upsrslely real ban dymanl op onunily In Box on rrie Ikmmcr ARTICLES for SALE IKAVZ YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNmP ST PHONE PA Lem THE RAFFERS ANTIQUES CRAIGIIUHSI ONTARIO Furniture colored Ins Ind ch11 Open daily in your convenience iron 10 am till 10 pm is Miles North or nustie on Highway TELERONE PA 64011 PATIO STONES 15 square thick WAIDI PROOFED COLOUR lAsT Sarieant Co Ltd Mary Street NEWSPAPER MATS Sixes will mail Ior lining hen houses nuns garages etc perrcet lnsulalor 25 PER DOZEN Apply The nonlo airminer BariIa Ontario VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 RERlGEEATORS $9500 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 ELELlRIC cAsiI Register Ior we 15 Apply Joan Garrick HIII Styl ists 30 Maple Avenue nmie AsPnALT DRIVEWAYP Tele phone PA 50214 DinnerParrmd Limited ONE COMPLETE SET or Eocycim podin Rrilunnica and makecc Rest oiler Telephone PA 03117 aiier xix NEW OVERHEAD Garage Doors and up Fishing Boat 50 Cabin Trailer $200 so Motor 575 Telephone PA H594 or in iomuilon JET PRESURE PUMP ior snle al most now Also Electric stove burners apartment lire Seuinl ressonabl Telephone PA om PRES HONEY or slid cent per 117 In your containers A110 SOIti 111115 13 cent per It Pill containers Apply ell Phone PA 85690 evening REFRIGERATOR Leonard 59 cu bio loci in excellent condition Will treexe up to one weeks moat ideal or home or cottage Price 350 Telephone PA Hm BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUWMENT SANITARY DISPOSAL TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents and Tarps dump Cots and stove Coolerl BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD ad EAYPmin STREET TELEPHONE PA 37 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery nFRANcls ST REAR PA 68551 14 than pack of cilanttel day THREE ROOM hentefl ImlIImIlhnd apartment Private bathroom and cutranco On ground noor Prlvnia vcrnnds Washer and dryer suP plied Appliances optional Iiee pnrklnglrolcpbono PA wool or PA him NEW AND Modern and and two bedroom Epaflmenu overlooking scenic Kempcntcit nay Heat wa ter parking and Janitor relvi included Automatic wkshing nilltlesi PA 9129M NEWLY Decorated one bedroom apartment with three piece bath and privlte laundry room Apply after PIn 52 Marcus street or IaeIePIanu PA one between 81nd pm UNPURNIsRED iour xonm spiri lnent or rent Rented and reir contained with private bath Pos session immediately Telephone PA 05000 or PA Hull or lurth er infomnuon SELF CONTAINED apartment Red sitting room kit chen and bath Henvy duty wiring and location Suit two business girls or couple Peel Street or PA 56911 lilonnim unturnlsbcd tbrca room apartment our PIECE tile baths front and back entrances Purklog and laundry faculties including dryer North Owen Avullnhla Aug list PA wotPA m1 apartment completely sell con toined ground floor bright Hy dro and bent supplied Fire lace and large clothes closets viti 3335 Amstl Telephone PA QUEEle PARK District Two bedroom lower duplex prlvsis rout entrance our place blih stove and refrigerator Basement atnragu space Private parking Ono child welcome $90 Talonlou PAVE44W hindlied FURNISHED two room bachelor nchvnTan FILL GRAVEL TOP SiiII SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Ex mg and Grading Witter Delivery Crushed none Ralt Yard Esckboo or bin DENNIS MORAN Anna strcct PA um lamis PAINTING AND PAPERle GING EDWARD SMITH AND soN Painting and Paper HIHEIIIE Spray Painting service since im RR BARRIE PA 66856 PLASTEEING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Fetches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT ISIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT copy for Want Adoration accepted until pm Day batore publication WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CAIILE HOGS Removed promptly loi disposal Telephone Barrie PA 87751 Long distance Zenith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 5908 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT WE have been ucenscd in remova your dead and crippled farm Enl mnls under tho above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BARRE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 566 SEPTEC TANKS PUMPED in ANGUS AREA C011 ROBERTSON ANGUS ONT TELEPHONE RE 95595 UPHOISTEEY UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND Draperies OSlip covers OBroadloom 000mmercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING AND RU C0 64 BAYFIELD ST PA 61012 PA new Out at towncan collect Complete rinse of lubric shown in your home CLEANING For finer furniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES PA 51012 PA 110011