THE DAiqu nmrmzhu WEDNESDAY JULY ml BRASS GLENN Canadian Dollars immerse LTD 5541 Eï¬Ã©eriaï¬lfli libPewuaï¬on of the Canadian DUNLOP ST EAST OPPOS ITE ROYAL BANK DOWNTOWN dollnr Iorms Us mm use oIIicials say the policy ls interim base action head log decision by USAF head hum v4 Bm Menl short Sime quarters which is studying the problem rConunuins to 99m em Play Shorts Sport Shirts dImI dollars al their deflatedl value would have meant sulrl slanliul loss to the Us Air Reg 142 Force an of ul said Sport Shirts SHORTS PANTS Reg p00 to 195 ANYONE MAKINGAPLIRCHASE AT BRASS GLENN LTD WILL BABIES WERE RUGGEDTYKES BACK THEN HAVEA CHANCE ON OUR FREE DRAW DAILY Babies must have been hig like an armored truck to car Simcoe County Museumhwill nus ger in the Nineties Baby Iy outsned Inlanl One like Tale Bufnggglï¬tvï¬iï¬ In carnage from this era 15 huIIt Ill photographed ai lhe chants blg sale Men Bunion Short Sleeve Menl Pleu I651 Oll Ills no HANDICAP signer She is one or Ihe launch Shorts truly portable MONTREAL In the ers or summer theatre group at arne zigzag machmé amaleurlhealre luck or money The Paupers at present using can he slimulnting area to agtroom at the McGill University Compare its weight with other creative artists says Ottilie Students Union to stage its aYS make 131 achmes Douglas Montreal costume de productions cast aluminum head makes It 20 pounds lighter than most edThifsTEmlgnfl ï¬lial Youll be hapDY too with its 1953 withOld Home Week The beautiful decorative patterns Diamond Jubilee of July 1913 dependable straight stitching use it to make buttonhales 81 was also great dabmum Monograms without attach The streets were ablaze wzlh menrsr Only $170 perweekon thousands of yards of hunting °EEP TRAINS PLANES cows STAMPS Effinénf rilésiï¬iéeslmilulvé CARS BOATs ewes Susana to watch the tremendous parade Drop In and See Us At mm Mandala along Bradford Boys Denlm Buy Long Sleeve Slreel Dunlop and Blake One of the features at the HOBBY CENTRE me Sport Shirts Wmdbreakers lion gt flyingh by young Frenc man in famous Rod 7O DUNLOPST WEST Devil biplane whim ed in the fair grounds and took sped of to perform nerobalices Gm gt That szs in 1913 one year be fore World War began Mr Iandale became ward six of our HISIIIIINEII BARGAINS Show gt and Allandale arrived from and discussed 33 DUNbDP sr WEST dirzéyflilgï¬alrké $3 EXCHANGES OR 015 PHONE PA 85025 SEWING CENTER PA 89541 BARBIE ONT dgziot Borne DIamond Jubilee seq Illsn today at your AT every part of Canada and the United States for the celeer tifnn and many were the scenes reunion as peope greeted mm TongInst friends EF NDS CHEERFULLY MADE OPEN FRIDAY TO 900 LIsted In phnnu hank under SINGER SEWING MACHINE COS SPORTS TROUSERS cOATs WASHNWEAR Nor52595 NnSGsS35 SHOP HERE DURING gt OLD FASHIONED BARGAIN DAYs IBRILL SPORTS anon SLEEVE SHIRTS SHIRTS REG $695 28 DUNLOP ST now $335 Now $195 lrs Old Fashioned7 bargain BARRE days in downtown Barrie be sure to drop in and look over our many summer styles now CLEARANCESALE 99 VI gxszsshszlrggz WW 5971 ï¬af=7rgltggfiom5neg rr $14298 897 BE SURE To SHOP AT STRANSMANfS FOR ALL YOUR SUMMERNEEDS values Gowns eleepcoatr up baby To II doll pyjama 3398 You will find largeselechon on I1de from which to WRITE BULKR chdose 331 Such As 5ui°iï¬ BATHlNG SUITS NYI0NS USHORTs BLousEs wiE CARRY IONLIY THE MOST MoDERN UpgTqDATE STYLES MIIlIY Mom ITEMS IIIIT IlllllEllTlSEll BUY IT IIIIII LIIYIlWIIY PLIIIIV LADIES WEAR lt 34 DIINLOP sT BARRIE