lo THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS JULY REAL ESTATE BIRTHS urn Al the no al Vittoria lloplta lssrrir on andsy July as lost to air and Mn carries Blip llll Thornton Out daughter ml COULSON At the Royal vie toria Hospital narrte on Sunday July lsst to Mr and bin linnald Cauison hit Dlrrle DUKEAI the Royal Victoria llospliai harrle on aloudy July it i961 to LAC and Mrs Michael Duke 196 Barton Avenue lierrie daughter Vicki Marie llrl the Mount llamllton Hospital Hamilton on Friday July Isol to Mr and sin It smith It Cattle Drive Mm rle daughter INTERESTING rAItILi lllrmnlts can be written with dialogsiron our Duly News lpel vents nlnrrE ENGAGEMEng and WEDDINGS Notices lar lnrss events sra only 50 prior them to the Classllieo Counter or ma non rlla prrlarxamlner PA IN DEATHS LAIDLAVOii Sunday July lpel Isabel Mills uidlaw young est daughter oi the late Mr and Mrs John Douglas uldlaw sen PROPdRl FOB SALE CARSON 11 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member at perrte and lilrtrirl neal slut hoard MOVING Dont iorgar tn usaaier your INSURANCE and ti you need extra eoverago oi any kin SEE STEVENSONS PA own 118 Dunlap St NORMAN Shelswell REAL ESTATE moronsr Pon SALE ROGERS ICONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET ml First In Barrie tlidne SalesForemost to Quality at PA 85568 TRUNK LINES an DOWNSVle DRIVE NlClZLY SITUATED AMONG FINE QUALITY Iloalrx $165 III IV in nu bungalow mild brick canluucunn Ind healdzlnnï¬ The whole property it near Ind Well IEPL It inn is llvflunla Lflilped llltlnldinln tanninLian with can tellan lnd builtin lures llnnnver when ln nllilnl bitch in large llbla IIII with men for Ipplilnres The blsemtnl ll divided nod flueflan room only 500 down ll required And you In quick pnuenlon SE2 NOW Phone PA OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA 2800 Represents lop value on todays market This neat lldilykept ibedroom brick bungalow lr especially well located or schools II he an extra large kitchen combination Uviogdirling and divided basement with partly ilnlsbed recreation room Very good terms arrarlged with 57 NiiA mortgage that carries ior mm per month Including lanes Call PA Hood ior iull lnlarmetlon CODRINGNN STREET ONE MORTGAGE ONLY500 DOWN $105 In most attractive location overlooking Kempenielt my this is 14 bedroom bungalow with iivingvilnlng combination and large kitchen It has lulllire builtain garage with concrete floor Very good terms oriercdarlly slow down and the balance on one open mortgage Now vacantImmediate possession This opportunity wont last long Phone PA om today REAL ESTATE PROPERTY Port sans Slouii Agencies Lid DOLLIE8 STREET PA ESBOI CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS NORTH Lutu IIIn NIHIQ brick bunglaw hlvlnj HM Iq bl IIVLnt NJ on on floor Well led Mkmflni Inn piece Wlmrnaln Hill HE now only ATM Wilh malith Plymerlu at which Inc iidel everythlnl op Cilia Iplll level or lens or rent in mlcy Pen Squire sins in bath M821 and public Khonii portion 01 your rep could apply to your down payment ll III end ynul one yCll lute iiuy ll nnw Ind Payments when purchasing only one per month And this Includes Ipai Interest and tun SOUTH Beautiiiluy kept older two storey home In the choicest Blake st redid eottal area Hey we have the pleasure oi showing you this lixlltul Kitchen iormal dining room living room and den downstairs wllb mu large bedrooms bath and beautlinl sun room uvsllin Lot all 552 banking on Collingwood street EAST Beautliully landscaped bedroom brick home on Nelson street close to schools shopping centre and bus Living room dining room and kitchen on on one iioor ll75 no it in au Palmersis Including taxes only 8100463 per month WEST In Angus we have run two storey poured concrete house no extra larrc lot summer kitchen modern kitchen den double living room and laundry room nnwn Three bedrooms and piece bath up New on nilIrate and to nllorl hot water tank in high dry basement liako an appointment to see now BELIEVE IT as ANDJA JOHNSON 30R armm GIJARREL MR Hams Rioiiis mi DIGGING DtrP GRAVE AND THEN FIGHIING DUEL 10 ms DEATH IN IT WITH solos IiiWis Summertime and the Livin is Easy Your Ovlm Home Check the Want Ads SHE GREQEDKAWIKADhï¬frgfsm Pbrsia CWE AlT CRllS SD TREROIERDUS THAT MPNY TRAVELER WE PERISNED BY FALLING THROUGH II IN All APPMNTIY mp MOMS JOHNSON NEVER EFT THE GRAVE AND ALlISQl SFFERED WINDS WHICH MD HIM TD LIMPNL vice and interment at Glencllnh Ontario Tuesday July 15 at 330 pm EARJEANIAt the noyal Vie REAL MATE unclean ii Dunlap Street East PA 8996 lYEARvoLD BRICK BUNGALOW Vlill GARAGE SELLING AT OWNERS ACTUAL COSTI CEMENT BLOCK WAREHOUSE On large lot Two noon 10 25 well lhsulaled an dheated Loading space ior iour trucks eaceuent ior potato storage 313500 Members of tha palrte and District Reel Lillie lloard toria llospllal parrle on Sunday July I961 Mildred Dcbn Oli ver bclovcd wiie oi lhe late Charles Albert Sarlaant dear mo ï¬ler oi Eric oi Orillia Brnce Beth Mrs Charles Kearney and Douglas all or parrla Iean ills hilltan Patton oi lslington Laur Irle oi Toronto and Audrey oi Itcnura nesting at the semen luncni llome llarrie Funeni service nlesday rvlly 15 Ml at pm lntermonl barrio Union Cemetery lvruclrrAt his late residence Lot Concession Plas Town ship on sanday July 1m Slanlnï¬ Vrlxhi Elï¬nHID du lrlct eloved son or the Illc ilr and am Wright dsar bro lher Lloyd oi Elmvelo Ethel Mrs sommersl oi CraIghurst Carmle thus noardsaili or Pd gar Russel and Victor balls oi almvalc lInlvcy of Toronto Milo drcrl Mrs Eldon Courtney al clpslon and Doris Mri no amsool oi Elmvnle In his dirt year posting at this lames ll Lynn Funeral Home Elmvlle ior Innerl service Wednesday July 16 pm Interment Waverley United Cemetery MEMORIAM anGBln loving memory oi my dear husband Helen who passed away July 25 1950 silent thought secret tear Kcops his memory cvcr dear Time takes away the edge oi griei But mamory turns back every leal Evnr Iiiriprie or PA 68742 EVENINGS CALL Joe Loagua PA 50145 Everett shelswell Oro ms lioward Norrie PA moi Jack Vlllaan PA 51 Norman shelswcu PA atrial ROSE REAL ESTATE linum 7d TIFFIN STREET pAnnle CALL DAY ON EVENING Member or Inn Barrie and Distrch Real Estate Biler MOVING For ccmplata moving service ruler and caster Call COOKE CARTAGE C7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT can Rd tierrlo PArkwy 35575 PA Hills HENDERSON REALTOR lp COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 84573 1141VIEIROSE slum Lovely Lshapad brlck bungalow with attached garage remembered by wlie gnarlin loving memory or dear lather and and ther He zen Edge who passed away July 15 I960 Evzr remembered by Ccrry and sadly PA 82379 CARDS OF THANKS mGGlNEDNl wish to thank my many lrlends hclghhors and Features extra large beautliul kl chop bedrooms divided basd mcnr Built by George Davies For appointment call luta Scandrctl iratcmlty ior their kind acts cx pressions or encouragement and cards during my Illness Special thanks to Dr Postnllrair the nursing stair oi the Royal Vic toria hospital also the census en umcrators or Essa and Innlstll Townships who so ably carried their duties In any absence Sirl ccrely Prank nigginaan MCINDLESS Mr and Mrs George Mclrldless upon the decor slon at their 20th anniversary wish to thank all who took part Thc receipt or the many guts will live in their memory for many years Ceorge and Betty CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 872414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of 40 per word per insertion Ior one and two times is per ward for three four or ï¬ve times and 212 per word ior or more insertions 10 addi tlunal charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS EEC FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS 11 LrARGILI PEP SINGOE lN SERTION Ehkurts olt CORRECTIONS AdverUsers are reminded that Ill phone insertion orders are acce ed as convenience to you advertiser Therciora the Classilled Advertising Department rerluires all advertisers to kindly Perched their advertiscmeat Immediately after ilrst insertion in order that any errors or omissions Tim on reported actors mm to order that same may be rectiï¬ed tor the touowlng days Insertion ardpr We wish to point out that The rBlirrie Examiner ls responsible ior only one Incurrezty prrted Insertion on anyrradvertiseiuunl and then only so in oxtorli or portion of ad that Involves Ihl misprint Errors which do not lessen tho value oi the advertise ment are not eligible ior serrac tIons by make goods notes and type arylee tor semi display classiï¬eds may be no tained through The Examiner ad vertlsing department NAPIER STREET AREA Chlrmlrag tarcc hadraom ranch brick bungalow iiraplacc bath Pricad at Slam with $25m down For lull details call ltlta Scandrctt ATIENTION GARDENERS ll acres our room bungalow and garage also greenhouse Lo cated on highway naar village OnLV H500 down Call Percy Ford RIUG BRICK BUNGAIDW Very close to downtown complete with paved drlva Aluminum storms and screens Dnc mortgage Phonc Percy Ford HELLO YOU HANDYMEN Give me call now to Inspect this older home with seven rooms Could be duplexes haasaaable terms Phone Pony Pord EVENENKliLnsm RITA scAlem PA Mats PERCY Pokp PA 31an Member oi oarrte and District and Ontario Real Estate Balm HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Coop ass ANCHOR HERE 50 ON MKESHORE Well tread lot overlooking Kemp oniolt Bay concession Oro Freshly painted cottage with liv ing room and open ï¬replace klt chen three bedrooms and sun porcb All mmlture including Quebec heater heavy electric stove television barbecue dock raft llnrl ï¬breglass boat to go with house This is bargain with Im mediate possession sum Please call Norah Italkes Oro 4023 Member or Barrie and District Real Estate board EVENINGS CALI EMORY MILLER PA 50416 JOE PALMER PA scat KAILL MARSHALL PA was New RAIKES oro dim IIIARG SHERAR PA $7555 EXCELLENT VIEW aver Iakeeast at town on paved road Modern bedroom home Bilob panened dcn living and dining room Heated double garage Large lat Many extras Reduced ior quick sale Owen Ioncs PA arms or PA 37931 Good Food HOspltallby pleasant surroundings RlSIDENTS or EARRIE Alu mvnlxn TO VISIT oUrt COD SPA CIDUS DINING ROOM AMI pEAUTIPUL sunnouNDlNGs ONLY FEW HoMENTSDRIVE FROM ALLANDALE FQR Broiled steaks with mlishrooms Southern fried chicken in basket Hungarian Goulash Euiopecin Jcusine Catering to families and groups large or small Meals can be sewed atoll times wr HOPE To slap YOU IN THENEAR FUTURE TELEPHONE smounezhza For Reservatlons or Just Drop In In YOU YOUR BOAT Iiucpbedroom planvthai is universal iavourile Has large living dining combination slreable kitchen with cupboards in natural wood lovely ceramic tiled bathroom basement is bright vrry dry and oily gallled The owner here Is leaving Barrie and oiiers this genuine argain with Immediate panestlont Very low down polished to single mill moflllle 57 LETITIA STREET BRICK BUNGALOW WITH AllACIIED GARAGE AND ZaCAR PAVED DRIVE 515800 Comprising over lsoo sq icel or living arct and situated on very beaulliully lreed slreet this hnmi Lt equipped with many ext to make Ilia easy It Is 4bcdroom grey brick bungalow with rec lace in living room The large modern kitchen and dining are on ower ground level at thcreer into which there Is walkIn entracne directly irom the garage Tilere Ir bathroom on each level partly and exhaust ians You mill see In lnierIDl Ind Cl In ll II Phona PA assoc 200 NAPIER STREET FOR THOSE WHO LIKE AN EXTRA WIDE LOT $15000 Una oi the best planned Interiors oi any Lbitdroom bungalow lo narrch its ranch style clapboard with natural stone iacing and an enclosed brarxcway connecting to the arsgo Thcrmopano windows Ipont and rear real ovenlze maslcr be room large periccily plan ned kitchen baaedry poured wall basement lha selling or the house an limit lot all add up to home at charm and comiort Caopentlve listing Please call PA 85566 ior appointment to view EVENINGS CALL slits bi MODELPA pslai POSTERPA 852 ROGERSPA 56582 CONNELL PA n76 MEMBERS BARRIE It DISTRICT REAL rsTATE liCAim CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 641242 BUNGALOW SOUTH OF BARRIE Nice room bungalow miles from Barrie Largo living room and klichcn nice bedrooms bathroom and bacsmcnt Pressure system all inrnace garage condition ior 86500 with low down paymcnt $8500 FOR BUNGALOW IN EAST END Older type with large living room with ï¬replace Thrcc bedrooms part basement oil iurnacc The 58500 and the payments are low SPLIT LEVEL BRICK lovely large living room with dining arca well planned kitchen bedrooms or good size and aviplcco both There is full basement with recreation room car pot ior convenlcnco The lot Is so 110 it This home is class to bot Public and high Schools Iiii mortgage carries ior $8800 per month interest principal and es NO II HIGHWAY SOUTH OF BARRIE Just two miles from Barrie room bungalow 54500 with low down payments smltb CampbellPA easily Ionri LangPA um Fergus GarveyPA BWSZ Members oi the name Real Estatc board PRATT ETD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For CATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT T0 INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA lesson on PA cam Fifi CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER GCC Phoae PA Milo 93 Dunlapst MASH MARSHALLPA 34450 COREYPA Milla OWEN lONï¬PA 81837 DAILY cnosswonn lounge At all 4112 Old Eng 5Silow vehicles Sailors BIDDE Simpleton aEngIIah outlier AliAit 11 Guitar 13 Most shatter 17 Plate 201mm zzlEjeci 24 Tens pins 2611 IIIqu 27 Fodder pillsIt ZSJBdtlet rungs 90 Girls along 32le tonne 33nvudcry 3LBoys 421111an nickname able 361mnsym mnhegghs 39 Network book mm on II II AME 130m imman wnrih to convicts 90ldwolndu 10 Dips out 12 Sacred 13 Continued story 14 £31318 Imminent 16 Negative 17Drotls 18 Spread srnse iodry 19 Insect 21 Greek letter 23ng 11M 26 Sweetener 29 Klan of dog 31 Onoperson not 32lroe 35 float 31 Chineso prclechlm 88 chuckling sound so Ketile Wm aide AZWMIM 43 Sal at rooms 44 Homeless mnmmnamrl DID Yamaha Answer 40Anguiah ilrllshed recreation room and laundry room The very attractive kitchen was desllncd with pros um and has lots oi cupboards double sink also let no it 235 and house in immaculate lot In nicely trecd Asking price boards storms and screens large ng EVENINGS CALL Merv GouldOrv 2516 Doris NuttvcomboPA Him Edith GouldOra 25M CONJIMPORARY HOME ONE oNLYl New NllA contemporary dwelling with carport rooms large llv Inr room large kitchen dining area roaster bedroom ceramic tiled bathroom with colarad lla lurcs and Vullty Lois or cuP sanded lat good location corner MelioseDurkworth Phone owner builder ii ALLEN PA lwel ALLANDALE Aime st Custom built brick galow taboo down paymentx per monih includes Inlercat rinclpal and taxes For iurther niormation PHONE PA 83423 no 82 FOR ALB canals up or rooms and bath on good sired lot bow down plymeni Owner will carry mortgage Tclcphoae PA mill or evening PA Milli catmIALLY Locach ilvc robin Insul brick house la lrcnry Strcct Laundry racllitics Oil healed Good grounds Low down payment Apply poaald Cameron rm narr telephone PA psi SEVEN hood prick House with barn all one acre oi lrlnd Nat and gas nanam thrcc place bath built in cupboards Next to in school on ma line or Sunnldl noad open all winter rclcphaac 55sz stayner PROPERTY FOR SALE Hairy slcssorPA 5067 orca BrownPA p71 Prank CongdonPA was RENTALS APTS mass wrn lllGll clltltll Teacher wanta lhrcc ar iour bedroom house by September Praiers nice district or outskirts Apply box to Barrie Examiner AFTS lltTUsns THBENT 11mm llOOlI Apartment ior renl slavc rairlgcralor heal not we lcr supplied Use or washer and drya Telephone PA 81750 DR nooil uniurhlshed apart mcnt to rent llardwood lino Kitchen sunrnom Tclcpllond PA 647846 aitcr six TllnEI 1100 Apartment tlvo minutes walk irom downtown Parking iacllitlcs Newly devour tcd Telephone PA Milo AVAILAIJLE Immediately One tarnished apartment one unturn lshed noth seli contained One child welcome Days phone PA M27 cvchtngs PA and FOUR ltOOlll mmlshcd vaparte mcnt ior rcnt Second iioor Im mcdlatc osscsslon Close to new Post Oiicc Apply 80 Owen st aitcr pm FURNISHED two room apartment with privala bath and parking facilities Reasonable rent Loca ted Owen and Wellington Streets Tclcphone PA Hill FURNISHED three room apart ment threo plccc bath heavy duty stove and rcirlgcrator Hardwood iloors sol contained Available only Apply Armstrongs Hard ware on RENT Plvls ltOOM Bunglow All EDIir Veniensu Garage included Largo iront yard ienced in one child welcome selling at SLOW ilcnt at s1n monthly Telephone PA 81061 PROPERTY WANTED HAVE 510in down payment ior acentrally located home In Bar rle valued up to $3000 Princi Pals only Apply to Box 70 Barrie Examiner THREE nanrtoollr home In east end or outskirts oi barrio $12000 price range Please state also price mortgage and tax payments In ï¬rst reply box 51 barrio Ex laminar pus OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunilr RENTALS Oirlce or store splice 5w square last on ground iloorlbrcellant incInn Clean well lyeth bodyx and allillé lmme ac ossossan 13 excellent Krmiturereï¬rlisb log and upholstery shop Used Car Loi ior rent otilce and lights included mceptlonally good argon lNPoRMATION ON THE ABOVE OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT HAROLD HILL so DUNLOP 51 WEST TELEPHONE PA $2427 SNUCAP DRIVEIN LTD Pam mnlmplrs mANCEflSE now available In On tsrlo and Quebec tor yearreund dunin restaurant backed by ex perlenca training advertising Writeto Snocap elm bathurst st Toronto tar dumber Iniorma tion GROCERY STORE In leet to be moved Includes counter scales reirigerator deep freezer and all stove 314000 turnover annually Telephone PA 87468 arter pm HANDYMANS Opportunity For sale21 room hotel in Thornton on 27 Highway Full price sump with only $2000 dawn Good in come property ideal ior apert mcnts Apply to Box 6d Barrie Examiner MORTGAGES PRIVATE Money for First ontI Second Mortgages WRITEBOX 60 BARR EXAMINER MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments Insured against accident sickness depth CRESCENT FINANCE pUNLopsT wasr HARE PA Wm MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to consolidate debts ay oit existing mortgages home lgnprovemenld etc Cali iorep ointment PA llllsal Mortgage piling over Simpsonoscaral19 nunlop street East MORTGAGESIII and 2nd bought and mid arranged commercial and residential rlnntlyd loaned on exidHnNanflllzï¬s Burris Mm ll Blnkorl PA 8415 TryAnvExumlner Want Ad Phone PI 32414 HOUSE rooms and aunroam uri Iurnlshcd with bathroom hat was ten Has nice beach panting tor $55 monthly Apply to lbs shanty Bay Road or telephone PA b1675 IMMEDIATE Possession chtcd iurnlshcd one bedroom apart separate entrance Use or swim millg pool Nn children or pets Telephone strand to Two nOOlI iumlshed apartment hat and cold water Suitable ior one or two adults Available now Telephone PA 57395 evenings inc iurthcr punculars THREE lirznltoaM bungalow anal year old Nort ast ond Close to schools Pour piece bath Modern kltchon storm and screens Tele phone PA M756 aitec 530 HEATED Apartman ior rent Large living room bedroom dlna one and kitchen with stove and ratrigcrator Central Business colic pie pretaxred Available immedi ately Tclephone PA M515 TWO room apartment with bath Fully nlmlsbed Heat hydro nnd water supplied Three minutes irom downtown Clean and newly decorated Telephone PA H00 NEW Two BEDROOM ground iloor seli contained apartment rte trigeraior and stove laundry tac llltlcs overlooking park and lakm from Apply 6d plakest or tele phone PA Will minimme possession heated unfurnished two bedroom apart mept In stroud apartment halide No children or pets Telephone stroud 48 nluGET illsdished two room aperi ment ior rent with kitchen and bedslttlng roorn Heavy duty stove Available Immediately Apply at 121 purton Avenue mo BEDROOM Enlist ior rent an paved calintryrrolld Three nllles irom New Lowell water and hydro Rent reasonable Apply George hogeratelephans tisz Lowell 9169 MomzltN two bedroom uoiumlsh ed apartment Near East End Plaza Automatic laundry reelutlea Vene an blinds and bamboo drapes Parking arse clephene PA posts TWO BEDROOMS one living room kitchcn lrldbaulmom $70 runnith iluted Next to Chflsuel Supermarket in Allandalo Tele phone PA 32424 and ask for Sam Stransmauiiorn panto pan UNPURlelmn mlllgerator MODERN two bedroom unturn lsbed basement apartment Private entrance and bathroom $55 mom ihly hosted Close to shopping pla za Available Aiigilst lfl Telephone PA Mai hznlad allan olerltthrce rooms and kitchenette private entrance Central location $55 monthly Available Augua to Also iulnished two rooih apart ments lli nayileld Slreelslnonl PA mo THREE rtnoM heated unfurnished apartment Private bathroom and entrance on ground flour Private Vurpndn Washerrlnil dryer eup plled Appliances optional Free parking Telephone PA ml or PA 61032 LOVELY vxzw with eheeriul enri rulindlngd Threc room dell cori talned apartment stave and re irlgcrntor supplied Located in the cast end Avallahlc immediately Telephone PA 09 NEW Aim Madsrn nna and two bedroom apartments overlooking Iconic Kcmpenlcll nay tict Wm ter bikini and ianitor service Incititritd Automatic wiping clllllc PA II In Moman two bedroom apartmea available August Kitchen with and stove Laundry room with washcrand dryer lip In Cook street or tclephone d7Ii9 THE RESTOF HIS LIFE RENTALS APTs housiss r0 RENT sup CONTAINED tour room apartment lleai and water supplied tic per month Elsi end location Available Illl mediately Telephone PA passe ior iurtber details qUiiaNIs PARK DIstlIcl bedroom lower duplex irant entrance iour piece stove and rcirlgcralor Bascmeni storage space Private parking One child welcome 90 Tolephone PA H197 Tnltlzls Roll uniurnlahed apart pleat separate entrance soil can talned parking iacllitles Ncwiy decoratcd Avllldblc linrnclliatcly Telephone PA out ior further uniu lniormatlon LAltGB roUlt noom Apartment heated hot and cold water Pris vaie bathroom plugs and utility room Apply Mrs Green Bond tired or tclephone liradinrd Prop Pcct 525w THREE hoolil uniumlshcd aparo mcni heat water supplied Loca ted Blake and nunlop Available lionladialcly For iurtbcr motion Telephoat PA dsnsi or M41 UNrullesmsn tour roam apart rnent ior rerli Hosted and sell contained with private bath Poe session lmmddiniely Telephone PA point or PA seats for iarlh pr latonnstloa FURNISHED to artment completely seli can ncd ground iioor Bright Hy dro and heat supplied Fire lace and large clothes closata vall able August Telephone PA 68195 ROOMS TO LET CsNTrtAL local on bright bed room and kitchen ior rent Pally iurnlshed reasonable rent with heat and lights Included Ideal ior couple Telephone PA 54593 one FURNISHED Housekeepan Room sult quiet older woman on bus line One iurnlshed bedroom with kitchenette mllllary or business couple prcterrcd Tales phone PA M92 or PA rosin ROOM BOARD AVAILWt room with board Central location Lln ches peeked Ir dcslrod Telepholn PA 32652 SUMMER RESORTS more elor Longwlood LOdgé Lovely playground spaciousrooms hot and cold Wotan Very gnnd asnlng Only one mile to salt and tennis aaarr EUROPEAN om EUROPEAN CUISINE HowI COOKING BroiIed Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken Very reasonable rates Meals can be served at all times ior outsIdi Weekend gucsis and tamnies welcome Close to Aliandale loll course Tel Stroud 62r23 cormunsho KillNT ms ROOM caiiage at Glepwnod peach furnished Available July 25 on Close to stores and dance lull Telephone nilill stroad ior iurther Intimidation BIG BAY POINT Clean modern new cottage rurnlshed All can Venlencel Near good bathing bench and stores We bedrooms Available July 29 Aug iii Telec phone PA B4851 Two nsnhooM Cottage with In slde convenience at are much Good swimming and ï¬shing Avlilr able July so to August also August 19 to September $50 Telephone so am on LAKE SIMCOE at 0H1 lion sandy peach good swimming tar all ages large cottage newly decorated avauable August 5th other smaller cottages or the wee IBI at very reasonable rates AP ly to rt Crccr or at the cat Iagu at Om Slatloa Telephone PA assel Pauli anlmolil Cottage avail able lnst three weeks in August also three bedroom cottage ior thc last two wccka in August also small cottage with two bunk beds avanable now All on lake rent with good dendybeach Thunder beach Apply Tuck 73 Dundonald st liarrlc COTTAGES FOR SALE UNriNianBD winterized Coltgo ior sale Near leke To be sold very reasonably For iurther ln iormatlon contact Mrs Dorothy Carley Carson Ave Lcrroy Ont Two COTTAGE and Lois ior sale at Little Lake $2500 ior both or will sell separately real han dymahs npportunlly Apply to Box or narrla Examiner lump ARTICLES for SALE AYE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 34011 THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES CRAIGHUEST ONTARIO Furniture colored glass and chino open daily ior your canvenlenc irom IO om till IO pm Illlcs North at Barrie on Hilhwny 91 TELEPHONE PA 817 PATIO STONES Hal thick WATER PROOFW COLOUR FAST Soriecint Co Ltd Mary Street NEWSPAPER MATS slrca urlhrldaal ior linlnkhcn houses attics garages etc parrect insulator square 250 HER DOZEN Apply the harm examiner llarrte calarla FILL YOUR FREEZER with the driest RED and BLUE MEAIS ETC 100 guaranteed quality budget Terms on omen $5000 and over Complete Line Oi FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IT lvaiihblo in those who will to purchaso their orders daily ll your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE zap TIPPIN snags aAitltlis PHONE PA M501 Free Delivery Open Frldly till Pm VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV sms $4900 lush GERATOBS $9500 LMCFADDENS I28 PENETANG 51 PA 89288 ELECTRIC CASE Register to sale 515 Apply Joan Garrick ilalr ists 23 Maple Avenue Barrie nounle nan Spring Mattress ior sale In good condition so Tele phone PA Mend USE VACUUM Cleaners ior sale 315 and up Free home trial No obligation Telephone PA H481 ior iurtbcr Mormnilon BEATTY WASHEII used In good condition also Ladys Bicycle and one Bnys Bicycle All reasonably priced Telephone PA 58771 wnsmo hiacnmrc ior sale Westinghouse automatic In good working condition New main bearings price 315 also sy Chair 12 Telephone PA m7 LLOYD IsABY Carriage ior said light grey and green good condi tion 515 Telephone PA b3155 lleya or PA time niter slx ior further iniornlatlon STYLOIIATiC zlz Zag Machlnca now In stock $16950 Also young budget straight stitch machines at $1960 come and see them now at singers Telephone IA impala CONTINENTAL BED or also slat aprlng Eloctraiux Vac uum olcaacr Power liawcr Play er Plano All in good condition Rcasuntible ior quick sale Tele phcna PA II 954 sKlL OSCILATING Sender Tol edo bompliling white anamal counter sealc so lb unpartv Platiorm Scale with scoop 70 lbs capacity Telephone Ivy l5i4 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Tele hone PA M14 DIsharPnrrand lmitcll ONE USED 20 II Elcctric Mat phase zip vo poriacx cond lion Onc liHII point Mon variable ahced hours Is York condensing unit new surenlae Telephone PA buildl or PA 51032 evenlnlle