Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1961, p. 3

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Barrie Pleci For Signs Fails To Get Dept Nod Inquest Into ZRail Fatalities llld ll Cooke Unimpressed worst ALLISTONyltstaff Town Allister oKs Plan By oil has accepted in prin ci the recommendation of the Public Utilities Commissior to authorize development of deepwell water supply Thr well Will be located on cancer sion 14 Tecumseth Townshir 1000 feet east of the CNR cross ing Estimated cost of the water system is set at $135000 bylaw is being prepared and will be presented to 0n tario Municipal Board or ap proval The PUC consulting engineer Ian Butler said last night the wellwill produce from 350 to 550 gallons per minute or 500 000 to 800000 gallons per day IRON CONTENT DOUBLE The well will be 270 feet deep Tests have indicated that the iron content in the water from the proposed well will be dou ble that in the present supply However Mr Butler pointed out this will be half of the iron content that would have been in water from the Bennett well Mr Butler said this is the or best proven source of water to ate He felt that enough drill ing has been done and the de velopment should be started immediately The preliminary exploration and testing has cost Alliston $11000 Public Utilities Commissioner Ernest Hawos suggested that tenders be called to Verify Mr Butlers estimates Mr Butler said he was in lull agreement with this suggestion Mr Butler said the job could be completed within eight weeks of accepting tender He said the mains could he laid as the well was being drilled However PUC manager wit liam Robbins asked we get the mains half laid and find there is no water in the well SEEK GUARANTEE Additional water supply has co been under consideration since 1959 In February of this year SaladaShirriffHorsey Ltd ex pressed need for additional water Mr Hawes said that as the project wasprompted by Salado Shirriff Horseys de mands the PUC should be guar anteed minimum amount of water to be used by the plant Councillor Ronald Beattiesaid that if SaladaShirriffHorsey decided they didnt need the ad ditionalwater Alliston would not have much use for it eith er The plant uses half the towns water supply at present Mayor Mintord Storey said the town would need additional water in future Not quite that amount all at once but we will certainly need more in the future he said Councillor Stanley Nosworthy said the town could use good standby as there is not one at present An extra supply of water wont pay off the deben Qtures Councillor George Mc Cague replied Mr Nosworthy responded with We are not standing still Commissioner Hawes said tho What if ent companies AN ATTRACTIVE place to the kids in Earl RoweJ Pro vinclal Park at Alliston is the villa wooden bridge crossing the Boyne River Above Cami Nickel lends her pet dog across the bridge as oth er youngsters scampcr about MUCH MORE interested In fishing than swimming is Sor cn Jansen of Malton who is having spot of troublel freeing his snagged line from submerged log in the Boyne River in Allistons Earl Rowe Provincial Park Says Sorens dod This park is really great and not too far from hfolton plan to bring the family up here often every summer iiobby horses Need Licences Aldermen llslr Pedlars need licencns dogs need licences and Barrie city council is wondering whether the ldceotaride hobby horses in shopping centres and super markets need licences The question arose uutof finance committee report sus taining the charge of $100 day oaid by local shopping centre or circus type promotion when it opened Alderman Itfarsellus asked council whether in view of the report maybe the hobby lorscs might not be classified as money makers thereby coming under councils inter pretation Alderman Morrow chairman of the committee said he didnt think that it would apply in this case since the machines in question were in private stores Alderman Webb coun tered with the comment that the shopping plaza promotion was WILLIAM ROBBINS What No Water STANLEY NoswonTnv gconld Use Standby PUC should be given guaran tee vby SaladaShirrifIHorsey Ltd Our water rates are peanuts in comparison with cities like Sudbury he said We have where andif dont get guan anbee wewill have to jack the rates up he said Neither council the engineer nor the PUC representatives reached any definite agreement oniwherethe mains would be laid POTATO FIELD DAY The Empire State potato field day which number of grow ers from Simcoc County have attended in the past will be held at Madison New York Aug and 10 As well as com mercial displays by the differ there will be educational exhibits and de monstrations by the extension service of Cornell University CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Mtva and storage Commercial Warehousing Agents lor North American Van Lines PA 66555 to get the revenues from some on private property too Carrulhers Family Holds 4thfieunion Following an afternoon of vis iting and ball game more than 90 members of the Carru thers fainin held picnic sup per for their fourth annual re union in Springwater Park The president Bob Carruth ers introduced the oldest maul present George Carruthers of Hamilton the oldest lady Mrs Marion Hutton of Scarboro the lyoungest baby Walter Myers of Zephyr Bill Carruthers and family who travelled the far thest distance and the most recently marged couple Mr and Mrs Dan Carruthers of Queensville Regrets for absence had been received from Nashville Tenn Utterson Ont Manitou Mam and Dauphin Man Election of officers for 1962 resulted as follows Bob Calru thers Avening president Walter carruthers Barrie vice president Helen Coutts Mid hurst secretarytreasurer Dan Carmthers of Queensville Phil Shelswell of Hawkestone and LoisCoutts of Midhurst sports committee Queen To Have Special lag LONDON AmThe Queen will have special personal flag for her visit to Sierra Leone this fall Buckingham Palace announced Monday night The flagcombining the arms of the former African colony and the letter set against blue background will be down at all ceremonies attended by the Queen 19 humor sr onnnir No definite date has yet been set for an inquest into the drowning of Joseph Smith To ronto skin dlver who disapl poured in the waters of Kern pcnfelt Bay of Sbonyt Bay July Smiths body was re covered July near the spot where he disappeared Dr Frank Shaman district coroner sold today that investllt gallon and inspection of equip ment worn by the diveris still being carried out and until this ORILLIA CPlSgt Murray Robinson 36 of the Orillla po lice force was dismissed Mon day by Chief McIntyre almost five days after being found guilty of two breaches of the Ontaflo Police Act The sergeant heard the dis missal read to him in bed where he was recuperating from back injury received while boat ing Sunday Toronto lawyer David Humv phries said he will demand full hearing before the Drillla police commission He said groundsforthe appeal will be that two policemen Sergeant Everett Lynn and Constable Al Keating who laid the complaint withheld evidence at the hear ing Sgt Robinson declined to give testimony at the hearing said Mr Humphries on the grounds the two officers were biased and the chief not on uninter ested party mutilatin shrd shr shr hrd He had pleaded not guilty to official police document and Allislon fillurches Combine Services ALLISTON woodenDuring July and August two churches in Alliston have instituted com bined congregations for wor ship During July Rev Charles Townsley is minister at the morning services at the United Church while Rev James too is on vacation In August Rev Mr Shilton takes over services at KnoxI Presbyterian Church Hi Here is the third of my summer safety cont Its simple lots at fun too Start right NOW to find whats wrong the picture nd send it to me You may win one of the wonderful prizes am color rho In wrong in Mailg may our no pictuu based onEImorl nora rule Rid Your Bike Safely and Obey All Sign and Signals Each week want for new par unrefined on irthnt of in rules Ask M5 or Dad to help Cut this contest out If OIMI llama lines and color on or drow plum Wink on secure than or contest and list to an Entry Form Donr turn to your name andmddrcss Any child or elmtary odon not Ill Oro Station Is Set For Iluo is completed no definito date can be set Dr Shannon said however that an inquest into railroad crossing nccidcnt at Dru Sta tion which claimed the lives of John Bromlcy and Fred Ellis both of Tomato on July will be held Aug Ho intimated that if the nec cssary investigation and report is completed regarding the Smith drowningbefore this data it is quite possible this in quest too will be held on the same date EPolice Sgt Fired tBy Orillias Chief using profane or abuslve or in suiting language to his col leagues Robinson bachelor with nearly 11 years experience on the Drum police force was rep rimanded earlier this year when practical joke misfired He wns accompanying relatives in local restaurant when and pro duced bottle labelled brandy Tests later revealed there was no alcohol in the bottle lllliston Tax Bills To Be Mailed Soon ALLISION Stall Essa Township Treasurer Harold Bell said today that the 1961 tax bills should be in the mail With in three weeks Mr Bell suggested that resi dents may pay their taxes at the TorontoDominion Bank in Barrie or Alliston or at the Royal Bank inCookstown Taxes must be paid by Dec ember 15 test There is two per cent penalty charged on all taxes paid after that date Fur ther interest at the rat of onc half of one per cent per month will be charged on taxes not paid after January 1962 WOMEN CLIMBERS LONDON CF Countess Dorothea Gravina plans to lead an allwoman expedition to the Himalayan mountains next year The 56yearold countess was among womens team which attempted to climb the 2600tHoot Cho Oyu peak in 1959 mousrll Sn HOW TO ENTER npman comasT= Eimu the or no and animal WW the picture Tm not mm on Tho iudon aim carols humor or Why buy lawn mower Kill two birds with one stone is Ilcrb Paddisons motto The other bird he refers to is the price of milk whichthe New lowell resident fizum he has beaten This goats milk keeps his children Al bert and Kathleen well supplied with nourishing milk two quarts of it day Alliston Police Get Retroactive Boost ALLISION Staff Council last night decided to increase the pay of police chief Torn At kinson and Constable Tom Mc Kay by $10 per month respec tively The increase will be retroactive to Aprill 1961 Aug has been declared civic holiday in Alllstcn Mayor Mintford Storey made the pro clamation last night Council hasdeclded to pur chase full page of advertis lng in the beeton Fall Fair prize list at an expense of 515 lhenext meeting of Alliston town council will be Monday July 31 at pm BarrieAirways Plan FlyIn Jim Pelkic of Barrie Airways reports that the local club is planning flyin Sunday Aug UltraLight Aircraft Associa tions in Southern Ontario have been contacted and invited to participate Our plans are not set yet Pelkie says but we hope to have number of attractions including gliding display by Al Powell of the club and dis play of aerobatics This is our first attempt at orga zing flyin Jim add ed and we still have lot of Iplanning to do RALEIGH BICYCLE ONE IOY AND ONE GIKL53 50 SONILLITES COMBINATION NOIN Annual so REELECTIVE rArriKlls ml or mln brnrALIlfitgcgfilll can thy Elephant on cannon lmnl Do in Ontario SolDy ungu aria Rnctuh Cyclu Inauxm noon to By Toronto Engineers Points Alderman later Cooke told council last night he was not impressed by arguments put forth by department of highways engineer in aspect to more comprehensive signs pointing out Bani on Highway 00 The engineer in question was MacNec tralffc engin eer with the department from Tomato He appeared before council to explain Uie depart ments position in respect to signs along the highway and to answer councils questions re garding illumination of lexiLg from the highway which lead in to Barrie SAFETY FIRST Mr MacNee told council the departments first obligation was to the motorist and his safety and that regulatory signs were the chief considera tion He added that second ary consideration was direc tional signs and that no con slderation was given to sclling town or its businesses You must make the motor ist want to come to Barrie or patronize your businesses he said nod we will show him how to get there safely The engineer said that as for us he knew the department was only in receipt of three letters from motorists complaining about lack of municipal infom ailon signs on super highways He added however that they were in receipt of plenty of letters from irate councils and owners of service establish merits MORAL OBLIGATION Mr MacNee said the depart ment tobusinessmon on old highways that have been bypassed by new super highways He add ed however that the obligation was greater toward motorists and the necessity of telling him where he is and where he is going In reference to hotel food and fuel signing Mr MaeNee said that these were erected only on department would give no can request He said the sideration to putting such signs onexits already design ated as business nrteries Minimum signing that ls adequate is all we can tolerate from physical and political point of view he concluded HIDDEN CITY Alderman Roberts ask ed the engineer one or two questions then stated that in his estimation Barrie was hidden city as far as signs on Highway 400 is concerned quorum st nnrri Out in mint zwahgdufiesvtraomdgnd traff¢auttrorl en ll not PRlerzo Mamas or QHILD SAEET felt moral obligation 3f Luca ll confer lua bef re Midnight July 31 Alderman Cooke naked wheth er Mr hfacNee was familiar with the fact that request for rigors pertaining to food fuel and accommodation had been made more than year ago report to council from the traffic committee and rub atantinted by ltlr MacNee was to the effect that better illum ination of the Dunlap and Bay field exits would be carried out early in 1962 An additional study will be made mncernlng the need for better illumination at the Elisa Road exit but it not anticipated thil work will be done at the same timo the others Alderman Cooke told coun cil am impressed with Mr MoeNeer presentation in some respects However would have been more impressed if his arguments could be sub stnntiated scientifically am amazed to learn that the de purtlrlcnt has only had three letters on this subject and its reasoning is apparently based on this fact They should get the record straight and any number of complaints can be substantiated by our motel and other service industry oper ators The motorist Is the com plainer in these instances too and there is no question but that the average motorist ll confused by the situntlon no it exists here Mr Cooke recommended to council that the matter be pressed even further and sug gested that it be topic for dis cussion at the lilayors and Reeves Conference Ontario Municipal Association meetings and put forth by the local Chamber of Commerce as re solution atthe Ontario Chnm ber of Commerce annuol delib erations llYearOld Shot 0n Farm mono cplAn uienrola boy was shot in the chest Mon day night in shooting accident on his fathers farm Murray Kittmer son of Mr and Mrs Ross Kittmer wasvre ported in critical condition In Woodstock General Hospital Police said the boy was shot by 22calibre rifle held by his brother Wayne 15 ON WEEKEND yum LULU YOULL MEET on run your onsr or PEOPLE ONE 1961

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