Pink Beaches Lure Tourists To Warm Waters Oi Bermuda HAMILTON BERMUDA Coral Elbow Grape and Horse shoe To the untroveled eye these names appear as unrelated as bananas and codfish But for the thousands of tourists who have pushed testing toe into the warm waters of Bermuda these names are associated with the islands most famous aset soft sandy scenic swimming beaches And too the have meanings Coral Beach is so named because of the huge cor al ring which protects the beach and adds to its beauty it is also true however that nearly all of the beaches on Bermudas south shore have similar protection Elbow Bench adjacent to ral forms distinct elbow in the long arm of the south shore as it strelches westward along the coast of the mainland BAY GRAPE TREES Grape Bay less than mile to the east of oral and Elbow inherited its name from the pro fusion of Bay Grape trees which line the banks around the beach And Horseshoe Bay perhaps the best Bermuda has looks as if PaulBunyanesque horse placed giant bent at waters edge and the result beach with curving symmetry re sembling horseshoe There are others whose nam es are not as well known to Ber mudas tourists but have some real thoughtvprovoking names There nreSpring Bennys Bay East Whole Bay Church Bay Stone llolc Bay and Hungry Bay as part of the list LOST IN SIIUFFLE in Bermudas 350year hist ory the origin of some of these names has been lost in inevit able historical shufflings Historian Zuill seems to think that Spring Bennys Bay is titular tribute to local character who resided in near by Somerset and Stone Hole Bay got its name from quarry there from which Southampton Parish residents gathered their building materials East Whale Bay the south shore has West Whale an also is linked with Bermudas whaling business of yesteryear Church Bay is associated with St Anns Church which was built in the 17th century Hungry ay Zuill may have been sonamed because of the belief that the sea cncroached more at this spot thanelsewhere Another possible explanation he says is that the moon of the sea on the breaker outside the bay whidl is often heard before rain was linked to the roar of hungry animal TOP ATTRACTION Regardless of their often mys tenous nomenclature the beach TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE wancsoAY why 21 410 lunlnr Roundup Huckleberry Hound News Headlines James Bros of Missouri Farm Market Report Don Jamiesou News Weather sports The Real McCoy nuchelor Father international Zone My Three sons Kraft Mystery Theatre The superior Sex kplorations CBCTVNcwr Thc Weatherman Today in sports Community News 1135 Not For Hire munsnav mini 21 115 Test Pattern 130 Movie 30 Seekers ummeramn News Sports Intervich Cartoons Music FFSSpesssï¬ 5223833385 Junior rtoundup Roy Rogers News Headlines Three Stooges Farm Market Report non lnmiesou New Weather Sports Gunsmoke The Rebel Summer Circuit Cncrlrrnnte crrocHANNEl TORONTO WEDNESDAY JULY 20 Professors Hideaway lvlllrlyhlrds Sports lllaglc Moments in Sports News Weather Jane Wyman Brothers Erannagah 17 Sunset strip Wednesday Night Theatre Human Desire Nicknames of Fame News Weather Sports Better Late News Weather Snort Epilogue according to as at Bermuda undoubtedly stand as the midAtlantic re sorts greatest attraction Neitir er time nor tide have been able to hide their charm High on the list of ingredients which produce that charm is the variety of the beaches PINK SAND You can for example spend an afternoon lazing on Elbow deach beneath one of those big bright umbrellas and do nothing but let the pinktinted sand tric kle through your fingers take no occasional plunge through the surf and from time to time plod up to the beach house for cooling Tom Collins Elbow Beach is busy beach Multicolored swim suits speckle the sends in polkadot fashion The bright umbrellas give the beach flavor little like country fair For the gregarious funloving beachcomber Elbow is his nir vane CALM SERENIIY By contrast you have another choice All along the utlt shore youll find with mini mum of searching small cor al protected beaches which pro vide the kind of solitude and serenity which is the distinctive product of natures artful blend ing of sea sand and sun Near Horseshoe Bay for ex ample youll nd many of these beaches which you can easily turn into your very own for the entire day There are no um brellas no rcdjacketed wait ers no beachside shower stalls instead towering formations of coral with their intricate forms and faces one wag sold he saw his motherinvlalvs visnge etch ed into onet provide seclusion which is broken only on one side by the bluegreen waters To get to some of these little coves you might have to climb down the stepped face of the coral hills or perhaps search for the cavelike entrance through the coral and to the beach FINE CORAL No matter what kind of beach you choose all have several common characteristics in Ber muda First the sand actually does have pink cast Ber mudas famous pink beaches are not the product of press agents imagination in truth the pinkcolored particles are tiny pieces of coral ground fine and smooth by the action at the waves Second the Bermuda surf is safe swimming for even the rankest novice The surf never reaches the huge proportions it docs elsewhere Offshore reefs break the waves up as they roll toward the shore and the result is gentle slapping in which even children can retain their balance Third the sand on Bermuda 930 1000 1030 1100 1115 garade ountry Junction Peter Gunn onch News The Weatherman Today In Sports Community News 1105 Decoy FRIDAY onyx 23 115 Test htmn 110 mych en in Her Life 300 Summeramn Ncwrond Sports Interviewl Cartoons Music 10 Caravan 500 Cannonball 500 News Headlines Invisible Monster Daredevil Don Farm Market Report can Jamieson 525 News Weather Sports 700 Father Knows Best 700 Love Lucy 000 Red River Jamboree 010 Perry Mason 900 Danger Man 1000 Have Gun wnl Travel 1020 Tightrope 1100 CBCTV News 1115 The Weatherman Today in Sports Community Now 1135 Movie Summer Storm 030 The Rebel 1000 111m and the Challenge 1020 Lou Aguse Show 1100 News Weather Sports 1125 Better Late £215 New Wonthersporu 1220 Epilogu smear way To 1100 Free and Easy 200 Channel Theatre For Me and My Gal News Professors Whlriyblrds 355 4100 Hideaw 600 ea l1 ea isnt but underfoot Perhaps its high tide which keeps the beaches upper por tions cool during the lowvtido period Whatever the reason the fact remains And fourth an afternoon spent on any of Bermudas bear chm and youll never forget the experience Youll even remem ber that Coral Elbow Grape and Homhoe are all related as related indeed as codfish and bananas traditional Sun day morning breakfast enjoyed by Bennudians KNOCK FAMILY REUNION Mr and Mrs Herb Shannon Bruce Wice and boys attended family reunion at Shear downs of Edgar on Sunday and said farewell to Jim Shear down Who is going out west SPOTTED THIEVES Itfine piece of detective work Was carried out on the 9th line last week when Mrs Shannon saw three strangers carrying something which made her feel suspicious She called the Innislil police who nppre hended thieves making off with large can of gasoline from the Hogg form They must have been expecting to get some free motor fuel for apparently they broualt the can along How ever an appearancein court should teadl the Hamilton youths that the commandment of old still stands Knock lassies were on their toes Monday night at Stroud when they took the game 2M William Smith passed away suddenly at the home of his son William on the old Webb farm Funeral was held Sat urday last Mrs isahell Edwards Tor onto visited few days with the McCorriston family last week GRENIEl Crawford Ellis and Hugh were guests at the family reunion at the cottage of Mr and Mrs Ellis Wasaga Beach on Sunday There were 35 pres ent William Davis and Mrs Craig East dealer NorthSoulh vulnerable NORTH Q10 VJ5L WEST 17042 vaxqs 105 IF EAST 4985 vlos 32 cIoQIOIOS SOUTH can oaxsz +AK9832 Thebiddlng East South West North 14 pm Pass Pass ZNT Pass 4v Opening leadkingrof hearts Here is an exotic band played by Sidney Lazard New Orleans expert Maybe the bidding wont suit everyones taste but thats the way it went Lazard was South East in moment of whimsy decided to open with club South passed awaiting developments and West made title normal response of spade When Eastpsssed everybody at the table knew he had opened psychic Lazard jumped to two no trump This was ause of the unusual nutrump convention and advertised length in the minor suits Itwas the equivalent of takeout double when West then bid three hearts and East raised to four and family and Mr and Mrs unless employees were kept in CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER Lazard decided that his partner ed the king of clubs discarding Nair of Toronto called on Vie Howards on Monday SCHOOL PICNIC Grcniel school picnic was held on Wednesday evening June at on the grounds with good attendance of adults and children There were races and galllea for all followed by ball game between the children and the adults Special prism to the youngest prxent went to Mark Eagient to the oldest Ed Howard and to the most recently married couple but and Carol Sparrow Cliff Har ris on behalf oi the Home and School Association congratula ted the Grade ii graduating class and presented Reta Hor ris with cup and saucer and Allan Sparrow Dom Howard andWayne Culver with tie pin and cuff link sets Reta Harris on behalf of the class thanked the Home and School for the gifts Edward Slack presented the teacher Mrs Noble with matching necklace ear rings nnd pin from the pupils At the close of the evening delicious lunch was served with treat of ice cream for all bringing to close another school year LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE Montreal Mayor Checks On Noise MONTREAL CP Who would have suspected that the two men in the impressive black car following the dawn garbage patrol were Mayor Chairman Lucien Saulnicr Mayor Drapeou made the check up public Monday say ing that he and Mr Saulnier were investigating complaints of unnecessary noise by the col lectors We found that some of the complaints were justified said the mayor and we dont in tend to tolerate this noise by few careless workers Contractors were warned they would lose the citys business tow Night collection of garbage still in the experimental stage is made in nincof Montreals 19 sectors By the end of the month all refuse collections will be made at night ThY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA $24 had great length in diamonds and he boldly leaped to six West led the KA of hearts Lazard rufiing the second heart with the see He played the king and another diamond and returned the jackot dubs East covered with the queen and Lazard took the ace and re turned trump to dummy Dummy then cashed two more diamonds whereupon this became the position Norm 10 OJ Q6 44 Wes East 4KJ1 49 Q9 1110765 South gt 4A3 auoa club was led and the eight was finessed Lazard urea cash spade from dummy and trumped his last club in dum my West in the meantimehad been forced to make three dis cards as the clubs were played He could spare spade and heart but on the last club play ed he was in serious trouble When he chose to discard spade for want of anything bet ter Lazard took the last two tricks with the AS of spades thus scoring neat 1570 points Tomorrow Detective work ACROSS striped quadruped Scotch ups 10Bny window 111mm river 12 Spanish Mistake moron Enclosure Scot Iainlid OE Jutland Ballot Skirt 12¢ DAILY CROSSWORD 21 22 African 28 To ball clob ran rrbr worm JULIET JONES WHILE mews AREOUI CHASING WANDTENNS BALLS Coot AND cwmeraLEANo us nor CosTlNG MEIt cENt MEET REALM OR SALZER AND WELL ANYWAV lM COOLAND GRANDMA DONALD oucx Mlss ME WHILE WAS AWAY DonE BAIT WAS Losr DID IOU PLAV OUR RECORD EVERY NIGHT YOU DAT THAT BREAK33 FAVORITE SONGITOO Hi5 Williams omHe lea FLIEE c4515 you DONT LOOKVERV uAPPmsAM NEXT MONTH lMREnile FROM ni HONORABLE PROFESSION OF HOEOINL AN Il MAKES ME SAD TTiliNK OF SUCH DREADFUL WAsTE OF EXPERIENCE MlND IF COME iN AND JOIN THE BARTYF vdium ill1mm Uniml THURSDAY your 21 1100 Free ao Easy Chlnnel Nine Theatre Under iwo Flags News Professors Hideaway Whirlyhlrds sports Magic Moments in sport News Weather test or the Post Lucian Theatre At Eight The Yellow Ballflofl 530 540 545 700 130 800 sail 1030 1100 Sports Magic Moments in Sport News rWenther Outdoors Leave it To Beaver Theatre nt Eight The Harlem Globetrotters Country Stylo Hart of the Matter News Weather sports 1115 Better Late 1225 Friday Night Theatre an Mon 155 Epilogue CARRIER MISS YOU Iryour carrier has not arrived by p111 please phone 82433 sme 273in widows venuerum 3331113 351Awadteii comma 37nasia 15Toltey RornJ 38Woeisn1ll randa land 32 Sharp in 39min 11Qttiekelr speech 41Idge 18Like 3SCoronet 421mm VAl encploru 131zong Tceenna orlay 151mnsenrst 16 Andnot Distant 19Rogerl 81mpical mot Glossy 12 Indian vessel IM WORRIEV FDRYOUR SAFETY MY LOVE FATHER llilNKSï¬E iiifï¬lsiioiniiio glance FOR FEW VAYS wovenIsms EDME PM ANtiofKiIN AWAY HAVE NO WORRY ï¬gmwse séwz 1mm HAVE mu our gt com moon cementum wume HWi noun moves TltWAETTllE gt Alto DRIVE lilM ANDME CflMMllNlSTSPlANS 1i Gtiriuï¬vkwllSLIEQCFTROM Amsstlulre YDlI into omslz VltLAï¬E LEADERS essasz PPF5PIb sis suz SAWYER freonnuan nnnxxwn Greek letter 32 Near In 34 English liver 35 0551 so srogls 3931 40 Marsh bird 411lunderer 43 God of War BabyL Loafer magnum 5me EIEEEEEEE MUGos AND SKEETER