ARTICLES for SALE SFARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE i5 AUCTION SALES vulAI GOOD Ureo 597111 If rhloe are now In our stock Price rnxr no 530 Ind up Theseth to be cleared out tnnledlatcly Tlepbono PA cm nuLwozma ANn cranial Fish Pond construction Arab lee Iran PA um lleaHoMl Combination Ite olo and meant Player Ior sale Ihree lpceor Floor modci In ul eeueot eondlllon Apply 9IvVIo torla street or telephone PA mu DOGS PETS smote coxut mil purebred ror le ll month old in Ii vaui Ilium Ttltpbunl FA Evil or further Infomulidn auutlau sulPoInt Peolmeo lut ten to role Priced Iron as to us Mr unhel Information pl ulepnone PA pm Two aelulAN aunPnnID pm Ior ran hotnmslo nest oIo APPIY bin Own Custom slreel OIIPIlIcrson Telephone PA elect or mnhcr Inlcnnllilln BOATS dz MOTORS SPECIAL low i1 rt cholan Defern Coupe TOP BO 75 ILP Johnson Motor 10 Gallon Flrflllnrni GI Tlnk Spotlight Spnedomrlcr Compn Pike Pole Ylfldlel LII Pruclven udder Anchor Clbin llmn BET REASONABLE Om ACCm Telephone PA 83915 DONT PASS UP THAT BOAT BARGAIN Buy It Now With Low coll Lil Insund SCOIIA PLAN IDAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOIIA uoamouss for enIelt hay Teleph cnsu tonnecoon 12 per month Telephone PA scion Crescent Plum 16 Dunlap st WEIL ltlllslzlt FOR SALE ouIboard 11 used one reason luliy eoulp with or wlthout motor Mull Call PA c7373 aIIer on KrmP PA sslll ILFOUI neLcltAn new motor with electric start heavy duly traller rally beauIIIul bout Would like oIIer can be seen at be John Street evenings untilmulch quT no Jaime Ion eloclrlc starting Tee Nee Tilt Trailer Fully equip no lights dual tanks compu lIe reserve ere Prlvately owned May seen at Allandale hlotorr or phone PA undo After oclock Best otter FRUIT VEGETABLES LIVESTOCK It rlca tare noath aid Tel pnen are In one pun rial uln ntlu old weaned Ind nlmd Di Ir Cald well Shut ly Tlilpban FA sow chase um chl spotted and oruhln In me ly to Mr oeom Jnlusucnr teyner Telephone inwn Junior YDUNH mun Nometn Cowl roanrec limo Accrldiud Also Yorkshire eon hrrt utter elm hle Ier rerlrlmlon Apply II Campsu sons dunno nAM coaalzluu for nil rule tmd born 1960 omprtns era Apply to codr IAnn nose or telephon FARM MACBHIIEBY CHARLES Gm FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE Cur the DAM Brcwn an hm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA um HARVESTING EQUIPMENT computes OWARIIIEas GRAIN Dorris 00mm AWN BINDERS RESHING MAOHINES CASH TERMS TRADE SHAKELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY amour PHONE 73R21 Manufacturers oft on convoyr Pn able Dock Lpolnt hitch eIe BUY DIRECT SAVE traotor carriers WOODEN IlLo for sale In will roll futonDiv Apply Bill Glbhlne stroud or IIIOphone talus stroud IllNDzn McCormlelr peering lo toot power driven In and incen nnlcsl repalr Apply Poul Dr vis lvy or telephone sRll Ivy for further lniomsuno WANTED McCormick lforre drawn Hay Tedder for parts For sale61 MerseyHarrie honedrawn Scumel fully nipped Apply AI Ian Denney Ml hunt pbonl PA c7605 cAsn sP columns It cut complete with plcle up and clover lithohmcntl In good condltton 51500 or best offer Gordon Rey rlnids Totlenhanl Telephone Schomherl 24w MEPBKRMBS or sale by box or crate You may pick your own Aply Mr Green RR lltdhursl or telephone PA 51374 ARTICLES WANTED WILL PAY cash for good used mmlture or any good ued rtlele Individual or cnntcnt Iota Phone PA c2427 CLEAN nemmlzkATtms wanted for our surruner cottage trade Robinsons Hordwue telephone PA Mm Usen DICYCLES and Tricycle Wlnlcduin my condition also Typewrflcrs will pick up Tele phone PA sale In rurther in nnnatlon 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans con SALE VVIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107 DOWN LTD 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 rim lssl MONAncll ms Apply PeeI st BIlTIe ISM CONSUL motor overhauled new bralree road tires Also heavy only set or sockets onceinch orlve to Inches Telephone PA specs GRADE EDLSTHIN Cow five years old rresh Apply Mr Me Oualg telephone Oro II1 YORKSHIRE Wenned Pig HercfordHolsteln Heifers one with cell to freshen in few days BIlndIc Cow year old due ln week Tyndale tut Barrie or telephone 20mm strnud BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone PA 82414 PRIVATE 195 helair Deluxe Autv enstic custom radla last blue flame engine In good running or der $100 or best offer Apply 55 Bin street Apt 20 lose 0003 vs Form for sale one owner car In perfect running condition Custom radlo $600 or best ortcr Telephone PA 63501 SERVIC By Month or YBar CAMPING EQUIPMENT SANITARY DISPOSAL MOTOR CARS FOR SALE use PACKARD Std IIICl Il olo and VMIthIhWfl mun Apply to Maple Avcnuc huh lssc PLYMOUTH Savoy Sedan one owner ear 1000 clues new punt Avl rendition throubxoot rm lust bl seen to be Preclr ted Telephone Ill Mesa TRUCKS TRAILERS mums luc Mercury Buck rebuilt molof us Lin ii cod it no transmission ed rur Ax MIOOI platform ll Erin $395 Downtown llIeIor alu lacroc from Firestone stores TilPhon PA 600 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT ON ALUMINUM Trailer Could lnp our Nearly new Cupboards sink and other eoulpment rm nth Iele one PA ml or even Inu PA Inn ilJDUl naval Tnller Ieep four Rent by day or week Come plelely equipped Avallme July Telephone Nose Ann you July Jam IRAILxlt or ula with lHoet portable lunreoos Tam unit are not up eotta on No but at Innis Park cell at 500 Apply In Box 65 Barrie manila TRAVEL mums to rent by the week or longer Dnc lMool ricer rent at weelr no on or lhl couplers overload aprlnu tarnished You get then Dllt on Telephone PA Mind PERSONALS rottnmn nLLINu Do you went your fortune tolo by clldl Tele phone PA OM90 for lPPnflumcnu anytime LOST FOUND Anmutsh noox black IOII Pri day evenlng In vicinity of Dunlap and Mary Slrceu Planer piano return to Examiner oIIlce FOUNDThuavwhcnl Tricycle on Lakuhore Road east end early ln filly Owner mny have nine by ldhniifyln and pulp for adver thcmml Telephone PA 5708 LosTIn Loblawt nayheld so grey arnzcllne bu cohtAlnllll IIIII TIhlrt one 52 hlu and ape proximately 250 boblawc lrccn stamps Finder pleue phone PA noose atler pun nowrd lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP vmusses full and part time Excellent working conditions Good wager Apply Normandy heatur ant Dunlap st for timber Information EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper nulred four houn daily days weekly Hours Ml noon hlust be able toure addlng lhachlno with speed Apply Firestone Store In pcnpn 30 Dunlop St West FULLY nxrzlumcnn Hair Styl ist Top wages Ind commlselnn Alr conditioned Apply Maraes Hslr styling telephone Camp BOI dcn or 551 for further infor mation MALE HELP BARBER WANTED Must bl land nlr outlerl Telephone Camp cor den me EXPERIENCED Hardware Man wanted the new hardware store In Barrie We ulre man who is capable of bong traineo to be come manoer Apply to box can Barri Examiner MIALE on FEMALE LABORATORY Technician full or parttime Apply Pathologist Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie for further Information MEN Arm WOMEN above so who are interested In making above average eernlngsl We have an opening that you will he in terested in Cu csaentlal Tele phone Mr White PA mad be tween and 630 Pm EMPLOYMENT WANTET hooKKEePzn Accountant so tired on Pension after all your service wth local ï¬rm reeklns lull or arttime employment John LIog High street Telephone PA Mull TEAcIlews college graduate de alres summer employment Willing to do mythinz cnautteurr llc ence Bulking experience Ind Eros eery clerk Telephone PA mil for further information TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tent and Tarpr cmp ants and stove coolers BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD at BAYFIELD 5mm TELEPEONE PA 56437 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Me weekly pickup deuvery ll mANcIs ST REAR PA 68551 Lou than pack or cigarettes dry EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL llOP SIIII SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Exchvatklx and Grading WatEr Delivery crushed Atom nan Yard mono or hire DENNIS MORAN Anne street PA HIM PAINTING AND PAPEREANGING mwm SMITH AND sON Painting and Paper Ilaoalor Spny Punting eervlce slnee mo an 11mm PA Misc SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly or disposal Telephone Barrie PA c7751 Long distance Zenith 32000 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License NO 69001 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED In ANGUS AREA Cell ROBERTSON ANGUS ONT Burl DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT we have been llconscd to remove your dead and crippled tann Irate meta under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone CDLLELI BARRE PAlkwhy 83611 GORDON YOUNG LIM TED BARRIE NEE 95051 UPHOISIEB UPHOLSTERI NG OF EVERY KIND Broadloom OCommercial furniture inï¬aliaticr CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE 35 MAYFAIR CUSTOM urnommcgga AND RUG BAYFIELD ST PA cum PA eml Out ot towncell collect Complete nan of none shown your home CLEANING For fine furniture and rUg cleaning call MAYFAIR 0F BARRIE FREE ï¬TIMATES PA 04511 PA emf WELL DIGGING WELL CLEANING How long since you elerned your wall YEARS10 YEARS WE CLEAN WE Weill Dug Dlepenad Hepind WU also sell Ind inltlii DIIIII Shhiinw Ind DEEP WEII Pumps Phnnl or wKItA KEN wrNTans ls mu cram BARRIE north of 00 Highwly off Blyflnid PA OMB hummer THE BARRIE EXAMINER Iz TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA TENDER FOR PIT RUN GRAVEL Tender will be reeelved by the underslsneo clerk up to 11 Oclock neon Monday July 31 lcol to haul and screed 1000 cubic yerd pIt run gavel on the Lino op poslte Lots and Aso quota Erica per yard for loading on ownsolp truck Glavel enrolled by Townsnlp at Ihe Intersection of ml Llne and Highway 2s Work to be colnPlatcd by August 10 certllled cheque to Township of Veepr or sworn to locomphny tender Lowest or soy tender not necessarily eeepted nether pan tleulsrs contact Ivan McLean III rerd Lane EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 17 Owen Stu Burris IS AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY EVENING JULY 79 AT 700 PM SHARP Sale of used furniture household effects lawn mowcn and some aliï¬ulsl to he held at the rear GENERAL STORE In the village or stroud on mm way ll TetIns Cam VERNON AYRAuItionOIY PHONE smoun AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JULY 29 RM SHARP Auetlon sale of all hakin ped store equipment and hold turniture tor the DUTCH PANTRY at the rear of 107 DUNLOP ST BARBIE Opposite the Queens Hotel Tenn carh No reserve as the owners Arc going out of IhO luk cry business soul hung JERRY couclILIN Auetloneer cow Inc Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before publication AUCTION SALE or Hawaii Mining for MRS HERB McCRACKEN ls mzABm sh AlumON SATURDAY°iULY 29 lool PM No Iuem hour la and end In upcnelren la poor health cm nAu AucrnNm lit mo ALLISTON AUCTION SALE of Holstein Cows fresh spring ing Heifers bred and open Dairy Equiment some Mech inery Truck and some Hourc hold Effects Th undenlgnld bu Melina instructions Iron JACK BUNNALLS to all public auction at proud LOT CON ii TECUMSETH TOWNSHD THURSDAY EVENRIG JULY 27 at pin sharp Till FOLLOWING mnmllolstela Cow year old land In lo nonleln Cow yum did run Hoistin Cow years bred $151 at bluish Wm open Ieln Cow years mining open Holsteln ban yam on Oct 15 llouteln cow ears mm llouteln cow l1 HolstIn Cow your Nov ls Holsteln Cow years gt Holstein Cow Holstein cow In Ilolrteln yem du to Inehen Ilto Get in Holstein year Old llalnelo Heller Cllvcl Romain pull DAmv boutPiImr Intoros tlonsl IIarverler Mu hunt and outlet ror so cowl eetro Pail Wood bro cooler unli lkln earally nte euonsl Nun verter cctflc cm Scparltcr llllsCEllANDOUsIBGI also Ion Pickup vterIeo Thretr not will elevator nd Itrhw shredder Cue Blower cox oed In new Ollver GrainFortiiscr Drill 11 run on rubber mndcll shredder no tsur cutter no other mailer artleles Housenow swanspurist no neuoo nlnlnx hooln Thbin Dlnln Room hole and couln Ded New William sewins risen toe console melo bedroom suite Dresser nd Wuruuno hon Call or Wood Cook stove Other smaller Articlel Termsc nehnltely no re urvn Imo old one Mr hunnsll ruins out or tn dairy loudness Notnlnr to be removed unlli ut ticd for Funk Webb clerk JERRY Dhonl COUGHLLN Auetlon Barrie PA BM Winnipeg Wants Bowing Prestige WINNIPEG CWA big ex perienced eightcurcd crew is out to restore Winnipeg rowing Prestige at the Canadian iIcn ley this week The crews entry in the re gatm marks the first time since the 19305 that the Winnipeg Row ing Club has sent heavy eight Io Canadas top rowing compe tition gt Couch Bnd Roblin says the crew is good enough to com pcte internationally He said he hasnt seen bet ter crew in the Northwestern International Rowing Associa tion where Winnipeg competed for at least 20 years The Winnipeg eight walked away from all competition in the Northwestern regatta at the weekend at Kmart with time of 651 over the IVAmile Lake of the Woods course CALLS TIME LOLISY Roblin said his crew is at least is or 20 seconds better than this winning time which he described as lousy He said the crew was not pushed rowed six strokes minute slower than its best and was tired from competition in car licr events The crew will be on the water for practice rows at St Catha rincs site Oftbc Henley Wed nesdny The crew Is stroked by Derek Riley at 38 still one of Canadas best scullers and veteran of 20 years rowing The other members have competed from four to eight Years and the av erage weight is 185 pounds None is under six feet tall Roblin brother of Premier Duff Roblin of Manitoba said the crew can push the boat through water at fast 40 strokes minute If it does well at the Henley the British Em pire Games next year are next be said Howe Signs Wing Contract DETROIT AP Gordie Howe who wants to become zuyenr mall in the National Hockey League signed forbis lsth season alter 10minute meeting Monday wiIh Detroit Red Wings general manager Jack Adams flows was the first player to sign Salary terms were not disclosed but Howes salary lain the $20000 area The durable veteran who has missed only 40 games in his 15 year career scored 72 points on 23 goals and 49 assists last year for career total of 1049 points an NHL high Whenliowo plays in his 20th game next season he will be come the first NHL player to play 1000 regular season games breaking the mark of 999 held by his former teammate ied Lindsay KnudsonCapIures Rochester Money nocnmsmn N1 AP George Knudson of Toronto fired fourundcrpar 86 Sun day towin the $1000 firstplace prize molley in the one day Lake shore open golf tourna ment Tithe To Prepare For 62 Contest By EIMPKIN Tho big contest is over and the results are complied The Strcud Canada team collr posed of players from the vill an and other ports of Innisfil an In second place in the worldeidc contest of thc four Stroudl Strand Oklahomla four lap players scored 110 feet incbcl 100 feet Inches 10 feet in ches Ind 106 feet in Inches Bev Cochrcnc practically newcomer to brick throwing topped Canadas scoring with lot feet three inches Alf Chern bers as fch ll inches Earl Cachranc cousln oi Beve who turned up on the final night for selection on the team threw feet inches Hob Thompton 94 feet inches Bruce Pinkhcy 89 feet twoindlcs and AI Mar tin 8t feet one inch Win slow start the Can adiana have placed themselves with one team to beat next year to become the holders of the big international cup As it is we win the Gold Brick which il brick tinch Ih gold and with the team nameoh It PACKED PARK it was big day In the park even if it did rain for couple of hours In the early ulternnon The crowd wusswelled by the usual Saturday afternoon pic nics but It would be safe to estimate the township people at over 1500 One bimiigbt was the brick throwing match between Barrie City Council composed of Mayor Willard XIIIch and five members of his council against Innist Council who could mus tcronly three members at the time of the gume Substitutes were Chief William Brown Er nie Watts Implement dealer and the representative of the press Simpkin who has been throwing brickbats at the council for years but who join ed them even though he had been spoken for as coach of the Barrie team So the Inalsfil team with Reeve Sprcuie whobelieves in Shorthnrn steaks as diet Joe Cochralrc who is pork producer of renown and Bill Gibbina who can heave curi Ing stone second to none then mapped up score of 273 feet ll inches compared to the Bar rie team of feet 10 inches Mayor Willard Kinzle was ac companied by Earle Williams Arthur Morrow Mike welder Frank Hersey and Will iaml ARMED WITH CASH They arrived in their ancient vehicles and armed with handful of big money apparent ly on the market since the Coyne administration vanished proceeded to buy up lighter bricks tban regulation and bribe the judges The only thing that did not appear was the buttermilk jug Their west ern costumes added gay note in the crowd This game which preceded the international gave the crowd an idea of the skill need all for the Strcud team to make place in the records where scurlllg had to be up close to or over 100 feet Sharp at 330 the big game got under way with Arthur Evans MPP War ren Wllgar and Ed Tschirhart as judges The throwing was BARGI GALORE flu Ililillll exciting and when Bev Coch rcne registered three lbme alt of them close to and the list oyer thc hundred mark it was reoliwi that wc were at least in Ibo running CALAMITY AVERTED calamity wu narrowly avcrtcd when brick flew down out of 1an and landed over the fence where number of spectators quickly moved clear Later on second throw dropped just at the fence very close to where IIfrI Fred Web Iler was standing Jack Web Itcr who handled the public address chiem had been urg lllg the crowd to stand back from the fence lust before this throw It ccuidhave march the day but fortunately no one was Injured Following the brick throwing there was demonstration of judo and water skiing whidl had never been put on in that area before The equipment for the water skiing had to be brought across the lake and took several hours as the raft bad to be towed very slowly and kept breaking the rope when it ducked nose first into the water Sokarts raced and the road was closed off for half an hour the speed acquired by these migth mites was amazing as well as noisy Later In an enclosure small Ind who had rented ride al lowed his speed to get the best of him and took into the fence narrowly missing an iron post with his bud SPROULE WINS PIG The big draw landed live pig on Assessor Sprouics door stcp With his dollars worth of tickets he won the pig worth about 25 as well as basket of groceries The camera set was won by Ben Lee The cash donated by the police associa tion went to one of the players of Stroud Oklahoma who had three tickets each Draws for the gills donated by local merchants were made at the public address system and announced Iherc The guess on the weight of the pig was It popular one and won basket of groceries for Mrs Taylor who with her husband was one pound either way of the exact weight of 278 pounds It was very good afternoon thanks to the assistance of the committee the Business Mens Association and the Council special thanks to the judges Art Evans Warren Wilgar and Ed Tsdlililali who did all ex cellent job It will be big day next year as brickthrow illg how can be practised by groups in all parts of the town ship and much better system of EliminéIiDncan be worked out in order to get the best players GOOD PUBLICITY Stroud Innisfil got publicin that will extend across the world People who never heard 0f the place will be telling of it and its beautiful park lea huma tells us they had some Canadian visitors from near these parts there for their game and we had visitors from Stroud England Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 lt £ADIESMW SEPHWZHBMI 3m EXAMINER TUESDAY 1m 11 can on little Ml weight choc SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HANGED FOR MURDER BELFAST APIShmuel Mc Laughlin 40 foundry worker was hanged in Belfast prison to day for the strangulation mur der of his wife It was the first legal execution in Northern Ire land since 1942 TEST NEW PLANE leDON ReutersIThc Ilrsl Canadhir Chitturboprop air freighter was put through its paces at London airport Mon day after completing its rdaiden flight from Montreal The TLIi was bought by Seaboard and Western Airlines Five of the aircraft will fly cargo on schede ulcd services linking Britain with the United States WILL SHIFT SOLDIERS STOCKHOLM AP Swed ish soldiers serving with the United Nations forces in Pales tine will be transferred to The Congo to replace the 3200 Til nisisn troops called home the Swedish foreign ministry said Monday CUT OFF LIQUOR LONDON AP Nearly 60 airmen at the us Air Force base at Lakenheath have been deprived of their tobacco and liquor ration cards for black marketing goods bought at the post exchange An air force spokesman said investigations were continuing at all us bases in Britain vWILIu VISIT MOSCOW HOME APIPremler Amln toreFanfaniIIas accepted an invitation from Premier Khrushchcv to visit Moscow Aug 25 Government officials said the trip would give Fan fani chance to explain the Western position on Berlin and other issues ROCK ROLL STAYS PARIS AWinterior Minis ter Roger Fray has rejected request by Gaullist member of the National Assembly for ban on rock roll in France Five policemen were injured recently when rack session got too enthusiastic HAS OPERATION CORONA Calif lAPCalnie Tregoff 24 convicted with Dr wArcu we VOAPARADE FIuDAY we scorer DANCE Nu LUCKY DkAws Bernard Finch of the 1953 murder of his wife has under gone surgery for removal of tumor The II per formed 11 days ago followed discovery of the tumor during examinations of Miss Ircgoff when she entered the prison last April to begin life sentence DRAFIS BUDGET BONN IANChancellor Kon rad Adenaucrs government has drafted tcntutivc 1962 budget pruwding $500000000 increase In defence spending govern ment sources rcpcrtcd toda The la000000000 budch wou include total of $125000000 for defence KEEPS CATS VICTORIA CPI Mrs Cielno has won the battle to keep her cuts Neighbors claimed they were too ndmore cus but sanitary inspector found the house and grounds were tidy and there was no cause for complaint Planner Stresses Citizens Interest STRATFORD CP Dr Fuludi Toronto planning consultant who prepared master plan for this citytold members of seminar on civic designs Monday that planner can do nothing without fight ing population interested to Im provement behind him citizen can understand the Increased cost of bread Or of automobiles he said but when you must Increase taxes for planning improvemcutl he must understand how his money Is spent Prof Anthony Aderhson vice chairman of the national capital commission attacked the inability of municipal and provincial officials to pay adequately for the development chmmmunities since the Second World War He criticized Ihe explanation offered by provincial govern ments that there is not enough money for adequate city plan ning It is ridiculous coming from country whose national ln come is eight times the world average he said mesons EXAMINER °rov COMPLETE DETAILS HT matIT 930