TO BE AT leisure means to be on holiday for many of us today If you must be glam orous in your leisure munfcots choose casual with AN INSPIRATION Torontos First Lady IIas stretch trousers of nylon and gold thread and add sweat er top of royal purple Its an idea translated from the French and is shown above at TEE BARREEXAMINEII MONDAY JULY 24 PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Sheen or Audrey Couison PA 56537 Notes are Intended to cover the general soda Ills at the city and district Wedding univerurlel bridle pardon birthdays comingoqu pu tln vlaiton and tnvdlcn are In lulu of West to tho woman readers of this page Yonr help In mpplylng this new will be greatly ap prectated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA $6537 and uh for the Womens Page VACATION TIME Mr and Mrs Robert Shrler and son Parkdale Crescent have returned from twoweek vacation while holidaying they visited with Mr Shriers par ems Mr and Mrs ShrIEI Bay of Quintl and with ltlrs Shricrs parents Dr and Mrs Ruby at their summer home at Lcarnington One of the highlights of their vacation was tour of the Upper Can ada Village near Morrisburg Mrs Olive hiacphall Mr and Mn Elogg and son Jim my have returned from motor trip to New York the New Eng 48nd States Saint John New Brunswick and Quebec Mr and Mrs Graham Dixon Edgehill Drive have returned from weekend motor trip to the historic city of Montreal and to Hemmingford Quebec Ihile in Hcmmingforrl they were the guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Wood WEEKEND GUESTS Mr andMrs Don Coulsou Brentwood Towers Toronto and Miss Doreen Couison Eden ltoc Tomato were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Caulson Rose Street CHICAGO VACATION Mr and Mrs Jack Turnbull and daughter Sharon of Cod rington Street and Mr and Mrs Norman Rnycrait Worslcy Street left the city Saturday to motor to Chicago They will be guests of Mr and Mrs Waiter Odessa for one week Standards of garden flowers decorated St Andrews Presby terian Church CreemoTE the wedding of Miss Vern Dionne Conn and Charles MIL cbell Reidi Rev Ritchie loft More budgetconscious versions of leisure wear come in cool cotton mix The skin ny pants are in bold green and white stripe and the shirt is solid green Keen Interest In Public ny cm mums Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO an Nathan Phillips delivered an unusually subdued speech on the night of Dec 1954 for man who had just been elected mayor of Tor onto His audience was hushed too when the victorious candidate declared quietly need Mrs Phillips now more than ever She has the inspiration bus band needs to help him carry on Esther Phi psEtt to her husband and her friendsbad lain unconscious all day in Toronto hospital oblivious of the triumph she had helped to build through 37years of undivided devotion to Nate his law practice and his politics 0n the eve of the election in their home across from Up per Canada College Mrs Phil lips naught her heel at the top of the cellar stairs fell down the steps and suffered concussion At 330 am election day Na than Phillips signed papers per mitting emergency brain sur gery on his wife NEEDED SEDATIVE The candidate making his third attempt for the mayoraity alter is years as an alderman was put to bed with sedative after hours of sleepless worry as Torontonians were electing their first Jewish mayor That evening Mrsi Phillips regained consciousness and at nneoclock next morning had recovered enough to hear her husband whisper Youll have to get better Ett Youre the new first lady of Toronto Esther Lyons Phillips agreed with her husband as usual and got betterA concussion was not going togprevent her sharing her husbands new life when on PM and Mrs Dietenbaker Slated To Attend Evening Performance STRANDED The Prime Minister and Mrs Dieienbdker have accepted an invitation is sued by the Board of Govern ors to attend the Stratford Shakespearean Festival next weekMr and Mrs Dielenbaker are expected in Sinafford on Tuesday July 25 and will be presentat the evening perfor ance ol Coriolanus Their schedule includes visit bard stage alter the performance to meet members of the company and the following morning tour of the Festival Exhibition balls After their arrival in Stratford and civic welcome by Mayor Meier Mr and ers Diefcnbaker plan to attend small luncheon given by WIi£ rid Gregory QC presrdonr of the FISHVEI at the Strntfordr Countrylciub During their Shntford Visit the Prime Minister and Mm Dlefenboker will be thetguests of Hon Waldo Monterth Min and live children at least for later of National Health arid her own admission children home friends and personal whim had always taken second place to Note and his interests If more women took an ac tive interest in their husbands work tb ere would be less trouble is Mrs Philiips phils osophy on marriage MET IN 1915 She began putting the philoso phy into practice soon after she met the bright young lawyer from Cornwall at Toronto house party in 1915 Sometimes their dates were musical evenings at the Lyons home Nate playing his violin and El the piano But they spent many dates in down town office where Nate had renteddesk space waiting to gether for business The law practice had developed enough for Nate to aflord to ried on March 1917 The struggle with the law practice the birth of two boys and girl and Nathans election to the city council in 1924 ex panded their interests but did not detract from their inhmate partnership Their closeness made it easier to face tragedy in 1929 when their eldest son Lewis was killed by an auto mobile Now as wife of man who will be Torontos longestserv ing mayor on completion of his eighth year of nflice in 1962 Mrs Phillips says cheerfully that she has even fewer inter ests outside her husbands life DEVOIED T0 FAMILY They try to see their son Howard also lawyer his wife few minutes every week Their daughter Madeline Brodey her husband and her three children com to visit them from Sarnia as otten as possible But Mrs Phillips spends only Wclfare and Mrs Monteith Mr Monteithjs the member of par liament forthe area MIand Mrs Diefenbaker will leave the city shortly before noon on Wednesday July to for engagements in Kitchener and Waterloo Average size of familieS in Great Britain about 1860 was eight but the 1960 figure ranged between 22 and 21 For Commercial or Industrial Photos Portraits Passnort Film Developing SMITH STUDIO as Dunlop at PA 34173 10ver Hunts get mar Ivnrs NATHAN rumors small part of each day in the home she decorated herself She has given up collecting antique silver and old chinai She de pends rnost of the tune on daily maid to dust the furniture some of which dates from their marriage 44 years ago Her time is taken up now ac companying her husband on persistent round of official func tions or attending womens clubs and dhureh bazaars around the city Youd think theyd be tired of the old woman after6V years Mrs Phillips says smil ineg inrelerenceto her bazaar opening duties The reason why Torontos women do not tire of the vital first lady with the snowy hair flashing hazel eyesand unaf fected charm probably lies in the fact that Ester Phillips loves what she is doing and shows it For Hair Style Of Distinction VISIT Joan gnrrlolr HAIR STYLISTS Maple Ave PAHESI of Stayner offidatcd The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lue Conn Cree more The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Arthur flcid of Thornton The brldo was escorted down the aisle by her uncle James Mcllwraith She chose floor lenslh gown of white silk or ganzn with organdy blossoms nppllqued on the softly rounded neckline Her veil of silk tulle illusion with rose applique was caught by tiara of seed pearls and rhinestones She carried bouquet of Sweetheart roses and stephonotis Tho bridal attendants were Miss June Conn Orangevilie maid of honor Mrs Gerald Clarke Burlington and Miss Nancy Noble Barrie were bridesmaids The maid of honor was gown ed in powder blue crystaiine The bridesmaids wore dresses of petal pink organza over taf feta The attendants all were matching headdruses trimmed with pearls They carried noslL gays of white carnation and pink Sweetheart roses for ReidConn Rites Held At Creemore The groomsmnn was Gordon Ferguson ibe ushers were Joseph Timmons and Smith of Barrie Wedding music was played by orgonlst Gordon Dut ton of Mount Apica The soloist was John Rldley of Guelph accompanied by Grant MacDonald Creemore reception was held at St Lukes Church Parish Hall Thornton The brides mother received guests wearing sheath dress of flowered tal feto in shades of blue and mauve with topper of grey silk organza Her accessories were pink and ivory cor sage of white carnations and pink sweetheart roses complet ed ber ensemble ilhe bridegrooms mother as sisted wearing rose lsce gown with matching jacket and white accessories Her corsage was of white carnations For the wedding trip to New England States the bride wore mauve silk organza over taf feta dress with mauve organza coat and white accessories Her corsage was mauve orchid Ontheir relum the couple will reside in Thornton Guests were present from To ronto London Guelph Barrie Mount Apica Quebec Craig leith Collingwood Elmvale Beeton and Creernore Competition In Design Chan Challenge For Women Entrants TORONTO If you have talent for design there is competition especially for you at the Canadian National Ex hibition womens division this year It is Chatelaines Stutt ed Animal Contest for original animal designs Prizes of $50 and $25 will be awarded to en trants submitting the two top designs Entries may be sewn knitted or crocheted of any material suitable to the design and may be built on wire foundation Body size must be limited to 18 inches at the tallest point and 18 inches at the longest point Patterns and instruc tions for making the toys must accompany each cogy Judging will be done on qual ity of workmanship originality of design facial expressions and general appeal Prizewin ning animals become the pro perty of the magazine and will be featured in future issue These toys will be returned later Send for your entry form to The Canadian National Ex hibition Exhibition Park Toe Tonto 28 Canada Completed forms must bereceived by the ONE by July 21 Bedding Plants Vegetable Plants Garden Seem FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 Blake 59 PA 85975 Chatelaine suggests you begin your design by drawings small picture of the animal you want to make Try drawing it stand ing sitting or lying down Ex periment to find its most ap pealing angle Then enlarge the drawing to actual size and draw paper patterns large enough to allow for seams and stuffing Make and perfect prototype in old material and then use its lines to make the final product Design the face to give your animal lots of expressions try sadness happiness ferocity oven smugness when youre satisï¬ed send it along to com pete for the prizes Your bid den flare lor design might or financial gain In hurry for money Just phone Beneï¬cial Getthe cash you want last One phone oall and one visit to the ofï¬ce does everythm Call up or come in today VOURETHE BOSS Ajr BENEFICIAL 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone PArkvVay 85931 BARRIE It must mm on loan ow me up to ssooo my loan can nfbinswrd BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO OF CANADA PIAN Now To ATTENDTHIS SEPTEMBER RIIRRIEausmrss courts YOUR GATEWAY OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED 1397 66 TORONTO STREET BARRIE COMPLETE COURSES EMPLOYMENT non GENERAL OFFICE AND BUSINESS PLEASE SEND ME rum Panncumns spoon vorm SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON MY PART DATE NAME 4mm Quebec W©©twrn Low PRICES £02111 DAY KODAK FILM 620 AND 120 SIZE SUG LIST 60c WOOLWORTH PRICE PAIR and SPARE NYLONS SEAMLESS MESH400 NEEDLE EUY PAIR AND SPAREAAND YOULL GET TH EAR OF TWO PAIR GUARANTEED FIRST WOOLWORTH PRICE QUALITY TALL CHILDRENS TAPEREn TRAINING IPPLEEORIJ SAVEALL PA TUMBLERS HTS WAX PAPER 902 SIZE SIZES 246 thrE Rosr DESIGN WHITEORCOLOURS SUG LIST 36¢ woot 28° 437 5670 or JOHNsoNsRAID Housr Ann GARDEN BUG KILLER sueJ LISTI69 WOOLWORTH PRICE BRASSIERES by VOGUE CORSET COTTON BROADCLOTH PADDED 67 MADE lb CANADA WORTH WOOL WORTH PRICE wooL WORTH PRICE sue LIST PRICE 100 ma MADE IN ENGLAND SilPERIlAG VACUUM BOTTLE SUG LlS 98c WOOLWORTH PRICE BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING WOOLWORTH PRICE EweTRANSISTORRADIOS $599 SUGLIST 99a w00Lw0RTH PRICE