ram Tavern ME AND ours JAMESLEAVE THE CHURCH Vows Exchanged At Evening Rites MissDorothy Gail Harvey Barrie became the bride of Stanley David James of Oak vllle at an evening ceremony at Trinity Anglican Church Rev George Sherring offi cistedu The bride is the daughter of Mrs Alex Harvey of Burric The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Stanley James Goldwater The bride was given in mar riage by her uncle Math ews of Winnipeg Manitoba She chose street length gown of orgunu The short sleeved bodice featured soft ly rounded neckline With dclr cute scroll embroidery in Schli ferle silk wide toffetscum merbund cinched the waistline forming flouting panels at the buck falling to the hembne of the bouffant skirt Her ballerina vell of tulle il lusion was caught by peaked open crown of seed pearls she carried cascade bouquet of white and pink Sweetheart T0585 Miss Doris Thompson of Hillsduls was maid of horror wearing gown of pale pink crystalline fashioned on sllmlar lines to the brides gown she carried onstage bou uet of pink and roses quter Campbell of Oakville acted as groomsman Ted Mathews of Winnipeg Manito ba was the usher Mrs Roberts was or ganist Lemon Tarts lire Cool Summer Treat Lemon butter tarts made the easy way are treat for the entire family An ideal dessert for summer meal LEMOM amen rams in cup butter lemons tsp salt 11 cups sugar eglglyolks gs 12 small tagrt shells baked cup sour cream Melt the butter in sauce pan Grate in the rind of one lemon Add the juice of all three lemons the salt and the sugai Beat together the egg yolks and eggs and add them to the butter Cook over sim mering water stirring well un til the mixture is satiny Cool Spoon the lemon butter into the tart shells Top with spoon ful of sour cream When you move When new lulu arrives it when you butcaveryapeddfnm ily occasion Your Welcome We is Hostess will csll wi basket of gifts 12 flrien greetings our re gious civic and businessleaders When the econion mphone PA 66302 oonaccountancycosine reception was held at the home of the brides mother Mrs Harvey received guests wearing pale blue sheath of Swiss embroidered silk organ 1a with matching fingertip coal and accessories cor sage of White roses complem ented her ensemble She was assisted by the mo ther of the bridegroom gowned in sheath of champagne linen and lace with matching three quurter length lace topper Corsage of Talisman roses adorned her clutch bag at champagne figured satin and melon pink hst completed her costume For travelling the bride wore turquoise sheath with match ing threequarter length topper Hex accessories were beige and she wore corsago of white 1595 Mr and Mrs James will re side in Onkvllle Hartnells Designs Follow Old Trend LONDON ReutersNorman Hartnell Elizabeths dressmaker presented few sur prises when he showed bls aut umn collection Thursday While several other Londim designers have indicated move toward more fitted cur vacious silhouette Hartnell kept his last seasons line with roomy swinging coats loose 45 and dresses with bloused backs and slim skirts lrish born designer Michael whose collection Thursday wan sustained applause from fashion writers made the midriff the for col point of his new slightly more fitted line This focus was emphasized in coats and suits by single shiny black button or tailored rose matching the fabric Victor Stiebel moved toward casual it in same suit jackets but his coats remhined loose Little triangular velvet shawls edged with bubble fringe gave Spanish touch to several of St in evening gowns Spinsters Weary 0f Snide Remarks Made By Relatives NEW YORK AptRemarks an old maid gets tired of hear lag Aunt Gertrude why didnt you ever marry In it that you just hate men told you not to mcntionhcr birthday Shes very very sen sitive about her age ILast year was leap year and shes still in mourning If you want to borrow money from her tell her she doesnt look day over 25 she cats up that kind of talk read somewhere that the reason girls become old maids is theyre secretly afraid of men What do you think about that Gertrude 0h wouldnt exactly call her an old maid For one thingI it makes her mud They say she had lot chances to marry in her youth but whos left to rememberf If you could just gct date for Gertrude Jim shed have lot more fun at the party Well Im not going to invite any of the guys from my office After all what have got pgninst them This is the third cruise lnvlo years shes token to the Virgin Islands Why doesnt she take cruise to Alcatraz The men there cant get away hear shed marry her boss except for two things His wife wont let himand he doesnt want to anyway How long is it youve bear with the firm Gertrudel Is it 15 or 20 years My Youve be come kind of little mother to the other girls Well have to get someone else to babysit tonight Jim Gertrude had to go to the beauty parlor What do you mean what for Oh the boss doesnt mind her coming into the place Joe real lady But remember dont serve her any double in tinis BIG FARTY MONTREAL CPlThe John Martin family of suburban NotreDame de Grace holda kingsize benefit bridge party every year Some 500 persons attended this years party in aid of mission at Silchar In due Grandmothers were guests of honor at the July meeting of Thornton Womens Institute held in the United Church base meat The grandmnthers meeting was hosted by Mn Reg need On arrival the honored guests were presented with corsages The treasurer reported the lnstitutns finances The bake sale was reported success and members were reminded of the coming xala to be held Aug 18 Mrs Cunningham will be in charge of baking for this event fflie cheer committee report ed having sent gift to new baby and flowers to the sick Roll call was answered by members and guests Corre spondence was read and mem bers were reminded of the com ing foil fairs lt was announced the winter short course will be Cooking for 100 Mrs Charla Spencer called attention to the distrlct social to be held in Thornton town hall July 35 at 815 p111 NM unintended to cover the general social Illa of the clly Ind diatrlel Weddlnl snnlvcrsarier bridle parties birthdays comingdfago par flu vlalton and travellers are all items of mat to the women render of this page Your belpJn manlylug this news will be greatly ap preciated Please phone The Baffle Examiner PA 66587 and ask for the Women Page MONTREAL VISITORS Magistrate and Mrs 11 Foster Drury Lane are enter taining Mrs Fosters brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Powell and son John of Montreal Quebec this week Thomas Bookey Orillla were weekend guest at theFoster residence Mr and Mrs Fred Anderton and family Owen Street have returned from motor trip to Lansing Michigan liuring the one weeks vacation they were guests of Mr Andertons bro ther and sisterinlsw Mr and Mrs James Anderton TOUR STRATFORD Miss Myrna Spencer and Gary Harris of Thnmton were in Stratford last week as guests of the Canada Council repre senting Barrie District Central Collegiate and Alliston High School respectively The stu dents were part of the coating ent of 130 pupils from all parts of Canada touring Strstford from July 1810 21 While in Stratford they saw four Shake spearean plays visited back stage and met the cast at luncheon party GETTOGETHER Mrs Wilson Clapperton Street and Mr and Mrs Gor don Spencer Wellington Street East attended the annual Bee ton gettogether held at the You have aroom Great our way were on PEOPLE AND Phoao Etlcen Dixon nr Audrey Coulson PA 66537 rm psalms EXAMINER ruesnar JULY 25 m1 Grahdrriothérs ReceiveCorsages At Iuly Meeting Of Thornton WI committee was appointed to plan bus tour for mem bers in October The meeting wssyln charge of M11 Allan Altman The motto waslhe elevator to success um nus and demanding job mm mm muted mm tre Canadas assistant deputy the stairs to be shown by the local fire chief Fihns were titled To Doll Factory in Tomato and The Bubbling WaterI 01 Al berth Piano selections were played by Miss Ann Altman Randi Hill Marla Black and Mrs Black Mrs Sbelswell reported on her trip to the Peace Gardens in Southern Manitoba and North Dakota The official opening of the Gardens was in rm and covers approximately 2300 acres in two counties Mrs Shelswell told members Mn Altman closed the pro gram Rureshments were served by the bows and her commit tee PLACES horns of Mrs Kate Altken at Streetaville Sunday MOTOR TRIP Bill Williams Examiner re porter has returned from 2300mlle motor trip to Mike kan Ontario Mr Williams wile and family returned with him to Wuubsushene where they are guests with Mrs Wil llaml sister Mrs Jack Tobin Mrs Helen Dixon of Strnth morc Quebec is in the city for mnnthl holiday as guest of her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Graham Dixon Edgehlll Drive Mrs Jack Dulfy and daugh ter Joan of Vermilion Alberta are spending few weeks with Mrs Duffys mother Mrs Frank Hill Tlffln Street SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs George Mclnd less RE Barrie were st home to friends and relstives on the occasion of their 75th wedding anniversary Sunday Lancetii Tops Fashion Parade FLORENCE Italy AP Psdloni Bellenghi and Lancetti collections wound up the sen sons fashion showings before thinned out crowd at Pitti Palace Thursday The first two designers did melange of tricked up stuff with no line All effort appeared to have been thrown into gim micks Lancettl hoWever was well worth seeing Lancetti showed suite with short jackets belted or waist seamed and with wide shoul dered kimono sleeves His skirts were straight lightly gathered at the waist The skirts often had straight fold pleats at centre front or badr Alwaysreserve in advance Forr ailclay peaceof mindphone for your reservations before you leave home You can call couple ofhundred miles for less than 80 cents Rememberrates or day Sunday mot after pan and lil rururtt mtruour honour or Hutu Airn President To Protect Women Buyers By DIZRDRE HUNGOVAN Canadian Prue Staff Writer WAWA CPlBeryl Plump tr is tall silverhaired woman who at 52 exemplifies the ideally successful wife mother and voliniteer welfare worker She is the national president of the Canadian Asociation of Consmners 30000 member womans organisation whose aim is to protect educatp and represent todays buyers Mrs Plumptre concerns her self with strengthening the in fluence of her group in what is challenging though unglamnr But the wife of Wynne Plump minister of ï¬nance and the mother of Judith 19 and Tim 17 is an exuberant person who thrives in her active role am vitally interested in welfare work and things alfcct ing the way of life of Canadian women the fifth generation Austruliun said in an interview Wearing blue silk sheath dress highlighth by wide white collar Mrs Pliunptre ex plalncd future plans of the as sociation formed 14 years ago Since assuming the presi dency in January she has pre sented the associations views in such areas as the federaljn guiries into the automotive and magazine industries and the trading stumps controversy WANTS MEN TO JOIN At next feus annual meeting her executive will ask delegates to open association membership to men because basically con sumer problems are common to For Play By ELEANOR ROSS This is the best season we can recall for really exciting colorful original play clothes The new play clothes are truly in pluyful mood designed to make the wearer feel light hearted and lively Both prints and styling are gay with prints taking some very amusing turns For instance theres yellow and white checked gingham with an allover print of block paper dolls and toy trains This particular fabric made up into sleeveless iump suit manages sortnahow to look quite sophisti CB sxmrs PRINTED Full patio skirts are printed with giant block dragonflies Multicolor abstract prints are used for big balloon sleeves on an overblouse designed for wear with slim pants There are plenty of fanciful fruit and flower prints too done in high bright colors Often youll find an imporw taut accent of black worked into an outfit somehowmaybe wide black bands on bodice or skirt or solid black toppers for print skirts The variety is end less the cost surprisingly low the values terriï¬c because of our unique manufacturing pro duction and transportation methods While there is world of style and color excitement in the newest play clothes there is nothing to detract from their rims pumpma men and women who make the decisions jointly The meetlng also will be asked to double the st membership fee Mrs Piumptre will back pro posals to solicit support and more recurits from groups other than those in the middleincome bracket and to initiate depart ment to test consumer products to inform the buying public better The association also would like to see cabinet minlster handling consumers depart ment in the federal government Another area she plans to ex plore involves forming na tionnl consumer conference in the fall of 1962 modelled after the intematlonsl organization of consumers at The Hague Bright Gay Colors Fashions practical side and their easy washability N0 IRONING Many of the fabrics require no ironing And even if the la bel doesnt specifically so state many of these summertime fab rics come out of the automatic dryer looking as though they had been ironed And is that boonl The secret of making your dryer work for you is to re move clothes the minute the very minutethe dryer goes off lf garments are allowed to re main tumbled together in heap ut the bottom of dryer the result will be badly wnnkl ed fabrics So it makes sense to remove each garrrient promptly shake it out und hang it up TRY EXAMlNEB WANT Al Phone Pa 82414 Ladies For THE TOUCH THAT MEANS SO MUCH In Hair Styllnl Contact Wicks Beauty Salon 45 Dunlop st Wov EA 82980 nowurowu BARRIE Thursday lriduyl Sulurduy lo WATCHTOMORROWS mm EXAMINER FOR cometsrs DETAILS and participated trained economist with bachelor of commerce degree from the University of Mel bourne and one years post graduate work in economics at Cambrld Mrs Piumptres varied experience has ranged from private consulting to work as asistnnt to lbe economist of the Bank of New South Wain It was while she was studying at Cambridge that she met her husband then University of Tomato econoqu professor lecturing overseas MARRIED DOWN UNDER Alter their marriage in Aus tralia and arrival in Toronto she was greatly influenced by her motherin law Mrs Adelaide Plumptre who as member of city council was greatly inten estcd in civic and public ser vices had never done any volun teer work before my marriage because there was never any Elï¬n in my life for it she Her economic background come In handy In those early years in Canada when she Joined and became ward leader of the Womens Eclectors of Toronto to group interested in improving civic affairs She also joined the Red Cross During the war the Pluiutrcs lived for yours in Washing ton whero Mr Plumptre was finsnciui attache ut the Cana dian Em sy The family shuffled betwccn Ottawa and Toronto Iinully settling in Of tawa alter oueyenr stint in Paris where Mr Plumptre was minister to the North Atlantic Treaty organization While her children were young Mrs Plumptre worked with the Childrens Aid Board in nursery school activities until 1959 when on joined the consumers as sociatlon She isalso on the board of directors of the Ottawa Family Service Agency the National Industrial Design Council and the economics committee of the National Council of Women For Hair Style Of Distinction vrsrr ioon gumck rum smxsrs 38 Mlple AI PA Hm Science Now Shrm ks Piles Without Pain or Discomfort FmdrSnbdannlhstReli Pin Andllolnng hitslmnh Hunth Toronto Out ecialFor the ï¬rst time scion has found new healingyubshinea with the abihtyto shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve gain and itching Thousands ave been relieved with this inexpensive substance right inthe 11an of their own home Without any discomfort or inglnvemeanoé 6y ease mw egen rebevmg urn soou Induction shrinkage took place Most atrium of allresult were so thoroug that suffixesI made statements like Pilmba ceased tn be problem Theseaetissnswheabngsnb sunoemioDmdisonmodl famous scientiï¬c institute sermons insu or gormtï¬lleaï¬ fropamfionfl Ask or drug Shawmay back guarantee