Terrie Examiner 16 Hayfield street Barrie Ontario MONDAY JULY gt24 lfll Pln There Can Be No LetUp Oi Safety EduCCition Why dont you write an editorial about in This question is posed to newspaper editors and magazine editors and all types of editors regularly And they do write such editorials about everything that is wrong with our present mode of living as well as what is good We refer speciï¬cally to such things motor accidents on land and water farm accidents fire prevention swim ming precautions And yet every day there is tragic toll of fatal accidents and those which do not kill but cripple the victims Unfortunately nitwits dont read the editorial page In fact it is doubtful if they read Most of those responsible for such accidents aswe have been exper iencing lately would not be receptive to warning sermons or editorials prob ably not even to police warnings There are exceptions those intelligent peo ple in everyday life who undergo some strange change when they get behind the wheel of an automobile or mot orboat One day recently in this city someone carelessly flipped cigarette butt It went through the open window of parked car and landed on the back seat The driver took off smelled smoke and looking back found the seat cushion on fire There was property damage for tunately no human loss The culprit is unknown probably unconcerned unless he had to pay Editors will keep on writing warning editorials hoping that at least some will rub off on those who have little regard for othersIf even one life lssaved be cause of driver being careful the ef fort will have been worthwhile Is This Sportsmanship It wasln Alumnus Football that Grantland nice noted vs sports coll umnlst wrote When the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name He marks not that you won or lost but how you played the game It was at meeting of l58 minor foot ball league coaches inyBrltlsh Columbia at the BC Lions annual clinic that Bert Clark assistant coach of Washing ton Huskies Rose Bowl champions is quoted as saying We feel the helmet is weapon and we use it assuch We teach our men to do all tackling above the numerals and to put theirhelmets right in theball carriers face In case you have forgotten remarks the Sudbury star the football helmet was introduced as protective gear to pre vent iniury to players Because of con stant reminders no one is likely to for get that sports develop character and sportsmanship in young players That might have been the spirit or sport as played on the cricket field of Merrie England Anyway back in 1089 it was written The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton We are never quite sure whether Wellington was talking about the character of his generals or the discipline of the players We doubt if there was anything very sporting about the battle of Waterloo lit has been denied of course that Wel lington uttered such words Modern sport contains little of how you played the game or that you won or lost It is more closely related to the battlefield and its win at any cost ap pllcation of strategy The sportsmanship of bashing in the face of an opponent with theapplied force 0f 115 or 200 pounds of human flesh charging behind helmet somehow escapes us It seems to fall into the category of slowing down superior hockey players with roughhouse tactics or trying to knock man senseless in boxing ring What shame that brute strength and muscles hold premium over stamina and skill Down Memory Lane SEQUEL TO JERVIS DAY The Barrie Examiner of April 10 194i had the story of happy sequel to the sinking of the Jervis Bay by German raider sister ship the San Deme trlo had with as other ships in an Al lantic convoy been able to scatter when the fire of the Nazi ship was drawnby the Jervis Bay Regarding this paper was received by Rev William Newman of Oralghurst In charge of the San Demetrlo was Second orificer Arthur Hawkins whose wife was niece of Mr Newman and theship was taken 700 miles safely to port Ilieerew of the tanker who had spent two perilous nights in lifeboat returned to their burning ship and brought her to port with the aid of cheap school atlas Salvage awards total ling £14000 including £2 000 each to the second officer and chief engineer were made to members of the crew of the 10000ton motor tanker The ship al most new was valued at 250000 pounds Paragraphically Speaking Canadian hen has laid an egg with this message etched in the shell Run for your llvesl For heavens sake hen hurry up and lay another egg telling us which way to runl metaphysicist says there is no such thing as space Well well And where have we been keeping ourselves all these years Blessed are the international trouble shooters for they shall naver be unem ployed Any married person believes his or her inIaws have the best time of MP body when theyiget together Ina fcwyears an increasingly dark shadow that willcause the free world growing concern will be that cast by the Chinese Atork Norman Vincent Poole says people shouldnt worry as theywere not born with the worry habit For that mattér people werent bornwith the working habit Other Editors Views LITTLE GODS IN OFFICE Kingston Whigstandard lihe dismal record in municipal af fairs during the past to years or so must by now have begun to impress upon the public the need for considerably more discrimination in thecholce ofelected representatives The disgraceful attitud es revealed at the meetings of Ontario mayors and reeves in London are signif icant signs of how bad the situation really is For instance Mayor Joseph Meinzinger or Kitchener said that bylaws are made to be broken He was loudly applauded by his hearers who then turned down The Barrie Examiner Authorized second clan mu Port 011ch Deplnmehf ttuwa Dally Sundlyr andStItutery Holidays excepted Karmnra WALLS Publisher amen sumac General Manager MananoN Moulding esitaa nuances wanna Buslaerslilaasur nearer snares semen mm 101m Bataan cucuuuau Muirs subscription rm daily by Clnler llo weakly 1510 you any By mail in Ontario 37 will ruthenium rrir lll um yur on no Univmli Ave Toranhr aged Moniesii in Maratu ullu chm ball ï¬lm Amonunn rho Canadian or drum of circulation ff 61am llsxclulivllyenfltled the was his is as In or run or Keg ms the foul um pub and taula in damgi slrsat Vancou ing is clear enough It ee cubism representatives inm nicipaigovernruent resolution asking the provinceto set up code of ethics for municipal represent altives Significantly enoughit was York Township which has suffered so out rageously from the dishonesty andignor ance of its government which put forth this suggestion Mayor Meinmnger boasted that he is known as the man who breaks byiaws If you break bylaws andyou are with in reason the Ontario Municipal Board will support you he said All thiscame after the assistant Deputy Ministeroi Municipal Affairs Mr Carter had told the convention flatlythat the mun icipai situation is worse in recent years than it has ever been Thisstatement mighthpve been ex pected to dash theinultitude somewhat butyunfortunately the Minister himself was there and encouraged the lawless and irresponsible attitudes being aired Mr Warrender said that heknew or municipality which had been violating statutes for two generations but that he was not going todoanything about it because noloneis being blamed It is hardly necessary ot labo the mat to The collective attit the meet tofbe the fashion these days for many elected to thinkthemselves it ads of parlt ticulariyrare and ch uality The publlcuwe gather can pay the taxes and keep quiet because it is not fit to Judge arts LIBRARY Life With Psychiatrist Is Certdnly Not Dull Married Psychiairlri by Louise Pfisler and Frances Leighton What would it be like tobe married to psychiatrist Would be be the perfect hus band and father Would he analyze everything you do and say No doubt psychiatrists vary grcat deal in these respects However in this book you may learn something about one wo mans life with psychiatrist and it certainly is not dull Louise Pflsler rhymes wills Easter mether future husband tlieday she went to work as nurse in mental hospital Their courtship might be aldered bit unusual Dr John was not conventional type of person They had their ups and down for about six years before they were mar ried And then Louise had to spend her first wedding night keeping young girl company in case she aitenpted suicide with the help of Frances higbton the story of this mar riage is told lightheartedly and rather slickly The absurd and humorous incidents are played up but underneath there is al sympathy and understand Louise bad to learn great for bearance in her home and so cial life They did seem to have lot of parties And us ually she did not know if her husband would be home at six oclock or 10 oclock In addi tion be had very offhand way of asking people to dinner very freely sometimes forget ting about it himself and at other times not turning up be cause of emergencies with pat ients Dr Johns patients certainly added lot of interest to life For instance there was the bigamist the jealous hus band who was going to shoot the doctor the young man who brought along storewindow mannikia imagining he was married to her and the nice old lady who stole underwear The doctor and his wife were always having patients or con valescenis to stay over night or longer and sometimes tbcncigb borshad to help out The author tells about the dream house her husband planned with such unusual fea tures as bed on dais which resulted in number of injur fer Spanish tile roof Mexican courtyard and sunk en Chinese livingroom This is bright and under atanding picture of the human side of psychiatrist and some of the work he does Marnie by Winston Graham Winston Graham who can tell good story has written this novel about girl who is psychiatric case Marnie is an attractive effi 0mm REPORT Drug Addiction Costing The Taxpayers Heavily Patrick Nicholson is on vu caHon Bis guest columnist today ll l1e Hun Davie Fulton mlblsier of justice and Conservative MF for Hurricane 30 OTTAWAAs an example of vicious circle in action drug addiction is hard to beat Crime convlclion imprisonment release addiciinn an end less shuffling procession of Can adas 3000odd addicts follow this dreary pattern It is this pattern which we with our new Narcotic Control Act seek to smash The Canadian public cannot turn blind eye to this problem other tic addition realize it is regl nal realize that it is confined to the larger cities But it is like an orangeplp between the fingerssqueeze it in one placeand it jumps to some where else Total eradication is the only answer Moreover wherever the prob lem exists it costs the taxpayer great deal in the expense of trials and penilentiaries and in directly through crime loss of productivity and the cost of the agencies working full time to combat this evil such as ape clally trained ROM and Cus toms personnel What is the new plan pincer movement one arm to cut off the supply the other to out off demand To remove the supply alone would leave 8000 addicts already criminal liter elly going mad wlllu craving for the drug To remove the present demand by confining these crim Inals still leaves potential supply available especially to curyouihalways willing to try something dew open to the cor ruptivo influence of the peddler We must therefore attack both the supply and the demand First than the supply We will stand no nonsense from the traf ficer The most severe penal ties are accordingly provided for what is after all one of the most loathesome crimes in all the catalogue of crime the cor ruption of the mind and body of another for financial gain trafficker therefore will be li able to ill imprisonmenteven for first offence All of Canadas narcotics must be imported None are grown in Canada Severe penalties will be provided therefore for those who import narcotics for illegal pur poses Tbe minimum is seven years the maximum is life Offenders under either of these provisions will therefore know that the gloves are off They have been warned Now for the addicts Just lock ing them up is not good enough That has been proven in the past Treatment and cure must be our object There will be held out to them firm but guiding band Special centres will be built to detain them where they willhe segregated from nonaddicts and rehabilita lion programs suited to their needs can be provided for them We must never forget that they are criminals but sick crlm als whose malady is tied in ex cably to their criminality 0n moré thing would like Thenew approach to to men narcoticsm fact the one ap proach to Canadas whole penal reform programrelies in the ultimate analysis on one thing which is public support The best program in the world inside the institution will fail unless the effort is supported outside Many Canadlans have been kind enough to say tome Keep up the good work would like to puss that on here and ask you to keep up the good work THIS DEPARTMENT has been threatened with legal suit We are still waiting for the document from Gordon Mrs Turk glieging slander Mchuk is the lawyer we are informed by garden the amguï¬am Pun ny ow so many as crept into this argument Anyhow the one Gordon claims his good name has been damaged by be ing named champion club tbrower at Barrie Golf Club Im certainly not the chem pion stated flatly Gordon the CPA Gordon the mens wear merchant still is dont break any clubs when throw them He does THERE IS NO Art Walls at this address we might ad vise letter writer from Isiiug ioa Nor is there if Walls lo whom Ielfar was sent from Royal Victoria Hon plial Board Nor is there Walls whoso mall sometimes arrives at The Bar rle Examiner have bad trou blefor years over nomencla ture and usually exepect Wall Wuhl Wells or Wallace But thats all right Just dont change the to THIS MATTER of addressing letters is of some import One local organization recently sent out letters of appeal for funds cieai and wellspoken girl out wardly the perfect business girl inwardly she is bitter unscrupulous and rebel again at society She has developed repeated pattern of behavior in which she takes an assumed name goes in new job and after several months disappears with enough money to keep her for while Sbe avoids close ties never getting very friend ly with other people at work One time she stays longer on job than usual and one of the partners tries to force his way into her makebelleve world The results are complicated and suspenseful Why does she lack commnn humanity What is at the root ofiher behavior What futur ilsr there for her Winston Graham handles this theme well generating bath curiosity and suspense and cre ating fascinating study of Marnie and her world Mental Health or Media III aen by William Glasser Dr Glasser practising psy chiatrist in California has pro duced readable and sensible book on psychiatryfor the lay man He gives his explanations in simple language and makes his points as simply as possible in order to get some of the main ideas across First Dr Glasser explains how the normal person func tions to satisfy hlsbsaic needs Then he makes clear the dif ferent varieties of disturbances His main thesis is that in the ease of disturbed or abnor mal people the sense of ego is weak or does not function properly or is almost non existent Various defences are made to compensate for this Tbesa defectvle egos may produce everything from the criminal or the juvenile deiini quent to the schizophrenic or the garden variety of necrotic To satisfy the need for love one person may become psy chiatrist another phllanthrop let third an alcoholic and fourth Don Juan In the third part of the book Dr Glasser tells something about the different methods and techniques of treatment and suggests broad program for mental hygiene VBIBLE THOUGHT obey my voice and will be your God and you shall be my people that it may be well with you Jeremiah 728 Obedience to God results in relaxed athorne feeling He is our God We are His people What could be better WillNlodernizc Destroyers OllAWA CPDA moderniza tionprogram for the seven St Laurent class destroyers be first was commlssioned less than six years agowill begin early next year and cost up to $20000000 autljor sources said Thursday Chief aim of this conversion progrem is to fit the destroyers with helicopter landing plai forms Helicopters willbe used to extend the antisubmarlue strikiagraugo of the destroyers They will carry torpedoes and underwater be gear which can be dunked into the ocean while the helicopter hov The Knights of Columbus got the one meant for the loyal 0r anga Order and vice versa But that wont affect their don ations The Battle of the Boyno is years gone by and most ar guments are bygone IT WAS NOT always so We can recall one 12th of July par ada in Barrie The local school band was hired to lead it Some of the musicians where religion wasrsuch got cruised all but one trombonist Fiva bucks is five bucks laid lie and oiled up the Illde Ali went well until the parade hit the main street This lsdsmother was dowmnwn shopping and should have had her back turn ed al the white horse strutted QUEENS PARK by But she must have glanced out of minority and to her horror than was the lead from bonist giving his all in In Or sage parade with one detem lned yank of the arm the band had to proceed with one less trombone TWO MALE senior citizens of retired vintage were lilting one one of the Rotary chairs at the Five Points on warm summer day when shorts were shorts and slacks bulging can remember way back when was interested in girls this first one said adjusting his teeth Thats bulldog the second replied so can Shaking his head the first one saihgl But cant remember This llUiiillJ weailier makes one wonder why men have to wear neckties After all they practically discarded garters Whenli gets bet he lady folks discard all kinds of garmenis to seek comfort Open neck sport shirts really hit the spot Some menwont wear anything else even in winter base ball emprcsario named Veeck gained some kind of toasorial fame by being named Sports Shirt Bill And there is of course Borries own Frank Taylor They tell us Neola has quite tithe getting tie on him for Saturday nights at the Country Club or theannual Sbrlaen ladles night SMALL COLLEGE decided to go coeducational and was forced to lodge men and we men in one dormitory with one side of the building for each sex white line divided the sections The first night young man got over the line and war hustled to the dean who informed him his first of fence would cost And whats more said the dean your second offence will be 810 and the third will be 915 Do you understand Any dues lions Yes llr said he grow much for season lick Question Securities Commission Action By DON OEEARN TORONTOThe Onlullo Sc curities Commission is living dangerously The commissionth lifted the bars on peddlingvstocks by tele phone Not in Ontario this is still prohibited But providing the broker is registered with the proper au thorities be once again can phone into the US Some years ago Torontos Bay Street had name that turned up noses all over America The telephone boner rooms that operated from the Street did more to lower the reputa tion of the province across the border probably than any other one thing in all history The OSCafter having been prodded sud prodded by the Se ciailies Exchange Commission in Washingtonfinally acted The boiler rooms then moved outmauy of them shifting to Montreal RESTRICTIONS TIGHTER Recently restrictions in Mont real have been tighter And now the rooms are back here And the OSCls giving them permission to operate on ftrlal basis it says Why We ask the question nowsud the marl on the streetmust have the same curiosity But this is nothing compared to the questions which will be askedand the accusations that are madeby the opposition when the session starts Why should salesmen be al lowed lo sell stocks over the telephone Particularly why should they be able to do this on canvass ing basiswithout any prior in quiry from the customer Can sucb selling to be effective be anything else but high pressure And most particularly why can they do this in other jurisdic tions and not in their home prov ince How is that going to look to any American whofeelshe in any American who feels he has been swindled The explanation of the 060 does not look strong SANCHON ASKED It says the sanction was asked for by the BrokerDealers Asso elation So what Why shouldnt it But this does not mean it should be peeled Many people will suspect there were political pressures And the fine name of the OSC will not benefit from the suspicion There undoubtedly are cir cumstances where brokers and dealers should be able in do legitimate business and selling over the telephone But there must be the further suspicion that not II thought was given to working out means of covering this with out opening the doors wide to the thugs of the stock business Fishermans lies Are Family Hobby TORONTO GP The Mat sumota home here islfull of files but it doesnt worry them beause files are the hobby of the family The flies in question are homemadethe feathery types used by is ermen Mr and Mrs Roy urnoto and their four children Richard Leonard Anne and Rita are proud of their flygttying talent The children started when they were babies said Mr Mutsumoto member of Tor onto Anglers and limiters1 As sociation The youngest could tie fly when he was not quite two years old It was one of the bigger ones like streamer but it would pass inspection The elder MatsumIotos are not worried about the youngsters getting hurt by the books We have never had angae cldent said Roy never minded having the kids around when was worklngon flies Children are curious They like to watch and it doesnt take themslong to learn that hooks have to be handled in the right way The family gels quite lot of orderswhlcli gives them enough money to pay for materials And there are few benefits involved such as personal ape peersnces at sporstmens clubs and at the Toronto Sportsmans Show but despite her liking for the hobby Mrs Matsumoiajias her own ideas about fishing Worms and minnows are my bait she says lest Supposin by cannon arm Suppbsintbat hair came in blue In purple ccrlse ecruptoo Business sure would be fine lnihe nillllnera line Willi color schemes for the whole crew