MILLIONDOLLAR grain elevator fire which burned wildly out of control at Wilcox Sank 25 miles south of Regina Monday burned sh three grain elevator and four grain annexes the town curling and skating rink and parts of five homes Rails near the homing elevators twisted with the intense heat District Youngsters Start To Take Swimming Lessons Children from Siroud Stay oer Silver Maple and Phelps ton areas will take swimming lessons starting Thursday The lessons are organized by the Simcoe County Recreation Ser vice in cooperation with local communities Youngsters will be given lea lons on theThursday and Mon day of each week for period of weeks total of seven lessons Lessons will also be conduct ed for the children of the Not tawasaga Shanty Bay and Orr Lake areas These children will receive their lessons Tues days and Fridays of each week WEATHER Synopsls Clear skies are gen eral across0otario this morn ing Sunny skies are forecastad for soutbem and northeastern sections of the province today while cloud and showers or thundershpwers are expected north of Lake Superior The un settled veather will move into northeastern sections late today Warmer temperatures are ex gectcd in most sections Thurs Lake Erie Lake Huron re gions Windsor London Mainly sunny today and Thursday Chance of few thundershowers late Thursday little warmer Thursday winds light Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Niagara aliburton regions Toronto 411 it Mainly sunny today andhlhursday Lit le change in temperature winds light Alsome Timagaml Cochraoa regions North BaySaulta Ste Marie Sudbury Mainly sunny iltis moming becoming partly White River cloudy this afternoon with acati Leaders and shore organizers of the classes are all qualified Red Cross instructors Water safety instruction is given as much priority as swimming in struction at these classes Children are taught to recog nize and avoid dangerous sit uations They are also shown how to care for themselves in the event ofan accident Ern phasis ll placed on the reason behind safety measures and this helps the children to un derstand the rules as fully as possible Lrsranaas Children from the various areas will goto the following FORECAST tered showers or thundershow ers late tonight and Thursday little warmer Thursday winds light White River region Partly cloudy today and Thursday few showers or thundershowers late today and Thursday Warm winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight hlgh Thursdayn Windsor St Thomas Kitchener Winghnm Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuakasmg Mooscnee SS Marlo enhancessse as as eacasessesse as so TODAYS STOCK PRICES compiled by AE Flynn 93 Dunlap St Barrie Housman Ashen Abluhi Algann Steel Aluminium Albertl GI Atlas Steel Bk of Montreal Bank or N5 Bell TeL Brazillua 28 awar CdnEko1com 65 can Breweries can Dom Tar Gt Lakes Git Pow am on Canada Cement on Chemical can on con runner Sm Con rape Consumer III is Lnbatt Nornndo nnm Foundr Dom Store umber 53 Harden Farm Home all $4 wring rev RICE can Mnc Powll Riv Mum For Nor ant no Moore Corp Oshawa Pacific rein 32m NH no on no Rothmnnn it KW DTP Salldl sarinu Stoopom stnlrordvl sun of cm Etclnherl Torlomhk Tran Can Trans 1rndero sin Texaco Union on want new PM unran Can husky Camp Chill Con Hill on saunar gem Mines Gunnlr ll Homage Lamaque assessor Nomem Opsmlskn KanAddison Lon Lac Maritime 11 Quench Sher Gordon stncp nook United 01 Venture Wllriry Mon ACTIVE smcxs bl M1063 Ital of Canada Monarch Fine Fonds Imperial Oil nowsoan lew Your omens hdltmh radiusm up Irpflfll Roll Ip 138 Utilities noonand TORONTO on Biennial max Golda down 13 Mel Ill 51 WOill up Iplaces of instruction Stroud area chlldrento lnnlsfll Pork Stayner children to Onkview Beach Silver Maple and Phelpston children Orr Lake Nottawasaga children Plrates Cove Wasaga Shanty Bay children government dock and Orr Lake children to Orr Lake All the classes are filled with the exception of the Stroud and Shanty Bay areas Parents wishing to enrol their drildren in the classes may do so by phoning Mrs Harold Robertson Strand 42 ring or Mrs Wil llarn Darby Shanty Bay Oro 2410 On Wednesday Aug young sters fmm across the county will try their Red Cross swim ming tests They will be tested at Camp Borden by an official Red Cross examin srocx norm Volume TORONTO CmAdvances in all sections except golds fea tured morning action on the stock market today lndustrials moved ahead 225 on the exchange index at 58681 Ease metals advanced 51 at 19961 and western oils 73 at 9014 Golds were down 23 at 8953 The 11 am volume was 349 000 shares compared with 315 7000 at the same time Tuesday Among steels Algema Atlas and Steel Company of Canada showed good gains Individual advances went to General Dynamics ahead at 37 and Alberta Gas and As bestos each up V4 star and 3m Among losers Showinlgan dropped it at 24 and Lohlawv at 41 In base metals Consolidated Mining and Smellinghalcon bridge and International Nickel were higher Best mining gain went to Ventures ahead two points at 54 Golds were slow Dome had the biggest senior drop down is at 25 The market spurted ahead Tuesday with latcday flurry of trading Turnover as whole was light Many groups that had been noon DOLLAR MONTREALCP¢The 115 dollar was at premium of Ho per cent in terms of Cana dian funds the Bank ofMont real reported near noon today Tuesday thean rate was 103 316 Pound sterling 3238 up Si How About Weekend vwrrn Lulu from mm and an IL WHERE YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR AIUrojRAoios nraormvnr cans non women anchorwoman AMFM MANTEL Lonwn orra srnnno arm mac mFI snide on Anrannargae LOEWE OPTA IIIFl TAPE RECORDER HlFl $1450 $5950 517900 sumo stalled with we switch for950 sAlES AND Vice FULLY GUARANTEED prions as 5031 gas BLAZE HITS SASKATCHEWAN COMMUNITY Damage cstimalcs were 31 000000 Cause of the fire is not known 12 Are Injured In Bus Crash MONTREAL CP Twelve persons were injured Tuesdayl when Greyhound bus went out of control on hill in westcen tral Montreal and was involved in collision with three cars and city bus Bus driver Daniel Joseph de Luca 33 of Paterson Nl said he was driving beneath rail way overpass when the brakes failed Alter hitting giant drum of electric cable and traffic light standard the bus collided with car The car in turn rnrnmcd into second car and the sec ond into third The third car the most heav ily damaged sideswiped city us The injured included six of the ispasscngcrs on the New Yorlobound bus and six occu pants of the tlrrea cars None of the iniured bus passengers ad has tal treatment Industrials Rise IsUpv on the downside all day sud dcnly sparked and came out with fractional wins in the pa pers for instance Abitihi Great Lakes MacMillanBloledel and Anglo Newfoundland all had gains in the is and range while in the utilities Bell Tele phone RC Power CPR Gati neau Power and Northern 0n tario Natural Gas took wins from Va to one point Motors were decidedly ahead on the heels of four point gain to $164 by Ford of Canada while wins of point and one half point went to 115 Ford and General Motors Steels were also better with Ontario Steel Steel Company Algqma Dominion Foundries and Steel and Page Herdey all up fractionally Liquors and banks and finan cial institutions were down on thewhole On index indushials rose 12 to 58156 golds 198 to 8078 and basemetals 11 to 19815 West ern oils fell 49 to 3995 Volume wa15a7ooo shares compared with 1282000 Monday Golds for the second conse cutive day Provided the lead for the base metals market in seniorissues McIntyre Porcu pinetook the lions share by risingmto 37 in otherbasc metals action Ventures high lighted tradeby gaining 2V to 52 new high Western oil trading was light UK Austerity Program Sets Othontroversy LONDON CF The new austerity program designed to rcrricdy Britains lingering eco nomic lilacs has provoked controversy over whether the government is applying the right kind of medicine The Conservative govern ments prescription came in the form of an increased bank rate to seven from five per ccntand increased pardrase taxes and excise duties to reduce home consumption it was annoirncod Tuesday in Parliament by Selwyn Lloyd chancellor of tha elchequcr and lmmcdlatcly toudicd off an an gry uproar from the Labor op position The emergency epo nomic measures dow face two day debate Much of the shock was taken out of Lloyds announcement by the endless amount of publicity and speculation the cannot ccov nomic crisis and the proposed remedim had received in the last few weeks The increased purchase tax up by 10 per cent of the exist ing tax will reduce home con sumption to unaln extent while the higher bank rates will reinforce sterling But some ï¬nancial experts feel the governments measures rely too heavily on methods used since the war to pull Brit nin temporarily out of one crisis and into another Press In 11x Blasts Austerity Inadequate End Uninraginative LONDON RebuttalBritish newspapers today lashed out at Britains new austerity pro gramas inadequate unfair and unlrnaglnative Most British newspapers were angry about the small scale program put forth in the House of Commons Tuesday by the treasury chief Selwyn Lloyd The plan boosted the bank rate to seven from five per cent increased sales and excise taxes tlghtened credit and cut back estimates of government spending The Times of London took kindller view than most news papers lt said Lloyd analyzed the situation correctly but failed to come up with comprchenlt slve plan to get the country back on the road to economic health FAILS OVER WAGES The Guardian Manchester said Lloyd failed most notably in the area of wages Following Tuesdays budget and the one last April Tho Guardian said it would be as tonishing to expect no do rounds for wage raises to be forthcoming Once again there have been substantial tux concessions for the wealthy to be followed by tax increases and other burdens which fall on the less wealthy The Guardian said The London Daily Mirror which icons to the opposition Labor party said Lloyds meas urcs contribute nothing toward ending the real causes of our economic crisis CONFUSING PLAN The Financial Times said Lloyds plan was confusing it is not clear whether the chancellor is acting shortterm and talking longvterrn or merely giving as shortterm measures longterm label The Finan cial Times said The London Daily Herald proLabor said the British pew pla were prepared to make sacrifices but the new budget does not even make pretence at equity Lord Beaverbrooks right wing London Daily Express said the public would disapprove of financial statement composed of pv proposals pious hopes continuing vast ex penditura abroad and no fiscal measures against rich specu lainrs New Party Delegates Outnuniber Unions Hold Balance Of Power OTTAWA CP ln voting power 00F New Party dole gates will outnumber trade union representatives at next weeks founding convention of the new leftwing social reform party New Party sources expect about 700 CCF and 700 union delegates atthe week long party rally here plus another 300 representatives of New Party clubs set up in the last two years across Canada In addition there will be about 30 national CCF officers and about 70 provincial CCF oi ficers who will have voting rights Party officials are reported to be pleased even encouraged at the diverse representation for the convention which will found what they consider is Canadas ï¬rst truly peoples Party In planning representation for the founding convention New Party officials were striving for PRODUCE TORONTO CP churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today The egg market was weak with offerings in excess of poor demand country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agriculture on Canada grade eggs livercd Toronto in fibre case Adarge 47 medium 40 small 2629 and grades no market Butter pricesztCannda first grade Ontario tendcrable 63 nontenderable GEs62 in light trading western 62 NilSERv 14 HIGH ST just about the balance they now expect to achieve WILL HOLD BALANCE 1f the individual groups vote as blocs at the convention which party officials do not ex pect to happen as rulethen delegates from New Party clubs would hold balance of power between organized labor and the COP movement the two main elements in the New Party The delegations themselves however are melange of in terests with some CCF sup porters coming as union dele gates some trade unionists coming as New Party club members and so on There may be division be tween East and West on some issues with CCF and union del egates from the East siding to gather against the western rep resentatives As expected the industrial unions are in the forefront of labors move into politicswith the Steelworkers Auto Workers and Woods Workers sending the biggest delegations WILL EXPLAIN TAX TORONTO CF The retail sales tax branch of the provin cial treasury department is planning public spealnng tours to explain the three per cent sales tax to businessmen in ev erymunicipality in Ontario The sales tax goes into effect Sept CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agent for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Ice CLEANERS wiLL BE cLOSEnror Hounavs JULY 28 to AUG inclusive EXCEPTOFFICE FORPICKUP JULY29ih To Aussih OFFICE AT CLAPPERTON wui REMAIN 13 OPENFQR Recommend momupf uu onion 51 They feel the govcmmart should have embarked on pro gram that would stimulate in dustrial production and make Britkh industries more compet ltive with rival European er porters Britons already heavily taxed will find themselves paying more for automobiles and house hold goods as well as alcoholic drinks gasoline and cigarettes The bank rain bolst will af fect homebuilding loans and wage pause that will cut the proposed salary increases of teachers could lead to strikes among the teaching profession WILL BE CUT Tbs chancellor said expendi lures on the upkeep of British overseas forces will he cut in the next fiscal year and hinted that West Germany will have to fork out more money to help ay for the British forces in at country Harold Wilson the Labor madow chancellor jumped to his feet after Lloyd completed his July budget speech and said the chancellor was too tender to private industry while showing bias against public ex penditure Wilson criticized Lloyd for taxing the poor while be empted the rich and asked How do you justify an attack on teachers wages Shoplifting Light In Plaza Retailers Shoplifting rate in Barrie is possibly the lowest in Canada declared several merdranfs In the Barrie Plaza at Wellington and Anne Streets Many of the stores represent Ontariowide and Canadawide etail chains and have access percentages of merchandise lost by shoplifting throughout the country Sidney Kadlsh manager of Plaza Drugs has lhis to say The Barrio Plaza stores and our store in particular have had oulteheavy traffic from time totlme and as for as were concerned sholtliltlng has been negligible Frank Perkins manager of Woolworths in Barrie Plaza said that the honesty of Barrie and district residents was out standing He spoke with the authority of 40 years rl ence in the retail field in the Barrie area Other stores checked at the plaza were equally enthusiastic about what Grover Newman Jones of Kcrns Jewelrytermcd the bias calibre character of the Barrie population Marital Problems Behind Hijacking BINGHAMTON NY AP 22yearold baker was under mental observation today after holding up commercial air liner at gunpoint and terrorizing an airport with fears that he was another Cuban hijacker He said he wanted final planeride before taking his life While Saino Zazzara of Ithaca held the pilot and his empty Mohawk airliner at gunpoint Tuesday 150 persons at the Erocme county airport terminal near here hid behind bar in the cocktail lounge When it was over Zazzara wept Behind his actions au thorities said were marital problems mm 81 BAR WEDNESDAY JULY Ill CAPSULE NEWS Build Settlement OTTAWA CPLWork will be gin this year on $12500000 federal project to make perm anent settlement of the town of Eroblsber Bay on Baffin island in the Arctic Northern Affairs Minister Din sdala said Tuesday priority Will be given in mbcd hospital lsroom school and students residence and an apartment building with facilities for no persons Arab Volunteers CAIRO Egypt iReutersThe Arab League agreed nmday to send contingent of volunteers to Join Tunisian forces in their attempt to oust France from its naval base in Blzerte Size of the volunteer force and its date of departure were military secret Runs Into Road TORONTO CmZoltcn Rea was fatally injured hrcsday when hit by truck when he ran across street to retrieve bouncing hall it was Metro politan Torontos 65th traffic death of the year compared with 53 at the some time last year Riders Honored WINDSOR CF Two De troit Freedom Riders will be presented with an engraved pla ue during the Emancipation Fes val here festival organizer Walter Perry said Tuesday He said the award will be made Sunday to Dr and Mrs Walter Bergman who organized Freedom Ride to Montgom ery Ala The couple was beaten by whites The festival which draws about 40000 Negroes each year mm the United States and Can ada begins Saturday and ends Tuesday Eden Takes Seat LONDON ReutersiFormer British prime minister Sir An thony Eden took his seat in the House of Lords Tuede as the Earl of Avon Eden was made an carl July He Was Conservative prime minister from April 1955 to January 1957 Bank Exhausted TORONTO CP One heart operation could exhaust supplies of any of three major blood groups at the Metropolitan Tor onto blood bank Red Cross of ficials said nresday HIEhI The officials issuing an un gent appeal for donations said the bank which supplies all Metrohospitals is down to 16 pints or less in three major groups Bedding Plants Vegetable Flat Garden Secdl FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 Blake St pa esm lower operating costs Essa Gasoline gives you maximum power maximum worklper dollar Heres agasolinc that meets the demands of tractor engines and gives quick narration warmup power and ccnnomy And for dilicl puwlredunirsEssoD cl Fuel has been proves over nndovcragainmgivcpeak performance 5r MélelGH TBARRIE wars toouro urn nui sperms are Launch ka 11