OUR TELEPHONES fo Examiner Want Ads Tole phone PA aZilt The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 6637 In Tiler COTTAGERS 3101 UP ALONG SHORELINE AFTER looMPH SQUALL War May Break Out Again Tunisian President Warns By RODNEY ANGOVE TUNIS ltPltlllisian Presi dent liabib Dollrguibn accused the Frenchundny of violating the United Nations Security Councils Bizertc ceasefire or der by refusing to withdraw to tllcir hattle positions and by ext all their field on Tllnisiar territory guiha warned at press conference that fighting may break ollt again llc said he had told nations which had offered volunteers to help Tunisia that he needed trained guerrilla fighters planes bnscd in Tu nisia or other countries arms mobile antiaircraft batter lcs urguiba did not accuse the French of renewing the attack But he said that if they did not withdraw from Bizerte City into the naval base enclave fight ing is bound to start again We have decided to resist until the end and we arerre SWISS EMBASSY Try To pared for new hostilities While Bourguiba spoke llN Secretary General Dag Ham marskjold conferred with Tunis ian officials in an effortJo kcep the crisis from mushrooming into even bigger proportions FACES TOUGH TASK lfammnrsjold who arrived in the hinisian capital Monday at Bourguibas invitation was studying Tunisias case against France in one of the thorniest and most difficult tasks of hi career number of Tunisiuns doubted that Hammarskjold would produce solution that would satisfy Tunisia which wants total unconditional French withdrawal from the Bi zcrte base Hammarsklold had three tlour session ltfonday night with Bourguiba which Tunisian of ficial described as explora tory The UN chicls only com rrqnge Return To Miami By 1051 littum ORLANDO HAVANA AP The Swiss Embassy soughttoday to am range the return to Miami of passengers and crew of bi jackcd US airliner but its cf forts were hampered by the an niversary celebration of Fidel Castros revolution spokesman said the citi bassy hoped to get the Amer icans aboard Pan American flight to Miami today but so far hadnt been able to get the nec essary permission because all government were closed until Friday The Eastern Air Lincs prop jet Electra was on flight from Miami to Tampa New Orleans and Dallas Monday with 33 pas sengers and crréw of live when an unidentified sscngcr pulled gun and forced the pilot to fly to Havana Premier Castro was said to have no objections to returning the passengers and crew as soon as arrangements could be made But his government is re ported plarlning to hold on to the plane unless the United States turns over six Cuban planes that have been seized in Flor ida to satisfy legal judgment against the Cuban regime no 0NE hour The passengers and crew were being held under close po lice guard and rcporterswvcre prventcdtrom talking to them Reporters saw them from distance when they landed at Havanas Jose Marti Airport Monday and no one appeared to have been injured It was notknown where the passengers and crew were be ing held Nor was there any clue to the identity of the gun man who hijacked the plane One of tho passengers was Luis Rodriguez No contender for the world welterweight box ing championship He was on route to Dallas for fight Thurs day night with Curtis Cokes Switzerland has represented the US government in Cuba since Havana and Washington severed diplomatic relations The plane landed in Havana at 1125 am hours before Soviet spaccman Yuri Gagarin arrived for the anniversary cellt cbration The passengers and crew were kept in the airport for several hours until the wcl coming ceremonies for Gagarin were over The Electra was the second American airliner to be hijacked and flown into Cuba On May Cuban passenger on national air lines Convair pulled gun and knife on the pilot over the Florida Keys and forced him to fly to Havana The seven other passengers and three crew mem bers were allowed to return to the United States in the plane Believe Kennedy To AskMore Money For Del WASHINGTON AplsPiesi dent Kennedy tonight unveils plan for stepping up defence against the Communist threat to Berlin and throughout the world In advance of his radio TV broadcast Knnedy scheduled his usual Tue daymceting with ï¬gmocratic Congressional lead ers is gave him an opportun to brief them on points he will cover in his speech and in formal message to Congress Wednesday Informed sources said Ken nedys strategy will provide for astepbystep Western strength ening as Communistprcssures mount on Berlin and long formincrease inablity to counter the Communists should they turn on the hcat else where gt This involves boost in the preparedness pro ram Vt the $43000000000 Ken nedy has already asked for the In it ry this year bigger arms conttihutions by the NATOal lies and in teamwork among the Allies in diplomatic ence Spending political and economic tactics Soviet Premier Khrushchev says he will sign peace treaty with Communist East Germany at the end of this year thus wiping out the rights of the United States Britain and France in Communist sur rounded West Berlin T0 UP CD BUDGET One major item the Kenne dy package is eiVil defence 1n formants said he wants to raise to around $300 000 triple his present budgettho federal outlays for preparedness against attack on the United States This apparently would include lérgcscalelnstal lation of dailout shelters Military proposais prepared White House consideratio are reported to incude stepping no the regular armed forces by 100000 men or more including couple of army divrsrons and Marine divisio higher state of National Guard and re servist preparedness and some 52 in weapons production This army now has 14 divisions the Marines three ment to reporters was that he had not scheduled visit to the city of Bizertc which the French captured in four days of bloody fighting before ceasefire call from the UN Se curity Council st the shooting The Tunisiims accused France of floating the councils resolu tion which also called on both sides to return to their pre nattlc positions in Bizcrte French government sources have said France would not pull back until the Tunisian govern ment gurantces her free com munications to and between the various installations of her huge naval and air hnscat Bizerte The city of Eizerte lies nstride the channel tothe base from the Mediterranean Bourguiba has demanded that France give up the base held under treaty after Tunisia independence from France in 1956 and also give Tunisia piece of the French held or The lighting erupted last week after the Tu nisians laid siege to the land Barrie Ontario Cnnnd tic Tuesday July I961 Examinrr roan WEATHER Sunny with cloudy period to marrow Winds um Low to night 60 High Wedneldhy For full xlmmnry no you two Not More Thu 7o par Copyn raid Peak TWister 50+Seoond Squall Hits Cottage Area EXCISE TAXES INCREASED UK Ups Bank Role In Austerity Move LONDON CPlThc British government in move designed to fight inflation and protect gold and dollar reserves has approachcs totho bash aodlsentlr milled10 int352 31m book flagplanting expedition into the Sahara beyond the Tunisian border An aide said Hommarskjolds itinerary in Tunisia including any inspection of nizerte was up to the Tunisians who asked him to come here to discuss the crisis An inspection of the battle torn city could antagonize the 1French government which didl not invite Hammarskiold to in tcrvene and insists the Bizerte dispute is private matter be tween France and Tunisia Britain Prepared Reinforce Troops LONDON Reuters Britain has assured the United States that it is prepared to reinforce its armed forces in Germany it the Berlin situation deteriorates seriously wellinformed sources said today The assurance was reported given by British Defence Minis terllarold Watkinson Monday in his talks with US Defence Sec retary Robert McNamara But Watkinson also told Mc Namara that Britain did normal the timeihad come yet for re inforcing its Army of the Rhine the sources said He urged that the west should first try to find political solution to the Berlin and German problems KoreanType War Distinct Possibility CHICAGO AP President Kennedy has decided that lim ited Korea type war between the Unittzd States and the So viet Union over Berlin is dis tinct possibility the Chicago Sun Timcs says Sun Times correspondent Thomas Ross in dispatch from Washington says this premise lies behind master military plan Kennedy will no fold in radio and televisionad dressatonighf The speech will be carried on CBCTV and the Trans Canada radio networks between 10 and 1030 prn The president was said to have reached judgment that the United States can and must check Soviet aggression in Eur opo without resort to atomic weapons Ross writes And as in the Korean War the president was reported pre pared to accept the concept of it al sanctuary whereby neither side would launch air strikes outside the nation under siege HERES ONE Young ILrlidyz Can you squeeze me in here City Bus DriverWhy yes Maom if someone else will rate by two per centund pur chase and excise taxes by 10 per cent of the existing rates Chancellor of the Exchequer Selwyn Lloyd disclosed these moves in the House of Commons today The bank rate which governs interest chargesthroughout Brit ain goes up to seven per cent from five Raising the rate serves to tighten up on credit The effect of raising the pur chase and excise taxes the chancellor said will be to with draw 51200000000 $560000000 on consumer spending from the economy in yeart This meas ure is designed to stifle con sumptionat home in the interest of on export drive DRAW 0N FUND Lloyd also announced that Britain would make substan tial drawing from the Interna tional Monetary Fund to bolster the countrys gold anddollar re serves In this way the government served notice on international speculators that the pound would not be devalued Lloyd did not any howmuch will be asked from the fund The actual amount will be an nounced shortly he said Thc chancellonnlsodisclooed Britain intends to cut down de fence expenditures Referring to NATO commit ments in Western Europe he 51 lireInjured In Train Crash MACON Ga AmThe Cen tral of Georgias streamlde passenger train the Nancy Hanks collided heathen with freight train near here Monday night injuring 51 persons The engineer of tho Nancy Hanks Georgé 13 Wheeler of Savannah was the only one be lieved injured severely Twenty cight were admitted to the hos pital and the others were treated andrdlsmissed Jack Mason district machin ery supervisor for the Central of Georgia said the accident oc curred when the freight train began running behind schedule and failed to reach side truck in time toclear the main line for the fast passenger train Louis Rasminsky Succeeds Coyne By JAMES NELSON Canadian Press Staff will OTTAWA CPiThe cab at Monday studied the ramifica tions for Canada of the Berlin crisis but Prime Minister Die fenhaker do it comment after the hour afternoon meeting Meeting for the first time in week the ministers also Approved appointment of LduisVRasminsky as governor of the Bank of Canada succeed inguiames Coync who re signed July 13 Earmarked $50000 of fed eral disaster relief funds for compensation of those who suf fered personal losses in this springs New Brunswick floods Cleaned up other business and tentatively scheduled the next cabinet meeting for late this week on Mr Dieteobakers return from two day swing through southwestern Ontario won NEED MEN Mr Dielen or declined comment on the FranceTunisia crisis but said withdrawal of 1000 Tunisian troops from The pecuve Congo would meanother forces would ave to replace them Canndohad not been asked to supply more men he said As result of theBerlin cr sis Mr Dietenbsker said there of are prohlems that necessarily rest on us as member NAT He did not outline tllem but it was understood the problems lnclutiedfn quick to drivé the husï¬ viewof tho state of Canadian from Mood yours rtnsmnvsxv defence planning both domes tically and in relation to Can adas armed forces co to NATO in Europe It was expected also that the abinetwould consider the pros tmpnct of Britains new austerity program and Prosii dent Berlin crislo speeeh be day ln coniiecttou with the Book ansdo thecablnot Jgftit to the bonkltsclf to announce ca binetv approval of Mr Room skys appointment Mr chfen baker merely added that tho sevenyear term would vdoto ay next financial year at the same erumcnt got back to office serious loss of foreign demand ntribution Residents of Sandy Cove Slmcoe 12 miles southeast near sandy Beach on Lain of here are busy today in gigantic cleanup operation following twister which hit the cottage oroa shortly otter 130 pm yutedroy With windS estimated sudden squat did tremendo Ibery docks lawn furniture work in the city dcclaredhe strain upon the balance of payments caused by this expenditure cannot be al lowed to continue in the next fi nsnclaLyear Lloyd said Britain is facing critical situation in its bal ance of payments TRIM ASSISTANCE He also announced Britain will contain assistance to under developEdcountries during the time reducing diplomatic and administrative service costs by 10 per cent He said Britains overseas ex penditure now running at £500 000000 $1400000000 for the 196162 financial year should be cut to $400000000 $1120000 000 in the 196263 financial year Lloyd called on overseas Brit ish business firms to send more of their earnings home storm of protest developed in the Commons when Lloyd sat down Labor members shouted Resign resign Harold Wils on the labor partys financial expert de clared The whole tone of the state ment is utterly inconsistent with the prospects on which the gov RECALL SLOGAN In the 1959 national election Prime Minister Macmillans con servatives campaigned on the slogan you never had it so good PEOPLE BUY HEAVILY Thousands of Britons went on Christmasin July shopping spree to heat the coming squeeze With wages high and unem ployment low Britons have been buying record quantities of com sunAer goods The rush on the home market has kept prices at or level that has resulted in for British products Britain last year spent nearly $1000000000 more than it earned in foreign trade the biggest gap since 1051 gt Gagarin Shepard May Meet lit CNE rouoivro or Frhnk Young chairman of the Cana dlan Notional Exhibitioniair show said today he is hopeful that Eussain cosmonaut Yuri Gngarin and UnitedStates snacemnn Alnn Shepard will meet for the firsttlme at the show Aug 18 toSept Young has invited both Ithecnussisn and the American to the annual exhi tioii Gagarlohnow isiting Cuba recentlyhe isrcody to go nnywherc invited Monday he accepted taninvitation to visit Cleveland industrialist Cyrus Eatoo in Eaton native Nova Scott Fri ay 16 HANDICAP LONDON or Mrs Clara dwhrds who claimed the fla or went out of her cooking nfte she fell offo bus was vnwarded the jsumv of £65183 or two instances garages NO ONE HURT No one was injured during the storm but there were many frightened women and diildrcn Many of them were alone in the cottages with their husbands at Acrording to eyewitnesses the twister which travelled path about 400 feet width appor cmly came in like silent ghost oil the lake and over the beach It lore path of destruction along awidth occupied by four lakefront cottages then dE plt pearcd back out over the lake The entire fury of the blow was spent in 50 seconds Property hardest hit is own on by Lane Gurr Johnson and Huggins Ad jaeent properties were affected to minor degree nunmsrnucn McCormick maintenance man for some of the property owners said he was sitting having lunch within 200 feet of where the main damage oc curred The first inkling he hurt of anything amiss was the sight of trees floating far out in thclako never heard sound he said salv the extent of the damage done within few feet of where was Lanewhose property suff orcd irreparable loss of num ber of large trees said that the whole thing was over in loss than minute was just preparing to have little snooze after lunch when it began to rain and the next think knew the windows and doors of my cottage were flying open and banging away with terrific force My fears of course were for the safety of fny family didnt realize quite what was happening but spent the first few seconds at tempting to close veranda win dows It was hopelesstask As soon as closed one the others would blow open again was so busy it was not until after the wind passed that was lalvare ofvthe extent of the dam age to trees and furniture One large tree crashed down was dulnbstruck when the lilomph range the us damageto trees shrub flower gardens and in on nd boot houses within inches of Mr Lanes garage and one branch poked hole through the roof Ex pensive lawn furniture on the property was badly damaged and blown around and some of it ended up in the lake Gurr said he was In To ronto went the wind hit My wife and daughter were in the cottage and they had terrible time he said My wife was attemptingto close on owning when the wind began to blow and this awning along with furniture ontho verandah was blown mldty about Her first concern course was for the safety our little girl She immedllte 1y knew something unusual wu happening and she throw my daughter on the floorin oom or and protected her with bu body Sho said later she had no idea what wnlhnp around her but knew it no serious BLOWN INN LAKE Some of the lawn fumfturi owned by the Glin family wu blown into the lake and cvgn upoatotberpofofthoiroot tags small high chair was recovered damaged from beach front cottage at least 600 feet away from whimi was when the wind hit Bont docking facilities owned by Al Huggins were badly dum oged The root of about lift in front of the cottage wnl rip ped and twisted and deposited on the back lawn of the pro perty How it got than is mystery unless it blew up and ovlefr the roof of the 00th se Hydro and telephone lino were torn loose along fairly wide area Cottageï¬ were convenlcnccd until into bout last night when repafrl to tho lines were ï¬nally ducted Lending support to the theory that the wind cémein of th lake is the fact that no duman existed within heavy stand of trees standing within 00 fit of the lakefront No accurate esflmau of the force of the wind in available but indicative of the strength of the wind is the fact that the top so feet of large tree epin gkrcst 150 feet out into tht IN NUTSHELL lircs Take Lives TORONTO CP Fire fatalities in Ontario totalled 43 ing the second quarter of reported today Six Youths Fined ths year the fire manshals office $50 ronoNro on Six youths who pleaded guilty to disturbance after police broke upa prodawn drinkt in cemetery each was fined Warn 0i Russian WASHINGTON AP The Monday that the Russians ma be first with satellite capable on earth ns party $50 or 10 days Monday Speed llp United Status Air Force warned have speoded up their race to of raining destruction ontargets Require Licenco Under New Law OTTAWA CP This gave rnment has advised mnnurndsirx ers distributors and importers of barbiturate drugs they will have to take out annual $25 to be passed in Septembér licences under regldaflons expected Firm Accused 0l Discrimination hasvaccused an Ottawa firm of political discimination in deny OTTAWA on Local on of the United Auto Workers coo ingone of its employees leave of absence to attend the New Party convention starting here next Monday WillBuild Gardens ova Station NEW YORK AP Anew pléx that will include other conventiouhalls and photo Madison Square Garden the built athpyeonsylvaniav Station as part of $50000000th ports arenas offices restaurantp Péterborough Business Destroyed Pnrnnnonoucacn An exploslnnnnd fire of mm mlned origin destroyed framobuilding housing undilute electric business in downtmvnPeterbmoughtoday PoliceTold 0i Hijackruns New vonK AP told supporters otCub lack five commercial plan New York policosaldtodnythgy we anjremiec Fidel Costzoplsnoed My here today and if item StaEmu